We Broke This Run in less than 3 Minutes?! | Magicraft

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hello everybody s here again with another magic Craft Run the action combat R leg where you create busted spells and today I have unlocked this new meta progression which gives us higher Rarity spells So today we're going to try to get those busted higher Rarity spells going let's see what build we can create into hard mode of Co let's so we're going to get an epic spell as I haven't gotten an epic spell run yet and um yeah let's do this a new base weapon or maybe a laser beam I don't know some kind of rare spell that I've never used bouncing shots might as well go for that uh money against health I would say we go money so that I can really go into a shop what is this this is literally a new opponent this is literally a new opponent I've never seen before how is that possible did that guy split himself and then he tried to split himself again okay um yeah I want to go to shop in general just to be clear I'm going to get Max Health at some point definitely forced on us so let's go with spells here hoping to get my first rare spell that might be B busted or maybe not who knows let's get rid of this guy nope okay that's toast I thought that was a hit I was about to take got rid of it seems like every bullet you do to this thing it becomes smaller and smaller uh although yeah the same seems to be true with the splitting things not only did I find this for the first time ever but I found it twice it's a bit weird that you get new opponents randomly but it's also good I got a key for free and we got our first rare and pyrro cor I first epic right away like just like boom instantly got my epic occupy slots two okay this two spots spell damage plus 120 plus 120% this is insanely High 120% is very high ignite the Target and deal 180 damage DPS for 2 seconds that's 300 damage 360 damage is what this thing does this is busted 120 SP wow wow wow wow wow wow and a rare I'm going to go with a rare so this is a two spotter boom uh okay I guess I have to can I do it like that no I have to to literally have the slot free can I put on the right side yes I can and uh yeah need these now do 22 from normally they do 10 and it's a flame what this is insane and it doesn't even make it more expensive it just makes it more powerful and I can even charge it up and shoot multiple of these lose five Max HP if any damage taken while clearing stage again plus two Max HP if clearing stage without I'm going to take this this is an early enough curse to be useful I'm not going to get hit for the minus 5 damage I will get these Plus toos early and uh at some point I will get rid of the curse anyway as we always do and here I would like to go to a shop to just buy a bunch of keys I do have enough money for that to be worth it boom got it I also got a wand here 120 mana and the 12 Mana region and it costs only 20 coins right yeah it's a pretty cheap wand I would like to buy this and that's the wand we're going to be using for the time being without the pause let's have this on the left side and I guess bounces too I don't think we need the Magic Bullet and hover also is not needed uh I would like poison laser beam is also nice maybe laser beam is what I'm going to go with I don't know what weapon we're going to go with I also think about meteor let's let's laser beam and poison maybe we're going to do a poison burn build uh I don't really want the meteor right now is that sail going to stay is the question the sail does stay and then there's a laser beam here uh would I like to do a laser beam build that could be a thing charging up my laser and then boom let's try this actually charging up my laser boom yeah and they last more because this thing gives a plus one to the duration of it can also make it fire and poison is it mainly no it's both it's both oh I can move away from where the laser got set up wait what since when laser beam yep and now it just stays there while I continue moving around I guess it's poison and and Flame by the way what it's going to look look like is a different man altogether it's a bit weird that it stays there on the ground anyway let's roll this key and maybe into a key nice we got our key and I have five keys so I think we're safe uh I would say we go with a good old more max health I don't really want to go into this yet I'm with only two coins that's a bit useless laser beam instant death on everything okay I would also like to see this in action charging up and boom it's the same thing but just faster not remotely close the same thing uh and our shop I'm going to go Max left once again we don't really have coins right now boom yeah this is going to literally kill everything because the lasers bounce the flame is busted man I click something it's going to die from Flames instant death from Flames boop boop you're done bounce bounce ah I mean right now it's better to go with a laser beam and also not this one right now it's better to just click and kill right now I do do want to do the super laser beam with the charge shots though but as of this specific moment in time we're going to stick to this so boop boop uh okay now now would be a good no you know what this is busted the Flames are insane man the Flames are insane imagine if I have used the laser here I didn't even think about that it was going to be boss fight let's get an actual good staff or a similar to the one I have brand new wand uh I mean it's just a good wand ion well that's a crit chance less accuracy loss build and Scatter scar is going to actually help us instead of being detrimental to us so I would like to get this so that all my laser beams are in random directions is that something I actually care about I think we're going to go with a brand new W more Mana less Mana region more Mana well in that vein I mean I think these are both whatever let's get this though just so that we have an offhand wand I can put the things in right is this better 122 less scatter yeah this is straight up better I'm going to stick to what I currently have and in the same vein I would also like to have bullets so it's bullets and laser beams I mean the laser beams and click and point and click against death ah with the same vein the the other laser beam is also the same thing yeah I think this is not worth it yeah yeah yeah I'm going to go with what I actually thought is better so for now we're doing charging up my laser and I might even just be doing this you know cuz if I touch anything and burn it once by the way I want the second pyrro cor man I cannot only imagine how busted this is I can only imagine unable to fuse oh you can only have one yeah so busted that does make sense randomly upgrade one Relic if you don't have one get a random one crit chance or potions might get multiplied ah these are all mediocre does laser beam has crit chance maybe the crit chance is to play uh let's go I mean I'm going to go here I think the flame looks like crits unless it looks like crits because of does too much damage let's go laser beam everything's dead because flame is busted yep laser beam again I don't even need to do a lot one laser beam is enough this is completely insanely busted completely I the most busted run ever yet okay split shots Max Mana or poison again I already am going into the poison path so let's go poison again and split shots right now none of these really matter but I can have an off hand building up with the laser beams letting into shots ah might as well exist you know might as well exist for the time being I don't think it's worth it we're going to continue with going in a room and doing just this thing and everything dying um well I can still get a second pyro cor okay this a very easy pattern you remember the first three these two and then these two and then these two got it let's go these two D and then done boom boom boom boom and then the other three and we're done let's get a awesome spell nice I got a leveled up Mr key that's really good so oh this is too expensive 90 Mana 92 Mana unbelievable unbelievable uh I could switch these around this doesn't really provide us with anything uh and at the end of the day I just need to fire once so might as well just flip these so I can cast Mr key so we go like here boom and then laser and that's already enough to everything anyway laser yep yep maybe the most busted one I've ever had I mean it makes sense if you get an early game epic that it breaks everything I want to get another epic though I want to get let's see what we get we do some life there clingy clingy clingy get my coins and spell duration loop-de-loop I want to see this because it's going to be stupid what laser um yeah I don't want that obviously it lasts a while you know what I can also make the laser last a while no not that how would that look like and now it stays and I still control it while I can move away no so the previous version is better for us uh this version makes it so that when I run away it still stays for some reason it's continue shooting and being controllable let's go relics Bye by all of you guys still opponents alive I guess I would like to get more rebounds by the way so I can bounce around corners better that would be nice and also Breaking All the box and everything is cool too let's see what we get here 11 options