Mount & Blade Bannerlord Top 5 Best Archer Units UPDATED

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thank you hello YouTube and welcome back to another dare to game video today we're doing another ranking video for Mountain Blade 2 Banner Lord and today it's going to be the best archers in the game and so like the previous video I'll mostly just be showing you stats and talking about all the pros and cons of these things but uh yeah let's just dive on into it and start off with number five we'll be basing these off lots of things uh stats weapons Armor All that sort of stuff so let's dive on in and start it off all right and so at number five we're starting off uh down lower with the sturgeon veteran Bowman so these ones are going to be purchase uh not purchasable but recruitable from any sturgey and locations all the towns and then uh small villages and this will just be from the main sturgeon recruit so these ones are nice and easy to recruit which is a nice perk of them uh and you go from recruit down to Woodsman and then down to Hunter and then Archer and then veteran Bowman the Hunter and Archer are okay as far as Archer troops go they're they're not a whole lot special to them but once you get to the sturgeon sturgeon veteran Bowman you get to a pretty decent Truth uh and so for this one things talk about it's got pretty good armor for an Archer a nice decently heavy helmet good body coverage and then you know it's not it's not the best you'll see but it's also not the worst it's pretty good for a tier 5 Archer it makes sense that this one is dressed the way that they are the perks about this one other than being pretty easy to recruit because it's just the basic troop tree here and there are plenty of settlements to recruit them from we do have some basic stats to look at here so our bow is 140 one-handed is 120 uh both of those are important nice high Athletics of 130 so that's good so decent stuff there uh honestly like I said this one's mostly just a convenience one it's not it's not the best archer in the game it's going to outclass pretty much any any unit that's not a tier 5 Archer is not going to be as good of an Archer as this one but there are quite a few other tier 5 archers that are going to be significantly better uh which is why this one takes the number five spot uh but like I said easy to recruit plenty of them nice and easy to level up because it doesn't require a ridiculous amount of XP and pretty solid armor weapons and stats so that's number five the sturgeon veteran Bowman alright and so at number before we've got the kuzate Marksman which was the the Army I was using at the beginning of the video was made up of cousin Marksman and so this one is going to be another one that's nice and easy to recruit it starts out as just The coosate Nomad so any coosate towns and Villages you'll find Nomads in them or anywhere up along the path but then for upgrading it to this one you're going to want to go to the footman which is the Infantry path and then follow the left hand side to do the quiz 8 Hunter kusade Archer and finally the quiz eight Marksman so this one has some advantages over the sturgeons one of which is a better bow and uh I think more arrows but also better armor overall so this one's got it's still on the lighter end for armor in the game but on the higher end of light armor I guess for our stats to look at here we've got again a nice high Athletics of 130. uh one-handed of 130 and a bow of 130 so real balanced all around but pretty solid unit so this one makes it it's it's definitely good out in the field but it's excellent in circumstances like defending in a Siege so the cousin Marksman does come with two bags of arrows which is nice because because not all archers do like I've said it's got a good bow all the coosate bows are very nice uh very strong so they hit hard and they fire very fast because they're not longbows this one also has a pretty high one-handed stat and a decent enough weapon for it so it once they run out of arrows they're not totally useless and when enemies get up close they are again just not totally useless and that pairs with the good Arbor to make it a solid unit so I like the Coos 8 Marksman I think they're a significantly better unit than the sturgeon veteran Bowman again they're gonna outclass anything that's not a tier V Archer but they're also going to outclass clearly some tier 5 archers so that's the coosate Marksman uh number four let's move on to number three so here at number three kind of in the middle here we have the Imperial Palatine guard and now this one is going to be another one that is just your basic recruit so you get your Imperial recruits from anywhere in the Empire that's the northern southern or Western Empire they all they're all the same and then you're going to go to the Imperial Archer right off the bat and then from there you go to the train Archer the veteran Archer and the Palatine guard and so this one is going to be better than the Crusade Marksman and the sturgeon veteran Bowman for a number of reasons one of which being just better armor so again we're upgrading again this has heavier more durable armor than either of those two previous troops another one is it's even easier to recruit because yes all three of these are basic recruits to make them but there are just way more Imperial sediments so you can quickly get a giant amount of empyrion palette Imperial Palatine guards uh the other Advantage being that the next one down the Imperial veteran Archer is also quite good not not obviously as good as any of these three but it's going to be a pretty solid unit that comes pretty close to being as good as the sturgeon veteran Bowman uh so that's another advantage to going this one outside of that we've got like I said nice heavy armor a real solid bow skill at 140 putting it above both of the other ones uh our melee weapon skill is 130 for one-handed which is what they're going to be equipped with and like I said because they've got that nice high Athletics of 130 uh one-handed of 130 in the heavy armor they also are a pretty effective infantry unit once they've run out of arrows so the Imperial Palatine guard is one of my favorite Archer units in the game at least on foot and they take the number three spot on this list alright so for the number two spot our second best one in the game based on all the testing I've done we have the azerai master Archer and now this one is going to be again just your basic thing so you're going to be looking for azerite recruits and then you're going to go down and upgrade them to the azerite tribesmen and then go through the light Archer azurai Archer and azerai master Archer the only con about the azerite master Archer is the light armor now mind you it's not as