Mr. Right | FULL MOVIE | 2015 | Romantic Comedy | Erica Tazel, Columbus Short

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foreign [Music] from the day I was old enough to like boys I was overwhelmed and sold on the idea of the perfect guy for me [Music] do you ever wonder if you were to leave it this romantic view of the opposite sex is [Music] [Laughter] just that a romanticized illusion [Music] please and ladies let's be honest sometimes that illusion is a downright scary nightmare [Music] Roger [Music] now am I saying all hope is lost that there are no Diamonds in the Rough as far as I'm concerned the myth of the Perfect Mate the so-called Mr Right is just that a myth right up there with the Tooth Fairy the Easter Bunny and Bigfoot Oscar for you hotness a hot [ __ ] mess same difference Lewis is going to lose his mind he's a jock Norma he doesn't have that much to lose okay keep talking like that now go out with the man myself how much do you even know about this guy well since you asked my assistant's sister's mother-in-law best friend says that he's a really good catch and she should know she says mama hold on wait listen you may think that it's okay for you to spend the rest of your life making love to this laptop but as your best friend I refuse to let that happen and I go put this on and go get your man you wasting time let's go come on all right [Music] so anyway I've been going back and forth all day long with my agent because the season's about to start and I don't have a team yet but wait I thought you said you were an NFL player oh I am but I went free agent so it's gonna be a rough year not being able to run drills and train with your team that and bills well haven't you saved all those Millions for a rainy day because I'd be retired retired so no Millions hell no thousands yeah I made about three hundred thousand over five seasons of forgive my ignorance but isn't that a little low oh yeah well the starters make a lot more than that even still isn't that low for a second Stringer nah they make pretty good money too it's us on the practice squad that gets cheated see that's why I went free agent oh Squad well some people don't even make the team we're ready to order [Music] all right now are you sure I can't interest you in some of our handcrafted Gourmet desserts here that sounds really good nah I'm a good man we are stuff but I will take that check brother oh we've got to get on to the best part of the evening most definitely there you go hmm let's see oh I feel like a pig after devouring that big steak and all you had was a salad yeah it's all good I guess that's how you stay so fit uh one second sweetheart I'm trying to add this up correctly they usually do the adding for you as a whole yes as a whole yeah I'm trying to add up everything that I eat and drink so I know what to pay well what about what I ate and drink I'm about to let you know that in just a second I told you how sexy you are foreign [Music] ladies please come in here so we can get some bad decisions baby no way hell no hell no what I stopped drinking stop drinking what alcohol liqueur you nappy-headed slave yeah you little slave okay and we don't told you if you're gonna say the slave thing use it in in quick action don't be late with it man you're making embarrass us anyways yeah this is the first time in three weeks that we've all been off work at the same time man especially Mr popular over here yeah that is true man look it's ladies out there that need our services am I interrupting something okay what what for real Mike why why is Satan here man Satan I got your Satan Stewart Little look if you talking about a man who got mad chicks then you talking about me it ain't nothing little okay hey sit did you shut up tonight yeah yeah listen booty chill Beast this tale is as old as time and I'm over it huh I'm over it he was just playing I'm not playing none man I don't even know why she here I don't see why you didn't throw on a curve with the rest of the trash is that what you tell your friends about us went over your head the girl with the chest in the ass the girl so what am I just some booty call for you now well in ancient Africa called it's the highest level it's the highest level of respect it's true well let's just be real Maria you just popped up per usual no respect there yeah we don't get down like that you got a lot of baggage I'm southwest your bags don't fly free here okay you know what stay here and play with your little friends because I can do better than your ass anyways call me whenever you get your [ __ ] together and when you grow your ass up okay if you want me to call you I gotta get my iPhone out your car real quick hold up why you chasing chase the chase out with the girl and with the bottle let's make these moves I am I mean you know great job you guys play a great game white man can't jump awesome haters why why we gotta be all that [ __ ] I mean if I wanna you know if I could shoot it we didn't even say [ __ ] give him a drink because he needed people please get his boy a drink and all that come on you got some [ __ ] you free come on man let's go baby you sweating this [ __ ] that mean you got it in I know I know come on baby it's love it's love in the air [ __ ] I took that [ __ ] too fast yes [Music] okay before you say anything I just want to inform you that I'm on cloud nine right now so unless this is a life or death situation this is all your fault Louis the loser I told you I didn't want to go on yet another one of your blind days but did you listen to me no no I end up going dutch with the so-called football player who got his Super Bowl ring in the mail sweetie I'm sorry but I really got yeah yeah yeah I know I know his mother thinks he's a real catch hello you nasty little wench did you just answer the phone while you were getting your no no no no no I'm laying here with my legs back while Stephen takes care of