NEW BATTANIA CAMPAIGN Live Stream | Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord

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foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign foreign [Music] thank you thank you thank you foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you thank you foreign [Music] that's spooky big shout out to my brother big shout out to my brother who makes the music you hear before every one of my streams head on over to no no no no no no no no no don't head there go to SoundCloud you go to SoundCloud and it's on Soundcloud uh uh with the uh the name CNC video there is a link in the description let's go ahead and have some fun here today um there we go pop this out so I started using Opera GX browser pretty cool but before we even get started you guys know what's going on you guys know it's gonna go down this stream is brought to you by boom sneak energy if you're on Console if you're on PC and you're trying to behead that that you're trying to behead the heads of the headed people around you you need to seek energy to take their heads right on off so head on over to use Creator code Sparty at checkout and you too can be so jacked up on sneak images to mess up your opening intro to your stream so let's have some fun here today dream captures not Victoria 3 anymore it is tail worlds there we go oh I'm very blue can I get a little color correction on me right now hold on one sec let's go ahead and throw a filter on this um maybe not that oh that's a little bit more in my color ooh baby yeah these saturate me too much oh we don't want that yeah hey just uh hanging out just being nice and blue nice and blue I undo that is there an undo there we go orkish green please that actually I can start doing that well I'm too annoyed to do the chroma keys and color correction balancing right now so we'll just go ahead and keep going away dude I'm Eiffel 65s I'm blue is maybe one of my favorite songs of that era um and it sucks that I was turned into an Abomination by David Guetta well I mean it's actually not that bad of a song to be totally fair it really isn't that that bad of a song it's just you know long bows for everybody so yeah we'll be playing as betania let's go ahead and go over this real quick so I've gone ahead and made this character um and we are going to do he's we gotta do some of these quick stuff but pretty much we'll be focusing on two-handed here we're also going to focus on to Bow um Athletics rogary those are some big things we'll be looking at basically going to make a fee and but we're not going to play strictly a battanian character uh my mods on the playthrough are in my my description you can find all the mods in my description [Music] so we've got like Banner paste with Banner persistence on uh the RBM mod uh stuff like that we might have to RBM mod is so finicky I might have to actually oh I have to actually have to turn on the um [ __ ] it's the how do I configure it I forgot how to configure it I got to shut off the the sneak energy jump scare oh okay we'll do that right now um but yeah we're making a character focus more on the theme we still have the cheat console on so I'm going to shut that off right now to my own Steam Workshop hmm let me give you guys the uh model the mod list is not cool or anything it's nothing really to write home about so give me one sec here there's Ellen combat gotcha why am I having this problem again where everything is dipping in performance who am I Gandalf well yeah I'm sorry guys I'm not going to get the mod list up right now it my my ALT tab is is kind of is kind of annoying but I've got like the RTS mod the RBM nothing nothing crazy like you're not gonna go what the [ __ ] mod is that RTS mod and and RBM probably the two big ones yeah you liking your you like your wookie bro um cheat what's the con config dot cheat mode zero so the cheat mode is now off we are playing a default character nothing new nothing crazy here go ahead and do this yeah I actually have to how do I tune this thing down uh let's go Ram limiter on I want like the minimum there we go yeah so I did a I'm using Opera GX to have it like limit as RAM usage that it makes anything I do off of the main focus game a little bit better but we'll see how that works what are you doing buddy so doing some initial trade here maybe you have 200 Italian fian Champions hey thank you for following on um twitch foreign guys do make sure you are following on Twitch because when dark tide comes I stepped on your ear because you're right here what do you want from me what do you want from me pop-ups come here come here this guy is so you're just all over the place down there aren't you dude just trying to you're just trying to fall asleep you're trying to fall asleep underneath my feet underneath my feet pop up Network if you hear a dog or you hear a squeaky thing it's pop up we're using twitch Clinton Carr for um uh uh Warhammer 40K dark tie when it comes out I won't be exclusively streaming on Twitch but there will be a twitch integration so we'll be streaming on both but it allows people to use that integration by tapping on a twitch foreign I'm not gonna I'm not gonna make a political statement about my streaming choices because it's not going to help anyone okay let's make some buy some Hogs I'm gonna go hard on the paint on this this is a recommendation by flesson19 guys please remember not checking out plus 19's Channel you must do so well yeah jam on bread that it's because it's a close beta my bro it should not be well optimized all right let's go ahead and do that I'm going to cut this all up trade it all back I mean we just doubled them more than double during our investment and let's get the rest of their Hogs and cut that the bad boys up Trade It to that let's get uh wow these things are all super expensive and unfortunately it doesn't net us any trade experience because we're not taking we're taking the thing that we bought and we're not selling it we're cutting it up and selling it fast supporter is that a was that a thank you very much was that a rule Kip was that about those I couldn't see who uh I think you subscribed right thank you very much my bro foreign [Music] [Laughter] okay so oh that's me that's something I want to go to trade here nothing really we can do everything's expensive um actually let me do this really quick I did download the swatian Armory and we're not going to really be using it probably until much later but I do want to just show it off really quick [Music] so you get like stuff like this stuff like that this right here so sick it is so sick oh this might crash us nope but actually I'm gonna do this save just in case but it's a really cool mod and it adds to the game a bunch of really nice armor if you want more of like a very classical um medieval look there's full-on plate armor there's a whole bunch of cool helmets for it just taking a long time to load in I'll show you those two just really fast and I'm just showcasing this mod really quick so I mean you get so many cool helmets on here you can't necessarily assign them roles per se but yeah Swati and Armory is the name of this mod that's the other mod I've got on western crown Saleh but really really good mod really recommend it especially if you're playing a blondian uh playthrough and you do want that kind of like really nice set of armor vanilla gorilla dropping in ten dollars the first donation of the day the largest donation of the day super new to the game I understand how to make unlimited money with smithing but can you make plenty of gold just as a normal mercenary any advice to help from anyone would be appreciated absolutely man um I did do a video on this so I covered a lot of ways that you can take advantage of this but one of the big ways to make a lot of money as a mercenary is the flesson 19 special and here let's let's you know let's let's link let's link lesson 19's Channel so guys he's in chat right now he's he's he's a man amongst men he's a great dude he's got a ton of stuff he can help you out with um but head on over to plus19 make sure you uh watch his videos he's got a lot of cool stuff but um to make a lot of money as a uh um mercenary is you do a lot of you do a lot of combat as a mercenary and you get a lot of the quests that say Hey you know we need we need laborers basically like prisoners and you can sell those prisoners to those individuals um so basically you go you do everything you need to do and then you go you kill attack Caravans it's like that and you can go turn them into quests um you can double that up then too with uh things that say go and um go and go and uh destroy this banded Hideout stuff like that you can double those things up and it really does help you out a lot through some troops there are no troops and also make sure that you're checking the kingdoms tab to ensure that um to ensure that you are actually getting it um make sure that you're actually getting use a king tag to make sure you're actually in the the lowest strength Kingdom Jesus Christ man um also also our clan name is McCool because we are Finn McCool of um Celtic Hibernian mythology [Music] no I miss being able to sort my formations by troop type I'd really helped what did you mean what do you mean by that be panda let's throw the Unicorn kind of Barbarian don't mind if I do one of my favorite [ __ ] movies man um again guys make sure you head on over to use credit codes to party at checkout I'm drinking the new uh Halloween flavor it's like it says like oh it's a secret but it's like it's a kiwi apple and pear I think yes moosen we're playing on the hardest difficulty I typically actually turn this off I turn this to very easy because I'm streaming but people are gonna be purest about it I do have a clan member death off and Hero death and combat off because again this is a stream and I must facilitate the people and the guy the guy in chat lesson 19 the gentleman who's providing a lot of uh answering a lot of questions for me in the meantime he will he has a ton of really great videos on his channel guys so please go and check him out recruiting troops recruiting troops buying productos when flashing as always we have given suggestions for me please by all means friend Albert oh let me do this actually forgot we are not on horse anymore this is a on foot playthrough this is sandbox mode catbat yes oh which reminds me I totally forgot to do certain things um did I download a mod what did that I don't remember the volunteers actually having uh is this new I had to have downloaded something yeah definitely I forgot totally I forgot to buy food outright flesh so yeah Cameron they added in voice lines it's like a mod these guys shouldn't be looking like this that's the youth did I download something come on oh my god oh RBM mod RBI mod also takes nine years to aim your bow this is not gonna go well guys we're gonna start the show off for the loss of the big dub I don't know why I jumped I've played so much Call of Duty lately it was it was totally yeah I knew that would happen yeah RBM up no all right we're gonna be a mercenary so we did really well we did really well to open up uh open up the stream taking captive crushing it yeah take the money leave me alone foreign not so cool that was a good one and we're gonna keep that horse but we need to get from staff [Music] what happened to all the pack horses in this damn game uh it completely overhauls the way that um completely overhauls away combat work so if you if you understand combat well plus I can't I can't afford it right now man I can do like that foreign I can afford it by this capacity that I'm worried about um that's what I'm going to say yeah wazy I don't remember how to access the the options for it unobtainium how dare you how dare you I think I have to have the uh the mod configuration menu go to Workshop is it from the it's from the main menu like a load off bud you're working yourself up ah there we go [Music] vanilla on that [Music] I don't like the posture system because it frustrates me too much there we go there's other portions of