Only Deers mod! It's a lot of fun! | Inscryption modded

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hello everybody c3 again with another modded inscription act one run i already picked up the bones because i made a mistake in the opening anyway today we're gonna play the sire motors modders motors whatever the the mod is called exactly but what the mod is it's a deer mod so we're gonna have a bunch of the ears as you see everything is a deer here and um yeah we will have as you see a bunch of effects happening here but let's start going through these like everything is based on deers and a lot of them will be moving around i guess so it's a hit on me but uh a few of them i see are not moving around so i guess we know what we're gonna avoid and what any day headless deer wow who cost one two that gives you triple sacrifice many lives when a carbon this is a sacrifice that does not perish and also dying and carbon residual will lose one health each time it declares an attack so it attacks twice but in the meantime it will have build up your whole void uh armor armor derlo armadillo um it's a one cast one two with it takes up to one damage uh some effects might bypass this i don't know what bypasses that and it also has borrower when an enemy space would be struck the cardboard residual will um jump to space so it's it's a blocker i like it it's a blocker that definitely blocks two hits first of all you see the pedals are even different instead of being a no cost zero one it's a two cost spike one it could have been a one cost spike one by the way but it's okay and the dead deer i mean the upgraded here is a forecast spike stinky 2. i mean it doesn't attack i would say i would say this should cost one on this three or something maybe even two to be honest but on the other hand you can transfer these off i guess i don't know i mean these cards cannot get damaged no matter what you do so i don't understand why they cost so much but whatever it's still a fun fact that we we have different deals here that jackalope and dead deer so frozen deer for uh this is money or life if you don't have the money so this is either quote unquote free if you have money or uh by the way we have two from the ones i picked up or um or it's for life and it does what it does it gives you blue marks okay and uh when it does it releases something i don't think i'm gonna go for this card jackalope is this this the jackalope why does the dead jackalope of spikes and the normal jackalope knot two casts two two that does what draw a jackalope a carbon deciduous plate a jackalope is created in your hand it's is this oh this is a roundabout way of creating frequency instead of copying whatever it always copies itself so even if you transfer this it still will just create a jackalope and it has the stat of like the field mice too and it moves right yeah this is literally the the gun the jackalope here we're not going to take that a calamine calamian d or 2 cos 33 i like that box a carbon decision will get removed from your deck on death and a new creature contained within it will be added to it oh so it's a very powerful card but if you lose it it becomes something random i mean it's decent two cost three three is very powerful moving around hefty i obviously don't like but still this is a powerful card reindeer three class three five that moves around gives buffs to allies i mean it's a reindeer so it should help its allies and also grazing at the end of the owner's turn a card bearing the sigil will region one health if there is no pausing creature okay so this is the region but worse instead of just regening it it does that only if there is no point opposing creature fair enough see the o2 cast three one two three one uh moves around is underwater and also evolves i don't know what this evolves into i'm most likely gonna take this just to see what it evolves into and also it's a two cost three one so that having three damage on two costs is pretty decent maze deer three bone cost one two uh moves around to leave something behind this is what this is the car bearing this gear will move the reduction inscribed and then create another creature so amazing here and this is the deer by the way i'm not sure if it's visible and this is the maze wow what an awesome art i think i'm gonna take this although it's a three bone cost it's not really that expensive and the stats are decent so i want to see what this leaves behind so i'm gonna go one two three four i would say because we have already high costs right actually one two three four i would say yeah a defensive super blocker if i give it like some health flame this is gonna be completely insane so yeah let's go this path and from the rear one oh we got new cards too dear warm three card deer uh three cast oh it's a it's an insect two oh i like that it's double sigil oh i love it so every single thing is a deer but no this is not but some of them are the second tier too anyway uh three money or health or zero one and i guess it's sacrifice outlet so you play three life to play something for free i guess and then you can play that now pack moose two cost two one it gives you a trinket bearer so i love that it gives you an item first of all this is i guess the pack rat that we're gonna get if i do if i have too much equipment antler bearer a card during the sigil when a cardboard decision is killed gain three random hoof tribe cards when there is a win missing um wait what game three random move trap cards oh this is very powerful so okay this is like the utility card of the game right now because i mean i'm most likely gonna pick this up right now it gives you an item it makes you draw whatever you want and then also it wait is this yeah it lets you draw that we want and then when it dies it'll screw you three cards i'm gonna most likely take this the round four cost yeah i'm not gonna take this i mean um it gives tribe attack but the problem is that you know it's a dumbledore so it's gonna kill us uh once again these dams are not the powerful dams from casey's mod awaken dear one cast one two that buffs allies and also has more attack if there is no opponent so it's a one cause two two that also must have this is very powerful it's competing with a utility incarnate card here uh uh ragged moves for life or cost gives you desperation a cardboard residual is damaged to one health it will gain three power oh so if something almost kills it then it becomes insane it becomes a five one otherwise it just dies i don't think i'm gonna take that beer and it's not a deer i get it there and um one cast and two bones four tries to yolo but in the meantime it's also waterborne and also smacks whatever tries to arrive in front of it so it tries to block something and hit it and if it doesn't hit it then it goes under one i'm not just exactly sure how this will interact so we're not going to take that quickly dear this has the death burst this is like a mantis god attack but