HOW To Develop a MILLIONAIRE MINDSET! | Dan Lok | Top 50 Rules

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need motivation watch a top 10 with belief nation hey it's Evan Carmichael and this channel was created to help you overcome that number one challenge that is holding you back a lack of belief in yourself you watch these videos because you know there's something more inside you as well you've got Michael Jordan level talent at something so get ready to endure pain ignore the haters and overcome fears with Dane lock and my take on his top 50 rules for success volume 3 joy okay let's kick it off with rule number one in Germain many years ago I had this conversation with my mentor and he asked me the question Dan what do you think is the number one quality of an entrepreneur and I said many many things I said talents and I said team and I said a good idea I said many many many things and no he said the number one quality of a successful entrepreneur is this and that is the ability to endure pain for a long period of time didn't talk about the Ferrari didn't talk about the big house paying for a long period of time is that you what are you willing to give up what price are you willing to pay to accomplish success to build your business I could tell you any successful entrepreneurs that I know almost all of them experienced pain for long period of time before they accomplished even just a little bit of success rule number two ignore the haters I still get like comments YouTube like basis right I look like psy I look like you Joel every day I get that that's okay that's okay they're not who I want to in fact right I said remember if you have a million people watching your your content ten percent don't like you 100 thousand people going out ten million people watching my content that's a million people not liking me the only people like and because he was so the rock and blunt and provocative right like it's right so people hate me really hate me like it's not like oh I can't don't like this hey yo God like you die like it's like very like direct stuff right because it's - it works them right yeah by the same time keep watching my stuff for it's hilarious hours I think like I've haters everything like same hey common you suck watch all my video you can see like negative comment right there same dude immediately keep on to my stuff rule number three overcome fears you see what holds a lot of people back is fear fear of success fear failure fear of making a mistake think about it before you do something you're saying to yourself well what if it doesn't work or what if or if I lose money and what if what if I make a mistake then what happens what if I don't know what to do what if I can't figure this out there what if what if what if what if what if it does work you see always remember fear is an acronym it stands for false evidence appearing real it's nothing more than a made-up story in your own mind so do you have your fearful ego holding you back rule number four start with gratitude I thought that happiness is a destination if I get to someplace I make certain amount of money if I own certain amount of things they and I would be happy then I realized as I am now older and a little bit more mature and a little bit wiser that it's not happiness it's not something that you seek it's something that's already within you but a lot of times we are blocking it so you think about why people are depressed why feel unhappy usually it's because when their expectation because you know it's our expectation of how your life should look like where you should be at this by this point and your reality when your expectation and your reality when they don't match up you get depressed you feel very very unhappy because this is where you are this is where you think you should be and the bigger this gap the more unhappy you are so to be happier you can do two things you can either lower your expectation so then your gap is not as large example you want to make a billion dollars and you're making now a thousand dollars a month well you will feel very unhappy very very much unhappy because today this is where I should be it is why man well below expectation 100 bucks you low expectation I'm gonna make a 102 dollars right now you're making a hundred ok now you're not so bad I've only shown you two dollars right that's okay so you get lower expectation which is what you can do or you can now change the reality how you can shorten the gap right that's what I achieve at us how do you match how could you push and challenge your reality to match to expectation you could do that or the other way that I look at it is this when I start the day with attitude of gratitude coming from a place of giving coming from a place of love coming from a place of I have enough right I have enough because whatever your goal is you're getting the same thing but just more right you have one car you want two cars you want to because but it's the same thing if you're not grateful you don't appreciate what you have now you're not gonna appreciate what you get then so I am grateful with what I have I start with that while achieving what I want right I'm grateful with what I have Wow achieving why I won NYX when I start from this place I just find that I'm much happier I like today I'm a happy guy believe also if you want to have more confidence check out my 254 series they're free the link to join are in the description below that's a problem with young people you're not good at anything oh good no tell me the truth you're not good at anything after you practice martial you develop this natural self confidence not cockiness but you develop this natural self-confidence remember this your business is always a reflection of you rule number five have a big vision to be a great leader to inspire other people here's what I believe in that you must have something that it's bigger than yourself in order to inspire people in order to enroll people into your vision example if you talk to your employee talk to your team member and you say hey you know what this is why we're doing this so that I could make enough money so that I could retire or so that I could build this business so that I could be living the 10-hour week or twelve hour work week to be a lifestyle entrepreneur see that doesn't inspire anybody because it's all about me me me me me so to be a great leader to inspire other people you kind of have a vision that is so big there's so compelling that other people want to be part of them right it's like imagine you are the captain of this ship and you're saying hey this is where we're going we're going to this island and it's going to be great and we are going to to have all these great things when we get there and that's like wow you know people look at that say yeah I want to be part of that but I want you I want to join this journey I want to I want to join alongside and and be alongside with you and maybe there's some obstacles there will always be challenges there will be waves in the ocean but that's okay I want to join you and help you to fight along and be alongside with you going through this journey so I believe very much their leader needs to think about what is your mission rule number six understand the industry don't start a business if you don't understand the industry I always ask this question before you start any business and that is and I'm asking you right now why'd you and why now if your answer is all I just want to make some money you're gonna fail why you and why now what qualifies you to be in this space right now not what I just saw on Facebook oh that sounds like a good idea this person this guy is making so much money doing this I should jump into that to know why you and why now in order to make money in any industry you have to understand the industry if you don't know the industry first you have to learn the industry let's say you want to go open up a restaurant now I'm not saying that's a good idea but let's say you want to open up a restaurant well isn't a good idea to just go work at a restaurant see what's the day-to-day operation like what I'd like to to work in a restaurant before you open up a restaurant so you have to know your industry rule number seven don't be the know-it-all person see when I was broke I thought I know it I don't need to read books I know what I'm doing I was studying all these businesses and guess what none of them worked because I thought I knew what I was talking about guess what I didn't know she okay you don't know she seemed to know it all always thinking they know everything keep doing the