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are relationship prenups a good idea i say yes i think that they are a really good idea i mean by the time that you get to the point where you don't want to be with each other anymore you want it to go as smoothly as possible i think if you have a prenup or if you have some sort of contract you're already going into the relationship with an expiration date you're thinking i'm gonna break up with you i buy myself a car and i put entrance on it with that way of thinking you're already thinking that you're gonna have an accident you're just going down that route you signing a will is just you thinking about death you can't just think about death like that because then you know it's gonna happen you have a lot of things that you acquire you know a house a car accounts and money coming in it's preparing yourself to an eventuality that might happen it's either you're gonna make it either you're not prepare yourself some people might say well you know it's different because like death is something that could spontaneously happen to you yeah and sometimes you can spontaneously get divorced sometimes people grow out of love and they don't want to be with you anymore that happens even if you want to all the might you have inside of you sometimes some girls just don't want to be with you that happens some guys don't want to be with you either this wasn't a prenup though this was a contract that he put in front of her 46 pages that says if we're gonna break up you are out the door ladies your biggest your strongest weapon is your intuition if somebody's handing you a contract on day one saying if it don't work your assets out the door your ass needs to be out the door on day one why people say that when they're the ones who are not making the money you know if i'm getting involved with somebody like common law for example and then they're entitled to some kind of financial like understand my my financial contribution is not just my partner i also have a family to take care of i got people around me who may rely on me for money like that stuff matters so when you think you can come in live with me in a place that i purchase the place i furnish or whatever it might be and then think you can take half of that just after divorce why if you are someone of character who's really not in it for the money right then that's fine so sign the contract that we all know because guess what you can say something but guess what things change after a while things can sour very fast when breakups are about to happen people can turn resentful for all kinds of reasons so you may go on being like i would never but how many times people said i would never and they did that when i hear her i'm just like bruh i don't bite listen if i made the money before you got with me that's mine that's it that's how i feel about it that's how i feel about this kind of financial split stuff if we came into this relationship way later when i've already established myself and my finances are straight and soaring well what did you contribute to that wealth and that accumulation am i crazy to say that but then again even then when in in the court of law whenever you break up they're gonna tell you that what you brought into the relationship is not necessarily just money and they're gonna take an accountability other things that you bring to the to to the table and other things that you bring to the if you fix things around the house it's not your money but you bring that to the table that as well you can't put a price tag on that money is easy it's it's a it's a it's a sign it's a dollar it's a number it's easy boom that amount of money boom flip but there's it's more than that whatever you contribute to the to the relationship is more than just the money you bring home it's also everything that you were able to do and to bring to ease the relationship cooking taking care of the kids a relationship is compromised you know it's it's a funny thing i agree if you go into it with the idea that it's going to end let me tell you something i don't know a single person that has a prenup that ain't had to use it including yourself steve has to meet him with divorce three times as a man i got divorced few times yeah that's a poor argument i don't know nobody that had a prenup that that didn't have to use it if they had to use it and had the prenup it proved they were right it just proved that they were right you said things when things go well when things everybody's at ease and when everybody's in love you don't settle settling things where people hate each other that ain't it that ain't it you settle it when everybody's in love and everything goes well because listen even if you go in with the best of intentions sometimes they fail right steve harvey your evidence of that you didn't make no prenups still failed well i think it's always good to understand that possibilities there and if that happens we don't want finances and all that stuff to be a huge burden within that dynamic so stands to reason to me that considering marriage is such a contract anyways to begin with where you're saying this is yours this is mine this is already established within the mayor's contract what's the issue with adding more stipulations to that to make sure that every party upon a breakup is going to see that their side ends well sounds was very reasonable i don't know she said you're preparing for failure it's like having a plan b yeah it's your insurance yes and what's wrong with that yes you should have plan b's what do you think you just go into something like i'm gonna make this work no matter what even if it kills me even that is the dumbest thing i've heard today if you didn't have a plan b steve you wouldn't be divorced multiple times divorce is a plan b by definition because whenever you marry yourself is supposed to be for better for worse you're supposed to keep on going but you chose to opt out that's a plan b so i don't even know what the hell is so wrong with a plan b i remember it was chris rock that said that insurance is not insurance that nothing is going to happen it's in case it happened it should be called in case it happens you know if happens you got an insurance hey you said you don't see what's wrong with plan b i bet a lot of women agree and a lot of tooths oh yeah busting in them sugar walls raw i don't see nothing wrong with a little plan b i don't see nothing wrong nothing wrong with a little plan b busting in them sugar walls raw what kill me with that b is ridiculous if you have a plan b how can you possibly expect a to work yeah if exactly if you don't put your all into a get the [ __ ] out of here i mean they tell you for this for most like facets of life if you if you're going to work in finance right if you're going to do investments you don't put everything in one stock right you diversify your portfolio in case your big one doesn't work out you can still fall back on other things this kind of like dumb idea that you only focus on one thing is crazy like yes put your energy into the one that's the most important