reducing discriminate damage I'm going to say reducing discriminate damage because you never know if there's going to be any meteor build or whatever you don't know where yeah maybe meteors although I don't have a meteor and I even had the choice to get a meteor why did I choose to get the laser beam let's go here well once again AV kadavra the epic spell is inrim damage so I really hope to get that and I got hit and I lost Max life because I got hit wait I got plus two Max life what okay the C is good 20 Max Mana that's good in general especially because if I want to be spawning the pet better or let's go when I'm missing life I gain damage forc book perfect that's exactly the the type of force I want to get I don't want to deal with any other Force man everything's just melting instantly this is insane we have created something insane and we didn't even create it just happened uh definitely go damage and these are both mediocre I would like to get this just to make my bet a bit better Salvo I don't really care about it that much so let's make the pet a bit better and uh for now this is you know what I'm not even using this honestly like yeah okay I can have two lasers at the same time but I'm not really get that much value out of that do not look like the one's green the other is red it's it's poisoning anyway so because I don't need this let's go with even more damage 125 DPS right now um and making this cheaper wait a minute making this cheaper makes it so that I can have the pet summoning here right yeah so this is cheaper now therefore I can have it at this wand and therefore I can have this wand be my main wand because this has more Mana regen and uh let's go more spells I would say so we get something busted yep laser beam everything I really like that it also oh something spawned on my feet come on man I lost Max life but it's okay from the curse what's this curse increase casting ter cool by 10% I would say definitely no and another key for free nice the med rare and another rare I'm going to just get their rares straight up so I can make my laser beam even better let's go boss fighting H let's also spawn a new pet just so we're sure that it has a movement speed and let's go chotic wreckage this is going to die very fast we have killed this very fast anyway oh I got hit it's okay though and dead H us getting hit was not that okay because I want to go into secret room to get maybe something busted going on but it's okay it's okay at the end of the day it is what it is and losing Max life is what I cared less what was worse for that for me charge 2 points two for every enemy hit with this wand uh this gives us a laser beam and this gives us more AOE the laser beam does not have AOE build and as you see this thing does not say anything about a I think I should take this although I don't even want this because yeah this line is and all but I want to be able to have things in my wand so this doesn't really make any sense to me but this makes sense with the summoning right I can make the summoning cheap let's go with summoning on this thing so when the summon hits stuff it does stuff and I also can get my laser so I would say you summon here and you poison uh this is useless and then I'm going to say whenever you hit something I guess because I've guaranteed less discriminate damage meteors Maybe let's try meteors well let's try bullets for now let's just try with bullets and I want to see how this looks at the end of the day it might be trash what is this left spell release the right spell 8% Magic cast when enemy said you know what let's actually do it like this and then also do it like uh this so This releases that this splits four of these and these release those when my summon hits opponents I'm going to assume here it says let's see how this works out let's see how this works out and uh let's go miny forc on us I want to see the elite go close and see what it actually does I shoot I am the one that shoots okay uh yeah that's free damage from me which is good us doing free damage is good in general nice well the same vein I could also make it drain meteors I can have like a medior range setting up there uh also this whole thing here makes it a lot more expensive to actually cast all these just have a single bullet there and that's that let's go on uh let's also clear out everything in this room because we're busted the flame build is insane what is this knock back 50% spells against comone that's a good spells let's go spells you're not going to really survive yep just touch him a bit with the laser beam and that's it what are you going to do up or you're dead this this this it's insane man it's insane a rare and another rebound we're going to buy both of these and we're going to lose life here and we got a key out of that immune to Venom and become venom I am Venom I'm going to just keep that in case I find The Relic that says your potions give you Max health and Max Mana no reason to throw away something that is useful right now oh look how many bullets we shoot do you see how many bullets we shoot when that thing is look at this it's raining bullets you know what forget the bullets we're doing this with laser beam oh yeah we get free laser beams nice do I have any debuff for the free laser beams I don't think so I guess rebound is a de I can have a rebound on the laser beams so they hit more things remove a random curse yes I can use that maybe in a bit money is our potions is health and Mana that's what we're going to go with uh I'm going to go shop for even more keys six Keys is not really that much on another one and I found a mine I don't really want that yeah that thing is now starting to shoot reduce discriminate damage dealt by this wand well that's useless as I already have 100% discriminate damage taken reduced to one Vol no booby trap also no I would like that to be a laser let's roll found a book and what do you do when the MP cost of the spell is lower than 10 increase the damage by 50% that's not useful for us we have 40 Mana cost spell uh these are all not useful for us roll them uh what is this full solvo three I don't care about that that much copy the spell next to it also not really care about that much I mean does this copy this I want to try that because if that's the case then you know what the play is remove the 25 damage for the time being go over here please tell me it works no if oh if it has two slot it doesn't work though so do I do now insane [Music] damage uh why did I laser beam oh wait you you need to go away for a moment what does this look like I think the poison is triggering 180% twice so we do this man forget the poison we're going over to the madness path which is bouncing laser 177 DPS this does actually St yep 115 it does stack it does stack it does 177 insane and I think the burn also stacks burn and I'm going to get the better wand even up we one Mana regen that's always nice and we found the Mana cost thing and I also found the thing that shoots thing that shoot things I wouldn't really say I want those roll them penetration is there useless double key that's nice what is this a coolon blade I could buy this just to have it over that and also get my spell for free but that's 33 coins I'm not going to get back ever spell pen uh this is pretty useless but I can take it to roll it maybe or I can just keep my money to be honest let's just keep the money this go relics I need to stop spending everywhere on everything I want to get better and more bounces by the way my bounces aren't really that crazy right now my flame damage is through the roof though uh obviously the best next thing I can get is a wand with 50,000 slots and another one of those mimic tubes that would be so fun gain money based on how much money you're carrying I'm taking this this is money gives you money and I got The Relic that upgrades my potions give me wow this is going very well uh I'm going to go money because I want to make my money giving us money give us more money uh that thing gives us 5% uh 8 5% of my current money so it Maxes up to six up to eight up to eight so it maxes out at eight what max out at 160 here here so 5% of your coins when entering a new room becomes money up to eight that means at 160 coins I gain eight nice I'm getting a lot of uh the to be used here doors nice that's nice boom and I got uh rare so we take the rare G Shield equal to last HP uh I'm going to go with immune to poison so I get my Max life based on how many poisons we have who and what is this I'm first time seeing this I don't even want to go in there not right now that I'm not controlling the character that's not the first time I'm seeing this I know exactly what this is this is tracking of this thing I can do that as long as I'm not using my mouse so I will not be using my mouse I will be using my eyes and I will not be talking so I don't miss it so this is focus time this is a trap it seems slow it should be here I trust my eyes and I trust my eyes always crit raate five spells deal damage although do not forget that blind shift is a thing but I'm good at at tracking I'm not good at seeing I'm good at tracking so if you tell me track this thing and this thing and this thing at the same time and these start flipping around I can see where is what but I'm not good at seeing the flame at in the first or seeing the