Dreadnought Legacy: Immortality on the battlefield l Warhammer 40k Lore

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to the vast majority of mortal denisons within the Imperium the Space Marines are Immortal Champions dispatched by the emperor himself for their safeguarding yet akin to the majority of biological existence across the Galaxy even the Space Marines are mortal within the Imperium however exists a technology permitting the estares to battle for the realm of mankind even after receiving mortal wounds for the greatest of Heroes never perish they invariably return clad in steel the origins of these cybernetic combat Walkers remain a mystery yet the Appalachian dreadn Echoes from the times of the age of Technology the precise appearance of these Contraptions is lost to Antiquity but their widespread presence was undeniable found amongst the techn Barbarian tribes and distant human polies as well as within the early adherence of the machine cult on Mars these engines of War shared several traits they were of modest size permitting operation by the common folk however similarities ended there each Dreadnaught was modified to suit specific Necessities rendering the identification of the original model impossible with the Advent of the Imperium era prototypes of these Walkers would be utilized to develop the space marinees dreadnots thus christened as Proto dreadnots the Imperium boasts a vast array of diverse dreadn models yet now all war machines are more standardized with their pilots being exclusively wounded Space Marines or custodes though the latter may volunteer for inment within the sarcophagus willingly yes a burial it is indeed for once a pilot is inomed within a dreadnut they are doomed to wage war in its confines until death claims them many civilians and even members of the Imperial Guard perceive dreadnots as mere Walkers akin to Imperial Knights or the Battle Suits common amongst the adeptus mechanicus but this this is not so yet few are inclined to dispel such rumors what then Becomes of an aartis before they ascend to become a full-fledged pilot of a dreadn The Chosen Space Marine is submerged in amniotic fluids and surgically implanted into an armored sarcophagus through the use of thought impulse units they are then connected to the sensory systems that allow them to hear and see as though they were still made of Flesh and Blood additional a Vox system is connected to the sarcophagus enabling the aares to communicate with their Brethren once the sarcophagus is sealed the pilot remains interred within until their demise in battle the sarcophagus equipped with a life support Vault grants the Space Marine a form of biological immortality but this Boon comes with a dark downside as centuries pass the hero's mind gradually loses its grip on reality making them increasingly difficult to awaken there is also no definitive evidence to suggest whether a warrior inomed within a sarcophagus might eventually succumb to Madness furthermore not every Space Marine who sustains Grievous injuries will be inomed in a Dreadnaught for there are several compelling reasons for this firstly the technology to forge new dreadnots has been lost to the Mists of time with but fragments of knowledge remaining allowing the creation of but a negligible number of new Walkers this gives rise to the second reason why not all aartis are eternally encased in metal to be inomed within a sarcophagus is a privilege awarded only to a venerated veteran of the chapter for A Warrior's experience is far too vast and valuable to be lost in all chapters of the estares burial within a Dreadnaught is the greatest honor that Brethren can bestow upon a mortally wounded hero however it is the chapter Master alone who decides who is worthy of the sarcophagus after to Consulting with the chief Apothecary and the company chaplain of the troop in which the Fallen brother served by tradition each dreadnut Bears a scroll upon its sarcophagus inscribed with the name of the hero currently resting within when a new warrior becomes the pilot of a dreadnut the machine assumes his name in any case if a warrior is deemed worthy he likely will be inomed in a castrum model dreadnut this model is considered the most widespread throughout the entire ire Imperium as it boasts a broad array of weaponry and surprisingly lends itself well to modification the exact origin of the castra ferum remains unknown but according to the Imperial archives it was forged or rediscovered simultaneously or after the contempor Dreadnaught the castra ferum features an exceedingly unadorned and simple design with angular armored chassis equipped with a pair of legs and a pair of manipulators bearing weapons which are propelled by Power Fibers and Magna coils dread norts are sheathed in enormous plates of cast adamantium armor the thickest of these plates saf guard their shoulders sarcophagus and leg apparatus defending the most vital components the least armored are their dorsal surfaces depending on the Tactical objective a dreadnut may be armed with a variety of Weaponry yet one of its limbs is always equipped with a melee weapon this could be a power claw or power fist it might exponentially surpass that of its infantry counterparts typically mounted beneath the close combat Armament is either a stormbolter or a heavy flamer for engaging infantry masses however the primary force of Devastation in a dreadnut comes from its ranged Armament the Arsenal of a dreadn is vastly diverse capable of being armed with nearly every weapon known to the Imperium from assault cannons to heavy plasma weapons or multi melters also at its disposal a combined variants of Auto and L cannons heavy bolters as well as missile launchers by the 42nd Millennium the Space Marine chapters remain armed with the castrum type four and five dreadnots these dreadnots were first forged upon the forge worlds of Mars and inadian they boast 75 mm plating and reach a height