it has it twice so it's going to do two to two when it dies otherwise i guess it has infinite sacrifices so that's good wrong call forecast flying flying underwater one nah no it's it's decent but no let's go with pacmus here i liked it from the first moment i saw it it's utility incarnate i love it i also see like the bass uh cards are also something different than they should have been i don't have the mod that you let that lets you transfer sigils around i'm thinking about maybe transferring something on their mar armadillo armadillo definitely not under water and also not these you know what we're gonna go here and try to find the the head for the the haunted i instantly found it very nice we're taking that and now the next time we get that which is right here we will be insane or i can go flame for life um should i should i go for a name for life on the armadillo i like the armadillo it's also gonna always be missed oh look at this look at this cute and clear antler the squirrel look at this this is so cute um let's go for the uh pass i would say let's have this move around and do nothing for a moment i've been told that also some encounters haven't been changed so i don't know what this is going to look like honestly let's go here we first go for the kill then move away axe yep now we can do three damage boop i could have played the armadillo but i wanted to make sure that this bar was not gonna run away from my assassinating oh that already ran away from my assassinating one attack please okay thank you i pressed pass by the way that's why i said come on attack let's see what this evolves into that's my main concern here what is this it's a sky deer it's a three one instead of underwater it's a flyer does it have a further revolution it's not like i can test right now i wanted to see if it has a further revolution but uh we're gonna try it on the next fight we're gonna try it on the next fight here i think i should go to the left honestly let's see what we get a spider the deer hasn't reached its primal form may you help it evolve oh that was a tip that was a tip i'm gonna take this and put evolution on it but first i want to test this a bit more and see what exactly that does but i think that was a tip that you have to evolve that thing uh i'm most likely gonna go sacrifices so i would say let's go here am i gonna go sacrifices i'm definitely not gonna go items wait am i if i go wait a minute i'm not gonna get a card before this so i can already decide if i wanna go sacrifice or not so i want to transfer the seedier onto the aspire that's the only plan right now although i don't know what this evolves later to like if it has a third form and i would like to see that uh i mean i can trust it on this fight and if i see that i want a good sacrifice a good sacrifice otherwise i'm just going to pick up the other thing yeah let's do that let's do that let's go flame here if it's health flame i will put it on the armadillo damage a bit of a tough luck here let's roll damage on the armadillo twice it becomes a 3 2 and hopefully it doesn't die this is supposedly 20 okay 20 that we die by the way not survive survive is 80 in this specific example and now let's i really hope i will be able to um see there is here nice and old golden stag okay okay this can take up to one damage per turn okay so i will play this no i'm not gonna play anything actually no i can play the armadillo and trade some hits here um no their madeira is going to win because if i play that armadillo i do three damage you know for science i'm gonna play the cd here i'm gonna do three down if i do three now i do three now i take two back and then i do another three so we're at four damage at that point i take two okay theoretically we should have time for this if if fleshy doesn't play something in front of this thing and kills it okay unless you didn't play anything this thing is gonna move the left the right and die on its own uh i'm gonna save it not if i have to say anything about it i'm gonna make it move to the left three move to the left nice nice now i'm gonna see what it evolves into if it devolves back to the previous form okay this uh yeah this thing is definitely getting transferred now uh let's let's uh let's go for the win actually i mean we already have one at this point so does this block no it doesn't let's just do this then and win boom six damage and now we know for a fact that the the a c dear can get removed from the deck just to test the evolution of the other thing so let's go left here what do you want man yeah i know you forced me on a jackalope i'm gonna take it and i'm gonna i didn't see what the rear one did uh yeah it is what it is i can't directly go back to footage and see but uh i'm gonna see it next time to analyze it i could go this path instead of going for the sacrifice get something insane and if i don't get with the first chance second chance i mean i have time like i got time to transfer this onto this there is no rush let's find a good totem i don't want to go to double sacrifice that's my main concern there okay we can go for this for sure this is a very good totem for us this is one sacrifice equals two my question is does the what is it called are these here also yes nice these are also considered antelopes okay easy win we already got the insanity in here look at this let me go one and then we go two and then we wait yeah we have an item missing then we go three book gives us whatever card we want i guess i can go for this doesn't matter and then we get another rabbit from rat and then we play this and we get another rabbit from this and then we go on and on and on and on and on and on and we are insane i don't see us somehow losing let's go this path actually i don't need to go for more totems oh what is this first of all the long view it might be neat it might need some push to expand shapeshifter deer it is stuck in its bird form skydiving okay and then yeah okay i get it so the seedier and the sky deer are pretty much the same thing with a different version obviously uh what is this power from movement at the start of the owner's turn a car during the sigil will gain one power and one health if it moved last turn so this combos with pushy with this thing awesome idea or or or the easy solution is you transfer a movement sigil on it and then every time it moves it buffs itself on its own this is an insanely smart idea in my opinion and i could transfer the sky deer on this thing and then it will be i mean i could also transfer the cd around it and then it will be move buff itself and also evolves so the evolution is going to give it the one-time boost of plus one plus two and then every movement's gonna give it another plus one plus one so within two or three turns it should be like a four five or something actually the within the first turn i mean the very first turn is gonna be zero one but the second turn is gonna be a two uh two four two four um i don't know [Music] i