symbol in the corner in the first case right in the first place not case who almost got hit there but I didn't okay by the way the reason did I just do it editor go back there for half a sec did I just do a god Dodge what happened there seems like a god Dodge to me um what is the other choice roll all spells in the backpack that's awesome I got an awesome thing uh chance to obtain a potion when you drink a potion might as well okay let's go into another room that is going to give us something awesome uh is this Randomness will I lose life here I don't want to lose life okay there is no life loss happening oh it's the Pokémon gym thing okay top left seems to be the most answers right now uh excuse me other than that top right maybe okay almost at the last one I almost got to the last one or not I'm sorry boom boom then here and then boom nope so it's bottom top left top right nice that was easyish and now I need to get the reroll all your spells in your backpack going and let's go so obviously we're going to get the roll here used right away I don't need to uh gain temp shield and I want to still keep the curse so the reroll time for my spells let's go roll times for my spells so what is going to stay laser stays uh triple Magic Bullet stays because it's already leveled up uh meteor stays because I have undiscriminating mode I don't think so I mean Mana stays for sure spell damage stays for sure crit flip does this crit no while crits doing damage is in general good you should go here plus uh I guess a bullet or plus meteors I don't really take that much from discriminate damage although the discriminate is going to kill my pet uh Venom stays for sure this who cares split shots this is who cares laser beam stays I do enjoy that in general this who cares okay all of these are who cares should have took that other rare we had the choice to get because I would have rolled it too well in this rain I shouldn't actually drink this potion I should get even more yeah you know what I'm going to get even more I'm not going to drink this potion uh let's let's drink the let's drink the curse let's get rid of the curse it's okay I already got enough life out of it boom and now I got my life back this is insane I removed the curse that made me lose life but I gained life back that's very weird interaction gain attemp Shield equal to the amount of lost HP I have that twice so I'm going to use it and maybe get another potion for free and get even more max life nice and nice and uh my potions are attemp shield and we roll everything and up into the boss we shall go laser beam boss can't even come close to us because push back's a thing boss is dead boss is dead easy enough what do I do right now with this it just shoots a bunch of small bullets see what we get meteor and oh tracking shots we definitely go with tracking shots Ghost Fire Plus or meteor I would say meteor trackon shots plus meteor and by the way I can I might switch the build around into a track and shots meteor build instead of a rebound I can just have meteors drop by the way do I get flame ground when this happens nope that's not a thing but the metor becomes fire because Norm it's not I would assume right it's going to drop a poison meteor yep and without the poison yeah it's it's just normal meteor this meteor is the same with this one that's a flame meteor boom and it oh killed the Mr wait a minute if I hit myself with a meteor I will most likely die this does 221 damage this is redu INRI damage taken to 1% so that means I'm going to take two damage but if the flame doesn't actually count I'm going to die let's how about we don't risk that what does navigation plus laser look like by the way uh not this laser whoops laser beam I'm going to have that there you go here you go here bouncing stays and laser beam stays all of these stay these are for throwaway let's see what tracking laser looks like okay I don't enjoy it like at all you become bouncing again baning laser is 50 times better okay let's go again uh also I would like to spawn my pet laser beam that thing down got him easy enough and this now I would like to give tracking so you're going to track and also you're going to poison yeah tracking poison bullets whenever I attack something oh that's nice and they also bounce so they are even better than tracking only let's see if I can get a repic or something rare again nice and I guess blood is better than that I don't think so I prefer this thing running fast I think these boxes can be broken by meteors so let's actually have a meteor at zone three yep and these boxes seem to always have a thing inside of them is that true for anything else too is that true maybe for the statue for example no nothing either okay good to know I'm obviously going to go spells now that we get busted things all the time obviously oh what is this why am I fighting a very hard monster that was super D what is this I got a new thing I've never seen before I fought an epic or a rare monster or something crazy that was very durable and I also got something out of it enhancing coin unique spell damage 50 shoot out a consume 15% of your current coins for every coin consumed spell damage plus 10% coins will drop on the the ground after the spell ends what what what what what what what what what what what it just find something completely insane 50 damage lose 15% of the coins coins will drop on the ground after the spell ends the coins dropping on the ground after the spell ends is very very very insane I want to see this in action okay that's a 17 coiner boom always 17 wow I think we found something completely more insane I found laser than normal and two duration spell spell durations let's get these are the normal uh I want to go to the shop but do I even want to spend money I don't think I even want to spend money man I found something completely insane this does 255 damage right now attack increased by 170% exactly yo I'm thinking not even going flame path I mean Flame path once is okay and then instead of bouncing shots going with tracking shots and splits after the fact o 165 175 185 195 I mean you need to have to go ahead and pick up the coins after you shoot them this is well it's not what I want to do right now it's definitely not what I want to do right now but it's insanely busted also I could do this by the [Music] way yeah I can do something like this with tracking shots let's try that I don't want to go shopping anymore or I can do this by the way boom boom boom just set up a laser exactly where the opponents are because this is tracking laser beams this is very low man region in general this is 14 okay uh I would say let's go not shopping yep everything instantly dies if I do it this way yep easy enough laser beam of Madness this thing is a boss killer if I get enough money key again money again just shoot two lasers in that's that boom instant death yeah the moment something gets flamed it's toast unbelievable am I right nice although I think I could easily be doing more damage easily be doing more damage with a with a normal shot without this thing let's rotate back to bouncing triple double flame I think it's more powerful I could test it in a shop but I'm talking about the fact that I can just Loop very quickly and Destroy Everything very quickly that is definitely more powerful the way I have it right now that's what I believe at least yeah I mean look at this look how fast this room cleared in comparison to the previous one this room is done this room is straight up done uh I don't have shots here where's the tracking shots uh where's tracking you know what I'm trying my best but I don't want to get hit tracking is up here let's go when this thing attacks I should get tracking shots again I want to see this action yeah it is working out it is working out two Mana regen definitely take that very nice drop a meteor on this thing awesome I really enjoy this meteor breakage 144 when did I get so much life uh definitely go with spells especially now that I'm getting the crazy spells wh bombs are dropping I just got hit for one damage from an explosion because explosions are in discriminate damage and I take only 1% from discrim damage another laser thank you and another one of those so the the these are ready right I got three of them the lasers are ready now I definitely need to go to a witch shop and I have two more slots here with that and I'm ready to also do the roll oh man oh man this run is going very very well very very well um okay so I'm I'm I don't have Vision with this but I do have Vision with meteors as far as I know and not only that but the meteors also destroy most of the traps you can give Vision by pressing these buttons but guess what I can also just get rid of everything with meteors I think this does not get rid of yeah it does not get rid it off let's go boom then we wait then we go over here very simple maneuvers you have to get through just waiting here wh run down over light up oh no it's a trap and it's gone and that's one's gone too light this up again run down maybe slow down on the spikes because I'm yoling a bit too heavy a lot of times then we go over here back pedal and we're done and what did we get out of this whole thing we get a cord and we got a crit chance is even better permanently increase MP region by one wow instantly drink this Mana region