of 3.7 M the length of such dreadnots is 2.2 M with a breadth of 3.4 M this model can achieve velocities up to 10 km per hour and weighs 12 tons the majority of the Imperium Scholars and the adeptus mechanicus deem that the widespread adoption of the castra ferum is primarily due to its more diminutive stature and simpler power plant thereby superseding the more technologically advanced and cumbersome contempor the lower profile of the castrum permits it to navigate spaces where the contempor could not enabling dreadnots to partake in assaults upon the starfaring nomads and vessels as well as engage in urban Warfare within the relatively constrained confines of City ruins moreover the castrum boasts a rather Elementary power system a standard Thermon nuclear reactor a commonality amongst the war machines of the Space Marines we shall now delve into the models of dread norts whose the Prototype traces back to the castrum the mortise pattern dreadnut distinguishes itself from its Brethren through the integration of The Cutting Edge helical targeting system and the exclusive employment of long-range Weaponry the Genesis of the mortise dreadnut traces back to the era of the great Crusade when the legions demanded heavy fire support and formidable air defense systems in the nent stages of the great Crusade and throughout the Horus heresy the primary chassis for mortis dreadnots was the venerable cont tempter however with the cessation of the Civil War the Space Marines transitioned to the castra ferum chassis the most significant Advantage as well as drawback of the mortis model lies within its targeting system comprised of the most advanced avgar and cogitators despite its remarkable precision and efficacy the helical system is exceedingly fragile and consumes an inordinate amount of energy thus halting the dreadnut amidst its barrage nonetheless a pair of heavy weapons equipping The Dread nort is capable of annihilating any Target as dictated by the mission at hand the mortis is capable of bearing any variety of long-ranged weapon generally mounted upon castrum class dreadnots yet in the 42nd Millennium the model is exceedingly rare only the Dark Angels and their successors have retained the technology to produce this variant of dreadn similar to the mortis the hell fire dreadn also serves as a platform for heavy fire support however this model is never armed with identical Weaponry the left arm of the dreadnut is invariably equipped with a missile launcher housing eight crack missiles unlike the mortise patent dreadnut the Hellfire is capable of unleashing its Firepower even as it advances upon the foe yet the next two incarnations diverge significantly from those aord described The castrum Siege patent redn forsakes long ranged armaments in favor of The Inferno Cannon huge variant of the standard flame weapon in close combat this dreadn wields an assault drill upon which is mounted a heavy flamer such armaments can breach any fortification be it of stone or reinforced concrete the heavy flamer then reduces Defenders to Ash the moment their Sanctuary is breached the sight of a Siege dreadnut advancing incinerating all in its path often compelled the enemy to cast aside their arms or flee in despair additional armaments such as a stormbolter or twin hunter killer missile launchers may be affixed to the dreadnut instead of The Inferno Cannon The Siege dreadnut can be outfitted with a multim melter or a flame storm Cannon however this variant moves with deliberate slowness its maximum velocity reaches but 8 km per hour though it is lighter by half a ton than its Brethren the iron clad patent dreadnut continues the lineage of engineering laid down by The Siege dread norts its frontal armor is bolstered by thick ceramite plates but this additional protection comes at the cost of Versatility in the vast and unending war that consumes the Galaxy the Ironclad dreadnut stands as a beacon of Imperial might primarily deployed to breach the fortify defenses of The Emperor's foes unlike its Siege counterparts it lacks the heavy longrange weapon that characterizes the artillery of the adepto aartis its crowning Armament is the hurricane Bolter a weapon of righteous Fury extremely effective against the mass ranks of infantry that dare stand against it however its wroth is less potent against armored Walker of War often the Ironclad is not fitted with any instruments of longrange death at all opting instead to mount upon each of its hulking arms instruments of Close Quarter Doom the power claw the seismic hammer or the chainfist while the might of the powerclaw and chainfist Echo the destructive prowess of their lesser infantry based kin the seismic Hammer is a tool of Devastation unique to the dreadnots Arsenal depending on the forge that birthed it the seismic Hammer might resemble a massive Hammer its head adorned with the noble Eagle a symbol of the Imperium as seen on hammers of the fourth design or it might look like a more technologically advanced construct akin to those of the fifth design the type five seismic Hammer boasts four drills that penetrate the walls of heresy and secure the Hammer's striking mechanism to a targeted section of the fortification yet regardless of the design the principle behind the seismic Hammer's operation Remains the Same through the might of hydraulic mechanisms the Hammer's striking part impacts the wall with thunderous velocity unleashing a devastating shock wave that turns the material of defenses into dust and debris additionally a melter gun is mounted on the Hammer's casing to soften the Blasphemous fortifications before striking the addition of extra plating has increased the size of the Ironclad it now Towers above its Brethren models by a full 10 cm a testament to its enhanced durability and its role as a harbinger of Destruction for the enemies of man the armor has been augmented by a considerable measure of 10 mm from 75 to 85 yet the velocity of the