HE LEFT HER!! So she had a GARAGE SALE and SOLD his stuff

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how's it going everybody so there's not too many grudge Hills around me today but I think there's about two we can go to someone go check them out real quick let's go more it's brand new I know I've never used it heard you got some kind of game and guardians were you asking like 30 bucks for boxes you sell on the old video games or anything like that oh really is there more stuff inside you're bringing out how much is this box here yeah these things are you into gaming stuff yeah she's done all of it would you guys want me to bring some of that other stuff out I'll check it out we love game although all those little people the webkinz fish all right yeah you seen them yeah I've seen him before I'll check it out so is your friends and then he moved out and didn't want to their a deal that you would want to make for everything like just like a what you do might be a little low but like fifty for everything like these this pile and these okay alright and then if you have more we could try to make another deal alright I'll check it out I don't know the whole time do you have more comic books inside just your your favorites oh cool quickly you enjoy right I don't know if you want to do like another ten on this box okay sorry sixty now any more stuff in there that you might think about taking out we're here and we got money alright [Laughter] I'm gonna start letting it up we already made a deal for this though kind of clear this out of the way and then try to get more open up the back yeah did you grainy cash cuz I don't know if I how much one you have so far Matt 60 I should have that I didn't restock okay I'll check it out little figures this stuff okay I'll check those out that's all vintage like 70 it's probably eighties another big [Music] just pieces already go away got some more cards huh so are these all from your buddy as well over power so these look like maybe some you kitchen like Marvel stuff no time to let it go so what would you want for the boxes of without looking at and like really getting into them I'd be comfortable so I'm already at sixty if I get this of this stuff what 80 total all get this loaded up and then I'll start by get you paid thank you you have any more than you might want to get out of there oh really yeah for sure I'll leave your mine oh yeah good thing we brought the VIN didn't think I'd be filling on my whole truck today [Music] yeah all right so you have one more box you do another five on that one okay so I'm just taking like a hunch on hope you got a regular job I know there's like Dungeons and Dragons in there I know those are pretty good all the other stuff I have no idea yeah it's yeah all right car borrow some money huh change is about 85 there's not a joint yeah thanks again yeah give me a call if you want to sell anymore ah I mean if you want to throw it in I'll take it I just don't know anything about it all right sounds like a deal thanks again so that was the only sell we actually went to today the other one was a little bit too far away and it was like in a second day a state sell but I think this one was pretty good I got a lot of stuff here so I spent 80 bucks or $85 I think is 85 with this lady and basically she was saying that all this stuff is from her friend that moved out of the house like 15 years ago and he left this stuff behind and like never came back for it so apparently this guy owned a comic book shop in Oakland and Piedmont and yeah so all this stuff is pretty much from that so I didn't really go through this stuff I don't really know a whole ton about this stuff but I did see some like Dungeons & Dragons items stuff but I'm gonna take you guys to the table if you guys know anything about this stuff please let me know because it would help out a lot to actually know what this stuff is but 485 bucks I think we got a great deal let's head over the table and just take a quick peek of this stuff all right so here it is here fills up a whole table and then also a bench today so we're gonna go through this stuff real quick I haven't even gone through it myself yet I just kind of put it out on the table so let's see so we got a dragon magazine dragon probably a bunch of this stuff in here okay I'm not sure if what the value of these things are it's like a college book or something dragon so yeah a lot of those let's see what these are king of the concrete jungle so looks like there's a bunch of those that one's on rough shape so yeah the rest of these are probably those dragon things vortexed so yeah cool stuff here I'm not really sure the value of that stuff this one here I believe is mostly comics so yeah that's a comic it also says that it's signed by the inker so that's kind of cold maybe an autographed item there more comic books Jonny Quest I'm not gonna go through every single one so Archie or Archer yeah just split the comics in this one x-men yeah that's what all that stuff is I think these are like board games or something some of this stuff is not going to have any value that's like an old risk board game but some of it will so I decided to just buy it all at once and just pay for the whole lot so albedo it's like a role-playing game looks wait like we have like four of those in there I'm not really sure how if I want to get into all this stuff with you guys right now so it looks like some kind of anime thing they're a bunch of cards down here it's got lady death these look like Magic the Gathering cards so that's kind of cool and there's a bunch of more cards down here more magic cards those can be very good sometimes sometimes they're not really worth much so it's more stuff in there this little box here is kind of overwhelming let's see so there's some like what looks like to be kind of like Dungeons and Dragons figures he painted them and if they're not dentist and Dragons there's something like that so we didn't look at this one huh let's check