same thing again and again and expect a different result that's the very definition of insanity rule number eight build work-life integration when you are an entrepreneur right when you are running your own company it is not something that you do is who you are one is who you are this doesn't turn off there's no such thing as oh well you know I don't want to work on weekends I take the two-week vacation when you're entrepreneur you're going all the time because I always say that's why I don't watch sports I don't need to watch sports to get some chips through entrepreneurship it is the most competitive sport in the world because when you watch any sport game guess what you're playing for 30 minutes 60 minutes whatever how much amount of time well with entrepreneur 24/7 someone somewhere is trying to kick your ass somewhere someone somewhere they try to steal your customers they are trying to grab market share it is 24/7 so we have to be thinking about how can we be better how can we serve our customer better how can we deliver more value this is ongoing there's no work/life balance or how to separate the two I don't meal my life around my business I built my business around my lifestyle preference so right now I'm going somewhere I'm gonna do an interview I'm filming I'm creating content I'm connecting with you that's integration when I'm traveling I'm traveling for business at the same time I will be travel for pleasure take a few days off it's integration versus I work at work I work at work oh my god man I can't take this no more I need to escape from this I need to avoid this I need to go somewhere and then from there I need a totally unplugged so don't bother me for a week oh man I took a vacation I'm Tina Beach doing nothing and then come back oh my god man you kind of dragging your feet now I gotta get back to work it doesn't work that way so I will find a time in between how do we charge my battery now in my case I like movies so I don't need to take you know two weeks off in order to recharge one of these maybe JD and I we go to watch a movie two hours out with Josh a good night's sleep I'll recharge and back at the game rule number nine get out of your comfort zone things are fine you know I don't I don't need to be there ambitious but that's the problem your income zone is your comfort zone your comfort zone is your income zone when you get complacent when you get comfortable you are not growing remember when you're not growing you are dying so do you have this Eagle that is holding you back right now and what are you gonna do about it rule number ten create a legacy what did you realize during your platform closing career or speaking career like that's all I'm gonna focus on impact and with serving while that two incidents that happen so first is when I hit 30 years old there one day I got in the morning our tears coming down my cheek yes I know what's crying a little while I was crying I would just have this depression coming over me which I'm then I don't get depressed right it doesn't happen to and I realize I've after that point away I lived my life that I've grown a company I made a lot of money but I wasn't being who I wanted to be right because I was 20 to 30 years old like to see for that you see today more pearl but you can see from time to time I have that yeah right but I was about that before yeah I was all that like that right oh it's that anymore okay wasn't shooting very very people very nice okay wasn't just arrogant because I felt so I'm so smart and I'm smart but I it's a wrong attitude right so when I hit 30 years old when that happens depression and that's when I realize okay I need to look for something else so remember like my both mom and dad their pearls right and my pic then my mentor is like extreme movie yeah so right the first so I thought that was the way you have to be to be successful I didn't have any other role model I have five father figure so from there I tried to be big then okay like do what he does and all that and it wasn't and I I got to a certain point but I wasn't happy so that was first turning point right okay I don't realize I went to deep dive in terms of spiritual work in terms of even well it's just work I did a lot of studying and I found mine kind of new path right so that's number one second is 20 my father passed away we're not chasing a deal that was just chasing the next success and I thought that I'll make him proud well in fact he passed away I can like that a mess mr. chance that's one I realize that's not what life is about because when my father passed away I'm like okay it's it's real like the people closest to you they could take a leave and then now I started asking what's my legacy right what what I want to be right do I do I want to keep going I can make a lot of money which I'm very good at making money no problem mm-hmm right but then I would think about one thing they also when I went to the Bruce Lee grave in Seattle right you know I was there every five minute there's someone going there every five minutes after all these years every five minutes from all kinds of background for all kinds of crunchy countries people bring flowers and all that I'm like that's a legacy right that's a legacy he's an iconic martial artists actor that lives through all this age right and I'm like I'm not saying like I'm boosting here I'm just saying that Wow right so that inspires me that's when I shift my focus into rule number 11 build self-esteem here's the number one success secret that no one talks about and no one shares this is something I've learned from my mentor Dan penny at the fifty billion dollar man self esteem is the foundation of our success now I'm not talking about arrogance I'm not talking about pride I'm not even talking about just confidence I'm talking about self-esteem now what is self esteem self esteem is something that your parents didn't give you think about when you're growing up when you want to do something when you want to take some risk what do your parents what do your friends what did they tell you you're not trained for this no one in our family is an entrepreneur or you don't have enough education or you don't know the right people just be content right be happy with what you have or hey son I want you to be successful but not too successful I want you to think about what is holding you back the goals that you have that you want to achieve why don't you do what you know deep down that you are supposed to do why don't you take that risk why don't you stop that business what's stopping you because you lack self-esteem now the next question you might have seafood an how do I build my cell of esteem let me give you a perfect example let's say you have a friend of yours and he tells you all the time hey man that's let's hang out and say okay you know what let's hang out let's go grab a drink let's go you know go for a hike every single time he says ok let's do something he would cancel on you and there happens again and again and again so let me ask you a question if there happens all the time how would you feel about this friend this person would you trust him or her not so much the reason you don't have high self esteem because you have a lousy track record meaning how many times you promise yourself that you're gonna do something but you don't how many times you make promises to yourself and you don't deliver you don't follow through on those promises and guess what when you do this enough for enough times for enough years you have low self-esteem because you know you know yourself well yeah I guess I want to do that but I'm not gonna follow through I'm not gonna make it happen and that's why your self-esteem is low you don't even believe in yourself little things big things you make a promise to yourself and you deliver rule number 12 be driven successful people are incredibly driven how driven are you now I'm not talking about you being a nightmare to work with or or bullying other people I'm talking about you pushing yourself to get results it's your personal drives that turns your ideas into actions into results it is your personal drive that keeps you going when things get tough it is your personal drive enables you to bounce back from disappointment from setback so how driven are you or are you lazy do you procrastinate do you put things off you see for the first five years of my career I didn't take a single day off I was working 10 12 14 hours every single day's for five years strict why because I was driven I was driven to provide for my family I was driven to prove other people wrong and today I am driven by my