KARAK EIGHT PEAKS: The BRUTAL War of Attrition of Warhammer Fantasy - Lore Overview

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<b>What fate awaits them in the darkness?</b> <b>Let them come</b> <b>Karak Eight Peaks was one of the greatest</b> <b>strongholds ever created by the Dwarves</b> <b>during their Golden Age,</b> <b>rivaling even the capital city of</b> <b>Karaz-A-Karak in terms of</b> <b>size, wealth, and beauty.</b> <b>For many generations, it was a proud</b> <b>showcase of Dwarven</b> <b>architecture and Dwarven might.</b> <b>For centuries, the city endured</b> <b>throughout, and no army in the surface</b> <b>world had been able to penetrate the</b> <b>mighty peaks that are</b> <b>the domain of this city.</b> <b>"What fools we were! In pride we built</b> <b>Karak Eight Peaks, sure of our mastery of</b> <b>stone and the dark beneath the world.</b> <b>Yet even as we built the city, the seeds</b> <b>of its doom were planted."</b> <b>Karak Eight Peaks now stands as a symbol of</b> <b>the eternal struggle for supremacy.</b> <b>Its storied halls have witnessed</b> <b>centuries of bloodshed, echoing the</b> <b>clashing of steel and the roar of battle,</b> <b>as Dwarves, greenskins, and Skaven vie</b> <b>for control of this once majestic city.</b> <b>In this episode, we will delve into the</b> <b>heart of the conflict that has</b> <b>transformed Karak Eight Peaks from a beacon</b> <b>of dwarf prosperity into a battlefield</b> <b>where the never-ending war between the</b> <b>most stubborn and ferocious of</b> <b>adversaries unfolds.</b> <b>"Today is a great day! Today we kill</b> <b>orks! Today is vengeance!"</b> <b>In the echoing vast halls of Karak Eight</b> <b>Peaks, the claying of weapons and cries</b> <b>of battle finally began to subside, as</b> <b>the Dwarves claimed a hard-fought victory</b> <b>over the Skaven forces.</b> <b>The once-teaming tide of ratmen caught in</b> <b>the relentless push of dwarven steel,</b> <b>scattered, fleeing into the shadowy</b> <b>network of tunnels and</b> <b>fissures from whence they came.</b> <b>The Dwarves knew all too well that the</b> <b>victory was but a fleeting moment in the</b> <b>age-old struggle for Karak Eight Peaks.</b> <b>The Skaven, as cunning as they were</b> <b>numerous, would regroup and return,</b> <b>driven by their insatiable hunger for</b> <b>conquering the stronghold</b> <b>for the Council of Thirteen.</b> <b>"Let them come! We will be waiting!"</b> <b>In another hall of the stronghold, across</b> <b>many dark tunnels, another</b> <b>bloody battle was taking place.</b> <b>A brutal clash unfolded between the</b> <b>marauding greenskins</b> <b>and the insidious Skaven.</b> <b>What began as a skirmish quickly</b> <b>escalated into a full-blown battle.</b> <b>As the conflict intensified, both sides</b> <b>poured in reinforcements, the narrow</b> <b>tunnels and vast halls becoming stages</b> <b>for a spectacle of violence and fury.</b> <b>The greenskins unleashed their most</b> <b>ferocious orcs and towering trolls, while</b> <b>the Skaven countered with their warlock</b> <b>engineers and monstrous rat-ogres.</b> <b>The air was thick with the din of</b> <b>war-cries and the clash of metal, as both</b> <b>races attacked each</b> <b>other with brutal savagery.</b> <b>The ground was littered with the fallen,</b> <b>and the battle raged on.</b> <b>With neither side yielding an inch,</b> <b>and the fight would continue in the</b> <b>shadowed corridor of one of the hundreds</b> <b>of halls in the legendary stronghold.</b> <b>Like this one, many battles are being</b> <b>constantly fought in the tunnels and</b> <b>halls of Karak Eight Peaks.</b> <b>From swift and deadly skirmishes to</b> <b>full-blown battles involving thousands of</b> <b>warriors from each side struggling for</b> <b>control of the stronghold.</b> <b>But to understand how the dwarves, the</b> <b>Skaven and the greenskins ended up in</b> <b>this bloody war of attrition, let's</b> <b>briefly talk about the</b> <b>tragic history of this place.</b> <b>However, before we dive in, we want to</b> <b>extend a shout-out to our Patrons and</b> <b>YouTube channel members, whose support is</b> <b>the foundation that enables us to bring</b> <b>you epic tales like this one.