The Potato run! | Inscryption Modded

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hello everybody sister again with another modded inscription act one run and today we're gonna play again the same mod like yesterday so that would be kevin's card expansion and um yeah the reason for that is because there were a bunch of first of all a bunch of people told me to play this again it seems like uh people resonate with powerful mods and the second thing is uh first of all i will try to not go with the squirrel by the way i reset into my uh old save file i had because i want to see the text of the cards again so that i remember which ones have some kind of secret interaction if you level them up so maybe we will achieve that today and uh what else that's pretty much that those are the things i happen to have so let's go for it today and also the second thing is i'm gonna try to not pick up the double sacrifice mini goats so that we get a more balanced run shadow walker here is new uh poor potato remember it has a potato inside of it crawling spider i don't know mad wasp uh really mediocre cards here other than the shadow cover on the shadow walker do i really want to go with the same powerhouse again today i guess by the way everything costs two so we will have a problem i also want the poor potato i think these are like the mvps from last time i said i will pick things up that level up and become powerful but i'm not gonna pick up trash like a mad wasp three cost especially going with the one cast today so let's try this corner i would say yeah let's try this corner and i know powerful cards and all but experiment time needs if i want to experiment i will need to have a strong backbone here back backbone what whatever uh last card and also least [Music] i guess child of the night mirror with spikes i guess why run poison moves around this cannot do damage to dash is the problem this is this is gold gain uh two costs two three i mean it's literally worse than the two cost two four that the game has that moves around the elk i guess wyvern i guess wyvern although i would never choose it normally i guess why runs the play here at least it has poisonous although it might not do damage to leshi at least it has poisonous i mean by saying doesn't have damage i mean it only has one first of all i like that we can see the awesomeness of the art i really love it these even have red emissions this does not have an emission though ah but the rest the rest do so i found a potato with fecanderty and double strike i think i'm gonna pick this up so we pretty much have our build done and then we're gonna try to experiment finding what we care about which is one the evolution sigil and two cars that tell me that this would be awesome if it would evolve so let's see how this will go now i will always draw that potato in my starting hand as it is my only one cast in the deck this is uh energetic little puppy will dig up a fresh bone in between why why is this happening i guess because i reset but i don't understand why this happened like that uh let's go with this as far as i know there is no bone cost in this model no there is bone cost for sure there are bone costs not a good idea not having bone costs but this is by far the best one if you if you're gonna slow play this so i think tentacle is the way to go and going completely avoid bone cost units yeah i think that's what we're gonna do so uh let's do that let's go this path most likely so here we should use an item most likely it's going to be this splash knife and we've got the potato in our opening head as i said every single one of my opening hands will have a potato let's not play it yet as this is there is there is a reason why this is the best one did i say let's not play the potato yet let's let's skip the part of not playing the potato yet let's get rid of the knife right away and um yeah first fight is one let's win yeah this this is going to be an insane run as every single one of my starting hands is going to be potato maybe this is going to be the potato run you know what maybe it's not going to be an experimental one maybe it's just shift gets the best card of the game right away and is exploiting game mechanics maybe we should do that for a run let's do that exploiting the mechanic that you always join one cast another potato the whole potato wonder what happens if it will evolve so we pick this up for sure because we want to evolve that uber it if called polaris i mean i want to give the the evolution sigil to that thing so i'm gonna pick it up once in a while i will draw this potato once in a while i will draw that potato so it's not gonna be the most broken run in existence and at some point i will maybe find the thing that you combine cards you know the what are they called the mushroom people i guess my mycologist i guess my ecologist and then we will combine those potatoes and it's going to be even more powerful and we drew the trash potato this is going to be the trash potato from here or not i like how it's it has like its little margarita chillaxing uh i can block both of those with this is that is there like any reason for me to do that though the only reason might be wait a minute this will try to move and move left and this will move right so they will split between them uh should i block yeah let's let's block both hits let's do that i block both hits and then i play something to kill him and another back line up here which does not affect us as it will get blocked in very nice so that means i'm going to kill the left coyote then this kay is going to move to the left and also die and this will come down move to the left and also die so potato time potato time wait a minute this moves to the right yep nope there is no reason to do anything other than what i just mentioned so let's go this path yes this is toast we do one damage and we take two moves to the left it's gonna set up the next attack we're about to take so let's do this which will survive this is dead this will come down and let that survive whoop bye and yeah this is definitely the second best side i would say for this specific type of run um let's do this as but sift you could have played chupacabra shadow cobra which is more powerful than the poor potato yeah i know uh it was a mistake anyway and now you could have played shidokara next to the potato to get more damage yeah that was that that was like definitely misplay but you know what i don't care about money you know what's more important as a bud shift but say if you forgot to use items that's a lot more important than the other two i memed out ice dragon dragon freeze anything in its way not really anything to do with freezing you might uh the mighty kill will drake not really mighty or unkillable for that matter and the shadow of an ancient creature called cobra well i am searching for evolution sigil so let's skip that there's a target of it's this uh yeah the size of souls we have read all that yesterday most likely we're going to pick this up the way this is going for the starvation or ice right let's go with spreading starvation as it's pretty much