I Created A Cyclone of Boomerangs! | Magicraft

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hello everybody s here again with another magicraft round the action come out look like where you break the game by creating broken spells and today I'm going to try to create first of all Let's Play Hard Mode maybe because I'm playing on this other patch I will have access to getting resources from the third Zone I don't know we're going to see so today I'm going to try to do maybe a boomerang build I would like to do so it has been a long while since I got boomerangs I mean I never got a boomerang build to be honest so let's see how this going to go and I got hover which is that my bullets instead of Disappearing just stop and fly in mid a which is straight up a DPS increase uh today I'm going try to create a spell build so that means I should be going for spell rooms over Relic rooms that is a rare thing I'm not doing that often but I think it is good I in general I believe this game has a very good balance in forcing you into going into Relic rooms instead of H not the opposite forcing you to not go into Relic rooms to get something else like money or like um spells I think it has a very good balance on that aspect uh I'm going to go with Relic options plus one because it's very very early and we're going to continue with relics here let's go now before we begin the run and we go into this whole run thing uh I would like to do the question of the day that is a new thing I've been doing that I do at the start of the video I think we're going to lose a life here unless uh unless I somehow Loop their spiders on that was lucky anyway so the question of the day is yesterday I asked what do you believe about the aspect of ignorance is bliss and one day before that I thought about independence today I would I like to ask somebody you know I read a comment somebody said sift is trying to understand in The Human Condition and you know what partially true first of all uh refresh all doors okay we're going to take that partially true enter stealth mode when not launching an attack no that that's good it's rare but I'm not going to take that we're going to go with 10% damage flat out I think that's a decent G one point of temporary shield no that's only for the room itself I would still somebody told me you can get an infinite with this thing and a bunch of life I'm not really sure how that works exactly this is for a pet build I don't want to go pet build we're going to go here uh and we're going to go I would say shop by the keys ear and be done with that aspect of the game so let's go and buy the keys ear and be done with that aspect of the game got a key find meteor in general it's good to have meteors on you a meteor on you because it unlocks some paths so we will buy that meteor although it is useless for us and the question of today is uh well if you could understand The Human Condition right I'm going to build up like like springboard from yesterday's which was um ignorance is bliss so I'm going to spring with that I'm going to say if you could understand The Human Condition like if you could understand how humans functions uh how humans function let's get split um first of all do you think that would be good or not because it would give you Insight in things that other people themselves do not realize for themselves right because you would have that Insight because that is the idea of that right um and if that would be good for you or anybody that would like to learn that right uh it it pretty much builds once again on ignorance Bliss the difference being though that now you understand and humans and that literally makes you interact with humans completely different as you know having the ability to understand how somebody thinks is going to make you think about how they think and then you literally have a new filter that you cannot really put off right because at that point you understand things uh I don't really have an exact example how that would function let's go like wi and accelerator uh I guess let me actually continue playing this game and maybe I can come up while I'm actually playing although that's pretty much hard somebody also commented that if I want to do these things I should also have a script ready honestly I'm never playing with script I'm very very bad at using script because uh when I have script I try to be perfectionist and when I don't have a script I just try to be myself so I'm going with try to be myself version here I found Boomerang which is the weapon I want to use and we also found self grimer which is a good thing to have as a secondary weapon use I don't have a wand though so we're going to get the second wand after we beat the boss that is oh we find the spider the spider in general is pretty the opposite of harm this this hits me most of the time so uh yeah it's coming closer and closer and it's a bit weird on how it moves if I don't move yeah it still moves weirdly nope that's going to be slowing so let's continue on um so I I guess I could call it out for um let's actually say I'm going to use an example here to try to maybe convey what I'm trying to say so let's say you know that a person is more of a feeler than a thinker right and you somehow can somehow fathom that somehow through the way they're talking through anything you start to realize that because I do believe a lot of people have that ability uh charge three points every time it spells cast with his wand A lot of people told me these are one of the most busted ones in the game so maybe we're going to do a lightweight Rod one build today let's maybe try that uh so every time we shoot here it's going to shoot whatever is inside of this which I can have the boomerang be that and um yeah I think this is going to be it actually forget the legre laser beams go a bit faster uh for now it is it works out could go with just bullets and bullets just so that this thing shoots yeah and we also shoot Boomerang nice nice nice so this I'm going to build on top of this I'm going to build on the lightning rod today that's the build and you're going to be a good old grimoire that's going to have uh medum no this going to be a grimore that spawns uh I guess just bullets straight up here we go so we just spawn the grimoire and then we play ourselves and the grimoire are going to be shooting bullets so that's what the build's going to be at least for now let's get to gri heart and continue with what we're doing uh already most things are not visible but that's nice let's actually play the game and I also have traps and ground so um as I tried to say that yeah let's say you have an understanding of the human psyche and you do understand what you know what actually I have a better example psychologist right if you could become a psychologist to the extreme degree that you literally understand how humans function then wouldn't that um literally warp your whole sense of how humans interaction work in the first place I guess if somebody is a psychologist they could have Insight on this specific question I'm asking right now now right or if that if you believe that would be a thing that you can open up and close right so the question as a base is is it do you believe that it is a good idea to understand the human psyche and this also builds up on the idea that um learning psychology or you know practicing philosophy let's go with crit rate by the way practicing philosophy is a practice of learning how to be depressed or something along those lines I I read a comment in yesterday's video that literally said that and I was like yep that makes sense to me at least you know the more I understand humans the more I first of all the one thing is that I feel like I get insights into how I could help them but at the same time I cannot convey that Insight because it would be as if I'm doing a psychology analys on them which not everybody wants to do right we got tracking shots very nice and we got birth cord which is useless but I'm going to be able to do birth cord with my S Grimms uh no I do prefer the traps actually let's go with tracking shots on my my this thing yeah you know what yeah we're going to have track shots on this line and I would like to get another laser because that's going to make the big difference and we're going to be forced into shopping here with 29 coins I'm going to roll into laser beams I found the thing I want I found the orbits nice and I found a double key again why am I excited about orbits because I can make the boomerangs orbit around us look how awesome this looks that's the actual build I wanted to do so we're going to do boomerangs that loop around let's go and I just found the 777 which as far as I know people told me that it's the better version of the lightweight Rod so this is 7 D7 mana 7even mana region 17 coolon on both of these and charge 1.7 point every time an enemy is hit with a one oh an enemy is hit is different than a spell is cast three points when a spell is cast this is a lot better although this has four slots and three while this is you know what I'm going to actually try to use this light wind while let's try this and maybe try to find that stone that says you can have more access I think with seven keys you pretty much done for the whole game so let's actually roll into uh weapons I'm actually using I don't care about this honestly lightning and poison not really I'm not going to spend money of things I don't care about oh this got buffed nice oath used to be charged through used to be uh without the tracking now it is tracking and lightning Dash I really love that I'm playing on this new patch and I found the laser beam which is exactly what I wanted so this should change the attack speed by huge amount yeah have 0.3 okay uh I could once again go for the keys let's actually go and see what Potions there is on sale right now uh slow down time