Goodwill was RESTOCKING | Thrift with Me for Ebay | Reselling

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all right well we are at the goodwill today and we are about to head in and see what we can find that we can buy and flip for a profit so here we go this was the first piece that i noticed on the shelf and unfortunately you can see that she is missing an arm she is absolutely adorable i'm not sure if she is left in or not but because she was missing her arm i decided that we're going to pass on her and i left her there on the shelf dagny is showing off this betsy planter because she originally wanted to change her name to betsy and so she is revealing this truth to me right now and i thought you know what betsy is not a bad name i i i could see why you would want to do that we've got a little figurine here and these funko pops i i looked at them at one point and everyone was telling me i should have bought them and i left them behind and so now i've got that rugert and so i look at them every so often but we've got this little art glass apple which is a lot more appealing than the funko pop not gonna lie um i really like the art glass apple and i did stick that into my card here on the end cap i spotted this tiki mug and i have been trying to find tiki mugs to kind of merchandise our new tiki sets that we acquired not too long ago the entire wood coast set we need some tiki mugs the whole set is kind of tiki style and so taking mugs are definitely definitely a thing and so i'm trying to find some tiki themed pieces to add to that back here i noticed some vintage glassware but it just i didn't see a very high resale value for the hassle that it would take to ship and so i did pass on that these were amazing i believe this where barbatine is the style barbatine i mean i'm i'm pretty sure unfortunately there was some damage on them and even though we looked them over you could see the the yellow piece was missing a petal the one on the right was also missing some petals and it just it was a little bit too much damage to overlook and so we left those behind dagny notice this nice little spawn here with the plastic flowers and the back i liked this creamery and sugar set unfortunately you could see that the sugar was missing the lid seems like everything seems to be missing lids lately it's like a missing lid conspiracy dagny found these really adorable little pea pods and we're trying to figure out what these were and so she did kind of play with them a little bit and i could kind of make out that one said first tooth and first hair lock or something to that effect so i think they were just little keepsakes they were very adorable but she did decide to leave those behind we've got a block of cheese and sure enough there was a little mouse posing in the block of cheese and i thought this was adorable it was made out of stone or some material to that effect and there was a little mouse hanging in there and that that really made it i think i would have left it behind if it was just made of stone but because there was a mouse in it that really sold me on this piece and we we're tapping it trying to figure out is it resin what is this made out of eventually we decided it doesn't really matter it's really cute we'll take it with us we've got a little owl there we just say that we'll need it it belonged with its owl friends and so we put them all together on the shelf they were taiwan there you go they're all together there they will find a home not with me but somewhere i liked this basket but i just did not see a whole lot of resale value there and i found the praying hands today i feel like i won i won that game there was some carnival glass on the shelf this was a marigold carnival glass the carnival itself the iridescent was very light ashton's singing i don't know what's happening the carnival itself was very light but it was a nice piece and i decided that i would stick that in my cart dagny found this very sad little figurine on the shelf and his little butt said don't spank i mean it was it was pretty sad we left him there but i found this really pretty little bowl and i actually considered it for 99 cents but i figured it was probably an eight eight dollar item five to eight dollars and i just didn't see it really worth it so i left it this little bag contained a hand-painted egg with a little pedestal it had a canadian goose on it and i know a lot of my viewers from canada are like that's not a canadian goose um here in america we call them canadian geese we've got a bowl here and i decided to look at this it is photograph dagny actually pointed out the fact that when she first got married she she had that pattern of photograph this is a farber aware holder for cambridge glass and so i was really interested to see if i would be able to find the piece that goes into this i put it in my cart for 1.99 hoping that i would be able to find the rest of it i did not but i was just kind of hoping i was holding onto hope these looked like they had been made in mexico for your margaritas and i dropped something on the floor so i had to pick that up and fix it these plates right here had a really weird texture they were almost like a chalkboard texture and i wasn't sure if they were old or if they were modern and i just decided to leave those behind over here these did catch my eye they kind of had that fair farberware base but they had a really neat glass