insane let's also pick up a pack rat because i forgot to not to use my items man please don't give me background please tell me it's custom no it's not custom i forgot to use an item classic sift fashion did it in and now i open drawing background right in my opening hand let's go for the ass that's gonna create one very nice and now we go with a boom boom i told you we're gonna use this we're gonna literally use this shadow walker i can also create a shadow walker here if i want to which to be honest i don't i can also play squirrel into a pack rat just to get something else in its place but this is not casey's mod so i'm not gonna do that now why i mention casey's mod here is because obviously casey's mod has a lot of better items so the three new items you get in case this mod are definitely more powerful than the default ones so at least there you have a good choice of what you want a poor potato filled with hope uh gubert is nice but it's gonna dig into my only one cast in my starting hand so i'm not gonna pick it up potato also not gonna pick it up we still go for the evolution sigils grab the wolf soul of yep shadow wolf this is new kevin kevin 2006 you are sus kevin 2006. okay the mod creator nation and mythical kitsune i mean it's a 2.32 which also burns opponents making them lose strength uh what gain strength but lose one oh no that's that's dangerous i guess i could do shadow wolf as it um it's it's actually bad but kevin kevin is a one cast one three which is insane and then next turn it also gives you an end in hand so if you play the end it said another one cost two two two as far as i know i think the add is like a zero it's a zero two so this is an extremely powerful card but it's gonna dig into my only the only one cost being the potato idea so uh let's not do that let's go for kitsune although i really don't like it burns usually fine each upkeep this creature gains one strength but loses one health so theoretically this does food damage to units practically practically it's extremely dangerous it's extremely dangerous um when will this play any role this will pay this will be important if fleshy plays like nah let's take it it's gonna be also good against the pirate boss okay time to remove the packrat from the deck yep and let's put it on not the potato let's put it on i could put it on no i won't evolution the potato wait potato potatoes the one that has an evolution poor potato is the one that when it dies it gives you an insane creature uh let's play it on starvation let's play it on starvation as there is a good chance that uh in my starting hand if i have starvation i'm just gonna play it let's continue let's go on very nice prospector fight double greater smoke the classic opening i'm really trying to force to find some items here by the way as you realize i hope uh well we always play the double greater smoke anyway and i think i just can play the star spreading starvation and get starvation everywhere and then if if if starvation ever dies we it will never die woohoo says of starvation every day that will never die yeah but i i think it's pretty obvious to what i'm trying to explain here [Music] i've got a squirrel from scroll nice uh this is gonna spawn starvation before the end of the turn so whoop now nothing will ever die yep you kill that it doesn't matter let's uh let's draw a real card uh let's pass boop create starvation now the starvation will always die oh wait a minute i'm about to lose both starvation i was wrong i was wrong about that well this starvation is about to die actually both of them are about to die so uh time to ditch time to bail time to bail let's go here um let the adder exist who cares i mean the way i play i am stupid if i just continued it the normal way the the mall would block in the adder yep for some reason i'm like missing my magic uh you know predicting fight prediction properties now this is gonna jump over there and this cannot be killed from anything uh well theoretically can be killed from the man the ball being here is extremely bad and this will attack here this will attack here actually the mall is gonna come over there i'm just gonna stay here uh [Music] i don't have a way to actually kill the adder yeah maybe if i kill the greater smoke but still you know what let's actually kill the greater smoke i don't know why i'm thinking about this so much here you go you're dead this will move to the right actually how much left do you have let's draw a real card he has two so he's gonna survive let's let's play the potato here now we do three damage now he's not gonna survive and also the pack no i could have blocked in the wolf my calculations are off today man my calculations are off today uh so off so off very off and now i even lost the potato before the hammer slammer i wanted to have the potato there before the for the hammer slammer but the way i played this yeah no the way i play this this uh this is not happening i i'm not gonna lose but it's always i don't want to make mistakes like these uh it's it's not a principle of losing or not it's more like i want to play correctly and i want to get in a habit of playing things right um there is a right and wrong by the way in card games especially if you know what the opponent does let's pass yeah you come in it's macaroni get him yep uh do i have one cost i have the long arm all right uh let's give him the long arm then i mean there isn't anything to be done here anyway another is coming in i'm gonna use that either for my own benefit uh let's play the potato as a task for candy anyway so let's do two damage here yep he's gonna hit us nice and now we're gonna use the crazy creature and let's also use another potato i mean we will win here with a potato on its own ass yep oh and we win next turn not the monster and garnet is here i love this monster i love this thing nice potato again pass boop boop boop and when very nice lights out let's see if i could get uh maybe i can get the glitch here if i get the glitch then i can use its sigils to evolve the potato maybe that's the thing golem mighty golem blah blah blah yep with sans attacks this i have been told that this is an scp so uh nice a bunch of reference in this game a worm that's a six costume with all um all sigils i guess immortality it's not called immortality by the way unkillable unkillability the golem is fair it will only ever take one damage this is extremely powerful i don't like the rest honestly i haven't been told that this may this should have had like resistance maybe this just needs resistance to become a fear what the cbd is if this is supposed to be unkillable uh i think i'm going to go with a golem a cost two four that pretty much almost doesn't die it's it's like as if i'm picking an elk but uh it's weak it's it's better it's better than i know so it's a better elk and the elk in general is not really that bad the only bad thing with the elk is that it moves around otherwise it's normally a good normal functioning functioning card i'm reptile with a triple attack crawler an error of a person yep so it's nope i still want the evolution sigil i need