uh yeah I think there there is most likely going to be a saale potion that I should have maybe used now look at this we have the boomerang around us and I love it I love it uh gain money equal to your current money well this is really good for eight it's going to obviously P for itself later in the game man region is God like maybe the best potion of the game roll everything in the backpack that's also really really really good it's going to pay for itself guaranteed I don't have enough money to buy all of these uh slow down time no transformal non boss enemies into coins this is also going to pay for itself definitely and transform money Health into coins okay we're going to go with your health become coins for two coins right and I'm going to use it right away so I can get enough coins here to buy stuff very nice that was maybe the best potion we could have asked for and uh I'm going to definitely get your money becomes money and your Min region for sure and rolls for sure and this for sure I can all of these so no that was a mistake I man region we're going to just drink it going to keep that if you have exactly five curses roll the spells in the backpack that's really good in general uh refresh doors and items transform all non boss enemies into coins this is once again going to pay for itself uh but this is going to pay for itself very later like a lot later in the final zone so we're going to forget that we're going to get the backpack and I'm going to say let's let's go and refresh the other side of this so let's refresh this uh this is also going to refresh no doors doors doors too ah let's R it well we got money as a door it is what it is uh although relics obviously better charge four points every crit hit no r and find another key I don't think I need it though uh Mana cost is less not no and once again no and double key do I want a double key first of all let's go and buy the potion that I want so I can see how much money I have so uh choose no yeah mistakes were made oh another Mana region nice another Mina region I didn't know that it would have rolled the whole Zone by the way what did I not get money gives you money what did I not get what was here that I didn't get ah the roll the whole backpack well that was very bad I didn't get it remove random I would say no roll a relic I would once again say no let's just go might as well buy one last double key assuming that we're I'm going to need that I don't find a book there but that's okay let's go money let's go play the game and uh see how it goes I definitely summon my booklets that shoot and then machine gun my way through here so yeah I think psychology is the best possible example I can give like uh obviously the idea being that can psychologist close out ability is is it actually a thing I would assume it is a thing and once again as I said also philosophy is supposed to be uh well it leads you to Madness I guess or at least it leads you to stoicism if you're it's it's I feel like philosophy either is going to make you a stoic because you're like okay nothing matters because you you got to that point or it's going to be like well life is grim because well because life is grim uh anything locked requires on additional key I could literally get that curse let's see what re I get once again stealth uh gain refreshes I'm going to go with gain refreshes I want to control what I can get let's go spell casting to enjoy what we have going on right now I do enjoy this idea of I Shoot machine guny and boomerangs you know what I need one more laser by the way and then this thing is going to attack so fast that I'm going to shoot so many times whatever is inside of this uh let's see what I'm going to get pillar who cares Mr key is decent I'm might as well have Mr key right and let's get a B cord because I already have one so we maybe get to what is this this is the first time I'm finding something that literally is flexing on us that oh you don't have levitation well guess what you're not going to get that let's go into the boss room and see how this going to go I I mean we should definitely destroy this thing I think we have a very powerful build uh also I would like to know if having books from before if they're going to be in this fight or not normally they are no they're not and I'm also out of Mana so that's not good stay away from me so another one and another one oh Blazer beam track him down no we lost the access to the secret room it is what it is can't really do anything about it it's not going to end the run to be honest let's see what we're going to get here and we got the B one of the most powerful ones in my opinion bouet or whatever I want to call or I can just get three spells and literally not a one because it's not a one it's just you get these three spells honestly three common spells definitely not worth it and here I get a very good book plus the plus s spell also this has so small cool down 0.12 0.35 that if I put the three lasers on this it's going to be yeah and that that you know the laser show and I wouldn't even want these just the laser show just apply a million debuffs on the opponents yeah I'm not going to do that though we're going to go here on the laser be whoops we're going to go with what I used to have because I do enjoy this as an idea and down here I might as well have a key head and just put a bunch of things on this guy so we have a key head that does something I guess here we go boom we got a key head existing this is not NE actually I will be playing the Grim Wars whenever I go into a room should I put let's go butterflies on the grimoire let's make the grimo butterfly butterfly what else could I make the butterflies I can I think I can make them faster right yeah instead of making them stop I'm going to make the butterflies faster and uh let's go or yeah I think that's what we're going to go with and we're going to go money here I would say I do want to craft some spells but I don't think we're there yet let's just go with get some booklets out and the booklets became a bit more expensive because now they shoot out butterflyes people have been telling me that they want to see the butterfly build that's going to happen at some point it's going to happen at some point I also want to make clear that I want to create a boomerang build right now so I can already transition over to it a little bit by doing the following just just so I want to clear out what the build I would like to do is going to look like so uh let's say these are not here right I would say boom rank at the end orbit and split shots and they move master and I don't need freezing so it would look something like this right something like this and we have flaming boomerangs lightning boomerangs and then the boomerang split into mini boomerangs and as you see the mini boomerangs also do loops around themselves so that's what I want to create uh we're not there yet so I'm not going to really do anything about it for now we're just going to stick to what I already have going on uh what else did I have here speed yeah we had speed and Mr key just down here existing I guess as an existence uh let's go on with spells I would say because I want to get what I want to get let's continue so that's about the question of the day just to be clear I'm not going to continue reiterating on that because I've realized that well if I reiterate a bit too much I go into two depth and honestly uh that is more for a live stream and this is not a live stream so we're not going to go into that I would actually like to do a live stream where I'm just talking uh and just chilling with you guys and we're not playing any game or anything but on that end I mean I'm not that type of YouTuber I guess anyway orbit again nice that is literally what I want and water gun let's go h no water gun's a joke thunderstorm maybe water gun one day one day and here we go we're going to use that if you have five curses remove them all uh lose five Max HP if you take damage otherwise gain to Max HP if you don't take damage uh most likely going to take this and keep it is what I say reduce your projector speed to 10% no uh lose one coin every time that's going to remove recil that's that's not an issue actually maybe it is a bomb will appear beside you from time to time that's dangerous lose one coin every time you under floor no and recoil again so first of all which course I'm okay with this course in general existing we're going to take these five in the middle and uh and then this one I'm going to actually open after we remove exactly five cses so let's go okay I got a potion here that duplicates things on the ground so we're I didn't want to pick that up so we're going to definitely take this and drink it right away uh not right away I'm going to use this to get rid of the five curses wait five types of curses I can literally remove all of them because uh no I cannot remove all of them but I can get one more type of curse lose two coins yep no five type of curses this is perfect man and I'm going to be like five type of curses there they are and boom perfect and I'm going to also drink the potion but before I drink the potion % chance to obtain a new potion I should have taken that before I even drunk the previous one doesn't matter let's duplicate whatever was on the ground boom and uh yeah now we just pick everything up straight up although the duplication potion could have been definitely used better yeah because I had money into money yeah that was a mistake I think n doesn't matter 4% Max HP might as well put it here it doesn't really matter that much for to us uh what is this Shield potion yep and another split multi-shot very nice that's going to definitely help with the boomerangs once again uh the boomerang is going to be something like this let me actually showcase what it's going to look like because I'm slowly starting to get things