Dan Lok's Top 50 Rules for Success (@danthemanlok)

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the more I try to chase them and I want to make the money I want to make the money you can see these people they're so desperate they don't make money you don't make money if your life stinks is your fault we take responsibility for own action our money is not that important money doesn't buy happiness oh my goodness let me think let me think you're broke lead motivation watch a top ten with belief nation what's that believe nation it seven I believe in you and this channel is designed to be a part of your daily success routine so let's get your motivation to attend and get you believing in you grab a snack and chew on today's lessons from a man who came to Canada at age fourteen knowing zero English then started 13 different businesses and failed at all of them to becoming the king of high ticket sales and a highly successful entrepreneur and consultant he's day in lock and here's my take on his top 50 rules for success also if you want to know what day in lock and other successful entrepreneurs have to say about building unstoppable confidence check out my 250 for confident series where every day for the next 254 days I will send you a morning video for free to help you build your confidence too late to join is in the description below after you practice Marshall you develop this natural self confidence not cockiness but you develop this natural self-confidence okay let's kick it off with rule number one learn more when the first business pilot that I had it was like a basically he was my neighbor at a time I was trying to build my little business and he sold me on the concept oh you need a website and I pay him some money a long story short he's basically scared me out of like hundred fifty thousand dollars I lost all my mom's money all the savings and I didn't know anything about into the marketing and then right after that because that experience was so traumatic for me from then on everything I do I said I want to learn in a hundred percent so I went and at a time internet marketing I bought the corey rudl course and remember the insider secrets to mocking the internet right that the two big binders like six hundred pages I went through in two days Wow and from then on I was just like reading every I forget about like reading a book a month I was reading a book every two three days so that experience change how I operate and that that's how it evolved this hunger to learn yeah as much as I could so I would feel I don't think it's a healthy thing is when I went to Tony's event unleash the power within yeah I don't know there's there's a healthy thing but I always have this feeling of no I need it no more right I need to know more rule number two add value first I was knocking on door and no one like I was not gonna hey do you want me to Milano no we don't need that we're only a - yeah at a time I had my mom had a friend my aunt she had a printing business right like you know printing business card and flyers and all that so I went to my aunt I said why don't you know you print a bunch of flyers I would help to distribute in the in the neighborhood like printing service but yeah they're two sides are flying right between 5,000 of these I'll run around I'll distribute it on the other side can I put my sub money yeah my lawn-mowing since I go what the heck yeah it's all been always very entrepreneurial yeah you know how to you know be resourceful in the city yeah yeah yeah cuz a lot of people wouldn't have even tried that because they'll say well I don't have the money for lawn mow or I don't have any of that so it stopped them right yeah it's a good proof right there that it's not about what you have it's about what you do with what you have hundred percent were including that even at a young age it's never lack of resources I think it's a lack of resource fulness and and I was just resourceful I had no money so I had time I can put in effort and I distribute all five of your flyers I ran home and I was just waiting for the phone I thought I'm gonna get rich yeah oh my god five five thousand people I'm like I'm gonna to get a hundred phone call or I'm gonna pull my time I'm still going to school I thought I'm gonna make like House Isabella's right right one hour no call mmm one day no call three days not a single one now let's check the flush get I put at the wrong number right knows what the right number right not a single phone call from the flyer all right and and I learned okay there's something that you know you can have a great product a great service but if you don't know how to get it out there do marketing in and get people to pay attention no one's gonna buy from you so I came an idea I thought to myself and this affected my philosophy for the rest of my life man is a philosophy so I thought think back the very first client I had could pay me 20 bucks what did I do I mow the lawn first before asking anything in return that's how I got that first $20 right right yeah I thought let me do that again so I ran around the neighborhood and I found one of the most probably one of the higher-end expensive homes in the neighborhood and I saw the lawn was like up to this high like high and I just found it fun a day and it just mowed and I think that's illegal to do that I'm not an advocate of that but I did that so you didn't even knock on their door you know I know the whole lawn right I did the whole thing right and I finish whole thing and I set at the front door waiting for the homeowner to come back okay she is funny it's a housewife she came back and she couldn't she couldn't recognize her lawn this is this not right yeah she drove by and then she drove back and she pulled what the hell is going on right right and she's like who are you like I said you know I said just a kid I'm trying to make you know make some money I provide these services a fly oh this is awesome you know my husband travels all the time he never is never home I can't do this stuff thank you so much you make my lawn looks like she gave me $100 Wow okay two dollars right and that affected me for the rest of my life so my business philosophy until this very day if you say one of my motive for for business add value first before you ask anything return that's how I always approach you know how most business people they approach somebody yeah they want to sell them some right right all they want to hey man you do something for me or like you know on social media people come to me all the time or they feel like just because I'm successful that I'm obligated to help them right you can show easily or so easily we'll just give them yeah chase you got be gonna earn it so my philosophy is any interaction with people how can I add value to what you do it's always my most favorite questions this what is the most important project you're working on that can add value to rule number three improve yourself many years ago when I first met my mentor and I was telling him about all these businesses that I've started I said hey you know Alan I mean I started all these businesses and then somehow I don't know man I'm not I'm not making enough money I'm struggling I don't know why my my my customers they're like chief they're very difficult to deal with and I mean I don't know the economy and it's kind of sucks and I think I paid too much in taxes I mean I was rambling on and complaining and bitching of all these things and he said stop I said what is it stop is that what do you mean is it stop is it it's very simple dance let me teach you something it said if your business sucks is because as a business person you suck I said what no us no I work hard I said I always very defensive' I was like I learned and I try to try to do my best and try to serve my customers said no you suck as a business person he said if if you've got sales problem it means you suck as a sales person if you've got employee problem it means it sucks at you you are managing the business leader it's very very simple sir remember this your business is always a reflection of you your business always reflection of you nothing more so if you think about it why most businesses fail I think why most business fail it because the reason the intent most people they stopped the businesses for the wrong reason they start the business because they want to get out of a job they started business because they want to they want to make money of course nothing wrong with that they start a business because they think maybe there's an opportunity it sounds like it's easy where the big money is not it started for the wrong reason versus they see a need in the marketplace this skill there's a this expertise is some valid it could bring to that particular industry right there's something that you could bring to think about it it's like if thinking of starting a business like flying a plane and you can't just say well I'm passionate I have a great idea let me fly that plane well you have your food I've you fly plane before no do you know what if I play no do you know where you're going no but looks like fun let me go on a plane one our chances of you crashing very high and that's why statistics shows 90% of small business fail in the first five years even the ones who survive after five years most of them don't don't pass the million dollar mark they're just kind of surviving and that's why people go into business for the wrong reason and they go into business without the proper training without the skills I could tell you when I had all those failures when I started all these crazy businesses and why they fail it's not because the vehicle is because of me as a business person that I didn't have the business acumen I didn't have the business experience I didn't know anything about leadership marketing sales negotiation raising capital any skills I have today so everything I did it didn't work because I was a lousy business person I sucked as a business person but I learned from my mistakes and that's the good thing about business you can suck many many many years when you get better you learn from it you get you suck less and when you practice and you dust yourself all you learn for mistakes you suck even little mess until whether you wake up you say you know what I don't suck no more and one win in business can make up a lot of losses one win can make up for all your losses rule number four set wealth triggers so you notice I have a lot of wealth triggers in my office so it's not this decorative item everything means something to write so I have like you know the LK that's thought that represents personal branding yeah so I can think about that like leadership energy and sure wisdom so everything is dead in my office I wanted to call them wealth triggers yeah you should this create certain type of feeling environment for me right I was believing environments more powerful yeah your your real power right I want it sturdy so I have meetings you're awesome I'm that's all sir every week all those yeah yeah and then have the Chinese kind of Friday in there I'll see if I can translate that basically means a kind of like the outer wall and battles one before they were fought right and and your decisions affect affect with the the outcome of the battle even your like thousand