evolution evolution evolution sigil we roll reroll another one of those another potato [Music] i haven't found the evolution sigil yet uh i don't want to combine potatoes yet actually i can pick up another potato combine these two because i saw a combination coming up so maybe transfer something onto them like i don't know the golem buff yeah i can like transfer the golem buff onto them otherwise i can go with the spreading starvation and just combine those so that i have an out of what to combine if the push comes to shove yeah i can just pick this up or just not go to the combination if i haven't found the vault should i just pick up this reading starvation make it a two cost two two and then sponsor one one i could do that i also like this for a transfer obviously but it will make everything overpowered and people don't wanna see over parts uh no that's not a concern of mine right now my concern is mostly what will happen if i combine things let's go with the spreading starvation so that they have the safety net uh because i see a combination there and i i just realized there isn't even a sacrifice coming up i think i want to go flame right go flame flame this potato twice actually once yeah let's go flame and flame that potato let's start with that life okay i was thinking that it's gonna be damage i i didn't even think about the possibility of that being life i guess i guess on the spreading starvation i would say because it's about to get combined now this is going to be a 2-4 after the combination let's go this path now here as i said we will always draw one of the two potatoes so it's either either going to be a cheese insta win or it's not and this is one of those cheese installment moments but instead of doing that i'm going to play the starvation just for the memes is that a good idea i'm not sure that's a good idea honestly honestly speaking i don't think it's a good idea to play this starvation i can play them both like i can play starvation and then potato maybe later start having some fun let's attack this so it moves to the right and gets it itself blocked in and let's play this you just to not take the image pass nice okay a bunch of things are trying to happen at the same moment let's do this now we play the potato here and we also play potato on the left uh actually we're about to lose all the spreading so starvations let's play potato here pass boop boop boop and starvation is gonna spawn on the left so it's gonna survive yep yep yep pop move around starvation is gonna spawn somewhere let's go here we kill this pass and starvation here will also survive i like the starvation i think the starvation should um you should it feels like you should use them for sacrifices you should not force yourself to keep starvation in the deck or in in the battlefield you should just be like okay i'm gonna at some point i will have enough salvations to um literally you know sacrifice them off let's go up now they're about to get combined so at least my base starvation is going to be good wyvern again more that they know we don't care about those oh i can wait i have a wiring already in the deck i did not realize that that would be a good chance to pick this up to transfer the sigil onto something but uh do i need to do that i could transfer it onto the golem by the way armored reptile um well no i'm still searching for the evolution and we did not find it i guess another kid soon it is and now i change plants on the spot because that's how sift rolls and we're gonna combine the kitsunes now so at least it's a who cost six four insta kill instead of just gaining uh you know a bit of a better starvations let's just create the insta kill kitsune card here just so that we have another card that breaks the game still trying to find evolution sigil everything is this is this this whole run is for me to find the evolution evolution sigil we're most likely going to go left there by the way potato potato we draw the good one we drew the good one and we draw the goddamn we drew i don't know go here play both play starvation kills the left and also drain another one play the potato yup i think that's the place so we go here we go uh pass i know we take three but it's not gonna be the end of the world if anything it won't even affect us that much now we go nope now we go oh i can go potato on the left the purples the the yolo suicide you know what that might actually be better yeah let's try that let's try that let's go here that will die and let's go here so this will kill and also do one damage this is the on purpose potato play this is the the genius maneuver that nobody thinks about let's go here i would say riverard is pretty relevant to us right now and we do for damage and we don't win yet so that's something let's go here and i mean we won so it doesn't really matter what i do yeah we want it doesn't really matter what i do i suppose that pass i don't think there is like any reason for us to play around with our food open potatoes that's what we use okay i'm gonna go left by the way it feels like i never drew this and i also never drew this or or is my mind at the point where i'm literally not seeing cards that i draw let's combine these two so it becomes a two four and maybe maybe just maybe we get the evolution sigil here shadow walker yep shadow walker nope oh wait i can combine those two actually into f46 i think i can combine the shadow walkers that's like a good idea yeah let's combine the shadow walkers change of plants change of plants i know i know what were the chances you know what i should go to a shop and try to get a pelt that's a good idea go to shop get a white belt maybe i can find the evolution through there uh i'm most likely gonna go to this throw out of the deck the wyvern as it's my most uh not liked card from my perspective so let's go this path or i can even use it for a transfer sigil but the thing is it moves around so shadow walker the 4 6 death uh worst or spreading starvation with um i can play this for narration right now let's play the starvation right now with an item and then maybe shadow walker next tune or something so we go spreading starvation spreading starvation i would say let's play it here let's hope that it spawns on the right this is a pass please spawn on the very right nope it's dead but fair enough now i can literally get rid of the story i could have played this on turn one why why did i why i could have won in two turns why did i do this me and my me and my weird plants and me and my weird plants these are gonna do a million to us i'm about to take four i'm about to die if i play this here these are both dead but i take four i played here i do four but take six from here and here i have four left right now if i do four and take six it's as if i'm taking two next turn this will kill this and both in the back line but uh can i survive you know what at the end of the day i can just hook if it need be so i would say just pass for now because we're not losing so i'm gonna do four and take six one two yeah i'm gonna do four and take six that's sure so let's go four i'm gonna take six okay we're closing