mission how driven argue rule number 13 don't be negative you are walking down the street and some of you here and suddenly you see a red Ferrari just drove by what's the first thought that comes through your mind comment below no filter no edits just comment below what's the very first thought that comes to your mind my guess is chances are he's an [ __ ] who does he think he is so cocky so selfish probably a greedy bastard actually you know Polly's not his money anyway it's his daddy's money or if it's a lady's a woman oh that's a gold digger right all these negativities guess what that's you judging other people my question to you is how do you know how do you know it's all made-up stories in your mind right and you say oh he's not that good she's not that pretty he's not that smart you're judging other people you're projecting your own insecurities your own values on the other people how do you know that man is not a hard-working man how do you know he's not a good husband how do you know it's not a family man how do you know he's someone who's worked 20 30 years to get to where he is at this point how do you know you judge you come to your own conclusions before even talking to the person you see how your mind works how are you gonna be successful how are you ever gonna become rich if that's the image that you have for people who are successful rule number 14 do what works for you you see this on social media very often people talk about the morning ritual or waking up very very early in the morning because all successful people they all wake up in the morning so do you actually need to wake up early early in the morning to be successful that's one of the problems with people don't know how to filter advice now are there a lot of people who are successful who wake up in the morning absolutely but are there also a lot of people who ask successful who don't wake up in the morning absolutely right but it's this propaganda on social media that people focus so much on that success has to do with your habits what you do on a consistent basis and you have to know what time in the data you're the most productive for some people it is early in the morning where there's no distraction these people are still sleeping and you go through the day maybe you go work out maybe you do meditation then you plan the day that's fine for some people they don't wake up early they wake up whatever time and then they work late at night they're more like a nail I'm Malik Ania I find that I am the most creative late at night when it's quiet when there's no noise right when there's not a lot going on I find that that's those quiet times sometimes become my thinking time so that's what works for me I think you find what works for you doesn't matter whose advice you're getting from it could be before me could be from anybody else but you have to know yourself enough if it doesn't work for you if you get up in the morning you're like oh my god I'm so tired you're sleepy you're exhausted and for many many days and Dutch just like it screws up your biological clock then it doesn't work for you and that's kind of one thing that I gravitate towards Bruce Lee's martial art as you follow my working on my martial audits that Bruce is always about you finding your own path that's why he said his martial art style is not a style it's a set of principles you define what works for you I've saw what it's so useful reject what is useless and what is eventually on your own rule number 15 practice martial arts the fact I like martial art because it's it's not a physical sure it's a mental sport that's right right because a lot of time well you can play tennis all you can play golf play all that it's nice yeah but martial art is a sport where they say I'm hitting a heavy bag Yeah right doesn't matter how good you get and you're competing with yourself that's right and it's all about the limiting eliminating your own defect I could fill a punch mm-hmm well I can 12 pints we're gonna hit it with speed if I can hit it with power that's all that I need to learn and practice and do all that stuff so I love that part of it and it's a never-ending challenge it's never good it's never good enough you find someone that can do it faster bigger like stronger for sure I love that there's always someone that's gonna be better than and I can go super philosophical right way I cannot how about physical like it just goes off an esophagus it and I can do that extreme and I love that crazy deep dive of life and philosophy I love that aspect I love it rule number 16 don't make excuses you can make money or you can make excuses but you cannot do both an excuse is nothing more than a well planet lie you see the excuses ego sets well I can't afford it I don't have money right oh oh oh that's too far oh that's too too difficult to I don't have enough experience it's always I can't I can't I can't oh I don't know how you see you could have a million excuses why you cannot do something you only need one damn good reason why you must do it rule number 17 don't fear failure one of the things that holds people back that I believe is fear fear of failure I want you to ask yourself this question what would you do differently if you knew you couldn't fail would you take more risk would you be more aggressive you don't need to be afraid of failure I'll give you a perfect example when I was making an offer when I was driving people to take an action and investing in themselves when I'm speaking to a group of audience maybe a hundred people 200 people 500 people on a good day I might have 10 15 20 percent of the people in the audience they will take action and they will invest in themselves so you would say wow that's a 20 percent success rate yes that is as 20 percent success rate but the other way to look at this is basically I fail even on a good day 80% of the time I would get a rejection 80% an audience would say no in marketing when you are running traffic when you're doing your marketing online let's say you get a three percent conversion meaning a hundred people this is your website three percent will take action they say your conversion of three percent ninety seven percent would say no 97 percent would not buy and 97 percent would not take action well guess what you have a 97 percent failure rate you see anyone who achieves any kind of success experience failure on a consistent basis rule number 18 overcome adversity whatever you're going through right now I know may be very very difficult and it almost finished at the end of world and you're only the world right the only the world I want you to imagine that you are now three years five years maybe even ten years from today and now you're looking back and what's happening right now and you ask yourself some of these questions is this bad as I thought it is what can I learn from this I know it's very difficult you think I not learn nothing from it there's nothing I'm not even this no what are some lessons you could you could take away well some the value given this right this is going to be the most difficult one what could you be grateful for that this happened to you and you're like oh come on come on then there's nothing to be grateful for this accident happened this emergency happened or something tragic that has happened like just nothing that could be grateful for I know but if there is something you could be grateful for what could you be grateful for ask yourself those questions suddenly that would give you perspective and when you come back to reality where you are now to looking at scenario okay if it's changes from now maybe it's not as bad imagine even things that happen to in the past the adversities that you experienced in the past think about that it could be two three five ten years ago back then that felt like the end of the world that felt like it's the worst thing that's ever happened to you back then now looking today looking back back then how do you feel about those incidents my bet is this it's not as bad as you thought and you learn a lot from it and probably you find something that you could be grateful for that that adversity turns out to be one of the greatest thing that's ever happened to you rule number 19 mastered the skill of communication back then when I was going to high school in Canada in Vancouver I had no friends right because I was very much an introvert I was very shy because I couldn't speak a language when I first arrived to this country I couldn't speak a word of English so I was very afraid to talk to people of course when you're afraid to talk to people no one will listen and I