Mother Reveals Father's Identity On Her Deathbed (Full Episode) | Paternity Court

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Please be seated. Hello, Your Honor. Hello! This is the case of<i> Hannon v. Dorsey.</i> Thank you, Jerome. Good day, everyone! ALL: Good day! Ms. Hannon, you grew up believing one man was your father until the age of 13, when he said, "I am not your daddy." FALON HANNON: Yes, ma'am. Your mother then told you on her death bed, that another man, the defendant, David Dorsey, is your biological father. You are here to prove paternity and gain closure. And you have never spoken to or laid eyes on Mr. Dorsey, but will meet him for the very first time today. Is that correct? Yes, ma'am. So, Ms. Hannon, you initially believed another man was your father? Yes, ma'am. Please explain it to the court. Well, I believe David Dorsey is my biological father, but I grew up with my grandparents and my mom. Like you said, I was known for a man named Kimball to be my dad. I called him one day for the daddy-daughter dance, and instead of his response being, "Yes, I'll be there," it was, "your mother's still lying to you. "I'm not your dad. You need to go find your real dad." (AUDIENCE GASPS) How cruel! (SOBS) (EXHALES) JUDGE LAKE: I know that had to be hard. Yeah, I mean... Yeah. At what point did your mother tell you about David Dorsey? My mom, we were having our heart to hearts, you know, when she got sick. She was sick my whole entire life. You know, she would talk about Kimball, she would talk about David. And on her death bed she told me, "I thought I picked the right one for you, "but David's your father." And... So just before your mother passed, she says to you, "I thought I picked the right one for you, "but David Dorsey is really your biological father." Yes, ma'am. Wow! After my mom's passing, I had... I moved away. My grandmother got sick so I came back. I was actually at work, walking down the hall, and she was calling me "Melanie." Walking down the hall, "Melanie, do you hear me talking to you?" She got all the way close and I'm like, "Ma'am, that's not my name." Melanie... But you're talking about Melanie Dorsey, right? And she's like, "Yeah." I said, I heard it in high school. I look just like a girl. I need to meet her. It's my sister. We need to find out. And the friend that said it, you know, he approached my mom, like, "Hey, does she have sisters?" She's like "No. "She's the only child. She doesn't have sisters." And shut him down about it and I just left it alone. But to this day, you have never met, laid eyes on David Dorsey. No, ma'am. Are you ready to meet the man you believe you've been told is your true biological father? Yeah. All right. Jerome, please escort Mr. Dorsey in the courtroom. Please. (SNIFFLES) (SHUDDERING) To tHe left side there. Mr. Dorsey. How you doing? Thank you for joining us today. This young woman has waited many many years to meet you. She's been told that you are her biological father. Yes, ma'am. You walked through the doors, you walked past her, no hug. You didn't even really look at her, acknowledge her. I acknowledged her, I looked at her. You don't believe you're her biological father? Not really. No, Your Honor. Why? 'Cause I don't remember her mother at all. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) You don't remember her mother? I don't know her mother. You don't know her mother? No. So, you are standing here at the defendant's podium in this courtroom today saying, you know you cannot be Ms. Hannon's biological father because you have never met her mother. No, I haven't, Your Honor. You don't know her? No, I don't. Ms. Hannon, do you have a picture of your mother with you? Yes, ma'am. Show that picture to Mr. Dorsey. Do you remember that woman? No, ma'am. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMS) Ms. Hannon, what have you been told about your mother's relationship with Mr. Dorsey? From our conversations that we used to have, it was like they talked, like they weren't in a relationship, I guess. Like they talked here and there. I know that he worked at a fast food restaurant. He was the manager at a fast food restaurant and, like I said, you know, talked, mingled, here and there. Mr. Dorsey, were you a manager at a fast food restaurant No, ma'am, but I worked at a fast food restaurant. You worked at one? Yes, ma'am. Ms. Hannon, you brought a witness with you? Yes, ma'am. I believe it's your godmother. Yes, ma'am. Please stand, ma'am. And state your name for the court, please. My name is Cassandra Alexander, and I am Falon's godmother. And I was a very good friend of Falon's mother, Veronica Hannon, JUDGE LAKE: And what information can you provide today? Well, Your Honor, me and Falon's mother, Veronica, we worked together, and Mr. Dorsey, I have seen him come to the job to bring her mom lunch. Her mom would talk about her baby daddy being David. He still looks the same, but he had just got a little heavier. You don't remember any of this? Your Honor, I never had sex with this woman. You worked at a fast food restaurant though? Yes, ma'am. What else do you remember, Ms. Alexander? This is bizarre! (AUDIENCE LAUGHS) Well, me and Falon was out one night and so then, she said, "Godmom, I gotta ask you something." And I said, "What is it, Falon?" And she said, "Do you know David Walkins?" I said, "That's your dad!" If you want more episodes of Paternity Court Make sure to subscribe and click on the notification bell. Because I remember her mom talking about a David. "That's your dad." But, wait, this is David Dorsey. You said David Walkins. My name used to be David Walkins. I was a... (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMS) I was adopted, and he changed my name to Walkins. And then when I got grown, I changed my name back to my dad's name. So, now, it's getting even more closely connected to you. I mean, well, I was well-known in the Northend. I mean, everybody knew my name. JUDGE LAKE: So what are you thinking? You're thinking this woman just made this up? Your Honor, I don' know this woman. JUDGE LAKE: But it's such a coincidence that Ms. Hannon has been called your daughter's name. DAVID DORSEY: Yeah, she resembles my daughter. Oh, you admit she resembles your daughter. When she was younger, yes. JUDGE LAKE: Her godmother remembers you. She remembers where you work. She remembers the woman talking about you and saying it was David Dorsey or David Walkins. Yes, ma'am. I don't know her mother. All right. I think we need to hear from your daughter. Jerome, will you please escort Mr. Dorsey's daughter into the