into death let's go here if i play this potato i can this will attack here and i can do one damage to the left actually if i play it here no it's not going to do anything uh if i play it here i can this will really kill this i will do one there's the left and i will die i guess it's time to use the hook and time has come or i can just play this buy myself some time now i'm going to just use the hook and be done with this let's just use the hook don't don't think about this a million dollars here skink is okay and work around is not so that's done now i play this i'll play this now we kill the back line alongside the front line and we will take one damage from the skink which is not going to kill us so um yeah let's go boop boop and guess what nobody survives nine damage so nine damage here for you pass and win uh i wasted a bit of um i wasted a bit of resources there i definitely not play this extremely smart let's go get rid of the wire first of all do i want to go here or here that is the main question do i want to transfer this thing over to something i could transfer this over to the spreading starvation making it move around and poison and kill everything and then this is going to spawn even more starvations so at the end of the day it it's it doesn't matter that it moves around because the main point of this is spawning a bunch of things so even if it moves around it's it's not really that bad so i think that's a better play like transfer the wyvern onto the spreading starvation instead of gaining one bone which isn't even gonna do anything yeah let's do that and maybe i even get there come on give me the level up sigil i don't care about that where's the level up sigil where is the level upside joel nope oh where's the level up sigil [Music] i guess armor reptile is the play i mean we're literally going right now let's be like honestly honest is there any reason first of all this is not playable because i don't have the bonelord buff secondly this is not really that i'm gonna go with this i i don't even know why i'm trying to um like tell my story here i can go with wyvern onto armor reptile though that's maybe a thing triple sacrifice triple insta kill poison everything ah that could be fun yeah let's uh let's do that let's let's not break the game a million ways like we always do let's just do a simple transfer there so where is this poison here poison and moves around plus armored reptile this thing will just kill all the lane and then move to the right kill the next lane move to the right and then do nothing most of the time or i will try to box it in man i still woo first of all it's awesome and man i i i really like this mod with the sigils i really love that this exists by the way i have been requested to do a shout out although i think i'm doing shout out anyway every single time i mention it but the mod is created by memes for life you can find them in this grid if you want it's called multiple sigil render fix okay i i guess i have to mention that every single time but i'm gonna do that anyway let's continue i but see if i did not request that kind of shout out i would have preferred if you didn't say anything if you're gonna say that way well shout out is a shout out though there is no bad publicity let's go with shadow cabra i guess into potato it's not that's like a simple play yeah we're going to do that and we're going to go for an insta win so one two three not only is this an insta win for phase two it's also an instagram for phase one uh the opposite the obvious i meant the opposite not only is this an insta win from phrase one it's also an insta win for insta win for phase two surpass this is uh a million damage nice now he's gonna come in with uh but fish well uh guess what go fish is not gonna really happen what is going to happen is that this is gonna kill this this is gonna kill the thing and then this is gonna attack twin two i played the potato here i know it would have been worse pass so dead yeah go fish also dead two and two and uh an insta win was indeed happening there here let's have a full board in case this is going to be the photo shoot at the end of the day uh pass potato army plus the shadow cover obviously let's go and a great white appeared in my potato army too but [Music] let's go it's the shadow potato army can i get glitch because it has the level up sigil please please please please today i'm trying to experiment and the game isn't letting me pluto yeah this is also if it devolves it does something i found the glitch for the evolution what is this is so awesome was an art what an awesome card beware of the man who speaks in hands it's a three cost hand damage uh multi-strike i mean most of the time hand damage is like it's either going to be one or two in which case that's important or it's going to be five or six so double strike is pretty much useless i i don't understand the concept of this card why does this cost three and has like in the normal game it's a one cost hand damage one right a striker card multiple times if it lives through the first attack so if you have like 10 attack this is literally useless the these two do not combine together if you have a very large hand then then this is a one one damage we cost so if if in general these do not fit i don't know maybe make it cheaper it doesn't feel like these two really fit together i don't know any you can decide on your own i mean let's go with a glitch i know pluto has it evolves if it gets evolution schedule but right now i cannot get the evolution sigil so let's get the glitch to get the sigil and let's be done with this we're gonna see what the potato evolves into i hope it's gonna evolve into the wolf potato i don't know i'm really i'm really excited to see what this becomes yeah blah blah blah blah blah blah okay there is a combination there i don't see a sacrifice in the path do i have too similar because i don't want to be forced to combine this i have the two spreading disease so we're going to go this path and let's see if i can get another evolution schedule because then the game's gonna be having fun with us i'm not gonna pick up one cost i'm not gonna pick up anything of these actually they are not really good cards and the game is having fun with us by giving us the same two and another trash card so um i mean this is what's the car what's the idea behind this rolling spider you know the ant queen and the normal game is not a rare it's a common card and it's a two cost the same it's actually plus it gives you an ad so what's the point of this card and also what's the point of this card as the grizzly is a three cost four six i don't know i'm right clicking here nothing is happening uh i'm gonna go with wendigo although i don't believe it's a good card so let's hope it's not gonna be one of those uh million instances of from now on we will always draw indigo let's go this path to combine the starvations together so it becomes a 2-4 yep let's go this path although there's a flame over there at this point it's too late to go for shopping why did i start with this i guess the save file i use yeah the only logical explanation