remember I would try to communicate very various even simple language simple words with my classmates and they're like what what it's a part of me and I would have to repeat the same thing three four five times and because they just won't listen and eventually they pretty much just lose their patience they're like I don't I can't understand your myth I can't understand we're talking about so they don't want to talk to me because they feel it's it's it's very troublesome for them right so I know for a fact when you see what I do when I'm now communicating with you that I can speak I can command an audience an offense you know from all over the world that communication this is a learnable skill it is a what it's a learnable skill this is something that you can learn I could go from someone who's a total introvert shy no one will listen to me to now that people would listen to what I have to say right rule number 20 be yourself number 10 the fake ego have you ever met someone that you don't know them but the minute you meet with them they just have this weird kind of vibe that you don't trust him or her or they feel very fake then you feel like oh my god they're just so fake they're so superficial that you don't make that connection that they are not genuine or have you ever met someone that's just a minute you meet with them you make the instant connection and then there's that trust that says that bond that you feel this person is sincere the fake eagle maybe that's you maybe that you're very good at putting on this mask you're very good that in one circumstance you can be this person in an other scenario you become a different person and then here you become another person and before you know it you've done it for so many years you don't know who you are anymore you don't know which one is the real you which one is the real you you've lost yourself be yourself everyone else is taken be yourself I will rather people hate me for who I am then love me for who I am not so don't don't use the fake eagle you don't need it to be successful rule number 21 build great habits successful people have great habits unsuccessful people have lousy habits habits like smoking drinking taking drugs watching too much TV you see successful people are where they today because of their habits habits determine 95% of a person's behavior everything that you are today everything that you accomplish in the future is determined by the quality of the habits that you form what I've found that is the very best people have the best habits you see successful people are simply those with successful habits successful habits could be getting up in the morning meditate reading exercising regularly how many of these habits do you have rule number 22 don't make excuses I'm just an introvert I'm not good with people and I'm just like it's okay I don't like to talk out just like that right you used as an excuse you used that to stay in your own bubble you used that to stay in your own shell that's what believe it or not I was a very very shy person I was an introvert I was the kid when I was going through high school I had no friends I didn't want to talk to people because I couldn't speak the language we're so afraid even now sometimes when I go to meet a lot of people I still sometimes have that little bit of awkwardness it's normal but I don't let that hold me back I know if I want to be more successful if I want to be rich I have to get outside of my comfort zone I have to overcome my shyness that's how I could do what I do so don't use that your personality as an excuse to hold you back rule number 23 redefine failure when you are successful you actually experience failure much faster much much more on a daily basis but it doesn't matter because the ones that said yes that's what builds your business that's what helps you to achieve your goals so from now on I don't want you to think of word failure I want you I want you to be placed what failure from from your vocabulary from your mind instead use this word feedback it is feedback not failure is simply feedback from your customers from your prospects from your clients from the marketplace Hey maybe this offer is not what we want or maybe the price point is not something that they are comfortable with or maybe the way that you articulate you'll share your message you communicate the value it doesn't resonate with with the prospects of the marketplace every single action that you take you're gonna get some now failure you're gonna get some feedback then you're gonna be able to pivot you can make changes to your approach you're gonna learn something from it so next time you're gonna do it just a little bit better and knowing this there's more feedback that you get the faster you get those feedbacks we will talk about bail forward right bail fast forget fail fast it's getting feedback fast knowing hey this is waste of time this doesn't work no problem forget it now let me try this and let more feedback maybe don't like the feedback but that's okay it doesn't work all right no I don't need a waste more time and then BOOM hey the marketplace my customers they like this perfect that's good now that's the feedback that you want rule number 24 influence and persuade and communication skills come in many forms I'm talking about writing their email or writing their social media posts or conducting the meeting or speaking one-on-one speaking on the phone talking with a prospect or even speaking to large groups of people all those falls under communication skills one of the things that I did that change my life early on in my career is I joined Toastmasters to hold and develop my public speaking skills and what's also learning for a mentor to develop my cooperating skill which is communication in the written forms how to use words in print to persuade influence somebody so all successful people they have this one thing in common the ability to influence persuade inspire other people rule number 25 don't care what others think do you worry how people perceive you you know you want to do something but oh what would people think of that what would people think of my action even deep down you know that's the right thing to do but you don't do it because you have other people's opinions ego you let other people's opinions stop you from doing what you know is the right thing those people they could be your family it could be your relatives they could be your friends it could be your high school buddies it doesn't matter it could be social media you're uploading a video you're posting on social media you're making noise you're getting attention suddenly you get a few haters guess what you stop people who don't care about you haters and trolls who add no doubt in your life and some keyboard warriors some losers post a comment like oh I guess that hurts my feeling and you stop doing what it's right you stop doing what is gonna make you successful stop stop worrying about other people's opinions it's just a opinion system doesn't matter critics haters haters gonna hate it doesn't matter you do what you know is right rule number 26 overcome adversity when you're going through the adversities when you're going through all these things you only put some distance but an other thing that you could do is talk to someone there has already gone through that one of the things that I'm very fortunate because I have a lot of peers there are successful mentors people around me that whatever adversity even today that I experienced that's that happens right which I still do that ooh maybe like it would feel I would feel frustrated I would feel like maybe I'm not so sure what to do but I will talk to someone they say talk to a mentor and he will laugh as a yep I experienced that 30 years ago 35 years ago and he's what you need to do and they would share with me my perspective suddenly I don't feel so bad because what happens is when you experience any kind of problem any kind of adversity you think you are the only one in the world that's experiencing this not true I can tell you from experience a lot of people have experienced the same things you're much luckier at least you have a YouTube channel that you could come visit and see and get information and get insights I didn't have any of that back then rule number 27 learn Mark Cuban which three hours a day Bill Gates reads at least one hour per day I go to two to three books per week for years now I'm still constantly learning all the time I'm not just talking about reading a book it could be listening to a podcast talking to other successful people getting coaching from your mentors