Most Powerful mod yet! Shadow beasts! | Inscryption Modded

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hello everybody c3 again with another modded inscription act one run and today we're gonna be playing um it's kevin's card expansion from kevin 206 2006. and uh yeah let's uh let's do it it's a it's a mod requested from me by kevin so i'm gonna play it as i've said before if um before i will do um things i already have done before i will go through everybody that request me things and this looks already awesome what is it like what this this this looks insane this is insane look at this look at this look at this i love it already and i see you also have added like little decal sigil with the c in the corner um let's see what's one cast zero two that i would assume evolves into a mad wasp or just a wasp i don't know this seems nice baby roboros it's a two cost 18 18 with unkillable and legend after two turns i guess it evolves into a real roboros but it already has a reverse deadline this 1818 is from yesterday's run so yesterday's the day before i don't know this is robo stats yeah that's completely broken shadow cobra two costs three two i really like that these cards are good two cost three two with gives both leader this is insane already host the cardboard residual is the host of other creatures it will give you such creature when struck so when this gets hit it gives me another wow this is like this is it also has the the kin of uh canine so this is literally the wolf two cars three two last leader plus host spreading starvation spreading starvation until the end of the owner's turn a card bearing this sigil will create another creature on a random empty space on the owner's side of the table this is called spreading starvation and this is almost a starvation person it's a two cost one one i will just randomly guess that this thing gives you free starvations and this render innovation is like a one more two two or three three that has cannot get attacked so this might be insane more insane than the rest when the goal who costs two two the camera on the serial deals damage it heals one health for each damage dealt so this is the first bad card shadow wolf two cost three two that transforms into something else i mean it's a two card three two it's it's a shadow balls actually i don't know why it's not a canine though mad wasp three cast two four flyer double strike and this is also weak however in two cast one three poison moves around first of all everything costing two not a good idea uh i think i'm gonna go with wasp larba shadow cabra spreading starvation and shadow wolf let's go like this and uh to be honest i can even not take the wasp lara and just go for wyvern or baby robert i i don't want to pick up a baby reverse okay i don't want to pick this up just because of the fabulous and ruboros and uh i do have the side deck mod installed and i know that i can have the choice of getting two costs only so maybe i should do a two cost deck like with these three i still am not sure about the baby larva because this might be good might be trash whisperer if it was into this then it's insane if it evolves into something else then it's mediocre so these three are for sure happening no matter what side deck i go for i think i want to go with so i'm thinking right now this is mediocre who cost two two with leech not really something insane uh wyvern is a two cost run three with poison if if it if it didn't have a sprinter man if it didn't have the sprinter i mean the idea of this is that it attacks and moves and then blocks something and then attacks that and also moves left i don't know should i should i test the larva should i slaughter i can just test the larva and if it's like complete trash i can transfer it on to spreading starvation so that this becomes a one three two three and survives a bit more so let's take the larva let's take the larva just so that we learn what it is uh that was a classic case of four minutes just to pick cards but i mean the new cards happen i will go with the one-eyed goat because seems like i'm gonna go for an expensive build here most likely the whole one is going to be expensive cards let's go to the sacrifice to maybe get rid of the larva and as far as i know i will be forced to draw the larva here because people continue telling me that you always draw one cost or a bone cost unit and i did draw the larva so assuming first of all i cannot uh play this i would say we play the shabba shabba kabra shallow cabra here to buy ourselves a lot of time and then next turn yeah let's uh let's do that so we play this i know we lose to life but we play this here so this should buy us a lot of time because it's for damage but yup now this will die but it will give us something let's see what it gives us what what this is insane this is completely insane are you crazy let's go here um this will do two damage to us yeah let's get rid of this let's think about this how can i not kill him yeah this is definitely gonna kill him now we play let's let's play this so we learn what this actually does let's see what the shadow wolves want evolves into pass now we take one who cares oh smoke wolf what no that's boring no no let's draw this let's go here so we learn what the wasp is yeah i know we're close to lethal but i mean we're not even multiple little pop-up and let's see what this thing becomes and we take a hit and now we see what the rustler is wow it does actually evolve into the mad wasp [Laughter] oh man this mod this mod is insane you know what i might as well experiment with this am i right um i mean this is insane i want to see what this becomes well if this does what i think it does so right now we're about to do for damage if i kill this off into this yeah let's let's see what this range let's let's see how correct or not i am we won't be winning here it's 5 damage it creates itself it creates itself everything is insane in this game it's an insane one man this is insane i love it i love it this is this should not be loseable let's see uh wyvern a smaller dragon yet more deadly nope uh the mythical wendigo facts upon those killed yep two cars i don't care uh one of the magnifice it has every it's a one cost one two with regenerate and it also has every single one of the sigils first of all there is a transfer coming up i think i'm going to transfer the shadow wolf but i know for a fact that transformer the default thing that this transforms into is a robo adder so i don't want to transfer the transform transfer this anywhere like on all so um yeah i get the first transfer coming up and i think i should like take gilbert and transfer him onto something like the wasp the wasp or i can give away within the ego and transfer it i think i can go with gobert and transfer it or you know what just just reroll and see what i can find and no matter what i choose it's going to be based on to transfer to something wow what is this the twisted mind spell or otherwise known as the