here is the save file i use uh has the squirrel head and i i does this i thought the side deck removed the scroll head i guess because i used like a very old save file the the scroll head was not removed it doesn't matter though as the side deck does not get affected by the scroll head anyway so balance wise it is the same ah this is not looking good this is not looking good actually this isn't anything dangerous i can just play the potato this turn and then play another potato next turn over here kill this raven and this raven will be dead anyway actually both raven will be dead anyway so yeah easy easy enough no not both of them are going to be dead i might die change of plans play two potatoes right now and go for the insta win is that a good idea not really of course he has thing [Music] i'm not sure what i should do let's go for the insta win this has infinite well i did not realize i guess we semi cheated whoops well i was ready to use this anyway so the only difference is that i have one more of those and also i can do my photo shoot here this is my photo shoot it's going to be the potato army the potato farm the potato run i don't even know this is actually the potato one indeed because i try to get the citrus on the potato this whole one this will run along i'm trying to get the sigil and potato and imagine if we don't get any other sacrifice right now because i really really really want to chase down sacrifice to see what that evolution is no no no well i guess it's this but can i see ken for a moment this is the canine this is a canine this is serpent this is everything okay theoretically i can lose this life yeah i don't see us losing life with so many two cars for us to lose life i need to draw this and this like this or this and not this not this not this not this not this and not this yeah we're going to go with the kin and let's hope we somehow lose this magically no kin no kin we should have lost but i think our potatoes in armored perptile the trial was passed i i guess no kin means yes i don't believe this thing are you kidding me right now forget shift forget bitnoir uh wasp larva the one time i find the stupid thing that has fledgling on it i cannot fledgling on it i cannot transfer it i do not believe this thing man the one time the one time i drew this thing i guess if this playable as it has stinky so theoretically it's gonna pretty much control the whole fight against um the what is it called the pirate boss was also an insta win actually this is literally an insta win this is an insane card shift um i don't want to add another one cause to the deck i want to combine these two i mean i don't see us combining these two but at least i want to have the chance of drawing this potato when i transfer this sigil on it but i cannot transfer this one uh swift against the whisper larva oh wait a minute beta noir has inside of it something that we haven't seen yeah we take this for sure we take the thing that has something unique inside of it and i see i see we're not gonna make it let's go for this i'm gonna keep my potato clean i tried boys at least we're gonna show what bt noir has inside of her so that's something items throw something out yeah i don't see another combination coming up in time i also use this in case we go for the item rod uh at least i got bitten right here in my starting hand so we can see what's inside of her and this is not a good board it's really dangerous to us i guess potato to attack the right and then draw another sack thing and play better noir kill this raven egg yeah let's uh let's let's play it like that [Music] ass the snowy fury is going to give us enough survivability oh no oh no we're gonna start taking two damage return yeah we're gonna clear out the left side then let's go actually i can clear out the right side the difference is that i can attack this side with flyer with sideways attacks like potatoes and stuff same goes with point you point i prefer to keep the right side and also that one's gonna hit she has region she has region uh yeah let's go this path huh it's it's the same thing it's the same thing sparrow or maybe it's not the same thing wait she heals more than she had in the beginning at the end of the returns are guardians usually region one health was she at two three wasn't she a two three i'm gonna play this potato behind the snowfear and it's gonna evolve into craziness and kill the pudge point fast we take three and we lose nope we're still alive with one can i even win is there any possibility for us winning if i draw this this is dead i should have gone the left side this was a mistake but how would i have known that spiral is going to come in on the right side too like on the one spot that it didn't have to go it could have gone here it could have gone here but no it got it got this one spot if i play the potato here no if i hammer slammer this okay and play the potato here actually if i play the potato here and hammer slammer it it's going to be a 2-4 so this isn't even killing the raven um if i play the potato hero and hammerslam will not attack the porcupine it will evolve i mean if i hammer slammer it will kill the party point in one hit but i still lose from this flyer this is killing me i can't even get enough life so if beating or was over here it would have been the same well let's hammer slam or her to see what she becomes at least what do you become first of all this looks insane and um the so okay now we survive just like that now we win you know why because this thing uh no not this thing mirror what mirror what is this mirroring is it it gets more damaged because opponents are ahead of it well the trample means that it will do three damage to leshi so um yeah now uh now everything is fine for us well let's pass boop i'll be stopped and now you take three damage there's an overkill so this card is insane it's a two cards two four that it wasn't the three five with host uh i don't know what host does for that card specifically in general i know that it spawns you three cards so also get the poor potato into the action what's if you cheated by using the hammer slammer yes but i wanted to see the guard now if you win because i cheated i'm not gonna call this cheating i'm gonna stop calling my place cheating you can do whatever you want and i think the over the region actually overheals because this now has four life that's gonna have what oh it still has four life oh i'm wrong about that then uh i'm doing three and i'm taking four wow we still are almost losing i'm not taking four this is gonna die i'm gonna take two up up so the hammer saved us thanks copy for the hammer mod that i also had requested let's continue let's go on by the way uh there is an open question do the mod creators get anything from the mods getting popular like is there like any reason why people would care if i like a mod or not let's um can i get the sacrifice man you are you kidding me where's the sacrifice man where's this i want to get rid of glitch put it on potato ah the mad wasp yeah we're not gonna pick that up goober so good actually starts overhealing we're not gonna