everything wait a minute foot fetish Steve yes girl he has given me life right now oh he missed Mama's toes very much you know what you have issues no girl the only issue I have is being on the phone with you right now look I gotta go I will call you back and I will plan something really extravagant for your birthday okay Norma no I gotta go leave him away come on please yes yes oh here you go foreign it's not that I don't want there to be a perfect match out there for me I just have to be honest about the reality so it begs the question are there actually any decent men left out there does Mr Right really exist hi I'm Frank Brickley welcome to now if you're even on this site you're looking for the seemingly unattainable Mr Right you think and you're convinced that he doesn't even exist but I'm here to tell you you're wrong here on my Mr you can create the perfect guy and we'll send them straight to your door please note that my Mr is not an escort service and sexual favors are strictly prohibited but ladies isn't that the best way to find a great guy click right here and you'll be one click away from Mr Right no you don't like this one okay Chance says no I came this close to completing a profile let's talk about desperate you should have okay I think maybe you're not getting enough oxygen to your brain right now what you said it's not an escort service why not it's just for fun okay so you have some fun maybe I will [Music] oh [ __ ] girl man well like right now is not a good time this prank baby I just reeled in a big big Frank this girl's profile suits you to a t does she she paid with a black card Mike a black card this is huge now Melissa is sending you over all the profile information right now with a few do's and don'ts for the day do's and don'ts you these ladies like to feel like they're on a real date so no talk of being a hard hand and my job on this one you hear me all right sounds easy enough hey don't dismiss me like that dog cause if you don't do this right guess what I'm gonna kill Fontaine change your nephew Frank we don't we don't know that you know what I'm saying that's what that's what his mama say but don't don't have a death on your hands all right all right holla hello hello my Mr thanks big hey Mama what no I'm not gonna hook you up with Mike Norma will you at least tell me where we're going I don't want to have a bad surprise on my birthday trust me you'll love it I should be at your door in three two one funny funny so what is love at first sight does it actually happen well I think I can actually confirm that it exists I wasn't a Believer but I think he changed that [Music] do you eat ice cream dude who doesn't eat ice cream I mean have you ever seen anybody eat ice cream man after a horrible date maybe give me that damn comb give it to me now it sucks give me butter pecan so when we get there hey what are you gonna say uh give me butter pecan now see because I'm pissed pissed I just wasted my time so you know I think because it was so horrible we deserve a mulligan you know what Mulligan is yeah I mean you know no you know golf okay I do so that's up to you I'm in you're in yeah okay I can't do anything what you want to do do you cycle cycle yeah are you excited about the gym like a bike girl they call me I like playing songs they call me glance because Quick Glance you miss me right by you come on yeah you ready you're not ready for that no you need to work on the jokes but yes I'm ready let's go work on my jokes I thought I might find you here I was gonna go to your house but then I remember like to come here and do your little painting thing sensitive you don't know me at all do you this little painting thing is my passion Maria I mean but light bills I'm sure my father can help you get a job at his office when you're ready for a change of scenery it's like I was I was really really up are you kidding me apparently you're not getting it me and you we're from different planets I don't even know you're an alien you're like I don't understand how difficult it is to be a man these days always feel like you're not Measuring Up in the workforce in life and and understanding and forgiving woman and I want to be here with you while you get through this why I get through what I don't know these feelings of inadequacy you're having or whatever it is you're going through that's making you treat me like trash on the curb look you don't have to explain it to me because I'm actually not um this is gonna be awkward because this is that conversation where the you not me but we're done okay it's me it's not you sorry we should see other people is that what this is about here Michael like normally whenever guys say we should see other people it usually means they already are is that what this is about you seeing other people I don't know you know I'm really really sorry me too it was terrible about everything me too I am so sorry except this oh well thank you thank you I appreciate I'm sorry oh I like that I like that a lot so um I've been meaning to ask you uh why did you and your husband break up uh just out of curiosity I'm just curious I just wanted to know you know I mean what well he was this tall sexy hot Latino lover blonde he didn't want to be a monogamous relationship so oh right yeah you got to get rid of them kind of guys you know what I'm saying they you're all over the place you know I'm I'm faithful I'm a faithful guy I'm just throwing that in there you know what I'm saying I'm a real faithful guy so what what'd you say you did for a living what do you do for a living and he was an importer or something important I don't know that's impressive important he was important that's nice I heard he was he was pretty loaded I heard that he uh he had some cake did he was he pretty loaded settlement you know what I'm saying would you talk to me what you get I got none of your damn business dollars and get your curious