light as it looks in the picture because it looks kind of just like a gambasin but you can see that there's mail underneath it is lighter than some tier 5 archers but it's not ridiculously light it's not like they they're glass cannons or anything they do have plenty of arrows having two bags they've got a nice strong bow you can see for our stats here we've got a boast out of 160 so decently High there uh one-handed of 130 in athletics of 130. like I said the only con about them at all is that they have lighter armor than I wish they did I guess other than that that the bow although it is powerful and accurate and they can fire it very fast it's not nearly as powerful as longbows in the game and doesn't have as good of a range so I guess that's a downside uh but they are a really really good Archer unit and they're really easy to recruit because like I said it's just your basic uh azerite recruits and you'll find a whole bunch of them down in the southern portion of the map pretty dang good I think a lot of people rank the azerite troops a lot lower than they should just because I think their armor doesn't look as good if you compare across all the different uh Kingdoms in the game the azerite probably have the the worst looking armor which is a shame because it could have been really really unique and cool and some of it is like some of their units have really cool armor but this one not so much they are definitely a lot better than I think people give them credit for so the azerite master Archer solidly takes the number two spot in my opinion and on the bright side uh even though yes it is tier five so it takes a while to level up to it uh the azerite Archer which is the next step down is a pretty good Archer too so it's again gonna be like a lot of these on the list for a tier 4 Archer it is actually pretty solid so with all that in mind at number two the azerite master Archer let's move on to number one and of course at number one there's really no competition the uh the battanian fine Champion is by far our fian I think I think it's fine and that's what I always say at least in my head but maybe it's fian but anyway it's by far the best for one thing it's not tier five it's actually a tier six unit and that's because the Highborn youth which is what you have to start with to get this one actually starts off as a tier two unit so basically here's the thing if you want to have archers in the game and you like on foot archers you want that to be your main thing or at least if you're looking for the best the battalions are the best way to go because this entire skill tree are some of the best archers in the game they've got these nice powerful longbows that give them excellent range and damage as well as accuracy the only thing is they're a little bit slower but not that much slower and honestly given the the speed at which archers can run out of arrows it's probably a good thing that they're little bit slower but anyway the the Fighting Champion just takes the cake for one thing we've got a nice high Athletics of 170 so they're excellent on foot they have a one-handed of 90 which is pretty low but most the time at least in my experience they're equipped with a two-handed weapon I've seen it with one-handed which is why I mentioned that but most of the time they're equipped with a two-handed weapon and since they're two-handed is 220 uh they are phenomenally good with that blade but of course this is an Archer video so our bow of 260. so just ridiculously high bow skill excellent two-handed weapon pretty dang solid armor for talking about it these are just the best archers you can get in the game if you've got a full Army of potanian fine Champions you're basically Unstoppable even on Max difficulty because I've tested it all the way around of course normal difficulty they dominate but if you bring it all the way to make it the hardest thing in the world and you know how to arrange your troops and have anything else these guys just dominate the battlefield usually the other troops haven't even reached my units by the time their morale is broken ridiculously good and so as a close runner-up to the number one spot the botanian fine just the plain one is also a better unit than every other Archer on this list so the botanian fine is better than the azerite master Archer Imperial Palatine guard cousin Marksman and the sturgeon veteran Boatman which makes sense given this is the tier vitalian Archer unit so if you if you want to do excellent excellent Archer armies these are the guys to go with because even before you get them up to the absolute top tier B's knees you've still got the real number one spot that beats out the azerite master Archer Imperial Palatine guard cousin Marksman and the sturgeon veteran Bowman that is all I've got to say about archers today and uh that is all for today so that's all of our top five I hope you enjoyed this video I hope you found it useful archers are just a dominating force on the field and obviously some are better than others but all of them are pretty dang good I've won some incredible you can see this battle right here they're just in too close so uh the Cavalry is kind of shredding through them and everything plus I'm fighting against a way bigger enemy here just because I wanted one to to have a little action in the video but yeah they are so unbelievably good if you're anywhere near the same amount plus if you have any strategic advantages so archers are definitely an excellent Force inside the walls outside the walls and on the open field I hope this video helped you pick out the top five but that's all for today and we'll see you next time thanks for watching another dare to game video If you like this video please leave a like and a comment if you haven't already be sure to subscribe to the channel if you like my content and would like to support this channel consider becoming a member today for as little as 199 a month it makes a huge difference but in any case thanks for watching and have a nice day I'll see you next time
Channel: Dare To Game
Views: 23,380
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mount and blade, mount and blade bannerlord, bannerlord 2, mount and blade 2 bannerlord, mount and blade 2, mount and blades bannerlord, mount and blades 2 bannerlord, bannerlord best archers, palatine guard, bannerlord troop guide, Battanian Fian Champion, Bannerlord Fian Champion, bannerlord best archers 2022, bannerlord best archer unit, bannerlord best archer build, bannerlord best archer formation, bannerlord best archery perks, bannerlord best archer faction
Id: rR2D58TxP-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 50sec (650 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 05 2022
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