that we want here let's see what this looks like right now I'm out of man of course and that's going to start splitting and splitting right first of all the the last long while because orbit makes them last a long while if I touch them by the way I pick them up just to be clear about this and they split and I think they split into splitting let me actually see they just stopped all of them stopped there and nope they don't split into splitting they just split into six right away and then they just stop moving in general because it's three splits from here and three splits from here I don't think that's worth it thus I don't think that's worth it for now we're going to still stick to what we have going on and we will rotate to the thing I want to do later H keys I think died so let's spawn that boy again and yeah he also can have Max life he's orbiting I don't want key orbiting me I think we're good here and when he dies he splits into 50 Keys that's what we're going to go with because that is a thing that actually exists let's go we really went well with that potion and obviously we're going to go here let's spawn my booklets and let's machine gun opponents down while we W whoo whoo whoo whoo uh while we also have my Boomerang blades protecting us I think me running the opponents down and hitting them with a boomerang blade is the main thing lose two HP every time you door that's like a no uh I don't even have the curse that makes us lose life penetration plus one and Vol twice Vol twice sets up a level up on Vol and I think that is the actual play so let's do that also also I could have something like this and uh that should make these cheaper and this is every time a spell is fired wait a minute can I have another volley can I do like a shotgun build here is that faster no that's definitely slower it's definitely slower yeah yeah definitely slower and uh let's go with this one one I mean yeah just go I don't know what I I don't know what I was thinking go here spawn Keys again laser beam is going to kill Keys mostly who these laser beams do a lot of damage by the way in general just to be clear let's run down the eyes and my uh my my what are they called my boomerangs definitely do a lot of damage B healing okay a lot of potions today I don't really want any of these damage is decent but let's roll I can high roll into this I did well actually M's power is decent and you get stats when you drink potions we have so many potions might as well go with stats when you get potions I guess money is power I mean this can give me about 20 to 30% damage at the end of the game although I'm I'm I'm spending money and we know for a fact we're going to spin and look at this look at this if it is in the box I'm going to meteorite down if it is in a box that meteor boom and we got a key out of that very nice that's why I got the meteor so the meteor I bought I bought the meteor for 17 uh I would say we go for money because I have money as money and at some point I'm going to use that money as money and then then a little bit after that is when we're not going to and then we're going to start going into shops and start to spend the money that is and another key here's toast very nice let's hope the elite is not going to be the one that deflects our attacks back to us because then we're going to die let's good spells obviously booklets booklets go out my booklets are still just spawning butterf FL I don't know I'm talking like that sometimes I'm maybe I should put better spells on the booklets by the way because the butterflies are a joke a the butterflies need the movement speed man that's what what I had there going on I remember and also the splits yep I I decreased my own DPS by thinking that I shouldn't decrease my DPS let's go I found another key okay another Mr key I can combine those that's nice slowly although Keys is whatever but still lightning Dash are rare let's go lightning Dash rare I don't know and I still continue with spell spells is the main thing we should be going for guaranteed no matter what no matter what would be nice if I had some kind of Blade you know what I'm tanking shots with my books are tanking shots which is really helpful for us because tanking shots is oh how did that get through I don't know I lost some life there in general I'm a bit afraid about losing uh at least these the enemy butterflies can't really get to us because I have boomerangs around us protecting us from everything W that's what I can get and another Boomerang nice I would like to level that up and I could go pops they want to go Pops I could I think pops are better than the the butterflies here because you know that is something that we I learned when I did the summoning build hopefully card's going to appear at the top right showcas the summoner build uh let's actually drink one to 25 no not yet let's go into this uh oh no here I will be forced to actually maybe even disable the boomerangs because otherwise I might lose and we're only going to laser this guy down and I I don't want to just straight up not deal with anything here who I got hit can he block meteors by the way I don't want rotating meteors I'm not sure he can yeah he cannot take more meteors away so as long as I'm away from him and it's just raining meteors we should get this guy easily yeah H this guy literally steals your spells and then you die by him deflecting them so uh yeah I'm not going to deal with that he's gone that guy literally counters half the builds but not us uh by the way what I want to mention about the build is now I can spawn books that spawn pops so this book is going to spawn a pop uh we want hover plus which I'm going to Ru something else and uh I guess charging mode what would that look like here though would the charging mode boom boom boom boom boom boom boom ah not what I would like to do I'm going to go back to tracking shots over plus is relevant let's go uh I would say we go with money I guess because we have have money as power spawn a spawn a book that spawns pops oh laser beams on that guy wow deflected completely let's get another book that spawns pops so these pops getting spawned are going to spawn more Pops by the way just to be clear uh the books each book can have up to five pops so three books is 15 summons on our end and that could obviously scale to infinum so as long as I'm just maintaining control here we got a little pet Armada while I also have my Boomerang blades looping around the map itself I hate that guy with the look at all the deflects he's doing almost died almost killed us what's happening why am I getting pulled oh there there is a stone that pulls you in well guess what I can pull it into a into a pit and nice let's see what we going to go 10 damage when you fall in a pit that's good to know uh let's go into relics summon a book number one it takes a while for us to summon all the books because now um well first of all you know what I just realized the book should be on the on the other one those explosions can easily kill us the book should be on betet I don't know why I have it on the one that's extremely stupid on my end and I'm pretty sure people are screaming on the screen or at least have been screaming stay away from the exploding thing I have lost so many runs from that specific enemy uh so many I I would say about five there are definitely lost runs because of specific enemies you have not seen them obviously because I'm not going to upload a video where I literally lose 20 minutes in uh I think that's stupid I only load when I'm like super duper late game and the build exists and it's still last because I made a stupid mistake uh let's actually transfer these over as I just mentioned and you go here and now I'm going to have cord forget this guy uh yeah can I have anything else there that could be good I don't think so maybe Vol but I don't think so and now we are going to spawn books that have elemental axes to them and these books are going to spawn actually I think they should be something like this so the books literally get so that both of these get the Buffs these all of these Buffs movement speed and split and everything else let's open up H let's first get a relic relics might have something relevant here damage against even more if you drink potions I'm going to roll here there are better relics 20% AOE is nice 11% Dodge is also nice we're going to go 10e assuming that the boomerang blades for some reason work what 10% damage for each curse wow that's very rare to get a a very good thing out of a chest okay here I'm going to just simply say I'm going to just drop a meteor on no here boom boom meteor we're just going to drop the traps here real quick let's just destroy the traps boom boom boom done come on nice imagine if they come back no yeah I was getting pushed back this whole time spikes okay let's go please run it down I'm I I have zero patience run it down boom got it and we got a black hole which is useless for us I'm not going to use that although I could do black holes here and then be like um and then be like I machine gun and we get black holes looping around us but I want to do the boomerang version I mean I want to do a boomerang build uh I would like to roll these but that's not possible so let's go Max life let's also get my keys and let's also get my booklets and my booklets are actually more powerful zone so theoretically my Bulet should be a lot more powerful and we got poison ground because of the of because of how it works with poison and if you miss so people have look how much poison is the ground people were explaining to me how exactly that works oh the book is the elemental nice so this for example yellow book uh gives us the slowing Elemental effect if the book is something else do the books die what's happening yeah from the reflect any enemy that reflects a bit too much is an issue for us look at how much slow