black beast so this is a two cost two three with something inside of it which we don't know what it is yet reptilian covering itself in thick shells armored reptile what is this are you crazy a car behind the schedule will gain one strength for each instant of predator when the opposing slot has a card so this when an oppose what so when an opponent is in front of it this is a 2 3 and it attacks the ancient mythical kitsuna it's a 2 3-2 with what firestarter a car bang residual will light what it strikes on fire causing it to gain the burning sigil the burning schedule is defined as each upkeep this creature against one strength but loses one health no we're gonna go with this and transfer it onto this i would say or transfer this onto no everything is crazy here man armored reptile onto the shadow wolf i would say and then uh even when this is flipped the sigil should still stay there this is insane this is so stupid this is so stupid it's a pee i love it i love it i love it i love op stuff although this i'm not sure if we're gonna maybe this should be a side like uh let's go here into this it will still have the damage even an opponent is in front of it so that's very nice i think at least i love it i love this mod right now and um yeah maybe this is going to be a mod that i should have like a secondary mod while i'm playing something else just to have the powerful cards right now i still haven't seen a single trash cart i guess gobert but still it's it's an amalgam though so it's not trash either um i want to see how good spreading starvation is gonna fare this is a flyer so we we're not afraid of that let's let's try let's try the starvation place so we're about to take three damage i and i i just need to do one because i'm gonna take two from this this is insta win the moment i played so let's see the starvation play out i lose to life right i i'm a three from lethal so we do this now i'm one from lethal pass boop someone won here nice okay i don't care about that coyote honestly uh i can't play anything like honestly can't play anything if i play the saints to lose i could play the shadow wolf to get the win wait a minute can i can i keep myself alive if i can't keep myself five movies gonna try to go for the win um this does one here this dies and this one does one to the opponent and because this is flying i'm not able to next fight next fight let's try the next fight let's go here now let's go for the win i'll let the pokemon exist this will kill the backline kill this kill that let's go i'll do three damage backlash that this is dead this is dead very nice now we no longer can lose liberty flippity as you see it still maintains its sigils so now the only thing i need to do for for that to be useful is just yet um blame it once if i just give it one damage flame it's it's going to be enough nine damages man this is insane this wasn't saying i love it i can't even express how much i love it obviously it's becoming more insane because of the side deck i chose so being able to just play two costs makes it even more broken small bird flies around in search for food steal from others burp it's a two cost two two that gives you a bonus as a flyer frozen creature i don't know what's hiding inside itself this is a monster eight bones to play it yeah that's not happening that's not joining my deck aggressive wasp attacks everything it sees yeah that's also out everything's out let's go for better cards because we know there are better cards we can train larva what a lie mad wasp and luis i'm gonna go for the wasp larva honestly i'll go for the wasp larvae as long as lashi's not coming in with three damage i can just play the wasp larva and one turn later we win as it does for health uh on this i would say first of all i think i should transfer one of the wasps onto the starvation let's i would say shadow cabra honestly one health on this becomes a three four i could also go for the starvation observations most likely not needed let's go for this a 3 4 is enough i don't need more of this uh let's go this path oh wait a minute i want to transfer one of the larva onto the starvation so let's go this path even if this is mediocre i'm gonna go wolf by the way in case i get another one of those two cos three twos that are crazy okay this time though i can definitely try the starvation play so i play one starvation that creates another one yeah yep that's uh that's the plan so this starvation should die so we play this here the other starvation appears here here doesn't really matter this will get blocked it will die and then we will see i guess pass boop with the new one nice that's a skunk okay that moved away which actually th this moving there gave us lethal gave it lethal we got lethal um well force the first move is forced not my fault ass starvation nice so now my question is does that mean i literally have infinite salvations now let me test this throw this out is this gonna are these both gonna create the starvation now this is so insane this is so insane man this is so powerful i don't even know what to say other than that it's insanely powerful let's go here let's go here and the starvation is going to create another starvation oh this is so fun bye bye you know i was thinking about maybe somebody creating an overpowered one for once let's let's make the smart explode everybody who has subscription if you want a powerful one here's the choice let's give give me another one of these oh the shadows of an ancient creature called chubacabra the most powerful i'd card in the game let's go and sacrifice i'm going to transfer one of those to the starvation so let's transfer one wasp larva over to the starvation i don't think it needs more now now this starvation is going to be a one seven pretty much uh one three so the two three so the first starvation is going to be two three and then the rest are going to be the one once most likely because that's how it works i don't know any card um copying itself most of the cards create itself themselves and by creating themselves so they just pull the base card from the from the game files i guess uh i can play this in winter instantly i like how this is red like we are evil um yeah let's uh let's begin now let's just go here into this into this let's go here and pass up yep you're gonna attack there adder is is perfect for us elder spreading starvation it has been long ago since the last revision happened this is the elder of starvation well uh leslie you just lost the fight what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing i'm gonna draw that because i want to play the wolf next turn uh we're gonna pass here we win and we most likely are gonna create a starvation too right or is it just gonna ding and it's done yep it's stinging it's done maybe the starvation is gonna somehow bug out and while it's dying it's also gonna trigger its effect i don't know what i don't know i don't know what i was expecting i mean i literally said what i was expecting let's go here