mean right now i want to buff the spider this is a very fun idea but let's let's see what else we can get another armeldo the consequence of forced evolution oh i dear fun the dear fox fawn one if i found this from somewhere else and patreon the patreon the perfect mix of feathers and for fear bear uh while the let's just on the board all other cards so you start with the same tribe i mean it's a flyer and an antler so this means everything on your board has plus one attack i'm gonna get the dear form foreign to see what it evolves into although it feels like it's gonna be the the the the font or whatever it was called i mean at the end of the day it has a transfer sigil so i can transfer this thing another transfer evolution schedule let's go i would say flames i still want to get like plus i wanted to get plus health on the armaldo i'm not gonna buff this because i want to see what the development and then i'm gonna transfer it on the spider if it doesn't go something insane let's continue buffing the armaldo here let's continue making a supercard i always prefer creating a supercard over anything else honestly speaking especially i mean right now it doesn't even matter what i buff because i can play two costs instantly turn one two cards and then also plus one cost like we're already insane yeah yep then all through the grill we drew the jackalope and the phone you know what let's open up with the classic move to see what the fawn evolves into this is the classic by the way let's go you can quickly see what this evolves into imagine if the boss fight was changed whoop let's see what this is oh a deer fox oh and it steals the opposing sigil okay this is a good card from a one is from a one cost zero one it becomes a three one i mean it's not insane but it is decent and decent is good decent works i would say we go with a spider to backline kill the whole right side and also remove one of my incoming boards uh but not boards stones whatever because this is gonna kill ashy right now up back lance toast now we get hammer slammered i know spanish no i don't let's go with a real card i mean i can't play anything anyway oh the maze deer i can't play the maze dude though would be nice if i was you know what for experiment's sake i'm gonna just hammer slammer the gold nugget here to see what the maze dear leaves behind and the maze there is gonna move with a pack shh what antlers ah well it's meh can i sacrifice them that's them oh i can't sacrifice them it's not mech anymore [Music] i mean just play this and then hopefully property your um your bloodhound is out of my property we'll continue with the shed antlers okay that thing become a flyer again fast boom another thing about it i should have taken the thing that when it moves around it gets damaged that was like a fun thing if we find it again i might take it i mean i will most likely take it if you find a gun they'll actually have one life because i wanted to lethal him with all the image you'll curse you yeah she had one life let's go i mean obviously this is gonna carry us i'm uh i'm not blind to the fact that we have we are broken right now tenta tenta kelpie the shape-shifting tentacle tentacle p i guess that's how it reads it shows its true form during hunts uh it has tentacle waterborne which means that if it goes under and up it evolves in something i'm gonna take this most likely how deer this feels off no i think i want to take that now dyro the deer or the apex predator it's a three cost one six with wild hunger at the end of the owner's turn this card being residual will move obviously in the direction inscribed to the right but if it hits a card while moving that card perishes and this card gets flash one plus one oh this card bearing the sigil i love it man this is very nice this is a smart idea in my opinion and you can also transfer it on something else and then that other thing will move around and eat your cards up this is so smart and fun ah i'm between these two though because i don't know what's inside of this and i'm also don't i'm not sure what this evolves into both of these most of both of these seem awesome i'm gonna take the pirate deer because i want to see what it evolves into but all of them are if it's one of the few times where every single legend like the rare one i see has some fine fun gimmick mechanic because i've said this a bunch of times right i don't like it when it's like three cost three six triple strike or forecast uh five uh ten uh poisonous triple strike and stuff no no this is so much more fun like an extremely unique relic not this one an extremely unique relic here something hidden inside but it's a rare so it might be good and then also something that this evolves into i in general i'm gonna go with the deer and i hope it's something insane although i don't see the rare diagram around it but um i'm gonna yolo it i'm gonna yell it because it's the one otherwise i wouldn't choose the right thing by the way no actually the left one the left one i would have chosen the left one i'm i'm explain i'm exploring first and uh picking the best choices second although the other i i think i might run this mod again like i like the rares were already enough that sold me on this what is this mysterious egg evolves in two turns i hate things that evolve in two turns and don't do anything otherwise anything new here blind deer it's a one cast one three that what random strike you're carving this is you will strike at the opponent's slot randomly when it one uh wrong car yeah this is a one one double strike like this is a good thing to transfer to something else water deer i mean it's a one cause two one that move this is this is good this is powerful one cos two ones are always powerful especially if it's not easily dying i'm gonna get the mysterious egg although i hate double two turn evolutions now that i have tested to know that zero costs do not hinder um the mechanism of drawing cards i'm okay with it can i draw what can i draw here that would be better than this almost nothing what is this this is i do want damage that i take too right like him the sizzle will only accept life for its cost instead of life and teeth if it has a finance cost what and life for its cost instead of life and teeth if it has a bumpy so this is a downside do i understand this correctly is so if it would accept life no if it would accept life ortiz money it i only so this is i i will assume that this is a sigil that is on a card that normally costs um you know i don't have the cost right now but you know the money cost and by having the sigil it means it always damages you that's the only thing i explain and i can understand on this and even if it's not that it doesn't matter i'm not gonna take it we continue with what we have what a weird sigil to get on these i think some of the sigils should have tags on them and uh one of the tags should be you know if it can appear on the totem or not but i'm not sure how that