the RBM mod that are good without the posture system but I like the posture system because it's just if you just get knocked over a whole bunch and you're like okay that was that pissed me off here let's go to the arena I'll show you what's up you have to like actively block and drop the proper directions it's way harder oh I'm coming for you right in the oh if you think that you could block it like I just did trust me it was totally a freak occurrence oh he juked me he juked me all right we need to heal anyway so we're gonna wait right here any changes determines for the release um no but I downloaded uh more Arenas mod so I have a whole bunch more Arenas to take advantage of I could but a lot of them have been covered before that's why I haven't done a uh I haven't done one foreign probably Josh I've played it before I don't really like to do modded playthroughs because they're not they're not complete so it's like it it's like playing I mean I won't lie to you guys the campaign for this is not very like robust right you kind of if you have hundreds of hours of gameplay into Mountain blade you will run out of things to do very quickly and those mods they satiate my thirst for more content in all of like three hours like I I'm really stoked and I think all those The Game of Thrones mods and all those are really cool but it's just putting a skin on an existing level of lack of depth I I it's kind of the way I look at it ah thank you ARA I will learn how to do a collection I've never done one so a lot of those things kind of don't don't interest me very much because it's like okay cool I can see this cool armor but that armor becomes like it's just like playing the the same exact game just with that feel to it there's nothing that drives it if they were really good at doing these not that's not the right statement if if they took these mods and they changed the way they were making them rather than just simply being a skin over and actually adding um a story or a quest or or basically objective it'd be way more engaging for me because it's just like eh yeah Eagle rising and play like a soldier are a really good combination and I feel like because it's like okay you're taking directly a uh um oh [ __ ] uh you're taking directly like a cool historic way to approach the game like oh yeah you're starting as a uh just a uh a little fledgling dude up to a General whatever it is [Applause] recent events have caused a huge decline in your party morale I could only wonder why [Music] uh a little bit more cheese no growing up like so long no I saw it the land of Seeker mod but again Cameron falls into the same situation foreign [Music] don't get me wrong there's absolutely still tons to do it's just like I just normally want to do it like on a mod like that uh leave me alone Mountain Bandits I don't want your javelins of Doom come on oh they'll get away unfortunately I'm not gonna run all the way over there it's not worth it I don't like fighting force Bandits man they're hard yeah like there's 10 of them and they're they outclass us look at these guys and their fancy armor what's wrong you gotta settle down buddy hi what what do you see did you see a friend Eric former Shield wall oh my God [Music] Roman you gotta settle down bub this is exactly what makes fork and it's terrible I don't know why I decided to do it um and curled them all gotta tell you guys it's not going out it's not it's not going so well so fast so far oh Aries 100 the game is way different than it was at the beginning of Early Access dude oh my god I've not used the bow and arrow on RBM mod this is this is so annoying all right well we killed one of them that's 10 of their units oh my God oh my God we're not even gonna make it over to them oh yeah so I am reminded how punishing playing with the RBM mod is we're almost back to as if we started the game in fact no I'm not even gonna I'm not even gonna bother with that I'm gonna bother with it there we go we're back we're back to this point I'm just not even gonna I'm not even gonna I'm not even gonna humor that it used to be though um there was a big problem the game first came out um that Bandits would kill off Lords that were recently released and the bandits wouldn't have a cool down timer on when they would attack you um so they would constantly they attack you they release you and then they just constantly attack you again that's what was happening to a lot of the Lords so like the lamb was like not populated hey you need to settle down this whole like you little running around crying because you saw someone outside that's gonna cause little anxiety issues in your puppy that's why I don't mess around with anything that's not just looter there we go I'm glad you thought that was amusing okay Ronda Rousey here um still just staggering the lack of [ __ ] pack animals here can't even get this Quest done what's up Larry strawberry how you doing dude look at this watch these seven dudes just rip my [ __ ] in half of course man oh Christ and for George oh God I can't even use my [ __ ] bow [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] and no reason to make a square for one dude here two men dead one prisoner acquired Haley's fine wrap shoes leg Armor's 40 on these that's just RBM mod being wild man [Music] I've totally forgotten like about how RBM mod just completely changed the game uh Apex you have to you have to press hold your fire on or um press F4 select them and press F4 let me see it Destiny is all got to squirt troops okay trade dude Jesus I've never had this many problems quick tip for a strong start for an SRI Trader main output thank you very much for the two Euro donation my bro um trade horses probably gonna be your best bet my man Infantry move archers lower word over here here oh my God it doesn't help that I have like the shittiest bow right so oh sorry volunteer it's not gonna be great for you [Applause] right in the back best place to shoot someone [Music] all right [Music] we're doing it we're doing well I only lost one guy there only three three [ __ ] prisoners though hey bumps just relax sprinkles bright let me taste you fine balance falcian I mean we're going two-handed but look at that thing look at that damn thing man oh God vanilla I mean Aries I'd go vanilla first before I touched RBM RBM is definitely definitely changes the game so if well actually maybe you know it actually might be really good to go RBM to begin with if you have no knowledge of the game because then you don't have a preconceived notion right uh Z is because we're doing a uh a no we're doing an on foot play through my bro [Music] foreign stands for okay to create your bow accuracy lawsuit of movement by 30 unless it's important um decrease your bow actually lost you to move I mean I'm not gonna be moving a whole ton increase your headshot damage but I'll go with headshot damage oh yeah it changes a lot I totally forgot how much it changes too oh [ __ ] have you said everything [Music] oh oh God head over to sneak energy no I just hate that that point and um anytime you're drinking like a a mixed like a drink of a powder mix and if you don't keep mixing it you get to the bottom it's all sedimenty like sedimentary yeah you know what let's go with uh I'm just looking at boy equipped troops in your formation game five percent damage with bows which is actually kind of nice [Music] 20 archery skill I can't remember the per I can't remember the per skill damage increase you start with three attribute points and everything me no you start with two attribute points and everything but I've gone through the enough the stuff that I did made it so that I went to three um I put some things up like I just put rotary from two to three and I just put intelligence from three to four but everything's at two by default thank you I've only begotten oh we just got ourselves a donation I think I don't know what that said thrombar donated ten dollars let me see what your master said if you put one my bro give me one second okay spartian Banner Lord I knew today was going to be a good one thank you very much man the 10 donation from the bro very much appreciate my guy you got 250 you guys checking in here today but we only have 65 likes please make sure you're liking the stream it helps out any content creator that you watch it just I cannot tell you how much it helps so please make sure you're doing that also if you are having problems with your camera make sure you're going into gameplay changing your fir your third person field of view that'll help you out quite a bit um oh this is what I wanted to do over here save and we'll be waiting for some time and can't let too much time go by though you can donate the prisoners ahead of time you don't have to donate them all at once I could go and donate them now and then just wait until I find more but I want to I want to at least donate nine and then keep searching 30 78 99 100. now save we shall do what we do here is the trip tree that we'll be looking at we go into Clan Warriors not that much better 165 kills on my squats today 10 kilo increase since the beginning of squat over well dude that's awesome man good for you good for you you are 15 kilos away from my Max you shall soon become stronger than me there's also the battanian there's one there's a set of mods that completely change all of the um [Music] all the troop trees which I thought about doing Highland gloves and this will be sulfur a lot gonna have new fashion I want them to expand the map more um I don't know if they'll add more but I think they will I would think that they would want to this is a lower tier tournament tier one okay glad I'm glad that everyone just got ripped in half on my team oh my God I see none of us are good with bows today oh I'll take that headshot oh over my head it's kind of nice because it's like even uh even the the AI if they're bad at it at Bows On Vanilla they'll they'll [ __ ] nail you man look at all these Battalion volunteers I don't think I've ever done something quite like this what's what's made this also boring oh you thought I would defend but instead I blocked my defense to kill RBM made them all just so obtaining volunteers oh [ __ ] I pressed the wrong button uh I've got the more Arena mod on right now oh could these maces be any duller the arm Aces get him oh oh cool you get to pull out a fox so I deal with this mace foreign makes the only face fighters of your average armored tear and the reward is one tear above your heart maybe I don't like RBM mod anymore just because it's like you can get so much money on tournaments otherwise oh [ __ ] oh I got so lucky there I got so lucky there I got so lucky holy [ __ ] that I get lucky right there 990 ducats by the way these gloves are booty they're just terrible but they're put their gloves it is a great way to armor up we'll take it but it could be an even better way to armor up is my point um we can sell actually a lot of this excellent sell all of this um Norse Hatchet will ditch dull yeah yeah I'm just sad puppy down here he's like I don't want I just want to play with people no one wants to come over all the time and play with me why does no one want to play with me Ryan why does no one want to play what did you do to make it so no one wants to play with me it's all right bud everyone wants to play with you you're a very cute little puppy Uh Kevin the this adds a lot of different variations my dude you should see we'll see some today okay we need to find some more folk not I'm not attacking C Raiders right I'm not a crazy man it means little King it's a great name we outnumber them we'll be fine you get a 200 sword though [Applause] oh sorry man shank that guy in the back a steadfast support uh Keeble I've got a banner Pace with Banner persistence mod [Music] dude sea Raiders are the worst bandits in the game and I mean that in like the best way they just rip you in half like I don't mess around with sea Raiders they would not get anyone from that oh a little one two three action no band together been cowards I will run faster than you in this Forest either throwing weapons are so