into the crazy card but by the way i still really love the fact that the sigils are at the bottom i'm gonna say that every single time and you know why because i requested for that to appear and they made it happen so i'm gonna always give props to that mod let's continue and now this has plus the plus one damage just because it's next to that thing that's a three oh this is so fun i don't know until gold nugget let's go goldman let's go let's kill that how can you we could have seen you cards right away with the pack let's see what the rarest wow i'm i'm i'm expecting one cost five fives with multi attack here i don't even know what to expect from the rares let's see what this will be let's see what this will be i'm ready a seemingly hard to destroy reptile that kills anything coming too close a two cost 3 3 with what a vicious creature strength grows the more it is attacked ah so it's a it's a 4 2 and then it's a 5 one the incredible hydra when you sewer ahead it just grows back it's a two cost two two does this have some kind of hidden ability that i don't know worm a worm known to reincarnate upon death it's a six cost one four with every single sigil uh [Music] i'm not ecstatic about them [Music] i'm really not ecstatic about them does the hydra have some kind of inability uh [Music] i don't know i don't like any of them like at all let's uh let's try the hydra give me a give me a sec okay i'm back so um yeah only the hydra has some kind of inability there so uh let's forget let's pick the hydra i i'm not ecstatic about either of those so uh let's go for the hydra see how this goes let's see how this goes i don't know what uh you're gonna see what the abilities and uh nice we are missing an item so we dodged the bullet there i'm really thinking about going for this and maybe even getting it no let's go for this and fail on purpose i really like my small deck and if hydra is not really that useful i can even trash it onto something else like sacred on something else nope nope nope um i guess the only possible usable one is this one so let's just go for this one nothing we won okay we lost that's okay asked wait if you get nothing you pass i didn't even read uh shut the camera again but tries to yule itself rolling spider it's a two cost one three with uh corpse you know i mean i can take this for a free unit bandigo a two cost two two with triple sec i mean who cares um free unit is the play i think straight up just take a free unit i don't like the shadow cover to be honest my my plan is to get the hydra and transfer down to shadow cabra or the wasp but the thing is that the wasp comes back to your hand as a three cast uh i i guess i i guess crawling spider for the free unit once in a while although if that's my opening hand we will have some problems but whatever combining is coming up let's go with ply let's go with black gold i guess none of them are really playable for us try to avoid this i do i want to go there it will combine these two [Music] do i even want to combine these if anything i want to draw as many of them as possible if i go to the right side i'm going to get the shot i don't want this like at all let's go with combine even if i combine things that i don't want to still prefer that maybe maybe i'm gonna get forced to win again yeah i mean we just play this thing there is nothing we need to think about play this win charles cabral doom and destruction everything is of death into instruction in this mod uh we win don't even need to do anything attack stump let's go stomp let's go here another one of those or the really bad path by the way today can i get bone choice nope nope nope yes this is an insta loss do i want to get it instant loss maybe i want to try to get on one of these or maybe another wasp throw combine the wasps yeah maybe maybe i have a better idea yeah let's try to win and see if i can luckily enough get a thing i already have that's not the shadow cobra not this that neither and we got the wasp i was correct what is this though child of the knight two cost mirror three with spikes okay okay i guess uh goobert want to why why is he like this and i like that the i i really like that the little stars they're at the bottom and wow this is awesome let's go for this it's uh although pierce is useless at least i will be able to combine the wasps making them with zero four instead of combining the shadow carbills which i don't even want to do right now so let's just do that let's go here i don't know why i hear like two of the same yep let's go with it a lot of us now that means i should always have in my opening hand this larva the one cost zero four here with the strike the piercing strike the piercing strike is going to be important because if i find at least one flame for once i will be able to straight up just pierce something on the starting turn and this is going to be a quick win nothing going to think about it no shift don't insta win the rounds when you are broken we want to see more of this maybe if i don't draw the installment card let's go this path man are there enough flames can i find like a flame it would be nice no lash flash flash these are insta wins let's try to lose i'm gonna read so k9 k9 okay i mean this is a free win this is definitely a win potato potato though wait the potato is a one cost one two with with double with left and right strike what by the way they buffed the dumb builder and made it so that the dams actually get the sigils that the card has but the thing is that this is not true outside of casey's mod why weren't that the wolves i'm gonna go with the shadow wolf that also pierces how many shadow wolves as many as possible this is the shadow of deck and i still have not find a single player what's happening with the flames what is happening with the flames uh crawling spider to be honest you're out [Music] yep it's out let's go over this path and then that and all the right path most likely sacrifice the hydra can i get the height what is this what is this what oh that thing was a good sacrifice nice the more broken we become the more fun it is and we become broken like every single round the way i see this um let's try to buy ourselves some time to play the hydra and see what exactly it does so let's play the wasp here which is gonna definitely buy some time yes nothing we take two yeah yep this is not gonna be a bit too wait a minute this lane is gonna kill us is this gonna work and kill the back line or are we gonna lose um well i'm not gonna take that risk hydras here we're gonna just splash ourselves to make sure that we're not losing because of the thing i just mentioned [Applause] it's out look let's see how this is gonna work now we're learning at the same time it does not kill the backline so we actually survived by my master strategic plan um we're about to do 4 damage with the wasp and take 2 damage so yeah let's just play the hydra let's play the hydra and see what is hidden behind the two heads pass this is going to be for