ground we have the boomerangs don't have an issue though with those also somebody told me that that I should pay attention to the night statue I have a mask let's go over here because the night statue is supposed to be the one and only um what is it called oh I'm seeing what the issue is we have split shots and the split shots might be from Poison yeah I'm actually realizing what the main issue now is split shots are not really helping us that's the main issue three damage those explosions okay stay away from me man go pets I got poisoned for my own attacks of course that's a case I think starting to oh wo wo W wo I'm starting to think that I don't want the pets anymore like they really start to become an issue for me like the whole ground is poison right now they are doing a lot of damage over there yeah but this is stupid uh maybe I shouldn't have them on the betet B B B there is still poison so we're waiting for that to go away I guess we're going to loop around a bit nice Poison Poison Poison let's go here a Mana region yes and rebound I would say yes does not work on the laser I want to see the rebound of the laser just a second it does so this is fun wait why did I get double the boomerangs uh first of all I would say I don't want split shots on this line so let's throw that away and I would lay can I yeah I don't know why I got double boomerangs that doesn't really make sense let's go with trackon shots as we had it uh I guess Mana region on the booklets that would be the choice and they still will poison and whatnot but at least they're not going to be that obnoxious uh I guess relics actually almost lost the secret room there almost lost the secret room I want to go to shopping oh yeah that's actually a room I can handle so we're going to say you go here you two can just go away for a moment so I'm going to be spawning that'ss yep we go up you're gone you're gone nice man I failed out all of them right now nice nice you're gone the other one just I'm I'm eating myself off man nice I literally love them and we got charging attack which is okay it's a rare so I'm going to rotate my lasers back boom boom and boom I'm not really sure if I want to deal with this whole pet Armada thing I'm going on with here let's wait a minute can I get a keys that's a fire keys can I force wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I just realiz something can I have a keys this is for example the slowing one also slowing one ice slow slow slow definitely put I have man region there anyway uh do I have Max Mana to put on this yes nope nope I want to get a I want to get um fire version basic it's going to take a while to happen by the way basic again slowing version you know what I'm going to stop talking and editor is going to splice in when I'm just getting my fire version I'm I'm testing here if fire version is even a thing by the way give me a second I think fire is a thing uh let's continue so this is I guess re roll time reorganize time whatever got it let's go so I got a fire Keys um yeah I mean that's it I got a fire keys I will continue having the booklets idea here so you go here and book goes here but without the split shots and I'm going to be machine gunning so let's see if this guy maintains the fire connection and his fire Keys forever he is okay so I just got the most powerful Keys obviously because fire in case you don't know is 220 DPS just by getting touched so whatever touches that Keys is going to instantly get hit for a million damage do not kill my keys man it was worth it man it was worth it let's get my booklets out and we got a fire booklet that enemy has a lot of Health man that has a lot of Health let's get our booklet here we're going to go with the flame lasso that's going to kill that guy man we're we're losing so much life for no reason and I'm going to meteor drop this boom and we got a key out of that very nice let's see if I can get what I want I think I should already rotate over to the build I actually want uh plus two relics I'm going to roll these ah should have not rolled let's go to chance to generate a shield why not and I guess we're going to go let's drink nice 21 and I got all items in the Cent room will be sold out a discount nice we there uh yeah we're going to go relics as I said should I rotate over to the other build do I have everything ready I got split shots uh I got staying in the middle is not that good boomerangs I could go with Salvo you know what let's maybe try for at least one fight for at least one fight let's try the other build that I want to do so I have an idea here we're going to go here we're going to go full Salvo because I have two boomerangs so we shoot both of them not actually yeah this one is the one that makes him cheaper right yeah and Scatter I hire who cares once again where's the boomerang I'm blind here it is rotational speed yes Mana region yes wait a minute does cord work with Boomerang it doesn't that's super sad by the way so uh that's goes away and we're going to go with another Boomerang and now I shoot two boomerangs at the same time I would be nice if I had better things but yeah so I shoot two boomerangs that go pretty fast and they yeah that's it that's what they do although I would like to also have split shots accelerator so that they go faster do I need that I don't think I need that they can be as slow as they want I'm going to go with this let's try this and see if it goes well it might go very bad and we might die but that's okay if we die I mean we're not going to die uh let's go with Speedy butterflies here if I need to you know have something that shoots out damage that are somehow going to save us so let's go with this and see how this going to go without having 50,000 pets well these are the bomber boys I hate the bomber boys whoa you see why I hate the bomber boys that's extremely dangerous that's why okay first of all I have to say the thing I'm doing right now definitely works who but it's also very I don't even know what's happening type of build pick this up please and nice we actually survived and we can also go with the machine gun a little bit with my butterflies and whatnot let's continue with Boomerang blades I just need a bit more Mana region and that's it a bit more man Reg and we got a key and a door uh and health very nice the poison and the slow is not mine 50% knock back no crits are higher in damage wise I have 50% crit chance I think the boomerangs also have building crit chance I'm going to roll these know it's actually good with this do they have building crit chance 35 yeah they do because I only have 15 theoretically so they do have building crit chance it did increase my damage uh yeah so this seems to be working let's switch these so we go main weapon Boomerang blades let's rotate around okay hello snakes you know what let's actually just wake them up and continue with M Boomer Bloods nope bring them over and now Boomerang blades again oh they tried to come close and they're melting man they are melting the moment they come close this is very powerful this is this works this works I like it now I just need a better blade because I don't need all the elemental stuff I just need more mana and whatnot hello things that instantly died byebye things that instantly died remove all curses but lose everything nope we're definitely not going to use that ever so we're just going to leave it there I still have not found a statue it is what it is uh the statue gives you the you know what I think the time has come to combine spells we have so many spells we need to start ruling and getting things going so let's just go and uh first of all we're going to get money and we're going to then get money as money and then we're going to go to the boss because when are we going to combine the Spells man let's see how much DPS I actually have right now if it's th000 or more then we're good uh it's not a th000 or more which means we're not good we are decent I guess uh what's my old DPS let's actually see my old DPS just so that we have an idea here we had boomerangs and rotations that's my old DPS let's say I'm using this um yeah this is definitely worse so we're definitely sticking to the new build H which is with a salvo and double shots and piercing shots and whatnot and now I that I got the burning Boomerang rolling around I would assume that yeah we got so much Elemental out of this I think Bak is the best thing let's go coins give you coins and I got a potion out of that I think I saw a potion drop nope I'm wrong roll discount no Shield equal to missing Health this is permanent Shield so I'm missing uh I think I'm missing exactly enough for 50 you know what if I'm bad at math and so be it I'm I'm drinking right now we should go to 54 yeah I'm not bad at math uh let's go with combined first things that we already have now I can also combine this and I can also combine the laser beams now because I'm not going to play that build anymore and now we're going to roll stuff so uh first of all this these bullets here should be used uh you know what I would say because I have the grimoire oh you know what I remembered I now have remembered what people told me about why this lightweight Rod is busted good thing I have a decent memory but I have bad memory in general people told me the following you should put a book okay like let's forget this for example you should book put a book here now somebody's definitely partying by the way I should B uh where's the book the book something very cheap this cost one for example so that it shoots it very fast like that spawn the book yep and it is actually true and I have infinite butterflies what would that look like with a laser beam no now it's more expensive forget this so you put something very cheap plus you spawn the books and I have three things shooting extremely fast and look how fast I'm going to be shooting butterflies