courtroom. Yes, ma'am. (AUDIENCE MURMURS) Watch your step going up the stairs. I love you, too. Ms. Dorsey, thank you for joining us today, MELODY DORSEY: Thank you for having me. You know we are here discussing the paternity as it relates to Ms. Hannon. Yes. I'm here to claim my sister. That's my sister. You know, I don't mean to disrespect my dad but my dad was a Rolling Stone, okay. So, he was the man. And like, he was very known on the Northside for being "David Walkins, you know, the slayer, of woman, you know. So... (LAUGHS) So... The "Slayer of Woman." Okay. At a wedding of a cousin of mine, he kept following me. She's like, you know, "There's this girl that looks like you. "She looks so much like you. "Can you please just get in contact with this girl? Please 'cause you look so much like her, you know." So I went onto Facebook, you know, and I looked up her name, and when I seen her face, I was like, if that's not me or maybe about a good 50 pounds ago... (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) When the first time I told my father, he was not in the state, you know. He was fighting his own demons at the time to even really want to... He's like, "I don't know her." It was just so blatant. No! "Don't know her. Never seen her. "I don't know her," And I'm like, "Well, Dad, you know you had the little party days. "Can you not remember?" And he goes, "I know who I was with. I don't know her." So I said, "Okay, that's my sister." Like I said, I'm just here for my dad to get clarification on his own. But that is my sister. So you feel like you have no doubts? No doubts. Ms. Hannon, listening to the testimony of Ms. Dorsey, and also of Mr. Dorsey, have your feelings changed? Do you have doubt? Are you still confused? What do you feel? I still feel like she's my sister 'cause we look so much alike. I just, you know, I just want to know for sure because I don't know. Like, if he is my dad, and I really hope he is, I have sisters, I have brothers, I have nieces. If he's not, it's just me and my three kids. So... I love you. Okay, stop. Just don't cry. Don't cry. It's gonna be okay. Like I told you before. You are my sister. Period. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) Ms. Hannon, as you listened to Mr. Dorsey consistently say "I don't even know this woman, "I've never even met her." And yet you see this uncanny resemblance to Melody, does it make you feel torn, confused? Or in your heart you do believe that is your father and this is your sister? FALON: It makes me feel torn 'cause he says he doesn't remember. But who all remembers every one night stand they had when they was a kid? So I can't fault him for saying he don't remember... Because you were told it was a fling, and so maybe... Maybe he don't remember that fling. It wasn't the best fling. It just might have not been the best for him. He didn't remember it. I'm sorry. I just... I don't remember having sex with your mom. I'm sorry. That's fine. And so, you both submitted childhood photos to the court. Yeah. JUDGE LAKE: And I'd like to look at those. When you look at it, do you see a resemblance? FALON: Yeah. JUDGE LAKE: How about you, Mr. Dorsey? DAVID: I see a resemblance. JUDGE LAKE: You do? Yes, I do. What was it that made you want to come today? I mean, if you never met this woman, and you have never had sex with her, and you don't know what is going on, why did you come? I want closure for Falon. And I see that makes you emotional when you talk about her. Why is that? (SNIFFLES) I feel sorry for her. Is there any part of you that says, "If she is my daughter, "if it was an encounter I just don't remember, "I've missed out on 30 years of this woman's life. "This young woman, this beautiful, smart young woman, "I've missed out on her life"? Yeah. I feel... I'm torn that way too though, I feel one kind of way but then... I feel bad, you know, I've missed out on her life if I am her father. JUDGE LAKE: (SIGHS) This is fascinating! I think we need to go to the results now because I feel like... Truly, Mr. Dorsey, I can't get much testimony out of you because you honestly don't remember. No, I don't. And I see the beautiful bond you, Ms. Dorsey, and Ms. Hannon have formed as sisters. You believing and accepting and loving her as a sister. Have you prepared yourself? Have you said to yourself where do we go from here? MELODY: That's my sister. I don't know about her mother's infidelity or what she did or anything like that. Only thing I know is that Falon is my sister. That's all I know and that's all I care about. And I think it's important to note that Ms. Hannon is standing there because she does want to know where she came from. And for those of us who do know who our father is, and we've had that all of our lives, we know we can never take for granted that there are young woman, beautiful young woman and men all over this country, all over the world that don't have that answer and have to live with that every day. And I have felt your pain today, Ms Hannon. Your tears, I see you. And I know this has been difficult. Yeah. JUDGE LAKE: Because your mother's no longer here. HANNON: Yeah. With that said, I think it's time for the results. Jerome. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) These results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics and they read as follows. This is the case of<i> Hannon v. Dorsey.</i> When it comes to 30-year-old Falon Hannon, it has been determined by this court, JUDGE LAKE: Mr. Dorsey, you are not the father. Come here. I'm sorry. Don't be sorry. You are my sister. (SOBBING) Uh, I know I'm not your daughter and all, can you still just be my dad? (SOBS) Yes. Yes. And I can be your sister. (ALL LAUGHING) Just got yourself another daughter. Yeah. He ain't got no choice. (LAUGHING) Number three. It has been determined by this court. Okay? Biology creates one family for us, right? Right. But love and connection creates a family with beautiful unbreakable bonds as well. You're very blessed today. I want you all to take advantage of the counseling and resources we have for you. I want you to talk through it, figure out how you can best support Falon. And it's gonna be all right. Yes, it is. I wish you all the very best. This court is adjourned!
Channel: Paternity Court
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Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, season 6 full episodes, season 6, tv full episodes
Id: xmxn6HZDDZ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 36sec (996 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2021
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