5 OBS Studio Plugins To Make Your Stream Pro!

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you guys know that I don't keep any secrets in my stream that's literally why I started this YouTube channel so I can show you guys everything about how my stream is set up and then you can get some inspiration go away and create something unique for your own stream or you know you can just straight up a rip off my stream thief one of the things that I used to create my advanced stream layouts in OBS are plugin I basically what a plugin does is it adds extra features to OBS that it doesn't have by default I'm going to show you guys five of the plugins that I used to create some of the effects that you're seeing on screen right now if you aren't aware I've already done a video on fly Mobius plugins you can check it out by clicking on the I thing or wherever it is nowadays reference here are the five plugins that we covered in that video but today we're gonna be looking at five more plugins now as you're watching this video you may have seen some of these plugins before or maybe you haven't but come on man it's like really hard to make original content YouTube dude I'm gonna be focusing on plugins that I personally think add a lot of value to your stream and just make your stream more fun and engaging hey what's up guys mehdi before we talked about OBS plugins I want to address one thing no Gavin these do not work in stream labs OBS so don't ask me now if you want to browse a list of every single plug-in currently available for OBS I'll leave a link in the description box down below you can browse realize there's a few pages of them the process of installing each plugin usually varies depending on who made the plugin but generally speaking usually download a zip file you go to where your OBS install is and then you just unzip the zip file right on top the zip file will usually contain a data folder and an OBS plugins folder which matched the root folder of your OBS install so all you need to do is merge those folders and then relaunch OBS that is the basics out of the way let's move on to the list we're gonna hit it off with my all-time favorite plugin actually are we maybe I should leave this one to the end that way people have to watch my video longer dude that would've been way smarter screw it I'm just gonna do it right now the plugin is called the move transition now shoutout to the random dude who left a youtube comment he's the guy who made this and I would never have even known about this plugin if he didn't tell me about it now you're probably aware that in OBS you can set up a bunch of different transitions so that when you switch between scenes you can have like a boring cut transition or fade transition or if you're fancy you probably set up a custom stereo transition which I admit tutorial for it go check that out but what if you wanted to animate your scene transition so let's just say you have two scenes one that you have your big camera then another where you have your small camera and when you switch between them you want to animate your camera so that trinks down that's what move transition does it just adds a new option in your scene transitions menu called a move and then every single time that you switch between scenes it will animate every single source in your scene composition okay time out not every scene this back for you covered that in your first video first of all watch your language second of all kind of do the plugin that was in the first video was a different plug-in called the motion effect and it kind of does pretty much the same thing but check this out I'm gonna play a transition that used motion effects then I'm gonna play a transition that uses this new move transition plug-in and you can just see how much smoother this new plugin is than the old one so how do we set this up first go to your scene transitions click the plus button and you'll see a new option there called move from there the properties menu will open up and then you can change some of the properties you can change the position in and the position out options that's just gonna tell the plug-in where each source animates from I like to set the position in and position out to none I just think that looks better you'll see what I mean when you try it out then you could also adjust the curve property again I like to just leave this at zero but play around with it see what works for you after that you can just press okay and they can start switching scenes and they look at that GoPro your stream looks now now some of you may be thinking if move transition is so much better than motion effect do I still need motion effect and the answer is maybe motion effect still has some features that move transition doesn't have like for example you can animate individual sources if you want to so if you just wanted to hit a hotkey and only move your camera you'd have to use motion effect for that so that's a feature that I'd like to see come to move transition but for now you could okay don't listen that guy yes no idea what he's talking about I think was video like three weeks ago and apparently they put out an update since then that allows you to animate individual sources so go get that update also some of the menus that I just showed you are gonna look different but I don't really feel like we recording the video pretty crazy spec we put that in this video okay next plug-in this is gonna be for anyone that uses background music from something like Spotify which I'm guessing is a lot of you have you ever found music from monstercat on YouTube and it's got that cool little visualizer thing that animates as the music plays like that's cool I want that yeah that's pretty much what this plug-in does it's called spectral Iser now this one's pretty easy to set up there's gonna be a new option when you're adding a new source in OBS called the Audio visualizer and then once you have it added you just select the audio source where your background music is coming from and it pretty much just works right away now there are options you can play around with like you can change like how high the bars go how many bars there are and how thick the bars are but I'll let you guys play around with it and figure it out for yourself now here's the thing a lot of you guys are gonna see this Audio visualizer plug-in and then you're just gonna copy exactly the same thing that they do in the monster cat videos and that's cool if you want to do that but I highly recommend that you play around with it and try to think of clever ways that you can use this plugin like for example I use this on my starting soon screen and I have two copies of this audio visualizer mirrored and I've lowered the opacity and just put it in the background