miles away right let's watch me that's cold I like the strategy I love it rule number five find mentors I tried most things like most people I rep this success books and already she's thinking Grow Rich and how to win the friends influence be here right right you know back and forth many times like all these books and you know I would get up in the morning and I would look in the mirror and say I'm successful and there could be a great day information information and and I would I would visualize I say put me in a vision board I do know I did all that stuff right here so you know yes yes you know all right stuff right so it was okay I think all those things they helped but really that the turning point was when I find my first mentor his name is Allen Allen Allen and at that time Allen was he ran one of the the it was the founder of a ring with the investment network in Canada which was at the time one of the largest real estate investment network in Canada and how did you find him good question I want to ask you that because there might be somebody listening this or watching this that might be on their 12th or 13th failure yeah right at that turning point so it's somebody sitting there and kind of confused how how did you find your mentor and what would be your recommendation oh I'll tell you how I found my mentor and I'll give then I'll give them the advice of what where to find so at a time I was just like an opportunity junkie okay I know money's our attendees like free seminars and I would get on these like mailing lists right and Alan was running one of the largest financial seminar companies in Canada and he was the first one that brought war but your sake mmm from Rich Dad Poor Dad robust gunshot before even the gears like it was famous it was the first guy so I was getting all these junk mails direct mail like not not Instagram Facebook right direct mail right yeah and I would always always be fascinated by the way that he would write these sales letters right and I would collect them mm-hmm I would collect him put in a fuel punched him put him a binder and I would save them and we'll study them I just fascinated by the way he communicates right so the copywriting on topper idea and he's I remember the name Alan Jack's right this is name and at one time was attending a free conference or seen sitting in the back and I was watching the speaker Jenna a gentleman sat down next to me and watching the speaker was looking at you I was looking that's like I know there's a name ken yeah it's just Alan Jack's Wow and I thought no way yeah no way and I said are you Alan jacks he said yes I said are you the one that's hosting these events inviting these letters and it's like yes I am what they're called right that's my internal dialogue I try to be calm right as I'm a huge fan yeah like I I love what you do and he thought I was referring to the event but yeah yeah you know we do pretty good events I said no no no no I study your letters here as I collect them I tell them I I collect these letters and he was shocked because I don't think he's ever had anyone telling him that all right young guy 2020 someone 21 years old my pocket handing out of my copy right yeah like collecting the junk mail and I was just faster they said I said I said mr. Jackson can i buy your lunch mm-hmm and always remember to reply he pause he said what the hell I gotta eat yeah that was the start of a relationship Wow and we had lunch we talk for hours and then I afterwards I asked him to be my mentor would you turn me down mm-hmm and I was again not recommending this I was basically stalking him in his office why I rented office every day if we tell you it physically go there I'll do the office I would say anything I would pick up the trash anything yeah I was just demonstrating I want to help anything yeah I don't care about money I don't want a salary I don't want anything and and finally a monthly that's okay I just need a higher you just oh this is this is like this is spotting me so much money he's part of my staff fine like this young man it's like crazy right and he did and I worked for him for almost four year for next to nothing that was funny story so we would do a lot to write mail right so we stuff these envelopes and I will help stop the envelopes and you know the envelope the stems and I'm like the liquid envelope right and I would put the after about two weeks of that he said Dan you can actually use water for that Oso Oso though it's getting poison a licking 500 envelopes like that and put the whole thing in but that's how I got started right that's like how naive I was by what is hungry rule number six get good habits we are what we repeatedly do human beings we are creatures of habits you notice that you kind of do the same thing the same routine over over and again and again and again see become getting rich is not an act it is a habit so it is staying poor it's also not an act it's nothing just happens to you it is a habit so let me teach you the three best habits of rich people the very first habit of rich people and that is they count their money poor people don't count their money they get a paycheck they deposit a paycheck they spend the money they have no idea what the expenses are you have no idea how the money flows you know this poor people they enjoy OB they have a job and wait till maybe once a year when they found out they would tax return is the Texas that are owning is how much have to pay they look at the numbers they even look at the numbers it's just okay all right that's what how much I need to pay without a tax return and death yeah look at it maybe maybe once a year rich people we don't do that we look at our numbers regularly we are financially literate I'm not a numbers person don't get me wrong ok I'm a concept guy ok I'm a big-picture thinker I'm a visionary but I am very very careful and I'm very aware how my money is flowing habit number two is they pay themselves first now you've heard of this before oh yeah I know I then I've heard of this this before you got to pay yourself do you know actually what that means paying yourself doesn't buy yourself a car it doesn't mean taking that vacation it doesn't mean that you know you would you know you go blow money on entertainment oh yeah I'm paying money myself no that's paying everybody else when you're buying a car you're paying the automotive motive company when you're buying a house you are paying the bank when you are traveling you are paying the the travel agency you're paying the hotel you're paying the the flight company airplane company ping yourself meaning that you put your money aside and you invest your money now I'm not talking about being frugal you know if you know anything about me you know my work I'm not talking about being frugal and being cheap I'm talking about taking a piss percentage of your income and putting that aside pay yourself first and save it and then you invest it habit of rich people number three and that is rich people are constantly improving their earning ability because you might be thinking Danny okay I want to pay myself first but I'm not making enough money I'm only making a few dollars in a month i couldíve I couldn't even afford to pay my bills how am I gonna pay myself first first of all you gotta have the habit of paying yourself first if you're not paying yourself first even a tiny small percentage when you're making 30 40 50 60 $100,000 a year I guarantee you when you're making million two million dollars a year you're not paying yourself it is a habit that I'm talking about and in order to do that in order to be able to every single year to be able to pay yourself more and more and more and put into investments you need to improve your earning ability you need to find ways how you can add value to the marketplace how to add more value to the marketplace so every single year your income is going up every year if you've been you've been working in house in the real world and you have your own business and your income kinda stays flat for the last two three five years and shame on you it means you're not learning it means you're not thinking it means you're not growing every single year your income you have to strive to improve that your earning ability and the rich people we're always constantly looking for ways to improve our earning ability but also looking for ways to ant leverage to apply leverage into what we do rule number seven don't have unrealistic expectations and why do you think so many people fail in spite of the best efforts you know a lot of people watching this right now they've maybe tried different ways of making money online or building businesses why do you think is the the main reason why a lot of people fail I think that two main reasons the first one is I think because of the whole internet that they have people have this unwilling they see someone like you and say oh Stefan is doing this it's got a YouTube channel and he's doing Kindle publishing and I want to do that you know I maybe I'll make some videos to what they don't see is how many years of effort that you put into it so most people they listen to a webinar they watch a video and they say oh this guy's making whatever how much money online I could do that and they jump into it and then they try for three months and so all this thing doesn't work yeah right oh I take some into the next thing Bitcoin whatever now it's Bitcoin so hard right oh and then and then they try that and then try for three month all that doesn't work they try the next thing so I think that expectations unrest expectation lead to lead to disappointment and failure rule number eight have a healthy mind and body I saw a couple comments on YouTube people asking what dan do you recommend these like mine stimulating your mind and hinging drugs the answer is absolutely not if you follow my work you know I don't smoke I don't drink and I don't do drugs I don't even drink coffee right I drink like honey green tea that's what I drink and water and maybe from time to time you know cook zero when I'm watching a movie or something like that that's it no drugs no cigarettes and no alcohol why is that because you notice a lot of times even with my own story my father was actually a very heavy smoker I want to say he said hey he was an alcoholic but he drinks quite a bit he enjoys a glass here and there and I do notice later on when he had the stroke he had all the when his health was in it was declining a lot of those habits contributed to that if you don't have a healthy body a healthy mind there's no way in hell you'll be able to sustain the stress the the pressure it takes to be successful so I don't think you need those things you only need those mind handing drugs to be successful to have more clarity and all dish if you want you enjoy a drink here and there that's perfectly fine I'm just saying I don't do it I don't need to have alcohol to have a good time and when I drink I like people if hey Dan just a zip of beer it's okay enjoy they don't taste good to me quite frankly even they taste like that but they don't even taste it to me so I don't enjoy I don't need those things to have a good time if I have a good time good company good friends good conversation I have a good time and I don't need to get high to do to I get high