would be doable i have won't so i'm gonna instantly play the deer question mark and i'm gonna try to you know smackroni it and at the same moment i'm also gonna draw the egg from the deck i'm gonna do everything within one round everything is gonna happen here so i'm gonna use this we're gonna do does this do damage no i'm gonna do hovering poverty you go over here okay i got a snip by the way now we're gonna do the mysterious egg nice and now we play the entire deer over here on the right right it's gonna get one shot from the bullfrog and at the same moment i'm also gonna play this and we're also gonna do two damage let's see what the tide deal is gonna evolve into i hope it's something insane and fun please give me something insane fun what is this it's a meme i love it it's an imposter the best choice that we took it's a 3-1 3-3 poisonous and cannot even get attacked while this is insane by the way i think we got the best one out of the three we had to choose from but what a meme man what the meme i love it i love it i love it when people meme it up uh this is gonna survive from the alpha stump hit yeah i don't need to explain anything else because the evolution happens at the start of my turn so this should be alive now oh it gave us it will give us now three of them well the longer is here why is the language here the heart sticks to it hurts let's see what is this spider um it's a 2 2 clingy with snipe it's decent for a zero cost becoming a by the way it should be a two three so for zero guys becoming a two three that also targets yeah makes sense that it was so expensive i like how we drew another tire deer and another entire deer what's happening let's unleash ah i would have liked to unleash them posters well i can unleash them posters if i want to um yeah let's unleash the imposters so we go one uh two three i have i think seven right one two three four five six seven yep i have seven so now we go oh spidey what are you doing you shouldn't be here man i had one plan and the spider broke it damn you spied here damn you spied here actually the plan is still here yeah good thing that the alpha exists ass um just do two damage nothingness is the imposter gonna give us the win no i'm past the year i wanted to get a full board with imposter i'm having fun with this let's continue running around tired dear ah this dude is sleeping i suggest not waking it up ooh it's different from that ah well we're also gonna experiment with this we're also gonna experiment with that let's go get a bone most likely gonna go to the right to put the level up sigil on the spider uh let's throw away i think i'm gonna give the c version to their spider so it's also underwater if it evolves in something insane which it should um then i would prefer it's also underwater so i would say we throw away the dear fox phone um yeah that's gonna give us something else like this is gonna give us something else this insane this is gonna get transferred maybe the maze there actually like it wasn't that exciting [Music] yeah maze deer isn't that exciting let's throw away the maze there [Music] it was fun it's decent it's powerful but it's not exciting that's the only thing i meant let's go the right side there oh we have money for the money sacrifice by the way liberty flip we got that speeder and the fox maybe i should have thrown away the so i don't throw it in my starting hand but on the other hand if i i don't have the fox then i will always draw the installment card so that's also not fair i guess uh it doesn't matter either of us because i also have the armenian deer calamine deer what but what what what this is gonna die no i can i can handle this we go here okay and we go whoop what i know that there are a bunch of people in my comment section that calculate how we can win easily i can do that too let's continue let's see what we get i'm obviously gonna choose the ears we got a oh nice we got the the thing that buffs all the other deers very nice that's a good one time to transfer the underwater thing wait does this thing have spikes no it just moves around okay we give it the seedier buff as i said because i want this to be underwater assuming that the evolution gets some benefit from being underwater i hope because i may i may have made a mistake here because i just realized that the evolution might have had some sigils that are better used when you're not underwater you know alright your question mark aspire nice it's in my opening hand and it's also an easy fight so i can experiment easily let's go let's play the speeder let's also play the fox why not it's also gonna evolve you can stay there pass boop let's see what this evolves into come on i hope i read it correctly right i hope i read it correctly man whoa it's a mega speeder oh machine gun and it also has triple strike love it best decision of my life putting waterborne wow i love it i love it i love it and i also love the fact that like i've mentioned a bunch of times if you want to people to understand and know that something evolves into something insane you have to literally spell it out for us and this mod actually does that man everything is going upside here upside all around we're about to do 9 10 12 damage damn you beer b let's do a bunch of damage you know what might as well cheese here a bit just for the damage let's go this might be the photo shoot let's go man i love it i love it i love it it gets one damage and it gets triple strike and that you know what this is a good reward honestly speaking it's a two cost that you have to make sure it gets this specific sigil and then it evolves into a mantis god and you cannot put the man's god on something else it's like i am the mantis god and i'm a two cost and if you end it's gonna take me a turn to evolve too so i love it man i don't know what to say i don't know why i went right i should have gone left dear dear that dear a carcass has violated the trader oh this mod also gives you carcasses and ah that's why they cost something because you might want to play them i still believe that these should cost like two this should cost two this this is a blocker okay but it's as if it's like it's it's a blocker it doesn't do anything it just exists uh let's go with a long deal here for the reason i was mentioning previously i'm gonna transfer to the long deer the fox no no where's the fox here this is the deer fox is gonna come on the it's gonna arrive on the long deer in my opinion yeah i want this to evolve and move around and buff itself i mean the fox that appears that steals the sigil it's fun but it's not crazy what is this boneless a caramel sigil gives no bones awesome and unkillable okay now so we either go unkillable um yeah we either go unkillable or we wait unkillable means infinite right because i draw a one cost play the one cost play the dealer again play two costs play that one cost back again yeah this is an insta win on everything but served we don't want to see you win