insert when i turned them over they were czechoslovakia unfortunately you can see they had some chipping there dagny pointed out that some of them did not have chipping and there were two with chips two without and i decided that i would take them with me because the two without chips i could sell the tube with chips i might include them as extras but we were really neat and the czechoslovakia was a seller for me you guys know i have a soft spot for czechoslovakia this piece was interesting i wasn't sure exactly what this was and it seemed to be damaged unfortunately there was something missing off of the top there it looked like it was an adhesive or something that something was maybe attached to the head and it had been lost so i left that there on the shelf there were actually two ashtrays here on the shelf there was one for hyatt and also a second ashtray and i did leave these behind there's not a super high resale value for these there is some resale value but i just didn't see a whole lot and so i just leave those and then this frog i really liked this frog i think this was an ashtray possibly and there was some damage there some chipping i liked the leaf art as well but again i left it you can see dagny found this really large decanter and i guess where we've had pieces similar to that before i just could not place it now walter ended up taking my wireless speaker for his own use and so i no longer have a wireless speaker and i spotted this on the shelf and i decided that i could use this and i could put it to good use and i'm very cheap when it comes to electronics and so i decided that i was going to buy this test it out and hopefully it works because i could definitely use a wireless speaker and so i decided to purchase this and i think it was just a few dollars and so if it doesn't work it's not the end of the world these two little cups were adorable they had little cow faces on them we were a little confused until i turned them over and i realized you know what those sit perfectly level and so i think they're meant to be sitting and then when you drink them you get the cow face on the other side so these were really cute there were two of them they were kind of different faces i think one was maybe smiling or winking and so i did decide that i would stick those in my cart these dragonfly lights were also really neat i thought you know what i could put those on my christmas lights on my porch and then it's not so tacky because i don't have my christmas lights out all year round suddenly there are dragonfire lights and not christmas lights and it's acceptable but i really wasn't that committed we've got some duplo legos i thought of picking those up for our neighbors but i don't know how much they're into really legos so maybe not this is a gym short figurine i pick these up from time to time they're usually broken though i just don't know why but they usually are and unfortunately she is missing her wings i had spotted this lamp the last time i was here at the goodwill and it's still there i like this lamp it's very retro it's very vintage it's cool this one is also really neat this is a nursery lamp obviously it's humpty dumpty it's 3.99 it's really cool it's missing its original shade but i feel like it's at least 20 bucks and if i've only got four bucks into it i can list it for 20 to 25 and i could still do all right on this so i decided that i was going to live up to my name gracing lamp lady and purchase this humpty dumpty lamp oddly enough julia and i were at target the other day and she was actually looking at buying one of these new and let me tell you they're pretty they're pretty spendy i mean new toys in general are pretty spendy this is only 1.99 at the goodwill and i figured you know what i knew there was a reason we left that behind and it was because i was destined to find it at the goodwill for 1.99 and so i decided to stick this in my cart and then you found this adorable little piggy bank with the florals on the side and there was no damage on it at all it was in really good condition it was really cute we were fortunate enough that they were restocking as we were there and that's why we are revisiting the shelves over and over again you could see the the stocking cart there at the end of that aisle but they are restocking so we're kind of just going down the shelves over and over again this piece is portugal i called it before she turned it over i bet you that's portugal sure enough it is i love when that happens this face it looks kind of like it was made of sand like a sand castle vase i made that up but it was i mean nothing really special that i know of and then i found the cat's meow little village pieces and i don't usually pick these up unless i can get them pretty relatively cheap and these were really like 6.99 for the whole bag and i just decided you know what that's a pretty good price i'm going to grab those some of them have a pretty decent resale value some of them are not so great but when you get a big bag like that for as cheap as that it's totally worth it and then we found this this is mccoy this is mccoy vase there were two items on the shelf and i said to dagny you pick one and i'll pick one so she picked the mccoy vase and that left me with this and i absolutely loved this green glaze on this set i'm not sure if this is not set or what exactly it is but i love the green glaze so i gave her the choice of