on doing what I love I get high on just life I get high on being the impact of people rule number nine up your thermostat alright great ideas alone are not enough why great ideas along are not enough to change our lives you see one of the great mistakes that most people make is they are tending to change their body their arch am telling to change the relationship they are telling to change the income their finance they are tending to change something outside of themselves in searching something that's inside with themselves some people see themselves as conservative and unsafe are they gonna do anything crazy are they gonna go bungee jumping or skydiving no unless you drunk or something like that so you're not gonna do anything crazy or at nuts unless you're drunk now you might say it's the alcohol but really it's just you finally getting permission to be yourself the alcohol is just an excuse if you are playful if you're fun if you're outrageous you're gonna talk differently gonna move differently you know dress differently maybe in a red suit and you're gonna do things differently and there's no right or wrong but most of us have trapped ourselves in an old self-image and never really update who we are today so then when you go and learn a new skill when you go learn a new ability a new idea but we're stuck in this self-image this is who I am and that's why we never surpass it let me give you a metaphor this would make sense for you let's say in this room that we set the thermostat at 70 degrees let's say that 70 degrees it's a metaphor it's a what metaphor for your comfort zone which is also known as your self-image your comfort zone and most people have goals that are larger they're more than their self-image and that's why most people don't get to their goals unless they alter and or expand their self-image so 70 degrees is your comfort zone 70 degrees it's your body not your goal not where you want to be eventually but what you're comfortable with 70 degrees is your the amount of love and passion and connection you have in your personal intimate relationship again not your goal but you know what where you live with what you live with regularly 70 degrees is the amount of money that you need to make to be comfortable not your goal what you're comfortable with let's say the temperature drops to 65 degrees now what happens is your brain goes hey hey hey I'm a 70 degree or not a 65 the heaters kicked on you feel this a drive and this dis urge and you want to do something about it by show of hand how many I've ever had experienced part of life maybe your body maybe your income maybe your relationship where it dropped and you fell it's not good enough and you fell this incredible try to do something about it yeah but without way of and say oh yeah oh yeah and from there and you try something and it doesn't work and you try something else and it doesn't work and you try something else and it doesn't work now after a while nobody wants to be a disappointment no one no one wants to feel like a failure in their lives so what some people do is they lower the thermostats they lower their expectations they make their goals smaller more realistic more reasonable don't get your hopes up or you'll be disappointed well you know maybe maybe not I'm not a 70 70 degree labor hour 65 degree air look at those 70 degree people so arrogant so fooled themselves they're probably workaholics anyway I'm being smart I'm cutting back I'm downsizing I don't want to burn myself out I don't have more balance in my life now before you know it they're 62 they only at 58 now by the way when you add when they add when they ask if th do they Hara hang around with 70 degree people no they hang around with 50 degree people so they feel better about themselves on a regular basis why do you think people watch we are the TV you know what I thought my life is a mess look at these people on TV instantly if you better buy yourself now but you're at tax obviously you're not like that you're an overachiever yes an overachiever so when H when it's supposed to be a 70 degrees yes 65 what do you do you do something about it yes you don't settle you try it you try something else it doesn't work you try something else it doesn't work you try something else it doesn't work you don't settle you don't give up and you don't give in if you hit a wall you go around it you go over it you go under it whatever it takes you do it and do you stop at 70 degrees no you keep going until you hit 80 85 90 91 92 93 99 degree and your brain goes hey hey hey what do you think you're doing up here you're not a nerdy degree who do you think you are get back to where you were and suddenly you realize you're outside of your comfort zone and then the heater stopped and you lose your drive and you begin to self-sabotage yourself and you stop doing what got you there in the first place and you start doing some dumb things making some dumb decisions until you get back to exactly where you think you deserve to be now how many of y'all know I'm sure none of you have done this but how many of you have seen other people sabotage himself yeah I thought so I thought so you see the strongest force in human personality is the need to remain consistent with how we see ourselves the strongest force in human personality is the need to remain consistent with how we see ourselves so the image that we hold of ourselves controls our successes and our failures and also impacts every single area of our life rule number 10 have a sense of urgency the average human lifespan is 75 years 1/3 of your life is spent sleeping and outer third of your life is spent on watching TV movies drinking and partying traveling spending time with family and friends playing video games commuting to work buying groceries paying the bills being stuck in traffic waiting in line mowing the lawn cleaning up the house and doing laundry 25 years left in the first 18 years of your life you are growing up you are learning to walk eat run and talk you are totally dependent on parents and going to school because you can't really think for yourself call your own shots or know how to be your own person that means you have approximately seven years to make your dreams come true and if you have a job you probably spend most of that time working for someone else instead of building your own dream life is too short to waste time on people who don't lift you up or inspired you life is too short to be living somebody else's dream life is too short to wait life is too short not to take chances life is too short to wake up with regrets developed a sense of urgency in the pursuit of success and freedom you must step up to live life on your own terms [Music] rule number 11 say a lot of yes you need to say a lot of yes because you never get more in life by saying no you can only get more in life by saying yes say yes to the opportunity say yes meeting to that new person say yes going to that new city you want to try a lot of different things sometimes a lot young people they ask me well then what should I focus on what what should I do what career should I pursue or what's my passion I say how the do I know you haven't tried enough things you haven't fail enough it's like if you only have tasted certain types of food if you only taste a hamburger let's say for example you haven't tried Japanese food Malaysian food right Indian food Chinese food how do you know what's out there how do you know what is possible how do you know what do you like you only try one thing you only stay in one city you've only hung out with a few people in your whole life so you want to try more things it's okay maybe it's that online business venture that you want you try ecommerce and it doesn't work and you try Amazon it doesn't work and you try to feel the marketing doesn't work it doesn't matter what it is but you need to try enough stuff I started and fail at 13 businesses 13 businesses before having my first success because I was saying guest a lot of things most of them didn't work out and that's okay but I knew I found out what I don't want to do if you don't know what you want to do it's a great place to start find out what you don't want find out absolutely what you don't want and what you don't want to tolerate so first stage you need to say yes to say yes to all kinds of opportunities knowing most of them will fail most of them would be a waste of time but you'll learn something from that and that's okay rule number 12 stand out people don't buy products and services they buy stories because when there are so many choices out in the marketplace on the internet any any any product that you want there are hundreds and hundreds of choices how do you stand out how do you add emotions to a commodity a pen what's the difference between a $2.00 pen like this or a an $800 Montblanc John F Kennedy limited edition exclusive pen $800 of him it's the same pen it's the same functions story when he asks story to it to an item suddenly when you add the the the John F Kennedy the president story attached to a brand to a logo it is ten times more valuable it is a hundred times more valuable it is three hundred times more valuable that particular pen all because a story he writes the same a $2.00 pen you can write to that's the difference so think about what was the story how can you inject stories into everything on YouTube rule number 13 show up you ask me all the time where am i flying to your city where am i going to fly to you dad loved to attend one of your seminars when you come to my city the answers never what if I never come to your city whatever never fly to your town then what are you gonna do what if I don't come three years five years ten years you're gonna wait ten years it makes no sense don't wait nobody's gonna come rescue you know what it's gonna save you you got to show up and you got to go to what ever wherever it takes I remember years ago when my mentor asked me and say hey I won't have breakfast I flew to LA just to have a single breakfast with my mentor and you're waiting and you're waiting and what are you waiting for you're waiting for me to come to your city you're waiting for the perfect timing you're waiting for everything is perfectly lined up you're waiting for what's convenient the problem is you put your convenience ahead of your conviction convenience and conviction don't live on same block rule number 14 don't quit I feel that so many pieces I feel at 13 businesses 13 13 Wow before having what I quite like Oracle success right so from 17 to what age did the homicide within three years so three years 13 businesses in and about losses all losses or lessons yeah no all losses haha no it's not as serious yeah yeah it was and a max of my credit card I lost on my mom's face savings yeah I heard that at one point - you're almost over $100,000 in debt $150,000 $50,000 and how old are you at that time 20 20 years old 20 years old and that was just different loans from your mom relatives relatives and my brother tests they wouldn't think might call anymore cuz yeah yeah it's just I just more of them everybody that I could did you burn a lot of bridges at that time - yeah I did I did but I always promised them that just let me let give me one more chance right but let me try harder and they believed in me but they