everything easily we want you to see you struggle and try to lose on purpose and oh by the way i learned that losing on purpose or at least playing that on purpose is called sandbagging i don't know why i guess it's as if you have a sandbag in your pockets like as if you're having a sandbag alongside whatever you're carrying i mean there is like something is missing there on the explanation we found the tyre deer here who and the long deal we found everything the long deer doesn't even do anything i mean the calamity indian can push it around once twice actually if i put it on these two spots specifically uh let me show you the infinite let me show you the infinite let's let's start with the infinite this is the infinite this is how you do it and now i can do that forever like i can play this and then that and then this and then that and this and that and always always always play things okay we're doing like six damage now i think this long deer has to go well mistakes were made i cannot make it go so four four wait a minute that dead dead all of these are dead i made a mistake i mean i don't think i made a mistake i can handle this can i handle this yeah i mean i have infinites these are all gonna come back my hand anyway can stop us anymore yeah so obviously a real card okay first things first i think i should remove one of these greater smokes there is no real reason for them to you know evolve i meant the fox is actually more dangerous than anything because it's gonna steal the underwater sigil away and then it's gonna dodge the hit of the i'm gonna take for damage if i play the fox i'm not going to play the fox new fish all of these will die the calamine deer will become something forever bye bye climb in the air what why did it drop at the deer please don't tell me that that year is the random thing i happen to get from that thing okay we've got the ear uh yeah i mean we play the ue [Music] dude okay that's not good that that deal cannot get sacrificed and it's over here on the right i don't need the new item actually i love the items i have uh we get the spider the machine gun deer we go with uh play this into first of all play this here do i want to play the spider hero or is it too much damage i'm not going to take that much damage like who cares i'm going to take 4 damage so the who cares argument actually counts okay i want to see what the tide deer is gonna evolve into okay the spider will go underwater it will let us take a hit see ah it just becomes a awaken deer ah meh i'm getting a bunch of random things to my hand i took four but now i'm gonna do a million because you did the classic big no good thing that this didn't move around by the way whoop stevia sag which is immortal by the way ah let's just play this and win we obviously broke this at this point we are insanely overpowered like nothing even matters but still the mod is insane i love them i'm gonna play this mod again by the way maybe next time i'm not gonna be that broken but still it's uh i will still attempt to get that broken though i need to stop being defensive of me winning the spider deer the creature has made with demigod wait was made by a boy dem god this for example i'm not having fun with being a rare rudolph the deer's clowing knows others to um guides others to a safer path wait a minute didn't i have and wasn't there like another rudolph i guess it was an elk d and there was another video that was like rudolph but it wasn't i guess rudolph is the the carry it's a one cost zero one that gives plus one damage to every single one of your ears it also draws your idea of your choice from your deck insane this is insane i want the dear terror man i want the dude's i want this eating up all my cards yeah i want to eat this up i want this heating up all my cards i love rudolph but i want this heating up all my cards i already mentioned that i'm gonna go with that if i find it i mean if i found the tentacle idea i would pick the tentacle deer just so you know you know what seeing the rock news here i will assume that this thing gives you that rackmouse rock mousse so i'm gonna go here and see if the if this mod has that then i'm gonna be even more proud about this one the inside has been crystallized for far too long i can take this by the way at this point because i have 22 coins so i can play this for free let's find better things dear warm i can also play this for free by the way uh let's go with this let's go with it buffs all my allies i have infinite sacrifice anyway let's see is it gonna give me a pack rat or is it gonna be the pack move yes good job good job i i love it you know i love it and i love the fact that it's not just a two cost two two with this thing it's it also gives you three cards in hand like it's a good pack rat for once or once it's actually a packer that does something i mean maybe people will come along and say no it's opino but i mean previously it was trash and if you believe it's good then i don't know what to tell you i guess we already started off on the wrong foot now draw all the cards um i mean this is an extremely hard fight and i'm not gonna deal with it [Music] and we went past boom this is how every single fight is gonna go by the way other than when i'm gonna experiment for example if i draw the three cast deer that eats up my deer so i'm gonna experiment one round at least let's go here to get rid of the carcass i have on my in my deck reindeer no this is what i meant we had the reindeer and there was also rudolph who got it the radio just because it's docile doesn't mean it can't lead a hand be the hand what derent the deer is this isn't your tire dear i like the reindeer honestly the third year by the way i don't think is that good it devolves into the one two that well i i can't remember exactly but oh the one two that gets plus one damage when nothing is in front of it and then it also moves around a reindeer i mean i can definitely play this easily i can easily play this let's reword here to see more cards dear ant dear ant i'm writing to you to tell you that your brother the dear aunt uh providing power to its fellow aunt lyric your brother meaning my father um armadillo a spider i mean i can go with a spider and transfer another no i can transfer the deer fox on their spider if i find the transfer that is i'm does this give buff to everything what's going on on this board the other cars on your side of the board of the same tribe i mean i can play this for free i have enough bones so let's take this it's it's a free buff to all my team and i'm gonna bin it okay time to minute where is it here boom um my worst card right now honestly it's the longer oh i forgot that i want to transfer something on the long deer well i mean it's not that bad i think tired you is one of my most cards let's throw this away it was not the imposter by the way it was here i like that this uh this mod has like a mix of trying to be dear thematic and a mix of we're memeing it up