brutal with those sea Raiders man my little don't mind me [Music] move forward oh my back is someone just became a new subscriber I believe thank you very much thank you very much so if I do not have it on hand my man I'm sorry RBM mod more arena is better paced and persistence stuff like that [Music] nothing crazy like swatting armories on here it doesn't even go in though the brackets what it shoots hey thank you very much for the donation [Music] just a Steam Workshop I wanted to try it out see how it works now I love it I love it oh I love it oh Sean face donating a whopping fifty dollars been watching you forever thanks for your guides and content you ruled dude thank you very much man that is the largest donation of the day the thickest donation of the day you King of Kings you thank you very much my dude and killed all eight so we get no prisoners this is a lovely development yes they do disable just uh achievements unfortunately am I really is that gray I'm back to Blue yeah the blue is from the lights I have to do this do this do this that might change it yeah that adds a little bit more I I changed my lights around me from not yellow to White I have three I have two a key light fill and a bouncing light over here to try to eradicate Shadows but it has caused me to look very blue instead streamer problems for sure man for sure dude you always got highborne youth you always get the fans man so four prisoners we have like I think like four days left eleven days eleven that's not that oh okay we'll try it again this is not gonna go well foreign it's not gonna go well it's not gonna go well at all but it actually might go well if I do this so now I'm forcing them to come to me see hey Factory move [Music] I'll fix the mod list after this soldiers and for three forward [Music] Dave man you're in for a treat my bro oh shoot over there you jerks we're gonna move backwards okay I shouldn't be baited out by such things yeah it's good any kid come over here ain't Victory infantrying forward I'm gonna master debate those are those archers your little head is in my leg just just sit just stay bud infection [Music] [Music] form a wall Infantry okay at least I'm getting bow experience for this oh my God all you have to do is be thin and I'll never hit you in this game it's like even every time I try to compensate left or right it just shifts left or right move move forward move d gosh oh my God good call on splitting up that that could never go wrong Serpentine Serpentine what oh you attacked the armpit they can block that immediately what the [ __ ] man what the hell is going on here it's like oh yeah my Almighty left armpit is impregnable to damage Timothy I know [Music] it's still only three though okay well let's see this this is I mean this is like not any better you're fine man what is the point of more grammage and I'll try these things but I find it confusing oh no no no no no no I gotta wait for me sea Raiders you shits ah lovely Rawhide cap I'm gonna try our it's gonna be wild to see if I can do it but yeah that's definitely the goal here we're doing something like that Matt sell those sell that all this oh thank God a mule that's so expensive but I'm gonna do it because I just oh I'll get okay okay I thought it sounds it's gonna cost me like Jesus I want wolf shoulders but I don't because I reminded all that great [Music] it's the bare shoulders those are the real cool ones [Music] yeah we have uh fine wrapped shoes indeed we're here for some time wait for the arena to open up we should do our sales in Arena do the RBM mod is like I always forget man I've I I used it once it was really cool and I haven't used it a long time and now I'm like oh [ __ ] pisses me off so much it just it triggers the [ __ ] on me makes me snippy oh you're gonna get slashed through yep what what um foreign really enjoyed it really enjoyed getting my butt pushed in I'll grain about oh this is the Battle Royale one holy crap [Music] I'll say that like with the RBM mod my fellow combatants feel even more useless [Applause] yeah yeah uh-huh it doesn't help that I also feel useless where is this [ __ ] of butts Jesus see look at him he's a camouflage over there foreign if we had the posture system activated right now it would be it would be Beyond it would be Beyond difficult [Applause] oh great cool you're gonna leave me to two on one of these guys it's not going to go well for me foreign it's so good I love this mod it's interesting though because it makes the game actually like fun and interesting like oh god oh quiet I just yeah [Applause] doctor God damn it why is it doing that [ __ ] that's why it's doing it I keep looking to do the right uh um I keep using look to block and that's what the problem is I don't think you'll ever really get mods off the console version to be totally honest any Warhammer fans here yeah I would imagine almost everyone here is a Warhammer fan I assume that they're on my channel they're probably at Warhammer fan I always thought that was really a funny one when I first got started here um I first got started with mountain blade Banner Lord a lot of people like you should you should check out you should check out Warhammer you I think you really like Warhammer I'm like homie that's my channel in a nutshell oh my God do you need to like do something Roman together hey Skye screw you oh wow what's up oh good you can actually use the shield bash Oh no you're gonna drop it when I don't want you to cool what the [ __ ] I [ __ ] hate this mod you press e to Shield bash and every time he did Shield bash he would just go oh oh oh oh oh God damn it's so frustrating ah foreign I don't [ __ ] care I don't give a [ __ ] if someone's got some sort of [ __ ] elitist safe scum personality going here right now I'm [ __ ] winning this this uh this Arena so help me God so help me God this is gonna be three hours of me playing this [ __ ] Arena I will [ __ ] do it I had my sword up foreign [ __ ] around the bow it's [ __ ] harvesting this season I'm going to town and I'm gonna rip things in half not gonna [ __ ] not gonna [ __ ] around with this [ __ ] Shield bash no [ __ ] off auto block [ __ ] off the bow and arrow in this [ __ ] Arena I am all for these stupid leather boots leather boots aren't even good [ __ ] that bone arrow man [Music] why why is that happening oh that was so far away from me foreign I wanted to play a fun game in this game has been so far from fun no autoblock is not going on Keeble you might be okay you might be okay with just putting a Band-Aid on a severed limb but I'm not gonna do that man Aries I'm sorry man my bot will just go ahead and take care of anyone who does multiple why do you get to block you're not even you're not even you haven't even pulled out of your [ __ ] you've blocked my [ __ ] attack again I will just karate chopped my [ __ ] computer screen why does he get to block he's pulling his thing out of his uh off his [ __ ] back this guy's gonna kill me yeah [ __ ] your block get out of here oh dude if those who don't know that are new to the game that's what used to be how you how you'd win battanian uh Arenas is using that tree come on that's that's like OG Early Access Style this false [ __ ] is [ __ ] insane oh cool I'm just given a single mace I'm never gonna that would be in my it's actually fun like foreign damage I'm swinging it though did like 18. so RV mom's full of [ __ ] I blocked up man that was [ __ ] can this can we win [Music] no thank you for the duration Steve of the fight AutoNation fekia petania the best cap in the game whoa I've had enough of this [ __ ] Arena I'm moving on from it I'm moving on from it because I'm just angry the theme hex is to [ __ ] win uh Arena that I just can't win [Music] oh God Mountain Bandits thank you I don't think we're gonna hunt these looters down yeah they move too fast in the Open Fields [ __ ] those boots man [Music] [Music] we're gonna buy two Ronda Rousey's foreign [Music] it's off I don't need their imperious semi-realistic who puts semi-realistic in the title No One's Gonna know if it's not realistic or not you know [ __ ] RBM my Creator sons of [ __ ] I can't even find these [ __ ] looters come here come here let me suck the soul out of your penis back why would you guys say something like that why would you guys say something like that on my stream that is extremely weird to say on my stream you know you're saying stuff like that guys come on it's colder Broda uh they're not bad uh all all of the uh yes I'm using lots of mods [Music] all of the uh [Music] Ananda no streamlabs will I don't know why it that doesn't make any sense sorry Ananda dude streamlabs is is militant dude I gotta fix that it's been timing people out for just choosing like two emojis foreign [Music] hey look at that oh please [Applause] this measurement mod is on actually should be at least [Music] another unique Mercier troops just kind of suck now it packs to be totally honest they used to be so good they used to be so good man super soldier should be coming back yes okay uh let's make a collection here as Royale dude just dropping in with a [ __ ] huge 20 bomb saying for my brother appreciate that man thank you so much dude guys you've been so generous today thank you very much despite it despite me being just triggered okay how do I add it to a collection okay and this is a collection I got no time for this tomfoolery Steam add to a collection it doesn't look like you have any collections or Mountain blade battle click here to create one stream mod list these are the mods I am currently using during my stream foreign continue please do The Branding image I don't want a branding image here's a branding image brand new [ __ ] undersized penis can you described items okay there we go save and continue [ __ ] okay stream mod list Adam is waiting analysis by our automated content check it will be temporarily hidden until we verify that it does not contain harmful content thanks to websites I can well flesson the dude boric BoRics didn't even use an emoji he just spoke out against streamlabs being a tyrant and streamlabs was like I don't like that sorry haborik yeah let me let me try and fix this for you guys it's it's an automated bot I have on that's basically supposed to search for any kind of um any symbols oh emote protection preferences Auto permit subscribers so this might work we'll see how it works so it might still not work but guys we have 300 viewers here but we have just 137 likes please make sure you are liking the stream Ken rolling in here with a 20 bomb for more stuff for your Roman the god the good boy thank you very much man Ken you know what he's doing right now is um we'll go on our walk do you poop all over things and his needs are met and then we'll come back in and I've given him like a Kong with a frozen food in it um and he will after that he'll still kind of like walk around and and he'll moan and whine I just I've taken to ignoring it and [Music] um is there is there an action I'm supposed to have fixed to that should I be like okay quiet and don't do anything or every time he's quiet reward him and mark the moment be like oh yes and then just give him a treat well treat I give him his kibble that's that's my treat tricked the [ __ ] out of you Roman okay mod list should be up now there you go that should be my collection I don't know if it's gonna work because we have nine prisoners how many days we have left we have five days let's just not even risk it let's just go back I've been playing a botania with faction about if I'm I'm not playing purely as Britannia this is just where we're starting right now but I would go and um probably get the Empire's cab take these guys and leave me alone I mean that's barely worth it that was barely worth it okay put another Point into this foreign you guys have any questions too about the way I'm Distributing the stats Focus points stuff like that please by all means too let me know troops not that for campaign I I don't save scum unlike pivotal battles stuff like that I save scum on stuff with Arenas more than anything because it's like I you can