just thought they always thought I was kind of odd when the family said why don't you just there and just go get a job do something like what normal people yes safe you're safe and do something like why do you have to have these crazy ideas he's another idea of them yeah and I just told them hey listen if I were just to go get a job with my I don't even have a college degree anything like that I would be making me a man with minimum wage listen I'm not $150,000 yeah if I was making minimum wage it would take me forever right to pay you off to pay you back and pay off all this debt and to provide for my mom so like people always look at what I did oh you must be so motivated there it's not motivation it was desperation right it was I had no choice rule number 15 don't chase money money is a byproduct value creation of money is not something when you try to chase money it doesn't come to you the more you try to chase them and I want to make the money I want to make the money you can see these people that so desperate they don't make money you don't make money but if you are more at ease and you focus on delivering value yeah money comes let me think about today how much you make the effort that you put in versus they say for many years ago where you put in a lot of like hot work and you and I are gonna make money trying to make that $1,000 how difficult that was for us now 1,000 bucks is like yeah it's so easy what changed yeah right yeah what changed it's a very different mindset rule number 16 find your why I think most people they don't get what they want in life because they don't know what they want so they lack clarity and why they lack motivation chances are they haven't suffered a lot of pain you can see now we on a private jet I remember many years ago when I was struggling in business couldn't pay the bills my father had his first stroke and I was so much in debt and I couldn't even afford the plane ticket it was in the hospital he was an emergency and I couldn't afford even to buy an economy ticket because I was in Canada and he was in Hong Kong that incident that experience just gave me so much pain when you have enough pain then your motivation I said to myself I never ever ever want to live there like that again whatever it takes I don't want to experience so helpless that I couldn't do anything in order to protect my family in order just have the freedom the ability to to buy a plane ticket I need money I need money when if you want your kids suffer when your wife needs money when your family needs money who that's going to help them if it's not you and you don't get at that point and what kind of man are we rule number 17 find the right mentors I saw this book one day on ebay I was just browsing around to look at some stuff and I saw the title captivate me it's called your first hundred million mmm fun what kind of book is this like that's a pretty bossy title as a copywriter right that's a good title right I click on it and I saw that the price was $400 us for book I thought it myself who in the right mind we spent for honey bucks no I click on the link and he has the first chapter in the listing I read I read through the first chapter before you know it I was the idiot that bought the book I spent 400 bucks a pocketbook yeah I read through the whole book they had such a big impact on me mm-hmm I guess at the time I was already looking for the second mentor because I was already experienced success and Alan wasn't well and I was looking for something more and when I saw Dan penny I can't pick damn right I saw back then it's like this is the guy wanna learn from mm-hmm a cop the castle just straight up I just called a castle how did you get the number it's all in the book yeah right now of course when the first call to call it Castle you got the gatekeeper but I went through a lot of like different things and I went to the castle seminar and that's how and in time big there wasn't as popular as today it was I remember when I went to the castle is like four or five guys I was one of them he did it once a year I think at the time he was maybe in semi with Hyneman retirement and that's again he's been my mentor now for more than 10 years keep in mind I was at a time before the 25 B 25-ish 26 something like that and then what's making good money was it give me a half a million whenever a year after nine a year how a million years something like that and I would call Victor and said tell me you know hey man you know pretty good points on one years old making half a million but I was Mia put any guys right right you feel pretty good about yourself right twenty some more years oh I'm pretty smart right and especially after listening to his voice and make some changes so I call him a talk so hey you know so so he asked me how are you doing oh man you know this time I'm not doing all this stuff right so how much money you're making now you know half half a million bucks very good silence so he said so what are you half a millionaire yeah yeah yeah that's him that's it always doesn't matter what I do every time I talk to him there's nothing yeah whatever you I I'm doing whatever compare what he's done is nothing he always gives you context to the bigger game they go again rule number 18 learned from martial arts and but I find that the mashallah philosophies have helped me a lot in business I integrate them I do blue belief is transferable for sure so like in martial art I'd why why gravity to words Bruce Lee's martial art because it's about simplicity is about directness mm-hmm same thing in business I like to be direct I like to go off using a similar simple model yeah so it's the same idea that's so I think that affected me a lot is the way I think rule number 19 get used to being uncomfortable you need to be comfortable being uncomfortable you need to get used to being uncomfortable human being we don't like discomfort you know how sometimes you sit for too long and then you're like all right I gotta I gotta change I gotta change other you are very very comfortable until you get uncomfortable sitting for a long time then you want to adjust right you want to you want to move around that's exactly it you have to make yourself uncomfortable on a consistent basis the things that you're afraid of to do the action you're afraid to take the risk you are afraid to take you guys take it when you feel uncomfortable you know what I'm conditioning myself for success rule number 20 pick the right vehicle most people they overestimate their importance in terms of success so I think they say four they say this take raising horses for example the the jockey is important but the horse is probably more important so I think very often when something is successful entrepreneurs like oh because I'm so good rather I I mean I conquered a problem I made it happen and all this stuff now as I'm more mature I think finding the right opportunity is probably way it's like ten times more important so the vehicle the vehicle and at time I picked the right vehicle because I was remember the 13 businesses mr. wrong vehicle I was the wrong person but this time that's why I don't believe the whole thing all you got to be at the right place at right time you have to be the right person in the right place at the right time I was the right person I had the skill I was on line I had to I have the suppliers right I was making money to all this stuff now my skills I have a platform to exercise my talents and skills and money was coming in the how come it took me so much effort before to make $1,000 right and now like it just make that yeah you couldn't even stop the money it's like I couldn't stop what changed yeah has I picked the right vehicle do you remember that first time where you made an amount of money that even blew your mind like oh this is possible I do you number a cheque that sticks out no it's not cheque is all this money coming in mm-hmm and I wasn't thinking about it I was getting there just spending money and I was 27 yeah 27 years old I look at my bank account mm-hmm got a million dollars in cash mm-hmm okay not net worth cash liquid liquid like that's a lot of money right that's what I thought this is all money right and this is this is from copywriting in sales and affiliates or how evolved all internet at the time I had multiple internet businesses this is one thing too or not renumber 21 sacrifice the first five years of my business career when I was getting started the first five years I didn't take a single day off I was working 12 to 14 hours a day seven days a week for the first five years while all my friends they were out there drinking drinking and having parties and chasing girls I was working I sacrifice and me a lot of sacrifices I believe if you don't sacrifice for your dream then your dream become your sacrifice so I made a decision I pay the price early on I spent a few years of my life working on myself working on my business doing the things that most people are too lazy to do not willing to do so I could have what most people cannot have rule number 22 bring results number 2 poor people get paid based on time rich people get paid based on results let's say you're working on McDonald's you may be the best floor cleaner on the planet ever but what value do you bring to McDonald rich people we get paid based on result not time invested let's say we're working on a product we spent a year creating perfecting the product we bring it to the marketplace and it sucks it bombs it doesn't make us a dime the world doesn't give up we don't make money nobody cares how much time blood sweat and tears were put into creating a product and bring it to the marketplace how much risk that we take they don't care what they care is a result that's why the highest pay athlete in the world they don't get paid by how many hours they practice how many times they invest it no it is how much they perform they get paid based on performance rule number 23 change your identity it's very difficult to to create any kind of change if you hold on to your identity that's right the example I to give it's like people who want to like quit smoking right if like oh if my dentists is I'm a smoker yeah it's always a struggle yeah right it's always well I want to have that powerful have that cigarette yeah versus someone who's not a smoker yeah then it's there's no temptation in fact like for guys that we don't smoke we can stand even feel sorry I can't smell yeah right we do now thinking about oh I can't wait to have a cigarette yeah so until unless they change identities right I always talk about it I was a millionaire in my mind that's right way before I had the money in my bank account yeah the way even when I had no money I never worried about the gas prices or how much that's cause like those things don't enter my mind yeah it just took many years for the reality to catch up rule number 24 think if you were to ask me take away everything I have take away all the tools that I have in business in sales in marketing everything I have but you can leave me with one thing with what would I pick without hesitation I will tell you is thinking time the ability to think because business is an intellectual sport creating wealth is an intellectual sport becoming successful in - it's an intellectual sport not necessary smart