right and this is not going to be a butterfly build obviously this is going to be um you know it Boomerang build look at this now what's my DPS now okay now I do actually have a high DPS 7,000 almost yep here we go this is the play this is the actual play and uh then I'm going to go tracking shots and I'm going to say something that also makes it better Mana region Mana region once again now we're going to have three books that shoot even faster so we get even more of these I cannot control my character by the way yep I can literally not control my character nice and obviously obviously I will also do that I will also have rotational um boomerangs so we're going to be the god of boomerang rotations I have zero control over the character by the way I guess I should be shooting backwards oh man man I love it I love it I love it already Okay so now I would like to oh and then something else that I've been told is that you can have these guys give me a second you can have the books spawn pops and the when the pops attack you gain the attack speed version is what I've been told let's see if this is also true spawn please one more worklet let's see so whenever the pops attack oh no it's not it's every time the book casts okay so that is not true or I I guess that's not what I've been told and I just mix it up so because that's also a case um that might also be true we're going to go like we had it so we're going to just go with infinite Boomer books yep that's that's straight up insane I love it I love it let's actually despawn the books for a moment here because I want to be able to play thank you very much and uh let's make sure I keep what I want to keep so uh rebound is useless for us these are useless these uh splits is good in general in general though this is useless this I'm not going to use keys I'm not going to use pops either uh I would say we roll I don't need Vol either by the way so that's useless too right now I would say we reroll these in order of uselessness so I would say first foremost the thing I have only one time is going to go and the things I don't care about are going to go also go so let's start rolling stuff let's roll this away laser beam M no at this point it's too late this cost two Mana is being better than leg this cost one Mana I want this thing to attack as fast as humanly possible so forget that Mana region that stays uh Max Mana a bit irrelevant but I can find more irrelevant stuff like thunderstorm okay we're going to keep the speed of course uh bouncing shots also a bit Irrelevant for us here we go we got volley leveled up uh obviously leveling up even if it's irrelevant is still relevant because we're going to start getting more power do that I'm not going to play butterflies although people want that okay we're going to also combine the quid now which I'm going to roll obviously let's see what else we can find here that I don't care about uh and this is the build so definitely leave those be so black hole that's rare also rare this is a common so also rare I don't care about rares that much I care more about Commons because we can find stuff like rotational Force right yeah this is common so time to start rolling Commons this is also going to roll either into Mana region or into rotation or into speed or into keys so let's see what we're going to get out of that no no no and man region very nice so we're going to obviously take this and it goes to the book so the book attacks even faster because the book attacks based on how much Mana they have through the lightning rod if you read the grimor has 50% of the summon want Mana region so we want to make this want have a lot of Mana region I really enjoy what you've built here and I guess I would like to roll Pop either into accelerator or into Mr key head and then at that point I'm going to start rolling the start things and I got Boomerang leveled up so oh that's the one thing I should really level up what does this even gain it it gains double damage so that's what it gains so I think I should actually do this yes and rotate it over to just having it on the madlad version and not on the V attack version right now on the V attack version I can even do laser beams uh without the rotation of course with the tracking shots I could do uh this for example where is the tracking shots did I throw the tracking shots away oh the tracking shots are on this thing you know what it doesn't matter because I'm going to just roll something into it Vol can go or you know hover can go hover can definitely go and let's get a bu weapon wow I got two birth qus leveled up okay that's actually good because I can I roll that into a higher level thing um let's go with volley is useless laser is useless I think I'm going to go with laser is useless I'm going to keep the Magic Bullet that makes us do more damage nope nope laser again wow wow Ops no I'm rolling things I already had nice I got a tier three let's go be C tier three I'm going to roll that into something actually useful 20% cool wow this insane this insane this really powerful in general I'm not going to use it obviously roll them 12 man region I got a flower Plus+ uh I mean shouldn't this be insane 1 two three oh look at this look at this oh I can't control my character but I am Destructo dis Destructo dis I love it I love it this is how we're going to play this this is how we're playing this man and my attacks are going to be just bullets that that don't even do anything I can't even attack I can't even attack it's it's just Loops uh they should not be looping by the way this is so stupid what's happening right now let's actually disconnect this for a moment and get my books back and be able to control my character okay so speed definitely stays twice this goes here this goes here and right now my normal attacks look like this I don't want them to look like this rotation goes away and now it doesn't even hit them uh I don't know man my normal bullets might as well be this yeah and when they hit anything they start rotating around okay I I do enjoy this I do enjoy this so let's roll the volley so I can maybe get something that's a useful spell snacks can I see snacks okay okay I'm okay with this we can have snakes rotating around and then snakes that saw on Snak this looks so sexy man I love the Snak so much I love the Snak so much but still this is better by the way the snake did like 150 DPS just bullets within bullets is almost the same plus the 50% increase damage yeah we're going to throw the snaks away I still find them super sexy by the way uh no and F1 second Boomerang nice and back in the game game boys back in the game now I can also spawn my own boomerangs let's go yeah I myself already do this W this is super awesome I love it I love it I love what you've created I don't think we need this double splits I think we're going with a single split so I can have more Mana region because that makes it a bit too expensive anyway and I could also go with magic bullet alongside that and well if I'm going to do Magic Bullets alongside that might as well go with the good old volle which guess what I threw away genius genius uh doesn't matter let's go with this and I think I can still roll actually let's roll charging mode leveled up yeah let's roll this and we got trackon shot leveled up let's go man let's go let's level this thing up and let's continue meteor is going to stay there so that I can cast it once in a while when I decide to do so otherwise this is the build I don't even care about Keys man I don't even care about keys we're going to just spawn this thing and it's going to be mad lad busted and I'm not going to be able to control my character but who cares who cares let's go I this was a very very very good shopping phase very good shopping let's go uh what is this everything rols whatever hopefully we're going to be powerful enough to not get hit go my pets and My Boomerang blad dead already maybe my fastest skill on this thing ever I can't control my character D let's go in the corner D come on don't hit me o okay killed my books spawn few more books real quick go booklets attack booklets go they are attacking themselves I I am the damage by the way not the books I am the damage gone the moment I go close to them then that's that's when things end real quick that's when things in real quick woo I'm busted I love it I love that I created the boomerang loop-de-loops oh other ones may use the Mana from this oneand perfect the most perfect thing I really love this and this is also really really really really powerful because I can build a super duper Boomerang build here I would say I want to go here I I will keep the bucket anyway let's go here so I can use Mana from this oneand now now this oneand always always wants Mana regen so I'm going to go here with a Mana regen as this is going to mainly be used from that thing um yeah like uh the Mana from this is going to be used on my bouquet so there is no reason whatsoever to have it different what would this look like by the way maybe this tracking is going to somehow help I don't know we need another buff so one choice oh we've found the statue by the way I'm going to start destroying these uh I have the discount things plus one slot is Godlike I feing the boss with cares when dying you come back yeah we're going to go with sold half price not half price just cheaper increase man region for 10 seconds yeah whatever uh we're going to go with one more slot Godlike of course and uh revive also very powerful and now let's break wow this thing has another slot that's insane I I never thought about this let's go boom boom boom and boom easy enough none of them had what it could have could have would have would have should have and let's definitely push these away and put nothing this should never ever ever become more expensive let's go let's go I love what we have created I don't think we're