damage pretty six damage we're gonna take one let's see let's see let's see time to see what the hydra does i dress back it didn't buff itself it doesn't do anything well as we say it is what it is it doesn't do anything oh the ah it killed the bat okay i understand how the spikes work so it works completely bug does it um this is really good for us because this thing is a flyer so it might not be able to attack in front of it but it does attack behind in front of it so it kills any danger that might be coming in okay so we just saw that hydra does almost nothing so hydra's out and i'm going to transfer it onto the 3-4 here yeah so let's throw the hydra out of the deck uh drake the mighty unkillable drake uh it feels like it has five three sigils and um i don't know why i can't see them i'm not going to pick that angry spirit magnifies itself as a secondary mouth on the hair of a person [Music] here crawler a two costs tutu that will lure some russia so removes uh submerged and dec adaptics what drains its target of destructive soul traits detect determination extractor determination extractor what is this from undertale is this whole mod from undertale i don't think so um it's a toxin a carbon residual will inject toxin to what it attacks that causes the target to wither away and strengthen vigor and pathetic sacrifice you cannot sacrifice this thing i don't like any of those in comparison to the power level we have the poor potato the forgotten poor potato filled with hope it's a one co two cost one one so there is the super potato that's pretty much that attacks both sides or something and random card and goober it i'm gonna transfer the hydra onto [Music] i think i have to go for the potato here it's the only logical thing to go for hydra's gonna get transferred to the shadow cobra and the potato is still at two cost so i will still draw the larva every single turn as my first card i really need to find the flame uh potato i mean it might have something insane inside of it goober definitely not for our deck as um yeah definitely not for our deck let's go for the potato the reason google is not for our deck is because you know we have the two costs only rule here going for us uh hydrate you're out and uh you become mortal i would say yeah let's let's make this thing immortal it's one of my better cards this isn't the shadow cover is insane man i love these shadow monsters i love them i love this i love this i love this i love everything here let's go let's see what we get this is the fisher fight this should be an easy fight especially with the triple attack that i have if i draw that like instantly we win this whole fight can i draw my super card can i can i win right away please please please please please whoop it's raining whoop what look at this it's not my super card but i can still instantly win with a wasp so um just just play the wasp and we go here and then we go like here and then um and then we're like um okay let's uh let's i guess do this three four give some tags to the allies this comes back blah blah blah acts in the air yeah let's go for the instagram let's go here and now we go this and uh i can also play the potato if i want i want to play the poor potato you know what let's also learn what's inside of it i mean we're not gonna learn what's inside of it this is one two this is five plus one not winning right now ah doesn't matter yes oh we take one damage who cares i know i hope that's never gonna happen let's uh let's play the potato and see what exactly it does oh no the one i think oh no pass boom boom boom boom boom boop it's gonna add the whole map with trash which is not gonna even affect us as we're winning anyway and you know what let's let's see what the potato has inside of it hope what is this four costs two four with we generate two okay fair enough and opportunist a card being the sigil will gain one strength for each instance of opportunist when the opposing slot is empty so this is a forecast for four or a two four of an opponent goofy yeah yeah you're dead already from the mad wasp i don't know why the mosque attacked that fast wow what is this so it's a two coast one one that becomes a i love this moderate i love it i love it i don't know let's see new rares let's see new rails come on give me a better way give me better than the ones really disappointed to the rares i got glitch uh what is this this is not one of my guards is this uh sans mighty golem can withstand a lot of attacks two costs two four with uh takes one less you'll only take one okay so this needs four heads to die or a poisonous you know uh glitch it's a three cost two four with evolves so it becomes something insane and also double strike uh i think about this i'm thinking about this although it's not really playable i can't play this thing is it a good idea to use this i mean just to see the evolution it has otherwise the golem is a very very good card all right let's go for the golem but but swift you know what let's go for the glitch for the short fact that this is theoretically unlosable and um i have the black code so i can't play it once and then i can sacrifice can i get the flame flame can i get the flame where's the flame where is the flame man where's the flame leshi man lashi uh i don't know what the sevens into but i start with eight bones so theoretically they can just play it right away and uh if if we know anything from this mod this should be completely insane insanely bonkers insane so let's try that i am starting with eight bones and i have no bone cost units whatsoever so let's go this path because i want to avoid getting that okay let's go with this grill let's find an elite i will now 50 50 start either with the eight bone cast unit or the for the one cost unit okay i started with eight cost units so we can even see what it does this has six life i'm not gonna wait for six left to see what it does i'm just gonna straight up just macaroni it because we're winning anyway yeah we're winning for sure if i just play the shadow cobra with the one eight goat and then this next to it we win which which i'm gonna do anyway so let's just like this is gonna do three damage and this three damage this is gonna do one so we're gonna do four we're gonna take two and then next turn i'm gonna play the other shadow cobra by drawing one and then everything's gonna die and we're gonna win so let's instead of do that just just play this and see what it does one hello because this thing has pathetic sacrifice like i don't know why it's oh now i can nope i cannot so i cannot kill nothing and i played it on the one slot that is not gonna be blocked damn it this gives us [Laughter] this is not loseable there is no chance we lose this uh we take two yeah i'm okay with taking two let's let's try to buy time for the frozen creature to somehow [Music] we lost i don't believe this we lost oh we're alive we're alive cancel that we're still live uh i can't play the black goat though let's draw this i would say