Woman Thought Real Father Was In Prison (Full Episode) | Paternity Court

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You may be seated. Hello, Your Honor. Hello. This is the case of <i> Nelson v. Sterling and Haynes.</i> Thank you, Jerome. Good day, everyone. AUDIENCE: Good day. STERLING: How are you doing, Your Honor? Miss Nelson, you say you grew up believing one man was your father, yet had another man listed on your birth certificate. NELSON: Yes, Your Honor. Then, after you turned 30 years old, a third man, the defendant, suddenly contacted you on Facebook, claiming he was your father. Yes, Your Honor. Today you say you hope DNA test results will finally reveal the truth. Yes, Your Honor. Mr. Sterling? Yes, ma'am. You're here with your daughter and say it was she who helped you find Miss Nelson. Yes, ma'am. You claim today you will reveal why another man's name is on Miss Nelson's birth certificate and prove to her you are, indeed, her father. Yes, ma'am. So, Miss Nelson, please, tell the court how did you first hear about Mr. Sterling's claim? Um, well, Your Honor, I grew up, um, my whole life knowing a different man was my... Was my dad. It was a man that was in prison. Um, my mother took me to visit him weekend after weekend, week after week, and this is the man I grew up knewing that he was my father. Um, I had went to New York <i> to visit this man for two weeks,</i> and he told me that this other man was on my birth certificate because my mom didn't want somebody like him in my life because he was in and out of prison. And so the explanation given was she just wanted to protect you, Yes. so she put another man's name on the birth certificate because I was in and out of prison? Yes, ma'am. Do you have a copy of your birth certificate with you? Yes, ma'am, I do. Jerome, let me see that, please. Father's name listed "Vincent Preston Nelson." <i> And that's not the name of the gentleman you visited in prison?</i> NELSON:<i> No, Your Honor.</i> So, this had to be confusing? Yes, Your Honor. I was hurt because I never knew who he was. I just knew that this man was my dad, and I felt like my mom should've told me that this man was my father, even though he was in and out of prison. I was hurt. So, then you get a message from a man... Another man? Yes, Your Honor. Saying he's your father? Yes, Your honor. Explain. I got a message from a man named Christopher Lancaster, um, saying that I'm your dad. He was sorry for not being in my life, and he now wants to be in my life. And he left two numbers on there. I contacted both those numbers, both the numbers were disconnected because it was four months prior that he had left me the message. It was in my "others" box on Facebook. That's how he messaged me, on Facebook. He left the two numbers. I called the two numbers, neither one of the numbers worked. May I see that evidence, please? Yeah, sure. Jerome, please, hand... Thank you. (JUDGE LAKE READING) What were you thinking when you get this message? Your Honor, honestly, I didn't even know what to think, because it was like I was... It's like it's just coming out of nowhere? Absolutely, it was... It was outrageous to me that I had got this message with all these different men. Did anything lead you to believe other than what you had been told? My mom always told me that the man on my birth certificate, Vincent Nelson, was my father. This is what my mom told me, but this other man that was in prison told me that that wasn't true. He was my father. JUDGE LAKE: And, now, yet another message... Is coming through from Christopher Lancaster, saying this man was my father. So, I... This is incredible. Yeah. So, Mr. Sterling, she gets a message from a Christopher Lancaster, yet you're here in court. Yes, ma'am. Your name is Christopher Sterling? Yes, ma'am. How did she get this message from a Christopher Lancaster? Do you know that person? Yes, ma'am, I put that message on, uh, Facebook, for reason being I had problems with other people in my life so I didn't want to use my real full name, so I made up... I made up a Facebook page of Christopher Lancaster. I always was looking for my daughter. Always. To me I feel that she's my daughter, so I always was looking for her. I'd remember her birthdays and everything, so I always was looking for her. So I put that message on there to contact her, for nobody else to contact me. So, you were the person behind the Christopher Lancaster note? Yes, ma'am. So, you had a relationship with her mother? Yes, ma'am. Knew of her? Yes, ma'am. You were in a relationship... A sexual relationship or a committed relationship with her mother? Uh, we was young, Your Honor. We was young, we met in high school. Okay. We're 17, 18 years old, we was young. You know, when you young, you fall in love with each other? So, we had the relationship, had sex. When you found out she was pregnant, did you know you were the father? Yes, ma'am, I was there at the hospital. I went, uh, when... When her mother water broke, my mother took her to the hospital. JUDGE LAKE: And so what happened? You're... You're