Move Transitions/Sources Smoothly!

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i don't know it's been there for a couple years now don't worry about it it's a kappa from twit besides well hey welcome back good to see you guys brand new video today brandon i'm just gonna jump right on into this tutorial but first i want to say thank you guys for watching all these tutorials i appreciate it dude today we're going to be getting into something that's kind of unique this has been something i've done in my channel for uh a while now it's something to make your streams and your your content look a little bit more smooth and professional so i'm here to show you guys how to make your camera and your sources and other things move inside of obs but i'm talking an easy easy way to do it because the way i used to do it a little bit more complicated than this so get excited stick around this tutorial nice and quick also i turn off the moving cam people i get these people every now and then and just complain about the moving camera you let me know what you feel like okay put it down below good bad sticker stay stationary you let me know let's get into it so we're here on my main desktop here and today what we're going to be showing you guys is how to do something very similar to this and it's just moving your camera around something very simple but you can also utilize it to maybe bring out another a new camera or something like that maybe have another source on standby somewhere that you want to bring in so sometimes i'll go into like a cinematic mode so i'll hit a button and boom now we are in cinematic mode and then i just come back and and nobody's the wiser so we're going to be teaching you guys that today very simple very easy and you can kind of utilize it in your own unique ways maybe have something show up on screen whatever you want man you can also choose to transition between scene and scene without actually doing a stinger this might be a useful situation for you guys to like do something new that no one else is really doing okay so i went ahead and i created a couple scenes here inside of obs i made my my main scene now each of my sources that i put into this uh look you can just pretend that it's a camera this could be your gameplay this could be a browser source this could be an image maybe you have this could also be your gameplay whatever you think you might want so i'm just substituting here just as a color just so you can kind of get a better idea of what's happening with each individual item so i went ahead and i made some gameplay here that is red i put in a camera which is the pink and then over here i made a nice little on-screen element which is just maybe a browser source maybe that's my chat underneath or like an alert or something that happens underneath my webcam then i made a standby scene and you can see here i got the camera on the left i got the game play on the right and then i got that same browser source right here just chilling and then i have a full cam scene which is literally just full cam uh again just picture this as my full cam scene you know what i'm saying so to mimic something that we did a second ago i'm gonna go ahead and right click and go to filters on this scene i go into filters you can see we have our scene kind of up in here let me go ahead and full screen this on over and you can see we have this scene right here i'm gonna right click and i'm going to add a move source and i'm gonna go ahead and call this camera so i'm gonna hit ok and now we have camera this filter will change the way something looks on my scene now i do want to go ahead and move these items here so what i'm going to do is i'm going to click on both my on-screen element that's going to be the little browser source and then also the camera i'm going to shift-click and add both of these so i'm going to right click and we're going to group this and we're going to call that group we're going to call this camera source and i'm going to go ahead and minimize it and that locks in both of these two together so now if i want to i can go ahead and click on this folder right here and it'll move both of these together simultaneously so i'm gonna go ahead and leave that as is we're gonna come back over here to our filters with this selected i'm gonna go ahead and click on camera source and that's gonna select the folder now this could be another source i could just individually if i didn't have this thing here you would actually see all three of the sources but i'm going to click on camera source that's going to be the folder what i want to do is i want to go ahead and shrink this back down over here to the left i don't really need to see it so i'm going to move it down here and what i want to do is i want to put this somewhere i want i want a transition to happen but i want it to happen on screen with a touch of a button so what i'm going to do is i'm going to take this i'm going to bring it down here i'm going to blow this up maybe something about this size so i'm liking it right in the middle and that's going to bring in my camera all nice and big so check and see me and everybody can see what i'm doing but i go full screen with this so what i'm going to do here is i'm going to come down here and click this get transform button and that's going to basically set a point at which this image is now at this is going to be the new point this is basically point number two that i want my camera to move to so now that it's sitting there there's a bunch of other options here and i could get into these but you know if you guys want to play around you can figure out what they do we have the duration of how long it takes to move from point a to point b now i want this to be pretty quick so i'm gonna actually make this one second long and to get one second is a thousand milliseconds so looking pretty good uh now easing over here you can either have it ease in ease out or ease in and out and that's just gonna make the movement nice and uh smooth you know what i'm saying so it starts off kind of smooth and then kind of comes to a stop and you'll see that here in a second now the easing function there's a bunch of different choices here and each one of these choices moves just a little bit differently than other ones so play around try these out they all do something a little bit