so it's a little more subtle and not so in-your-face or you can do this guy daddy he's got like this tiny widget that shows his local time in his time zone but on top and bottom of this widget he's got two copies of the audio visualizer plug-in and then he set it to react to his voice so every time he speaks the visualizer moves so I just thought that was a really clever way of using this very simple plug-in but whatever you do just try to think of something creative don't put like these gigantic obnoxious bars over your stream like we get it man you still think beatboxing is cool just chill out homie all right it's the next plugin this one is so underrated but it is so powerful and it is called OBS shader filter basically what this plug-in does is it adds a new filter that you can add to any source and apply shaders to it if you don't know what a shader is you can think of it like an effect that you can apply to your camera or your game or literally anything like for example you can make it look like there's a piece of glass between you and your camera or you can make it look like your camera's pixelated like an old 16 bits nest game or you can even set like a source to rotate which is something you can't even do in OBS you can even create your own shader but I'm guessing if you knew how to do that you already know about this plug-in now all you have to do to apply a shader to a source is you just go to the filters for any source that you want add a user-defined shader and then click the check box that says load shader text from file from there you can browse a list of all of the pre-installed shaders try each one a lot of them don't work but just try each of them there's a lot of really cool ones in there now using each of these shaders on their own might seem gimmicky and I get that but hear me out because trust me this plugin opens up so many doors to creative and unique fun ideas that are just gonna make your Chad think how did he do that here's an example that I use in my stream I've added a plug-in called a zoom blur and basically all that does is it makes my camera pulse in and out and that's it's alright it's okay on its own but check this out on top of that I added these party lights then I chucked on these anim speed lines and put on some wee music in the background then I set it up using last week's video check that out I set it up so that every time I get a host it does this the last video I did was on RTX voice and yeah you don't need an hour Kickstarter what but that is just a taste of what you can do using shaders I actually have some really insane ideas that involve combining shaders with an upcoming feature coming to RTX graphics cards that literally no one is talking about I'm gonna have to save for another video because I mean just exploding it with ideas right now keep an eye out for that cuz trust me it's gonna be crazy okay what are you up to you plug in number for this next plugin is called closed captioning and as the name suggests yeah that's captions to your stream look I get it did anyone ask for this no I've never had any deaf people watch my stream or anyone asked for captions except for one person you know who you are a lot of ways to add captions to a stream there are websites that can do it there are twitch extensions that can do it but did you know that the twitch player itself natively supports captions it's just that when you stream using OBS you're not sending any of that data over to show the captions on your stream that is exactly what this plugin does and it works up the Google speech API so it's gonna be about as accurate as when you talk to your phone or use Google home now some of you might be thinking but nutty my Google home never understands what I'm saying won't this be just as bad you've got damn right it is yeah it does make a lot of mistakes and I could sit here and lie to you like hey this is gonna make your stream more accessible to people who can you know hear your stream but I gotta be real the only reason why I added this is because sometimes it's fun to have captions there and then laugh at the mistakes that it makes like this who's Katherine I don't know any Katherine's just one thing to add because the captions work natively with the twitch player your viewers can just turn off the captions if they think it's annoying so no harm done there this last plugin is gonna be more of a convenience thing and not really something that your viewers are gonna be able to see you're the kind of person who takes a lot of screenshots maybe you're an artist or you just want to capture a small portion of your screen check out scrab basically it adds a new hotkey to your settings that says capture screenshot and when you hit that hotkey it's gonna bring up this region selector and then you can just highlight a region on your monitor and then hit enter and I'll automatically add a new image source to the current scene and OBS that from there you can treat as a normal image source so you can just zoom into it if you want or delete it if you just want to add it temporarily what I think this would be really useful for is if you're doing like react content and you see something funny that is really small you can like take a quick screenshot of it and then zoom into it so your check and see it better I don't know if this is something that's gonna be useful for you then you'll know get that out of here so those are five plugins that you can install today as well as the other 5 plugins I did in the other video make sure to leave a comment down below let me know which plugins that you're using for your stream I gotta be honest with you I would really like to do another top 5 videos for OBS plugins but I've pretty much gone through every plug-in that I use so if there's anything I've missed anything that might be super cool that I could do a video on let me know I'd love to try it out I love testing new things and playing new things and just trying to make my stream like take it to like the next level you guys would like to talk to other people who are looking at upgrade their stream make the stream look dope and fantastic and all that stuff check out the discord and link down below also what was I supposed to say oh yeah that's right I have a twitch stream i streamed four nights a week there's a link down below for that as well you want to ask me any questions you want we're always talking about streaming stuff and we're in just chatting so I love answering questions live I don't know how to end videos [Music] [Music]
Channel: nutty
Views: 377,959
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Wgg_7gfbfCc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 16sec (736 seconds)
Published: Sun May 03 2020
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