deal with a lot of Tom food in arenas as you have seen I don't need it but I want it so I'm get it I'm buying it I wish this would help you know it doesn't look bad do I need to spend this much money all this crap no but fashion Lord is part of this game ooh do we go shoulder first or do we go with the tailored armored bear skin probably bare Skin's got better armor any armor I can get right now no I don't often role play as a woman Alex [Music] thank you okay so what should we do for money right now does buying and selling Hogs still work let's take a look these Hogs look pretty not worth it 406 let's find out 406 got two meat on me okay that's just worth noting [Music] yeah it's all right uh sandbox Rob Frank 100 sandbox my dude because she's we need more food variety though I mean we're kind of relegated more or less than just killing bandic groups right now anything good over here what's this one let's find his daughter found I'm yeah I don't I'm not a fan of the campaign at all Play Play that sandbox baby no worries Alex thank you for joining another way though man really good to see you earlier take a look at swarning I got a couple mules here a britannian hobby where did I get that fur from the real question now if you already are started on the campaign you're totally fine you know I wouldn't worry about it you could ignore the campaign I I think it'll fail but I don't know if that does anything I can't remember oh carbansith flesh and dropping in here with a 20 month long membership saying I like the stream did you support this party that's true there's only 165 likes and there's almost 300 viewers we need to get over 50 guys we need to get well over that I want 75 leakage please make sure you're liking the stream basically what just so that you know um cat battle I'll explain the leveling system to you right now um likes tell the YouTube algorithm that the content that you're watching matches the title and it is indeed good content uh comments likes those things create engagement on videos that for Content creators so when they tell you like And subscribe it's so [ __ ] annoying right it's so annoying to hear every single person tell you like comment and subscribe and turn the Bell icon those four things though are our lifeblood because if people are liking it and they're commenting on it then it's telling YouTube to push that content out to people and it's one of those things that if I am like an anti-creator and I don't tell you to do it the 15 people that acknowledge it are not going to pay my bills and if I do tell you to do it you go oh [ __ ] you're right yeah okay I'll like that unfortunately pays my bills and it's so annoying it is so annoying to say those things but like it's something like it's unfortunately one of the most annoying things I learned in sales is like if you never ask people will never give it to you they'll just they'll just assume like oh okay that's fine no big deal and then okay now you gotta ask it and they go oh sure I'll go and do that it's it is so annoying to hear but I promise you it actually does really help us out it really and the bell icon thing is huge because when you subscribe to a channel YouTube's algorithm determines how you are delivered notifications it basically uh I like the video exchange because you play without autoblock I don't have autoblock on man here I'll show you if I had autoblock on I wouldn't be so [ __ ] see that's that's idle Block it's by look Direction um thank you very much for the uh for the membership Azrael you've done a huge amount today Fratello you've done both the donation and the membership thank you so much man thank you so so so much you you King of Kings um but if you if you uh press the Bell icon it bypasses YouTube's algorithm and it forces the notification to you otherwise like if I'm putting out Banner Lord content and you are not watching battle Lord videos anymore and you don't click on my videos when they give you a notification then YouTube will go oh well you probably don't want to know about them anymore so we'll suppress the notification until you do start watching them again so the Bell icon ensures you get any notification it's why I tell people follow me on Twitch for dark tide streams because twitch never suppresses notifications it always sends the notifications which I really like foreign Chrissy correct cat bad thank you very much guys this is my full-time job I cannot tell you how much these memberships help like it is that is so helpful um but catbat asked how the leveling system works so let me go through it with you this says SP ignore it um the way the game used to work was the way Skyrim would level you up right Skyrim would say hey um you've gotten 10 skill UPS here is a level up the game is not like that anymore it's now based off of Total accumulated experience across everything so for me to go from level four to level five I need 5368 experience and the individual skill experience can be modified by both Focus points and by attributes attributes will increase the learning rate of all of the uh three affixed skills and attach that attribute by 0.75 one Focus point will increase the learning rate by 1.25 so you have have the option do I increase the learning rate on all three of my skills at a lower lower volume at a lower impact or just the learning rate on one skill at a higher impact and that learning rate is this right here so we're uh your learning rate is also I'm sorry this is not the learning rate I'm hovering over this is your learning rate but in addition to the focus points and the attributes increasing your learning rate they increase your learning limit if you go beyond your learning limit your learning rate will drop for every magnitude you are Beyond it what is the dark tide stream schedule Tuesday Thursday Saturday uh uh and it's gonna be horny dude we're going to only we're only going to stream dark type like a month I'm so excited on it guys you have no idea through sneak versus bannerite I think the fact that the drusny can fight better in multiple situations hyper mapping makes it better than the banner Knight that's my opinion in fact here we'll do a poll does that answer your question catbat or did you need me to explain more sorry brother who is better which is a better Soldier druze there's unique I think that's it I keep forgetting to get breathy with the h let's pick Blondie and bannonite sturgeon veteran there's unique and we have another 10 AutoNation always hit like why do people why people why do people not do that anyway I clicked the mod list but it has just logged into steam and shows me I have no collections yeah dude Alex 100 man you should I'm not saying turn it on no matter what I I should actually kind of make that distinction actually I never tell people to turn the Bell icon I just say like comment and subscribe because I want to I feel dirty just saying it so I'm like let's get to that as fast as fan as fast as I can um um but I actually I'm a content creator I don't I don't like many videos to be totally honest with you but the reason I don't like the videos is because when I watch YouTube I'm in bed so I don't have the kit I don't have the capability to like for my TV and like I'll fall asleep to Kings and Generals or I I fall asleep to tons of uh history documentaries and I just wake up in the middle of them they just they just roll they just keep rolling ever since the pandemic I I have not I I now sleep with the TV on because otherwise I sit there in the dark with my thoughts and I'm like will we die tomorrow Gandalf we do smithing since you're investing in two-handed um I can you guys want me to work on spiffing I can work on smithing today I haven't done smithing in a stream in forever so I think it could be a fun thing Blondie and bannonite is winning here let me let me sway the vote let me sway the vote Drew's Champions Champion sorry so Drew Scenic Champion uh this has got the RBM mod on well these change on the on the RBM mod sorry I don't know what the actual yeah I I think you can actually see the other ones on here somewhere well the sturgeon Soldier the druznick can fight better on foot than the banner Knight can and I I think because of that it means that the soldier is better all around a broad Ridge short sword uh no try just just jump on man no reason to download anything oh God Highborn youths what the hell did I do oh this is this is a new map [Music] oh my God everyone's dead cool Crush through me mm-hmm [Music] god tier two no no I don't want this tier two [ __ ] I'm just going in it's not [ __ ] about man I'm seeing what you guys are saying though about uh uh armor making a big difference infantry to cavity what do you mean Mitch oh Christ one on one the trees used to be the best temperature in the game [Music] but now they're not they used to be so good man oh this is what I want this give me this sword okay let's see here you are done go over the top that is a block to the five block to the five block to four a six block to six oh and that's five that's six sorry oh Christ I hate the ax it won't be terrible but it's not gonna be fun wood Runners gonna chop my [ __ ] off under the street come to the street no oh hyper hyper it's okay man won't you calm down on the juice neck thing dude oh we did it we did it we did it we don't have a companion I should probably change that but there's not there's not only been in a companions that have been enticing to me excuse me overpriced raw materials fencing flowing Goods uh flatsum what's the fencing still on Goods uh situation like when it comes to Rotary this will be your final warning foreign it's so funny like a lot of my friend it's right now in Southern California it is uh it was like 50 some degrees this morning right and that's what is that like a 15 Celsius something like that um oh look at that pop-up look at that guy that's 12 pounds he looks so big Ken congratulations man um but it's like it's like 12 degrees Celsius in Southern California and people have like beanies on and puffy jackets I walked Roman with like a long-sleeve Nike dry fit and shorts like uh like come on man it's not that cool without people like oh it's so cold okay that's gonna be a temporary time out or hyper mapping I looked at the pole man I I can see the pull I can see what's going on the pulp you need to you need to settle down taking over chat make it intimidating for other people now we're moving around some Gusto to that wasn't brighams I Riggins I don't know what those are let's say I haven't tried I haven't tried that one in Forever by the way Ken thank you very much man for the recommendation on the food spread for um for the uh for Roman's food he's up he'll today marks two-thirds one-third Full Cup uh okay so today marks two-thirds of a third a full third and two-third of a third if that makes sense right so we haven't jumped into uh the full third cup on all three meals because we're doing two one-third cups but we're getting there he's on and he's had no issues at all at no issue at all so I'm really really stoked on it I could probably speed up but I'm not about to have him wake me up in the middle of the night to have diarrhea again for like four straight days I feel so bad when he's like that like I don't want my puppy to we want to become a mercenary um we want to get a little bit more underneath us Harley well glad to have you here in chat man no problem sounds gentlemen I assure you you shall die for me I shouldn't get a [ __ ] killer weapon you could use the developers console at any time except alt tilde I don't know what it is I mean I don't think you can't even do it on uh on on Console right take those throwing axes to the face you looter [ __ ] uh big plans here we're gonna be fighting on foot we'll be playing as a battanian character but not necessarily a titanium pure character we'll have plenty of options at our disposal and we'll use those options to become a mercenary in the highest paying locations foreign so we're almost at tier one once we get tier one we'll start doing that can you do a pacifist campaign yeah um cruxis when the game her