UNLIMITED MONEY - Caravan Guide - Mount & Blade 2 Bannerlord!

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in yesterday's guide we covered how to make tens of thousands of gold fast but today I'll be explaining how to set up a passive income in Banner Lord using Caravans as of release Caravans are earning more money than workshops consistently using Caravans allows you to sit back and do nothing but generate money and even five Renown each day on top of that I'll be explaining how you can ensure success for your Caravans and I've timestamped each Topic in case you want to skip ahead but I would highly recommend watching all the way through before you buy your first Caravan so you don't make any mistakes so firstly starting out we need to find a companion who can lead our Caravan we're specifically looking for a companion as a high trade skill to maximize profits secondly you can actually affect your Caravan survivability by having a high scouting skill and it can be leveled up very fast passively as well so don't worry too much if the companion doesn't have a good scouting skill but it basically allows your care avanta move faster see enemies from further away and avoid combat which is very important to be profitable and then thirdly a high riding skill to move faster too I should note that medicine and tactics are also beneficial as well but not essential if we can find a companion with a combination of all or some of these skills that would be incredible but these are the skills that ultimately affect how much money you earn with your Caravan in order of importance I'll go over the best perk for each of them at the end of the video but your Caravans will be managed by your companion so right now I'm going to go over how you can find the best companions to manage your Caravans so to do this we're going to press n to open up the encyclopedia we're going to go to Heroes and then on the left here we're going to say I want to find people who are alive ideally and also occupation is going to be Wanderer and these are all the potential companion onions in the entire game now another thing you can do just behind my head is you can sort by age and then if we go all the way to the bottom we have the youngest person in the game who is 21 years old and that basically just means that they're going to last for longer if you have age activated in your game so now if you look on the bottom left we can see each companion and we can have a look at their skills down here he has good riding skill and good combat skill so that's okay but we can probably find someone better than that so we're going to press previous page and we're going to keep pressing this and go through every single companion to find the best ones so this lady has a very good trade skill of 82 she also has good combat skills as well which is helpful but her age is only 22 so that means she has lots of time to actually level up her other skills as well so if we want to find her location on the top right here it says last scene in in quies so if we click on that location you can then track where this actually is on the map so if I go ahead and zoom out she's actually located in this town just over here on the map so that's the first companion I'm going to hire but I'm actually going to have more than one Caravan so I'm going to hire a few people so we're going to go back to the encyclopedia Tab and we're going to carry on scrolling through these different companions so this guy cow Thief has 60 trade as well he also has a good riding skill and good combat as well and it's only 23 so we're gonna go to cyanon where it says he was last seen and then we're going to track that location as well we're also going to be hiring here and then yasmila the spice vendor also has 101 Trade so we can also find out where she is but you should know that all of these Heroes all their names and their skills are randomly generated so they're different for everyone's playthrough you're not going to have the same characters with the same names as me you might but it's RNG and every playthrough is going to be different so you have to manually look through these people yourself to find the best ones and also over the course of the game old people are gonna die they might die in battle or whatever and then new people are going to appear so you can check back anytime to see if new people appear now if you didn't know to actually hire these companions just go to the city where they're located then go to the tavern District and visit the tavern if you hold down the old button you'll see all the NPCs that you can talk to in the tavern Danny the Swift just here is the one we're looking for well now stranger peace to you she's a little bit terrifying I can use someone like you and my company and she wants 563 gold for us to hire her which is definitely worth it so we're gonna pay that money and she has now joined our party now have a click on my character Tab and then go to Denny the Swift I can actually see her stats and the different perks she has currently got assigned I'll go over your companion trade build in a moment but you're going to want to distribute any Focus points into trade because that's the one you want to Max first you can also see she's good at one-handed and bow so you're going to want to make sure that you actually give her a bow and arrow and also a sword and shield so she can actually be competent in combat though really her equipment doesn't matter so there's no point in really giving her loads of armor and spending money on the character like that she's really just controlling the Caravan that's her only purpose and now to actually hire the Caravan itself there's a few things you should note firstly you can hire multiple Caravans from the same location however this is a bad thing to do because they'll actually affect each other negatively early on if they're leaving from the same location essentially what will happen is that they'll go and trade in the same towns they'll look for good offers and they'll end up wanting to buy the same stuff so one Caravan might take up a good offer and then the other Caravan doesn't have anything left to buy meaning one will be making a loss early on so it's actually advisable to instead hire one Caravan for example in the South here and then go over here to like the Empire hire another one and then go to the north and hire another one just so they're in completely different parts of the map to start out with so we're going to start here in the azerai kingdom and we're going to go ahead and hire a caravan to do this we're going to speak to one of the merchants just here as you can see he is a merchant and he owns Caravan so we're going to go and speak to him and from here you can say I wish to form a caravan in this town now there are actually two types of Caravans in the game this part is very important so we have the standard Caravan which cost us 15 000 gold and