but successful people we're always learning and growing and we never stop one time I was asking a very successful person out for lunch it's been very successful for so many years it's made merger and acquisition space he's had multiple successful exits so multiple companies at a very young age when we sat down and we're sitting across each other and when we had that meal the first thing that he did is he pulled out a journal and taking notes and started asking me questions learning I was the one who wanted learn from him but it turns out into a learning session that he's learning from me I'll never forget that because you see the more you know the more you will lies you don't know the less you know the more you think you know rule number 28 don't let your ego hold you back if you want something done you got to do it your self well they'll never do it as good as the way that I do it oh I don't trust him or I don't trust her if you want something done you gotta do it yourself what you're really saying is I don't trust other people that is ego there's a form of ego that holds you back because nothing great is accomplished just with one person it requires other people requires teamwork so the do-it-yourself ego this is probably one of the most common evils their whole most people back their hole most entrepreneurs back that's holding them back from going to that next level because they are control freaks they have this massive massive do-it-yourself Eagle that's holding them back rule number 29 play it smart my whole life I've only had one job in my entire life working in a supermarket for one year one day I walk into the supermarket my manager was yelling at me calling me names and I got so fed up with it I said hey hey hey you and I walked out I went home and my mom saw me and she asked me oh how come you got off work early what happened I said no I quit I don't want to worked anymore it is stupid he's a waste of time and my mom was so concerned and so worried back then I was making just minimum wage with that job now do I recommend that you do this you walk into your managers office your boss often say hey I quit I'm gonna now start a business I'm gonna do something else no because I put my mom through hell I put myself through hell looking back what I'd have done that I'm not so sure now I burn a ship I got that but what I realize is most people are not quite ready for that or they don't have their tenacity to make it happen just quite yet so if you're thinking about quitting if you don't like what you do and you're frustrated with the people you work with or you don't like the job you're not passionate about it what you need to do is you need to have some kind of a skill set first what I call high income skill you may have a high income skill that produces income for you before you quit wouldn't be a smart idea because when you quit today let me ask you this how are gonna pay your bills I'm gonna get income coming in how do you know the new thing that you're doing is gonna work how do you know you don't know so a much smarter way to approach this is to develop your skill first so when you have a skill that you are selling you're offering to the marketplace and you're actually getting paid you're making money and I believe the best way to do this is when you're high income skill makes you twice as much money compared to your current job that you have right now that when you can quit then you can do this full-time rule number 30 never give up give you down right now if you're not where you want to be right now if you're not successful right now don't worry because the signs of success are not obvious what often looks like a failure on the service is just a stepping stone towards success so wherever you are in your journey you need to realize your adversity is your greatest advantage your pain is your greatest tool because happiness does not change you pain does comfort does not move you adversity does realize that your toughest times will turn you into the toughest first [Music] what doesn't kill you will make you stronger don't hide your pain don't run away from your struggles use it turn your pain into feel turn your failures into motivation and never ever give up rule number 31 don't use hope as a strategy the most dangerous word that you could use day-to-day is the work hope hope this word keeps you poor think about it when I talk to you entrepreneur when I asked him so what exactly is your marketing strategy they might say something like well then my marketing strategy is I build my business through word-of-mouth the referrals and I always reply you mean hope you see hope it's not a strategy most people they hope to grow their business they hope to get referrals they hope to generate more income they hope to have more free time they hope to start their business they hope they'll get bank financing for the investments they hope hope it's not a strategy you see successful people we don't use hope as a strategy because the minute you use the word hope what you're saying is you have no power you have no control over the outcome why I hope it works I hope this works out now it's one thing to say hey I hope you like this video that's okay but whenever you say I hope I when you give away that responsibility you also give away their power you have no control you have no choice when you have no choice when you have no control when you have no power when you cannot decide you cannot take action and you cannot make that happen rule number 32 know how to close Michael Gerber from emails talks about this most people they actually know entrepreneurs they are technicians suffering from an entrepreneurial seizure meaning that they are very good at the technical work the thing but they don't understand how the business works they do not know how to sell see the number one skill that you need as an entrepreneur as a business owner is the ability to close if you don't close sales you will not bring in revenue and with no revenue you don't have a business and yet most people they get into business without developing that skill set most people don't know how to communicate fewer know how to sell almost no one knows how to close when you can close anyone at any time it means that you have the ability to generate revenue at any moment then you can create revenue for your company and that is the number one skill that you need to make sure that your business is successful rule number 33 be confident successful people are confident in their abilities you see the two biggest enemies to success number one self doubt number two fear of the unknown we struggle with self doubt we worry are we ready for this are we good enough do we actually have what it takes to succeed confidence is nothing more than believing in yourself and believing in yourself says nothing more than doing the things that you once didn't believe that you could do you see confidence comes from competence it's easy to believe in yourself when everyone believes in you that's not what I'm talking about I'm talking about believing in yourself when you're not ready believing yourself when no one believes you believe in yourself when everyone tells you that you cannot do it then you cannot make it that you don't have what it takes that is when you need to develop that unshakable self-confidence that believe that you can do it and confidence is not the same as arrogance the arrogance is thinking that you above everybody else confidence is knowing that no one is above you do you feel confident enough in your own abilities that you can do what it takes are you willing to bet on yourself not just words but action how often you invest in yourself are you willing to put everything you have on the line for your goals and for your dreams do you bet on yourself or do you procrastinate do you hesitate are you perfectionist do you suffer from paralysis analysis rule number 34 stop saying I can't I can do it right I can i I don't have time oh I can't afford it these damn minute youth the word can't your brain stops working stops looking for solutions the minute you sigh can't well that's it I can't do it right it robs you of your potential erupts you off the possibility instead ask yourself how can I see when people say to me why I can't start my business or I can't develop the high income skill or I can do that side hustle oh I can't whatever I always tell them does that mean that you don't want to do it or does that mean you don't know how to do it because we all have the ability we can all do something if we want you could you do it if you really really really want to of course you