different and i can actually i'll put a link down below and it this literally goes over every single feature that you guys can see uh happen in your obs and and what i'm saying feature i mean you can see how the image moves on screen so if you pretend this little green dot here is the the image itself let me go and blow this up you can see exactly what's happening now with this kind of ease out sign so if i change this to sign and ease out you can see how it moves it starts off fast and then it goes into slow so if you watch the little ball it starts out fast and then it goes into slows playing around with all these things i'll put this down in the description below just to kind of get an idea of what it looks like as you uh use each one of these i'm going to hit quadratic let's see if we can find a quadratic in here quad right here so you can see it's a nice ease movement if i look at the ease and out you can see it starts out slow goes a little faster and slows back down you see that so i'm going to leave it as quad now this curve will curve the way the image moves either you set it to a negative value it'll curve towards the center of the screen or you do it towards the plus side and it'll curve like outside away from the center of the scene and i'll demonstrate that here in a second let's go ahead and leave it at zero for now so right now we have this set to using a hotkey and we're going to leave it that way because i like using hotkeys but there is a bunch of other uh options here like if you hide a source maybe you can activate this if you show a source it could activate the the move and there's a bunch of other options here so you know play around if you guys need something like this i'm just going to leave it as hotkey because i just want to be able to push a button on my keyboard or on my stream deck and have something move next we're gonna go scroll down here to next move and what i want this to do is when i hit a hotkey i want it to transition from point a to point b but then i also wanted to go from point b back to point a so i'm gonna go ahead and hit reverse and then lastly down here i'm gonna go ahead and select next move on and we'll we'll take a look at this i'm gonna leave it as hotkey and uh that's looking pretty good okay so now that we have our camera here and we've already uh we've set our transform again i hit get transform now what i want to do is instead of uh trying to figure out how to start this back at square one which is point a i can literally just move this wherever i want i can just make make sure i want this to be here so this could be my starting position and now when i click the start button it's gonna hiccup there but now you can see that i set this to hotkey and reverse and what that's gonna do is it's gonna allow it to go back and forth utilizing a hotkey now we're gonna set a hotkey real quick inside of the settings i'm gonna go ahead and hit settings we'll come down to hotkey and if i come down here to main scene because that's the scene that we're in and also this is called the camera filter i'm gonna go ahead and find camera i found it right here and right here i can type in control b as maybe my hotkey or maybe i could do as the number three or maybe i can do it as backspace or numpad five or for me i'm just gonna hit ctrl alt b that's gonna be how i'm gonna transition and then maybe i can assign that as a hotkey somewhere else if i wanted to or just leave it as is so i'm gonna leave it as control alt b hit apply i'm going to close out of this i'm liking what all this is doing close and now when i hit ctrl alt b you can see it's going to transition between these two now if you have this link to a stream deck and you have the stream deck hit ctrl alt b for you it's going to do this exact same thing so control b and it'll send it right back to where it was now if i don't like this original starting point i can go ahead and move this maybe i'm liking it right there so ctrl alt b and it goes right back between the two the two points and maybe i want to actually down here for today so i'm going to leave it there and i hit ctrl v again you can see it goes back into full screen just like that and you got the simple movement man nothing to it very very easy so now we're going to try something a little bit different here and we'll go back over to this scene and we're going to take these and we're maybe we're going to try to flip them you want to go ahead and click on the scene right click filters add a scene or add a uh a move source i'm going to make this one called uh move camera and then i'm gonna add another one we're gonna call this move gameplay so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna go ahead and come over here we're gonna go to the camera which is to move the camera i'm going to set it to camera and i'm going to come over here to gameplay and we're going to set that to gameplay and now it's looking at the correct target so the moving camera what i wanted to do is i wanted to end up where it is right here right now and i also want this one to end up right here where it is so i'm going to also hit get transform and it's going to lock in the coordinates of where these are now what i want to do is i want to move these where i actually want to have them end up so i'm going to move both them over and just like that that's looking pretty good so what i can do is i can scroll down here we're gonna have a move at 300 milliseconds i'm not going to change any of these settings we're going to move on a hotkey i'm going to hit down here i'm going to go ahead and click on reverse and over here i'm going to scroll down and we're going to hit reverse and again we're going to select hotkey scroll down hit hotkey and when i hit start you can see that one moves over and it goes back goes back and forth back and forth and same with this one over here back and forth back and forth now what i want to do is i want to go into my settings and we're going to go find this again so we're in a new scene so i'm gonna go to hotkeys i'm gonna scroll down to our standby scene which is where we are now and we have the move camera and the move gameplay i'm gonna make both of these the exact same keybind by hitting ctrl alt v and then hit this one as also control alt v and what that's going to do when i hit control alt v it's going to take both sources and