having ass up out of my house since no no no I didn't mean it like that you didn't mean it like that because you asked me about my having a good time let's just chill no you need to chill get your gold digging ass out right now gold digging yes ain't that the pot calling the kettle black gold digger crazy it's all about some gold digger oh no you didn't this is a 400 shirt I just borrowed this shirt girl he was a perfect gentleman from beginning to end oh he's smart and funny and sweet he has a real job and he's an artist really where did you say you met him I mean I know people get around true but why didn't you keep them for yourself not that I'm complaining wait a minute did you oh no hell no you know I don't roll like that are you lying to me no we kissed that's it I told you he was the perfect gentleman girl this one's a keeper okay wait Lisa I mean I'm sure that he's a good guy and everything but you just met him you already sound like you're in love I didn't say I was in love but he's kind of what I've been looking for book I don't know when it was the last time I was this hopeful so thank you [Music] oh come on come on I need you to pick up man my Mr Frank speaking hi this is Norma Jacob Hernandez how are you ah Ms Norma Jenkins Hernandez look your guy by the name I think his name is uh Michael or something he really did my girl dirty last night I mean dirty to the point where she thinks she's in love well love is strictly against the policies here at that's not the way blah blah okay look this is exactly what you're gonna do you're going to book him for the next month or so until I figure out what I need to do uh yeah yeah I hear that you know we can do that for the for the next month and I don't want him to mention a word of this to Lisa okay I mean you know that could be our little secret and I don't want him to even breathe my name you got it I ain't gonna tell Michael nothing okay perfect well I'll be in touch you know what Mr Jenkins see this type of dialogue is what I'm talking about when a man and a woman you know what I mean hear each other's voices that could hello hello you know what it is real talk now we did that we definitely did that um how much cake too much for your birthday I really don't get it I'm I'm the same blood as my uncle same blood and he keep hooking me up with these old ugly booger boogers man I hate this man y'all get all these exotic chicks looking good and freaky look look I don't know about all that I don't even care about all that I'm just saying her name is Lisa so watch your mouth about what you talking about her okay watch my mouth yeah watch your mouth man what's happening man something's happening man I'm talking to my boys this is why people don't talk to their boys you know what I'm saying because y'all don't even understand that a part of it the reason why you don't talk to your boys because we know the number one rule which is what Never Fall in Love stupid it's just like your part you're [ __ ] up I'm telling you right it really is you sound ridiculous first of all we're not prostitutes secondly I didn't say nothing about love I'm just saying something is happening there is something happening you wouldn't know that because your mama don't even like you this girl gonna get her money yeah my at this point man you're just confusing fantasy world with the reality of the situation what do you like to do every day like you confuse yourself with Justin Timberlake yeah yeah you always find me a river Seth well guess what fellas I'd love to stay and talk with you boys and I don't care what you guys say this is me Eminem right Mike Martin huh tonight I'm getting it in get it in I'm getting in tonight you like that beige coconut okay all right all right all right thank you [Music] [Music] foreign bro I look like I should be the new superhero bike movie one man Against All Odds Michael Myers Delivery Man delivery manners right now looks like in your delivery of like a extra large t-shirt some shorts and you definitely got to lose those socks before you go can't leave the house in those bruh yeah the sacks definitely Overkill wow you really feeling this girl huh is it obvious a little bit obvious yeah I guess we can't control who we love huh you think it's love I don't know do you I don't know I know what you need to do man have you heard of the test stand up have you taken it I'm gonna show you the test okay it's kind of all about personal space right and they're in all of mine yeah so it's about being comfortable with personal space so we're working on this right now so what you want to do is take both of her hands all right all right hold them very close right okay then as slow as you can with complete eye contact take your hands put them behind you okay take yours put them on our shoulder and you want to slide your right hand contactless just like his eye contact just right here right here man right here I already know what this looks like it's the love test man come on don't get weird don't be weird it's the love test man you don't know about the test no what the [ __ ] is going on it's the test come on my boys my dogs I hate whenever they work with come on you know that's [ __ ] you want to become join this [ __ ] huh [Applause] what the [ __ ] is that he's got a little nothing he's got a real nasty [ __ ] this is some nasty [ __ ] yeah let's get away from this both of y'all he has a he has a biker day man he's good he's got to be ready thank you [Music] are you good [Music] Mike are you good you want to take a break we can feed the duck hello [ __ ] up Lance Armstrong let's go let's go let's go you good let's go all right okay I'm moving so fast you can't see me thank you I do I'm a writer on a topless I have a book coming out called coming up short about a brother who almost made it okay so you know how to joke of course I'm a masterful comedian is that right absolutely yeah so coming to the stage