dreadnut remains capable of attaining a speed of 10 km per hour even though its mass has increased by a metric ton among the notable features of this dreadnut variant the installation of hunter killer missile arrays and assault grenade launchers is most worthy of mention subsequent incarnations of the dreadnut known as castrum were conceived within the sacred forges of the chapter and did not attain widespread dissemination the Furioso variant was birthed by the master of the forge of the blood angels in the 35th Millennium on Bal reflecting the proclivity of his chapter for close quarter combat the master of the forge modified the standard castrum into an Assault Vanguard unit for the dread nort two types of melee weaponry and one long-ranged Armament later to be adopted by the foot soldiers were devised the Furioso employs either the bloodclaw or the blood fists for close combat in principle the blood Claw is akin to the lightning claw wielded by the Space Marines four blades ensconced in an energy field Amplified by the might of the dreadnut transform the bloodclaw into a terrorizing weapon in the throws of melee a dreadnut is capable of sundering entire enemy detachments with a single sweep conversely the blood fist resembles the typical dreadnut claw albeit with elongated digits which facilitate the shredding of armor and the rending of Flesh with greater efficacy than its standard counterpart as with all dreadnots the Furioso model has the capability for the mounting of additional Weaponry on its arms dedicated to close combat beyond the standard issue storm bolters and flamethrowers the installation of melter weapons is possible for more heavy caliber Weaponry the option for a fragmentation Cannon exists this weapon too was devised by the blood angels embodying a high caliber Canon cannon that discharges Long Hollow adamantium projectiles that shatter into hundreds of shards upon firing the sharp shrapnel can penetrate the sturdy ceramite armor of aares and the thick kiten of the tyranids with equal facility however there have been recorded instances wherein the shrapnel from this Armament was halted by mere standard infantry armor it is also imperative to mention the dread norts forged by the blood angels based on the Furioso template the death company dreadn and the librarian dreadn the former variant differs from its progenitor merely color and the fact that it encases a brother struck down by the black rage it is noteworthy that the Affliction seized the space Marine's mind when he was already bound within the dreadn sarcophagus for it would be Folly to confine aarti wounded and already taken by the black rage within another distinctive feature of the standard model is the configuration of the death company Dreadnaught it always represents an assault variant outfitted with fists or talons the Dreadnaught librarian also stands as a storming variant of the Dreadnaught Furioso yet it is not a mere battle brother that is inomed within but a librarian this variation of dreadnut is armed with blood fists integrated with a stormbolter and a nemesis Force halberd moreover the sarcophagus that cradles The Librarian Is equipped with psychic hoods for the focusing of psycho Powers subsequent iterations of the dreadnut castrum were also forged within the forges of different orders yet they differ only in their armaments and the internal systems the fenrisian great axes much like the Bloody Angels bear a flaw hence some of their dreadnots starkly resemble those employed by the death company This concerns the dreadnots whose Pilots have succumbed to the curse of wolfen as soon as the iron priests perceive that the soul of the honored brother has edged a step closer to its feral Essence they replace the dreadnut standard Weaponry with that of close combat for all that the wolfen dreadnut now desires is to Rend and tear aunder upon such a dreadn one might either fit the claws of the Great Wolf which in their functioning principles Echo the blood claw or indeed a weapon unique amongst all dreadnots this refers to the fenrisian great axes a massive power axe the height of a Space Marine is forged only in the heart of the Great Wolf's fortresses and for obvious reasons can be wielded only by a dreadnut in addition to this the wolfen dreadn Bears in its other hand a vast Storm Shield known as the blizzard Shield the blizzard Shields force field and inhanced resilience bestow upon the dread norts the fortitude to persevere through the darest of circumstances it is noteworthy that by some Arcane curse the wolfen blight afflicts even the spirit of the dreadnots machine sheine kindling within it a more ferocious disposition yet it remains enshrouded in mystery whether it finds Solace after the Pilot's demise however the dreadnots of the grey Knights though outwardly resembling the standard castrum pattern Harbor technological Mysteries specifically wrought for this esteemed order in Mirror to the demon Hunter's armor the Dreadnaught is shielded by egis armor empowering it to repel the onslaught of demons and the malevolent Pyers moreover there exists a unique pattern amongst the grey Knights dreadnots christened the Doom glaive its nomenclature stems from the Nemesis Doom glaive with which this dreadnut is armed in conjunction with its right hand being outfitted with a massive sa Canon capable of decimating Legions of demons with a singular volley this variant of dreadnut was forged amidst the gonher Rebellion when the seventh chapter of the greay knights faced an entire Army of blood letters only the psychic Weaponry mounted on the dreadnots allowed the Brotherhood to Halt the Demonic incursion since those ancient times the Doom glaive has been enshrined within the order's Armory deployed onto the Battlegrounds where the grey Knights anticipate clashing against vast hordes of demons like the librarian dreadnots these demon hunting Walkers stand as the mightiest of Pyers who have time and again