here i love it why is there a bone down here i guess from this one that lets you pay with money blood or whatever oh it's here the dear that the roar is here and the long deer that will get eaten by the deer is also here uh yeah let's begin the chain of events that will make us play the deer no i don't have enough bones no you know what i don't care give me one more bonus this nice here um i wanna see is this thing that can normally not move what's gonna happen here is gonna eat it up and then i'm also gonna have this on the right i wanna see what exactly this thing is gonna eat up we have enough time to experiment whoop three damage yeah now it's eat the right of it and it moves there too okay nice okay now it's two two two okay so it's gonna do two kill them all uh two two kilo mole and then another two and damage this spot so we're gonna do two damage and take three so we're very safe and i want to see if this thing that deteriorates the tide you're up is is it's gonna spawn here or what exactly is gonna happen you know we have to have an idea in general i mean we don't have to but i would like to in the meantime let's also play the dear fox um i mean let's play the dear fox 4 why not let's have it evolve as black block to damage and then move to the right eat that thing up oh no what is this wasn't this tested this mod has so many ice things didn't why did this not get tested i'm i have a knack for finding bugs man okay because right now i don't know what exactly is gonna happen i mean this i don't know which of the two is gonna attack if the deer if the deer lord is gonna attack that both of these are dead otherwise only the raven egg is gonna die and i'll take four damage while i'm doing three so i'm in a semi semi danger territory semi though and the semi is actually very semi because um yeah i don't see us dying in general because i have like items and i'm about to use one let's use the snip are we dead let's play this as simple as that right here let's also play this here so that maybe the monstrosity moves to the left i mean we're doing five yeah we should be winning let's see the monstrosity attacks the imposter does not attack good to know another monstrosity will move to the left here it will now the imposter attack i would like to see the imposter's gonna attack now though ooh the fox costs two now okay good to know good to know why did i draw a fake deer i don't even know let's go boom boom boom the imposter is completely blocked the imposter is like i'm here but i'm not really here i am a real imposter i'm doing what i'm supposed to do and it's gonna stay there forever i think it's below us right now yep the imposter got completely bugged out nice um well that's not good crystal deer can i can i make this stop first of all can i i'm gonna experiment here i think that the shop will get rerolled now i hope it doesn't people have told me that this is called safe's coming changing the shops and stuff so there is a good chance that this shop has changed but that was obviously not my target here yep the shop has changed so no it's this was definitely not here this was here this was also not i mean it's semi sure yeah it definitely gets shot got shuffled so saves coming is a thing i obviously didn't want to save scum but it is what it is reindeer fawn it evolves i guess into a reindeer which then instead of yeah a reindeer is a three five i don't have a range right i don't i have a three five that also buffs the allies and uh it also has happened to draw this thing i like to draw whatever you want this is the reindeer so this evolves into this honestly speaking i think this is better although zero attack you know what this is a good compromise like the evolution gives you two life and three damage like and also this sigil so it makes sense that this is zero although i would obviously prefer what if this was a one three so at least it does something ah jackalope rockwell kill the free one or the i think i'm gonna go with the sky here drawing whatever i want also it's a three cost i got two reindeers here what are the chances i could have gone for the forecast by the way too but we're gonna get of course i don't item deal here on us it's okay though obviously because this is not a pack rat it's a pack news moose news uh let's transfer the deerfox fawn onto the where is this thing this thing onto the long gear by the way i'm not gonna fight the pirate boss because the mod creator told me that there is a chance that the mod will bug out with a pirate boss so i'm not gonna risk it because this mods are already durant is here too it's already really fun um what is this a random leaping trap coming in uh let's play i mean let's let's do the combo here you go let's play this too and uh yeah let's play this too we lose four coins i have money do the one two three probably poverty let's go here let's go here and let's play this just for safety reasons because i'm pretty sure that it will first move left and then we're gonna go here too because all of these are ants and not ants deers so they will get more damage buff let's go boom boom boom boom bop i think we won instantly whoops the d round is insane by the way i just realized it's insanely insane jackalope it calls a mate to help the fight you know what i'm gonna get this just to experiment to know exactly how draw jackalope works i'm pretty sure it's just gonna create itself i'm pretty sure but we're gonna see we're gonna see it says call maybe dracula is creating your hand maybe it's not a kind of t i don't know is this a transfer yeah it's a transfer okay so you go where are you it's like so cute though you'll go over to the long deer because i want to see if the lung there maybe has an animation when it moves around did this get some bones flying what is this what did it get arrows oh it has arrows flying around i think it desires right because i mean blindness is one of my main attributes let's see what we guess i like how waters have put the light up effect on a bunch of weird places oh that's why that's why you didn't want me to use the pirate boss mod because we got a unique mod here anyway and unique fight look at this it's the strange deer and um shouldn't this have when it dies symbol on it i'm a bit afraid maybe the second half has also changed anyway we're gonna play the super spider here which is gonna destroy everything although i'm not sure if these will actually kill my things so i would like to keep the aspire alive yeah let's play the spiderous smidge later oh the long lyrics here yeah i can play the long gear and start experimenting i just realized that i wanted this to be underwater whoops yeah this is gonna die it's gonna attack you and move the right and then die or i can play it here don't do anything i can play it here don't do anything oh this is dead rest things first comment so all of these are blocks this will this is dead but after it evolves it will come back my hand so it's okay it is here so it