picking one and i decided that i was going to choose this and i i just absolutely loved it so we both got something we loved and we were debating whether or not it was there the first time we came through and we just missed it because we were so focused on the barbitine but i think as they were restocking they set it up on this top shelf so there you go that's the benefit of waiting until the shelves are stocked because you come across these amazing things and there's another apple go figure look there there's another apple almost identical to the last apple they're just they're popping up everywhere now we have two they're great for teachers gifts this is curious i mean whatever there was some hand-painted china on the shelf and you guys know i'm a sucker for hand-painted china i usually have to at least peek at it and i did like those purple florals on that piece there in the front there were some weird new jersey mugs here on the shelf that dagny pointed out and they weren't made in england but i wasn't really sure where these came from but they were an interesting collection they kind of had this really sandy texture that you could almost file your nails on so we left those behind and over here i did like this bowl it was gibson obviously we had some hand painted china there and he found this which was fresh eggs and i was trying to figure out the purpose of this i wasn't sure if you put your eggs in it and then you just rinsed it or not back there i spotted some hand paint in china and there was a stack of it the second plate was the most interesting to me uh because there was some morage texture on it you can see where it's kind of raised texture for 2.99 unfortunately it just really wasn't that outstanding and so i didn't leave that there was another cat's meow but there on the bottom you can see that it does have some water damage this had some weight to it and so dagny was checking this out and as you pointed out the the bad the bad berg bad crevideo that had been a topic of discussion in a previous video and so we finally made it to the clear aisle and this is usually the last aisle that we had just because there's not a ton of greatness in this aisle we found these i wasn't sure exactly what these were i'm just joking we showed these in almost every other video and every video people tell us what these are we know what these are we we know with these art we just we show them in every video and everyone tells us what they are in the comments it was a nice little perfume bottle on the shelf and it did have some etching on it i didn't suspect it was terribly old probably vintage not super old and i left it i did light the green on this mug and it was 1.99 down here i spotted these two blue pictures one was a crackle class one was just a normal glass they were both blue though and i liked the applied glass handles 4.99 i figured that i could probably get anywhere from 12 to 18 for each of them and so i decided that i would stick those in my cart and then i spotted all of these lamp shades after i checked this out it was kind of weird but these lamp shoes were really nice the one dagny picked up is reverse painted which it means it's repainted it's painted on the inside and kind of reflects outward they were really nice and there were no prices on them um i'm sure if we brought them up they would price them this goodwill is good like that but i really liked it oh that one was priced for 2.99 it was the only one that was priced but i really like the lampshades i probably could have bought them and made money on them but it's just not something that i really wanted to mess with i did however purchase this table top lighter for 2.99 it was very heavy and crystal i believe daddy was checking out these ashtrays and anything that you see dagny pick up in these videos you can find her shop linked down below in the shop with our friends link you so if if you're ever interested in anything that's id picks up you can find it there such as these she did pick these up and these were just epic make extra money in your spare time this is kind of what i do i make extra money in my spare time by reselling and it's fantastic and if you're looking to do that you can watch my videos but also you can develop poise and self-confidence through reselling and maybe plan your vacation and also enjoy it these books were so much fun she did end up she put them back and i'm like you're not gonna buy those and then i kind of convinced her to buy them because they were just that epic so she did end up buying those and they will be available in her ebay shop so go check out that link because they are there i convinced her so one of the goodwill employees just got done complimenting us on on how much they appreciate us because we don't grab stuff off of the carts when they're restocking and this was on one of the cards and i was like oh my god okay would you mind if we just can can we take that off your cart and she was totally cool with it but i loved this and i love it for the witco furniture and so she was very kind we totally got the painting she was very nice i okay so this ended up on the shelf and there was a little booboo on the back you can see there they touched it up with nail polish but it was 1980s and i was i liked it and dagny found this made in usa linux and the made in usa linux is a little bit more desirable than the made in china i believe it's made in china linux