safeguarded their brothers from the the scourge of the war Additionally the grey Knight's veneration of their dreadnots diverges from the customs of other orders dreadnots of the grey Knights are regarded as living connections to the origins of the order more ancient artifacts than instruments of war living embodiments of the imperium's grand victories and Echoes of ancient times furthermore it is often only the grand Masters and captains who are encased with in these venerable Machines of War further elevating the reverence bestowed upon them however with their vast experience dreadnots can often lead a strike force of the grey Knights or Marshall Half A brotherhood to assail the foe from an unexpected flank yet despite the big experience these dreadnots possess the grey Knights are loow to disturb their Slumber only when it becomes evident that the battle cannot be won by the hands of Mortals does an ancient awaken within the depths of the Hall of Heroes the command of the chapter believes that to Rouse The Dread norts constantly would dishonor the sacrifice they once made thus after a grievous battle the ancient returns to Titan there to rest and await the next great battle in conclusion one must not fail to mention two variants of the dreadnut of the castrum pattern the death guard dreadnots and the venerable vble dreadnots as for the venerable dreadn it is not so much a separate model as it is a title bestowed upon a brother who has battled alongside the chapter for Millennia they are keepers of ancient wisdom whose knowledge even a chapter Master would seek to harness regardless of whether the dreadn contained the spirit of a common battle brother yet prolonged service adversely affects the sanity of the ancient making it increasingly difficult for him to awaken with each passing cycle but the master of the four Forge would nonetheless expend resources to sustain such a Dreadnaught even when there's a high risk that it may never awaken again in the venerable dreadn it becomes a challenge to recognize the castrum model for over Millennia they have received numerous modifications and were at times repaired with parts from other chassis moreover these dreadnots are often armed with weapons more ancient and unstable than those wielded by their younger Brethren an example of such Armament is the Power Fist of the venerable dreadnut which instead of a four-fingered claw manifests as a fully anatomically correct hand with five fingers above all it is in the dreadnots known as venerable the chaplain rest who throughout the ages have offered their spiritual leadership and projected their hatred towards the enemies of the Imperium after the burial of its chassis the dreadnut is usually adorned with the sacred symbols of the faith making it resemble the armor of a chaplain Death Watch dread norts can also be regarded as venerable to some extent as this Warrior formation possesses exceedingly few combat walking Walker the Space Marine who is to be inomed within the sarcophagus essentially swears to serve as a member of the death watch until death for he shall never return to his chapter yet a brother mortally wounded still Harbors a chance to return to his order for oft do many Kill teams of the adeptus aartis employ the sarcophagi of dread norts to transport their wounded to the Bastion of the death watch however should the injured brother wish to remain amidst the zenos Slayers he must seek the permission of his orders Master before pledging his eternal service to the death watch within the majority of these specific orders fortresses dreadnut serve as living Archives of data having witnessed a plethora of different xenos over centuries of service upon encountering a particularly perilous species the ancient is roused to consult its Sage advice often offering strategies to combat various aliens for it once waged battle against them moreover the Death Watch dreadnots are frequently modified to meet the specific needs of the kill team a practice that stirs unease amongst the more conservative of the adeptus aartis throughout the existence of the death watch the masters of the forge have devised numerous modifications and new armaments specifically honed for the extermination of particular xenos threats thus some dreadnots were armed with Siege hammers of the legio cybernetica to assale the fortifications Of Orcs but there exists another reason why the Death Watch seldom deploys dreadnots a mission requiring stealth becomes an impossibility due to the Walker's size and the clamor it produces in motion furthermore not all surfaces can bear the weight of such a war machine thus if dread norts are deployed it is only as forces of protection or assault delivering them to the battlefield in drop pod aboard thunderhawks or through the ethers of teleportation the second model in popularity amongst dreadnots is the contempor this dreadnut was vastly widespread during the eras of the great Crusade and the Horus heresy but over the Ages was supplanted by the more simplistic castrum in this age of Darkness where the light of the emperor grows dim against the encroaching Shadows such weapons of antiquity serve as a grim reminder of the might that once was and the lengths to which the faithful must go to reclaim their former glory in the pantheon of close combat armaments the contempor stands nearly in the same Echelon as the castrum if not surpassing it with further options the contempor incendius forged solely within the sacred mechanicum Enclave on the moons of B Bears resemblance to the venerable dreadnut Furioso armed with a power claw that enshrines heavy flamers within its Gauntlet the incendius boasts Additionally the augmentation of jet thrusters these allow it to descend from low orbit and execute short strategic leaps amidst the E of War yet the contempor Finds Its most revered iteration within the hallowed ranks of the custodes though it is spoken that only those Warriors grievously wounded are