you hire 29 Caravan guards to form that Caravan and also you obviously use your companion to lead them so 30 people in total however you can also ask is there a way to form a caravan that includes better troops and then basically what you'll get is higher tier troops so higher tier Caravan guards in exchange for 22 500 instead so that's 7 500 more gold just for higher tier troops now it does make the Caravan a bit more survivable initially but as you know the game goes on and how how the mechanics of it actually worked when I tested it was that Caravan won't replace those high-tier troops they'll actually just replace them with normal troops so basically you're paying an extra 7500 gold for what will end up just being a normal Caravan after like a year of gameplay or something so in my opinion it's just not worth getting a higher tier Caravan there's no point so instead always get the base Caravan which is 15 000 gold so we're gonna go for this one and then it says who do I want to lead the Caravan and obviously we got the follower Denny the Swift who is going to be doing this job and she has to be in your party and the companion you want to lead it needs to be in your party before you can actually select them so make sure they are okay then I'll call my men to help prepare your Caravan I hope it brings a good profit bear in mind that you can also use family members to run your Caravans as well you can easily recall any family member to your party by pressing the recall button just here now just take a few days to travel to you so as you can see from the map I went round and I found a total of four companions to manage four different Caravans and you can see them all dotted around on the map now so if we go to the clan tab on the bottom left here we can have a look at our current finances it's always good to keep an eye on this if we go to the Daily change you can see here on the right that currently we have four Caravans on the go with the first one we made actually making 267 gold per day the second one we made is making 231 gold per day third one we made is making 154 gold a day we literally only just made the fourth one and currently she's making 18 gold per day but now we're going to leave it some time I'm going to wait a few months I'm just going to see what the daily income is for these different Caravan next we can begin the companion skill leveling process what you'll notice after one month of waiting is that your companions increase their scouting skill really fast since they're leading their own parties and using it their trade skill will also level up pretty quickly as well you'll see their riding skill increase rather slowly in comparison though one month later we can start specking our Companions and there's a few things to think about and bear in mind when you do so so as you can see we're like a month later firstly we have Ira the Healer she's leveled up her scouting skill to level 43 already she's also leveled up her trade to level 27 and her riding is level 21. ragged cow Thief is currently capped at 14 scouting but he has leveled up because he's increased his trading and whatnot so we need to put a focus Point into scouting so he can actually level it up we can also take a look at our current earnings and profits so far after one month we can see that Caravan 1 is now earning 836 denars per day Caravan 2 is making 665 Caravan free 669 Caravan 4 is at 103 per day so currently we're making 2 000 gold a day just by sitting there doing nothing now obviously if we continue this simulation you guys can see that at the start of the video if you go back and check we started with 60 000 gold but now we have 168 000 gold so yeah Caravans are very profitable but there are a few things you should bear in mind and this is potentially the most important part of this video and some simple rules that you can abide by firstly since the economy in Mountain Blade 2 bannelord is changing continuously and constantly adapting as the game actually progresses over the years of different factions going to war and different people trading with one another what you'll find is initially early in the game the economy will still be settling and it usually takes about 200 days in game for it to get to the point where the economy is now established and you know that the horses over here cost this much and the horses down there are really cheap so you know where to go to make a profit and your game is going to be different to my game because it changes with each playthrough so this basically means if you start your Caravans after day 200 of the game just establishing itself and the trade market establishing then you'll actually be more profitable in the long run or at least much more consistent secondly it is possible to lose Caravans or even for them to make a loss instead of a profit so before you get a caravan make sure you have extra goals so you can sustain through any negative profits usually about 2 000 extra gold per Caravan is plenty but if your companions have a combination of high riding and scouting skill it is far less likely to happen in my testing I found that most Caravans would survive upwards of four years and then I just stopped testing thirdly as a rule of thumb most Caravans will make 250 gold per day on average which is 91 000 gold per year easily regaining their entire worth and much more fourthly and most importantly if you're at War while you have multiple Caravans running at the same time you're putting yourself at a much higher risk of enemy attack because now you have a whole faction that can also attack your Caravan not just Bandits this makes caravanning much less profitable compared to not being at War there are perks however to get around this next we're going to be going over the ultimate companion build for Caravan trading and we're going to start out here with the riding skill specifically this perk unlocked at required skill level 70 5 is called nomadic traditions and basically what it does is it makes mounted infantry increase your party speed by another 30 percent and Caravans are composed of mounted infantry so that means that they're going to be moving a lot faster compared to anything else on the map simply because you have this perk and then at level 100 riding skill you can then get the perk called sweeping wind and the reason we're getting this is for the bottom effect increase your party speed by two percent which obviously Stacks with everything else as well increasing your total Caravan speed and how quickly they do trading meaning they make more money and also how easy it is for them to evade enemies as well the next skill we're going to go over is The Scouting skill so the first perk unlocks at level 25 scouting it's called day traveler and this increases your movement speed by another two percent during daytime now the way way the Clock Works in Mountain blade battlelord is that for the majority of the time