Things You MUST DO if You Want to Become RICH! | Dan Lok | Top 10 Rules

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I got rich when I started valuing my time most people never get rich because they never value their time we have to understand the world revolves around value you don't need to be ready to do something you don't have to get it right you just have to get it going leave motivation watch a top ten with belief nation what's up belief nation seven I believe in you and this channel is designed to be part of your daily success routine so let's get your motivation to attend and get you believing in you grab a snack and chew on today's lessons from a man who went from immigrating to Canada as a 14 year old with no money and without knowing English at all to failing at 13 businesses before finding his first success becoming the king of high ticket sales and one of the highest paid consultants in real estate he's dead lock and here's my take on his top ten real success vol 8 enjoy also if you want to know what Dan Locke and other successful entrepreneurs have to say about building unstoppable confidence check out my 250 for confidence series where every day for the next 254 days I will send you a morning video for free to help you build your confidence the link to join is in the description below after you practice marshall to develop this natural self confidence not cockiness but you develop this natural self-confidence [Music] [Applause] okay let's kick it off with rule number one be a macro sinker number one small entrepreneurs they never micro manage now I want you to imagine back then when you are starting your business now I remember when I was starting my first few businesses I was a control freak where I was the king of micromanagement I wouldn't know all the details because in the beginning of your career your business career you are doing everything you're the one-man one-woman show you are selling you are closing you are doing the invoice you're doing the marketing you're meeting with people you are doing the fulfillment you're taking a phone call you're dealing with the receipts right and you are trying to make sure everything don't fall apart you're talking to everybody and you have to micromanage because that's what you need to do but after a certain point their behaviors even as you grow stay because that's how you know that's what it takes to grow business I gotta know everything I gotta micromanage but then what happens is as your revenue grows you will hit a glass ceiling and that behavior as a rugged individualists that's a control freak that's not serve you if you want to go to the next level you have to let go now you can no longer manage in a small details kind of way you cannot micromanage anymore so smart entrepreneurs you have to learn and we know we are macro thinkers what we need to do as a small entrepreneur is we need to figure exactly where we are going what's our vision that's your job you figure out the vision number one and number two you now we could and higher talents to help you that you know they have the capabilities and the right attitudes the right culture to help you to execute that vision that's number two and number three you as a leader very important allocate the resources the capital to execute that vision to help your team execute their vision that is it that is it when you are micromanaging you cannot do that because you're too close to your business you got to step back and think about the big picture what is the vision who do I need to have on my team to execute this vision and how do i allocate my resources that will help them pirate eyes they will help my team to execute that vision and that is it so small entrepreneurs we don't micromanage rule number two provide more value we have to understand the world we evolved around value so if you understand the world revolves around value the business of making money is nothing more than a value and value exchange once you realize that that is how money works and that's how the game works so what we do is we trade our time if you're an employee our products or services our expertise that's the entrepreneur right our skills we trade that in exchange that with other people for money what it means is the more value that you could provide the more money people are willing to trade you with it it's that simple so instead of just focusing on I want to make more money I want to make more money being all desperate and all panicking once you focus on is instead of becoming a person of success become a person of value if you want to make more money the question you have to constantly ask yourself is how could I be a person of value how could I become more valuable how do you become more valuable to the marketplace once you understand this money is not an issue because the marketplace is always always willing to pay good money for a good value and you notice people who don't make a lot of money people who are struggling or people making minimum wage they are easily replaceable this is someone working at a West wrong a waiter waitress maybe they good they do very good job they work very hard but if they leave or the boss the manager finds them they could be easy we place when you could be easily we place you are not very valuable they're more difficult you are to replace the more available you are that's the secret they will guarantee if you'll be broke or you'll be rich rule number three find great partners be very very careful who you select as a partner you cannot do a good deal with a bad partner either a few will a few partnerships in my life and the ones that are good they are very very very good we have a good relationship we made a lot money together we we create lost success together but the handful that are bad they hurt me tremendously one one bad partner that I that I had actually had to to a point where we were fighting he stole my customers and I actually shut down the company and start a new one and clean up everything that I have set up a new entity walk away with a lot of money just because of the bad partners that I have so a good partner is great but you cannot do a good deal with a bad partner in fact you can I would rather do and do an ok average deal but with a great partner because with a great partner where we source for we we collaborate we mastermind we work together and that I mean that we can turn any bad deal in into into it into a good deal rule number four stop saying someday the one word that holds you back from success is exactly that word someday you see unsuccessful people they say someday someday I will take that vacation someday I would pay off that debt someday I would quit my job someday I would stop that business someday I would be able to provide for my family it's always someday and someday think about in business if you say to yourself someday I will get that customer someday I would close their cell how much money have you made zero none I want you to look at your calendar from Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday I want to look at the calendar where is some day it doesn't exist it is a made of thing that we do to procrastinate there is no some day on your calendar it doesn't exist so unsuccessful people they use some day successful people use today today is going to be the day today I'm gonna take action today I'm gonna make it happen today I'm gonna close that cell today is the day that I'm gonna make happen I'm gonna get done write this down procrastination equals property procrastination equals property you see unsuccessful people it's always well yeah I'll do it later I'll do it tomorrow I'll do it someday successful people we say today you see when you use the word someday why is this so destructive it's simple it is when you use the word someday you might think it makes you look noble on the outside because you are putting off your dreams your goals where you're making of excuse because simply saying well someday because I am not ready so someday I will do that later and someday never comes and you'll never be ready you don't need to be ready to do something you don't have to get it right you just have to get it going you do know I have to get it right you just need to get it going it doesn't exist it makes you look nobody inside when you think and you lie to yourself that is the responsible thing to do that I'm not ready I don't want to take any risk I don't want to take any chances when it is the most selfish and irresponsible thing that you can do to yourself and to your family it doesn't exist eliminate that word from your vocabulary either say you know what I'm gonna do today or I'm not gonna do it rule number five don't expect support from others so what do you do when others don't support you in your life it reminds me of the story this this Fishman and he goes out there to the sea and he would catches these buckets of crab and one man walks by and sees he's got this bucket right and there's no lip and the the man is asking this fissure in the wall if when you catch a different crabs aren't you afraid that why don't you have a lid on the crabs gonna crawl out and the Fishman is like yeah if I have one crab that one crab will crawl out however if I have a bunch of crabs no I don't need to worry about it because they will make sure that that any single crab tries to crawl out the other crust would pull their crab right back down with with where they are inside the bucket that's the the theory that the story of the buckets are crap guess what you have a lot of crap people in your life they try to pull you down they try to drag you down to try to keep you where you are today they don't want you to get out of that bucket now why is that you have to understand if you are seeking validation you're seeking approval you are waiting for someone else's permission where yeah you know it would be nice I want to accomplish all these great things I want to do these things and I want to you know create all these things I want to achieve all these goals but uh but the people around me they just they don't support me so what don't expect them to support you that's not their job to support you if you need the emotional support to do what you do you don't have what it takes rule number six listen to your customers you see you don't have to be the marketing genius and your customer is the marketing genius they will tell you what they want they will tell you what they like and they would also tell you what they don't like and what are they willing to pay for they vote with their wallets that's the best bet you see most entrepreneurs they spend so much time working on the thing or making their thing better but they don't spend enough time listening to the customers is this even what they want did they tell you that that's what they want are they are they giving you feedback or you building something that nobody wants and that's how most entrepreneurs fail now you might say well then what about Henry Ford B when he invented the cart Ford Motors right what about back then you know he said if I was asked what my customers want then everyone would say faster horses well this exception if you are selling and you offering some kind of disruption technology that's a different story because then you're anticipating the needs of the marketplace and you are essentially creating your own market I'm not talking about that that's a very small percentage of the entrepreneurs for most entrepreneurs we are more tapping into the existing needs the assisting desires that people already have and we're tapping in to that that's how we make most of our money so small entrepreneurs we never stop listening paying attention to what our ideal customers one and what they need rule number seven value your time rich people we value time more than we value money poor people they value money more than they value time and that's why if there's something we do with my Bentley and oil change or I gotta go do something or fix the car I'm not gonna do it because it's not worth my time my time it's much more valuable I have other activities that I could do that could bring in more money now you may be saying that while easy for you to say you're Dan Locke you've got money of course you could do that that is not true you might be thinking cuz you're rich that is not true I got rich when I started valuing my time most people never get rich because they never value their time remember eight don't be arrogant once I started learning and I started having more success in making a few dollars I was I was becoming more arrogant I was becoming more you know that I felt I was invincible that hour now I'm so smart okay so get look at me and and I'm all this money coming in and and I was way more sex for then every all the people around me right and I thought you know what my doesn't stink I thought I well I was the man right an invest in a bunch of companies well guess what all ten companies all of them lost money not one of them made money and it wasn't so invincible anymore and that got me into into quite a bit of trouble so that's I what I would say don't don't be arrogant get out of the ego be humble stay humble be open-minded you can learn something from everybody rule number nine use the DI G concept let's say this year and you say you know what Dan I have a certain financial goal an income goal maybe you want to make $50,000 $100,000 you $200,000 a year half a million dollars that you all you know what you say this is a year I'm going to make a million dollars a year whatever you go is let's take simple math a hundred thousand dollars a year let's say let's make it even simple onion 20k distich 10k a month $10,000 a month that's your goal so don't use the new year resolutions concept here's the concept I talked about in my book if you money you can go get the book from Amazon but we're gonna teach this to you right now and that's the concept of di g di g it stands for daily income goal daily income goal so let's say you take 10,000 a month and you break it down you