early access my my good friend Paul oh my God why um yes Steve that's why I'm the Italian Spartacus um he did a tall campaign playing exclusively oof as the um exclusively as a Trader a tall campaign like that and he made a lot of money you could do it too because if you if you go all the way into trading you can simply buy a settlement hey flesh have you noticed a sky for Archers being really wonky yes Albany Albanian you can find them in my uh in my uh Link in my description I have a mini Australian Shepherd yeah I don't I don't really even know the way to to even start getting to work up on uh smithing I haven't done it in so long one of these Birthday Bash deals okay so I'm making my inventory line wider way wider so we can go out [Music] temperature [Music] oh so I made them water to get a better surround on them [Applause] do you imagine getting shot in the SI joint [Applause] well they're not terrible weapons in the face you lost nothing there how great is that the nice thing though about doing C Raiders ooh oh damn we didn't get lucky ah 19 cut damage hands faster hanley's 113 111. no turn doesn't play anymore he played when it first came out yes he did yes he did he played when it first came out he did oh those guys those guys got some wheels on them foreign where am I going oh it's already completed how much did I get for it okay let's take a look 573 I can tell you that was not worth it it's all these prisoners at least and get some uh so I'm gonna sell these prisoners oh flesh do we know okay so it used to be something like oh I think Roger used to give us something like 14 experience per unit per unit um um turned in something like that I can't remember what it was but do we convert them do you get more rotary for recruiting them and playing with them is the question temporary unit no matter who it is okay I know it was like 10 or 14 or some [ __ ] no worries man spam's gonna happen I understand I just I just had to kind of pump the bricks on you much faster okay so then well we will Ransom this looter but the C Raiders will keep can I please go to the tavern district oh [ __ ] I might as well use this in the meantime oh the cut damage is lowered by whoa substantial why would I even bother with this [ __ ] weapon never mind you don't have to deal with the campaign cable so you don't have that kind of thing over your head I know the sparth ax ooh there it is that's what we're doing you know what let's actually where's that Broad Sword perfect guys I got really bad news I gotta poop again uh Albanian it does so much man it just completely changes the way combat works in the game I'm trying to get a uh pay I don't want to pay you shouldn't pay anything for me [Music] Steve I heard you that Harry is a [ __ ] probably just smelt I don't want to smell this smelled that that's right in charcoal [Music] I don't think I'm using charcoal here oh my god oh isn't that one of like the ways you do it in the beginning is just getting a bunch of hardwood and making a bunch of charcoal for the first couple levels I didn't mean to do that I kind of wanted to see okay so throwing knife they're called the eight all right one sec guys give me two seconds I have something that needs to happen it's called a poop appear back foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music] sometimes I wish that I was [Applause] a Call of Duty streamer okay so we haven't reached 35 let's see if we can do this I don't think we can do throwing knives yeah we don't even have so in order to even Forge this I have to go find throwing knives and smelt them and that's how you unlock the parts [Music] I don't know if I feel like I can just sell stuff right now I mean if I sold all that it's 1400 can I just use the cheat to turn on all the parts can I do that at least finding his daughter oh get some wood and pujio is just your parts oh yeah we need parts I guess we're going over here I don't think I don't think pujias are sold in any of the botanian locations all right I have to go to the Empire I believe trade whoa best place to sell horses or something doesn't seem like that's good at all anymore so now we actually have a tune in Sword we can actually start work stuff there I'll put one point into this [Music] I could agree with you on that art it kind of feels like not necessarily Force but like just kind of odd escort Merchant Caravan we can do an escort is it escort or Ambush you want to do I can't remember now I've made the [ __ ] video and I can't remember you know how often this happens to me all the time [Music] hmm Ambush okay it's making sure [Music] what's up Addie how you doing dude and if you're not a dude I'm from Southern California everyone's a dude to me [Music] [Music] foreign what where are all the [ __ ] followers at that's what I want to know tools I'm a dude she's a dude how much as soon as possible when I was Clan two too there's any way to do that after all the Caravans workshops there's a way to do that uh what do you mean outset is there any way to do it you got diplomacy on uh no diplomacy okay mod no I have a mod I would start on free Booter and start your way and work your way up my man there's no reason to start on on Banner Lord what's up with brigands it's okay drop are these dudes uh yeah you'd have to you have to start with much lower tiers and just kind of keep you have to keep that that wage low and if that wage is not low you're gonna suffer so you can make another party and give it to them but that's still going to cost you a ton of a ton and ton a ton of uh a ton of money yeah once you get used to combat you could really do any difficulty quite quickly mule on a Sumter nothing just the cost uh beef Panda I'm gonna be around for the next hour and a half another loyal devil tea hey thank you very much is that a was that a subscriber to say subscribe foreign notifications anymore thank you for subscribing no no that's a YouTube notification if someone subscribed on Twitch thank you very much if you followed on Twitch also thank you very much twitch sub thank you very much my dude I could not see who it was but thank you my guy I want to see what the uh I'm trying to do this lesson special over here but I'm having trouble finding uh Go destroy though that territory Shadow breaker 97 thank you dude this used to be filled with Bandits so I'm so glad it's been fixed [Music] [Music] foreign top great helmet with crest well that's gonna be ridiculous ah the jousting Arena here I have not actually seen it go off once [ __ ] thing okay what's what's making sense here nothing why is that doing that like it's like oh what are you doing bud foreign oh God [Music] great why do you look like a pre-roman Greek Saba thank you that's very nice of you God that thing sucks well I got just cleared everything up for me now to do a damn thing oh my God this thing is just no matter how high I aim this thing is you're still gonna miss oh put them in you gotta win the day over here man I can't do [ __ ] with this stupid uh crossbow coming to help it's right in time for you to die me to catch your ax this guy's ax [Music] good Lord uh more Arenas I think that's the name of it thank you very much for everybody let me take a look right quick here Euphoria just got into better things to videos Man absolutely thank you very much for the donation dude five dollar donation thank you very very much again this is my full-time job so that means a lot to me oh look at this look at this oh look at this fancy little jouster it still hit me hey you can go [ __ ] yourself blind man can I not catch this Lance I guess not God show my calves off I have amazing cabs yes oh Brett Smith the game itself I thought you're talking about uh that you're talking about uh RBM mod oh [ __ ] uh not significant no if you've been playing the game and you're on 1.9 then you won't notice a ton of difference here yeah take that with my obtrusively long spear here Lord faster thank you very much man to 250 euro with the uh sticker mood oh I could trick him into that one damn it I'm trying to break a shield out at this point yeah what the hell man you can just drag your thing across and it'll hit me RBM mod I got a bone to pick with you and just drag the tip of the spear into the horse and just does 9 million damage that's actually going to be worse I don't I that's gonna be so much worse yeah see well at least I ran him over and killed him all right time for the same thing oh oh okay all right okay this is not gonna be fun you can tell I can already tell yeah it's gonna be a slog and a half oh my God all right yeah over the shield stat take that butthole I'm good Hugh how are you doing man did you see I just Obi-Wan Kenobi spun on him oh [ __ ] he's stabbed me the [ __ ] in the face again I stab in the face it does like no damage she stabs me in the face is 18. [ __ ] off his little nose piece no Brett we were not very many days in this campaign we were very short in this campaign that helmet is going to sell for a lot now I could use this helmet but I feel like it's excessively weird to use this helmet what are the thoughts that what's the thoughts of the crowd I mean I feel like I could use it but finally a good dude Ryan 100 finally a good win man I could sell it and make a make a make a [ __ ] ton of money foreign keep it by a cool armor should we do with the helmets it is worth noting that it raises my encumbrance up to 26.2 which will be yeah it's it's a good piece of armor though so I've started to pull go ahead and answer that poll do we keep the helmet or do we use the helmet sell it and buy some botanian armor that's that's probably the best suggestion I've seen here's some of the other armor from Swati and it's a pretty sick armor played gauntlets too which are nice yeah use it once for a screenshot but if I wanted to use it for a screenshot I just I would um use the console to do it you can't even see something if you wear it what do you mean Daddy perform your RP is protector a steadfast supporter thank you very much man yes Brett you can find the list of mods in the collection in the comment section all right whatever the hell why where are all the Wanderers are there just no Wanderers in RBM mod or some [ __ ] I haven't found a single one of these guys and there's tons of them where are you ortizia all right we're going to Artesia that's not too far away a medic is one of my favorite guys to get well we do have to do this Quest first need ten we haven't even I haven't even found any Bandits oh Christ that's actually not going to be fun oh my God oh my God you get a sea Raider and you get a c Raider yeah let's hit the forest I forget you when is a good time to buy workshops do you have a good answer for that plus you said after day 100. former Shield wall Infantry move move the treats Anonymous he shall never go to cheats Anonymous my dog actually uh shayrun has had some diarrhea problems so he actually does not eat treats he eats his special GI tract kibble I feed my dog three different foods right now as he transitions off of that and onto Purina sensitive stomach salmon and rice oh my God that's gonna hit me no we can use whatever Army armor we want foreign Shepherds by Nature have various sensitive stomachs and he had he had Giardia and then the Giardia ended and he had another bout of it and it just was it's honestly been like a really rough time for a little guy I feel really bad oh zero [Music] I don't know uh Steve it should work David he's too young to have food allergies according to multiple sources hey Ryan he does so Roman has been on right now he's on en Naturals and he's also on another Purina vet food it's called let me check let me check it's called Ian gastrointestinal um and he's on not called Promise ill that's the protein I take um it's a anti-diarrhea probiotic so the the en gastrointestinal is a probiotic so he eats all this in conjunction to stop his really bad diarrhea he was having really bad it was poor puppy he's good now though he's all good now so you guys want me to say it you guys it's a 60 say sell it I Ethan I do not know man it's it's kind of like a it's just kind of