it's daytime and not night time so therefore the daytime traveler perk is much better compared to the Night Runner perk then we have the Pathfinder perk which unlocks at skill level 50. this increases your movement speed bonus on steps and planes by two percent and obviously these things all stack as well this is actually better than water divider which just increases your sight range by 10 it's actually more valuable to be able to escape enemies than see them from further away next at level 75 scouting skill we can get the desert born perk make sure you don't get Forest kin Forest skin only works if more than 75 of your party is infantry so instead we want desert born which gives you a five percent movement speed bonus on deserts and dunes meaning that if you're ever in the azeroid territory you can just trade and move from enemies faster next we have Force March or unburdened which unlocks at skill level 100 in scouting now forced March is actually a trap because if you read it it only gives you 2.5 movement speed if your party's morale is higher than 75 which is pretty high for a caravan trading party and you can't monitor that so most of the time this perk's not going to be valuable to caravanners instead the unburdened perk is more effective 20 less penalty from being overburdened moving while over baddened also gives plus two percent experience to all troops daily amount of Scouts can be unlocked at level 150 and that actually increases your sight range bonus by 10 if half of your party is Cavalry at level 175 you can get the forager's perk which gives you a 15 reduction in the disorganized state that slows you down after you get attacked or raided by an enemy party this just means you can escape easily at level 2 125 scouting you can get the Keen site perk which reduces site difficulty penalty of parties in forests by 50 and then if you do actually end up getting your companions scouting skill over level 275 uncanny Insight increases your party speed by another 0.1 percent for every skill over 200. and then finally we have arguably the most important skill which is trade firstly unlocked at level 25 trade we have the wholesaler perk 15 decrease in sell price penalty for trade goods and trade goods is what your Caravan is going to be buying and selling do not get the appraiser because that only works for equipment secondly at level 50 we unlock Caravan Master perk which means our party can carry an additional 30 more weight just allows us to trade carry more and sell more at level 75 trade skill this one is quite interesting you can either go for traveling rumors which means your Caravans give you trade rumors that you can obviously act on or if you're not a Trader yourself it is much better passively to go for local connection your workshops gather trade rumors which is okay or the much better alternative and the reason you'd get this perk is the 15 decrease in sale price penalty for Animals now this next perk is even more important at level 125 trade if you your yourself as the clan leader has this perk or your quartermaster has this perk it is an insane value because it lets you farm a ridiculous amount of renown you can get like plus five or so renowned per day with this perk called great investor every profitable Caravan you own gives you plus one Renown a day every single day you just get additional Renown it's the fastest way to increase your clan rank in the entire game having Max Caravans and this perk mercenary connections at level 150 decreases your mercenary troops wages by 25 insurance plans is an incredible perk your Caravan returns 5 000 gold when destroyed so essentially that would just mean you make a loss of 10 000 if the Caravan gets destroyed also 25 decrease in Buy price penalty for food items as well so absolutely amazing perk for Caravans next we have Granary accountant unlocked at level 200 20 decrease in sell price penalty for food trade goods and also specifically of your quartermaster has a high trade skill sword for barter gives a 15 lower wage for Caravan guard troops specifically at level 225. next at level 250 we have two perks spring of gold isn't that great basically it gives you 0.1 interest on the gold you have but it's capped at 1 000 gold per day which is still nice on passive income if you just keep loads of gold on your body but we also have silver tongue which makes negotiation for safe passage barter 50 cheaper so even if you're at war with enemies you can still negotiate safe passage for your Caravan so you could still make loads of money during times of war the next thing we have is medicine now the reason medicine is a useful skill to have reasonably high is because it means whenever you get attacked and your men are wounded they have a less chance of dying after being attacked and B they recover quicker from being wounded tactics is another useful skill for reducing the amount of losses so if the Caravan gets in a fight tactics does help with the battle and now you can just continue to level your companions with the appropriate perks and continue to let your Caravans run as long as your faction isn't in war you're pretty much good to go and have that bottom line massive passive income that just carries on growing as the game goes on another thing you can also create as a form of passive income is obviously workshops however there's a few things with workshops that mean that you have to be a little bit more manual on this version of the game compared to how it used to be two years ago and they're also a lot more expensive than care of that but it's a lot more about where they're located what other towns are producing and how the current economy is around it so you need to be educated in how that works before you can make money from them but the nice thing is about workshops is that you can't make a loss if you want the full guide on that you can check the one link Down Below in the description but thank you for watching this one drop a like before you go if you found it helpful and I'm actually live streaming right now so if you want to come and watch how our Caravans are doing live or ask questions just come and join the stream I'll see you there goodbye
Channel: ESO
Views: 283,059
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bannerlord, bannerlord guide, bannerlord money guide, 2022, bannerlord gold guide, how to make gold, gold, money, caravan, bannerlord caravans, bannerlord caravan guide, bannerlord caravan or workshop, bannerlord caravans 2022, bannerlord caravan companion, best companion, companion build, charcter build, mount and blade 2, mount and blade, mount and blade bannerlord, bannerlord caravan, easy money, bannerlord cheats, cheat, mount and blade 2 cheats, ps5, xbox, caravan profit
Id: vO9szkEZnNk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 59sec (1259 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 06 2022
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