pick any of those i'm gonna go for two costs or another sacrifice outlet i guess another spread observation i'm not gonna go for one costs we're gonna always start with a potato in my hand i don't care yes yes we found it so transfer remove from deck remove them and eagle from deck flame flame the bendigo as much as possible and if it dies it dies we'll just get rid of it i think i can just flame it and if it dies like if it becomes a 210 or a 5.2 it's it's still better than trashing it so yeah let's do that and we're gonna go this path no matter what the flame is it's gonna go into when do you yep especially life because uh this is a trash car then i don't wanna have it in my opening hand this is gonna get transferred this is good this is good this is not really good but um it's something that's good yeah or the rest are pretty good when you go you it's your time tryable trial by fire and you're out of the deck just like that by the way this is not kismod so he had four chances to go through and he died at the second i'm so happy that at the very end we were able to get the card now let's hope it also survives damage because we're about to go for the hard fight and here's the potato the unevolved one yeah this might be a loss and when i say this might be a loss i mean i have shadow walker in my opening hand so i don't see us losing sift in his predictions let's go with two damage turn one so we buy two in for ourselves uh well it's not gonna do anything really yup let's go here let's go here this is three damage that thing's toast i'm not gonna fall in the same trap of trying to attack while there is a wall on the board that is always a bad idea now now i'm gonna attack although there is a mall on the board that's gonna die so we just won't do damage not really something important duck yeah we take one and now we win with shadow beasts let's go here get rid of everything next turn it's a a damage turn i don't think anything can survive eight damage i mean if if he has already done fort was then he obviously survives but i mean you know after you take a damage in one turn you're most of the time dead this is free money and then we go get the combination man we're gonna see we're gonna see one of the evolutions i guess the only evolution i'm not gonna be able to see is gonna be the mars or the minimum i don't even know the forecast the triple strike that card wasn't even playable to be honest so at least now i got the potato let's go where's the glitch let's go let's go where's the potato here we go it only gets pretty much the evolution sigil because the other thing it already has it but it got painted over it nice nice nice let's continue by the way i i feel like a war with the modern community is going to happen or something i don't know i i don't know i really don't know the opinions are clashing let's go on join my discord by the way if you if you arrived at this point join my discord because i realized that the modern discord from i don't know 500 people 400 people uh the moment i started playing mods now it's like it's like a thousand plus 2 000 people online at the same time and our channel is slowly growing so please join us too why not um let's see where we're gonna go with this i guess i can just open up with the shadow walker and because it's a four six it's gonna slowly tank everything and then i can play another shadow walker and then another shadow walker because this is not the potato i wanted or i can just play three potatoes of these kind no this is not a good idea i need to go with shadow walkers i need to go with units that have a lot of health so they have a better chance of actually surviving and um also doing stuff so let's go here into this into this um let's play the first shadow walker here and this thing is gonna make this b2 sacrifice next turn so let's go this okay let's go here this will not attack let's turn because you know zero damage done pop up avoid nice okay and now i have two open slots for damage pretty much so now i'm gonna go with shadow walker boom boom over here and this over here pass yep you take four give me a double sack exactly what i want and let's just take some damage who cares let's try a real card and hope it's not the other potato no no this was the worst possible time to arrive it's gonna die from the explosions stupid game mechanics killing your hand by the way don't use mechanics like kill your hand um i guess i'm forced to sacrifice the shadow walker here play the potato see what it evolves into okay let's do that but i want to place this potato here no if i place it there we win this just does one damage yeah this is like the perfect opportunity to see what it evolves into so now this will get blocked and this will just do one damage so that she's going to be on exactly one life pass this will survive the damage coming in and we're gonna see the evolution of the potato drumroll what does the potato evolve it whoa that looked awesome first of all let's uh let's let's let's try a side card as explosion's gonna happen in a moment so we're gonna lose my hand what is this godly potato please don't tell me that this overrides whatever would have been this i guess this would have been double strike anyway right because if it somehow got triple striked by the evolution it will get triple strike here so from the one cost one two it evolves into a three cost three three so instead of gaining plus one plus two that normally the evolution does it gains plus two plus one actually plus two plus two because it should have been a three four as it took damage um you know this was not worth it honestly when i see cars that have the frost thing and not this one when i have when i see the other car that had the the any car that has this frost you know the thing that spawns something inside of it all of those cards spawn something insane and they do that on their own and the potato needed a sigil transfer onto it to get more powerful and it just became a 3-3 with still doubt strike if if this should have been a triple strike but it backed out because i overrode it with the with the car that had a double strike then then uh my bad but if it's still a double strike then i don't know i i think it should be two strike if this if this would be a triple strike like the movement evolves into the true track then yes then it's in line with what the mod showcases right because my my my main problem is not the potato itself being trash i mean the card is nice my problem is that it felt like it should have been it should have done more that's that's my problem it felt like it should have been even more powerful just for the sole reason that this mod is all powerful already right it's it's not like a shift thinks a broken card should be better no i'm just saying that this mod has so many powerful things that it seems so weird that such an insane thing to do like you have to find some specific things and then sacrifice the one card to the other and then the payoff is it has plus two damage instead of plus one damage and yeah my boat survived and when i say survived i mean it literally died in my hand uh my hand at