going to be able to beat the final boss though DPS wise I don't think we have that much enough I would say let's go again into rolling honestly because we have so many things here that are useless for us let's rotate through here get my shots going nice split splits that split and split that splits honestly I can definitely also have this here there is no real reason not to do so so let's roll the five things that we have left the four things that we have left or whatever is there anything here I really don't care about I think navigation is useless for us right now these things definitely should go rare rare rare and then to Commons uh we got splits into splits splits are common so I would say maybe try to roll the keys heads into two splits as I don't have anything else common to throw away and I man region we're going to keep that and damage we keep both man region goes here damage goes to me I would say and uh yeah I guess that's not really that smart what I just did I guess I should go to shop we're going to roll these three then so let's start rolling these nice going our navigation and we got the navigation done so let's also level this thing up and I might as well roll the charging mode into what though make these super navigatable I guess is the play I still keep the medor for sure and these definitely St let's go shopping this was not a good choice here but it's okay uh let's continue destroying stuff very nice oh we got one of the best things that I definitely want to get because this is my crits do damage to a close opponent and guess what I have a sizable crit chance 35 here so I think this should definitely join and I also got a good old mimic tube which I should use to copy a silent flower for more man region on the Godlike s for G I don't think this matters as much as more Mana region or pretty much anything I like we're going to take these two what is this when you stand still this activates these activate wait a minute 35 points per second how much man does this spend 24 no I'm I'm shooting faster than that I'm definitely shooting faster than this uh I would say let's go with the crits 5% I mean I am pretty heavy on the crits that is true especially this one this one too but this one more yeah let's go here roll them and I find our orbital we're definitely going to take that uh definitely is not the strong word here I'm I'm going to try to force another one into this I'm going to take this and yeah we're going to try to force something pull those away and Mana cost higher meteors in no no problem crazy Mana region if it's your off wand uh I know I guess I I don't need anything else honestly like this is these two the build this is useless I just want a one that gives us some kind of stats no uh no we found one no that's not it I thought the I thought the all of these are always stats by the way I'm going to take this I'm going to be a bit a bit less noisy now because I I feel like I just got a somebody hitting my wall as a complain because I'm doing the recording obviously and it's night I'm going to just try to speak a bit more chill Wy by the way I'm Moon walking the whole time I'm backwards walking this whole duration here because I can't otherwise I can't even move this is so insanely busted look at all the colors colors it's pretty no no no uh let's this way I could control my character by the way I'm going to roll you no longer slow down while casting we take this yeah now I can actually move look at this I guess I'm not sure let's open the door got curses MP region is up increase casting turbo and cool down by the way we get damage based on how many C we have so I can get these cool down and what not definitely no damage definitely yes people people have been telling me that this is a very good one teleport to random location when taking damage this is going to help me so I'm going to take this perhaps are more damage I'm going to take that too recoil is more no I'm not going to control anything then resource not collected will disappear I would say no anything lock reques additional key n we're going to go uh boom that was useless traps are more damage get the random chest might as well drink this as is I got the chest that gave us uh immune top some poison nice permanently gain more or less MP Yol it always High Rolls it h rolled again it always H rolls recoil is going to make us uncontrollable the resource disappear too much life every time you don't get hit I think I'm good I think I'm good let's go I mean these they are pretty relevant too some on my booklets and go some on my booklets and go by the way the books also do Insane damage look at my Loops look at my loops and look at my Hoops you know what I'm missing I'm missing whop I'm blinking oh I love this I can't control my character at all woo and if I get hit I can instantly see where I am here I am let's go here I am this is stupid I'm having fun let's see oh even more max life if I don't get hit no we're not going to do that let's go here book book book and we go on once again if I get hit I'm going to Blink away but that is not an issue you know why because now I can see I am because I have boom rang blades boom rang blades I'm just having fun with this stupidity I'm the bus of death wherever I'm going everything dies and then we also have the books doing their thing and now I got reverse directed doesn't matter though let's see what I'm going to get another book and another Boomerang actually both of these are good another by the way if I if I level up the books we win because the books say that they get more Mana regen if they are leveled up we're going here and here guaranteed these are literally best in lot and now I'm thinking we go shopping to find another book for sure actually that's what we do uh no so book isn't rare therefore we should definitely not buy that thing that is the there are two rare things here uh did I buy the crits without actually equipping it that is extremely stupid on my [Music] end it is what it is H what is this 40% crit rate oo so 40% crit rate or bucket uh I think I think this is better although it has a low cool down so it's going to attack less often no we keep the betet man this works I'm going to keep both of these open by the way full Salvo no I'm I'm going to keep both of these open just so that I can get oh more slots more slots is really good first of all I can put it here and secondly I can put it on my bouquet and then if I put on my bouquet I can put my orbits in and also a mimic tube that's going to give us even more damage because M cube is going to be there oh I think I'm going to take this so you go here let see my damage my damage is 40 boom now it is 26 uh now it is 3D again and now we mimic this and it goes up to 35 so it does less damage but we can also put the crit in which does more damage because now this says every time I crit it does one damage to the same damage to somebody close I think it is worth it uh what else is there now I want to force that into specifically you know what maybe I should go with Salvo to uh shoot both of them at the same time and for Less mana and throw that out is that worth it though I don't think it's even worth it let's roll here trying to find over here the one and only they got like a grimoire I don't need this no that's a key by the way that's another sword this is the blade that blocks attacks once again no this this by the way is going to help us beat the final ball boss but do I want to beat the final boss that's my main question here do I want to beat the final boss I mean theoretically I should let's get this to be able to beat the final boss I think I'm going to be able to how much is my DPS let's actually see my DPS here if I have like 10,000 DPS I think we can quickly destroy the final boss let's see how what's my DPS is uh it's it is 7,000 almost it's 6,000 you know what forget it I'm not going to play trying to beat the final boss I think it's a the weird thing anyway what is this stop attacking they going stop attacking scatter 4 and trackon shots and snake no and we didn't find what we wanted let's go on to the shopping yeah let's go shopping honestly that's that means money not being able to control your character is so fun and stupid at the same time could have maybe bought any spell whatsoever I didn't think about that we found two spells here let's get those full serum and snaks Am I reiting by the way yes I am I need to buy my second screen man I need to buy a second screen also need to buy a PC honestly because I've been using my gaming laptop that is for the road I have bought a gaming laptop to be able to play on the road but you know what actually I should go no let's continue with money here uh yeah I have a gaming laptop that I bought for the road so I can work wherever I go uh but the issue in that is that um well now I am living in new house and I'm just using my gaming laptop for that which you know I should just use my normal I should buy a PC buy a new PC to be in the new age also I want to be able to use AI so we definitely need to buy a new pc press this guy down no come on I blinked I cannot control my character okay we're going to lose complete control of the character now he's about to jump on us and I blinked because of that and he died though and he died oh I have lost a book that's why I wasn't destroying this guy as fast as I would have hoped would have could have should have okay we found another one of these and found a rare blue so I would say yes to the rare blue because I can roll that into a book and I'm going to also go adjust on the this thing because I already have it and if I get another one I can literally combine them into a tier three or I can just roll this into another Boomerang and get the tier three Boomerang but I would like to have at least a base level boomerang uh booklets please booklets booklets booklets without the booklets