they start outsourcing their lenox and um it is a nice piece i love the the design of it i also love my duck i mean goose or whatever bird it's a bird they touched it up i mean it's all good i feel like i feel like it's doctor approved doctor approved um fix there we've got a salmon falls creamer on the shelf check it out that was not there before i would have spotted it it is a salmon falls pottery creamer i love salmon falls pottery and then dagny found this and it is another beautiful you can tell they're restocking we're we're like suddenly we're in over we're just having a moment that is the karen planter it went back on the shelf and diagnosed about lost it stay on the shelf karen it's an inside joke because we're at the lancaster goodwill we've got a planter here and it's kind of like shaped like a calla lily i think she paid 3.99 for it i really loved the cream color i thought it was nice she stuck it into her cart underneath the trapdoor that we had there these mugs they were made in china there you go little trap door they are made in china but i really liked the style of them i thought they were nice i think the entire box was 2.99 so for the entire box even made in china i really liked them and i decided i was going to take the whole box even that little night light in there it was like a freebie this appears to be soroka wood which is made in syracuse new york where my family is from and it is a horse and i think that this is a tie holder or a belt holder and i really liked it and for only 2.99 absolutely you don't see a lot of pieces with the horses on them usually it's dogs or cats that's pretty much it so for only 2.99 i decided that i would stick that in my cart we've got some sand art here it is marked on the back but i just wasn't really all that sure about it this decanter had some very mid-century lines to it i really wish that we had some cups or some glasses to go with it unfortunately it was only the decanter but the lines the colors it was just too great and i decided that for 10.99 i would grab it this doll was on the shelf and i wasn't really sure about this doll um i liked i liked her i felt like she was vintage there was no price on her and they did price her at the checkout i can't remember how much we ended up paying for i think 99 cents but she was fantastic and i'm not really sure her origin so if you know anything about this doll please leave it in the comments because i'm not really an expert on dolls i usually avoid them and then we found this and i brought this home i knew i had to have it i brought this home and andrew is constantly quoting chris farley he's like his favorite and so i saw this and it's already in the frame it's beautiful it's fantastic and i decided you know what i need this i need to give this to andrew he's the the only person that needs this and so i brought it and for 99 cents absolutely and i gifted it to andrew before we left the door we did go through the purses and i found this princess purse i liked the princesses on the front it had a nice little variety of princesses i looked inside it was marked disney parks or something to that effect and so i feel like that's kind of official disney parks right disney so i really did like this purse and i figured if there's no resale value i will gift it to juliet i also found this one and we looked up comps on this fortune duck didn't find a whole lot of resale value in that one so we left that one behind i think it was a resale value of like 15 to 25 and then finally we did end up finding these ussr pieces they wheeled out a new cart and just left it there by the door and these were all sitting in the brand new cart uh no one was messing with them they were just sitting there and we were like okay well if nobody's going to grab those i guess we'll grab them and they were just absolutely beautiful and so we bought them we split them between the two of us and i took a few pieces dagny took a few pieces and it was 4.99 for all of them so it worked out all right well i feel like that was a pretty successful trip to the goodwill it was pretty great that they were restocking as we were there i think there was three or four employees bringing out new stuff as we were there and you know what i can't tell you how satisfying it is to find fantastic things on the shelf i mean yeah you could stand a camp at the door but it's so much more satisfying when you find it on the shelf it's like especially with that mccoy vase was just like oh and we walked down that very same aisle and it was just sitting there waiting for us the second time around so i hope you guys enjoyed that video we are gonna head out of here now we're going to someplace new but you guys are gonna have to wait for that video and uh we'll see you later all right bye thanks for watching and i hope you enjoyed this video in case you spotted something you just can't live without we do post 25 to 30 new items in our ebay shop every single day and i've posted a link to that down in the description
Channel: Crazy Lamp Lady
Views: 203,703
Rating: 4.9073472 out of 5
Keywords: antiques, antique reselling, buying and selling antiques, thrifting, making money, never pay retail, relic recoverist, crazy lamp lady, vintage, thrift stores
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 16sec (1576 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 03 2021
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