plus understand things can go wrong your partner could die your partner could decide to leave you you can't decide these things there's things that are outside your control so it's smart in those circumstances to have a fallback plan just thinking that because you think and you work hard that's i'm sorry i've been a good person so everything good is gonna happen to me that's not life you could be the best bird i know some good good motherf some good people some great people great personality everything they wouldn't hurt a fly happens to them and pretty hectic stuff too it's not how that's not how life works that is not how life works i put all my effort in this relationship and this is how you thank me he's not thanking you or she's not thanking you it's just things that happen and it's not working out and deciding to split has nothing to do with you work hard or not you can actually not put any any effort in a relationship and it can still work old people that really don't like each other and they're just there and they can't stain each other but they're there and there's people that can put all the effort to leave you it's outside of your control sometimes no real talk real talk if you don't have a partner that's your fault you have not because you ask not did you write it down you got to write it down it's written in the scriptures he's simple he's got to he's three women across from him and one that there's a reason yeah but the majority of his audience what do you think they think exactly all right i have to go into that relationship 100 committed not thinking okay if it doesn't work out this is what i'm gonna do you know if it doesn't work out then fine i'm out of here i don't want anything i'll go shopping and buy new furniture right yeah but that's you that's and that's what you're saying right now you don't know how you're going to feel at that time you don't know how how scared or where you're going to be because of financial situations or not being able to live the same lifestyle or whatever it might be so you can say that now and it sounds great and you know what i really believe that in that moment you believe that but things change do you think people when they say tell death do is part they're saying i'm not committed no they're 100 percent into it but happens is it not the case you think most people who are getting married like i'm not gonna last in this no most of them really believe they will but [ __ ] happens and if it doesn't work out i hope that you would treat me accordingly there are plenty of women who have busted their butts for their men they have put in into that relationship why is it that after five ten years a relationship doesn't work you're gonna throw me out of the house no i'm keeping the house the car i'm keeping everything your ass is leaving the house amen women like this is exactly why you need a prenup yup cause she's acting out of anger not even out of logic and i guarantee you if you google her name wrong she's definitely been divorced definitely been divorced what's her name how many how many spouses she got two and get this out of here bro you know what no no no this is the big no no bro bro this is the big irony of what she said peep game she said what you think you're just gonna throw me out and then i'm gonna have nothing you need to let me go the iron is that most women are the ones who bring the forces to men so it's not us saying you gotta leave you're the one who's leaving and then you also think that you're gonna get the house and the car and everything else the audacity that's actually to make yourself sound like the victim and then also take all the benefits that's the numbers that's that that's the numbers it's not taking it out most men in all the relationship it's women that bring mostly women that brings a divorce that's that's just a fact no no no exactly you see you see this it's not even the equality or what's right it's everything for women that's what it is you know it's crazy it's crazy how women can get on live television and be this toxic it's wild listen my stance on this is very simple if we get married and i made the money before you're not touching that after we get married we go through the whole process i'm done to support you because you've been part of that process from there on for you know that's how i feel that's how i'm going to stay feeling any kind of relationship or marriage i'm going to get to i'm going to go with that i'm also going to make sure i'm going to be with a partner who's open to that kind of idea because the people i generally do have some level of integrity in that regards and are fine with that right they're not after mom so they don't mind signing it's not a big deal to them right so i think in terms of showing commitment i don't think having a prenup shows that you're not committed if anything i think it's an extra form of commitment because it alleviates any of those possible stresses that you have in regards to what may happen in regards to finances whether you're a man or woman who's making a lot more okay it just takes that away because you're actually because thinking of after because not just the relationship the reason why i say this is because like i said it before but i got to think about my mom i got to think about my brother my sister like i got people i'm taking care of i can't have you leave and then rob them also no it's not going to work like that right so i have responsibilities if you want to be with me in this regards and you really believe in this then just sign it we're going to work it out but to idea like oh if you make this that's stupid that's true anybody who gets a divorce and acts like there's not a plan b like you lying that's it most people recognize that there is a plan b that was a potato tape yeah no no what you need to do is put all your eggs in one basket who says that who said that ever and i don't even know how people would think that and think like that but you know what the tuple pheromone i guess you know you need everything to make anything so it makes no sense at all protect your neck that's guys and girls protect your neck as she said she said if he gives you a contract you should leave guys and girls if you want him or her to sign a contract and they don't leave that's what i say yup that's how i feel marriage is a contract i don't understand it is a contract it's like so you're just adding more clothes more specificity to what the contract is that's it but it's a plan b it's like yo if you feel so strong just stay with your partner why you gotta get your signing any kind of paper you're not believing it why do you have to sign the dotted line i'ma drive my car but i disconnected the airbag because i got it here just stupid i'm good i'm done thumbs [ __ ] i've heard all day wow
Channel: Aba N Preach
Views: 1,654,689
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aba preach, reaction
Id: BqfXPoMbL8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 0sec (840 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 07 2021
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