depends on which ones actually you get lucky and actually are working I I wish I had a better answer for you my bro Albanian yeah I'm not really I'm not really down with it I don't think I'll I'm actually I should uninstall Viki three I'm not really interested in playing it at all it's cool game but oh a little guy I'm sorry to hear that Brett but it's just not for me man it's too slow it seems really cool it's a really fun period in history western crown Saleh but it's just yeah I just don't think it's really gonna oh this is gonna be cool to see oh [ __ ] this way take that sprout ah why is it just doing it why is it doing like the three damage there I don't get that [Music] ass [ __ ] but it's modded at Anton you too Hugh oh thank you what is this what is this I got three shots on him and it's like Oh no you're not really doing any damage oh yeah I didn't expect it all swoop around the back did you oh dude that momentum downswing into the stab was was clooch enemy [ __ ] [Applause] a little slash across the body there I hit you in the throat and that did nothing dude [ __ ] off with your [ __ ] it's like a Superman thank you for your content greetings from Germany absolutely load faster thank you very much man thank you for the donations all throughout the day brother hello from Germany oh a no so no Shield duel this will be kind of spicy I'll take forever yeah stop it oh good all right damn it why [Music] I didn't know that would happen I for some reason I can never I I can never move the camera up properly to overhand block but I'm going back at that because that's been really good to learn it's been good to learn the the pacing in this five Lords present well I'm glad none of them are taking part because I would not be winning against the Lord let me tell you that this is gonna be this is gonna be wild oh I have a glaive oh cool didn't see that don't do what it's like cheating foreign if you're gonna tell me how to save scum I have I'll get i'll get super triggered so don't even do it the big big thing what we're doing right now is trying to get a better feeling for the uh RBM mod I'm just gonna hack apart their horses yeah the RBM mod just drastically changes the way that combat works and it's so jarring oh Glory [Music] oh damn damn damn yeah it's it's really I don't know what I'm doing but it is like a lot like a very low amount of damage foreign oh [ __ ] I like I hit him in the palm of his hand or some [ __ ] I think the RBM mod is really good but I think that perspective purposes it's not the best because it really slows down the pace of the game yeah if I get him in the head when I was Banning over wow I moved into it oh ah so did it yes it does it's supposed to simulate it way better but I think it does it too well like you can you can't get hit in the in the head with an ax and just be like a small pouchy blow the nature of axes is that they're they have blunt properties so if you were to get hit in the head in a in a helmet with a full swing what the [ __ ] is going on here man if you ever want to know how to cheese something you just turned it you just keep to the left to their Shield side and just keep spamming foreign the damage it might be it might be because uh yeah catbat it might be because the way that they changed um damage in the game and they haven't compensated for it so there's already a natural reduction to the amount of damage being done uh because the game is better at it now but they might not have compensated for that I'm using realistic mode doesn't do damage and have armor on WOW save that foreign tournaments Maybe [Music] I don't see a realistic mode foreign [Music] [Music] I kind of just want to do that [Music] I have not seen dismemberment Plus work once load order does matter I do not know Harmony has to be on top that's about it all right so this just reverted things back to the the good old good old days and I'm kind of okay with that like I think the mod's really cool but I think uh I think it's kind of ultimately hindering the game play I hope we do get armor smithing brother I hope we do let's go ahead and trade these off too so everything's back to normal uh fukad because the mods that I'm adding onto the game don't really change the whole time and I don't really like the mods and I honestly I think radius and steel Faith mod are two [ __ ] mods and that's a personal opinion I think the guys that make them are great I think they they're they have a really cool idea of what they want to add to the game but I just don't I think that they they it just adds too much roster bloat I think it adds too much imbalance um I think overall they're just not worth it here's that and here's this I don't like total conversion mods either I don't like anything that throws the Natural Balance of the game out [Music] what's up animal player yeah I just you know man I I I I I I paid for a game I want to play the game that they intended um yeah Steve definitely uh after they hit you that's the way to go but it just doesn't do much damage um in those two I'm good Mike I mean uh not really art and it adds so much to the game that I'm just like that's this is too much like I don't I don't want to play with 50 different variations of one thing I want to just play with the rosters from 8th Edition I don't just not for me if you like it you like it that's that is your prerogative my dude have at it [Music] a kilo of Chipotle all right I mean this guy's okay but we're going to Artesia off to our teams here we go we need to get [ __ ] some see how this goes okay okay yeah I can give you that and this is we're back to normal so things should be a little bit different now too like everything is a little more does it really make you just Chipotle you poop Taco Bell number makes me poop everyone's a Taco Bell man they just [ __ ] runs right through me no not for me man I'm never gonna run around and hurt it that's for sure why holy crap [Music] oh Christ thank you oh I got one tube punched in the [ __ ] face We're not gonna win now my guys are are too scared that cost us so many troops we lost 12 troops and that crap oh we got five prisoners I suppose yeah oh no oh no we're gonna go back to town there's a one-two punch man I got double team the left side the left and right sides of my head no we shut off RBM yeah it was it was too much man it was slowing down the pace of everything that's just that was just no bueno foreign box for sure okay what the hell the high school the guy named Ryan Hill hey what are you doing the tavern every five more foreign increase during day or night what do you guys think [Music] it just removes the uh foreign you weren't wronged you know that was a good point but [Laughter] see the unfortunate thing is I want these C Raiders as part of my mission yeah Mike it's from uh the Halloween ever chosen I dressed up in a crab that's why I have the moniker the crab God Hero death is not on no I would never turn that on a stream because it's just so it's so rough if you guys are watching and it's like okay well Hero death sorry guys like this is an a for me because it's so when when you're playing on a stream there's certain things that you kind of have to curtail because it's like okay this is supposed to be like spectator and enjoyable if I play with like the tried and true portions of the game that's like can set you back either minutes or hours of gameplay it becomes such a hassle it's why I used to play with just a cheat code console on people got really mad at me I'm like dude I'm streaming for four hours at a time when I play Banner Lord I play for large chunks of time something sets me back it's not a big deal stuff like that okay leadership I want Rogue to kind of increase quickly though if I wanted to Smith in here so I can do that too foreign I was saving some of these things to like sell them the clear results pretty good or to give to a dude but I'm just not finding a splintered Longbow originally I actually do not like wearing long Bros in this game I like to really black Luther [Music] thank you well plus and that's just kind of the way people are when it comes to streams right like you're not playing the way I play what the [ __ ] it's like sorry man yes it's uh the disabling here death is only if they're only for combat um other characters have a chance to die during combat David vonderpol uh what do you what would your system specs look like [Music] because the game shouldn't really be crash for you [Music] yeah a minute man you're 100 right I would get a mirror you're good you're so crazy okay [Music] I got some more milled than palfreys that I'll help out our speed too [Music] I'll just buy him armor if I need to [Music] where is the hardwood foreign ax can I do this to be weapon reach 68. nope foreign yeah you just break down things kittens you just keep uh smelting things and you'll you'll unlock them eventually why can't I do this oh it's Restless I know yellow I was just looking at what would create it oh I didn't like that okay I don't think I can do the swing cut damage though yeah we can't do this we can cut there was no problemo how many prisoners do I have here um five prisoners I just need to find more looters I'm struggling to find them so timelessness nine days ugh do not think we'll be able to pull this off semi-am yes you have to go down the respective lines of the leadership of Rogue depending what you want no Shetland Apache hey Shetland what's up man it has not if you've played a lot a lot of the Early Access jump into the game now is not going to change anything unfortunately dude looters are not in this [ __ ] Realm all right I'm not gonna go lollygagging around looking for looters over here actually make me up north I just don't think I'll be able to get to where they are and make it back in time so screw this Quest unfortunately what's up jump jump that's two c Raiders oh George yeah what's his name party with here not gonna not gonna change anything yeah Sean I didn't do much man uh I did my usual tradition of watching a gameplay video of Goosebumps Escape from HorrorLand go to bed let's go it's like a it's kind of a staple of mine a tradition of mine other than that man I just kind of lay low no Sheldon I mean you can use the RBM mod if you want some real big changes to the way combat Works um but I like the the Armory mods those are the ones that pretty much enjoy the most outside of it zero percent will do oh 99 okay 99 of nothing is still something yeah I'm gonna have to abandon that we're gonna go get that medic I love that game man remember playing it as a kid oh so good Heroes Wanderer [Music] scholar sargo now huh he's still there time will tell hey there he is well now stranger that is a great guy to have on board okay foreign actually you know it now I'm gonna go get some battanian armor I think that's right I think that's the right thing to do this guy can take that other best though [Music] hey hyper mapping uh stop [Music] okay and it is done have ourselves some Scallywags to play with that's the castle whoops what's up Aiden how you doing brother we don't want to go too hard in the paint here but a cool chess piece wouldn't be bad and I think that's it right there that's all we needed to do that's all I need that's honestly really all I could I could I'm fine with just that remember with a rough type Racers used to be 25 armor [Music] but this is this will do best trade for Governor's your Thief you know what I actually don't have an answer anywhere anywhere near a good answer for you on that one I'm sorry man oh tribesman bow I could maybe jump into a new bow too better speed across the board that's better I gotta do it uh you think he's speaking specifically specifically about traits though I don't know yeah the management system of fees is some definitely to be desired man it's it's it's really [ __ ] yes I am playing with some mods you can find them in my description come up to the last hour of the stream here though guys if you have any big things you want me to Showcase or talk about please by all means go ahead and let me know and I will make sure to Showcase them uh what did