Complete Stranger Claims To Be Woman's Father (Full Episode) | Paternity Court

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Please be seated. Good morning, Your Honor. Good morning. This is the case of <i> Jenkins v. Bond.</i> Thank you, Ron. Good day, everyone. AUDIENCE: Good day. Mr. Jenkins, you reached out to the court to open a case. You believe that you have a long-lost daughter <i> and hoped to one day find her to prove you are her father. Is that correct?</i> JENKINS: <i> Yes, Your Honor.</i> JUDGE LAKE: <i> So, we've located the woman you believe is your daughter</i> <i> and she's here in court today.</i> But she does not believe you are her father. So, Ron, can you please escort Ms. Bond into the courtroom? RON: Yes, Your Honor. Thank you. Stand behind the left podium. JUDGE LAKE: Thank you for joining us, Ms. Bond. So, before the court contacted you, have you ever... Had you ever heard of Mr. Jenkins? No, I'd never heard of Mr. Jenkins. None of my family members have spoken on him. I'd also like to submit this as evidence that his name isn't even on my birth certificate. Ron, can you pass me that evidence, please? So, you don't believe he's your father? No, Your Honor. Because you've never heard of him? Never heard of him, no one's ever spoken of him. I've never seen any pictures. My mother never even spoke of him, brought him up in no conversations whatsoever. JUDGE LAKE: So this is your birth certificate? Yes, Your Honor. And under father's legal name, <i> nothing is recorded.</i> ANDREIA: <i> Yes, Your Honor.</i> But you were raised by a man that you believe... You were told was your biological father. ANDREIA: <i> Yes. He died in a car accident in 1999 with my mother,</i> <i> and I believed that that was my father.</i> <i> So, Ms. Bond, ultimately,</i> you come to court today completely in the dark. ANDREIA: Yes, Your Honor. You don't have any information? No information. No one's ever told you anything? No one's ever told me anything. JUDGE LAKE: And, Mr. Jenkins... Yes, ma'am? You have known about this young woman all her life. I've been looking for her over 24 years, Your Honor. Me and her mother was in college together. And I'm telling you, she was banging. I mean, it was bad. (LAUGHTER) I mean, she had a nice, big back porch on her. Hefty side... And she used to wear this little black hat with an "X" on it. I mean, you know, and I was like... She was like Lena Horne to me. You know, she... JUDGE LAKE: Aw! She was fine. I mean, she was fine. Light brown eyes. Ms. Bond looks just like her. She ended up getting pregnant while we was living together. JUDGE LAKE: <i> Okay.</i> <i> So, during the time when we was living together,</i> I was going to the doctor with her. I'd like to submit this to the court, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: Yes. Ron, can you hand me that evidence, please? It's an ultrasound picture that I used to go to... To the hospital with her. You did? So when you found out she was pregnant... I was excited. I said, "I got my first child. I got a girl!" You know, I was... I was just blown away. I was on top of the world. So this is an ultrasound picture of Ms. Bond... JENKINS: Yes. <i> ...that you saved all these years?</i> JENKINS: <i> For 24 years, I've been saving that picture right there.</i> If you guys were so close and you were so in love and everything, why did it take you so long to find me? I've been doing everything I can do, I promise you. Ms. Bond, after your mom passed, and your dad, who took care of you? A relative on my mother's side. JUDGE LAKE: Did you know she was there? Yes, Your Honor. So, I'd like to hear more about what life was like after your mom and dad passed away for you, <i> because now you're growing up without your parents.</i> I felt alone. You know, I didn't have anyone to talk to. I didn't have anyone. (CRYING) I lost my mother... Take your time. ...and my father. And I didn't have anybody. And I struggle. And I'm still struggling. I'm homeless. I'm trying to get my children. And I have no one on my side and I just feel so alone. I feel like a part of me is really missing. JUDGE LAKE: How many children do you have? I have two sons. JUDGE LAKE: I can see that this was very painful for you. I know what life is like to have to go on without your mother. I've lost my mother, and I can only imagine if it was your mother... ANDREIA: It hurts. ...and the man you know as to be your father. So you basically raised yourself with the help of family. Mmm-hmm. Yes, Your Honor. But you felt alone. ANDREIA: Always felt alone. I still feel alone. Cry myself to sleep every night 'cause I just don't have anyone. Excuse me, Your Honor. She got me. No, you don't have to worry about nothing. See, 'cause I'm your man. I'm going to step up and do what I've got to do. My job is to protect you and love you. To show you how a man's supposed to treat you, you know. And I missed that. I missed that growing up. I didn't have a father figure to