Max life and whatnot chose a relic to roll uh you know what I'm going to reroll the 50 crit chance yeah I think or spell knock back that's even worse let's go spell knock back throw that away and I got another potion by the way spell knock back's gone and became I can shoot through walls pretty useless permanently MP Max 15 or minus 15 I always get the max 15 and I rolled a minus 15 this time temp Shield amount okay and we're going to rotate back to that and let's go first time ever I'm getting the minus although I still got the plus anyway this is 63 this is 133 uh obviously spells now I definitely want the thing that allows me to combine spells the time has come the time has come and obviously I still want a better wand so I can equip even more things to my weapon wh avoid what's happening did we win yes we won open up nice we got a key within a key and also healing which is useless and we found a randomly upgrade one Relic if there is no Relic to upgrade yeah we're going to try this and hopefully it's going to hit the Mana region and it hit damage based on how much life you're missing very nice that was good for us I have 200 life here uh all these are useless Mana regions obviously yes and I think I already have a volley so I might combine them doesn't matter I'm going to throw it away anyway uh okay so I'm going to keep you I'm going to keep you and pick these up am I already using this yes I am here so might as well switch I think we're good we're going relics for sure now I definitely need the witch cold Ron definitely need the witch cold Ron man the Flames stacking is insane the fact that I can have the Flames twice also the fact that I can shoot through walls right now so there is no longer need for rebound like at all if anything rebounds useless now yeah it it adds duration might as well go duration with this it's the same thing if anything duration is completely useless to be honest so uh damage spell damage do I have spell damage here it is spell damage 25% even more from 183 how long does it have 170 a small increase in damage three elves that protect us from bullets I'm going to go yes boss time okay we're going to get a better one that's important to be able to control all the things we have look around let's go by the way let's have the spell damage on the very right so these things might be better the 180 DPS that is yeah maybe it's more yeah maybe it's not 180 maybe it's more right now it's 180 DPS twice that's why I'm doing 180 per second let's go I'm going to get hit beam avoid survived laser beam just going to hit lasers now avoided laser beam and now we run up we're down I don't know laser beam do not hit us and we won very nice very nice is this still working I want another one bur and stick to the corner here that's the safest spot to be in rotation oh someon a pet again laser do not come close to this I would like to get a secret room if possible someone another pet laser beam beam let's go again laser beam stop stop stop stop stop stop stop someon a pet laser beam maybe I shouldn't go for lasers and I should just go for damage I got it easy enough maybe I should just go with shooting off and so the flame applies regardless we won and I also got the secret room and uh let's switch the third wand and let's see what we get okay 50,000 slots that's what we get storage wand this is you get four spells that are all rare that's what this wand does always this storage wand always is four rare spells I don't care about it we go here first so uh man region 16 MP5 scatter and then charge 90 points off for every enemy killed with this wand I obviously go here straight up that's my new wand this goes slot one and uh we switch the things around like that and like this and now I can have actually nothing changed wait how did nothing change how is it that this has the same slots with this I what did I not use the duration I think I was not using the duration I just used this yeah I think that's the case because this does not make sense and it's going to be spawning Mr key heads which I would like to be poisonous so I would say you become poisonous and does this crit no this doesn't well still this being poisonous is good what else could I do with that I guess give it more health or or you know what I guess birth C might as well although it's pretty useless but might as well have it uh let's go see what we can get over here hopefully we get the thing that says your shots split picking up coins heals you I don't care about that entering a shop which work rooms side side room is always guaranteed I do want the side room is always guaranteed thing because in a witch room you can throw in three of the same Rarity and just get a higher Rarity thing so for example if I combine these three and then these three and these three and have a bunch of combined things I can throw them all in and get a God like things once have plus one slot that's actually the main thing we go here for get this we're sticking to 160 health because I have the Berserker high level two so that should increase our damage by a very big amount and uh I'm going to go with all once have one more slot that makes my main want a lot better and what spell would I like to have spell right 80% power not really does bouncing even help anymore I don't think it does I'm thinking if I could do the split shots but but I do enjoy this and being done this does not crit so it doesn't help us going with this 5% crit and split thing this also has a 5% crit chance isn't be that crazy I guess I could have the crit and split might as well this thing is attacking fast enough so this is just bouncing shots what's the idea here unkilled I summon Key's head that's the idea anyway go on let's go I'm still waiting for Rolling everything which is going to most like happen at the Witch Shop uh because I first and foremost want to get my ready to level up things to level up and then I want to roll everything is that true though yeah it is true because I might roll these three rares into it's it's better to roll these three into a level two laser than just getting one more laser okay so theoretically now I should become a lot worse uh that thing I was killing yesterday before I even it even hit us once so we're definitely worse off than yesterday also I think the flame is better with maybe some kind of machine gun build and on the other way on the other hand if I just do this I just apply flame to everything and look how fast they die the moment I apply flame once they're done summon Mr key always nice and by the way it's not like I have two Flames I have one flame okay you found the spell shop that's exactly what I want uh by the way I just want to to be clear this coin thing this thing here is doing 353 damage PL boom and I lost the money forever imagine almost lost the money forever yeah I'm not going to use this but at least we know that there are unique spells in this game I'm sticking to my laser beam it's a bit unlucky that I got that but I got a build oh what what does this roll into that would be cool to know what it rerolls into what uniques roll into we're going to have this to the very right so here we're going to first combo things as I said let's get the level three into level three laser beam and bullets what does laser beam get it just got DPS and then it's getting even more DPS very boring uh and what the other thing I leveled up got 80 Mana region and up to 12 charges 70 region and up to 24 charges that could be cool cool uh can I see this in action actually oh 2,000 DPS it's good for Boss laying and then you got all the Mana back [Music] anyway yeah and until this thing is done I have my Mana back that's actually better than the thing I had I mean is it I'm not sure how much DPS does this one even do ah some it does some DPS I would say let's have poison here over there and Mr key has poison anyway uh and theal cord could do to Mr key is that true though shoot out and consume % of your current coins what would happen if I had that there yeah this is going to get rolled so bouncing is rolled we stick to these for sure let's see if I want to you know what reroll the meteors I'm not going to go met your build I'm sticking to the laser beams uh Mana region stays is what I would say uh laser beam can go not going to go laser beam either I do enjoy this 365 DPS laser beam where we're going H what is a single laser look like uh okay that's 1,200 damage right there with a single laser then why do this many lasers do not that much more uh is that even true that they don't yeah 2,000 this is not worth it 2,000 with multiple lasers and with one laser I think just 1,000 is the flame that does everything yep just a thousand but if I do this the crits ,400 you see the crits is better 5% chance to split the damage to two other opponents actually good might even work with the Flames does it work with flames let's not attack for a moment uh no the Flames not seem to be critting any I mean they do crit butth anyway it doesn't matter so let's make sure I don't want any of these brilliant maybe is there anything I mean I could theoretically create a new build here but in the same vein I can create a new build even without that let's go troll serum on my pet so it doesn't die that fast and otherwise I don't think we need anything else yeah this can stay there yeah I think we're good