could so the question is is not I can't is either you don't want to and that's perfectly fine then don't say I can't just say I don't want you when your friends ask you to go out it's just wow you know I can tonight don't say I can't just say you know what I've got other commitments I don't want to go just tell them I don't want to go this is not something I want to do or maybe next time write this side commit when you say well I I can does that mean you don't know how to do it because you could go get the how - there's so much how to you on the internet you could go find a way you can you can take a program go to native and learn from a mentor do is something you have the ability so we place that word can't with either how can i or hey you know what I can do it I can start that business I can learn that skill I can learn from a mentor right I can quit that job I can go on a vacation you have got so much more potential if you just believe in yourself rule number 35 invest in yourself first mystic boys temple that you want to start a Shopify store yes it kind of doesn't cost you a lot but inventory costs you money so you invest the last few thousand dollars you have you go all-in into this particular venture hopefully that it will work my question is what if it doesn't work what if the product doesn't sell you put all your life savings the little bit of money that you have into it and then now what what do you do where do you go from here you see instead of doing that and then putting all your eggs in one basket the best thing you can do is start investing in yourself first invest in a skill set that you can deliver to the marketplace in exchange of money this dramatically lowers your risk and then when that is working then you can start your business rule number 36 embrace failures successful people embrace failures do you embrace failures or do you take failures personally you see successful people they are ridiculously positive about the future they always speak positively about their future where things are going as if it's already happened even though there's no way that it could happen they believe in themselves right they have positive expectations about their future Walt Disney was fired by a news editor saying that he had no imagination and no creativity Steven Spielberg was rejected three times by film school before getting his huge brick Colonel sander at age of 56 got rejected a thousand times for its recipe before a restaurant picks it up you will notice the most successful people in any field they are usually the ones who have failed more than anybody else you see the difference between a successful person and everyone else it's not a lack of strength it's not a lack of knowledge it's a lack of will wisdom Churchill said it best success is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm rule number 37 get more customers you want to get more customers we all want more customers so we can generate more revenue now it depends on your business type you might have a two-step process meaning you may not get a customer directly it may not be a direct sales scenario it could be a two-step process where you actually generate a lead maybe generate a lead online and then you convert that lead into a sell right it's a two-step process so you have the lead generation process and then you have the conversion process it doesn't matter the bottom line is that's what you focus on that's what most entrepreneurs focus on how do I get more customers the challenge is if you have been in business for any length of time that the biggest payoff sometimes the highest paid leverage points that you have with the business may not be getting more customers because it causes a lot of money you're quiet customers nowadays right when you're running traffic when you're doing any kind of advertising it costs a lot of money to acquire their first initial customer if you are a startup yes then focus on getting customers because you need customers to survive but if you have been in business for a while then I want you to consider some of the other ways to increase your revenue to grow your business rule number 38 beyond the right path what I'm doing right now right this path is it gonna get me there right if you are working at a minimum weight job and you say you want to make six figure a year you want to make you know a quarter million dollars a year well what are the chances of whatever you're doing right now that would get you there right and if not doesn't matter what you do it's just that's the wrong path because this path will never get you there rule number 39 find the right mentors when you're watching someone's video when you are following someone on social media to me that is learning but that's not mentorship mentorship is much more intimate it's much more special it's not just watching someone passively so to me that there are a lot of people that you can learn from and I learned from a lot of people over the years I mean I read so many books and attend so many workshops and and every lunch and dinner and and all these people that are business people that are interact with I learned from them I hear their stories I hear their struggles I hear about the best practices however when it comes to mentoring when it comes to having a mentor I've only had really not up to this point in my life three mentors in my life first one his name is Allen Alice my very first mentor he taught me marketing and copywriting right if you've watched my video you know that second and it's been my mentor since I was 20 in my early 20s a me meet my opportunity right to to to work for him for one year for the next enough that Willie is working for free but I learned a tremendous amount from him and he gave me the opportunity he he gave me the chance right he believed in me when no one believed in me my second mentor and Pena the fifty billion dollar man right you may have seen him on on YouTube in fact I'm going to visit him in in Scotland in a couple months and he was here if you saw my videos my interview with him so he's been my mentor for more than a decade now that's my second mentor and my third mentor my new mentor mr. Duane doing Clark and doing is a super super successful man with with great values and so that's my third mentor so really I learned from everybody but when it comes to selecting the right mentor I'm very very selective I want to pick someone that I could learn from for a long time because most people when they pick someone they see someone on YouTube they see someone on you social media I live with that person I wonder if I'm the first person only from their person well the problem with that approach is think of it like martial art imagine you learning you're taking a lesson a you want to learn boxing this week next week and you'll learn Brazilian jiu-jitsu and then the week after you learn chinese kungfu in it and then the next month you learn something else you never get good at it you never never get good at anything because you're jumping from one thing to another make sense rule number 40 value yourself good for free are you idiot [ __ ] well that's one way to handle it when someone asked us to work for free or can I pay you later when you get results for them but you can do it better than that you can deal with their objection with finesse he would of the day comment below what's the word finesse it's like Tai Chi you want to redirect don't fight force with force redirect now remember I used to get this objection quite a bit when I was younger when I was just starting out in my career right when I don't have a track record then people would ask me well Dan I would I would pay you later when I get results on this let's try this out or can you work for free like what the my like a volunteer right I'm a business person here so what do you do when you get that kind of objection so I'm gonna give you a couple ways to handle this okay if you enjoy this video give me a thumbs up remember if you watch a lot of my other videos I think you'll love this video as well so here we go number one it's easier to handle that with some kind of a metaphor and some kind of a question right a series of questions and seeing a picture in their mind so when they say hey so can you work for free you might say something like hey mr. prospect let me ask you a question here let's say you want to buy a Porsche and you walk up to a Porsche dealership and you say you know what I want to take this Porsche home and I'm gonna drive drive it for a month and just see how I like it right and then maybe come back and maybe I'll pay you now if you are the