moves the right and survives to evolve oh this is also going to come back to my hand why am i even panicking what's my what's my problem what's your problem so here i sacrificed the greater smoke for no reason by the way as i do have infinite sacrifices we can control everything oh this now has damage too nice um i can play the greater smoke let's go actually i should have played the greatest moment on the right so it died and took the leap in trouble with it i took two hits who cares super heavy machine gun that's uh i mean let's try a real card let's be honest oh the mysterious egg i can play it pass boom dead comes right in my hand now the mystery shack doesn't damage whoop demon the deer oh dead dead mysterious egg ice wait what this didn't have damage random things are happening i mean it's not random obviously but they're random to the eye of the beholder or whatever it's called you know depending on how you see it how much mine do you have 20 coins uh why did i play that [Music] the deck is gonna die now perithon is also gonna die but i'm trying to get my dear things this is this it's never dying it does not attack come on leshi it's over man it gets straight it's over man i like how the background is like it's a bug it is what it is it's it's this fight again it's always that fight and we got a spider out of this too nice um i don't think i need to overkill this thing a lot but honestly speaking like honestly honestly speaking i want to do a good photo shoot here so do i am i even able to do a good photo shoot here i mean their model is one of them so you join for sure the spider should not be here honestly play this into this just to go faster play the machine gun and the last one can be just you know the the this one and honestly honestly thinking i don't think the spider should be here the spider does not look like a spider doesn't look like a deer at least well let's play everything [Music] nice it's immortal i like how it first came back to my hand and then decided to be immortal ah let's just play the antler do you hear this this is like the photo shoot most likely mega spider why is this called a spy deer by the way am i missing something here with a spider this is spider and that is us what is happening there with my coins did you see him unless she's like playing with my bones oh no no matter how much it tries to scream it remains silent uh this is the thing that eats up things oh then it's a one cost oh that's nice oh i found the tenting pie i'm gonna take that oh time do you the time dude it can bend time to swirl what does it do though hourglass a cardboard decision will cause the opponent to skip the return plate oh this is so insane but i'm not going to take it obviously because we don't need to be that insane i want to experiment and see what this comes but that evolves into what the tentacle sigil does in this mod i love this mod man what a good mod what a good mod let's go um do i have money like items no i don't have items uh don't want to combine anything i don't think i want to combine like anything i could put one of those parathons on this thing will it stack does this schedule stack i have no idea you know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna transfer the parathon on the jackalope to see if the jackalope creates uh simple copies or real copies so let's go perry by the way transferring the detour on anything would be insanely powerful but i don't need to do that i do not need to do that let's go here to see if it actually evolves into real copies of itself i'm 99 sure it just creates a vanilla copy of itself so only without this new sigil it just transferred that's what i mean uh let's show okay listen up i want you to give me that i can draw whatever card i want yeah that's it i don't want to i don't need anything else ring oh i bug this out nice get the ring i pass oh no you think i don't want to double draw because i want to play around a bit let's go with bones i would say i don't need sacrifices i mean i have like infinite okay hmm [Music] which one could we win oh we won oh we'd lose or we won again nope nope fleshy well he forced me to take this ashy man i wanted to do experiments with two specific cards of my deck don't force me to beat you too fast i mean he never forces us to beat him to pass i'm also gonna do a skip on the end in the end in the end skips gonna happen let's play come on let's play let's play you you're gonna pay for what you did i'm gonna skip this fight completely like i'm gonna skip the moon phase now you might think he's going to use poison although he doesn't have a poison card in his deck i don't know why you would think that because i don't have a poison card in my deck but i'm not going to use poison to win to beat them instantly clickety clickety okay okay okay okay [Music] uh let's play the long deer and this one too i guess i can snip snap the mole man i think i should snip snap them all man whoop sniff let's go whoop let's go this [Music] let's go this let's go let's see what we get and also force this to the shadow realm ah yes a useless thing let's go here [Music] uh if i play the parathon things are gonna go a bit too fast actually i'm gonna beat this fight right away which is not really my plan right now oops yeah he's gonna [Music] say that he's gonna hammer slammer us ball will slag white stag nice water deer and reindeer well i'm saying white's diagnostic nice because i saw that it has that it draws whatever i want yep this thing i can draw whatever i want with this one another thing i wanted let's go two yep i drew one of the two things i want very nice let's go here uh i mean just just do it let's see let's see so it creates a copy of itself in the hand will the jackal throne for my hat why don't you okay this is infinite so this is literally for but a very weaker version of it decent fair fair enough sorry for that uh let's now also draw the the other thing that i want to experiment with and then we're going to go for the win [Music] all for kin okay and the kin that i am interested in is this thing and i know he's forcing a hammer slammer but as far as i remember he should not hammer slammer now and he shoots the hammer slammer next german so this should evolve see it evolved without even showcasing anything because it was supposed to go under and then when it goes up again it evolves so i'm disappointed this is not something unique to it and it's even gonna die from the kaminsky backline kill so it is what it is uh i mean we're about to take for damage this thing is getting buffed from my units so i have to kill that thing yup or merlot okay armada can kill that thing and the deer service here too nice so let's go here into this honestly speaking i wanna stake mistake you know i'm gonna take my mistake back i'm gonna just do one [Music] two now we're gonna go look this away now we're gonna go this is five damage so we win right that way a backline assassination kill there [Music] okay and