tell me, you know, right from wrong, type of boys to date. I've made a lot of wrong decisions and I've made a lot of mistakes 'cause I didn't have anyone there to guide me. Well, you got me now. I wanna love you. I'mma be there for you. I want to support you. I'm going to teach you how a man's supposed to treat you. You know, I'm a man. You know, I want a man for you like the man that I am. I still... I still have my doubts, though. I used to go over one of your family member's house. I used to come over there every Christmas. I used to go over there. They kept me out on the porch. Played crazy on me. Playing like she didn't know who I was. I've knocked on doors. I'd like to submit one more thing to the court, Your Honor. I have a Facebook page. If you went through social media, you could've found me. I did everything I could do. I've been looking for you over 24 years. JUDGE LAKE: Ron, let me see that evidence. I'd like to submit this to the court. That's one of your numbers that I have. I had contacted Ms. Bond before. I've never received a call. Is that your phone number, ma'am? It might have been. I have so many numbers, I don't remember. You don't remember? I've never got a call. I've never got a text, a letter, nothing. JENKINS: I've been googling her. All these different sites, I've been doing all this research. I don't understand, you've done all this and you still couldn't find me. I just... I don't understand. I really don't. I've put in the work. So, I want to know more about... How did it end? It seemed like you all were in love and you were having a baby <i> and you've got ultrasound pictures. What happened?</i> I also had people putting stuff in her head, turning her against me. The more I was trying to do things... We was both going to school. I'm sorry, I still don't believe that's the reason to break up with someone. Letting outside people get into your relationship. If you really loved her, you would have stayed, regardless of whatever was going on. I did everything... I did everything that I possibly could do. Matter of fact, she wanted to get married. She had asked my mother to marry me. During that time, I was still in college. You know, I said, in my head, "Let me get me a good education." I get a good job before I make that step, because during that time, I wasn't ready. I wish I did. So, you regret that? Yes, I do. So, when she wanted to get married and you felt like you weren't ready, was Ms. Bond here? Was the baby here? Had you had the baby? JENKINS: <i> I wasn't</i> <i> at the hospital.</i> But once she was born, she got in contact with me. Me and my mother went to see the baby. And that's a picture of Ms. Bond? JENKINS: Yes, that's it. That's a baby picture you have... JENKINS: <i> Exactly. And I've been having that picture over 24 years.</i> I look at that picture all the time. You believe that's Ms. Bond? Yes, I do. Ms. Bond, have you ever seen that baby picture of yourself? I've never seen that baby picture of myself. I held her once. In my life, I held her... And that was it. At about two weeks old. You've never seen a picture of you as a baby even with this same onesie on? I've never seen that picture, Your Honor. Have you ever seen pictures of the day you were born? No, Your Honor. So, Mr. Jenkins... Yes? ...did you ever come close to meeting Ms. Bond? I mean, after being there in the hospital... I don't even understand, how did you lose contact? I lost contact, like I told you, after people got in her head, took her away from me. I went by there and left my phone number. And Xavier called me. And when she called me, I was excited. I was like, "Wow. "Here I can get my girl. I can get my girl. I can see my baby now." I was just excited. And then I said, "Where are you?" You should've saw me regardless of whether or not she was in another relationship. You shouldn't have let anything get in between you being with her or you seeing me, being around me, raising me. JENKINS: I didn't know where you was at. ANDREIA: I'm here now. I thank God for this here show right now because this is one of the ways that I found you. You know, because, other than that, I was doing all the footwork. I was knocking on doors. So, when you left your phone number... JENKINS: Yes. ...and Ms. Bond's mother called you back... Yes, she called. ...did you make contact? Did you see her again? No, I didn't. She would've been around eight years old. <i> Yes, I...</i> <i> You didn't get to see her?</i> <i> I did get to see her.</i> <i> What happened?</i> I talked to her on the phone. And she said, "In the next week or so, I'll let you see Andreia." I said, "How's she doing?" "She's doing pretty good." A week later, I call her back at that number, and I heard some bad news that she was in a bad car accident. JUDGE LAKE: <i> Oh, my goodness.</i> JENKINS: <i> And here we go again I had to start all over again.</i> She got killed in a car accident. You could've came to the funeral. I was cut off from the... I still don't feel like you're my father, I'm sorry. 