we do skwirl into a black coat because otherwise i cannot really play anything so let's go black out let's let's not make the same mistake this is going to try to go over there so so backline's dead this gonna be blocked i'm gonna take two from the left yeah i i don't see an out of here this we're definitely gonna take to them from the left it's gonna do one damage here it's gonna jump to the right and i definitely have to block this lane and also block this lane which is not really possible not in any way i know play this here no play the black go is there any chance i can do something yeah i can do something let's go goat over here let's go this over here let's just use the item man me and playing with my food is gonna kill us pretty much and uh now we're not taking any damage let's move to the right yep this also dies i wanted to test the frozen creature man i'm disappointed i was not able to well on the plus side it's always gonna be in my starting hand so at some point i will be able to do that so that's something i mean it's either this or the larva because as i said you either have to have a bone cast in your hand somewhere starting hand or one cost sharp they're not useful i don't see flames man long arm a long arm a card that has really long arms it's one cost one two when we we start finding the trash carts here although it's still all the all the effects oh it's me i've seen this one kite a bunch of times yeah they finally caught him why am i not the rare it's a two cost two two i am a two cost two two with shield and leader i am worse than the shadow cobra literally at least i'm resistance resistant i like how the the the sigils i have have nothing to do with me like it should be at the minimum for quantity and something else but i don't know i don't know i i'm really thinking about be rolling uh let's pick swift just for the meme a bit and maybe we're gonna sacrifice something on it just so that we see the effect what effect we get what could i sacrifice here i still want to test the glitch though um i guess the shadow card nah honestly i would sacrifice shift here i want to see what the glitch does i i don't have choices i want to see what this does this is a good card i mean this is not a good car you know what let's transfer the shadow carbon to sift i guess whatever let's go let's see just the that's the boo i'm sorry but i don't like it i'm sorry i don't like this and i also definitely don't like the sigil i got why why do i have like resistance why am i worse than a shelter cobra that's my main question why am i worse than this card or is it then yeah this card but i had it wait why do i have this only one time hey i had two shadows oh i just sacrificed one yeah why am i worse than the shadow camera i don't know uh let's go combine i would say let's go combine combine the two shadow wolves i know they're broken cards but and they don't need combining obviously but whatever let's go i need to make my deck smaller shift there is a flame over there do you see it i'm not going to go for a flame when i have a bit of choice uh wasp i can play the glitch nope i cannot play the glitch um well that's a problem with the glitch now isn't it i guess we play wasp larva in the next draw we do some damage for free we do four we take yeah yeah i think we can uh we can do this so let's begin with one eyed goat into larva and we're gonna take one two damage so let's do that yep we're gonna take two i don't have items and i'm becoming a bit anxious here okay now we will do four let's draw this i do four and take four wait i do four and take four oh oh that's not good we're stuck uh that's at least actually that's not good at all i think we are indeed stuck we do four and we take four yep we already need stuck so the moment this opposing open ups opens up yeah i need to draw like my super cards here it's not playable i can't play anything i'm stuck the moment this opposing opens up i want to sacrifice both of them and pretty much clear the void but that's also not going to happen i think we lose i think this is all asked no matter what i do i cannot find an out the possums here not really that useful why did i do this i should not have done that i should have played the shift on the right and controlled the match now i lost complete control of the match um okay yeah i can't do anything my my stupid uh i want to use the glitch i want to use the glitch i want to use a glitch and look what's happening we're losing because of my stupidity uh shadow wolf will kill everything but we still take too much i can play them both yeah if if this was here and the bullet was there then i would have been able to use the shadow wolf but that is not the case and i cannot use the shadow wolf is there any way whatsoever to actually i cannot play the one-eight golf nope that's uh that's a loss i do not see an out i play the shadow cabra nope there there is no solution here yep we lose yeah it is actually true i guess we pass in the past and buy this one return what happens if i play the one-eyed goat i mean this is a loss right i i i cannot see how we possibly can do this if i play this we die if i play this um no matter where played we die if i play this no matter where played we die with the shadow wolf i can kill either of these two um or these two but in any case either this or this is gonna kill us so uh we lose so let's play the white gold and see if we lose like the moment we played yep we'll lose them on the plate there is no there was no better choice man me and my my stupid uh trying to achieve something specific uh tactics that's killing us let's see nope nope nah i guess we'll go for blood and hope for the best i guess we'll go for blood and hope for the best because the rest are definitely an insta win two two and four okay we got this so we won which i didn't want to we're shadow wolf that moves and shadow walker at two costs two three with the time for canon t and tries to block so it's just a two class two three four candidate normally uh i don't like the shadow wolf i like the bird two cars two two flyer and also gives buff to alice yep this is this is decent tish descentish i would say let's go here and let's go through something out of the deck yep victims let's go now this is an insta win card if we're lucky enough android right away six four and when it flips it's still um it still will have its stats almost it will be three four something because uh when you combine cards it's as if you want oh oh if if wow this is extremely dangerous we might die all right actually die i mean no not this fight but not not even remotely close to dying here yeah okay ding ding let's go here let's go pass six damage and when i say six i mean 18 give me money exactly pop the side deck is actually dangerous the side is actually dangerous so i i want to throw something out of the deck i'm thinking about throwing the larva although it is useful yes if i throw this out i will always draw the frozen creature in my opening hand always