</b> <b>Conceived and constructed under the guidance of the finest Dwarf engineers and architects, </b> <b>Karak Eight Peaks was a marvel of stonework, </b> <b> a fortress as impregnable as it was splendid. </b> <b>Its vast halls and tunnel networks were carved deep into the heart of the mountains.</b> <b>The founding of the stronghold was marked by auspicious omens </b> <b>and grand celebrations that echoed through the Dwarf realms. </b> <b>It was built to stand eternal, with defenses that could repel any invader </b> <b>and vaults deep enough to secure the vast treasures and knowledge accumulated by the Dwarf race. </b> <b>Its eight peaks, each crowned with watchtowers and fortifications,</b> <b>surveyed the surrounding lands, establishing the dominion of the dwarfs over the mountains. </b> <b>It was also renowned for possessing the most extensive </b> <b>network of mines throughout the entirety of the Karaz Ankor,</b> <b>famed for containing vast reserves of precious metals and countless jewels.</b> <b>The architecture of Karak Eight Peaks was unrivaled,</b> <b>blending functionality with grandeur. </b> <b>Its gates were forged from the hardest metals, inscribed with runes of protection. </b> <b>The Great Hall, at the heart of the stronghold,</b> <b>was a masterpiece of artistry, its ceilings vaulted high and supported by columns </b> <b>carved into the likenesses of the Dwarf ancestors.</b> <b>The Throne Room, home to the ruling lord</b> <b>of the peaks, was adorned with precious</b> <b>stones and metals, reflecting the wealth</b> <b>and power of its inhabitants.</b> <b>The engineering feats of the dwarves also</b> <b>extended with an intricate network of</b> <b>mines, forges, and workshops that drove</b> <b>the stronghold's</b> <b>economy and military might.</b> <b>The forges of Karak Eight Peaks were</b> <b>legendary, producing weapons and armor</b> <b>that were coveted across the world.</b> <b>Beyond its military strength, Karak Eight</b> <b>Peaks was a center of culture and</b> <b>prosperity. Its libraries held vast</b> <b>collections of ancient texts and tomes,</b> <b>preserving the history and</b> <b>wisdom of the dwarf people.</b> <b>The stronghold's economy thrived on</b> <b>trade. Its markets were filled with goods</b> <b>from across the known world, and its</b> <b>wealth attracted merchants,</b> <b>diplomats, and adventurers.</b> <b>With all said, Karak Eight Peaks was not</b> <b>merely a stronghold. Its strategic</b> <b>position and its wealth and resources in</b> <b>ancient relics made it a</b> <b>prize worth more than gold.</b> <b>It was a place that demonstrated the</b> <b>glory of the dwarf empire at its zenith,</b> <b>a matter of pride for the stubborn race.</b> <b>Such wealth and prosperity was found</b> <b>beneath the mountains, and it is said</b> <b>that no dwarf had ever</b> <b>felt happier during this time.</b> <b>Yet, as history would tell, even the</b> <b>greatest of fortresses can fall</b> <b>and the shadows of conflict would soon envelop Karak Eight</b> <b>Peaks, marking the end of its golden age</b> <b>and the beginning of its longest siege.</b> <b>Due to the dark machinations of the Dark</b> <b>Elves and the foolish</b> <b>actions of a young Phoenix</b> <b>king, the dwarves were involved in the</b> <b>War of Vengeance, the</b> <b>War of the Ancients, or</b> <b>the War of the Beard,</b> <b>depending on whom one asks.</b> <b>It was a bloody conflict between the</b> <b>dwarves and the High Elves.</b> <b>This period was marked by relentless war,</b> <b>with millions of</b> <b>dwarves and elves clashing</b> <b>over the transgressions of the few.</b> <b>The dwarves expelled the elves and</b> <b>forested domains</b> <b>encircling their stronghold, a move</b> <b>that ironically accelerated their decline</b> <b>as the peak of</b> <b>prosperity for both races had</b> <b>been their trade and commerce.</b> <b>Yet the prolonged war, lasting for</b> <b>decades, resulted in a</b> <b>massive economic loss for both</b> <b>races.</b> <b>It took immeasurable damage and an untold</b> <b>number of lives from</b> <b>both sides before the</b> <b>death of the High Elves' Phoenix King</b> <b>marked the end of the grueling fighting.