Family Shocked By Father's Death Bed Paternity Confession (Full Episode) | Paternity Court

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Please be seated. Hello, Your Honor. Hello. This is the case of<i> Lee v. France and Miller.</i> Thank you, Jerome. Good day, everyone. ALL: Good day. Ms. Lee, you stand before the court with a question you say haunts you each and every day. Is the man who raised you your biological father, <i> or is it another man who is now deceased?</i> Yes, Your Honor. Now, Ms. France, you're here along with your brother, who's waiting outside of our courtroom. You say your father claimed on his deathbed that he was the biological father of a child named Sonja. Yes, Your Honor. (AUDIENCE MURMURING) JUDGE LAKE: If indeed you've now found the correct Sonja, you believe the plaintiff, Ms. Lee, is your sister. FRANCE: Yes, Your Honor. (AUDIENCE MURMURING) Now, Ms. Lee, how have you handled finding out that your biological father could be a deceased man that you'll never be able to meet? Well, Your Honor, from the beginning of this, this has been real confusing and overwhelming for me, mainly because I only knew one man to be my father my whole life until he died. <i> I was a daddy's baby.</i> <i> And me and my father was very close.</i> I never heard of Mrs. France's father until I was 38 years old. So it's been real hard for me. (SOBS) I understand. Take your time. So, for 38 years... It's hard for me to be here even questioning my paternity, you know, because I loved my dad so much and he loved me. But at the same time, I know that the truth needs to be known, because if I do have siblings, brothers and sisters out there, I would want to connect with them and bond with them. You know? That's something I've always felt. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) JUDGE LAKE: So, Ms. France, please tell me about this search. How it came about. You say this was your father's dying wish. Yes, Your Honor. I had, the whole time I was growing up, I heard of Mrs. Lee, and I was always told that I had a twin in Michigan the whole time. We went to the same schools, we know the same people... (AUDIENCE MURMURING) We never even met. Our kids are even best friends, and never even knew they were cousins. Really? Yes. I even know her grandmother. And her grandmother and my grandmother are best friends. (AUDIENCE MURMURING) And I still never met Mrs. Lee until I was 42 years old. How long have you known, or had this knowledge, that she was out there somewhere? Probably since I was about five or six. JUDGE LAKE: Really? Yes. Wow. And Ms. Lee, you never had any knowledge? Well, I remember when we were in high school, I was at the same school, and they would tell me that it was another young lady there that, like... Our classes never... We never went to classes together. Like, she went at a time before I came. And they would say, "There's a girl here that looks just like you. "I think she's your sister." This was the... Really? I dismissed it as gossip and rumors. I had no reason to think there was fact to that. I had no reason to even question it. So when they would say, "Y'all got the same eyes. "Y'all even got the same nose and forehead," I'd be like, "Yeah, well, people look alike." Everybody has a twin. I didn't ever think too much of it. Wow. So, Ms. France... Now, you say this was your father's dying wish, <i> to find Sonja. He gave you a name.</i> Yes, Your Honor. When we originally was told that she passed away, and then they told us that she passed away of AIDS, my dad, before he passed away, didn't believe it. So, I need you to explain that. You were told that this daughter, Sonja, had passed away of AIDS. Yes. In probably around '90, '91, we were informed that she had passed away, that she had been doing bad, and she had AIDS and she passed away. And when I came and see my dad, and I informed him, he said he had no recollection of it, <i> he wasn't told and he didn't believe it, so...</i> <i> He wanted us to find her.</i> So you found her. You began a search. I actually thought she had been deceased. My sister, Mrs. Davis, is the one that found her. So, Ms. Davis, please stand. And step up to the podium. So, Ms. Davis, when you got this news, your father said, "Find her." Yes. How did you go about doing it? Well, I started on Facebook, and I couldn't find her on Facebook nowhere. JUDGE LAKE: And you were looking at the name? ...gave up the search, looking for Sonja Miller. JUDGE LAKE: Sonja Miller. We thought she was Sonja Miller. But I couldn't find her at all. And, by my dad passing away, and wanting us to find her, I wasn't going to stop my search. I was going to keep on searching. And getting on Facebook again after he passed away it led us to put her in the obituary as deceased, and she was not deceased. (AUDIENCE MURMURING) 'Cause I got on Facebook, and one of our friends is her friend. And a picture popped up and I looked, I said, "She's right there! She's not gone. My sister's not dead." JUDGE LAKE: Oh my goodness. So I started Facebooking, just Facebooking and calling my sister, saying, "Sonja's not dead. This is the Sonja right here on Facebook." So what is this you're holding now, Ms. France? This is the obituary that, when we made the obituary out, that has her listed as deceased next to my younger sister, Diane. Jerome, can you please? So, when you initially went searching for a Sonja, you were told she was deceased. FRANCE: Deceased. Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: <i> So right here is a copy of a page from your father's obituary.</i> <i> And, "He was preceded in death by Sonya Miller."</i> DAVIS: <i> Yes, Your Honor.</i> FRANCE: <i> Yes, Your Honor.</i> JUDGE LAKE: His daughter. DAVIS Yes, Your Honor. So Ms. Lee, you received what? A message? I started receiving some notifications of someone trying to reach me. <i> I didn't respond to the messages for a while, let me say that,</i> <i> because it didn't make sense to me.</i> I didn't recognize her picture, I didn't recognize her name, and it was saying they were looking for their sister, and so at this point I'm like, "It can't be me." So I kept ignoring it. Maybe after three or four messages I finally responded to where Ms. Davis, I responded to Ms. Davis, and we exchanged numbers and I called her, and she just starts spilling the story out, and it was like, whoa, wait a minute! Slow down, you know? 'Cause there she is like, "I'm your sister, I know you don't know this or understand it, "but on our dad's deathbed he had me look for you and we thought you were dead..." I'm like, "Wait a minute." So now I went from being one man's child, whose name I carry, <i> to being dead and in somebody's obituary from a man I don't even know.</i> (AUDIENCE MURMURING) And I was told, I don't even know what the number is, all these sisters and brothers, and it was just like, wow, wait a minute. Slow down. So you had doubts. Doubts? I, I rejected it, period. I just rejected it because it didn't make sense to me. And so I called my mother. When I first called my mom, I was like, you know, "Somebody just contacted me. "What does this mean? Who is Mr. Miller?" And she was like... First she just rejected me. She was like, "Ain't no sense talking about that. I don't know what you talking about." She denied, wouldn't even discuss it with me at first. So I kept badgering her about it, and I was like, you know, I'd wait a little while, and I'd talk a little more with Ms. Davis and then it started feeling like there's got to be something to this. Just like Ms. France said, our kids are best friends, already claiming each other as cousins without knowing nothing. Really? Without even thinking of the possibility, they claimed each other as cousins. I grew up in a small city, and then to be this close to my family and not know it, it did hurt me. Yes, I had a father. But, so I kind of have some resentment about that. They knew about me. I didn't know about them. My mom knew, my dad knew. But nobody told me. And then even when I got old enough to understand and accept it, nobody told me. I missed out on a lot. What about sibling rivalry, or bonding with my sisters, double dating, all the things I might have, could have had. Or even not liking each other, whatever the case may be. Because still today, there's going to be some that's not going to like me or accept this. I get that. I know that. It's been 40 years. As you stand here today, even though you talk about the experiences you could have had, you also still sound doubtful, in a sense. I am. I don't have any proof. I was born, and I have this, I was born with one name on my birth certificate. Jerome, please pass me the evidence. When I was a child, my mom and dad adopted me and put me in Mr. Lee's name, so now, then, here's another man's name. You know, it's just confusing for me, and I just want the truth so I can freely reach out and bond. JUDGE LAKE: <i> So here we have legal documents</i> <i> that confirm that your name was changed...</i> LEE: <i> My birth certificate.</i> <i> ...from Sonja Annette Parker to Sonja Annette Lee.</i> LEE: Yes. So, when you were adopted, your last name changed to Lee. Yes, Your Honor. Now, ma'am... WASHINGTON: Yes. Please state your name for the court. Your Honor, I'm Gloria Washington, Sonja's mother. Okay. And so please, Ms. Washington, enlighten the court as to your recollection or understanding of this situation. Okay. Mr. Miller and I were involved years ago. And during the time when I was six months pregnant with her, he left me for Mrs. France. (AUDIENCE MURMURING) And when she was born, Mr. Lee was there with me, and he took care of me and her. Mr. Miller, I never saw him again. You know, it's just confusing for me, and I just want the truth. I never told her because I didn't think she needed to know. (AUDIENCE MURMURING) I had a right to know. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) I did have a right to know. At the same time... Your Honor, I'd like to say, at the same time, they knew. If he knew, why didn't the man look for me? Why didn't he come find me? (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) I'm right there. And I'm not... I'm not trying to badger. I have total respect for Mr. Miller, whatever the situation, because I didn't have a void for a father, I didn't. But why didn't you at least want your kids connected when it was soon enough? Well, I want you to know that I have always wanted to meet you. And my dad, he wasn't in Michigan with us, he wasn't. And one day he came to get us and we stayed with him for about a year and a half. And he wanted to find you too, so you could stay with us for a year and a half. We just didn't know where you were. Well, what happened? I have no idea. I don't even know what Mr. Miller died from. But your name was in his obituary, but it said you had preceded him in death. I didn't even find out about Mr. Miller's existence until, I think, a couple years after he had passed. Is that correct? That they finally, that we... FRANCE: Yes. ...connected on Facebook and then I was told about the obituary. I've never seen the obituary. I was told about it, and that my name was in there. <i> I was shown pictures of Mr. Miller and I was like, you know, examining.