out this one first before we get too deep in the other ones so more cards here these ones are legend of the Five Rings some more cards these one are mythos chests like the one we looked at on the side there's more cards down there I just can't get them right now I've got a risk thing little book yeah this is gonna take me forever to go through all this stuff but it's good because I don't know if you guys know but California looks like we're probably gonna get locked down again so this is gonna keep you busy for a little bit so that'll be good yeah just more stuff in there I'll have to go through it you guys will see you you'll have my eBay store in the description of this video and as I take on this one time down all right so as I listed these items you guys could see what I got yeah I'm just trying to give you a quick overview honestly this is pretty overwhelming but it's all good this is what we want we want to get big lots of stuff for cheap and try to find the gems so she was showing me this is like a Marvel poster or something got more stuff like that whole ton a whole lot of these kind of things these might have been inserts from my comic books or something I'm not really a hundred percent sure that looks like the original x-men but it's obviously not the original little custom drawing here 1987 that's pretty cool yeah much more of those kind of things see what else we got in here like some glossy photo paper a little sign thing there there's a bunch of those things in there so a lot of this stuff is just stuff that they got printed out it looked like more of those dragon things oh look at that okay pull that out we'll try to get a look at the rest we're down here some lady holding up take that part out sorry little nudity all right I don't even know if you guys can see here you guys are in the box you could probably see better than I can maybe so yeah some cool stuff down here it's just gonna take me forever to go through all this stuff so yeah big old thing is stuff there I pulled these out from in there these look like Dungeons & Dragons figures I'm unlikely this kind of stuff kind of gets me excited yeah I'll have to identify them they could be Warhammer they could be Dungeons & Dragons I don't really know look pretty cool get this stuff back here so we got a bunch of like postcard looking things like shade changing man so punch of those there's a bunch of cars in here most of these look like Star Trek and stuff I don't think the cards are very valuable got some more what looks like to be done some dragons things in here I have bill bucks of them probably some more in here oh there's some cash this is some old dollar bills found two bucks that's pretty cool they look older let's see not that older dollar bills are really worth anything but I don't see the date on it that's pretty cool we got our - we got two bucks back so we're only into it eighty-three dollars now so yeah more of that stuff got a whole bunch of board games here I'm not gonna go through one by one but yeah I don't know I think these were like from a store maybe some of our missing parts and stuff so I'm not too excited about that that's why I didn't spend too much at the end like when I bought those two big old boxes for 20 bucks all that extra stuff didn't want to get into those too much let's see here got some more cards these are Babylon 5 so these probably aren't very valuable either it's still pretty cool look like there's some baseball cards in there as well these here I think are whiz war counters and these are all brand new so there's just sheets and sheets of them this could potentially be very good you know whiz war I looked up and it looks like whiz war sells for good money and it sells pretty often but I didn't see anything like this where they're like brand-new like haven't even been used yet so we'll see about that we got a bunch of empty blank cards here looks like some careless see it put some stamps in there this should just gave me for free I look like a bunch of chess pieces these are two dice so if you guys recognize these dice let me know because they could be to a number of games but yeah pretty cool and these are always kids to hear so people will take these figures and they turn them into like dozens and Dragons figures and stuff so I've sold these before they actually sell pretty good but you got to sell a lot of them to make money so you'd have this whole box here would probably be worth like twenty bucks or something oh yeah not bad more of these these ones are opened we got some more whiz kids things some other game things there and that stuff there so yeah it's gonna take me a long time we didn't even really break the surface here it's gonna take me a long time to go through this stuff but 485 bucks we're definitely gonna scrape some money out of this thing and I think when it's all said and done after I clear out all the bad stuff then probably re donate all the bad stuff we're gonna be left with some good stuff it'll keep me busy if we get locked down and yeah I'm happy with it so that's gonna do it for me today thank you all so much for watching I really do appreciate it and we'll see you next time I gotta be the first not the last one there I gotta be the first one there [Music]
Channel: Part Time Pickers
Views: 114,403
Rating: 4.8444667 out of 5
Keywords: garage sale, yard sale, boot sale, estate sale, garage sales, yard sales, trunk sale, estate sales, ebay, ebay seller, ebay reseller, reseller, garage sale haul, garage sale ride along, garage sale ebay, hard goods, rummage sale, church sale, flea market, garage sale gopro, hidden garage sale, hidden yard sale, hidden estate sale, garage sale pov, estate sale pov, garage sale deals, garage sale spy, estate sale spy, how to ebay, how to garage sale, how to estate sale
Id: jUN-EXqp6Co
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 22sec (1222 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 09 2020
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