</b> <b>The elves retreated back to their home</b> <b>island of Ulthuan, and</b> <b>the dwarves retreated back</b> <b>to the mountains, both races weary of a</b> <b>war that had cost them greatly.</b> <b>Death comes to the Dwarven Realms.</b> <b>Not long after their hard-won victory</b> <b>over the High Elves,</b> <b>volcanic activities began</b> <b>to roar to life in the east, and the</b> <b>mountains began to buckle as an</b> <b>unprecedented cataclysm</b> <b>shook the world.</b> <b>Earthquakes shook the lands of the Old</b> <b>World, and volcanoes</b> <b>belched ash and rock, covering</b> <b>the lands in a blanket of destruction</b> <b>across the entire mountain range.</b> <b>Countless mines had collapsed to</b> <b>earthquakes, all of the holds were</b> <b>damaged, and the underway</b> <b>was partially ruined, blocked with</b> <b>rubble, floodwaters, or magma.</b> <b>The dwarves hid in their homes,</b> <b>weathering through this</b> <b>thunderous storm, unaware of</b> <b>the true danger that was about to come.</b> <b>With the sudden shakeup of gigantic</b> <b>proportions, orcs and goblins began to</b> <b>migrate in the hundreds</b> <b>of thousands westward until reaching the</b> <b>borders of the World's</b> <b>Edge Mountains, the home of</b> <b>the dwarves.</b> <b>The greenskins found in the mountains</b> <b>knew places to settle,</b> <b>but with the strong and</b> <b>stubborn dwarves already living there,</b> <b>they had to fight for</b> <b>every inch of land, </b> <b>for every cave and tunnel, </b> <b>for every Hall and for every stronghold.</b> <b>"After besting the elves, we scarcely had</b> <b>a moment's peace before the</b> <b>world itself began to shatter.</b> <b>Volcanoes erupted, and the land quaked so</b> <b>fiercely it seemed the</b> <b>very roots of the mountains were breaking. </b> <b>And as if called forth by the turmoil</b> <b>vast hordes of orcs and their</b> <b>vile kin descended upon us."</b> <b>The goblin wars erupted, and plunged the</b> <b>dwarf kingdom into chaos.</b> <b>Unsensing weakness, armies hungry for</b> <b>plunder appeared like</b> <b>wolves at the door, and the</b> <b>many invasions that followed triggered a</b> <b>series of battles that</b> <b>began even before the last</b> <b>of the earthquakes and</b> <b>eruptions had finished.</b> <b>The greenskins, a myriad of warbands, of</b> <b>orcs, goblins, and</b> <b>other creatures. They fought</b> <b>with a savage ferocity. They sought new</b> <b>lands, viewing the rich</b> <b>and storied halls of the</b> <b>dwarves as ripe for plunder and</b> <b>occupation. Their assaults were relentless.</b> <b>Wave after wave of snarling warriors came to</b> <b>take on the mountains and</b> <b>its rich holds. </b> <b>As rumors spread amongst the greenskin tribes, that</b> <b>fierce battles were</b> <b>taking place beneath the</b> <b>mountains, countless chieftains and</b> <b>warbosses sounded their</b> <b>horns to join the fray, ever</b> <b>hungry for proper battles to</b> <b>fight and places to conquer.</b> <b>The dwarves, on the other hand, were</b> <b>unyielding in the defense</b> <b>of their ancestral homes.</b> <b>These were not merely the places where</b> <b>they lived, but sacred</b> <b>grounds, imbued with the</b> <b>legacy and honor of countless generations.</b> <b>The dwarves fought with a</b> <b>determination fueled</b> <b>by their deep-rooted connection to the</b> <b>land and respect for</b> <b>their ancestors. </b> <b>Each hold, each tunnel, and every hall was defended</b> <b>with a fierce tenacity,</b> <b>for to lose them was to</b> <b>lose a part of themselves. The battles</b> <b>The battles between the greenskins and dwarves</b> <b>were merciless. The claying of iron, the</b> <b>roar of cannons, and</b> <b>the guttural war cries</b> <b>of the greenskins filled the air. The</b> <b>dwarves, renowned for their</b> <b>martial skill and craftsmanship,</b> <b>wielded weapons of unmatched quality,</b> <b>while the greenskins</b> <b>relied on their sheer numbers</b> <b>and brute strength. </b> <b>The mountains reverberated with the sounds</b> <b>of conflict, as neither side</b> <b>gave quarter, nor did they expect any in return. </b> <b>Enemies infiltrated through the unguarded</b> <b>tunnels and overwhelmed outposts with</b> <b>surprise attacks, but it</b> <b>was not just the greenskins</b> <b>that came to wreak havoc amongst the dwarves. </b> <b>The sinister Skaven erupted from the lower</b> <b>depths in endless numbers, and began to</b> <b>systematically attack and</b> <b>occupy numerous mining networks</b> <b>and miner holds all around the mountain range.