always always so i think that is the play throw the wasp blower out i always have the strength this in my opening hand because if i have the wasp in my opening hand it's not really something good for us and um yeah pretty much everything else is decentish so let's just go here to throw that out i can't even combine two same so there is nothing to go over there for musklarva goobert shadow walker remnant moving through the shadows now this is two cards two three fecanity i will not get enough sacrifice to have time to give the candy to something but it's a 2 cost 2 3. still it's not that good i would prefer to get another shadow cabra and or shadow wolf even another potato is good idea let's read all this the normal potato what the horny potato i wonder what happens if it would evolve if it would evolve ah a dragon freezing anything in its way midas account being the sigil will grant one tooth per instance of midas when it kills a card i guess this tooth is money so i'm not gonna say yes to that potato it's a one cost one two with double strike this is a poor potato that devolves in the four four would be nice if i somehow had time to give it evolution but i could give it a glitch evolution but i don't think i will get another sacrifice as a problem and this is one cast which will interfere with what i'm drawing so i guess the dragon it is as leeches trash in my opinion so let's just go with the ice dragon and i hope for some reason that that one tooth is actually damaging that money here i'm gonna throw away as i said the wasp for the sole exclusive reason that i want to always draw the frozen creature in my opening hand instead of the wasp and i'm trusting people that say that if you have only one one cost or one bone unit you always draw that one and right now i have only one bone bone unit and i do not have any um any one cast whatsoever so theoretically i should draw the bone unit and let's see how true or what that is and i did actually draw the 8 cost that's nice and i also draw the shadow cobra which is decent and also the burp which is also nice it would be nice if i had two greater smokes i would be able to play everything one-eyed goat into burb and then greater double greater smoke into shadow cobra but i do not so i'm not gonna play the verb i would say as the shadow cover is gonna give no both of them give buffs yeah i'm gonna play the shadow cover for sure as it will give us even more shadow covers in hand so um let's go with let's do one this will kill that so we go here and then we go here yeah i know i know let's go here let's go here us yep this is gonna get blocked this dies let's get someone hit lose hits us all of them hit us and this will create another shadow card in our hand boom boom after we do a real card i would say we play another shadow cobra to give three damage here uh maybe even an insta win if anything let's go here into the shadow cobra pass this a win nope nice i didn't want to win right now other car was dead comes back with my hand yep try the real card i see real i mean not real now i win though if i just pass i don't win do i want to win right now yeah let's just go for the win the main problem is that i think i need like a flyer or i will need if i might need a flyer this gets blocked and the rest goes through now bombs hit i want to see bombs hit actually you know i want to see if the bombsite will kill that thing and give me a card three four five six seven eight nine ten okay three of my units survived we get a bunch of strobocabras back because all of those hits right hello it didn't count okay i see very fair i guess i'm gonna play the cannon here on the left in the meantime i would say let's draw a real card potato not really a real card but let's play the canon on the left to buy ourselves some time let's go canon on the left okay this frozen creature is gonna flow at some point if i wait a minute i think i need to start doing some damage because i will have a problem in a moment so let's pass damage i'll leave those be where they are exactly a skeleton's coming in that was my concern plus the cannon there nice let's continue playing things i would say so let's play the one i'd go to lose to life do one damage here what ain't good will damage this and this yeah yeah yeah so let's toast let's go with shadow cabra again now this will do one damage to this but the overkill does does go through ethereal so this is gonna die and this is gonna do four damage one diamond one damage to this and then ethereal as i said it does not work on overkill damage so it's gonna do three to this and also kill it at the meantime in the meantime this will kill this and then the revenant will come in and kill it and we're gonna see what's inside of there let's go let's see if everything is correct nope everything is not correct i have lied let's hope this is an insane monster come on give me something insane come on give me something insane come on give me something insane what is this it's a monster i love my shadow kanbas here uh what is this i i'm literally a shadow deck by the way 3 4 sniper something creature ink creature i don't know this is this is this why what is this i love it man i love this this this all of it this mod is insane right now it's my most liked mod yet i don't know is it the power creep is it is it the art is it you you can decide i really don't care what you want to think about this mod let's pass [Music] let's um let this be here i don't i'm not in any rush for the bonehound to come in so let's attack boom boom back line gets hit you know what this thing now can shoot over here it will do one damage this and also the back line or i can kill the ghost shark just like that actually for the image and we win right oh definitely right shadow cabra whoop shadow cobra and draw that continue with the shadow cobras continue with the shadow cobras this is so powerful man i love it you know what let's play with our food is that a good idea definitely no do i have fun yes another shadow cabra joins the league okay i will continue playing with my food i think i'm not winning yet yeah until i get my shadow army on the board i'm not stopping now now we end this now we end this the shadow army is here man the power unlimited wow i like how the shadow creatures are insane in this mod i love it i love it one of the few times for once for once i found a mod that's like okay boys let's make everything overpowered uh not everything the rare cards might be weak the shift card might be weak pluto um the dwarf planet kicked out of the moon squad i wonder what's happened if it would evolve i cannot evolve it though oh i like by the way by the way i really really really like the fact that this mod says literally i i wonder what's happened if it worked i love it it's it's congratulations to the mod creator this is like thinking one step ahead if you have hidden interactions like that just just write it literally write it down literally give me like the most basic of basic hints