I think we're good might maybe even this doesn't crit I think we're going to roll just these I'm going to keep the Manas and uh nothing here that I care about roll them roll the spells in the backpack wh I want to see what this becomes it stayed the same because there is only one unique item I guess and I not even roll it not rollable un spells cannot be rolled okay okay that's good to know uh let's see did I get anything I care about not really I got a multi-shot that's going to make my spell more expensive not cheaper is this better still 1,600 DPS I mean it is better don't get me wrong give me a sec this needs to stack up to Max poison so I have a base DPS of 300 yeah so now I'm at the my base DPS double laser beam is 1,600 instead of double laser beam going for the what could I put here that's almost similar I mean honestly speaking I guess the crits are damage so let's go that again okay 1,600 but I think more DPS to the rest I'm going to stick to the crits uh let's roll first of all let's see if anything can combine now that I got this nope so what do I want to get I would let's say I want to get maybe poison leveled up definitely Mana leveled up although I don't need it right now and uh definitely get more lasers I want to get more of these disruption Rays so I can combine them so these are the rares in the front line enhance this is in the back line enhance common common these are commons common rare you go front common go back bubble s bubble s in action boys bubble s in action this is how it works boom and boom okay so these are the ones we got uh I would say we reroll the things that are completely single and we keep the things we have twice in the back so if I can get for example another Multi Shot I'm going to instantly be able to combine them same goes with these if I can get another one of those I will be able to instantly combine them so let's have these in the very back and uh let's start rolling with my 23d coins I have the coins to use them I don't have coins as power and I'm not going to use this enhancing coin unique although we got it right now I'm using this thing that we got the pyrro cor so let's go uh let's roll the first thing first the electricity I'm not we going to use okay we did we roll This away I think we rolled that away anyway we're going to keep that there let's roll the dash now no no no no no s i one casting for free is nice we're going to keep that we might use it that is let's roll this no no could this work with laser beam this works with laser beam anyway yeah that's that's the thing that laser beam does it it actually makes it worse because this way I can be melee the other way the other thing this thing makes the laser beam shorter look at this it's your short laser beam okay this is obviously useless switch these let's continue rolling mines no piing shots no a tracking shot that stays meteor might as well saay for the time being let's go with black hole would the black hole dark Darkness makes sense ah it's very slow though how much faster can I make oh [Music] no it's good but it's not the laser beam that I Al so much enjoy let's flip these and let's send off the black hole like hole we had that I mean we have that it's over here why is it over here to make that cheaper I guess yeah because now I'm shooting two per per shot it also has tracking shots yeah so this is cheaper therefore this fire is more often I see um yeah we're going to go meteor I'm not going to use a meteor another laser beam that's exactly what I want so let's shoot out this BL shots nice I got two laser beams here might as well throw this out ooh this does not help me leveled up though but what am I thinking you know what I'm thinking you know what I'm thinking here and you also go [Music] here what does this look like DPS y it used to be 1,300 wait that's it it shoots less yeah it shoots less time so wait does the time actually make so much of a difference so let's actually increase my base DPS to 300 like used to be okay let's [Music] go from 1,200 DPS 1,500 almost is this even worth it I'm not sure if this is worth it and honestly I don't want the duration for sure I want to just apply Flames fast I want apply flames and then be done apply flames and be done well if the idea is I want to apply Flames now that I'm thinking about it shouldn't I be using something else what does this look like by the way oh flame poison yeah the Flames is the main thing we're doing so maybe looping like this is better and obviously the same goes with the laser beam like just doing this is the play so I don't care about the duration unless duration works on the Flames because if duration works on the Flames can I test this yeah let me stay there let's do like uh boom and let's see the DPS now it's 300 I need to stay away you know what I want you to not attack for a moment so this is gonna have 150 DPS H let's wait let's wait okay about 140 DPS so if I do a boom it goes up to 373 and then it starts going down again if I have more spell power we do like Boop 373 uh it's the same same thing with the flame it's the same thing so I'm going to stick to spell Power here because it doesn't matter the duration at least that's what I'm seeing does is that true also with the water is this not going to bring it up to 360 something uh no it didn't it's okay what what does this look like sort for the testing delay here let's see whoop 373 yep almost the same so we're going to stick to this super D for Mega flame build with damage here I would say we're going to also go Guardian spirit I would like you to be here Guardian spirit that does uh something that is not yet revealed that is tracking shots and give it a bunch of Mana region yeah as of right now there is nothing that the guardian spirit is doing I would like now to roll uh okay I'm thinking the following if I can roll the multishot into a laser beam then I can roll the power of traction into another laser beam because this is also rare and then the build is ready so we're going to try to force that uh let's go wow and this one is going to become that wow okay definitely level up the tracking shots which Ed to be here boom and now let's roll another tracking shot which is down here let's roll that into the laser beam no no here we go so we combine the laser beams now and now I'm going to roll this into a laser beam no no yes and just like that I got a tier three laser beam 200 DPS 200 DPS and is that now insane so I previously used to have uh let's let this stack up to 300 damage previously I used to have 1,300 DPS with this setup let's see what this looks like now the same uh 1,400 maybe if I go duration it's definitely more 2,000 here with duration although I can just do cast twice you know and we still get the 2,000 so I don't need the duration on that uh here I would say let's go with water gun what a one that has water gun does the water gun go anti burn is that a thing I'm not sure well I'm going to find something better anyway uh the time has come to roll the rest of these so I would say let's throw away that stays in place AOE not really yeah split shots all Sol is useless that's also useless movement speed keep it rable uh I don't care about this that much okay I didn't get a better spell to put on my stupid summon but might as well uh uh does the split shot somehow help I didn't I literally have no spells here to cast I make that thing move fast right I know this is what I build right now spell pen and spell pen I guess and uh do I have anything to combine I don't think so I think we're ready to go money over health no we're going to go Health we already have too much money ah I mean I do have too much money but is there too much money maybe this coin is insane I would definitely prefer Health though because I have the brazer Cai okay I will be still be doing the loop-de-loop here a lot of sound effects a lot of VAR yeah I think the sound effects might be a bit too much yep the water sounds a bit watery I definitely want to get rid of that I don't want to have to deal with water sounds all the time continue gaining Health uh found another key for free H that's definitely go spells I'm really happy that I got my mega laser who and everything's dead where are you going Maybe not maybe not everything's dead I got surrounded and destroyed them in a timely manner and I even got hit still opponents yeah still opponents who's the real one he's dead that's what he is Max 10 Max minus HP might as well no real downside here uh immune to all damage for seconds that's maybe the best trade of ever this might help us beat the very final boss come on an epic nope we found the residence R that's perfect because now I can cast and that's good also work roll ball so resonance Rune into casting whenever chance automatically cast spell when using other wands this cast on itself uh actually you know what I would like this no I don't want the stupid water yeah I do want the free wand to be shooting on its own the rock and roll walls let's go oh it shoots pretty often no it shoots until it runs out of Mana so it's going to be shooting until it can't shoot anymore which isn't really that bad honestly the rock and roll bols just go off screen look how many things respawn because of the kills I got with my laser beam uh get a free Relic or get AOE on everything I'm going to say free Relic based on