move them and it's going to swap i'm going to hit apply hit okay and now when i hit ctrl alt v you're going to see those two things swap and if i hit it again they're gonna move back and forth and back and forth and back and forth and i could fine tune this and make them perfectly lined up or wherever they are but you know for like i just wanted to keep this something simple and you guys can kind of see the benefits of what this can do so if you ever wanted to flip things around and move things on your screen this is the way to do it and so just as a little demonstration purpose here i'm gonna go ahead and take the camera and we're gonna apply a little bit of a curve to it we're gonna make this a negative curve we're gonna do maybe negative 120 i'll come over to my gameplay and i'll make that positive maybe 120. let's take a look at what it does control alt v and you can see it turns it so it's doing a little something wacky which could be kind of cool so again it's rotating around the center point of where they're moving from so if this is moving to here then it's going to take that that line and it's going to draw a line either positive or negative and then rotate around that line so that's kind of what's happening here the next step i want to show you guys is that this also applies to transitioning between different scenes now what's cool about this is if i have a source and i have it somewhere else in another scene such as the full camera scene now we have our pink camera and we also have the pink camera in here what i can have it do is i can have it transition between here and here but through motion rather than a fade using the transition move so what i want to do is come down here on the bottom right add i'm going to add move we're going to leave it called move that's going to be the transition move let's actually call it move transition and now we have it as move transition our transition is ready to go now let me slide this on over here now if you are confused by anything inside of this menu don't be too confused it looks complicated but i assure you it's not and the website actually goes through each one of the little pieces of settings and tells you exactly what they do uh so it's not too complicated so back in here now that we've added the source now when i switch between these two scenes watch what happens to the pink camera when i go back to standby you can see it kind of morphs into where the other full screen cam is now let me slow this down let me add a nice three second delay here so now it's gonna take three seconds three thousand milliseconds to transition between standby and full cam so if we go back to standby you can see exactly what's happening it's moving it to that position now because i have my camera underneath this source right here that's why this blue ended up being on top so if i move my camera to the very top now when i transition it will be on top of the blue and you can see exactly what's happening i transitioned back so i'm gonna go and add a different type of thing we're gonna add bounce so we're gonna take a look at how that looks so now you can see what bounce is kind of doing it kind of comes in a little bit more playfully i guess and then it bounces back into where it was or you can go back to what it was which was something like quadratic and if i uh go ahead and transition between the scenes again you can see how it moves and it finally settles in so pretty cool feature and uh to everybody else it looks like one giant scene but for you you know that your scenes are transitioning between one another just like that we have learned how to transition between two different scenes and again this is all kind of in the uh the website's description on how this all works so if you guys are getting confused and wondering how the different types of transitions happen uh you just read down here in the bottom and it'll teach you everything you need to know so uh just going back here i just want to show you guys again this is what you're kind of working with and again if i go back to the standby scene we can go ahead and see again if i hit ctrl alt v we'll swap those two sources that still works i'm gonna go back to our main scene and if i hit control b you can still you can see it's still working it's still doing its job you know what i'm saying so pretty freaking cool man so now you can kind of see how i move my cam from point a to point b now again i'm doing this all with a stream deck so i've already set up hotkeys that if i hit a certain button on my stream deck i move it to my top right or top left or bottom kind of middle left or bottom right or maybe i bring out my other camera source and kind of see here what's uh what's going on i got my room in the background another moving cam it's a good time so that's it for uh how to move your scenes it's not too crazy sources and scenes can both move together or they can go individually but hopefully this helps you guys out and kind of gets the juices flowing on terms of like how to upgrade your stream just a little bit in terms of moving sources between scenes and also within the same scene just add that much more quality to your own streams productions and whatever you might be utilizing it for so go check it out the plugin again is called move i'll link it all down below dude don't worry it's all down there and uh i wish you luck on your adventure of your streams and casts and i'll talk to you on the next one okay thanks for watching like and subscribe don't feel like you got to but it would help me out i'll catch you guys in the next one thanks for watching bye
Channel: Activater
Views: 20,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: streaming on youtube, streaming tips, learn how to stream, how to setup obs, how to stream, stream cameras, what cameras to use, how to use a dslr to stream, how to use obs, how to be a broadcaster, streaming 101, twitch activater, activater, how to be a streamer, plugins for obs, motion obs, motion, move transition, motion transition, installing plugins, how to use move transition, how move obs works, motion source, source transition, scene transition, obs plugin
Id: o69AgrSq4lg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 56sec (896 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 27 2020
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