Move Palworld Save from Steam to Xbox / Xbox App | Palworld Save File Location Gamepass/Xbox App

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it's so welcome back to the channel so today I've got a guide showing you how to move your P World save from Steam to your Xbox game pass PC account and uh your Xbox game pass console account because I think the Xbox game Pass App when it syncs it also syncs your Xbox account which would be used on conso also so yes so they save as you can see have 263 days on it um I imported it from this one that I was playing over here on Xbox game pass up on PC and I imported it into steam the steam version so I've been playing the steam version all the while I'm at level 50 now but I want to import it back over to my Xbox account and you know so yeah in this video I'm going to show you you know the guide and how you can do that so let's just get right right into it now so here we are you need to open up Google Chrome and you need to go to this URL um this GitHub and you need to download this um on Pall Xbox game pass import script uh you know software piece of software from haruk and you can do the exe but I wouldn't advise it cuz i' I run it through virus total was getting some positive checks you know it may not be but anyway I you just download a source code and you could just you can do it this way it's it's safer it's better there's no problem with the source code so you I already have it downloaded there so you open up your downloads you extract it anywhere I just extracted it right in the downloads folder you go into and this is the script that you're going to run in order to import your save into Xbox game pass PC and most likely your Xbox console game version of Pall so but before that you need to you need to hit Windows R and you need to bring up the local app data where your where your PO save is located so you put percentage local update or percentage and it will bring you directly into the update local folder and you go until you find Pal saved saved games and this is the user the file that you need to put that's going to be imported so you just hit controll C and you copy it into this [Music] folder so welcome back um yeah the video went out so there's going to be a cut here is it going to be awkward I don't know but anyways we're back here where we exported the Pall Xbox Game Pass import source code so what you want to do you need to open you probably you can do it on one but I prefer it on to so I can you know visualize it better but you open up to you open up terminal in anyone so you right click open in terminal um you copy the onto the terminal and it's going to copy the parts you know it's right there so what you want to do you need to go into this save click in one more until you see level sa level meta data sa level local data sub you know these files and you need to click in the address button you need to copy this and you need to paste it so after you need there needs to be one space in between and you just copy and paste it and click enter and voila that's it that's that's all you need to do it's done right there the save is going to be working properly so you're not going to see it here but I'm going to close this one and I'm going to reopen it here so yeah it's a really nice tool you know if you if if you want to keep transferring saves and back and forth there's two tools for it it's not really that hard to do so here here you can see two level day 263 level 50 um let's okay let's let's get those big so yeah I switch them around let's put them how exactly they were yes so this is the the steam version and this is the Xbox game pass version that has my old save and now it has my new save that I've been playing on the steam version so yeah let's start a game and make sure it starts I'm going to start a both hope hopefully my PC doesn't you know Boomer yes sir it went middle of the screen it's starting it's starting so yeah and they sa I got a bunch of items so I can't so yeah while trying to load up simultaneously my PC crashed so so yeah this is me loading up in Pall on on cloud gaming beta Xbox so I'm going to show you that the save has actually synced over I don't have time to set up my Xbox but let's see yep okay it's loading it's loading so you see there's my save the 263 level 50 that's the save that I synced over it as long as it's sync with Xbox game pass PC it's going to save to the console also so thank you for watching please like And subscribe it really helps the channel out and thank you for watching again
Channel: Professor Gaming
Views: 3,658
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palworld gameplay, palworld steam, xbox game pass to steam, palworld guide, palworld game, palworld tips, steam to xbox game pass, palworld xbox, palworld xbox gamepass pc save move to steam, starfield xbox to steam save, palworld game pass steam to, palworld tips and tricks, palworld review, steam to xbox gamepass, xbox gamepass to steam, palworld server, palworld news, xbox game pass, palworld best pals, steam save to xbox gamepass, steam save to console
Id: mkfKtiEGiSs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 15sec (375 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2024
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