</i> I was like... I don't know. So when you saw pictures of Mr. Miller, did you see your face in his? Did you feel like this could be my father? I mean, I guess I think anything is possible. Because of my connection with my father, I still have my reservations. When you look at these women and they say when you were in school, they said you have a twin, do you see yourself? I see some characteristics in Ms. France that I always wondered where I got them from. That they weren't in my mother or in my... The man that I knew to be my father. And so Ms. France and Ms. Davis, I have to ask you this. What if you're wrong? Sonja's going to always be my sister. FRANCE: Yes, she is. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) Ms. Washington, thank you so much for your testimony. You may be seated. How are you feeling right now, Ms. Lee? I guess I'm scared now. I want the truth. And I'm scared. Because... JUDGE LAKE: What are you scared of? I'm scared both ways, I guess, 'cause if it's... If it comes back that it's not, it's going to hurt me. 'Cause I already have love for both of these women. DAVIS: And we love you, too. We love you, too. I'm scared to embrace it because if it ain't real... And I'm scared to embrace it. So that's why it was so important for me to find out the truth. People say, "Well, why go through with it now? "Y'all are grown." We got kids... That's right. ...with a lot of similarities, growing up with each other. I grew up with... Not knowing the brothers that I have. Lord forbid that we ever would have dated or something! (LAUGHING) BOTH: Amen. And one of those possible brothers is here. LEE: I've never met him. And you've never, ever, laid eyes on him. Mmm-mmm. Jerome, will you please escort Mr. Miller into the courtroom? Thank you. (SPEAKING QUIETLY) (LAUGHING) Come up here on the left. Good afternoon, Your Honor. Hello, Mr. Miller. Thank you for joining us today. I'd like to ask you a question. If it's okay with you and Ms. Lee, could I give her a hug? This is my first time seeing her. JUDGE LAKE: Would that be okay? JUDGE LAKE: Thank you for being here today, Mr. Miller. Yes, ma'am. Now, I have to ask you, what is your understanding about this situation? We have heard emotional testimony from our defendants here. What do you believe? As I was sitting out there listening... I heard it, and it's emotional to me too, because he was my father. I'm the first born. Do you remember ever hearing about Ms. Lee, growing up? No, because I met them 10 years ago. (AUDIENCE MURMURING) So as you look at Ms. Lee, do you believe she's your sister? Yes, I'm looking at them too, right there, together. I'm just looking at 'em, you know. You say they look just alike. Just alike. Just alike. JUDGE LAKE: How does that make you feel, Ms. Lee? I don't know. I think I'm a little nervous. I just want the truth. JUDGE LAKE: Well, you know what? That's exactly what I'm about to give you. Jerome, may I have the envelope, please? Before I open these results, I know they will be emotional either way. If anyone would like to take a seat, you are more than welcome. These results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics and they read as follows. I'm right there. JUDGE LAKE: In the case of<i> Lee v. France, Miller,</i> as to whether Sonja Lee is related to Ronald Miller and Rachel France, and thus is the biological daughter of the late Ronald Miller, Ms. Lee... They are indeed your biological brother and sister. (LAUGHING) Let's hug! LEE: I love you. It's all right. FRANCE: I told you. LEE: Now he can rest, he can be happy. FRANCE: Yeah, he can rest and you can be happy knowing that we're here. Okay? I love you, honey. I knew it. Yes, I told you! JUDGE LAKE: How you feel, Ms. Lee? (LAUGHING) That's a lot of love that came pouring in, didn't it? (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) I feel good. It's overwhelming, but I'm happy. It's so... Like a weight, so lifted. Wait till she meets the rest of them. (LAUGHING) You've got a whole group of family just waiting for you. Look, this has been a heartwarming day. This is, this is why this courtroom exists. It's to reunite and reconnect people that belong together. Yes. You're family. You know what? This is going to be absolutely wonderful. Send me the family photo. (LAUGHING) JUDGE LAKE: All right? Please. BOTH: Yes, Your Honor. I know you all want to hug and celebrate. You're welcome to. Court is adjourned. Thank you. (GAVEL BANGS)
Channel: Paternity Court
Views: 1,413,781
Rating: 4.830606 out of 5
Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, season 4, season 4 full episodes
Id: yBv0ZLzFFPw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 39sec (1059 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2019
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