what we already have if this rolls into Berserker it's nice most of these are nice actually other than the first one what I rolled the Epic one plus one slot to everything W insane here we go duration up uh the rest I don't think I need anything on the rest I don't have a spell on this one you go to the right you go to the right uh speed can go on Keegan I mean I had it on the rolling ball now the rolling ball is going to be a bit slower now whatever what's the potion G levitation until you enter the next door that I would say is useless so I'm going to just use it right now and I got Max he and Mana for for that and let's continue spell Forge for sure we have so much money I don't have money as power so I should go here to continue powering up yeah that thing is just going to roll as balls these are the only roll stuff I want the rest no no penetration can also go for sure residence Rune is guaranteed staying uh actually all of these are staying are they then the things I have differentiated so let's let's begin with water is useless okay let's go with wle is useless blame is useless crits crits is not bad I want this to roll it let's throw this away bouncing shots where did I have that bouncing shots are in a very useless spot you know what I don't want you to be bouncing shots I want you to be split shots yeah that's better because this is tracking anyway this is Mana wait why do I have this here can I can I use this for a moment Bo Bo 4,000 DPS okay we stick to the charging mode on this one and split shots on that one and continue rolling these penetration is a bit irrelevant bouncing is more irrelevant okay we got duration which I'm using so let's actually keep that roll them roll them Brit is good roll these nice we got one of those to combo obviously we combo so we roll the higher level stuff I think I just made a mistake you know what I can I'm thinking over here you combine two things that are the exact same thing but I don't think I have enough things to combine with the exact same things not going to throw key away neither of that if I had one more though I could throw all three of four of them away and get one to two is that worth it I don't think so common common common common and then oh I got enough I can just use four random Commons I could have done that same with the but I don't think so so I can use these three plus another duration to get another common so let's do that use them into another common yeah we got a tier 2 cord uh which I will obviously roll and I want to roll this one too so I want to get upgraded stuff in general like maybe I'm going to get a poison I could also try to roll the I can get so many stuff out of these let's actually roll them I might find damage I might find for example this enhance damage I might to find so many things so let's roll these away I'm not going to use split shots and what not throw this way yep crazy man that's nice roll them roll them R them split snow Max Mana snack snow h no no two tier 2's Keys uh I had keys already I I did this R yesterday so I'm not going to do that again duration 3.5 very low amount water don't know another Mana region okay so another Mana region goes here that thing shoot faster and even more Mana region goes there that even useful bazer beam wait how did I fully charge this the first time oh whoop whoop laser beam yeah I don't know how I charg this thing the first time up I guess I had less Mana does make sense who man the region is useful in general whoop fire them not having tracking is also very not good because with tracking I can be like laser beam and then they hit exactly where the opponents are I don't need anything on this lot you can get the tracking does the Mana region help does the Mana region work on this in the first place like can I spawn this for a moment it does not so it's useless here you go here okay so this now has better Mana region so it shoots more often I don't need man region I can go with the damage the cord can be whatever it is fire do I even need this cord I can roll this cord if I roll this into something it's going to be better than the cord so let's roll this away no Arcane explosion no not damage you see Dam Dage is better might as well put it on the cord or or on this one doesn't really matter I think we're good to go there isn't anything else to combine really I'm going to stick to the super duper laser build I'm going on with I could make Mr key be a flame no I cannot because these Flames are fake Flames it needs to be in the same W otherwise this whole thing does not work out this has a 970 DPS from all these 120% damage boosts laser beam again laser beam I'm I'm just keep keeping the charge laser idea for when I fight a boss these are not bosses these are jokes all of these are jokes done done and a key that had dropped two keys here for example I could go for shopping trying to get a good wand right there are wands that give you passives so maybe an offhand one that gives some kind of passive that's useful would be the play plus three spells too I have 145 coins and I I'm not playing money's power so let's go here okay we found this these Galaxy ones always give you something cool asteroid Mana cost 90% scatter plus 15 what is the one I have right now kill spawn stuff is what I have right now uh this is three spells first of all I but I think I can do better a rare I don't need keys another one of these and AOE um I would say we get the rare and roll are we first of all what am I targeting to get I'm targeting to get I don't even know honestly I guess now charging mode would be nice or even more Mana regen I don't know what I'm rolling to get let's get another charging mode although the chance of us getting it fully leveled up in a fast timely manner is very slim regardless let's go here let's roll them these two I'm going to try to roll into Mana region the Mana cost is higher no we're going to roll these away uh follow another Keys head dark color forn also Mana cost is higher again the same thing this Mana cost less power Keys head let's R these what is this Mana cost is less but it has a million scatter and we found the Mana region I asked for boom got it so I literally got a tier three Mana region now I'm thinking about this Mana cost being a good idea for the keys head this has 110 Max Mana that's because this thing gets damage based on how much Max Mana you have on the other hand though this thing is connected to a when you damage stuff that shoots out projectiles that do stuff that do stuff that do stuff so I'm not really sure I want this let's roll again and once again the same big MP cost and I found the butterfly I might as well Bu The Butterfly just to have a spell going on and uh go on I guess yeah might as well randomly shoot butterflies they cost cheap and Mana regen so now I also get some butterflies once in a while I could obviously put the enhancing coin there but I don't want to do that and um I don't want to use any other one of these either actually this is two rares for 53 two rares for 53 let's do it okay this meteor goes obviously and uh this also goes but the rest stays as it is and I would say let's go and I would say let's go uh I could buy these by the way what is this plus five shielding and plus five shielding wa super worth it either there were are some things that I could have destroyed time to charge the laser Boom die boss let's go again boom boss is toes boom okay we got him easy enough and from the get this run was insane it's becoming even more insane so this guy is supposed to have a higher chance to drop rares now so let's see what this going to go a rare plus that's obviously instant take and then time two times the opponents get slowed down when they hit we get hit okay obviously opponents getting slow down when they get hit is going towards my pet actually butterflies no no no towards my pet my pet is going to slow opponents when it hits them and the dash is completely irrelevant I don't even want to use that that's a rare leveled up by the way we have three rares here let's go our shop laser beam let's also summon the new pet the new and improved pet that also slows opponents down I think I got hit yeah I did get hit because I lost some life yep and because I lost some Shield actually not life man I just do a floop and they're Dead whoop whoop whoop he's burning he's dying he's dead what is the curse lose Max HP lose 10 Health to get the max HP back that's see what spells we get a rare one and that's actually the rare I'm using the mimic tube which I'm not going to level up and I guess a random common Venom behind you I'm going to drink this right away so we don't have to deal with um this stupid mechanic but at the same time I also get my Max life and health out of that so I'm good so I got the rare I'm already using this thing mimic tube uh obviously I will just throw mimic tube boom here and this is now even more Mana Regen and we're good I would like this to level up by the way this makes the Mana less it's on a bad W by the way oh it's based on coold down yeah this needs to be in a better wand I need to go into another shop and buy a better W it needs to be in a oneand that has a decent attack speed so that it can shoot more often and also a one that has a decent Mana regen so it can regenerate Mana more often because these um these or that we shoot out