you are but the ability to think what is going on thinking time most people don't think enough Henry Ford said it best thinking is the hardest work there is that's why so few of you were engaged in it what I mean by thinking does that mean you locked yourself in a room and just sit there and let whatever thoughts that come to mind and that's thinking no let me teach you how to think this is probably to the right person watching this it is the most valuable skill the most valuable lesson that I could teach you this is literally the one thing that has made me who I am today the one thing that created Dan Locke one thing and that's thinking time here's how it works then what you think is very simple you get yourself in a quiet environment maybe you turn on some music doesn't really matter thinking is nothing more than asking yourself profound and deep questions that's what thinking is how's it again thinking there's nothing more than asking yourself deep and profound questions when I said to even profile it means asking those questions that takes a little time you need to think about it not a very service level questions let me give you an example if you ask yourself the question why can I make more money that kind of quality of a question leads to poor answers horrible answers because think about it you ask your mind well why can I make more money what comes to mind what cause you suck because you no good because you're not worthy because nobody likes you because nobody wants to buy your stuff nobody wants to do business with you or maybe you don't have enough experience you don't have a track record you don't have enough resources you don't know the right people all this how does that help you in any way a better question to ask maybe perhaps is well how can I make more money but then that's also a very basic question basic question but if you spend the time and you actually think about and sit down and dissect and you take the time to craft a very profound questions so you could say how can I make more money how can you make that better how can you make that question better okay how about instead of being so vague and so general instead of how can I make more money how can I make more sales there's a difference if you run a business how that make more sales okay how about let's make it even better how can I make more cells without getting any new customers that's interesting you see how now you're thinking from a different perspective how about this let me give it one more layer how can i en't more say how can I make more sales without adding any new customers and we're down adding any new expense hmm now I see how does a high quality question what you do is thinking time you get you get put yourself in my space you write that questions at the top how can I make more sales without adding any new customers without adding any expense new expense and now you sit down and you go a pen a piece of paper and you answer that you take your time oh well I could sell more to my existing customers interesting I can maybe increase my price so I can make more money interesting maybe I could also do a joint venture with someone where only pay them on a performance basis so if they bring more sales then I pay them it doesn't add any more expense to what I do that's interesting maybe maybe I could also instead of selling something one time I can sell it and it's some kind of continuity there so my customer I pay me on it ongoing basis maybe some kind of membership that's interesting you see that's thinking it's not just how can I make more money see it's a very low level when you take the time to think that's how you grow that's actually how you actually think and grow rich this is very deep so ponder on there but if you get this there's one thing this one skill this is what makes you successful that's the difference between the poor and the rich rule number 25 continuously learn number 5 poor people they know it all rich people continuously to learn you see poor people are always very opinionated they always want to tell the world about the opinions about politics about sports about the society about the government about every single thing that's around them versus being humble willing to learn rich people were always learning we're asking questions we are listening we are reading books continuous learning versus saying that I have a god on are painting above everything you know why they're always an opinion poor people because the only way to get any bit attention no different I can see people they're watching my video watching my sales video closing video and I just look at that and laugh and they common Oh Dan you shouldn't close this way you should close that way just say this when was the last time you enclose something show me when is the last time you close something for $500 $1,000 $2,000 $5,000 $10,000 $100,000 what have you done so you're painting doesn't count remember your income can only go to the extent that you do your wealth can only grow as fast as with you rule number 26 set your goals properly I like to think of okay this is the ideal lifestyle that I want and I talk about any of your money right what's that have your money targets and what's how much would that cost you not Ref not how much you roughly maybe know let's calculate that yeah and what I realize is after all these years talked to so many people whatever the idea that they have they say I want to be able to travel I want to be able to have to drive this particular car or have this particular house or this kind of lifestyle when they actually break it down yeah doesn't cost them as much as they think they thought oh the Osmos money a million dollars I need ten million dollars only there's throwing it random numbers in yeah because they said number that's totally unrealistic we're just Oh actually no I could accomplish all I want to accomplish with maybe $300,000 a year yeah well that's a very different goal than thirty million dollars a year right rule number 27 have an action mentality number seven poor people they have lottery mentality and rich people we have action mentality you see most people they believe the only way to get rich it's buying a lottery ticket even though they know that the chance of winning is slim to none but they buy their fantasy hopefully if I win I'm gonna buy their house I'm gonna quit that job I'm gonna take that vacation no rich people have an action mentality we believe if it's going to be it is up to me I'm gonna make it happen I'm gonna make myself successful rule number 28 identify trends if you want to retire early and retire young one of the most important things that you have to know is noticing and identifying trends at a time I went onto the internet I saw this trend on the Internet we're talking about back then remember Netscape dial-up modem I'm talking about overture for pay-per-click you know good old days you watching this young young guys you may or may not even know this but I'm talking about Yahoo for search engines okay Facebook and then later on Google but I'm talking about that so when I got started back then early and I noticed a trend on internet and I was importing collectibles from Hong Kong Bruce Lee collectibles actually and I was flipping them on eBay I was doing affiliate marketing I was doing digital marketing online or selling digital products before PDF before all these things were even popular software all these things and that's how my first bucket of money then I took that money and I saw some of those of this assistance I cash out and I took that money and invest in real estate then my investments are able to support my lifestyle and that's how I retire at the age of 27 rule number 29 believe in yourself when I was in my 20s so at the first mastermind group mastermind group I joined which is awesome it's by organized by my mentor Alan so he had this marketing master Michael I was in my 20s I was the youngest guy I'm not supposed to get in because I'm a minty so he kind of put me in there yeah kind of us almost my sake it's just a tag-along right yeah and I remember sitting around with all these millionaires yeah all these guys they were successful I was making like like I don't know nothing makes it nothing like maybe maybe 80,000 90,000 a year something like that I was looking at these guys you know the biggest thing thing I got out of it not to put them down they're not that smart yeah there was it do you think they're not that smart yeah like the whatever they're talking about I get and it's not like rocket science yeah dad that's right believe it's like hey maybe I guess it maybe I could do that - yeah that's all you need maybe I could do that - yeah that's a starting point that's the spark right that's planting the seed then you can go from there okay now what are they to you what resources do I then do I need would I have to be you know to do to become that person yes rule number 30 do martial arts [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] rule number 31 push yourself I believe the number one habit you need to devolve to be successful it's on a consistent if not a daily basis do things that make you feel uncomfortable it is that simple because you look at what holds most people back what holds you back is fear fear of the unknown fear of failure fear of rejection fear of success all these things is all outside their comfort zone human being because we're creature of habits we tend to operate day to day and do the same thing again and again and again but if you have a habit you make a habit that you do things on a consistent basis that you don't usually do it makes you scare it scare stuff out of you it makes you stretch your comfort zone that's how you gradually expand it and get more of what you want maybe is going to the event that you've never been to maybe is meeting their successful people that in that intimidates you maybe is reading a book that you have no interest reading in maybe it's driving a different path that you usually call home this way hey you know what I'm gonna drive a different path and see something a little bit different right maybe it's watching a video that you don't usually watch may be interested certain topics maybe you're watching a youtube video just on prank but something you want something that is on inspiration and motivational that's practical that's business-related and that changes the way that you think about stuff it started with that one thing that one video and if you do that not one time not two times not three times but hundreds and hundreds of times on a consistent basis I believe that is the habit not just to be successful but to stay successful when you're constantly pushing yourself outside of the comfort zone guess what you will learn you will take new action you acquired new knowledge you will meet new people and that will lead to new opportunities you might develop a new skill right you might start a new business all these things that you do is nothing more than doing things that scares the out of you on a consistent basis instead of avoiding the fear you are facing the fear and you are pushing and pushing and pushing a limit that is the number one thing that you need I strongly believe to be successful so develop the habited a do something that you don't usually do do something that