OBS Move Transition Tutorial - Crucial Motion Control Techniques

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in this video what we're going to learn is how to move sources inside of scenes using a hotkey and for the first time in a long while i got pretty confused on how to manipulate the parameters to get what i wanted but i have since figured it out and in this video we're going to move a source inside of a scene with a hotkey and then i'm going to show you how to change the source layer with a hotkey so that the bottom layer moves to the top and vice versa every time you hit that key i look forward to showing you if you're a dj or if you're a live streamer who's looking to make some super cool animations this one is going to be for you let's get some [Music] electrify your online presence with live streaming this channel provides education on live streaming tools and techniques to give you the reward and recognition that you deserve if you like what you hear subscribe and click the bell for new video notification every single week okay let's dig into moving sources with hotkeys here we have bad luck brian i have a couple animations set up i'm going to hit the shift a key and we're going to zoom go to the left and crop we're going to squash it down and go back to the original layer i'm going to show you how to do this but i want to highlight the power of this thing because as i talk i can move the key and it looks like it's moving to my voice do you see how powerful that could be in regards to djs or what if you wanted to make brian talk well i could isolate his mouth and make that a transparent ping and make his mouth move as i talk anybody want to go cliff diving or i could make his eyeballs move by making his eyeball areas green making that transparent and making the eyes move with a hot key so this gives you enormous power to make some really wicked animations for your live stream okay let's dig into showing you how to set this up okay let's create a new scene and we'll hit the plus sign in the lower left hand corner and we'll name it brian we'll hit ok then we're going to add a image source to the brian scene so we'll hit the plus sign under sources select images and then i will name it brian photo and we'll hit ok now we select that photo and i'll scroll down here and where's that photo this is these are all my funny photos there it is hit open and then we'll hit ok ok there he is now most people get confused about this next part you would think that you would add the filter to the source to move it around inside the scene but in this case you do not do that right click the scene and select filters and this is how it's done so hit the plus sign after adding that filter and we're going to select move source so i'm going to name it brian 1 and we'll hit ok and for the purposes of this demonstration i want to keep it simple so that you understand the concept will only add two motions here so we're gonna hit the plus sign again for another filter and we will name it move source and we'll hit brian two and hit okay awesome okay make sure that the brian two filter is selected and let's take a look at these parameters the general section has one called source so assuming that you have multiple sources this is where you will select it being that we only have one source in this example the pull down only shows brian's photo but you can add more sources and you can control multiple sources with this filter so this gets real powerful real quick as you can imagine the start delay in most cases you're not going to want to make this anything because it will delay when you activate it with that hotkey i don't know why you would want to do that but it does exist as a parameter like i said alexeldro doesn't miss a thing and there's got to be a reason why he may put that in there if you know why let me know custom duration uh applies to the length of travel time from the one position to the next okay the longer that that time takes the more difficult it becomes to make an object dance to the beat or dance to your spoken word because it must travel that long distance and if you're hitting the key like it's going to be shorter than the milliseconds that you add and it's going to get all crunchy and funky so if you plan on making these objects dance to music to the beat or to your voice i recommend that you choose a amount of 500 milliseconds or less okay end delay i believe this pertains to motion gifs and and movies we'll get into that later easing is pretty much self-explanatory it applies to making the motion smooth so it starts slower it then goes fast and then ends slower again that's what ease in and ease out means i like to use ease in and out it makes for a very nice smooth motion uh it's like humanistic it's not robotic you know and i use a sine wave as the easing function which is sort of a controller that controls the speed as it moves using the easing function so experiment with with that at will and have fun with it uh transform okay this is where things get interesting because now what we need to do is decide where to move brian to after brine one has been shown so we're going to move this source to a location and i'm going to hold down the shift key and i'm going to make them a little bit thinner as well just to show you that it is possible to not only move but to change the aspect of the of the photo and then i'm going to click get transform now i i want to warn you sometimes you hit this get transform and it doesn't grab the new location so you may have to hit it twice just want to let you know okay scrolling down we're going to go to visibility and order this doesn't really pertain to this example because we're not changing or shifting uh the layers of the sources we will get into that in just a moment actions is fairly important you want to check off the filter only enabled when moving the start trigger choice pertains to how the motion starts okay we're going to choose none not started automatic use a hotkey or next move to start this move if i click it and show all the different parameters there's all kinds of crazy ones in here one is enable when the i icon in front of the filter is enabled