these these rolling balls if I can level those up that's also important because I will need these for the final boss in general the final boss you definitely want to have Rolling Stones uh 15 damage per second 35 damage enemies when you take damage chance to summon these are all mediocre I guess damage when you get damaged I don't know I have never took that might as well take it once here first reduce your projectile speed no teleport to random location R damage is going to kill us 10% Max MP no movement speed reduced who cares enemies regenerate life that's who cares reduces the resour get disconnected no increase casting ter no C that change over time I could open some but honestly the rewards are not worth it most of the time so I'm not let's go shopping I might find a better wand is this a better wand yes it is a better want I only care about these by the way MP cost is less that's really good scatter is very high uh the scatter being high is irrelevant but this relevant is the what I get out of this okay I think I want to get this for 60 coins and I want to put it on the number three slot so that this first of all this has throw this away for a moment this has 36 Mana regen Baseline though it has a lot less Baseline this has 15 this has Baseline 16 145 Max Mana 120 Max Mana less Mana cost and the most important less Fire Let's cool down and this say yeah yeah we're switching here nice so these are useless you all go back you all go back into Mana region you go to the very right you are useless you're also useless and we go here now this shoots a lot faster a lot faster and also maintains region of Mana a lot better it's at exactly 16 yeah it definitely maintains the Mana a bit better uh obviously I would like to get some even more Mana region by the way I'm not sure if I want to combo all of these Mana region with each other uh this is useless here I just want this to be the Super Duper Mana region want uh and the rest are useless by the way commment on the right r on the left boom boom like this needs to roll into most likely charging mode uh we're going to see so let's actually continue I'm even thinking about putting the charging mode on this thing so it spends even less Mana 10 Mana right now does this thing even shoot oh no it charges no okay and then it's stop no charging is not what I want this to be doing yeah I want it to be shooting all the time so that's pretty bad it's okay though so let's roll these not really something important here another laser beam another magic bullet another laser beam is a bit irrelevant too I don't have that much money I'm going to roll into specific stuff chance to cast chance to cast is nice forget this by the way uh I don't think so let's R this might be good pillar of light someone's pillars that block shots this might save us from the final boss I'm going to buy this and I will have that as my free spell cast if it ever casts it might never cast can I do it like this I mean I can't already gled like this and here are the pillars going forward more pillars going forward why do they go forward uh okay because they have movement speed yeah maybe something like this is going to save us against the final boss something like this which is most likely what I'm going to try to do this also needs Mana region by the way wait a minute in the same vein couldn't I just do this and have that thing fire more stuff more often I mean not right now as it is yeah and with the pillars I can do both maybe I'm not sure nah maybe with Vol that could be a thing but I'm going to say you drop balls all the time with your crazy Mana region and I get random pillars whenever they happen to spawn something like that I'm going to stick to the laser beam obviously and I'm going to also add the charging like I added and the rest is history uh let's go on nothing here to do I don't really have that much money have 10 coins laser beam Hey look it's some one look how many orbs we shoot out the reason why I'm trying to set this thing up the reason I'm trying to get both of these going the reason why I'm trying to get the pillars and whatnot all of those are because I know for a fact that the very the super f boss you need to be blocking its shots as it shoots you until you die before you kill it roll all the spells in the backpack perfect that's actually super duper perfect because I do want to do heavy roll and I got another Shar exactly after money and I also got spells uh immune to damage for 8 seconds gain a temp Shield okay I want to do the roll after I get that thing so I can roll more stuff I don't want to really go to shopping right now I want to keep my money for one last witch thingy so let's throw away the temp Shield although this is going to save us from the final boss this is also going to save us from the final boss I'm doing the roll now I'm doing the roll now uh these all go go goes go goes goes all of these go let's go oh boom and this stays this is for Mr key head maybe not really that good W is useless W is actually not useless because I previously stated that I would like to have w well now I threw away the butterflies so I cannot go back to that other build for get Vol we stick to what we had penetration is definitely useless Max Mana might as well throw it here so it has a bit more max Mana duration might as well go here um slow down opponents useless roll time navigation shots I I guess here no it already has navigating shots I guess here here so it always goes towards the boss maybe and these two are going to get combined when this rolls into that yeah let's go let's not forget the temporary shield and Immunity is going to stick let's go laser beam laser beams and again and again I want to see if we're going to be able to deal with final boss super laser beams man man this build was always busted from the very very beginning from the like literally the first second of the game this was the most busted build I ever done nice I got another one of these and might as well go with this because it's super cheap and I cannot test out my theory let's see boom but can that have something else inside of it something like a laser beam looks cool maybe pillars oh pillars of lame that's so stupid though dash attacks boom charging up Dash attacks nah the only thing that makes sense is have this be a crazy attack speed thing that I just shoot a bunch off and even then I wouldn't really do it let's stick to what we have let's stop switching around I think we're good with what we have um I guess spells could go Max Mana for more damage though Max health for more damage that thing is very durable and now it's dead oh what is this I got like 50,000 legs there why did I get these 50,000 legs who knows well seems like opponents are dying that's why who nice let's see what we get Max Mana we already have that level up and the thing I already have I take this and I take a level up and make maybe level up well the max Mana would have also been way maybe level up that was a mistake I need one more of these so if I re the rare and enl lightning into the guardian wand that's going to increase by a lot what we're doing I need to get the witches cauldron guaranteed I think I haven't even fought the first boss of this zone so I might be playing a bit too slow no I did fight it it was the Triangle boy please give me another witches cold Ron before the Run ends please please game please oh I am revers Ed right now oh no let's go please give me another which one which is cold one come on crit damage is higher you don't get slow down when we cast spells I'm going to take this because I'm a laser beam build so this is a play and found the witches cold Ron and that's the final boss perfect this this literally perfectly aligned any level UPS we have ready to go no I mean I I do know that I have the mimic tubes but I'm not going to combo the mimic tubes also the oh I have the Mana actually but do I want to do this this is 3 three and three and the level up is six and then the level up of the level up just to be clear uh yeah this is six this is 12 so 6 + 6 is 12 but it's going to be plus 6 plus this is not worth it I I keep the plus three plus three plus three over combining these three into a six and then the other three into a nine let straight up a no I'm teing the Mana region as it is so let's roll I would say the chain lightning into a guardian wand no uh I can level this up let's allow it to exist as it is and let's now roll the dash into um the pet and done so I'm going to level you up and I'm going to level you up and because this thing is useless for us you go here by the way this is 60% Mana region so that just increases its Mana region by a big amount yep and then it's 90 so this thing no longer has man issues actually this is literally permanent shooting right now it has enough Mana region to maintain itself forever and plus it has Max Mana to do that too and this seems to be shooting on its own when any of the other shoot yeah when this shoots when that shoots when anything shoots I get random pillars of Light which is nice I'm going to now roll the tracking to maybe get something better no no uh triple shots triple shots with 150% of the Mana what would that look like here laser beam Las your beam and then I'm out of Mana right away 4,000 damage though other I can do fire and then Z fire again it seems worse the