scares you do something that makes you uncomfortable rule number 32 eliminate distractions key number two you want to eliminate distraction and interruptions in your life so how can you be productive in any given time during the day if you're interrupted all the time I think even entrepreneur CEOs they have this like open door policy where hey you know what my door is open come talk to me anytime I think it was one of the dumbest ideas because it means you get interrupted many many many times every single day and every time you get interrupted it takes you so the mental bandwidth to stay and get back on track so when I am working and pluck the phone I create an environment that people cannot reach to me if I want to check messages I want to check email I want to get back to my team that's fine but if I am what I call the bat-cave moment I unplug all communication my cell phone my none zero it's all my thinking time my planning time my strategy time that's it so when they cannot find you they cannot interrupt you when they cannot find you they cannot distract you so communicate with your team and to be around you and say hey I'm working on my business I'm building something here I'm working with some very very important tasks I need to get those done please give me the space during that time don't bother me zooming in the office when I'm working sometimes from home when I close the door then Jenny knows right that she doesn't come in and interrupt me right my wife knows that no that's dents working time he needs to stay focus so put yourself an environment that you cannot be distracted that's key number two rule number 33 take responsibility number three poor people they blame others for their misfortunes rich people we take responsibility for our own failures you see for poor people is always somebody else's fault it's the economy is the government it's my boss it's my job it's my city it's my neighbor it's my friends it's always somebody else it's never their own fault rich people we take responsibility if your life stinks is your fault we take responsibility for all action when you take responsibility what happens is you gain power the power to change the power to do something different remember lame people blame people rule number 34 have energy you don't have enough energy how do you expect to accomplish anything significant accomplish your goals when you don't have enough energy you notice the society puts down and look down on people they have high energy imagine you're going to school you're going to work you're going back to your office you're going back to your business and suddenly you're so energetic and you have your all hyped up what would people say to you what's wrong with you dude like calm them down relax why are you so excited but somehow you have low energy hey man that's okay you know what fine stands stands for freaked out in debt not making enough money emotionally stressed out fi nd that's what it stands for I mind a is fine that's what fine words but somehow you've high energy it is wrong you won't have energy you got to move laughing my March off back on if you watch my video you follow my work you know move jumping jack push-up walk yoga whatever the it takes move your body when you move you have more energy when you sit there all day for hours how the hell can you have energy movement creates energy so if you're sitting there for a long day get up stand up walk around do something I know jumping up and down water it is do something rule number 35 serve a need maybe you're thinking well I need to do something I'm passionate about well it's nice that you're passionate about something but that is not enough because the marketplace doesn't care what you're passionate about the marketplace is very very selfish they care what you can do for them so in order to make a million dollars he's my first tip for you instead of chasing money chasing money doesn't get you money money doesn't go to the people who were desperately needed or definitely wanted money goes to people who can add value to market place it goes to the people who knows how to multiply it so instead of chasing money he's what I want you to do chase needs that's right you know to make a million dollars you need to serve a need in the marketplace or you to solve a problem in the marketplace or customers for the consumer for people you've got to put people first so to make a million dollars the archery only two paths either it's volume or transaction size volume and transaction size now what do I mean by that so if you sell something in terms of volume you startled me for a dollar you serve a million people guess what you got your million bucks I would challenge to think about this anyone that's making millions of dollars either they are serving a huge amount of people meaning they are selling or serving or impacting millions or you look at Apple guess what billions and billions of dollars they serve and billions and billions of people look at Facebook look at Google billions and billions of dollars billions and billions of users so if it's not volume then its transaction size meaning you sell something for millions of dollars let's say a real estate developer selling a unit for millions and billions of dollars well you sell one unit you make millions of dollars it's one of those two or something in between sell something for and $20,000 you sell a few hundred of those you get your million bucks it's that simple doesn't matter what business model you use it's either you play the volume game which them you want to scale you want to serve and impact millions or you're playing the transaction size game where you sell something at a high ticket which is what I teach and you work with fewer clients serve a smaller group of people but in a higher level and a high quality you can also get your millions of dollars see you're not gonna get your millions of dollars just hoping the oh I want I want a millions of dollars on it with my million bucks nobody cares you can sit at home you can play in for a computer you can meditate whatever you do you're not gonna get that million dollars fall on your left that's not how the marketplace works but if you can find a way to serve a need in the marketplace and to solve people's problems either through a huge amount of volume impacting millions or in a very profound way such as real estate or insurance or whatever it is or automobile it doesn't matter more than what it is but you gotta sell something nothing happens unless a cell it's made nothing happens in life and in business until you make a cell and that's how it works rule number 36 change your mindset number six poor people believe that money is the root of all evil rich people we if that poverty is the root of all evil you've heard of the saying money is the root of all evil no lack of money is the root of all evil I want you to look at the poorest neighborhoods I would just think about those areas crime drug problems all kinds of issues you see in the history of mankind no banks been wronged by someone pulling up in a rosewood it is the survival is the lack of money that's causing the issue money self it's neutral money's like a tool you can use it for good or you can use it for evil it is all up to you rule number 37 learn to execute I've got so many people come to me and they say to me then I've got this great idea for this business would you like to invest in my company or in my business as a health no I said no and they thought the idea is everything and it's very funny because they are so protective of their little idea oh yeah but if I tell you the idea and it is just signing an NDA non-disclosure agreement because I don't want to tell you idea yet it's stupid you have to understand ideas are not worth a lot in business execution is everything execution is everything you see to create any substantial amount of wealth you need what you need the right team at the right time to execute the right idea in the right industry the idea that you have without the right team without the right time without the right industry is not gonna work rule number 38 capture more market share I want you to think about the top very top of the the pyramid the top 3% at any given time only 3% of the market place who you're selling to is interested and ready to buy what you have to offer only top 3% and most salespeople entrepreneurs they are always only talking to the top 3% anything that's not within a 2/3 percent they're not ready to buy right now they just ignore them the problem is you are completely ignoring the other 97% now besides the 3% let's talk about the 7% they are your ideal customers and clients they are capable of buying they are open and interested they just maybe need you to answer some of the questions they're kind of on the fence right the 7% and some business owners they do try to communicate and market and talk to that 7% but let's talk about below that the other 30% so you have the top 10% the 30% below it this is the ones that warm market these people that they like you know I'm kind of interested I could be convinced I could be persuaded right I might have a knee maybe maybe maybe not right now but they could be persuade if you do the right thing so that's the 30% and then below that you have the other 30% which they don't even think they are interested they're not even thinking about it they just don't know they don't even know why they need what you have to offer and then you have the bottom 30% which is there's no way in hell they're gonna buy from you this is the people it doesn't matter what you do they don't like you they don't trust you they don't need what you sell like if you're selling a stick these are the vegeterian right they don't want to buy what yourself so I want you to think about in your marketing message the way that you do your marketing who are you talking to if you're only talking to the top 3% which is what most people do you are leaving a big chunk of the market place you're not talking to them you're only talking to the very very top data ready to buy right now which is nice but you under you have to understand that's a very very small percentage of the marketplace so what could you do to get and to capture more market share out of this equation I don't want to talk to only the the top 3% or even a top 10% I want to talk to all 70% rule number 39 do martial arts like character my personality a lot of that came from martial art is no doubt in my mind as a businessman as an entrepreneur as a husband a lot of philosophies I from martial art I learned a lot from Bruce Lee obviously you learn to focus you learn self-discipline you learn respect because we learn how to learn how to how to bow right you learn to be patient you learn to know that you need to put an effort you need to put on time to develop a skill set and also you learn to be aware of your own flaw you learn to eliminate your own defect that's what Marat is about every step of the way you learn how to eliminate your own defect you learned hey you know what I'm punching this way it's not enough power it's not enough speed my timing is not good or whatever it might be but you learn to develop you learn to hone your skill set and that's through that process you learn you learn about yourself as itself it's a self-actualization