inomed within dreadnots it is known that certain custodes willingly Embrace this steel sarcophagus often it is the most ancient Guardians of the emperor whose strength waines and Old Wounds torment endlessly who volunteer for this eternal vigil as with all possessors of the dread norts the adept's custodes imbue their contempt to variance with modifications befitting the Guardians of The Golden Throne in the vein of the blood angels some among them favor the melee and thus their dreadnots are Armament with Weaponry traditional to their sacred Duty the dreadnut of the galatus design wields the massive presidium Shield a bullwark well esteemed among the custodes its protective barrier augmented by the contempor inherent Shield generators allows the galatus to withstand the most devastating of barrages clutched in its right hand the dreadnut Bears the big Galla sword infused with the wroth of the Infernus flamethrower behold the achillis dreadnots wage war wielding the big dread spear a weapon much akin to the guardian spear yet unlike the guardian spear in Li of a Bolter The Dread spear comes integrated with a corv lasas pulser a laser weapon reminiscent of a laser cannon furthermore the achillis variant is armed with wrist-mounted storm bolters which may be substituted with heavy flamers or a relic of the age of rri known as the adic disintegration Cannon within the Arsenal of the adeptus custodes lies a dreadnut unlike any known to the chapters of the aartis the heavy dreadnut telemon in stature it Rivals the Leviathan dreadnut model with its design echoing that of the custodes Terminator armor its Origins and Creator remain shrouded in mystery yet it wields destructive power of a truly apocalyptic scale Imperial record s hinted the Rarity of such dread norts for some components of their armor were personally forged by the emperor himself moreover there were scarce few candidates capable of mastering such a walker it remains uncertain whether this scarcity was a matter of unworthiness or if the complexity of controlling such a mechanism proved too daunting for some Pilots like much of the custodes Weaponry the armaments of the dreadnut were of rare craftsmanship and forged using Arcane Technologies in close combat the dreadnut made use of the telemon kestus a power fist equipped with miniature plasma cannons crafted in emulation of those mounted upon spacecraft for the ranged armaments of the telemon they were equipped with the arachnus patent storm Cannon and the elastos culverin though the arachnus is dubbed a storm cannon in truth it shares but the principle of operation with such devices for this model is a laser weapon yet it also employs a rotating Barrel assembly the iliasis on the other hand is a Bolter of immense caliber which was also mounted upon the tanks of the adeptus custodes moreover the telmon was fitted with a spiculus missile launcher akin to a miniature apocalypse missile launcher installed on a Titan and the generator of the refractor field further endows the dreadnut with semblance to a miniature version of a Titan since the o overview of the Dreadnaught telon commenced with mention of the Leviathan pattern let us then start the account of the last two rare dreadnots with it the siege dreadnut Leviathan was devised by unknown engineers in secrecy from the mechanicus in its creation Technologies from the Dark Age of Technology were employed and parts of the dreadn were personally devised by the emperor rumors suggest that from the resources expended Ed on the creation of the Leviathan one could Forge an imperial knight nevertheless this pattern of dreadnut was hailed as one of the most triumphant though it was scarce with the onset of the Horus heresy only the loyal Legions were able to receive the New Leviathan to the traitors there remained no choice but to extricate the vanquished dreadnut from the field of battle intent on refurbishing their big forms to wield them a new against their adversary is the dark Reapers were deeply unsettled by the Advent of such a technologically intricate and supremely potent War engine suspecting its creation was for forthcoming conflicts against the automatons of the legio cybernetica in the event of an unforeseen crisis between Terror and Mars yet if the leviathans did battle against the forces of the mechanicus it was either at the behest of Horus or in the storming of Fallen Forge worlds like many marvels of the great Crusade some leviathans persisted into the 42nd Millennium where previously they were deployed ubiquitously now many orders prefer to consign to Oblivion that somewhere within the depths of their Fortress lies a mighty dreadn the cause of such avoidance is the unique Technologies within this model driving any new pilot to the brink of Madness wounded Space Marines become ens snared in dreams of the Horus heresy battles similar to a Titan the spirit of the Leviathan machine seeks to Devour the mind of its pilot hence only a few dare to place a mortally wounded brother into such a Dreadnaught solely a MAG can command not just the interment in a sarcophagus but also the deployment of this model of dreadnut for it is unknown whether the dreadnut will heed the commands of its squad's leadership or instead charge into battle obeying the orders of longf Fallen Warlords as the designation of this particular dread nort model suggests its primary role consists of breaching enemy fortifications and annihilating armored machinery and Titanic beings by its design the Leviathan resembles a hybrid of the contempor and castrum dreadnots yet it Towers above and greatly outmatches them in bulk the thickness of its armor remains a mystery but by appearance the Leviathan is significantly more formidable than its Dreadnaught Brethren and Akin to the contempor model it is shielded with atomatic shielding in its standard configuration the Leviathan is armed with Siege claws within which are housed melters like The castrum Siege model of