you get by the way this will all be quite good that Shield Maiden actually might be worth it though maybe I should though worry about a this is kind of the way to go here um three oh the quartermaster that's fine a scout rotary is much better now get a cool Shield Maiden she can be the captain of the main team right here in my cabinet calves are made for walking baby the Ambassador oh is it the mace no it's the one-handed sword earlier timing done man that's my favorite one okay back to a normal see we still have the the different Arenas though because that's the type of mod shot him in the knee called the two-handed bread makers coming to town over here nope see I like this way more man oh here drop in time chopping time uh Ace I thought about that but it required a bunch of other mods and I'm like no I don't want to have three mod dependencies to worry about oh oh oh God damn you guys the best tree help me tree help me oh I knew that would happen damn it ah that's okay we can let that one go distortion extortion's still a good Quest thing needs recruits man this is boring the better time allows you to do three 3x Bandit base near ah Bandit base you know what I should try to do is get um there's no I'm gonna make it back for that one I should try to get uh manual laborers manual laborers the the Bandit bases during the day hideouts over there maybe they're repeat manually requests over there doesn't matter where we do it damn it 30 days okay there's plenty of time to find one manual labors come on flesh and special come on Pleasant special 100x Jesus don't talk about Goku like that yeah yeah I know bad at base do we think that that might be the same one let's find out I can do work as a mercenary and we shall after this one foreign yes these Arenas are always really good titanium thoroughbred oh my God this is guys I'm sorry I'm sure this is blinding you isn't it oh oh take that acrosperman um I thought I did better battle sounds I guess I didn't though so swartor the MMO is really fun but dude it is so overwhelming now if you get into it now there's just so many there's so many mod there's so much that's happened that it's kind of hard to the process damn you know what I actually I should not have killed her so the reason I say I should not have killed her is because you want to knock out whatever team has the most notables on the Nobles on them yeah like I try to play and it's just over the top actually the most I've ever deadlifted yellow is 650. I'm just now coming off of a cut diet a caloric deficit so oh I can finally lift heavy again I'm excited for it [ __ ] the Italian Olympic weightlifting team oh they're so strong and all the Italian weightlifting teams women they're the hottest women I've ever seen beef pan or Aries don't worry about it man that that was the the bot that did that so you're you're totally fine don't worry about it brother [Music] hijack the horse like kick him off that'd be funny wow you defend that they're so hot they are they're and they're so strong pack my horse this is not going to be good nice okay level the playing field here damn it man this guy's got [ __ ] million health there we go good we got this we got this we're getting a a pretty high class nibble out of here too son of a [ __ ] block me don't block it's rude yes or how learn Italian commercial about the stream yeah yeah especially from the guy who doesn't know it oh it's just gonna be me and this cataphrag that's gonna be [ __ ] juicy but at least I can fight properly now look how slow I am a disgrace I'm gonna disgrace to battanians everywhere oh oh that would have ended me for sure I'm wearing a hell I'm wearing a wolf's head on my head oh man whoo Battalion Thoroughbred Acquired and because I don't care about those beasts you should sell it but where do we sell it do we sell it here pujios probably throwing knives and by one throwing ax and Javelin can't do any of those yeah we are deliberately not using mounts [Music] oh gotcha I did a cut last Thanksgiving and Christmas I just didn't I just didn't acknowledge the cut on those days forget about ah beautiful oh [ __ ] no they actually earned more experience but you don't you have no idea how it could go yeah guys we got 254 of you 274 likes so we are over we're what a hundred and a couple percent 110 less than one less than 110. thank you very much here for liking the stream it does help me out a ton kind of that last half hour of our stream here so do make sure you tell me if you want to see anything anything I'm working with you know I mean Blondie and recruits are going to become archers here Raiders can hold off to two or three again we're not going to bump allow things into tier four because it's going to cost us a lot of money come on there's got to be someone who wants some some folk 25 days manual laborers anywhere around here anyone anyone Bueller check over here that'll probably be a banded Hideout again let's check over here these are usually pretty high Prestige castles yep yeah I did Clint I did Ryan I want paper that would the wood Runner yes yes Chris you can find it in my description foreign clay salt iron or silver Villages I didn't know that well they needed 11 and we have nine so we're off to a good start so far does this still work is the cheaper mount change still so these are actual Bandit groups in this hideout we use our Force bands too man that's gonna be rough foreign filter out a hideouts flesh because it used to be that you'd want to filter them out before you did it find out together it's not gonna be easy foreign just join okay so who's coming with me um do I do a bunch of archers or do I mean archers are typically a pretty good call and just basically like machine gun them down it used to be that I would just take it with uh tons of tons of uh [Music] I don't know I just kind of edging our way into this I'm missing it so I feel like it's like right there absolutely Lord glad it's helping out for uh Paretta foreign oh my God I knew that would hit me oh my God I don't know where it does uh Dash Jojo I am using a tribesman bow I think it's what it's called oh headshot God I gotta be careful man holy crap I didn't see this dude over here all right I don't know if we can do this but I but I think we're gonna okay do we have 50 health do we fight oof I think I think I just tell my man that we're gonna fight him because so ideally you'd kill the champion on your own right you'd fight on a one-on-one duel and you'd kill him but I'm using a two-handed sword he's got a he's got an ax and a shield my Armor's not amazing there's a good chance I could fight so I think I'm just gonna have this be a a battle royale because if you kill him you get the rest as as prisoners I think I'd rather just have the guaranteed kill well maybe not guaranteed but higher likelihood chance yeah that's exactly it exactly it it's a good thing it's a good thing [Applause] I got 11 prisoners though so we'll take it right they're pretty good too which is kind of worth noting foreign close by [Music] Mountain Bandits too a little bit different well I mean we could definitely 15 days the problem is my Health's super low let's see if let's see if this if this is a uh yo we want you to clear this how long is a video Plus um I think we do it we got four oh shall we [ __ ] man just you're fine why would you want to not do that eight minutes is the minimum for uh mid-roll ads it's species spicy with it we'll be just fine I do like that we've I finally had like a chance to use a wolf head like well one of my favorite armor pieces but I never get to use it we get something cool else here uh reptile that kind of get some will look a little bit better too chain for cloak is cool but we all know we gotta stick with the Taylor armor bare skin she can have some of this though because she's in the front line I think now there's no Shields here [Music] yes I get more per viewer from premium users but what's happened there just kicked me out it's like nah man get the hell out of our place you son of a [ __ ] and 100 percent 10 days so we're good we're good we're good we're good we're good bypass those villagers not about to get in the tussle with all those Bandits before we gotta start doing this one oh this is gonna be so fast yeah I get I get more preview from that [Music] thank you guys I I'm also a premium member I I have a Google phone and they gave uh like it's like my I have both the uh [Music] um what's it called [Music] you lose I guess let's do another one of these guys I guess we did I got that in Google music for like nothing all right Mike thanks for jumping in man always good to see you brother dude this is nice I don't know why this looks different to me I don't know last time I did a banded Hideout like this though this specific one is what I mean you gotta be careful these guys are throwing weapons because you can see these things a mile away but clear you out yeah this looks cool I've not seen this one foreign follow me only three more around here somewhere probably a lot in this one but might as well just do the do right nope don't do that where are these guys they're little mountain Shacks banging away thanks Ryan I appreciate it man [Music] I mean I watch a lot of YouTube and I use YouTube music all the time so the three four dollars a month is good shipped you hold down ship Nick Palmer I don't know what it is on Console unfortunately oh my God where are these guys they he sees them oh my God he killed him oh cool I see it now Daniel Day-Lewis long Caribbean these [ __ ] I am the long Caribbean my death would be a great reward to the Huron oh God that's not gonna be good oh God Juke kill them surprise okay this one I think we could do I think we could do this one I think we could pull it off he's only got two guys too we don't fight duels I mean we got him anyway probably not supposed to tonight well what are you talking about Shetland this is how you win rusty trombone nice and it's nice money there good charm look at all that and go turn this all in so a worthy reward I hate you Keeble I hate you man is your banner created with Mod no it's on uh oh if you wanna if you guys want to use the banner it is in my link is or in my description as well I linked you to the gentleman who created the banner okay do this I bought you a few in here is 29. so this gives us 3100 I'll take that little bit of money [Music] and we are in a good situation what do we do now when it comes to I think a good a good thing to do here would be close to stream out on deciding where we want to become a uh mercenary of so here's how we're going to do this I'm going to save actually save as pre-mark peace to your stranger nope okay so that on a war damn it let's see who that wore the point is I was going to enter the service of Britannia just to [Music] um just to um find out the the kingdom rankings your tax bill ignore for 10 of armor or decrease the penalty of movement speed for reloading by what do you guys think I'll leave it to you bros tip to better handling increase your damage for 200.30 in Shields no I won't do that as a handling because that way I can do better Crush through and follow through attacks for sure uh the armor kind of I'm on that I'm on that kick with you my bro [Music] [Music] oops however piercing it is and a lot of this guys is me just trying to make sure that you guys feel like you have like a kind of a stake in the game here um don't think this is me like going I don't know sometimes it is I don't know but a lot of times I want you guys to feel ownership on the campaign so that's what we're gonna do is we're going to attack Caravans that's going to be our big Focus [Music] um let's put another point of social and we're going to put another learning thing into charm as we can so let's do save here again what let's take a look at our options here what the hell oh The Bushwhackers look like me sick I'm going to home go to kingdoms the Astra at war with the cause eight Tanya is not at War because eight we know who they're at war with Northern Empire is at war with the southern Empire Southern Empire is at war with both these the