process rule number 40 be yourself not hostile towards people have negative comments or dislike me frankly I don't give up I really do not give up because people first of all they dislike the keyboard warriors they've probably at home that's why you're poor sometimes you even you guys ask me a question god dammit where it's so I have over it's not six seven hundred videos on YouTube no Dan can ask you a question about this it's on YouTube already but you can't even search it it's - can't even type in the word to search that video to watch the click they watch the video all dan is - huh can you organize it okay fine all guys have playlists for you I can't find a playlist even that's too difficult there is even a problem and you say you want to be successful give me a break you came very quick enough thing how could you not have confidence when you're so good at what you do that's a problem with young people you're not good at anything oh I'm so good no tell me the truth you're not good at anything no substance you have no foundation rule number 41 have an entrepreneurial mindset save yourself before you try to save the world the best way to help the poor is not to become one of them it is your duty it is your obligation it is your responsibility to maximize your profits as an entrepreneur think of let me give an analogy it's like if you want to give blood how many begged blood you can give before you pass out and die [Music] that's that's linear thinking that's an employee mentality you want to give blood bill hospital that's entrepreneurial mindset that's entrepreneurial mindset now some people may say but then money is not that important oh man you know money doesn't buy a happiness I'll talk to my wife you don't think money yeah if you talked to her she would say Eevee though you'll think money can buy happiness you don't know where to shop okay and money here's the thing money is not supposed to buy you happiness money is supposed to give you two things how many things two things first money gives you comfort makes your life a little bit easier and second thing is money allows you to do to extend the goods that you do beyond your physical presence to only two things when people want to hear oh yeah money is not that important money buy something buy happiness very often oh it's a stupid statement first of all but second thing is usually it's a defensive statement it's usually people would say that you either don't you don't have any oh they don't they don't know how to get some guarantee so from now on you can be a psychic you hear people our money is not the important money doesn't buy happiness oh my goodness let me think let me think you're broke and it would be like how do you know rule number 42 love what you do what would you do non-stop even you never got paid for it no is not playing video games that's not what I'm talking about what are some the skills some value some expertise you can offer to help people even you never got paid for it you know if you remember there was a scene in The Dark Knight and the Joker said well if you even good at something never do it for free he was talking about the gang side the Mafia try to kill Batman I believe that's true if you're good with something you're good at something never do it for free now you may have heard of the saying people say well I love this so much I would do it for free I think it is a broke person's mentality it's a very 97 percent mentality here's my belief and you don't have to buy my belief but he's my belief I believe in life you should find something and you would say to yourself you know what I love this so much it is the only thing I for money when you can find that when when you can identify your brilliance when you can find something that you truly enjoy doing then your work and your life becomes one it's not so much I go to work and I finished work and I go home then don't talk to me about work it's no it's working life integration you love what you do life it's work and work it's life then guess what you never have to work another day of your life because work doesn't feel like work anymore rule number 43 develop high income skills do of Brooke why are you Brooke have you ever asked yourself that question and how do you never be broke again I was broke when I was a teenager when it came to Canada with nothing no money I was in debt a hundred and fifty thousand dollars in debt I was so frustrated I tried so many different things I started and fail at thirteen businesses thirteen not three not ten thirteen businesses Oh disaster not only did I make money from the businesses I was in debt lots all my mom's money borrow from friends and family and I didn't know why I wanted to succeed so bad but I just couldn't make it work until one thing until I had an epiphany what is that PIFAN II you don't have a money problem you have a skill problem if you try to solve your money problem with just money your problem doesn't get solved money problem is not solved by money money problem is solved by your intelligence and your skill set your mindset and your skill set now what am I talking about your skill set I want you to think about some of the highest pay people in the society they say doctor they say attorney let's say lawyer let's say accountant engineer who is making a decent high income what do they have they have specialized skill sets that me you may not have see the people with low income skills in society in our society low income jobs chances are desk used now that doesn't mean they don't work hard it doesn't mean they don't hustle it doesn't mean they'll work long hours but the skills that they have that they offer to the marketplace to society people companies they are not willing to pay big money for I call them low income skills that's the problem you try to make big money with low income skills you need to develop your high income skills in order to make more money so if you're struggling in life you're struggling in business I can guarantee you the biggest issue how I've overcome how I was struggling how overcome not want to be broke again it's I learned to close I learned to communicate ideas thought concepts when you learn to close you'll never be broke again because in business nothing happens until something is sold in life nothing happens until something is sold you're single you're not good closer you can't cause you're not getting our people to do what you want they're not following your leadership you can't close you're not getting sales because you're lousy closer you can't close when you can close you can move you can influence you can persuade people everything that you want in life guess what other people already have them I don't care what is it you want resources money capital influence relationships whatever it is that you want you got to close someone else to give it to you so if you're struggling financially it means you're a lousy closer it is that simple what that's the downside upside is this once you know how to close you will know how to create income on demand you will know how to make money you have the ability to make money anytime you want that's the power of closing that's how you never go broke again rule number 44 do whatever it takes business is tough I fail at 13 businesses before having my first success so my question is how bad do you want it see statistics 96% of companies go out of business fail they all fail within the first 10 years it means that only 4 out of 100 companies make it in 10 years so you look at an audience of a thousand people in 10 years time only 40 of you would be still here so business a game of business is not for the weak the game of business is not for the wannabe the game of business is for the ambitious the game of business is for the committed the game of business is for the people who do whatever the it takes to succeed rule number 45 don't be controlled by media the mainstream media and advertisers they want you to consume why do they want you to consume it so that they could better control you starting at a young age you were taught to spend money that you don't have to buy things you don't need to impress people you don't even like in your life you want to buy that toys for your kids put down their credit card you want take that vacation put it on that credit card hey you want to buy that Neil cotton you cannot afford that's okay get a second credit card borrow from your mortgage it's perfectly normal to have some debt do you have a lot of debt and that's the problem that we have in the world especially in North America that's why families they are heavily in debt and when you are in debt you are controlled by the media and you're controlled by the financial institutions and your control by the banks remember that rule number 46 have a strong why I believe most entrepreneurs fail because they start the business with the wrong reason and intent every single time I speak to a group of want to be entrepreneurs or entrepreneurs and I ask them the question how many of you want to start your own business and a majority of the hands would go up maybe 50 60 80 percent then I will ask them the next question why and usually I hear one of these three things I want more money I want to make more money or I want more freedom or the most comment on it I one more one time now if you want to start your own business or you have the aspiration to start your own business because you want more time comment below now the problem with this is a myth Michael Gerber talks about the book email he said most entrepreneurs they're actually not entrepreneurs they are what we call employees suffering from an entrepreneurial seizure and that's the e-myth entrepreneur myth meaning that one day they did something the boss yell at them or they feel like they have a good idea and they say you know what this I'm gonna start my own thing they are employee with employee mentality and skill set but they suffering from an entrepreneurial seizure-like who know I want to do this I'm gonna be my own thing I'm gonna fire my boss and quit my job and do my own thing right if you want to start a business because you want more time let me tell you this starting a business because you've won more time is as if you're saying I want to have more time and have a baby I want have a baby and I have more time it's not gonna happen so you have to start with the right intent start with the right motivation and knowing that it's going to take some time is you're not gonna get more time in the first two three five maybe even ten years and you're okay with that can you endure that frustration the pain that sacrifice if not then don't be entrepreneur just go get a job do something else this is not your path there are other ways to make money you don't have to be an entrepreneur to make money don't be sold on the idea that yes I need to be entrepreneur in order to be wealthy not necessary it's not necessary there are other ways to make money rule number 47 serve a lot of people see in my book a few money I talk about freedom see freedom is not the ability do not be ability whatever you want it's not freedom is having the luxury of not having to do something when you don't want to so you don't need to take crap from nobody that's freedom because it makes no sense to me when you work hard and