there, and you lose contact with this woman that you say is your daughter? Okay, what happened was, far as like a religion thing. And I didn't want to commit towards the religion thing, 'cause I was... I was running the street, deejaying, playing music, and I didn't want to commit to the religion thing, so I feel her family took her away from me and moved her somewhere else, and I never heard from them again. JUDGE LAKE: So, Miss Nelson... Yes, Judge. Your entire life you hadn't heard of Christopher Sterling or Christopher Lancaster? No, Your Honor. The only person I knew of was Vincent Nelson and the man who said he was my dad. Those were the only two people I knew of my entire life. And, Mr. Sterling, you're saying that this was a pretty deep relationship you had with her mother. You all were Yes, ma'am. high school sweethearts, and... Yes, ma'am, high school sweethearts... JUDGE LAKE: You were there for the birth. We met in high school. We had sex every day during the summer. Every day, every day. Oh, my God. Every day. Oh, my God. My mother even caught her in the house. My mother walked in the door, and I heard the key come in, but I had her mother hiding in the closet, so my mother didn't pay no attention. My mother walked by, then I forgot and left her clothes there, her shoes in the living room, Oh, my God. and my mother seen it and said, "Who you have in this house?" I said, "Nobody." And she open up the closet door... JUDGE LAKE: That's what you call "busted." Pulled out. Yes, Your Honor. STERLING: Butt butterball naked. Oh! Well, maybe you didn't need to hear that story, Miss Nelson? No, I didn't. No, I didn't, Your Honor. STERLING: But anyway, but Your Honor, and through... Through the whole situation, I got on punishment for everything, and I'm the guy. I was on punishment for two weeks when my parents... You should've been. When my parents... Your Honor... JUDGE LAKE: For the whole summer and beyond. Your Honor, they put me on punishment for two weeks. You know what we had to do? We were so much in love I used to tie a note 'cause we stayed on the 5th floor... It was the projects, so we stayed on the 5th floor. I used to hand a note down on a string and then give it to her. She would tie her note up, and I pulled the note up. I was on punishment for two weeks. Oh, my God. That's how much we was in love. JUDGE LAKE: All right, you're redeemed. (AUDIENCE LAUGHS) Thank you. My question is how can this be possible because there's the man in prison and there's Vincent Preston Nelson, and then you say you were at the hospital? 'Cause, ma'am, I am Vincent Preston Nelson. (AUDIENCE GASPS) Yes, I am. (NELSON LAUGHS NERVOUSLY) You're... Wait a minute. (NELSON LAUGHS NERVOUSLY) You are... You are Vincent Preston Nelson? Yes, ma'am, and I have evidence to prove to you right now today. (AUDIENCE CHEERING AND APPLAUDING) Let me see that evidence. JUDGE LAKE: That is, in fact, you. I was younger then. Excuse my hair, I didn't get a haircut back then. JUDGE LAKE: This is you on this ID card. Yes, ma'am. Well, when I grew up, I never met my real father. When I met my father when I was 17, he said, "We changing your name to Christopher Sterling, Jr.'" I said, "Of course." You took your father's name? Yes, ma'am. So you are, in fact, the man listed on her birth certificate as her father? STERLING: Yes, ma'am. JUDGE LAKE: So, Miss Nelson, you've established a relationship with this other man? Yes, Your Honor. That's who you were led to believe is your father your whole life? Yes, Your Honor. Do you look like the other man? Yes, I do, I do. I look like the other man. Mr. Sterling, I see this has you very emotional. What is it you feel? Are you just so upset because she was led to believe something different? I look like him. I don't look like this man right here. And you just believe in your heart that's your daughter? (SOBBING) Yes, Your Honor. In all these years, you've been hurting, just missing her? Yes, Your Honor. It's almost unbelievable. Yeah, it is, Your Honor. This is my first time ever meeting him. I've never met this man in my life... Well, I've never met him in my life, and this is my first time meeting him and seeing him. And if he is my dad, this is unbel... This is... This is great if he is my father, if he's not, then... But I've missed so many years, man. (SOBBING) So, Christopher Lancaster, who is Christopher Sterling, who was Vincent Preston Nelson... Yes, ma'am. May be your father? Yes, Your Honor. Jerome, I think we need to talk to her mother. Please escort her in. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) Hi, ma'am. Hello, ma'am. Hello, Your Honor. Thank you for joining us today. Miss Haynes, you are Miss Nelson's mother? Yes. You admit you had a relationship with this gentleman, Christopher Sterling? Yes. But do you know him as Christopher Sterling? I know him as Christopher Sterling because I was there when he met his father. He's saying he was there at the hospital when she was born. Correct. Correct. There was a disconnection? It was a disconnection, yes, ma'am. And then he was no longer a part of your life, Right. nor his daughter's? Yes. And, at some point, you met this man in prison, and then you ended up telling your daughter that he was her father? Never. Against my wishes and against her fam... My other family's wishes who she was staying with, she snuck and went to see this man. So you never told her that. I never told her that. But, Miss Nelson... He told her that. You felt like you were led to believe it because he said, "I'm your father"? I'm your father, and your mother took me out of your life and said I can... I cannot be a part of your life because I'm in and out of jail. My family did not want me to have a relationship with him, but I chose to have a relationship with him, because this man was telling me he was my father. And this is the man I knew, and this is the man that I called "Daddy." I didn't know this man right here. Christopher Sterling, Vincent Nelson, whatever his name is. I didn't have a relationship with this man. I didn't know him. That's true. Mr. Sterling, where were you, though? STERLING: We lost contact, Your Honor. And she was two, three years old the last time I seen her. We was in Coney Island at Nathan's. I bought her French fries. That's the last time I seen my daughter. I remember her birthday, July 25, every year. Yes. That's my daughter right here. She 23 years old. When she was born, I told her she had a older sister. Am I'm lying? JUDGE LAKE: Ma'am, please stand up. Let me hear your testimony. And your name is, ma'am? Amberlyn Sterling. And you're Mr. Sterling's daughter? Yes. And so you remember your entire life being told you have an older sister? Yes. Do you believe Miss Nelson is your sister? I wanna believe it. There's a slight doubt, but I don't know. I have no idea. I would like to know. I would like her to be my sister. AUDIENCE: Aww... I never talked to her, I never seen her, I don't know what she... This is my first time I ever seen her. NELSON: Mmm-hmm. Yes, Your Honor. And you say you have some doubt. Why do you have doubt? I've been told my whole life, but I've never met her, and I feel like if that was my sister, why... Why wasn't it a connection? Why didn't we have a connection? And there's more where I came from, I have two other siblings... So it's like, why wasn't she brought to me? Like were us two brought together, period. So it was like, is she my sister? I don't know. I have no idea. This is a lot. I mean, this is just... It is, and I don't even know what to say... I honestly don't even know what to say, but I feel like he could have done more to find me. I feel like he did not do enough. I'm 31, Your Honor. I've been through a lot, and I feel like if he really wanted to find me, he could've found me. And I feel like he really didn't want to find me, and that's how I feel. No, I did. But I feel like you really didn't because that's how I feel. Why? I feel like you didn't ever wanna really find me. If I'm busy, and I'm taking care of what... You too busy to find your daughter? You're too busy? I'm 31 years old. Wow, really? Okay. I think it's time for the results. NELSON: Oh, God. Oh, God. Thank you, Jerome. May I go down there with my daughter? You absolutely may. NELSON: Please, Mom. HAYNES: I got it. NELSON: I can't... HAYNES: Ready, all right. This is what you've been waiting for, right? I know. These results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics, and they read as follows. "In the case of<i> Nelson v. Sterling-Haynes,</i> "as it pertains to whether Mr. Vincent Nelson, "also known as Christopher Sterling, "is the biological father of Miss Nelson. "In the case of<i> Nelson v. Sterling-Haynes,</i> "as it pertains to whether Mr. Vincent Nelson, "also known as Christopher Sterling, "is the biological father of Miss Nelson, (NELSON SOBBING) "it has been determined by this court, "Mr. Sterling, "you "are her father." (AUDIENCE CHEERING AND APPLAUDING) (LAUGHING) Oh, dear Lord. You're in the Sterling clan now. I know, I know. Thank you. This is exactly why I get up in the morning. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) I commend you, Miss Nelson, for having the courage to go through every path you had to walk down, everywhere the stories led you. Now you know who you are and to whom you belong. Exactly. I wish you the best of luck. Thank you so much. Thank you, Your Honor. Congratulations. Court is adjourned. Thank you so much. I'd like to thank Judge Lake for letting us appear in her court today and what it meant to me. It brought closure to my life, to let everybody know this is my daughter. I'm just happy, and I thank you for appearing in her court. I finally have closure. I have a dad, I have a beautiful sister, and I'm so thankful for the court today.
Channel: Paternity Court
Views: 2,258,864
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, season 4, season 4 full episodes
Id: 0l4FI8D_rH4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 14sec (1034 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 29 2018
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