</b> <b>It soon became apparent that the Skaven also</b> <b>intended to claim Karak eight peaks for themselves.</b> <b>The dwarves, already stretched thin from the</b> <b>relentless greenskin onslaught, </b> <b>found themselves fighting a war on two fronts. </b> <b>"...Every wrong is recorded, every slight against us, page after page, etched in blood.</b> <b>Clan Gurnisson, Karak Eight Peaks,</b> <b>Josef Bugman." </b> <b>A new era descended upon the dwarves</b> <b>of the World's Edge Mountains, threatening</b> <b>their very existence.</b> <b>Contact between many</b> <b>strongholds across the realms was lost,</b> <b>and far-flung mine works</b> <b>and outposts were truly on their own.</b> <b>The dwarf realm was reduced</b> <b>to isolated islands, each surrounded by a</b> <b>sea of foes, greenskins coming from the</b> <b>valley and into the mountains.</b> <b>And the Skaven rising from the darkness</b> <b>below. Every day life</b> <b>quickly became a constant battle</b> <b>for survival. This harsh new reality</b> <b>changed the nature of the</b> <b>dwarf realm forever.</b> <b>Born of darkness and bred in the foul depths</b> <b>of the Under Empire,</b> <b>the relentless attacks by</b> <b>the Skaven were characterized by</b> <b>subterfuge and overwhelming</b> <b>numbers. A nightmarish tide</b> <b>of fur, fang, and rusted blade that</b> <b>erupted without warning</b> <b>from the bowels of the earth.</b> <b>Skaven sappers, equipped with warp</b> <b>grinders, chewed through</b> <b>rock and dirt, stone and metal,</b> <b>gnawing at the very roots of the dwarf</b> <b>keep, pushing ever further</b> <b>until they made breakthroughs</b> <b>in several places, compromising the</b> <b>dwarves' positions. </b> <b>Despite the innumerable attacks,</b> <b>Karak eight peaks held firm, however. </b> <b>For no army could ever fight</b> <b>past the mighty defenses</b> <b>the dwarves had erected on the surface of</b> <b>their realm over the centuries.</b> <b>Although forced</b> <b>to relinquish many settlements and minor</b> <b>strongholds, no dwarf in their</b> <b>right mind would ever imagine</b> <b>abandoning the glorious kingdom of Karak</b> <b>Eight peaks. </b> <b>By the time the Skaven strike forces advanced towards Karak Eight peaks,</b> <b>intent on burrowing</b> <b>several passages for their armies</b> <b>to infiltrate, they discovered to their</b> <b>dismay that the dwarves</b> <b>had evolved their tactics</b> <b>of subterranean combat to thwart these</b> <b>incursions. The ratmen's</b> <b>assaults quickly met with formidable</b> <b>resistance. The once navigable tunnels</b> <b>and corridors were now a labyrinth of the two</b> <b>now a labyrinth of lethal traps.</b> <b>Additionally, the halls were</b> <b>defended by dwarves wielding</b> <b>superior rune-forged weaponry and clad in</b> <b>unmatched armor.</b> <b>Thousands of Skaven bodies</b> <b>lay dead, victims of the cruel and</b> <b>effective traps that the</b> <b>dwarves had set for them. The</b> <b>majority of the bodies were left there to rot.</b> <b>The defenders of</b> <b>Karak Eight Peaks had</b> <b>started deploying squads of ironbreakers,</b> <b>heavily armored</b> <b>warriors renowned for their</b> <b>unyielding defense of the underways.</b> <b>These guardians, with their</b> <b>robust and heavily armored</b> <b>forms, were particularly effective and</b> <b>the cramped confines</b> <b>beneath the stronghold, where</b> <b>the overwhelming numbers of the Skaven</b> <b>lost their advantage.