dreadnut the Leviathan can also be armed with Siege drills for long range Firepower this dreadnut boasts a leviathan storm Cannon additionally it may be outfitted with a grav flux bombard and a cyclonic melter Lance where the first weapon type is an enlarged version of of the graviton cannon the cyclonic melter Lance closely mirrors the arachnus storm Cannon save for the fact that it emits melter rays in lie of lasers moreover embedded within the dreadnots chassis lie heavy flamers which can be substituted with paired vulkite culverins for supplementary Armament the Leviathan employs either a missile launcher equipped with hunter killer missiles or Hull mounted grenade launchers for deploying phosex projectiles the D Deo the latest Dreadnaught model developed at the dawn of the Imperium stands as a testament to the imperishable might of Mankind's Marshal prowess this Dreadnaught forged in the era of such Walker as the Lucifer and the castrum outwardly Bears a more bloated resemblance to the venerable contempor class and harnesses many of its technological advancements its primary role distinct from its kin lies in delivering thunderous heavy fire support indeed this mobile firewalk was embraced with fervent Zeal by the legionnaires much like the Leviathan dreadnots The dero did not initially proliferate amongst the legions due to the prodigious resources required for its construction however with the onset of the Galaxy spanning heresy demand for this dreadnut model surged prompting a significant increase in its production endowed with robust stability and capacity it served as a trial platform for the testing of new armament destined for the Space Marines Legions its basil configuration boasts a chassis mounted with twinlink anilus autoc Cannon batteries and an iOS missile launcher the latter notable for its capability to unleash destruction upon multiple targets simultaneously similar autoc Canon batteries were also mounted upon the Titanic warm Titans for anti-personnel defenses the iolo's missile launcher distinguished by its multiple Target engage ment bolsters The Dread norts Armory supplemental Munitions include the customary heavy flamers or Bolter Weaponry however as principal armaments it may also be outfitted with the devastating Hellfire heavy plasma guns vulite falconets or the Fearsome arachnus heavy laser cannons yet let not the uninitiated conflate the arachnus armaments mounted upon the dero and telmon Chassis their likeness ends with their denomination for the dero lascannon operates upon the same principles as the standard lascannon its missile battery meanwhile could be substituted with the boreas air defense missile system comprising four anti-aircraft missiles like other Machines of antiquity the dero dreadnut is equipped with an atomatic field projector and Akin to the mortis class possesses the helical targeting array yet in spite of the technological decadence the Imperium remains capable of forging Innovations not merely resurrecting the Technologies of the past this is exemplified by the dreadn redemptor engineered specifically for the new generation of aartis mirroring the Leviathan dreadn in sheer bulk redemptor often Tower over their venerable Brethren this dreadnut surpasses the standard castrum model in technological sophistication able to maneuver with a Grace and velocity unattainable to its predecessors however as with the Leviathan class such technological prowess comes at the cost of the lives of its Pilots it appears that during the creation of this Dreadnaught class little concern was given for its future Pilots as over time the neural links eviscerate the inhabitants of its sarcophagus leaving nothing but a blackened clump of organs wrapped in skin as for its Armament this machine Bears weapons for engagement both at range and in close quarters much like those wielded by its less sophisticated brethren in the melee the dreadnut relies upon its might with the Redemptive Fist and heavy flamethrowers enshrined within its very chassis the Redemptive fist in essence diverges not from the standard Gauntlet of the castrum pattern save for the fingers of the redemptor arrayed in a manner most peculiar and as an additional Armament it may gird itself with a bellicose Gatling C Cannon or a heavy flamer the heavier variant of this cannon can be mounted as a ranged weapon or exchanged for a formidable macrop plasma cannon in Li of heavy flamethrowers the chassis of the redemptor may be entwined with either storm bolters or frag storm grenade launchers moreover at top its form one can place a Caris storm Cannon to contend with aerial foes in summation the redemptor dreadnut emerges as a worthy successor to the castra ferum model should the issue of Rapid pilot depletion be add dressed herewith concludes our account of the Imperial dreadnut models yet it behooves us to speak of the heroes in tuned within their adamantium sarcophagi foremost amongst the heroes that mind conjur upon the mention of dreadnots are beyond the fell-handed of the Space Wolves chapter and tankred of the black Templars however their sagas have been chronicled in separate Toms and herein we shall delve into the Lesser known aartis our tale commences with a warrior per chance older than even Bor himself born upon Terror we speak of the ancient khon a Consul of the unava clan company from the iron hands in the dawn of the great Crusade Carlon secured not one but many glorious victories however he was laid Low by Orcs during the Battle of rust whereupon he was barely saved by an apothecary and placed into stasis before being inomed within the sarcophagus of a dreadnut fate dealt kalon a cruel hand as he was encased within a leviathan patent dreadnut wherein he began to lose his grip on sanity this mentally unstable Dreadnaught was transferred to Clan maragal under the command of the infamous ACH Moore for his company was a Haven for Orphans and outcasts it is said that Ferris Manus himself