we're not playing booklets is 99% of the build and hello opponent and we are we have so much DPS that that thing died before it did anything very nice wh and I got just got hit so I lost control got him and another boss and got him if these guys die before they attack it's instant proof that the build is busted instant proof by the way imagine us having another another Double Summon here roll Relic no we're going to roll into the roll Relic we're close to the end of the game anyway two Mana regen yes that increases my DPS and the books DPS by the way there is room here to make the books attack even faster so we definitely should do that uh let's lose life boom and boom done with the curses off with the game this is actually not the thing I can break up let's go spawn my booklets which now have even more attack speed even more than even more more cuz now they have even more Mana regen man The Madness of how much attacks we're going to get the moment I can make my uh books level to the books level two that's the big difference man whoop instant death come on book b nope I got a rare though that I can roll into a book and um expion I know doesn't really matter book now I'm going to only use say book money make gives you money nice and I would say we go shopping to try to find another book and then we got the combo there so now I will guaranteed Force the book guaranteed Force the book what is this this is three things and low Mana cost that's an awesome want is what I'm going to say uh also I can get no this is a potions room tell me that there is money gives you money or maybe your health becomes money the money gives you money is this thing which is not here there was a chest one though so first thing first per increase the decrease body size with cares remove curse transform all non boss enemies in room coins no sh random chest okay we're going to make money is [Music] money first and foremost nice and then we're going to go give me a chest boom and that give us potion you are invisible and the the chest was a no go chest doesn't matter is there anything here I really really care about Perman decrease no no no no no no no I don't care about any of these okay so I'm going to guaranteed force a roll here the only thing I don't care about is this one the two rares are going to stay until I find the book both of these are not the book once again do I want to beat the final boss do I care about beating the final boss I don't care about beating the final boss that's work can the book this is not rare this is common yeah this is common only this is the rare so I definitely cannot buy that AE blade again wow I got blade twice what's this the same what what roll was that I got another slot I'm not going to take that I said we're going to force books man sift how hard is it let's go with accelerator here to level this thing up just maintain just maintain your opinion on what you want to do oh double [Music] shots want double shots I want double shots I want double shots on my boomerangs that I spawn instead of splits I would like to go double shots yeah I'm going to do that cuz now I shoot two yeah now I shoot two that then split into three this definitely better DPS wise oh look how much DPS I alone have I alone have 2,000 dpso butterfly away it's a whatever 9 coins you know what we have so much money I'm going to buy that to send it into roll town and off into roll town we go nice okay money over there that's also nice so let's see what we're going to roll boom rank stays uh meteor definitely stays uh Flames go split stays speed combines actually just combined right away no that was a huge mistake mistake I made a huge mistake at least I got speed up orbit radius 5 m uh yeah I need to roll one of this is common I need to roll the serum blood into orbit navigation state as it's going to combine Magic Bullet stays this definitely goes first foremost Ghost Fire and control blood and snake go this is book stays and then I'm going to roll these ones into book and then this one into I'm going to see so definitely need definitely definitely definit definitely need to get an orbiting as spell for free I'm going to keep that no got the triple level up here okay so you go here now it splits into five weaker projectiles so now the snake is going to become the orbit snake is going to be orbit no matter what or aing explosion for that matter roll it roll it no I don't care about this no no no I need to find bit made a huge mistake huge mistake no no I'm so disappointing myself no no no no no don't do this in game no don't do this in game no no no this stays no no no I made a huge mistake I threw away the thing we needed no we're going to go with energy saver on this one uh obviously the orbiting ones are going to be the ones no not my main Bo don't orbit no but these ones do oh yeah are they as powerful I can't even control the character to even use this yeah they are as powerful for sure here we go I can maintain control maintain control let's see if these are more powerful than mine um spawn the books for moment okay so let me not try the same thing with my boomerangs being looping uh yeah let's do it I obviously attack a lot slower [Music] uh actually not uh definitely yeah now it's happening let's not forget that we have splits that split that split that split I need to be closer though h n let's maintain the meme I'm so sad about the mistake I did guys I'm really really really really sorry um I well it is what it is at this point I can't really do anything about it maybe if we get another one of those we're going to be able I'm going to with tracking shots on this one then uh yeah let's go super trackon shot so that the boomerangs literally go on top of the opponents yeah and then when they split they also fly all on top of them yeah I mean look at this we still have a decent DPS it's still a decent DPS it's still decent DPS it's not that bad not the end of the world uh these are still going to maintain their God Godless go godlessness God godness I don't know uh this gomor is useless and this is also useless and this is should be at the very end so I don't throw them away by mistake yep just like that and uh yeah these are still throwaway stuff that we have that didn't never become in orbit it is what it is I mean we had this whole run going on with this build so it's not really that bad that we lost a little bit of power it's not like we lost power we lost part of the meme I cannot control once again the character as I already mentioned a lot of times did my groom oh my groomers died to fast I was like where's my damage I I am my damage I need to go closer spawn more Grims did we win no we did not whoop spawn to the other side of the map who Grim Wars go why Grimmer has no attack because one's dead lost a lot of life here man the boss is going to finish you okay CH slow the opponents or whatever not really that important I would say I get double shield that's nice let's go shopping we might find an orbiting there money is money all items REM solid discount okay definitely go shopping 89 coins is enough uh this is a boomerang so this means I can combine all the boomerangs into one well I will buy this do I want to buy that and combine them all into one maybe I'm going to find another Boomerang maybe I'm going to I I might even not find combining again so this should become a book and this should become a um a rotation rotation oh what is this nope this has a rotation build in yes I will pay 59 for the rotation man I pay 59 for this thing I don't even I don't even want the want I want the rotation yes yes yes sir speed up perfect black hole I don't care we're going to go here get thrown away nice and I want to find a boomerang here W another one of those I thinking if I should take this feels like I should put it here and then put What In N not really not really no no oh one Mana region nice 10 Mana region that's good we buy this and we put it on the thing that keeps Mana going straight up this a good I do have energy saver here actually you know what it doesn't matter what damage the leges do it matters that the S Grim should be 0.6 mana on this thing insane this this energy saver is really powerful I think they buffed it even I think it was 80% cost level one and then 60 or S 50 at level two so I think this became very powerful uh I think we're go done here I could have obviously used the Sol everything at discount that I didn't even think about especially because I bought a stupid I yeah that was a big mistake on my end as always uh yeah I'm sometimes I'm straight up not thinking that much because I literally bought a wand and the one cost like 60 I could have definitely bought that in a discount look at what's happening now the build is a Godlike build this is exactly what I wanted to be seeing let's go I can't control anything but who cares Relic the less life I have the more damage I do or my crits do more damage I'm going to go crits do more damage this is 50% damage almost almost what's the curse lose to health I wouldn't really say we want that let's go spells cast my little booklets and go cast booklets and then just cast spells straight up let's see how fast we can clear these oh I got hit I don't have blinking when getting hit by the way that's gone and we're about to go to the boss you can easily lose by the way my most exciting aspect right now is uh not most exciting I guess the thing I care about the most we find a mimic tube that's actually good and whatever so with a mimic tube I can copy something uh let's go speed less and damage up so this is 31 and now it is 36 okay and I would say that well I want to see if this is yeah the first of all I want to do a thing here for the thumbnail guy hopefully this is going to be looking cool or at least as cool as we had mid game otherwise he's going to need to look into part of the game I guess let's go so I want this