</b> <b>Skaven units had somehow</b> <b>navigated past these vigilant patrols and</b> <b>burrowed further into dwarf</b> <b>territory, quickly encountered</b> <b>a new horror, well organized ranks of</b> <b>dwarf handgunners and the</b> <b>imposing presence of cannon</b> <b>batteries. The dwarves artillery teams,</b> <b>with precise and</b> <b>practice movements, ignited the</b> <b>fuses of their war machines, unleashing</b> <b>devastating barrages</b> <b>towards the vile Skaven. The boom</b> <b>of cannon fire and the crackle of</b> <b>thunderer volleys filled</b> <b>the underground spaces, and</b> <b>with overwhelming firepower, they mowed</b> <b>down the Skaven invaders.</b> <b>The tunnels reverberated</b> <b>with the cacophony of gunfire and the</b> <b>resonant war cries of the dwarfs. </b> <b>Confronted with the dwarves seemingly impenetrable</b> <b>defenses. The Skaven warlord</b> <b>clans turned to the Council</b> <b>of Thirteen for strategic advice. </b> <b>The formulation of their plan</b> <b>spanned nearly ten generations,</b> <b>but ultimately promising assured victory</b> <b>and total dominion over the dwarf kingdom.</b> <b>The initial phase involved persuading the</b> <b>local greenskin war</b> <b>bosses and their tribes</b> <b>to temporarily halt their infighting. </b> <b>To join forces in an</b> <b>assault on the dwarves surface</b> <b>and upper level defenses. </b> <b>The Skaven meticulously synchronized their</b> <b>subterranean attacks with</b> <b>the greenskin's surface raids,</b> <b>overwhelming the dwarves from both</b> <b>directions and gradually</b> <b>forcing them to cede territory.</b> <b>“We are honored to dreng the Orcs from the front, let them face our might!”</b> <b>"Our once unbreakable stronghold</b> <b>was besieged on all fronts.</b> <b>Stretching our defenses thinner than ever</b> <b>before, we stood</b> <b>firm. But amidst the chaos</b> <b>of battle and the clamor of our foes, a</b> <b>grave concern took root in our hearts;</b> <b>we were perilously close to losing grasp of our mighty stronghold.”</b> <b>The strategy's second phase was a sinister</b> <b>campaign of slow poisoning, as the Skaven</b> <b>introduced deadly</b> <b>warpstone toxins into the</b> <b>dwarfs water supplies and reservoirs.</b> <b>In the ensuing months, the</b> <b>once resilient dwarves</b> <b>began to succumb to the insidious effects</b> <b>of the contamination,</b> <b>their vitality sapped</b> <b>by the relentless assault on</b> <b>their bodies from the inside.</b> <b>Following this,</b> <b>The Skaven made dark</b> <b>pacts with Clan Mulder.</b> <b>to procure ferocious giant rats for</b> <b>surprise raids on the</b> <b>debilitated dwarf defenders.</b> <b>However, it was the introduction of</b> <b>diabolical Skaven inventions that</b> <b>turned the tide of the war decisively.</b> <b>The warp fire thrower, a devastating</b> <b>weapon, proved instrumental in breaching</b> <b>the stout dwarf shield walls,</b> <b>its intense heat and force cleaving</b> <b>through the defenders</b> <b>with horrifying efficiency.</b> <b>As the dwarves lost control of their</b> <b>mines and strongholds,</b> <b>their resolve remained unbroken,</b> <b>though their situation</b> <b>grew increasingly dire.</b> <b>The skaven's use of poisoned wind globes,</b> <b>fragile spheres filled with lethal gas,</b> <b>introduced a new horror to</b> <b>the already bloody conflict.</b> <b>The deadly vapors, impervious to armor,</b> <b>impervious to any amount of sheer</b> <b>willpower, claimed many lives,</b> <b>leaving countless dwarf warriors to</b> <b>agonize and perish in the pitch dark</b> <b>beneath the mountains.</b> <b>After enduring over a century of</b> <b>relentless warfare, King Lun made the</b> <b>heart-wrenching decision</b> <b>to leave Karak Eight Peaks</b> <b>behind, where only death reigned.</b> <b>He ordered to seal the sacred tombs and</b> <b>safeguard whatever treasures they could</b> <b>not transport with them,</b> <b>commanding his people to carve a path out</b> <b>of their besieged realm.</b> <b>With a vow to reclaim their</b> <b>home, the dwarves retreated.</b> <b>The victorious skaven clans declared the</b> <b>kingdom theirs, dubbing</b> <b>it the City of Pillars,</b> <b>and marking the end of</b> <b>an era for the dwarves.</b> <b>"In the centuries I have been to High King,</b> <b>Our enemies have thought us weak.</b> <b>Cowards hiding in the</b> <b>deepest and darkest places.