ordered more to claim the Mad son during the Horus heresy Carlon took part in numerous assaults against the world leers his fate post heresy remains unknown but in the 41st Millennium he was cited on Armageddon as part of a deathwatch contingent this suggests that kalon might have been one of the first aares to join the Inquisition within the deathwatch there are many dreadnots whose Tales are Untold the venerable neus for example materialized as though from the void itself according to many instantly becoming an integral part of the Garrison at Fortress T USA Prime unlike other dreadnots neilus bore the black shield and estares without a chapter and joined the watch already as a Dreadnaught The Secret of his identity was known to only a long deceased Tech Marine who took that knowledge to his grave since then neilus has become part of Captain artemis' kill team frequently aiding in battles against the elari and even participating in combat against Eldred Ulan despite a possible dark past the Watchmen Brethren hold in High esteem both the Persona of neas himself and his wisdom augmented by combat prowess continuing the discourse on dreadnots in the service of the Inquisition one cannot omit the grey Knights and their dreadnots steel vigilance the original name of this Knight and the Brotherhood from which he hailed remain unknown however he and another Dreadnaught named jacen were entrusted with a grand mission to oversee a world once invaded by demons which the grey Knights managed to contain as soon as the dreadn signaled an invasion on the world of feden alpha forces were dispatched under the command of librarian Jacon but this could not save the ancient hero steel vigilance fell in battle against the Demons of cinch led by hria the believer The Dread norts chassis could not withstand the streams of warp flame Unleashed by the Demonic Chariot and the ancient hero perished yet let us turn away from the orders under the inquisition's control and cast our gaze upon the Space Marines who maintain a tumultuous relationship with it of course this refers to the Great Wolf this chapter is famed not only for its victories but also for its Secrets which few suspected before the onset of the 13th Black Crusade we will discuss one of the most renowned wolfen dreadnots murderfang he was discovered by the great companies of Logan grimnar during a battle against the chaos Marines on the world of omnicide when the the Wolves first beheld him he was carving his path through the forces of chaos with unyielding resolve as though Desiring to reunite with his kin yet the outcome diverged starkly from his intentions after a brief but Savage combat murderfang was subdued only through the application of cryogenic stasis before being transported to the Fang his identity remained shrouded in mystery for his mind had been fully consumed by the curse that afflicts all wolves from that moment forth this Dreadnaught has been imprisoned in an icy cell only to be thored when the need arises to obliterate particularly formidable adversaries after which murder Fang is once again pacified however it appears this ancient warrior retains vestiges of his Consciousness as in the year 999 he aided Logan grimnar in locating the wulfen on the doomed world of vurus suggesting they might be the only ones capable of communicating with him in any form the most comparable entity to a wolfen dreadnut as previously mentioned is the Death Watch dreadnots of the blood angels which also serve as the final resting places of great Heroes among them is Moria The Chosen known in life as Captain moo morar he was critically wounded on the planet Coga and subsequently interred within a Dreadnaught chassis upon Awakening he immediately succumbed to the black rage but over time managed to barely contain conin his Affliction and continue the battle now as a member of the death company dread norts there are Whispers that morar in truth has been ens snared by another curse known as the red thirst therefore the tech Marines were compelled to modify his sarcophagus that the chosen might Sate his bloodthirst yet not all dread norts of the blood angels are so wrathful among them are those distinguished by astonishing patience such a Dreadnaught is the venerable Li librarian Marist existence to battles against the xenos known as the Octo calvari these aliens were followers of chaos undivided and wielded formidable psycher abilities one of such zenos managed to subjugate three Imperial planets and when the blood angels arrived to confront him they found the Octo calvari invulnerable his power was sufficient to instantly heal any wound and only by paying a tremendous toll was this xenos captured Marist was among the victims and before being inomed in the sarcophagus he decreed the construction of a prison for the Octo calvari it was built deep Beneath The Fortress of the Angels into the carceri Arcanum tunnels alongside the living xenos numerous artifacts of chaos which also could not be destroyed were placed there this prison was named marist's Vault and the warrior interred within the dreadnut librarian became its Guardian for 3,000 years without closing his eyes he guards The Vault occasionally receiving visitors from among the highest ranking members of the order however the other angels have not forgotten Marist and passed down the tale of him to every new neoy so that every battle brother may know of the librarian sacrifice but not all heroes were fortunate enough to survive in the Grim darkness of the far future many fell yet their Valor remained honored by the Brethren of their chapters among them however exists one whose name was nearly forgotten not only by the citizens of the Imperium but also by his fellow Space Marines this Dreadnaught is known as ranor once a celebrated Warrior Among The Emperor's Children battling since the dawn of the great Crusade ranor was mortally wounded by the eldari and encased within a Dreadnaught upon inment