let me show you here a little trick let me show you a little trick i learned photo shoot photo shoot photo shoot i want to show you something i'm not sure how easily i'm going to show it because you know the game might not want me to showcase it come on game give it to me give me pliers it's gonna take a while you know what if if the next card doesn't give me pliers then i'm gonna just oh that thing gives us three cards when even when i sacrifice what is this what was that dearer what is this why does it exist game weird okay if this is not a player i mean i can still use it oh this is also there okay we we just got the combo faster oh it's gonna give us three cards in turn no game no don't do this to me i got another pack news let's go until until i cannot use any of the items that's that's that's the that's the metric i just decided is that we're gonna use that's the metric we're gonna use man that's the metric we're gonna use until we find players i mean i'm pretty sure people that have seen this combo anyway but i wanted to showcase it too ah found it what now what you know what what she's like wait wait wait wait you're about to win you you can just win okay you don't need to use any more of your items here when that's normal you know people might be no that's like cheating uh using the knife at the end with the pliers is like you're skipping a phase unless she's like yo bro if you want to skip the face by giving me your eye and your thing like it's okay with me by the way we're gonna be bleeding here until the end of time he will never give us an eye so the other will be without eyes and yeah we pretty much won staying there i'm not even seeing half the things photoshoot classic ending here and i guess this is movers and i'm most likely going to play this again should i play this again actually so this is let me write this correctly so this is so mu dears i'm not sure if this is even visible with the eye being flying out and um yeah i think that's going to be it i hope you guys enjoyed it if you did double x for the channel and i have to say that i enjoyed the mod now as far as i know mods from these um you know the the creator of these mods most of the time watch my videos so if you want to tell them anything just comment down below what do you believe in this mod if it was fun or not if you believe that some things should have be buffed or nerfed or if you believe that my opinions were wrong right you know you can pretty much say anything you want and i'm pretty sure mods will go through the comments and read them so they get like a feedback because it's not only on me it's on all of us because honestly speaking if the mods only take my opinions and consideration everything will get permanently buffed all the time i mean sometimes i'm also calling out things that are p but most of the time i'm like oh this is awesome and wow this is bad so yeah anyway like i enjoyed the mod for sure it had a few things first of all i didn't like that much in the very beginning the only thing i didn't like is that too many things had too many abilities but other than that like a bunch of mods do that right but other than that i really liked it i i for the first time i enjoyed the rares in the mod that much i enjoyed other rares and other mods too but this mod first of all had a few rares that costed one at long last like a bunch of mods also do this but this mod had some one cost rare so that i like that and most of the rares were unique some were not that much but most of them were unique i like the little memes with imposters and stuff like that i mean i don't know why specifically among us is the future that like in two cards in this mod but it is what it is it also implemented the coin costs and moving around was fun in general we pretty much broke the mod because we had the totem obviously the totem was very powerful but i don't think anything would have really changed even without the totem as i already had like an armaldo as a five one and um if if we like remove the totem as a power level then i would use the five two attacking thing that i have as a parallel like if you strip me from one broken thing i'm gonna use another broken thing so anything else would be like trying to lose on purpose or you know sandbagging as they say so if you tell me yo you should not use only one cast like only one one cast you should also not use totems that affect your whole deck and you should also not buff a card that five damage that i mean at that point like why am i even playing so i like the mod i like that uh i like the mod i don't know what else to say like it was a fun mod and most of the cards actually felt balanced like the stats and the the sigils and stuff felt balanced they might have been a bit overtuned like a bit but in general i liked it and you know what if like half your deck is moving around on the board they might as well be over tuned because it's one thing to have only one card moving around and then you're like okay you can just block it and if you don't want to move it if you don't want to have it move and then some other thing to have the whole deck move around so yeah it makes sense that everything is a bit overpowered but it's okay i like it i like it i hope they don't nerf it to the ground i hope the mod doesn't nerf everything to the ground like like it is i like it the only thing i didn't like power level wise would be the costs of the belts they seemed a bit too much uh specifically because you cannot damage flame them so no matter what you do it's always gonna be a zero one um so i don't know i mean that's that's on the mod if they want to have a two bone thing to just block whatever but in general the idea is that pelt is already trash so making it cost and not even be playable is even more trash if anything a lot of times you play a pelt somewhere and then a flyer comes in and you're like whoop yes i can sacrifice this i gotta use the hammer if i have it installed because exactly for this reason sif talks anyway i think that's going to be it i hope you guys enjoyed i definitely did and um yeah that's it thanks for watching and see you guys around oh by the way smile
Channel: Sifd
Views: 27,920
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Explenation, Commentary, Casual, Relaxed, new, progress, progression, easy, upgrades, upgrade, Win, Victory, OP, Overpowered, Strong, Action, classes, Heroes, Guide, Learn, roguelite, roguelike, rpg, Inscryption, inscryption, inskription, Inskription, Inscription, Inskryption, Horror, Card game, Deck builder, deckbuilder, cardgame, card, cards, Progress, scary, mystery, horror, secrets, deathcard, puzzle, puzzles, challenge, challenges, inscription, mod, inscyption mod, inscyption modded, insdcription mod, Kayce's mod, endless, beta
Id: IrkUkM69HlM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 5sec (3905 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 25 2022
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