</b> <b>Fools.</b> <b>Karak eight peaks is built in a natural</b> <b>amphitheater, ringed by</b> <b>eight snow-covered peaks.</b> <b>The city above ground lay in ruins,</b> <b>swarming with the thousands of greenskins</b> <b>that were able to breach the defenses</b> <b>when the dwarves departed.</b> <b>They claimed the upper</b> <b>levels of the city for themselves,</b> <b>while the skaven and other nameless</b> <b>monsters roam the network of dark</b> <b>halls, mines, and tombs below.</b> <b>In places where it is too far for the</b> <b>light of the sun to reach,</b> <b>the skaven now battle the orcs and</b> <b>goblins that they themselves first</b> <b>coerced into attacking.</b> <b>They pit their might and guile against</b> <b>each other in a savage series of battles</b> <b>for domination of the former dwarf holds,</b> <b>an endless war that</b> <b>continues to this day.</b> <b>Ever since its fall, the descendants of</b> <b>King Lunn, the last king to rule Karak</b> <b>Eight Peaks, have</b> <b>tried to reclaim the hold,</b> <b>and each time being</b> <b>repulsed with terrific losses.</b> <b>The most recent attempt being made by</b> <b>Belegar Ironhammer, direct</b> <b>descendant of Lunn Ironhammer,</b> <b>and known by his followers as the true</b> <b>rightful king of Karak Eight Peaks.</b> <b>By this point, many</b> <b>expeditions had ended in failure,</b> <b>as the greenskins and skaven were</b> <b>entrenched too deeply into</b> <b>Karak eight peaks already.</b> <b>But the dwarves, out of their</b> <b>stubbornness or their pride, were eager</b> <b>to reconquer their old stronghold.</b> <b>To arm Belegar's forces, Thorek Ironbrow,</b> <b>the esteemed master</b> <b>runesmith of Karak Azul,</b> <b>meticulously crafted new axes and</b> <b>hammers, each engraved with potent runes.</b> <b>Meanwhile, Thorgrim Grudgebearer himself,</b> <b>the High King of the Dwarves, bestowed</b> <b>upon Belegar's warriors venerable weapons</b> <b>from his extensive treasure trove.</b> <b>It was an assembly reminiscent of the</b> <b>ancient Epochs, a time when whole legions</b> <b>marched into battle,</b> <b>their hands gripping runic weapons, and</b> <b>their bodies clad in armor,</b> <b>imbued with protective runes.</b> <b>Belegar and his followers of Clan</b> <b>Angrund, numbering around 500 dwarf</b> <b>warriors, broke through the outer</b> <b>defenses and fought their</b> <b>way into their ancient home,</b> <b>fully intent of</b> <b>recovering their rightful kingdom.</b> <b>Slowly, they found and sealed off the</b> <b>tunnels the goblins and Skaven had used</b> <b>to breach the city, while closing</b> <b>chambers and halls that were too</b> <b>corrupted or damaged</b> <b>to ever be recovered.</b> <b>"Let him see what Dawi of the Angrund clan are made of!"</b> <b>Through hard-fought battles against</b> <b>greenskins and Skaven alike, Belegar and</b> <b>his men managed to establish a solid</b> <b>foothold, largely confined to the surface</b> <b>and upper levels of the mountain,</b> <b>and fortified it against the inevitable</b> <b>counter-attacks that surely would come.</b> <b>And as expected, night goblins assailed</b> <b>them, in overwhelming tides many</b> <b>thousands of times their number.</b> <b>The dwarfs held strong, with a power of</b> <b>war engines and a wall of</b> <b>steel that no foe could pass.</b> <b>Despite being under a near-continuous siege,</b> <b>Belegar and his dwarfs stood firm</b> <b>against the waves of attackers that</b> <b>sought to destroy their</b> <b>place amongst the ruins.</b> <b>The chieftain of the greenskins called</b> <b>off the ineffective</b> <b>attacks after a few days.</b> <b>Greenskin losses were in the tens of</b> <b>thousands, but Skarsnik knew he could</b> <b>afford to take such</b> <b>casualties daily if need be.</b> <b>The assault was merely a probe, and he</b> <b>now guessed what the dwarfs were up to.</b> <b>So the shrewd night goblin leader</b> <b>proceeded with the next part of his</b> <b>devious plan to kill</b> <b>these prideful dwarfs.</b> <b>Skarsnik is the leader of the night</b> <b>goblins of the crooked Moon Tribe, and</b> <b>the most feared goblin</b> <b>of Karak Eight Peaks.