thing to give us meta progression enemies cannot detect you yeah whatever all items in the Cent room will be solid discount useless Mana region I'm going to use man region on the final boss and this is not the final boss go go go let's go W blink through I need to stop attacking I I cannot control I'm going to get cursed guaranteed avoid avoid avoid the curse let start attacking again what is this it's going to kill my books that's what this is uh spawn books I might be dying here spawn my books again come on man I want to get to the doggo no no don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't I I I cannot avoid anything here this is bad this is bad I'm still surviving get my booklets out attack this thing kill my booklets it kill spawn it kills someone's when it does that okay got my booklets out and just need to be close to this thing and we should be winning don't curse me don't curse me don't curse me oh got it okay we won and it just boom done yeah this is how it almost worked the last time too like uh no not the last time last time I had this they they didn't fix it this is the Run we won that was very anim I hope okay does not throw us out of the run it did not so I'm going to avoid the curses now they fixed there is an ending yes uh I'm I'm avoid the cursor by the way never do anything else other than okay curs are gone they actually fix the ending so how I have 37 and now I got 44 tell me just please tell me that there are new super wands wand of no Source has an epic Mana drain inside of it wand of nowhere there are super wands I love it post slot charge five points per meter of moving distance and it has a dash that you can cast and then a dash that casts within the cast of the dash because the dash actually allows you to activate the thing we're obviously going to go with a wand of no Source no Mana region whatsoever but has a very good cool on what not uh actually this can make me damage immune to the final boss wait a minute I should take this this might literally give us the win on the final boss I'm taking this what is this by the way asteroid Mana cost less who cares you see and now this makes his damage immune and whenever this casts I become damage immune again oh when when the one decides to actually cast it I can also cast by hand uh this is tracking shots though which is most likely going to kill us tracking shots I definitely don't want and metor also want so when I cast this I become damage immune and when it casts on itself I also become damage immune that's it can I make this cheaper so that it happens more often yeah whenever it wants to makes as damage immune that is I don't think we're going to be able to be the final boss just to be clear that can be a I can't even attack when I do that well that doesn't matter because my booklets can attack when I do that so who cares let's make my booklets also debuff the boss making it attack slower so maybe that's going to somehow save us who knows who knows I hope that this like thing Dash thing is going to save us that's literally my only hope right now and they're randomly uh jumping around let's see if we can beat the final boss now with some kind of immunity at least there is a shop that is very lucky because the shop does not force you into the fight and then there's money Zone there which is not that lucky once again we're going to be moving around everything what is this another wand of infinity this wand of infinity this has Vada Kadabra build in that's also pre-leveled up and also less Mana cost you can I love these super wands man I can't even express how much I love these super wands I want to just see them right now stop existing please another Super W obviously wand of Innocence uh charge 3D points for any damage de above 45 and it starts with a meteor and AE 30 points is really good by the way I like it I like it I got rotation let's go I'm going to buy the rotation wand of no form oh this is the Arcane Nova which says that the M cost of the first shoot double spell on the right cost more but it does less damage and scatters 20 times so this is like a shot that shoots shots I have an I have a run with this once again hopefully card's going to appear the top right 66 points per second while standing still but them keep cost is higher okay I love the super wands man a wand of ignorance charge 3.3 points every time enem is hits with this one and then it has a black hole with leg wies so that means and less Mana C so you can attack more often awesome wand awesome wand we had the no form against the bouncing of bouncing I'm seeing over here again the no form yeah that's it I love the super wands man I love the super wands let's try to become damage immune and let's hope that we're going to somehow survive final boss L congratulations hero we have reached the deepest of the parts okay we're going to spawn my booklets here boom boom and boom and we're going to begin hoping that we're going to somehow survive I should have looked up my DPS before I came over here by the way so the idea is whenever I do this electricity thing I became damage immune so I just hope that that damage immunity is going to Keep Us Alive yeah that's that that's like the plan which is not really working I can't move I can I couldn't move I have a revive by the way uh let's go detect enemies cannot detect if you don't attack yeah that's also not working we died makes sense man um I think the only way you can beat that guy I should have used the third one and spam it maybe that was the play ah who knows I mean I wouldn't survive throughout the whole thing oral anyway I really enjoy the fact that now hard mode gives you the rewards you would have gotten otherwise and I also also really really really love over anything else literally over anything else uh oh by the way I can level up my class I'm using this class very often so I'm not going to use this one this this class is stupid um we're going to use this the next level up is insane one more slot on the oneand that's really good okay so what I wanted to say is I'm going to unlock the next class next rhyme and I want to say that I really enjoy these super wands man I'm still missing to I haven't seen all of them but I I really really really enjoy these super wands that are like w of Innocence one of INF now this one for example is like boom about boom or what else one else what else uh new form and let's also have the Mana version here you know what I want to see also where the Mana the Mana version and then last but not least I would say the standing still version and let's throw away my base want so we either got the yeah throw these out for a moment we either got theom and then we also got the this one which is I shoot out a thing that shoots out things you know what let's actually see with bullets I shoot out things that shoot out bullets we got this one which is like uh I don't have Mana but I have the abild that says every time you hit something we gain Mana so it actually builds up man instead of wasting it these two together by the way work very powerfully uh I would say Obviously you should put it on this one so you shoot these out and then those things when they hit they give Mana to this thing and it just combes with each other then you also have this thing when you don't move look how fast this fire is look how fast this fires then you can be like here shooting your bullets and you can be like I'm shooting this out whenever I can but at the same time I also have this mad lad attack speed by the way why this is insane is because you can build it up this is why this oneand is insane because it has all of these slots um by the way can I put stones in that one in this slot here yes you can wow I didn't know that now why does this make it insane first of all you can put for example some Energy Savers in this making it shoot even faster next thing you can put anything into it split shots um what else um damage up I guess double shots although these make it more expensive so make it cheaper damage up again and then I like boom even cheaper double shots make it more expensive split shots make it less and I'm about to like my game look at this you see how insane this is the damage is very low of course because the weapon isn't really that crazy but you know that one that says if you don't move it shoots yeah it's insane it's insane what can I say anyway hope you guys enjoy that's pretty much the run for today and I really enjoy that we got something insane going on and I think I start to get a grip about how busted this game can actually become with the looping within looping within looping like the idea that things spawn things that spawn things then I I read the comments lately I've been reading them paying a bit more attention to them and honestly people have been telling me that those ons that say when on hit or when on cast and on move they are very powerful and that is actually true specifically the the one that says when on hit was insane I think that was very obvious just this round that it was completely and naturally insane I hope you guys enjoyed and as always thanks for watching and see you guys around
Channel: Sifd
Views: 20,234
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Explenation, Commentary, Casual, Relaxed, new, easy, upgrades, upgrade, Win, Victory, OP, Overpowered, Action, classes, Guide, roguelite, roguelike, rpg, Vampire Survivors, survivors, rogue like, Magicraft gameplay, Magicraft playthrough, Magicraft guide, survivor, survival game, bullet heaven, bullet hell, Magicraftbullet hell, Magicraft roguelike, Magicraft win, dungeon explorer, bullet hell roguelike, dungeon roguelike, guneon, binding of isaac, enter the gungeon, Binding of isaac
Id: YkcphSKF2pU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 33sec (4713 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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