northern and the Western that might be where we go blondia is not is it worth the Western s are worth Lonnie and Southern so western and southern will probably give us the most money Sturgis are not at War either so sort of pull where do we become a mercenary Southern Empire is got two Wars blondia one war and the Western Empire has two Wars Northern Empire okay so here you guys go go ahead and answer that Paul it is up for you yeah so the the northern I'm sorry the western or the southern will probably be giving us far more money because they're on a war on two fronts um those guys are the ones gonna pay us the most so I will probably executive decision one of those if it's not decided but it looks like you guys are kind of voting that way so it's kind of seems between the Southern and the Western Empire right now blondia I actually I should have removed that people are just Auto default to belongio all the time which understandable um I'm gonna walk right over here to the edge of my bed he's right next to me and stretch my butt give me one second oh well it feels so good [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign that glute stretch was needed [Music] Southern Empire is winning at 47 you guys want me to go I'm gonna go become regia's waifu [Music] [Music] I could get a workshop before heading over there we got 51 votes though guys I'm 230 of you are here watching so go ahead and vote in that poll my brows [Music] oh start a q a what's this like ask me questions what is this for how does this work yeah I guess ask questions so that's fun oh that's kind of cool what are you doing with that what are you doing little buddy come here oh hi hi hi hi oh hi oh hi you're so good you're so good oh big yawn wanna come to the gym today with me go see Uncle Regan oh get your pot on my face man gets your paw out of my face thanks Tom appreciate it man with uh Canada garment cute little [ __ ] face man hear that buddy got a cute face you [ __ ] foreign stop there stranger that petroleum flag was pretty sick right yeah I'd like to do another one of those but they're they're really they're time consuming they don't really get long tail views and it's also like it's really hard to play this game in the scope of like a a of a campaign like that right like because for me I'm like okay I'm thinking of all this narrative stuff and it's like if you think about this game there's a if you think about this [ __ ] game an hour two hours of gameplay not much gets done and if I'm trying to make a really enjoyable um thing a really enjoyable stream then I have to do so much I have to do a lot of play a lot of cutting up ah here's one of the other new uh Arenas this is pretty cool right Tom why are you waiting you might actually find yourself a really good like steam winter sale I think I saw I had to fix my height oh right in the neck take this she-wolf oh this is part of the Moreno's mod I can't even see her like angle myself up oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no [ __ ] good that's kind of surprising to see them actually use that that thing in uh oh I can I can brace for this bad boy now yeah we're not using rvm anymore oh oh there we go I was like come on [ __ ] you know what I forgot to include in my uh ultimate combat mod or um guide is when you brace press R it's the only way to really accurately aim it yeah on PC you press X oh I missed it oh wow you better not be destroying your wookie over there young man that's like your favorite toy you've had that since you're a pup you're so pumped out maybe not working can you give me that wookie the worst horse on horse combat oh Tom what are you getting it for oh [ __ ] [ __ ] ass foreign [Applause] actually yes uh lumano because killing anyone around Jorah around your town enables you to oh your town to commit to better trade that's not good doesn't need to be RBM for me to really suck a two-on-one no they have mods for that Aries come to me Equity we are 500 meters apart but this my this this this one is a lot better for like the Battle Royale oh let's stab my face [ __ ] me up oh come on oh oh that was close man yeah you got you got your ring you got your red dildo ring I'll take it I shall take it to the bank we've got about 10 more minutes here today guys let's try and go ahead and uh these pauldrons I will not be using them they're very good though I don't know do I use them I just always like seeing the bare skins you know the Skins are so cool and you never really get to use them very much oh you're gonna see the little painters ponytail I do let go of this armor that's why I'm like oh maybe we keep it you can just hold on to it for now let's get this this biologist Shield here Vibes I can hear you just they do fit the culture I've kept them on [Music] future Cavalry right there perfect you do need though some more sea Raiders [Music] [Music] magnitude my companions cheating on me uh we're doing Southern Empires that's Southern Empires right here [Music] I don't know why I went over this way just going to portals I am not a smart man look at all these Bros of the hand easy easy breezy Cover Girl right now let's see go with the keep and I don't want to buy my way in doesn't even look like there's anyone here of worth I just bought in the Battalion land somewhere looksado it's they're pretty inexpensive oh hi bud Roma knows this thing where he runs in between my legs and looks up at me when he's hungry you hungry are you hungry so [ __ ] cute [Music] foreign oh what you hear that it's not going to get you anything but oh so the end of their War [Music] well still 200 gold a day it's not bad at all I think we're losing oh yeah we're losing bad to the northern Empire yeah I think if anything this is a really good spot to uh end us on having to shook anyone here good good good no you're rotary I don't know I don't know what Rogue companions do for you [Music] [Music] oh oops I saved on The pre-mark Once [ __ ] well it's all right all right guys so let's go ahead oh you have any cool questions oh that's really cool do the enemy armies carry loot from the equipment mods uh I'm not sure Ryan gilk what is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow African or european what's the name of your lovely dog his name is Roman I've ever done a Sturgill campaign I have the last campaign we did was sturgia why no skull it what's your favorite faction probably blondia because I like uh I like that situation is the most so let's go ahead and roll credits here we got some thank yous we got to give out here certain questions increase percent chance to succeed in front of group and get more what are we talking about lesson percentage chance oh certain quests that increase percent chance of succeed oh okay for four Rogue opinions yeah party leader only thing 100 if it doesn't even say that it says it on the tooltip right a party leader battle loot absolutely guys let's go ahead and give some thank yous out guys we had quite a few today so let's go ahead and go through this uh we'll start the very beginning and we got a lot of donations today so vanilla gorilla with the 10 donation opening us up here today Mount main output with a two Euro donation turbo H2O with a 10 donation uh we had Sean face with the largest donation today swinging in hot and heavy big and thick and dick with 50 donation vanilla gorilla with another two buck donut donation Steve with a five dollar donation Azrael with a 20 donation as well as becoming a member of the channel thank you very much my dude Ken with the 20 donation as well catbat for becoming a new member Pleasant 19 for renewing his membership as well and guys please please please please please go and check out lesson 19's channel uh board to call it if you can actually link lesson 19's Channel and chat that'd be great for me um but yeah please go check him out he's got tons and tons and tons of information and he's been helping me out throughout the whole stream you guys have seen him in chat um he's got a lot of really great Ben Alert info you need to go check him out Steve with an additional attend Auto donation that's 22 in total crossover the whole day five to 17 in total uh Euphoria with a five dollar donation Lord Fester with a combined five euro donation and then Steve with a closing Five Dollar donation 22 20 donation twenty dollars in donation clearly I can get completed write and count I'm great at it no Connor you were fine dude you didn't do anything at all but yeah guys thank you so much for watching here today please make sure you do uh join the Discord uh that way you can get kind of uh you can get notified of my streams any of my videos uh you can chat with a bunch of people about Banner Lord about Modern War Modern Warfare about total warm can you guys tell I really want to play Modern Warfare uh total Warhammer three you can get all sorts of information on dark tide plenty of fun stuff to be had it's a really really great Community guys so please make sure you're checking out the Discord absolutely Ethan I'm glad you're enjoying it my bro glad you are enjoying it should I unsubscribe and we subscribe next stream to get mentioned no you can just click the bat of the Bell if you want to mention oh dude Maiden I play so many first-person shooters I play okay so strategy gamers are what I cover on the channel but what I play personally are RPGs and first-person shooters that's that's like my bread and butter crpgs arpgs I Love arpgs Actually is your symbol show on their armor yes no not the symbol your color scheme does ace they haven't done that they haven't done like Herald rebound armor yet which I really want like that's a really simple thing that they that they should do I'm not even gonna acknowledge Him doing what he just did he's been doing a lot of like crying lately and if I acknowledge it he I think he's like oh well I'm gonna get a little bit more out of him you know I didn't like Pathfinder so many [ __ ] options in the most recent one I was like Jesus this is it was wild I watched a picture last video and he he kind of guided me through that and I was like man this is so many there's too many options here I like OverWatch I love OverWatch I stopped playing for a long time though man I got I got too tilty with it I hope that it does come to the game I hope that it does border collie I don't remember if they did or didn't I might ask yo what up with that heraldy though all right guys so we'll be back again on Thursday with another Banner Lord stream um I'm working on a 40K dark tied uh lore video well it's a 40K lore video on uh agrins so that'll be coming out here pretty soon don't destroy your wookie don't destroy him grab your wookie by the way here's I keep calling him The Wookie literally this is Chewbacca right love to hear more about the honor System uh which one radioactive living like the uh like your attribute Point your uh your like this your traits because there's not it's not really it's not really integrated very well just yet get over here all right guys so Roman and I will see you again on Thursday thank you so much for watching here today thank you for supplying this guy with uh more treats all right guys thank you so much for watching have a good one stay safe take care wash your hands [ __ ] and I'll see you guys on Thursday
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
Views: 36,303
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BATTANIA CAMPAIGN Live Stream | Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord, bannerlord gameplay, bannerlord patch notes, bannerlord new patch, mount & blade 2: bannerlord, mount and blade 2 bannerlord, mount and blade, bannerlord, bannerlord cultural bonuses, bannerlord v1.8, bannerlord party management, mount and blade bannerlord, italianspartacus, learn to play bannerlord, bannerlord beginners, bannerlord battania campaign, bannerlord roguery guide, bannerlord battania guide, battania
Id: tZM4P6VCge0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 226min 18sec (13578 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 01 2022
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