'Cause, well, if you were really my father, you would have tried harder. You would've been in my life regardless of anything that was going on. JUDGE LAKE: And do you understand... (APPLAUSE) Mr. Jenkins, I mean, this is a 24-year-old young woman and yet there are some very real feelings that are just still from a young girl that's been through so much. I mean, it's hard for her to wrap her mind around the fact that there was no way for you to get to her. I don't believe that at all. JUDGE LAKE: So you don't think your family did that, Ms. Bond? No. So, Mr. Jenkins, do you think there's a possibility that Ms. Bond's mother didn't think you were the biological father? I don't think that, Your Honor. She knew that I was the father. I only say that because, of course, I sit in this chair day after day. And one case in particular sticks out in my mind where a gentleman was in a very similar position to you. I mean, he came to court. He knew this young woman was his daughter. He had a baby picture of her. <i> And yet, ultimately it was determined he was not.</i> Could it be possible that maybe there was something that you just missed? No, Your Honor. Right, 'cause I'm saying, like, she never spoke of you. And I'm just trying to understand if you were really my father. In eight years, she's never shown me a picture, she never spoke of you. No one has ever spoke of you. This is my first time seeing you, hearing of you, so it's just hard for me to believe that you're my father. I mean, I didn't want to end up getting to the point that I'd get into any trouble, but I pushed it as far as I could push it. Well, I think that's one point, Ms. Bond, that I want to help Mr. Jenkins articulate better. When you submitted your birth certificate to the court, and under father, there was no name listed, because he was not listed. <i> He doesn't have any rights to see you.</i> Or to stake any claim to visit you. Anything. And so, Mr. Jenkins, let me ask you this. What jump-started, accelerated this new search? Now it's been 24 years. And, I mean, you contacted this court and you were looking for this young woman with a... A vengeance. You called this court every single day. Now, just a while back, you know, music artist Prince had died and he didn't have any estate or nothing to leave any of his stuff to. So the things that I have, or the things that I've accomplished in life, I would like to leave them to my daughter. I still have... So when you look at Mr. Jenkins, Ms. Bond, and you look at him, do you see yourself at all? Do you say, "I kinda feel like I look like him"? ANDREIA: <i> I look more like him, to me, in my opinion.</i> JUDGE LAKE: <i> You feel</i> <i> like you look more</i> like the man you believe to be your father? Yes. All right, well, the only way to move forward, that's why we're here, is to get the results, and we have those for you. Ron, will you give me the envelope, please? Yes, ma'am. These results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics and they read as follows. "In the case of <i> Jenkins v. Bond..."</i> When it comes to 24-year-old Andreia Bond, it has been determined by this court, Mr. Jenkins, you... ...are her father. (AUDIENCE CHEERING) I love you. I love you. I love you. (SOBBING) I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. (SOBBING) 24 years. 24 years of doing footwork. And it paid off. JUDGE LAKE: Yes, it did. Thank you, God. I love you. I love you, too. Aw! JENKINS: It paid off. Well, y'all got me crying now. (LAUGHTER) This is one beautiful sight. This is exactly why we do this. So I am going to adjourn court, but I'd like to see you both in my chambers if you can spare a couple more minutes with me. As long as you want to. JUDGE LAKE: All right. I'm so happy you all found each other. Thank you. Yes. Court is adjourned. I'll see you in my chamber. (APPLAUSE) Ms. Bond, I listened to your story as you testified today, and I was really moved. We reached out to the college where your father and your mother went together. Wayne County Community College. And we told them about this remarkable young woman that we think deserves some much-needed support. So they've agreed to offer you a scholarship... ANDREIA: Are you serious? pursue the degree of your choice. Oh, my God. Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you. You know what I think? You've been through a lot. And it's your turn now. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. I think I need a hug. Y'all had me crying. Oh, I'm so happy for you. ANDREIA: Thank you so much. Oh, my pleasure. Aw, congratulations.
Channel: Paternity Court
Views: 2,039,352
Rating: 4.8414097 out of 5
Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, season 4, season 4 full episodes
Id: p6YDtdRf7pE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 25sec (1045 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 15 2018
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