divide it by 30 days each day you got to make about 340 somewhat dollars let's just run it up 350 bucks that's your the IG daily income goal three hundred and fifty dollars that you need to make every single day if you want to hit 10,000 dollars a month now I want you to think about this when you get in the morning the first thing that comes to your mind the first question you have to ask yourself is what am i doing today there would make me three hundred and fifty dollars today what do I need to do what do I need to focus on what what are my objectives am i hitting my daily income goal what does massive action look like what would Dan Locke do ask yourself those questions guess what if you're not hitting your daily income goal you are not hitting your weekly income goal you're not hitting your income goal you're not hitting your monthly income go if you're not hitting a monthly income goal you're not hitting your yearly income goal you don't need to wait till December and you look at a calendar and say oh you know what I screwed up I am way behind I'm nowhere near making $100,000 what is going on I know exactly what's going on you're not hitting your daily income goal you can look at your progress every single day what am i doing today to hit my daily income goal oh well kind of none doing anything today well then don't blame and don't [ __ ] when you're hitting you go oh well you know what today I'm excited I'm fired up I've hit my income goal you know what not just I exceeded my daily income goal instead of thirty and fifty bucks a day I hit five in a buck today good for you good job that means you have 250 bucks buffer extra that's good doesn't mean tomorrow you're like all slack off and slow down it means okay I've exceeded that today because there are some days maybe you hit it there's some days you don't you gotta average it out tomorrow you get back into it welcome the morning what am i doing today what am I gonna do today to hit that three hundred fifty bucks and what I need to do every single day to accomplish my daily income goal the concept of the eye G isn't it much more powerful than some new year resolutions and rule number ten the last one before a very special bonus clip is believe whatever your mind can conceive you can achieve but sometimes what if you don't have that belief yet what if you're just getting started what if you haven't build up that confidence I remember years ago when I was just getting started and I was already running my own one-man advertising agency and one time I was having lunch with my mentor Alan and after lunch I was driving back to his place and in the car I was asking a question now at the time my English name was actually Daniel Daniel so it's Daniel lock so I was asking him Alan I'm thinking of changing my name and he said well what do you want to change it to and I said you know my name right now is like Daniel and it's okay but he feels a little I don't know I feels a little young I want a name there has this little bit more pungent maybe sounds a bit more mature so okay so what are you thinking I said I'm thinking of shortening the name to just Dan and he pause said okay so Dan like Dan Locke I said that's right Dan locked I think it's kind of punches got their Eve to it and it was sitting in the passenger seat and he did this motion he said Dan Locke he said I could I could see that I said what could you see so I could see see Dan Locke live big banner in a big conference I said what I said that's right that would look good it's got its got impact it's impactful and I'm like I don't see that I'm just simply kind of changed my name to be living more memorable how could you see sex see Dan long live this is way before I was even doing any kind of public speaking I was just very much like an introvert and writing copyright you're having behind my computer see Dan long live a big conference what do you mean see he saw something in me that I didn't see he believed in me my men to believe in me more than I believed in myself I didn't see the possibility I couldn't believe it I couldn't even see that but he saw it so sometimes in life maybe he don't have that belief in yourself that's okay I didn't have that belief in myself but don't underestimate when you have someone believe in you more than you believe in yourself I tell my students all the time I said I believe in you more than you believe in yourself and if you don't believe in yourself yet that's okay all oh my certainty so you could go on and develop your own belief and someday maybe maybe you can use that belief to achieve what you want now I've got a special bonus clip from Dan on how to have an entrepreneurs mindset that I think you're gonna enjoy but before that it's not for the three-point landing questions time to move from just watching another video to taking action in your life for business and if you're feeling bold leave your answers in the comments below here we go question number one where do you need to value your time more number two what do you need to stop saying someday to and number three how can you provide more value for your customers number one it is your mind set a proper mindset now when I say about mindset exactly what I mean by that I'm talking about your leaves your attitudes your ideas your insights you'll believe about business your belief about entrepreneurship you'll believe about employees about team-building you'll believe having the proper mindset the entrepreneurial mindset is the foundation if you want to build a successful business you see most people they want to build a successful business but with an employee mindset death does not work you have to have the proper entrepreneurial mindset hi this is Dan Locke if you're a fan of Evans work if you want to know exactly how the model my success I want to invite you to join me for a special online training all you have to do is click on a link below you can join me for absolutely no charge so click a link below and I will see you in class if you want more Dane log check at the top 50 rules video made on him the link is right there next to me I think you'll enjoy it continue to believe and I'll see you there if your life stinks is your fault we take responsibility for all action our money is not the important money doesn't buy happiness oh my goodness
Channel: Evan Carmichael
Views: 46,238
Rating: 4.9168291 out of 5
Keywords: entrepreneur, entrepreneur motivation, entrepreneurship, success motivation - dan lok top 10 rules, dan lok top 10 rules for success, dan lok, the king of high ticket sales, dan lok interview, dan lok speech, best of dan lok, success story, dan lok advice, dan lok motivation, success motivation, success advice, how to make it as an entrepreneur, entrepreneur advice, boss in the bentley, most people never get rich because they don't value time
Id: DHmdzwavn0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 21sec (1401 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 13 2019
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