let's give a warm Applause to the Mr Michael Martin oh I'm here he's in it listen listen we're gonna jump right in tonight ladies and gentlemen we're gonna jump right in so there was a monkey a zebra and a donkey they decided on me it's already bad you didn't even give me a shot I can tell it's already all right I got another one because I got a lot of rough jokes so knock knock oh God a knock knock joke really that's your comeback knock knock who's there me who I don't like that joke assuming you don't like that joke what do you mean not that you know you like that joke foreign I hope I'm not the only one that had a good time tonight did I say good I meant amazing that was amazing amazing [Music] [Music] I want to come in for some coffee um of course it's just really good coffee best I use a special filter to um filter all right look I haven't stopped thinking about you since the first day we met I know the feeling is you don't want to be flying solo in that mission no [Music] no I really think that something special is happening here agreed [Music] my grandma finally put it over the fireplace it it was it was bad well I'm sure she's very proud of you now she's smiling down on us as we speak I don't know why like she lives I can't even believe it yeah maybe you can meet her sometime very nice is it really three in the morning yeah yeah it is I should go hi Miss Brian good night Mr Martin [Music] how long does it take to fall in love [Music] four hours 24 minutes 19 seconds [Music] gentlemen gentlemen gentlemen let's get to work all right that's for you no actually that's not for you that's for you and uh check that out that's gonna be a good one for you you're gonna be all right all right got something for you uh first order business you ain't gonna believe this can't wait so I got a line on a brand new community of all female Little People Robin thin he's ready to go right that's you let me tell you guys something little people equal big money okay hey so stay with me on this who's with me okay next up welcome our new guy Chris y'all yes okay show him the ropes llcc huh ladies little cool Chris llcc you just got a nickname Cool Chris y'all have you seen you at the food court at the mall how about the Mexicans and note this that Chris is in a Jimmy's Old seat where Jimmy I like my dude yeah he was great yeah Jimmy's ass is fired okay now I don't know how many times I got to tell y'all this but there's no sex with our clients gentlemen you are the ladies fantasy the minute you have sex with them guess what the fantasy is over the fantasy is over then guess what Frank don't get no money if Frank don't get no money Frank gets nervous and upset if Frank get nervous and upset somebody get killed what about just a [ __ ] while you're driving them on the day just no no hand jobs no fingering no oral no Benoit balls none of that that's that's one of my things but okay uh anyway as I was saying you guys are the dream women come to us to get their fantasy and you gotta be that all right gentlemen that's all I got right now take those sheets and check your email we got more bookings coming if you don't check your email if you miss it we moving on to the next guy appreciate y'all Mike let me holla at you what's up man I don't know how you do the voodoo that you do go in pocket hit with that mic the new client that you just went out with yeah which one she just booked you for the rest of the month rest of the month babe come on man so I don't got to date no more of these girls right why would you absolutely you got to date the other girls I'm double duty we providing the service baby We Can't Stop providing it so yes you got this young lady for the rest of the month but you still service to other girls you got me I got you man you know what I'm saying we got to make them happy right hey Eminem huh funny Mike Mel's in your mouth yeah tell the horse that turkey chili was amazing I don't know why I'm not even into that all day every time why are you so happy hello Bow Wow hey that's a little Dion Sanders Fontaine what's up I need to see you man all right whatever whatever I really don't get that I was waiting like I know you got something new for me today baby I know you got that up tell your nephew something baby look Fontaine we're not family at work we at work man I don't know how many times I gotta tell you this um you my uncle same blood type everything what you what you mean but we at work and you've got to be professional I'm always professional but whatever you say man I got you no Uncle all right all right all right all right listen up I got some more rough girls for you yeah right there don't slide that under there you know what I I don't you know what I think I'm gonna pass get and get this to the one of the new dudes because oh yeah I think I'm catching something I think from the last girl kit caught something called something bad I've been oh [ __ ] uh this [ __ ] I don't know what this [ __ ] is come on Fontaine stop playing they've been acting up on me like this I can't even work this week especially this [ __ ] and kick in when I see [ __ ] like this it kick in more oh boy I can't do it though that [ __ ] coming out my ass right now huh would you this is what I'm talking about fantastic this week uh not this week not this week not this get up to them I can't uh it's Fontaine it's your Forte now I know what's up that's my forte man stop okay everybody has a role around here Seth what does he do he's our white chocolate Mike he brings in the big fish you you're my Wild Card wow okay all right you get all of the hood right and stuff all up the clinically insane and anybody that swole you lock that down I do up okay so I know it's already been a really long day and we still have that radio interview that you have to go to but I did build in a two-hour window for you to have a break before we have to go to the Boys and Girls Club for you to