least also died well at least i kept the shadow walker here because i see us dying what is this this is an insta kill move rashi you really need to stop doing those insta kill moves man by leicester i obviously mean the mod creators uh let's pass it's gonna block this and also this i really love this man i really love this tentacle uh bass card um i don't know here shoot this so next turn we do four damage and we went and we just won block block yeah cannon got it flipper only the cannonball by the way can i play this oh i can play this oh you can use this to buy time [Music] i never done that i have never ever done that now the real question is can you sacrifice the cannon oh it's uh it cannot bleed can you sacrifice a cannibal though did they nice okay for whoever created this mod which is you know what let's also shout out that so we do not get faster about that it's the pirate boss mod by ingo h so um yeah in coh very good uh coding here i mean i'm pretty sure it's not something insane to just make them not sacrificable but still a good thought to implement it because a bunch of mods do not um yeah there's that and the canon does indeed not bleed so it makes sense [Music] notice let's see what do i notice phoenix the grateful phoenix turns to ashes upon death i'm gonna take this for the sole reason that it has frozen away and i cannot level pluto in time because i don't have the evolution sigil yep we're gonna take this to see what inside of it i'm gonna just assume it's gonna be ashes and it's going to have like evolves after one turn and then it becomes again the phoenix that's my guess let's see how good wow i forgot that there is another sacrifice here at the end but it doesn't matter because i i couldn't do it anyway i like how these light up uh what's in my items i i definitely have two but do i have is that there i am here no okay let's go for the third item i would say otherwise transfer the which is my worst unit this thing is my worst unit transfer this thing on to the poor potato and it won't do anything this is remove a card from your deck this is get an item let's go with get an item maybe we get a snip and get an instagram leshi well it's not a snip but it's a black goat so black goat is at least a turn 1 4 6 i guess or i don't know what i'm gonna play we're gonna see we're gonna see let's see what we get let's see what we get let's go on trying to always please everybody i don't know it's like sometimes it feels like i i really need to stop trying i i i don't know what to say [Music] now you might ask where is that coming from that's coming from i'm not gonna see where that's coming from i got the rear let's continue it's it's me and my audience that's what i feel like that's what how it should be let's go with double draw so we overwhelm leslie really quickly it's me and you guys it's me and you guys i hope you guys enjoy and let's continue oh no shift is getting depressed i'm not by the way i'm okay let's continue let's see what les she has to offer i'm happy that we were able to showcase the i want to see you i wanna also showcase that i'm happy to showcase the new monster that that woman something noir remember her name bel noir i don't know and i'm also happy that we were able to showcase the potato although a bit disappointed that it doesn't have at least triple strike once again not because i want everything to be op just because of the fact that it feels underwhelming in comparison to the rest of the things in this mod i hope i didn't bug it out i really hope i didn't bug it out uh i guess i'm gonna pay the poor potato on the left and force man to go to attack and kill it the genius maneuver plane there and then uh then i can have the other potato over here yeah that's that so we're gonna go with whoops and wait a minute this can give me two summons and if anything i don't want poor potato to actually get hammer on it so let's go with the normal potato guitar we'll need which would be play the greater smoke here yes play this here i can play the press spreading starvation and the potato like spreading starvation with this potato with this and this will create two units to sacrifice a potato next turn it will kill that um if i play starvation if i play this and if i play this here and this here then this will spawn something here so this will not be able to move away away i don't need to do all that i can just play this potato i i don't know why i'm overthinking this just play this potato here as simple as that yes pass pass the idea here is we damage the mole man a bit yup he says i'm gonna hammer slammer and you're like you're gonna what you're gonna what boop the godly potato wait previously this was flamed why why is this now this is not the same as the previous one this is not the same godly potato i know bitten noir is here very nice and um we're also gonna play this poor potato so both of them are going to get played blah blah blah blah let's uh let's draw this so this will stay i'm going to go or potato right for potato baby mantas god is dead from one damage okay now we go this here now we go bet noir bubba bubba over here easy enough now this is gonna die three damage to dashi and three damage to this and two damage to leshi again so and then and then we win because three plus two is five then we're going to go to phase two and then at some point he's going to hammer slammer and kill his own uh he's gonna die the moment he hammers hammers his toes i'm ready for it i'm ready for it yeah that was a very masterful play there i see a poison coming in reginald against got the potato this is gonna live then the good lipid is gonna back like louise and then it's gonna kill the stump and then beating bet noir is gonna do two damage to him so right now he's taking two damage pretty much only two damage let's draw let's draw something that i can plane k in in spot of that potato actually there is nothing to play there uh here i can draw the super armored poison whatever that's really a real card so yeah this is dead but it doesn't matter because it's gonna hammer slammer so if anything reginald's gonna kill the the what's it called the the gold pile or that or i'm not gonna get a gold pile yeah he's gonna kill the gold pile hope is there and boom then the creep monster is there too and uh yeah you're pretty much toasty you made a huge mistake there at the end at the end of the day you made a mistake let's also draw the shadow walker as it's one of the mvps of the team uh so let's go for the win now let's go here into here into the character we never played the armor reptile is it fair though to go for the armored reptile as the fairness has to do has anything to do with anything let's go let's just go for a win i don't think there is like any real reason why i should not go for the win by the by the way when i say go for the win i mean we kill the moon on the spot because that's gonna happen right now the moon is dead a big big mistake works just fine are you ready are you like are you sure are you serious do you really think that you're dead that i was gonna say something right oh he did not i guess because i have