</b> <b>He is a mastermind when it comes to</b> <b>laying complex ambushes</b> <b>and setting elaborate traps.</b> <b>It is said that the abominable deeds done by Skarsnik</b> <b>have gained their own chapter in the Book of Grudges of the dwarves.</b> <b>Although a fierce fighter</b> <b>himself, what really</b> <b>makes Skarsnik a formidable</b> <b>fighter is his ever-present pet,</b> <b>the great cave Squid named</b> <b>Gobbla, a beast grown huge</b> <b>by a steady diet of goblins, dwarves, and skaven.</b> <b>The great Squig was but a tiny squiggling.</b> <b>When Skarsnik rescued it from the brink</b> <b>of death, this act of</b> <b>mercy is a rarity among</b> <b>the greenskins, a culture characterized</b> <b>by its "survival of the</b> <b>fittest" ethos. Yet, this</b> <b>early intervention by Skarsnik fostered</b> <b>an unbreakable bond</b> <b>between the two. </b> <b>From that moment forward, Gobbla has stood by</b> <b>Skarsnik as an unwaveringly</b> <b>loyal and eternally hungry companion.</b> <b> While the allegiance of his</b> <b>fellow goblins chieftains and warlords</b> <b>might be questioned,</b> <b>Gobbla's fidelity is beyond doubt. Having</b> <b>saved Skarsnik's life on many occasions,</b> <b>and as a showcase of their deep bond.</b> <b>or perhaps to drive fear into the hearts</b> <b>of his enemies and allies alike.</b> <b>Skarsnik constantly feeds the Great Squig</b> <b>with the succulent</b> <b>flesh of prisoners and fools</b> <b>that dare to question his tactics.</b> <b>Through ruthlessness and cunning,</b> <b>Skarsnik has risen to</b> <b>command in the midst of the bitter</b> <b>and ongoing three-way battle between the</b> <b>greenskins, the dwarves</b> <b>that want to reclaim their lost</b> <b>strongholds, and the vast army of the</b> <b>Skaven that lurk in the</b> <b>lower levels of Karak Eight Peaks.</b> <b>As Dwarfs attempt to venture in or out of the stronghold, </b> <b>he relentlessly pursues them with hunting parties </b> <b>to then display their beard on tall poles for all within the citadel walls to see. </b> <b>His cunning is unmatched, consistently</b> <b>drawing the dwarves into one deadly</b> <b>ambush after another.</b> <b>"So predictable, these</b> <b>stunties act like clockworks!"</b> <b>While also dealing with the vile Skaven</b> <b>that want to take the upper levels of the</b> <b>stronghold for themselves.</b> <b>Under the leadership of Skarsnik, the</b> <b>crooked Moon Tribe has ascended to become</b> <b>the preeminent greenskins</b> <b>force within Karak Eight Peaks.</b> <b>All other chieftains and warlords</b> <b>acknowledge Skarsnik as</b> <b>the "King of the Eight Peaks."</b> <b>With their growing strength, the</b> <b>Skirmishes intensified, not just with the</b> <b>neighboring dwarf contingents</b> <b>but with Greenskin armies as well,</b> <b>marking a tumultuous era of conflict and strife under his rule.</b> <b>Queek Headtaker, Warlord of Clan Mors,</b> <b>has vowed to one day place the head of</b> <b>Skarsnik on his trophy rack.</b> <b>"We will give them battle. Yes, yes...</b> <b>I'll take many beards this day-day."</b> <b>The once great kingdom of the bearded</b> <b>ones is now the fortress lair of the</b> <b>powerful clan commanded by Queek.</b> <b>Queek is distinguished not just by his</b> <b>fearsome prowess in battle, but also by</b> <b>his insatiable lust for trophies,</b> <b>specifically the heads of his enemies,</b> <b>which he collects with a zeal that is</b> <b>unsettling even by Skaven's standards.</b> <b>He adorns his lair and his armor with the</b> <b>severed heads of his victims.</b> <b>A macabre trophy collection that serves</b> <b>as a warning to all who dare cross him.</b> <b>This obsession with head-taking has</b> <b>earned him his moniker of head-taker,</b> <b>and a reputation as relentless hunter of</b> <b>not just dwarves and greenskins,</b> <b>but also fellow Skaven</b> <b>who stand in his way.</b> <b>He is also known for his volatile temper</b> <b>and unpredictability,</b> <b>traits that make him as much a danger to</b> <b>his allies as to his enemies.</b> <b>However, his tactical acumen and success</b> <b>in expanding the territories of Clan</b> <b>Mors under the shadow of the Council of</b> <b>Thirteen cannot be understated.