read for the kids you have to get ready for your published author's banquet let's just put a pause in it I just need two minutes for a peace and quiet that way too I just have to learn how to turn my brain Michelle it just keeps going and okay peace and quiet I can be I can be quiet I mean I just you know I'm locking it up throwing away the key it's not like I don't have other things to do right okay your phone's ringing though I have to answer it please hi it's Miss Brian's phone how can I help you oh hi Norma I'm sorry Mrs Jenkins Hernandez uh no she's actually no time to speak with anybody right now we're going on her schedule for the day I do but we have some things that we have to do today so I'm sorry she does not want to speak with anybody yes but you really don't have to get that way because I'm only doing what she asked me to do and I always have to have this conversation with you hold on hey girl I know but she's just doing her job sure that sounds good about an hour okay payano's in an hour I'll see you there oh and I have to tell you so much about you know who okay I'll see you there all right okay pencil and lunch got it pie on yours thank you Miss Michelle what would you do without me keeping you on time you're driving me crazy with this schedule we have to go now because you have to get to that interview all right let's do it I don't see nothing out here man I've been looking the whole time I still ain't seen look at this booty look at that look at that booty okay oh oh my God okay what you mean you wouldn't know about no ass like that boy sure as hell I do man you got just like that too too much booty too too much booty man you white boys wouldn't even know how to put y'all you know what around that boy I'm gonna be honest though he might be right you know what I'm saying we might never exaggerate a little bit you know it a little bit too much just do it he likes you know what a booty do is when the stomachs take out way out like the booty literally he likes pregnancy I know how to pick booty because you're a field slave whatever you know how to pick them of course you dang right speaking of slaves oh yeah can you cover for me I got a book every night well you know spent all the time with her and you want to be free if she calls you can go running right away hey Lisa you really think it's a good idea to be canceled on your bookings man I mean what if she's not what if she's the one what if she's the one you just put your mouth for my wife that's an [ __ ] from ready to have it nah hold up hold up now wait a minute what I'm hearing over here sound like Uncle Frank Golden Boy is missing out on client well for a little girl with a black car how do you know she got a black car you know me huh we tight we cool whatever snap you down okay I got you bro thank you not a word to Frank let them tell you like this don't tell me what I need five dollars before I count this you really doing a dangerous thing right here Mike really danger might be right bro yep are you not serious I mean I know you think you're catching feelings for this girl but uh she might be playing you man taking up all your time one minute next minute she just drops you by then you won't have any clients to go back to listen I got this okay I think you got this i got this it's all under control all under control all right huh now check this out all right that's for you let me see what you're passing out right there Merry Christmas let me see that damn you passing up this one hey you know I'm surprised bro ain't no fun if the homies can't happen and look Mike look man you need help with your clients you you know I got your back this is not your type you know your type precious if she calls I'm gonna send her your way if she likes your biscuits right and her chicken booty you gotta feed like I gotta feed her I gotta feed her I kept that between us keep her off the heat though cold keep her at the heat keep running uncle about what you're doing I got a couple minutes too man I know you're like dick huh oh you ate Michelle yeah I know she's just a little overzealous a little but you know what she gets the job done so it's probably good for you she does I don't know what I would do without her I would be late to everything by the way why do you insist on continuing to use your ex-husband's last name I mean don't you think Jenkins Hernandez sounds a little funny of course I do but I know what pisses him off right I don't know refresh my memory why did you marry this guy in the first place and how did you manage to make it last for all of two months I married him because he made me laugh he just didn't know how to keep it in his pants what that's what I get from marrying a Mexican immigrant with money right what you got was 20 million three fabulous cars and a big beautiful house a minute I thought you said he was Peruvian whatever okay so listen so there's another guy who I want you to meet he is enjoy dessert thank you thank you he is sorry off the market since when Hello since Michael yeah but this new guy he's great he is perfect for you he is absolutely gorgeous Michael is great and perfect for me and absolutely gorgeous yeah but why put all your eggs in one basket you are the one who hooked me up with Michael right yes but I didn't expect you to go all guy guy over the guy just after one date two dates and a four hour phone conversation Lisa come on come on Norma you come on I mean unlike some people I don't have to sample every flavor in the yoga shop I find the one that I like and I go with it what you hit a home run I thought you'd be patting yourself on the back right about now wait do you know something about Michael I don't he's not married is he he said no but he's not he's not gonna be gay bye no okay so then he is perfect for me and thanks to you I found my Mr Right and I'm gonna go for it every time but the movie just pisses me off in general because you should