the car dealership you're the owner of this car dealership what are you gonna say to your prospect like that well I'm gonna say no that's not how it works oh no you're look it's stupid idiot exactly right so that's a very powerful way of using a metaphor to handle it another way that I've used a metaphor this kind of an interesting one I would say hey mr. prospect let me ask you a question have you ever eaten a restaurant before yeah right so can you walk up to the restaurant owner and say hey you know what I'm gonna have I'm gonna have the meal here and after them you know I'm gonna go home I'm not gonna pay I'm gonna go home and see how I do in the bathroom let's see how much how I like it what kind of power movement I have and then when I come back I'll see if I want to pay is it how it works no that's not how it works at all right like so there are different ways you can handle in a in a in a sarcastic but also firm and respectful way basically telling them indirectly that you value your time you're telling your prospect that you value your skills and expertise right now in the beginning maybe you do have to do limited work pro bono to get some experience that's not what I'm talking about here we're talking about closing and asking for money up front right we're signing a deal we're signing an agreement and we're trying to close a deal right here or right now rule number 41 change your environment I always say that your willpower is never as powerful as your environment a lot of times maybe you want to change you want to make a new decision you want to take the leap of faith you want to do something new but your environment is not supportive of that the people around you your family and friends they're not supportive of your new goal your new vision that you have for yourself or maybe in terms of your environment where you live in that is not supportive of where you want to go so instead of trying to fight with that I always say change the environment change your environment it's much more powerful because your environment is more powerful than your your willpower your your discipline so what can you do to structure and create that environment so that it's easier for you to accomplish whatever it is that you want to accomplish rule number 42 the valuable skills instead of thinking now we in we're no longer in a job economy we're in a skill economy that you need to think much more like a an independent person with skillset that you offer it could be two companies or two different businesses or to the marketplace instead of thinking or a job we provide for you you need their flexibility right developing what I call the high income skill and I'm number of videos on YouTube you can search on youtube download high income skills you'll find that so don't think arms in the job economy that job economy their credentials economy where a piece of paper a piece of paper is not gonna protect you when there's an economic downturn a piece of paper is not gonna prevent you from being laid off a piece of paper it's not gonna pre friend that your industry turn upside down and then this massive change that's happening it's not gonna protect anybody what no one can take away is just you set the value that you know you could provide to people to the marketplace to companies no one can take that away from you so focus on skill not just a job rule number 43 changed the way you think about money people ask me all the time Dan why they talk about money all the time you see there's nothing wrong or evil about money money is neutral imagine if you enjoy talking about basketball Raptors NBA Canadian team right if you enjoy playing basketball watching basketball would you be ashamed to talk about basketball with your friends your buddies no you wouldn't then why would you be ashamed talking about money you see you have a story in your mind right now about health about success about life and also about money you have a story in your mind right now and guess who created those stories to be your parents could be your relatives it could be the people that you know you're loved you're brought in sisters your cousins it doesn't matter but you picked up those stories from somewhere when member when you were a little kid the horror story the scary story the spooky story that the boogeyman hiding the closet someone planted those thoughts in your mind and someone planted those thought about money in your mind as well that it's hard to get money that rich people are bad that you have to do something bad to to make money and and it's one thing to make money and it's very difficult to keep money and if you make the money and now you lose it then you look really really stupid it is simply not true the people who are struggling with money they afraid to talk about money and believe me they do talk about money the difference is they argue all the money your parents argue over money do you argue over money with your loved one your spouse your boyfriend and girlfriend I remember one of the few times in my life that I saw my mom cried was because we ran out of money so remember money secret number one money moves to those who are not afraid to talk about it rule number 44 hold yourself accountable most of us live up to other people's expectations we don't want to disappoint other people so let's use that don't just rely on yourself disciplined let's say you have a goal instead of just keeping that to yourself and say I'm gonna work on there I'm gonna work on that and when I get there then I'm gonna tell other people about it know do the opposite do what I do tell the whole word about it declare to the whole world this is who I am this is what I'm gonna do this is who I want to be these are my goals and you tell the whole freakin word about it the world will hold you accountable just like my youtube channel I declared in the beginning I'm gonna hit a hundred thousand subscribers with it that at the clear the world we're gonna hit a million subscribers by the end of 2018 we did that now we've declared the word we're gonna hit ten million subs guess what we're gonna do that I don't hide to myself and say oh I'm just keep it to myself these are this is my goal no I'm gonna tell we're gonna do it we're gonna do an eye we're gonna do it together it's the same thing rule number 45 do what you love this this village and the government wants to develop in this village so they send some of the top agents to talk to the chief of this village and these agents they showed up to talk to the chief and say hey chief we are planning to spend millions and millions of dollars building infrastructure helping you to develop this village and achieve it's like okay so what are you planning to do the agents are saying you know what chief is what we're gonna do we are going to have some buses we're gonna send a lot of buses to your village the achieve it's like okay so why do we need buses well we're gonna have all these buses we're gonna have you we're gonna educate you we're gonna bring your people and then we're gonna bring them to a school the chief is asking well why do we want to go to school the agents are saying well when you go to school you're gonna study different subjects and topics and so that you could get a a diploma or a degree the chief is like okay so what happens after we get the degree and the diploma oh then you'll be able to graduate you're gonna be able to find a safe secure job and achieve it's like okay so why do you want to save the qhr oh come on chief when you have the safe secure job then you're gonna be able to make some money you make some money then you're gonna you can have kids your people are gonna have kids and then you can get a house okay so and then the chief cycle Canada and then what oh then you get a house and you put aside some some money and then you work many many many years until you're 65 and guess what chief and you can't wait tired and the chief it's like okay then what happens after what time what do you mean what happens after we time it after what time you can do whatever you want you can go fishing you can spend time with your family you can go hunting you can do whatever you want the chief looks at the agents and saying I'm doing there right now I'm fishing and hunting and spending time with my family right now why didn't go through all this process the moral of the story is this that sometimes we are chasing we're so focusing on the goals and we sometimes forget why do we want those things in the first place it's what I believe is a very important I want to share with you it's not just how much money you make is how you make