already won the this fight with poison and yeah that was it pretty much i was able to wait a minute no no no no i did not showcase the phoenix no why did i forget it no [Music] no i had one job me and i had one job and i failed at it no well well at least at least we showcased the godly potato and we showcase the bella noir so you you can't win everything man you you can't have me remember everything i'm really bad at this i it's uh it's it's like the it's the mix between run and showcase that's making that's uh ripping me up i'm sorry he was not able to showcase the phoenix i'm gonna go ahead and say that it becomes what it's uh what i said i hope it's that at least so um yeah i'm sorry i have failed anyway that's going to be it this is once again kevin smart so kevin um kevin [Music] showcase view yeah showcase kevin showcase let's go with kevin showcase although the other one was literally the first time she kevin but this is like the showcase run showcase r for run showcase run and um do not despair you won so that's going to be it for today if you guys enjoyed the video hope i hope you drop a like outside the channel also makes it so you know algorithm shows you more of my videos and stuff and don't forget to join the discord let's make a community let's let's somehow make the discord alive because right now it's not really that alive but i'm trying to slowly do it i mean i i'm not really gonna change how often i uh i'm over in the discord but i will really you know i i try to make it some a bit more alive and i might maybe even get a person for all the social media stuff and uh overall have a moral life or like presence anyway that doesn't matter just want to mention those um yeah anything you might ask is link in the description now about the modding thing because people have asked me a bunch of times which mods are used and what not let me explain that on thunder mod the you know the mod manager it gives you out a link that you can send to people like the code which i'm sending out to you i'm i'm writing that in the description all the time and i also am linking my guide on how to use that code but the thing is that those codes break after i don't know two hours three hours one day it just randomly breaks i haven't seen exactly when it breaks because i didn't do an experiment on it but i know that they break on their own that's thunder watts part that they break and to be honest i'm sorry but i can't really you know manage all of them because i have like 70 videos now so if a video comes out and you like it try to instantly use the code at the bottom and if it's broken then i don't think i can really fix it i mean if you come over to the discord and it happened that at that exact moment i upload the video and it's already broken i will fix it but if if this video is like a day old or two at two days old or whatnot i don't think i will i just want to mention that because i have been asked about linking the mods i'm using and the thing is i'm using about 15 mods half of them are like dependencies on dependencies and to be honest like most of them just get from the mod manager randomly pulled so it's it's a bit it's it's even more upkeep to just all the time link all the mods at the bottom so i'm sorry but it is what it is okay i'm really sorry i'm trying to do the shout outs in the video and i'm also trying to give the code at the bottom but uh this it's it's too much management and i just decided from the get go to not get into it because it's gonna take me for no reason i'm just gonna add even more uh work into it if if it's really important to you to learn which mods i use as i said join the discord and then you can like link the video and say which mods does shift using this and maybe somebody helps you out maybe somebody won't i i don't know what to say as i said the best way to use mods i use just uh the moment the video uploads try to copy the link paste it in your mod manager like the description explains how to do and um yeah try to see if it works and most of the time it should work right away because i'm changing the codes the moment i do the upload so um yeah that's that's the explanation on that and after you get one code working then most of the time you will be able to easily swatch a switch from one multiplayer to another because then i you only have to change the main mod i play right because as i said i have like 10 or 15 quality of life mods and then the main mod that's like the one i'm playing so um that should be an easy transition i just wanted to mention that just to make everything clear and yeah i think that's going to be it for today i hope you guys enjoyed i'm not sure which i'm gonna play what i'm gonna play next time maybe we're gonna get the casey's mod run again i i don't know i'm just gonna do whatever i decide to do so yeah i bought the mod just want to mention i really like it still i really like the fact that this is maybe the single mod that is pretty much op i'm having fun and um i also like the i like so the two things we tested first of all sorry for not being able to test the phoenix not being able like forgetting to text the phoenix i'm pretty sure it just revives or does something like that which would make it a decent card but still i i wanted to see it doesn't matter i'm gonna play this mod at some point again so i like the the the the noir bell noir whatever i really like the the thing that it had inside of it that was insane and i i did not really like the potato as i said i mean if you compare the potato to for example bel noir the potato might be one cast but i think it's harder to find the fledgling sigil that you want to transfer and then forcefully transfer it onto the potato then um than just playing berlin noir and then you know if she dies you win like almost on the spot or or like the zeros i don't know maybe i'm wrong about this maybe meh because because i use the hammer my my opinion might be skewered uh but normally bella is like a two cost two three so you can easily shove her under like throw it under the bus and try to evolve her so yeah i'm not sure about that um yeah let's leave the opinion floating and you guys can decide at the bottom and girls obviously everybody's welcome anyway that is going to be it for today so once again thanks for watching and see you guys around
Channel: Sifd
Views: 42,593
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Explenation, Commentary, Casual, Relaxed, new, progress, progression, easy, upgrades, upgrade, Win, Victory, OP, Overpowered, Strong, Action, classes, Heroes, Guide, Learn, roguelite, roguelike, rpg, Inscryption, inscryption, inskription, Inskription, Inscription, Inskryption, Horror, Card game, Deck builder, deckbuilder, cardgame, card, cards, Progress, scary, mystery, horror, secrets, deathcard, puzzle, puzzles, challenge, challenges, inscription, mod, inscyption mod, inscyption modded, insdcription mod, Kayce's mod, endless, beta
Id: 5Qtyv94RqKU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 13sec (3793 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 26 2022
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