promise me you won't let go promise me you won't let go she had the dude in the water and she let go I'm like these chicks you know what I'm saying oh that wasn't nasty I'll never let go that was a good line so you know I am not I am a romance type of guy you know what I mean uh how you doing Betty uh can I get two tickets for he's mine not yours sure that'll be 13.50 13.50 cool do I know you uh have you seen this guy before and he was here last week with a white girl I was here last week with a white girl she got another guy I got another guy I get that all the time I look like every man I'm more of a it's a recognizable face you have to pay me before I give you the tickets right here there you go so thanks for hating on me brother um appreciate that nice to meet you for the first time both of you guys haters both of you guys that's cool thank you [Music] thank you so she said since my first two novels did so well regionally they want to expand their distribution to a broader market and do a national release a publicity campaign the whole nine and that comes with a very nice advance I kept my cool in front of her of course but Michelle and I got outside and damn near lost her Minds [Laughter] are you sure you seem distracted is everything okay yeah everything's fine you you really desire wow can I uh can I just be straightforward yeah of course there's something happening here we both feel like like something special is happening here right I think so don't don't you yeah yes no question I just you know I found myself in that place where you can be like what are we doing what does it all mean how where do we go from here you know like I sure we both had our share of relationships and I've been hurt and hurt people and I understand all that I I just but I got I want to go through things with you I wanna laugh I didn't do normal things bake going to do a kids book together obviously I'm not the writer but and I know that's rushing way ahead which is why I'm asking you this because since we met I haven't dated anybody I've even thought about it I actually think I fell in love with you as soon as I laid eyes on you and Edward it was instant I knew right then that was my they were my soul mate that we've been here before I usually say all the right things and never mean them and I'm sure I'm saying all the wrong things but the first time all the wrong things truth so I don't know what to do I can't eat can't sleep can't I gotta have to stop me because I'm rambling I'm it's just been driving me crazy so I'm gonna need you to say something please wow wow I was out of line so are you serious oh did you mean it what you just said all of it well don't play with eyes we're sacred I'm in every single word [Music] I know that earlier I said we want to watch a movie or I've just been enjoying watching you in this trash so okay yeah no this is the highway we're on the tarmac right now about to take off the taxi and I [ __ ] it in Rome I like you I respect you I feel funny in my stomach like that that's that [ __ ] are you sure about this are you sure are you sure okay yes look I'm sorry he will not miss another appointment look we don't do that in my Mr Right okay hey hang on hello yes yes this is Frank absolutely oh I'm look ma'am I know I get oh hold on how did you get my sale look this is not Michael's Frank Michael Martin has stood me up on two dates since I'm a little troll in his place and he canceled on me three times he sent some white boy in his place oh sorry not that I don't do white men but Cindy went to my big mama's wedding uh-uh I don't want to have to take my business somewhere else I heard that wait wait ladies ladies ladies let's not jump to conclusions now y'all know Frankie is always taking care of you both of you haven't I haven't I yes until lately so get this I have a new guy this guy is better than Michael everyone I don't want some second rate Michael I want the real thing and if I don't I want all my money back every penny me too it's not gonna do is get no damn you ain't getting a refund you ain't getting a damn refund oh you're gonna give me my money back let me tell you something Laverne and Shirley hey you gonna give me my money back oh hold on now wait a second now you ain't gotta the violence is not called for okay so you know since you are willing to take steps Beyond normality we'll give you a refund okay thank you you on the other hand ma'am will not get anything [Music] thank you [Music] so why are we meeting here because I got people watching me listening and I saw all type of ears when you Frank people be all over you matter of fact you wearing a wire no I'm not wearing a wire look like you got an underwire so because of your girl I've been losing clients left and right all day you don't know what it's like for these [ __ ] for these ladies to be calling and and dropping by the office looking for Michael where Michael at Michael is Michael that not good for business okay look I know that you're losing money and everything like that and I apologize but I'm losing both loads of money Michael is my top draw but ever since your girl Lisa came into his life and got his nose wide open he all of a sudden no one take no clients look you know what as well as I do these type of relationships don't even last true and that's exactly what I tried to tell Lisa what if what if they split up what I mean what if they split up okay if they were to break up then Lisa would be heartbroken and then she would blame me then what what am I supposed to do do Frank look like he give a damn about what you're supposed to do Frank don't care Frank care about Michael because when Michael's feeling good the ladies is feeling good well Michael ain't feeling good guess what Frank lose money when Frank lose money everybody unhappy because Frank Wow's out so it looks like you and I both have a vested interest into seeing this little love charade come