OBS Move Transition Tutorial - Learn Why This Plugin Is A MUST HAVE - Set Smooth Motion to anything

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how you doing it's good to see you you know i get about five to ten comments a month asking me how i make the videos that i make for you i'm talking about all the zooming all the highlighting of different parts of the screens how i move my face around and all that crazy stuff all the effects and i feel kind of bad because when you read between the lines it seems like the creators are assuming that i'm using obs studio to make the videos and being that my channel is all about obs studio i feel like uh i you know i feel kind of bad i felt i feel guilty in a way it's kind of funky but you know i should be using obs to produce the videos about obs because obs rocks right but i don't i did a lot of research to search for a video editor that sort of measures up to my desires in regards to ease of use and an editor that is centered around education or making video tutorials and i landed on a program called camtasia it's fantastic it's pricey at 250 bucks but it's ease of use is really great and it's fantastic for tutorials so after installing camtasia and using it i pretty much concluded that obs was not going to work for me in regards to production but i got this epic comment from pj music and he said dude look into this plugin called move transitions and so i just started i just got back from vacation and i'm just now starting to get back into the groove of things and i just started researching move transitions and holy cow are you kidding me this plugin gets you pretty close to what camtasia can do in regards to all the zooming and all the effects that you see from this channel it is absolutely remarkable so i look forward to showing you how to install this plug-in i can't wait to show you how this thing will transition your scenes then we're going to talk about what it can do for your sources as well we're talking about hotkeys and all the cool effects wow this one is a top five for me absolutely you've got to download this one you're not going to be disappointed let's get some [Music] electrify your online presence with live streaming okay let's install this plug-in and i have some great news for you this thing is really easy to install and it's fully compatible with linux apple and windows let's go into google and we'll type in move transitions and we'll hit search and it should take you to the first link to the obs project website there it is here click it and we'll click the download button in the upper right hand corner and we get a prompt and this is not typical for most plugins now we can choose what operating system that we wish to use so for me it's windows i'll click download which is the first selection and it's going to download a zip file and i'll put it in my downloads folder okay i'll go back into downloads and i will expand it and open up that folder and inside will be an exe file and basically what the exe file does is uncompress it and install the contents that it created and automatically put them in the right place inside of the obs studio folder it's super great so i'll just double click it it'll run through the commands i'll hit yes click install and hit finish now the installation may prompt you or and say something like beware this may over save files in the program files folder don't worry about that it's not going to delete anything you can just hit yes to everything and it will install no problem now to let you know this is a high quality plug-in because if you go into obs and i'll show you real quick i'll go to properties i'll open file location and if i go into the obs studio main folder you will see a uninstall.exe that's placed in there by that installation file when you see an uninstall created by the plug-in that denotes quality because the programmer has not only figured out how to create the exe to install it he's taken the time to allow you to uninstall it that is quality and the programmer's name is xeldro and he is arguably the one of the best programmers for obs bar none so this is a great great plug-in okay open up your obs studio and let's take a look at the scene transitions dock if you don't see it go up to the upper left hand corner and select view docs and then select scene transitions and then it will show up at the bottom okay let's take a look at this pull down it's a little bit funky because most people assume that a pull down's main purpose is to select something but in the obs world this pull down provides two functionalities one is to obviously make the selection the other functionality is to create more selections within the pull down so it's a little bit confusing but once you get your head wrapped around it it's really really simple and easy if you see the add move selection that means that the plugin has successfully installed on your obs program so i'd like you to select add move and then name it in this case i'll name it move tutorial and when you hit ok it's going to add it i'll hit ok to this to the scene transitions as a selection see that it didn't exist but now it does now when you select this thing all you have to do to get to the extra parameters for this transition that's been created you just hit this gear and then select properties and then you can get back into the parameters and this is the move transition parameters that you can manipulate and for the first part of this tutorial the only thing that we're going to focus on is the appearing items and the disappearing items i don't want to insult your intelligence but i got to make sure you clearly understand the concept behind appearing items and disappearing items so i have two scenes scene one has a blue square in it it's a source if i go to the