you do your best and students have to struggle to make ends meet I believe that entrepreneurs who do a good job deliver value to the marketplace deserve to be well paid let me ask you a question how many believe you deserve to be well paid hell yeah you see money earned write this down money earn it's a byproduct of value creation money earned it's a byproduct value creation the more money you make the more value you deliver the more people it just simply means that the more value deliver to more people more impact the more money you're gonna make I make a lot of money because I serve a lot of people it's very very simple there are some other people like you know of Wall Street guys and this and that they do it some other ways but most successful people they're successful because they serve a lot of people rule number 48 get clarity when it comes to reading I read a book sometimes if I'm looking for any book that I read I have a simple question I want to get through what are the three ideas that I can get from a book that can implement right now just three not 10 not 20 not 100 three ideas if I could get those three ideas from the first three chapters I'll highlight those I will take those and I'll put the book away one of the most powerful tool when the ball most powerful mindset you need to have in life on business is clarity and clarity is power clarity is power and what is power the power is the ability to take action so if the more you read the more confused that you get it gives you less clarity it means it takes away from your power if more reading gives you more clarity and gives you more ability to act that's good that's powerful right that's that's on the right track so there's a big difference between information and knowledge and knowledge to wisdom let me explain this would gives you a lot of clarity information is just facts data numbers figures theories principles that's just information there's a lot of information on the Internet there's a lot of information on YouTube there's a lot of information on Google there's a lot of information but information itself does not help you it does not make you richer it does not does not make you happier it does not make you healthier it does not make you smarter information is just information it's like you go to school right you're reading you're going to class you you're your textbook there's a lot of information in the textbook right that's the first stage once you gather enough information now you're accumulating what I call knowledge so you get a lot of information and you now learn about the distinctions now you take that information you apply it or may take that information and you take a test that's knowledge after the test you know after the exam in school oh that works so oh no that's what's the wrong answer or I didn't pass the the the exam or here they're the mistakes that I got wrong well you're learning from it right that's accumulating your knowledge so a lot of people they read books to acquire information you want to be there quite information and you wonder how come I'm watching a lot of videos I'm learning but my life is do the same because you haven't convert information to know and from knowledge into experience now how to convert knowledge into experience so now you get you acquire some knowledge you've got to implement and the only way you get experience and you up a lot right you make the mistakes you see this stuff works right now you're getting experience you're seeing a pattern of things going goes back to the the school example now you take enough exams remember the class you take from like grade 9 10 11 12 right now you're taking of exams studying the same subject for many years in a row now you see a pattern okay I'm accumulating more things I'm getting more experience of what works and what doesn't now experience that's much more valuable it's more valuable in knowledge and knowledge is more available information so books itself is just information information does not change your life information doesn't change your life you got to convert it by gathering a filter into knowledge from knowledge now you implement now you get to the next step which is experience then from experience from now you you have done it long enough a long period of time now is evolved into your wisdom a lot of people are smart but they're not wise wisdom is something completely different okay wisdom is knowing what not to do wisdom is knowing when you don't have to do something so let's say enough experience you know what this is how I'm going to make this work these are 20 things that I could do my experience tells me these are the 20 things I could do to make me successful wisdom is knowing okay 19 leads is motion just do this one that is the difference rule number 49 understand the marketplace so I always say the amount of money that you make is in direct proportion to how how deep you understand your marketplace is pain the amount of money you make is in direct proportion of how well how deep you go how much you understand your marketplace is pain so you have to understand what it is one or the order what are the things that people have and how can you help them relieve some of that pain and rule number 50 the last for me for a very special bonus rule is invest in relationships with mentors so when looking for a mentor yes let's say we take you out of the picture yeah all right how do you know if they are in in this just to to be a guru and sell you or if they're actually are able to help you you don't you don't it's like how do you know is you just say any single people in the room okay couple of people how do you know when go on a date that that's gonna be the one you just don't know but you will find out pretty quickly you will find out pretty quickly you look at this stuff you connect with them are they being helpful are they actually helping you right and you can see well you know yeah it is helpful then you know you keep you continued relationship the good thing about this simulation ship versus like a marriage it doesn't work you can you can stop anytime you can stop calling them you can stop asking them questions so I think it's not being afraid just to ask and say like just today is interesting today I just finished an interview with a gentleman called cocktail for my podcast just before I came here and he is very successful zero entrepreneur company doing about fifty sixty million dollars a year raised up a hundred million dollars and at the end of the interview I said hey no Dale can I can I can I ask you some stuff can I hire you can I can you be my mentor he said well you know Dan and I'm quite busy but even you need help yes she'll be a mentor I just asked I said I'm more than happy to pay you I pay my mentors don't feel like it's not so much that your mentor doesn't need your money you understand that but paying them it's it's some skin in the game and they know you're serious it's just like I have probably now a 12 a dozen entrepreneurs they pay me a thousand bucks a month for an hour of my time every month thousand bucks an hour you know it's not only the money but if they pay that one thousand bucks I know that they're serious and they didn't going to implement what I teach them that's that's fine that's totally fine so I do that little bit you know in my spare time but that's what I mean don't be afraid it you know invest in your mentor you know I buy my mentor gifts I just like my mentor my Dan Pena seventh birthday SMI nice gift how can you expect your mentor to invest in a relationship when you don't even spend a time and effort in the relationship it makes no sense you want them to help you you want them to help you grow you want them to help you succeed but what have you done for them what have you shown nothing they don't need anything from you and I'm always very humble very grateful moment mentors I always thank them I appreciate what they have done because it is it is because of what they have helped me to do so that's what I would say don't be afraid you know you will know but all you can do is ask and then do it now I've got a really special bonus clip with Dan on how to find your drive that I think you're gonna really enjoy but before that it's time for the three-point landing questions time to move from just watching another video and actually take action in your life or business and if you're feeling bold leave your answers in the comments below here we go question number one how will you invest in a relationship with a potential mentor number two what is your strong why and number three what mindset change do you need to make while I emigrated to Canada when I was 14 years old right and then my mom and dad got divorced when I was 16 years old and shortly after that my dad actually went bankrupt in Hong Kong so at the time my mom and I were living in a one-bedroom apartment that we were renting in Surrey near the King George sketching station and my mom would in say in the bedroom and I would sleep on the floor or in the living room and at a time because then my my well after my dad went bankrupt he at first he was setting uh sleeping allowance money but enough of what's because he had no money anymore so he couldn't send us money anymore and that's when I learned that cuz I was the only child in my family that I had to learn to be self-reliant that even sometimes you're you can't even rely on your dad to provide for you and so because of that experience I started my first business when I was very very young like in high school that I was always very driven to be successful funny thing is I mean the whole money thing actually does not interest me that much it's just because seeing my mom seeing her suffer that I don't know like for most people what drives them some people is freedom some people it's providing for family or some people they want a nice car whatever it is but to me is it's okay to let myself down it's not okay to let my family down that was my thing where I have to to be successful to to protect the people I love hi this is Dan Locke if you're a fan of Evans work if you want to know exactly how the model my success I want to invite you to join me for a special online training all you have to do is click on a link below you can join me for absolutely no charge so click a link below and I will see you in class if you want more Dane Locke check out the six pieces of life-changing advice video from Dan Locke that we made the link is right there next to me I think you'll enjoy it continue to believe and I'll see you there clarity is power and is power the power is the ability to take action
Channel: Evan Carmichael
Views: 42,930
Rating: 4.8342342 out of 5
Keywords: entrepreneur, entrepreneur motivation, entrepreneurship, success motivation - dan lok top 10 rules, dan lok top 10 rules for success, dan lok, the king of high ticket sales, dan lok interview, dan lok speech, best of dan lok, success story, dan lok advice, dan lok motivation, success motivation, success advice, how to make it as an entrepreneur, entrepreneur advice, boss in the bentley, dan lok top 50 rules for success
Id: XNaZKiHl5iM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 36sec (6096 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 07 2018
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