</b> <b>Unlike many of his kin who</b> <b>rely on numbers and deceit,</b> <b>Queek is known to lead from the front,</b> <b>charging into the fray</b> <b>with his trusted Red Guard,</b> <b>a unit of elite Stormvermin that are as</b> <b>deadly as they are loyal.</b> <b>His aggressive tactics and personal</b> <b>bravery are anomalies within the</b> <b>typically cautious and</b> <b>backstabbing Skaven society.</b> <b>Skaven labor groups and strike forces are</b> <b>always expanding and digging new tunnels</b> <b>and passages to attack their foes from</b> <b>the most unexpected of places,</b> <b>inevitably infesting old</b> <b>places that they can scurry to.</b> <b>Understanding the intrinsic value of</b> <b>surprise in the</b> <b>confined spaces of the tunnels,</b> <b>the vile Skaven of Clan Mors frequently</b> <b>orchestrate ambushes</b> <b>against their enemies.</b> <b>The Vermin, well acquainted with the</b> <b>twisting maze of the Underways, strike</b> <b>swiftly and retreat before their victims</b> <b>can mount a coordinated response.</b> <b>This hit and run style of warfare creates</b> <b>confusion and even fear among the</b> <b>greenskins and dwarves,</b> <b>gradually wearing them down.</b> <b>In the endless conflict for dominance</b> <b>over Karak Eight Peaks, Queek Headtaker</b> <b>stands out as a pivotal figure for the</b> <b>efforts of Clan Mors in the war.</b> <b>His personal vendetta against Belegar</b> <b>Ironhammer, the rightful</b> <b>dwarf king of Karak Eight Peaks,</b> <b>and his rivalry with Skarsnik, the</b> <b>warlord of the crooked Moon tribe, have</b> <b>led to some of the most brutal</b> <b>confrontations in the bloody conflict.</b> <b>Queek's ambition is nothing less than the</b> <b>total annihilation of the dwarf defenders</b> <b>and their greenskin adversaries.</b> <b>Seeking to claim the ultimate prize of</b> <b>Karak Eight Peaks for Clan Mors, and</b> <b>more importantly, for himself.</b> <b>And so it goes in Karak Eight Peaks.</b> <b>Below the mountain ranges of the World's</b> <b>Edge Mountains, rages a bloody war of</b> <b>attrition between the three races.</b> <b>Inch by inch, tunnel by tunnel, each step</b> <b>forward is paid in blood.</b> <b>The battle grinds on and on in a</b> <b>permanent state of siege.</b> <b>Not a day goes by in Karak Eight Peaks</b> <b>without some plot, probing raid, ambush,</b> <b>assassination, or full-scale assault.</b> <b>Greenskins, Skaven, and dwarves fight incessantly</b> <b>and with each new tunnel</b> <b>invasion or bitterly</b> <b>contested counter-attack,</b> <b>the underground warfare evolves.</b> <b>"One wrong put right, but the Great Book</b> <b>of Grudges remains full."</b> <b>Thank you for joining us on this journey</b> <b>through one of Warhammer Fantasy's most</b> <b>legendary strongholds.</b> <b>If you've enjoyed delving into the depths</b> <b>of Karak Eight Peaks with us, please</b> <b>consider sharing and subscribing to our</b> <b>channel for more</b> <b>Warhammer Fantasy content.</b> <b>And if you're interested in supporting</b> <b>our work further, becoming a producer on</b> <b>our Patreon page offers you a unique</b> <b>opportunity to contribute to the creation</b> <b>of content like this.</b> <b>Plus access to our Discord server, your</b> <b>name on the credits, and more.</b> <b>We thank you for watching, and we'll see</b> <b>you on the next one.</b>
Channel: The Book of Choyer
Views: 54,726
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cinematic Battle, Warhammer Lore, Warhammer Fantasy Battle, Warhammer Fantasy Lore, karak eight peaks warhammer 3, war for karak eight peaks, warhammer fantasy karak eight peaks, queek headtaker lore, belegar ironhammer, belegar ironhammer lore, skarsnik lore, skarsnik immortal empires, warhammer lore explained, warhammer fantasy lore explained, warhammer fantasy lore for beginners, warhammer fantasy lore skaven, warhammer fantasy lore timeline, warhammer fantasy lore dwarves
Id: qyXtG2Ki74Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 9sec (2589 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2024
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