laser the multiple laser beam seemed better what does this look like here triple rolling balls but this time it it still doesn't have Mana Sho I mean maybe it has a little bit yeah but this is a a decent speed at which to shoot at okay I would say let's actually roll these into pillars of light and maybe even these into maybe even these into Mana region yeah time to roll some stuff so pillars of flight time no M you know what Mana cost cheaper is good I think Mana cost cheaper is better than the Box than Max Mana that is cuz if this is cheaper then it can shoot more often I want this thing to shoot as often as possible by the way oh I would like to also get rock and balls now I'm thinking about this let's roll this uh coolon is irrelevant to us no rocking balls AOE no balls balls yes I found one uh spell pen useless come on give me another ball running out of money in our ball no uh well definitely better than this I got the pillars of light upgraded nice so this gets HP regen and also 40 health over 30 now that I'm thinking about this I would like the troll serum to be on my good old ons yep that's nice 56 Health this gu can slow and whatnot I don't care I guess Max Mana would fit here and let's now roll this into either Max Mana or the Rock and ball actually Rock and ball would be the best oh I got triple poison dang it uh so now I would say we upgrade the poison and then we actually roll it is what I'm thinking here we upgrade the poison and rollets uh or I just go with the Mana Box Roll because it might roll into poison in the first place ooh higher chance to spawn pillars although I pretty have a higher chance anyway don't break ah it broke okay so we are forced into upgrading the PO I mean we're not forced upgrading the poison but it's definitely better to upgrade the poison okay so the Poison's going to go on you didn't find out rocking ball that's a bit sad uh do the split shots help here it's going to make these pillars split into smaller pillars when they die because it's if that's the case then obviously we want that I'm waiting for these pillars to go I mean I'm waiting for all the pills to go at this point all of them have the same effect are they going to start splitting that's my main question if they split then it's good if they don't split then it's useless I'm waiting for it still waiting ah it doesn't seem like the pillars are splitting okay but do I get a double cast is now the question I do get a double cast and the balls split at the end of the path do I want a double cast of pillars or do I want a double cast of rolling balls I think I want to double cast rolling bolts and the pillars should just be cheap okay I think we're ready to go and hope for the the best honestly there isn't really that much more to Hope here but we can't really do anything else this is broken and I think we have a very very powerful build so let's see how this going to go I'm playing with a charging shot this got a bit worse um yeah let's go I mean I'm mainly concerned about the final boss not this one let's go laser charge and already at half Health yep it spawn some trash mod that all died instantly off to phase two we go hello hello he's he poisoned us hey wait a minute these all literally bypassed my pillars that's not what should have happened that that that should be legal almost got cursed there a laser beam I'm ready for it I'm ready for it I'm ready for it come on spawn come on spawn let's go did I win yet summon our summon boy burn this guy again he spawned the pets that he always spawns that are all super dangerous and we defeated them very fast and we won and we won and he didn't drop anything because that's still not part of the game yet off we go into the final Zone that I've never beaten yet once but this time the potions we have is immunity for 8 seconds and then temp Shield based on missing health so let's see how this going to go I want to set up a corner piece here a corner Shield boy uh please my want come over here to protect me nice that's where I want you and I'm ready for it charging up my laser go okay we're doing our best so okay the pet doesn't help I'm ready to become damage immune damage immune H drank it in time and temporary Shield yeah that's not possible this is not possible my w isn't even throwing out Stones man here we go do I need to be so much closer for this to even function yeah I need to be closer here we go now I feel safe I need to be closer the closer I am no I lost um the closer I was the more times the one was shooting out or balls but I don't think that was enough I think maybe tomorrow I'm going to try to build a build that's going to beat that guy specifically which is going to be a stone build so I'm thinking something like uh let's get a random good one here real quick the one I had uh so I'm thinking something like this I get the stones the upgraded one that says ball is very resilient plus uh multiples of three and then maybe plus I don't know speed or resilience or something there is no resilience tracking shots I guess trackon shots so the spell the build would be something like this maybe but with a b a bunch of Mana region which I didn't have let's actually put a bunch of how much Mana region does it even need I think I never had Mana region level three right I did well we're going to add like two Mana regions I had two of these and then I had three level ones in the previous one something like this I need a better oneand then it with more SLS that is uh rainbow net yeah might as well go with this actually this is the wand I did actually have so let's see if could this maintain permanent damage because if this maintained permanent XP then maybe that could have given us the win there so I don't even need the trackon shots forget the track shots oh no we definitely not have enough Mana region how much more Mana region would would that even work out with this maybe still no uh a level two battery Maybe yeah level two battery does something yeah this maybe works out maybe two level two batteries instead of so much Mana region yeah now they do 52 damage but now I have infinite right do I even need this old Min regen yeah you see this this actually works out so if I had two batteries that's already enough almost almost almost well I disconnect from there so yeah I do enjoy that I think that's how we're going to do it maybe tomorrow maybe not I mean today we got the flame thing so I did want to do the laser beam thing uh we got melted of course uh once again I'm going to actually keep my meta progression to unlock these here because these are the most busted thing in the game this this was literally the first time I'm using the 200% higher Rarity chance and the 12 Max mana and Max health and it was an insane difference if you had seen my previous runs you're going to I realize how much more busted this Rarity chance up is than anything else like the fact I begun with an epic spell instantly gave us a win on the game so that's nice I would say let's go with some more starting money oh that's maximum 58 is the maximum starting money you can have okay I mean rolling with money is very important in this game so we're going to go with that uh the backpack slots did not seem to be an issue ever I I alongside the fact that you get so many wands you can just flip and flop and have enough room for all the Spells you find Max Mana starting Max Mana that's five per pop not really that crazy we are really done and ready with this I just want to get and the next two runs we're going to be unlocking these and there isn't really anything else unlock anyway uh maybe this spell breaker and Boomerang build build and the expansion Stone thing maybe might be good uh these we already have this is a bug thing that is not unlocked and the characters are too expensive for us to gather everything up so we're going to stick to what we have going on for now I could try one more of these runs where I'm doing with this thing but I'm not sure this is ever worth it man this is a relic you can find in the run and and the fact that you start with minus 20 30% radius makes it very mediocre in my book and this literally gives you a starting Magic Bullet that you can combine right away that we can even level this guy up and this guy leveling up you get a 7 9 Meers maybe with 9 M it's good maybe I would say maybe but this guy getting a fourth shot almost a joke too I'm not sure if you can upgrade him twice maybe there is another upgrade path after this and you get another and another thing anyway hope you guys enjoyed as always thanks for watching and see you guys around
Channel: Sifd
Views: 90,775
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Explenation, Commentary, Casual, Relaxed, new, easy, upgrades, upgrade, Win, Victory, OP, Overpowered, Action, classes, Guide, roguelite, roguelike, rpg, Vampire Survivors, survivors, rogue like, Magicraft gameplay, Magicraft playthrough, Magicraft guide, survivor, survival game, bullet heaven, bullet hell, Magicraftbullet hell, Magicraft roguelike, Magicraft win, dungeon explorer, bullet hell roguelike, dungeon roguelike, guneon, binding of isaac, enter the gungeon, Binding of isaac
Id: SeEVVJ2Cw80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 23sec (5183 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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