to an end we do so what do you suggests I have a plan I need you you in I'm in okay okay you win I'm in you know that's a good thing you know maybe we can get in you know what just text me later okay like what time you think you got a good looking mouth though I tell you that mouth on ease okay right thing no she fine hey girl I'm good I'm glad you called let's see you want to grab a coffee I uh I need to talk to you okay I'll see you in a sec what's going on sir I see you girl Money Mike hey hey man my man hey hey something is he getting a little bit of weight it's getting swole right I'm not sitting over no more Rusty's Pizza no more Rusty's Pizza it's your fault I know it's really your fault she got a cute face you know anyway it's like a little thick like that though but yeah man what's going on man you know what I was I was thinking the other day that all the Ladies Love Money Mike don't hurt me all the ladies man step one which one oh man uh oh Elisa Brian yeah is he Bryant yeah oh Lisa Bryant you remember the yeah yeah yeah yeah like the whole month thingy that the oh yeah yeah she said I thought it's gonna be crazy because I I couldn't even wrap my mind around when she hit me with this so she seemed to think lower right really yeah it's crazy right crazy crazy dude nuts that's what I'm trying to tell her I'm like that's not the way we get down at all especially not Money Mike not the Cornerstone of my Mr what but you know I mean she said that she felt like you know you were getting a little too serious she even said that she you know she did kind of initiate it I guess she wanted to pretend that it was real you know but you know wow I mean it's crazy right it ain't you her she trying to infiltrate your world because I know one thing about money Mike Money Mike is not going to let feelings come between business right never she even like canceled like the rest of the month just a second yeah I'm good you know she said she said it like that like I'm good I I was talking on the phone but it looked like our hands went up like I'm good yeah man anyway anyway man so if if I was your they can't never stop cold turkey so she's probably gone still try to hit you up you know still try to reach out man I I suggest you just just push back man you know what I'm saying see that yeah push back create some space see because what these women do they try to infiltrate your space see you you like the Juggernog you understand me you got all that and they try to break inside but the Juggernaut don't allow that Money Mike baby you might Money Mike see what I'm saying huh that's what I'm talking about you're gonna try to call you though don't even you know what I'm saying you got you gotta accept all that see how see that I hear you baby come on man all right see you boy all right all right oh man money Mike whatever to you my friend who will soon be New York Times best-selling author release a book nationally unless they think it's bound for Success trust me have I stared you wrong yet no you've been spotling actually especially with Michael girl my life is so blessed right now to have the best friend I could ask for a major book release and a man of my dreams and to think I came this close to hiring a date [Music] and now we have to find your Mr Right Lisa I need to talk to you about Michael yes let's talk about them honey I know you're crazy about the guy Michael isn't the man you think he is my friend the one who introduced me to him told me that if you're looking for something long-term Michael isn't your guy okay Norma I know you think I'm taking things too fast with Michael he said just listen please Michael is going to hurt you he has this track record of leading women on and right when things get serious he moves on my friend knows but how does she know she her sister dated him okay so if he's so awful why did she have you set me up with him oh Lisa we've been through this it was supposed to be a one-time thing just a date for your birthday nobody expected you to fall for the god I don't believe you then don't believe me but just be careful okay the last thing I want to see you get hurt it's just a matter of time before he starts to distance himself don't say I didn't want him you know what Norma maybe this time you found a man that you can be happy with so you can stop trying to ruin other people's happiness stupid I'm out of here you have reached a number that is no longer in service please check the numbers and try your call again thank you [Music] thank you foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] two weeks and not a word [Music] I tried to tell you I know I sorry I didn't listen to you I'm very sorry I reacted the way I did that's what guys do they all play games I really thought this was it is obviously a jerk [Music] all right oh no no we got you covered whatever you need it's my Mr no he'll be there and on time all right it's gonna be great I know I know yeah as well what's up Mike good to see you man good to see you what's going on customers complaining again or what no no no man I just want to see you man how are you good never better mine yeah I know you okay I'm good friend look I know this business could mess with your head sometimes man especially especially when the Puppet Master becomes the puppet but the sooner you can get back in the game the better you'll be you know what I mean you feel me yeah I feel you ready to get back to work ready to go baby melts in your mouth not in your hands I'll tell you what I'll tell you what I got it I got the perfect looking for you check that out see that right okay I'm gonna shoot that to your email show a good time man and you have some fun my man it's good to be back [Music] okay the girls are looking good in that department stop it stop it I'm glad I was finally able to tie you down for drinks Miss Big Time author well what can I say wait hold on let me grab a pen because I