that's referring to the little eye here so they're basically assuming that you're going to be controlling the motion by seeing the filters which is problematic and kind of weird and funky when you're trying to do a live stream right you don't want to have to go into the parameters and the filters and and play with making the motion happen with digging into the filters it's just too much complexity hotkeys are much much better when actuating the motion trust me so in most cases you're going to want to select none that's the same thing for the stop trigger as well simultaneous move i'm not totally sure what this means i think it's got something to do with when you have multiple sources moving around and i think that you need to select this in some way if you know what it means let me know i'm not sure what it means honestly next move this pull down is asking you what you want to move next so obviously i'm in filter brian two so when i hit the hotkey again i want it to move brian one i hope that makes sense okay we have one more parameter and it's called the next move on it's a pull down and you have two choices if hotkey is selected that means that the motion will occur when you click the designated hotkey if you select move end what happens is when the animation reaches its end point it goes to the designated next move selection which in this case we're in filter two it's going to go to brian one so when brian two reaches its end point it will automatically begin to move to the designated point that brian one has so if we do this for both if i go into brine one and go down to the bottom and select move n for that one and i hit the start button this is the effect that is created see that it's like an animation that you create and it just keeps on going i just want to make sure that you understand that you have this capability when you select move n but for this tutorial we're going to select hotkey because hotkey is absolutely the best way to go in regards to designating motion during a live stream okay now things are getting exciting i'm going to show you how to set up the hotkeys it's really not that difficult all you have to do is go into settings in the lower right hand corner [Music] and click hotkeys and you get this pretty intense list of weird stuff don't let it bum you out it's really quite simple all you have to really understand is that when you create a new scene and you create filters within that scene all that stuff gets added to this hotkey list so we've created a scene called brian and inside that brian we have a brian one filter and a brian to filter so i'm going to go in here and click my cursor into the brine one field and hit shift q for brine one and shift q for brian two now it's purely up to your decision if you want to have a second hotkey for the second movement brian 2 or not i'm going to add the same hotkey for both because every time i hit that hotkey the motion occurs so for djs that want to create cool awesome animations that move to the beat this is probably what you're going to want to do let me show you what i'm talking about when i hit apply and okay and i go back into the brian scene now when i hit shift q it begins to move back and forth to the two states that i created in the filters cut and dry and easy okay let's talk about changing layer position with sources using a hotkey in move transition this is a really cool uh capability that this plugin has to offer i've created a scene called red blue squares if i right click on it and go to filters you can see here that i've created two filters each representing two individual color squares as sources just so you can understand what's happening visually here i've got a blue order and a red order and the reason why i name them orders so that you understand we're switching order here so if i go into the blue order and i scroll down in the parameters you'll notice that there is this visibility and order set of parameters visibility is set as no change in other words we're not going to be hiding anything it's going to be just always viewable here so that you can see what's happening the order will be relative start relative okay and the difference of the position will be position one i've done that for both the blue and the red filter here so if you scroll down you can see it here as well same stuff if i go back to blue here and scroll down to the bottom as before i'm designating the other filter in the next move right so blue is set to red and red is set to blue and we're actuating with hotkey alright and if i hit close and we go into the settings button in the lower right hand corner and go to hotkeys you'll see if i scroll down you'll see the red blue square scene and the blue order filter and the red order filter is designated with a control plus z i'll hit ok with that and when i hit shift z you can see that it's shifting those two sources in regards to the layer order it's pretty cool and it's a lot easier than show and hiding layers so much easier oh so much easier this is the third video in a series and if you're looking for a bit more simplistic approach to moving sources in your scenes consider these videos right here and in the near future i will be developing a video that will help you understand how to move animations to the beat of your music so if you're a dj that will become very valuable for you in the near future subscribe and click the bell so that you're notified best wishes to you stay strong keep fighting i'm rooting for you and i'll see you over at the other videos best wishes
Channel: Scott Fichter
Views: 7,713
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: obs move transition tutorial, obs move transition, obs move transition install, obs move transition plugin, move transition plugin, how to install move transition obs, obs studio move transition, tutorial, obs how to, obs studio, obs studio guide, obs studio tutorial 2020, obs tutorial, obs tutorial 2020, advanced obs, how to setup obs, stream aid, stream doctor, streaming tips
Id: ZyO2ijuxJ_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 16sec (736 seconds)
Published: Tue May 11 2021
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