in his sarcophagus he was bestowed the title of ancient of right overseeing both Nephites and the chosen of fulgrim to ensure they strayed not from the legion's sacred Traditions most of his time ranor spent aboard the cruiser Andrus maintaining the ritual chamber housed within as one of the legion's senior officers the dreadn accompanied his primarch everywhere ensuring the execution of his decrees it was rumored that rinor could detect a man's lie as soon as the first word was spoken as a loyalist Space Marine to the emperor rinor was dispatched to IST van 3 after having reassigned Captain Saul tarvitz from active duty to the andonia staff at tarvitz his request upon the revelation of the traitor schemes tarvitz took command of the loyal contingent of The Emperor's Children and entrusted ranor with guarding a certain underground hanger after that the Dreadnaught was seen no more and all presumed him dead yet he survived and for the next 10,000 years he forged plans of Vengeance ranor by some means managed to create a psychic Beacon to lure his fallen father to the desolate wastelands of ishan nearby he discovered an unexploded viral bomb with which the Dreadnaught hoped to end fulgrim he indeed managed to detonate the bomb at the moment the demon primarch wrenched the organic remains from the sarcophagus ultimately fulgrim survived although his pride was irreparably damaged another loyal son of the emperor met a less horrifying death sacrificing himself for the Salvation of the Imperium Marshall magic was once a legionaire of the Imperial fists and was mortally wounded in battle against his brother the warsmith calator a fervent follower of sigismond he became part of the black Templars during the second founding and commenced his own personal Crusade against the iron Warriors to exact vengeance upon Kolkata contemporaries remembered magnic as emotionally unstable and fanatically too fanatic even by the standards of the black Templars many attributed this to the fact that the dreadnut rarely if ever entered Slumber and only occasionally did his loyal castellan rstan implore his Lord to rest eventually magnic confronted his ancient foe yet their Showdown was interrupted by the looming Hall Of Orcs the present enemies once the best of friends were forced to unite to Vanquish the green skins yet it was not the destiny of magic to slay his kin he sacrificed himself during the Battle of vanis upon his Cruiser the obsidian Sky green skins made landfall and after a protracted battle for control of the bridge magnic commanded a ramming maneuver against the nearest orc vessel taking as many green skins as possible with him into the fiery Abyss but magnic was not the only one to be slain by the zenos one of the greatest heroes of the ultramarines AG grippa also met his end at the hands of thric damned aliens the dreadnut a venerable veteran had served under the command of Captain agon in the first company of ultramarines yet he was temporarily attached to the company of Captain carcarius when the chapter learned of the Awakening of the necrons on damnos however many warriors of the second company believe believed that a gripper was sent to oversee sarius as the captain of the first company envied the growing popularity of his brother within the order after the first Skirmish with the zenos the captain of the second company was wounded by a necron overlord known as Immortal AG gripper managed to destroy the body of immortal's guardian and then with a strike of his power fist slay the Lord himself forcing the necrons to flee following the ultramarines retreat the dreadnots under the main librarian of the chapter igurus took command pursuing the necrons agria received reports that the nekron forces vastly outnumbered Imperial troops thus the dread norts had to concede that all the ultramarines could do was Secure the evacuation of the planet all forces were gathered at the city of kenport but Agrippa launched a series of strikes to slow the advance of the xenos as the necrons descended upon the city walls a dreadnut stood amidst the Maelstrom inspiring The Defenders to Feats of Valor its demise came at the Western Gates battling a necron monolith in solitary Defiance despite Grievous wounds the dreadnut managed to annihilate the monolith securing the evacuation of civilians and Space Marine Brethren Agrippa the last ultramarine on the planet met his end under the Searing blasts of a gaus cannon upon the dreadnots death its reactor detonated obliter ating the Spaceport and all nearby necrons in a cataclysmic Blaze this transmission concludes with a tribute to a member of the adeptus custo days deir and kicon deir and kicon was among the finest Warriors to have fought in the great Crusade during the Horus heresy the custodian was poisoned by a demon whilst battling alongside the blood angels on signus Prime his flesh slowly peeled from bone yet undeterred he continued the fight after 18 hours the conflict ceased and calicon was placed into stasis he remained in suspended animation for years until the blood angels returned to Terror where Dean was inomed in the sarcophagus of the Dreadnaught telemon henceforth calicon partook in the Solar War and the siege of Terror ensuring his Legend would forever echo in the hallowed Halls of History
Channel: Imperial Iterator
Views: 46,331
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Keywords: warhammer 40k lore, warhammer 40k, 40k, warhammer 40000, warhammer lore, primarchs, warhammer 40k lore explained, 40k lore, primarch, warhammer 40k explained, 40k explained, wh40k lore, primarchs 40k lore, 40k theories, 40k for beginners, warhammer, drednaughts 40k, warhammer dreadnought, warhammer lore to sleep, 40k lore to sleep, 40k sleep, warhammer sleep lore, Dreadnought
Id: FKh6PC0yMx0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 47sec (3107 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2024
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