not basically the opposite the most the most shift evolve this that's that's uh that's what i like i don't know everything is hitting like horns i like um that's how you make me happy i mean even if most of the day oh i i could transfer i know wait no i didn't draw the no i have none of the creatures that say that have something happens when they vote no no so sad i should have picked that up i should have picked up pluto and just play the glitch no but i still can play the glitch in itself let's go for items here because i don't want to lose because we still might lose let's go with another sack let's go with the dove return and let's go with we will play the glitch with the squid and with those two cards together we'll play as the glitch and now i just need to get the draw whatever you card you want at the start of your deck and we're gonna see what the glitch does hello okay and comes down use a card blah blah blah yep rares nope nope uh rares this is like a 50 50. what is this little like on there this is like the blood cost the bone cost for some reason it's completely bugged out when when we come here double oh that's not good let's go for the double draw though now let's go for the double draw ring obviously and now here i really really hope that i get what i want because otherwise i might not yep we just take this and now we can experiment and play around at the final fight on the one hand i'm sad that we were not able to transfer the the glitch onto something else to see what that evolves into but on the other hand we still have not seen what the glitch itself does so i'm ready to see that it will imagine if it if it just evolves into something random like the glitch card which in my opinion is a bad take because if you're gonna play three i really don't want to get something random we're gonna waiting for this moment lights out give me one i mean i'm gonna one shot this i could watch out this especially with the clock yeah experiments will happen not the moon phase i guess whoop let's see what the glitch evolves into come on what does it lashi come on what do you think you're gonna do we have floating uh things here oh he can hammer slammer this into a tentacle monster good job good job [Music] i can play shift look at this guy look at this guy he's so happy um i guess i play everything because i can draw two cards per turn anyway [Music] yeah so play these two sacrifice them for sift play the goat sacrifice for golem play the frozen creature it just exists madness god can't come in uh do we care that man this god's gonna come in no everything has defensive and the frozen creature will actually need to get damaged so we will go here you go here you go here we lose to life then shift goes in the middle yep i would say golem goes to the left and the frozen creatures go to the right so with these three together we kill the mole man and then the when this god's gonna come in it's not gonna do anything and then next time we're gonna do uh six damage hammer slammer i know i have the frozen creature in the back burn already nope it created nothing because i guess this thing is forced to have something on it written i draw two cards per turn so i can first of all draw the super eugene cycle card let's draw the glitch obviously and let's also draw the super duper insta win card and now i just will clear the board and also do some damage but now that she's gonna do the big mistake of hammer slammering the wrong creatures that you shouldn't hammer slammer look at this three four tentacle of doom monster creature of death i don't know this is a curse it's cursed let's draw one of those goats and let's also draw the starvation i guess i can literally play the starvation beat the moon let's um let's try to play the glitch right now so you know what you're out i'm not gonna wait around for that thing let's go squared let's go this but if don't use the hammer to counter acting through okay guys literally for anybody that thinks that the hammer is important right now i can just play the shadow wolf and win so let's just play around a bit um yeah right now this looks like a win so let's pass we already did two damage i'm not gonna play with my food let's get rid of the board right now okay now i'm also skipping him trying to hook something while at the same time also evolving the glitch right now it's static it's a zero one that will evolve again but you cannot attack it okay okay uh let's draw the dragon so we learn what it do how exactly it works if yeah let's let's play the dragon and see if it actually gives us money or if it gives us um damage done because if it gives us money it's pretty trash and reginald's coming in with a poison but static glitch like common clutch let's go with a pass here and let's see it gives us money disappointed bounty paid i don't care about another money it is what it is i mean not completely disappointed let's go here now he's gonna try to attempt a hook which is never gonna do in time originals not gonna do anything because it's gonna be attacked and it pulls back into itself [Music] pretty mediocre pretty mediocre for a rare card for a rare card just becoming a zero one with uh cannot get damaged it costs three man it costs three this is a really bad card three costs two four to attack both sides that once in a while like every second turn it becomes a zero one that cannot get damaged why it's like extremely bad i would never play that if i knew what it was um let's go for the win let's just end this i guess yeah let's just go for the win let's just end this so i would say one-eyed goat ding ding oh no you almost lose oh no you win instantly with a million damage clear this i like how everything is attacking extremely fast and although this is like a better i love the the shadow the shadow crew was so much more awesome than this crew this crew is like evil the shadow crew was like awesome i have a dragon i want to get rid of the glitch well there's zero one that will which will evolve meh the most meh card right now you know what i'm um i'm against both of these you're out both of you both of you you're fired uh let's play the goat turkey i know and let's also play the shadow shadow cabra and let's end this well this this wolf by the way is right now in its night mode and it still attacks both sides and is not even able to get damaged up giving me a shadow cobra boop and you cannot attack this that's back closing into death though before this card draw but it doesn't matter i'm gonna keep the hope up and win it's over now the shadow shadow bolt is gonna flip and then we're gonna end this simple as that and now the hope also has more damage shadow cobra shadow monster shadow creature and hope what an awesome mod i loved it for once you know what this is the first mod that i play that is literally almost everything's broken i mean not everything was broken honestly not everything was broken there were some cars that were just pretty good there were a lot of cars that were broken but