the money knowing that money is just a vehicle is a means to an end at the end of a what is it that you're after rule number 46 stop using the word try I'll try to do something well I tried see when you use the word try the minute you use that word you are setting yourself up for failure you're giving yourself a way out when something doesn't work out well you know I try I try my best I try to call you man right I try do this with me I want you if you're sitting down if you're standing up you doing something you're watching me right now listen to me I want you to try to walk a step forward try to walk a step take a step no no I didn't say walk a step I said try to walk a step towards me go ahead no I didn't say move a step I said try try to move no I did not say move a step I said try to move a step you see the state of trying doesn't exist it is a made a [ __ ] story that we created in our own minds the state of try it doesn't exist either you do or you don't there is no such thing either you move on you can take a step forward or you don't take a step forward there is no try try means nothing it means nothing happens so eliminate that word from your vocabulary rule number 47 take action now one of the things I teach all my students who are learning closing from me very simple I teach them a roleplay a day keeps property away right every single day you spend at least invest at least one hour role play and honing your skills is there simple it's an integration it's not a well today I don't feel like a little role play or I'll do it tomorrow and then you procrastinate and you don't do it for a week and then guilt kicks in oh I should have done there but I didn't do it now if I do it it's kind of too late that looks stupid in front of the people is all this BS if in your mind versus hey you know why we do an hour day and now they will play period that's it there's no thinking I don't want you to think about it I don't want you to hesitate I don't even want you to do it just integrate it into your life every single day I'm going to do an hour wall play period if you want to improve your closing skill you see it takes all the decisions making out out of your thoughts all these Spears in your in your mind take that away and just do that remember 48 expand if you're serving a local market if you are making money generate income from just working with and serving people in your city expand that so instead of focusing a local market how can you take what you do an offer to a more global market so when this economic downturn in your country and I know our friends in you know over the world in your country or in your city you're not depending on it when you are serving people in so many different countries right because usually when there's like an economic downturn in this country this is booming right if this there's a problem with this country right and this is booming so instead of focusing on a local market serve a global market rule number 49 don't quit have you had more ones in your life when you feel like you just want to give up then no one is coming to help you no one is coming to rescue you then you've tried everything you possibly could to solve the problem that's in front of you and just feel like quitting I've had many many of those moments in my life and in my career as an entrepreneur I faced various challenges competitions problems on a day-to-day basis and there many times in my life that I felt maybe I couldn't solve this problem maybe I couldn't overcome this maybe I should just quit I'm not gonna give you some rah-rah motivational talk and say hey just don't give up just hang in there just don't give up what I am gonna do is to share with you some of the things I've learned when I've gone through a lot of ups and downs in my business career to get to where I am today that what do you do when you feel like you want to quit when you feel like quitting what do you do you see whatever that's in front of you whatever obstacle that's in front of you right now and you feel like you have done everything you possibly could that yes I have tried everything to overcome this my question to you is have you tried everything have you talked to enough people have you read all the books that you could on this topic that you seek mentorship have you seek help have you done everything you possibly could have you taken all the actions that you possibly could to overcome this have you my guess is probably not because if you have you would have already gotten the results you see it's never a matter of lack of resources it's always a lack of resource fulness that you're not created enough that we are not created enough that we don't think outside the box enough and sometimes when you get so close so close to your goal a lot of us we just give up we quit when we are disclosed to achieving that goal you see success is on the razor's edge of when you think it couldn't get any worse when you think it couldn't be worse than what you're going through right now when you think it couldn't be any tougher that's when breaks do happens sometimes in life you break down before you break through and rule number 50 the last one before a very special bonus clip is have fun [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank me later [Music] aigoo today in room now I have a special bonus tip from Dan on how to not follow fake gurus that I think you're gonna enjoy but before that is time for the three-point landing questions let's go from just watching the video to taking action here we go question number one what do you need to stop saying I can't - number two whose opinions do you need to stop caring about and number three what are the excuses that you need to stop making for yourself and if you like this video and you're going to take action give me a hashtag believe down the comments as well following fake gurus is a great thing about the internet is there's so much information out there the sad thing about the Internet is that nowadays everyone is an expert everyone it's a guru they are telling you to do this and don't do that everyone and their brother-in-law in the dog it's got an e-commerce store right now and they're telling you that hey just follow my system and you'll live the life of your dreams my question to you is if you ask yourself if you think critically what qualifies them to give you advice most of these so-called experts they come and go I've seen it for so many years right see the name the game is not getting rich the name of the game is staying rich most of these so-called gurus are experts they're kind of fly-by-night they do not last it's like fireworks a lot of noise and later on nowhere to be found isn't it true so if you notice who you learn from it's much more important of what you learned are they truly proven other models proven to work in different market conditions and in different circumstances and if you really dig DB what do you think about it they will eliminate 99% of them and these gurus are telling you trends that might disappear overnight then you're building your future on quicksand instead of on a solid foundation so ask yourself are these trends going to be around one year two year three years five years ten years from now hi this is Dan Locke if you're a fan of Evans work if you want to know exactly how the model my success I want to invite you to join me for a special online training all you have to do is click on a link below you can join me for absolutely no charge so click a link below and I will see you in class if you want more Dan lock check out the other top 50 rules video I made on him the link is right there next to me I think you'll enjoy it continue to believe and I'll see you there the more I try to chase them on I want to make the money I want to make the money then you can see these people they're so desperate they don't make money you don't make money if your life stinks it's your fault
Channel: Evan Carmichael
Views: 47,133
Rating: 4.8649921 out of 5
Keywords: entrepreneur, yt:cc=on, evancarmichael, entrepreneurship, success motivation - dan lok top 10 rules, dan lok top 10 rules for success, dan lok, the king of high ticket sales, dan lok interview, dan lok speech, best of dan lok, success story, dan lok advice, dan lok motivation, success motivation, success advice, how to make it as an entrepreneur, entrepreneur advice, boss in the bentley, dan lok top 50 rules for success, how to become rich
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 59sec (4679 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 19 2019
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