second scene it's got a pink source inside of it a pink square so when clicking the second source the blue square is disappearing and the pink square is appearing i know it's stupid i just want to make sure you understand that because when you go into the scene transition and select that move tutorial that i created and click the gear and go into properties and scroll up so that this preview gets small and scroll down we have an appearing item set of parameters and a disappearing set of parameters so what are these parameters well for the appearing item you can select all these different easing parameters i like to select ease in and out it just seems to make it more smooth and cool you have these easing functions so you have these are like sort of like speed characteristics okay you can make it bounce you can make it elastic i like sign it makes it real smooth you have a zoom check box which means that the appearing item will zoom from small to large right so i'll check that off and then you have the position where the zoom will come from for the appearing item so i'll i'll make it um i'll make it top left so it's going to come from the top left corner of the screen it's going to zoom from that location then we have something called transition now that what this means is you can apply another transition to the move transition so in this case there's a pre a predefined fade transition that obs comes pre-installed with so i'll select the fade so a fade is going to be applied to the zoom which is going to be really cool and then finally you have this curve selector which basically allows you to adjust the characteristics of the easing function it's a little bit overkill i don't play with it you can play with it to your heart's content but it just adds more control to the speed of the of the easing for the disappearing item here i'll just leave it as is just so that you can see it i guess i'll make it zoom as well it's going to come from the center right i'll hit ok and this is what it looks like here we go i'll have you know that if you're going to click these scenes real fast it's not going to work very well because it has to complete its uh sequence in order for you to click the second scene so if you want to click them real fast you're going to have to make an adjustment to the duration so if i make this say 350 then you can start to click them a little bit faster see that remember i told you that when you make the move transition that it applies to all the scenes it's like this global control well i'm here to tell you that it's possible to create a new move transition and apply it to one scene let me show you how that's done so we'll go into the pull down and we'll click add move and we'll name it whatever you want in this case i'll name it move two i'll hit ok and i will move this window all the way up so i can see all the parameters and i'll make some changes here so that we can discern and make sure that it's different than the other transition so we'll make it let's see quadratic for both and we'll move it so that it comes from the bottom on both disappearing and appearing [Music] there we go and we'll make we'll let it continue to zoom and i think everything is okay maybe we'll take the make sure the fade is not selected that'll make it look different we'll hit okay and now that i've created that move to transition i'll go into this new scene that i've created with the green square in it i'll right click on it and select transition override and i'll make sure that that move to is selected which it is perfect oh and by the way you see this it has its own unique speed selector here so make sure that don't forget to make a change to that uh let's whoops one away here we go i want to make sure that's longer than 300 a thousand is good because it makes it real smooth so don't forget to make a change to that speed okay so upon that being there let's make sure it's working which it is i'm going to move it back to the move tutorial because that's going to be applied to everything else and now let's test it so when i go from three to one it looks like it's working good it's going to the middle of the right screen as it fades away let's go to three as you can see now it's zooming down to the lower left hand corner so the transition is different isn't that cool okay now what i'm about to show you gets you pretty darn close to the functionality of that camtasia program that i was talking about at a cost of 250 bucks now watch this let's pretend i have a live stream that is centered around discussing nasa and spacex okay so i'll click that scene we'll open it up here it is here i'm talking along here's some video some cool logo we got some scrolling text now watch what happens when i click the next scene watch this yeah now that was a really slick transition a lot of motion occurred there a lot was going on and in this next video right here i'm going to show you how to do this so that you can apply it to your own live stream stay strong and keep fighting keep a positive spirit and i promise you things will get better for your channel i will see you over at the video take care good fortune
Channel: Scott Fichter
Views: 90,340
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: obs move transition tutorial, obs move transition, obs move transition install, obs move transition plugin, move transition plugin, how to install move transition obs, obs studio move transition, tutorial, obs how to, obs studio, obs studio guide, obs studio tutorial 2020, obs tutorial, obs tutorial 2020, advanced obs, how to setup obs, stream aid, stream doctor, streaming tips
Id: A7FUZvyg4ec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 54sec (714 seconds)
Published: Tue May 04 2021
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