need your autograph okay I'm a very important person but that is a bit much I'm proud of you and you look absolutely amazing thank you I'm a big girl you know I always bounce back hey that's my girl thank you so very much Lisa Lisa Michael's here with a woman I know I see him just stay calm okay I'm trying do you want to get out of here yes where's the waiter I'll go get him just are you okay no hurry please Twitter yeah we went to France two years ago what that Lisa what are you doing you know what just go back to your little wack ass day and leave Lisa alone okay she's tired of your [ __ ] that's right I don't need to be bothered with no more tired man what are you talking about congratulations mission accomplished boy bye exactly what she said [Music] you know what I thought what we had was serious but I guess I was wrong I hope one day you feel the same way I feel right now I hope you know what it is to be manipulated into falling in love with them being thrown in like the trash you talking about no no I want to hear this please tell me how I threw you out Michael don't touch me [Music] over you head over heels in love with you I'm in love with Lisa Bryant yeah so how are we here what the hell are you talking about this not me Lisa let's just go come on let's just go you call Frank asked him to shut it down right right or wrong Frank Brinkley my Mr huh bringing any bells what is he talking you play with I'll tell you what I'm talking about you go online pull out the little black card huh yeah I got the Black Card huh and then you went book your man huh great time great time when you're over it you throw them to the curb like the trash well guess what I'm out wait a minute I'm done wait wait you work for my Mr [Music] Norma I didn't complete a profile [Music] about normal huh Norma [Music] just wanted to give you one night with the man of your drinks it was not supposed to go this far so you go on a site for an escort service and you complete a profile without my knowledge I'm sorry but it wasn't supposed to be this way you were supposed to be my sister I don't care I don't care okay here I am right here right now we are both lied to it I get it I get it let's start over let's start over right now okay I'm Michael Martin I'm an artist let's go get some ice cream I hate ice cream [Music] foreign let's get my address Frank look as hard as it is for me to be here it's not even about me it's not about you it's about Lisa so can I come in are we just gonna stand here oh so you really do paint huh I really do paint what's up why are you there aim all the way down here to ask me don't play with me do you love Lisa like you said you do I love her like the real kind I believe you well I guess all is right with the world so now what huh let me have a plan I don't have one now so you're just saying you got a plan to come up with a plan that doesn't mean no good I miss her there's two of us you know what has she seen these [Music] [Laughter] where am I see you I see you [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] hey honey it's me again I know you're still mad at me but I have to get this one last shot if you say no this time I promise I won't ever bother you again but will you meet me at the Shroud Gallery Tomorrow there's a new exhibit there and I know you'll love it that'll be like old times let's say tomorrow around two o'clock if you don't come then I'll know where our friendship stands well I pray I see you there all right love you sis bye [Music] Miss Jenkins Hernandez they're ready okay thanks so much abs olutely so without further Ado ladies and gentlemen I am honored to present to you the artist Mr Samuel Michael Martin get out of here wow I'm not um not really good at these moments but I I just want to first thank Norma thank you guys for coming um there's a lot of faces that I see out here right now that directly had a hand in every stroke of the work desk up here right now um the work you see on display right now is um I was inspired by uh by a special woman who are I couldn't figure out how to tell her how I really felt so I I just put it on the canvas A wise man once said to me you can't paint what you don't know I know her go go get her go sure yes go run it's not out of here Lisa Bryant keep running I'm gonna keep chasing you you inspired all of that every color every stroke these are the time we share together changed my life heavy stroke every kiss every touch it's all in those paintings I never lied to you I've loved you since the first day we met and I love you even more now look I know we met in the most unusual circumstances right but isn't there a chance just to small chance we might have been blessed with some random active serendipity [Music] I'm here I'm right here right now give me a chance give me a chance to show you give me a chance to show up your guy [Music] that was a good kisser what two scoops two scoops of wet ice cream If you're lactose intolerant though don't you fart yeah I'm gonna get you one scoop and I'm gonna be mad when I get it why because this is a complete list give me that damn call today my blog is about living in my own romance novel ladies I'm here to tell you that Mr Right does exist I found mine and if you open your heart to new possibilities you might just find yours too [Music] [Music]
Channel: BlackPix
Views: 259,959
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blackpix, black entertainment, mr right movie, mr right full movie, mr right 2015, mr right, columbus short, columbus short movies, columbus short movie free, erica tazel, erica tazel full movie, erica tazel movies, black romantic comedy, bet movies free, bet movies free full english, Jackie Long, Dawn Halfkenny, Roger Melvin
Id: 4Vg0jXjyxH0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 30sec (4710 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 29 2023
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