there were a lot of cars that were also just good so this is the first time i'm playing a mod that is actually op but not you know it's not a one cost five five hurpad i'm winning no it's not that it's still like it's it's it's it's semi-balanced now obviously i had the goats so i was able to play everything turn one obviously if you do this without the goat side deck you having one cast side deck you will not be able to be so powerful so obviously i semi cheesed it but um yeah as i said first mod that i really see having a lot of very powerful creatures although most of them are two costs but even the one cost the thing that literally evolves into a 2-4 flying sideways attacks i don't know it's a flattering thing i love it i love it i love this i love this mod i always love things that make everything broken maybe it's gonna be boring and you might burn out if you play this mod five or ten times but for the one or two or three times you're gonna run it and everything's gonna be a breeze it's so fun and having powerful cards is also so fun because you can experiment and do stuff i don't know so this whole um this whole modding community going for challenging things and balanced balance things i don't know man i i that's obviously you can do whatever you want in your mod and if you think about uh being balanced is more fun than being broken i don't know what to say the one thing i have to say though about this whole balanced against broken thing is that the game the main game mode you know vanilla actually is broken right it has broken cars it has the mantis god it has the mole man it has roboros it has cuckoo all of those things are in there like the moment is one cost zero six that literally blocks everything like if you if you think about it it's pretty powerful and uh then you join the start playing mods and the rare cards are not powerful like the common cards might be powerful might be not but the rares almost never are i i in most of the mods i play i never see rare cards being like one cost one one triple strike you know the simplest thing like if if if your rear cart is not at the level of okay maybe not mad as god but if your level is if your rare is not at the level of um urayuli if it costs for or if it's not as powerful as the the cocoon that evolves into the mothman or the mall man like a zero six you see the idea behind defensive cards is that they cost cheap and behind powerful cards also they cost cheap if something is gonna cost three or four it better win you the match like what three cost exists that is rare right now in the game i think there is none right as far as i remember there is no three cost that is a rare but the forecast of the zero is a seven seven so it's like an insta win in my opinion the rare cards should be literally broken maybe not completely broken but for example the shadow beast and these things that i was gushing about they they could have been rare like they could it could have been a three cause three two rare that gives damage to allies and also um it comes back to your hand when it gets damaged so this mod might be broken completely like common cards might be too strong and whatnot but the thing is that in my opinion broken is more fun and even if you are a mod creator and don't want to create a broken mod obviously you can do what you want but at least make the rarest powerful at least let us get one or two or three cards in the deck that are build around mechanics right that's my opinion stop making the rares do cost a 2 3 with five sigils that's not fun that's just uh i put in the card three sigils and it the starts is gonna be a two three so i guess it's gonna cost two no why don't you make it a one one with one cost and give it the 50 sigils why don't you make the card a bit more powerful anyway that's uh that's gonna be the end of this part uh we're gonna call this what it is called so um it's called kevin's card expansion so this is um kevin was broken uh you know what kevin's chairman's shadow beast no well i guess kevin's is out no i'm not gonna throw this out kevin shadow lord lore shadow shadow crew yeah well shadow beast beast like this shadow beast heaven shadow beast bsd i'm never gonna remember what shadow best and um yeah i think that's going to be it uh i hope you guys enjoyed the run if you did drop a like helps out the channel and also makes it so you see more of my footage whenever it comes up and also yeah that's it pretty much don't forget to join the discord by the way uh links in the description about the discord and about pretty much anything you might ask first and then you can just comment down below whatever is not in the discord in the description so yeah did i say this quote in the yeah this good thing is the description yeah that's it pretty much uh am i forgetting something i don't think i'm forgetting something oh by the way i opened like a new channel category or whatever it's called in discord in my channel uh about the discussion ideas so uh that might not be very applicable for inscription but in any other game i'm playing like idle games or um i don't know some kind of you know a chillaxing game so you could throw their in ideas of what i could discuss so there's that i guess it's a new thing we're trying to do if if we're gonna scrap it in a week or something maybe it is to be seen but uh it exists so if you would like me to hear talking about something that's not just what's my favorite movie um and have like an idea like uh shift you could talk about uh what what do you think about blizzard buying activision or something like that then um the opposite what what microsoft manual but that doesn't matter it doesn't matter the topic like random topics i don't know what do you believe about people that have a painting in their wall screen in the wall i don't know i'm gonna just decide what there is a good topic and i'm gonna analyze that anyway that's going to be it i'm already one hour plus why do i analyze some things after the video is one hour long anyway writing but that sticks around here thanks thanks for being around hope you guys enjoyed i definitely think i definitely did thanks for watching and see you guys around
Channel: Sifd
Views: 73,525
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Explenation, Commentary, Casual, Relaxed, new, progress, progression, easy, upgrades, upgrade, Win, Victory, OP, Overpowered, Strong, Action, classes, Heroes, Guide, Learn, roguelite, roguelike, rpg, Inscryption, inscryption, inskription, Inskription, Inscription, Inskryption, Horror, Card game, Deck builder, deckbuilder, cardgame, card, cards, Progress, scary, mystery, horror, secrets, deathcard, puzzle, puzzles, challenge, challenges, inscription, mod, inscyption mod, inscyption modded, insdcription mod, Kayce's mod, endless, beta
Id: pH9-4Ircqlw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 48sec (3888 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 25 2022
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