Try This at the Thrift Store

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how's it going everybody so today's video is going to be a little bit different so i only have about 15 minutes today to do a little bit of sourcing so i'm here at my favorite thrift store eco thrift we're going to go in here today i'm going to see what time it is when i walk in but i'm only going to spend 10 minutes inside this store i'm not going to look anything up it's just going to be a quick run through this is a huge thrift store if you guys have watched me before you guys know how big this place is so we're just going to spend 10 minutes i'm not going to look anything up and when that 10 minutes is up we're going to check out we'll come back outside i'll probably go home list them and we're going to see how we did today so let's see how well i can do in 10 minutes at here at ecothrift let's go 1006 so let's see how we can do i'm not technically in the doors yet [Music] though [Music] all right let's do it all right so i'm gonna do a little bit of a voiceover as well on this video uh so this is gonna be giving you guys a pretty good idea of my route when i go to eco thrift i pretty much go this way every single time the only thing you guys won't see me go through because i didn't have time for it unfortunately was like the men's shoes and the underwear and stuff all right how much are these ten dollars each these are the kirk davis ones i actually know that because we went to this game but ten dollars a piece i'm not going to get them i'll wait till those are on a better cell but they have one two three four five of them i wish i could look them up right now because i don't know how to start going for back when we first got them they were selling for like 30 dollars a piece i'm pretty sure that's going down though all right when i'm looking through the bags over here i'm mostly looking for just like two me and anything that looks high-end today i didn't see anything unfortunately but yeah tumi's what i like always gotta look for tumi i'm pretty lucky that my thrift store likes to actually put out vintage items a lot of thrift stores that i've been to they don't so everyone smile i'll also find like a really cool vintage backpack like a kid's backpack in that section as well it's cool it's cold vintage uh kids bicycle there so i don't really like doing local deals or anything so that's why you guys don't see me pick up a lot of big stuff like bicycles eventually when i do like retire or something i definitely will want to start getting into that but yeah that's why i pass on most of that stuff all right so if i found the whole set of these it'd be really good because i just recently sold a set for 150 so let's see if they have a set some titleist so there's six five i think that's it i'm gonna see how much those are individually though oh here's the four these are two dollars a piece so even at that price they're probably worth picking up uh because we could sell them individually and they'll probably sell for like 20 to 30 each maybe probably closer to the 20 mark lynx is another good brand it's not super high-end but for three bucks it's got a cool grip on it i'll pick that up all these other golf clubs here aren't really worth anything the titleist that i saw it was lower end and uh yeah definitely passed on that i don't see any more of those but we'll leave those in the cart for now all right so this next style right here this is where i always find like the vintage pool toys pool balls really expensive vintage like pull items i love that section right there but it's not very often we find them let's see we're looking on time 10 10. so four minutes down that went pretty fast this is pretty cool i decided to pass on it though because it didn't look i didn't recognize the brand and that little spot there is where people test items and usually if someone tests something and leaves it there that means it probably didn't work uh so i didn't really want to mess with that today so much so this section is a huge money maker for me as well uh remotes can be pretty good if you find some sony remotes that are like specialized they could be awesome you find some bose stuff there sometimes as well but this whole section here i've made thousands of dollars just in this one little section it's like their electronics but yeah nothing today unfortunately i'm not seeing anything over here and it's pretty funny this section is always super busy like compared to the rest of this thrift store that one aisle sometimes we'll have like 10 people in it and there would only be like 10 other people in the whole thrift store so everybody likes that little spot so yeah it's pretty good okay [Music] this cell here has all their like big electronics like audio video stuff i'm pretty good at recognizing brands so that's why i don't really stop to look at all those i am looking at them but you know there there's just so much stuff there that's not worth anything you gotta like know the brands this thing here i was looking at it looks old but it was made to look gold so that thing it has like a usb port it's probably only like a forty dollar machine brand new so uh definitely didn't want to get that just looking for petco in here and i don't see any and a little bit before this you guys saw me walking by all the pots and pans uh this store in particular overprices all that stuff like a decent medium-sized pot or pan they're asking like twenty dollars per item so that's why you guys don't see me stop in there very often because it's almost all the time way too much money all right let's see if we can find any trapper keepers over here doesn't look like it nothing in this section this is usually one of my favorite sections to be in uh we have possible vintage pencils i don't see any today though keep on moving big old bucks of flags that's a lot of flags let's go check out the toys real quick their toy section of this their store is huge and really well organized and displayed luckily they have a lot of stuff like this where it's like big bags of toys and it's just one price for everything every once in a while you get really lucky and find some really great stuff for the toys like the trucks and stuff i'm looking at in the cars i'm looking for hot wheels redlines and i'm looking for stompers so those are like the main two that i know of you know the newer stuff isn't very valuable and i don't really have a lot of knowledge on it so i kind of stay away from it let's check and see when this was made can't see i might pick this up i'll tell you why the not looking stuff up part going to thrift stores is not easy for me you guys know i look up pretty much everything that's how you learn about stuff you know that bratz doll i could have just easily quickly just scanned and got the price right away uh but i wanted to stick to my guns on this one and just really test myself and uh yeah there's a lot of other cool stuff here that i probably would have scanned as well like this was like a cool little disney popcorn set uh the there's some model cars that you saw a second ago in those boxes uh but yeah i'm constantly looking stuff up so and it doesn't really take that much time so i don't know why i made myself do this but i want to stick with it it's kind of cool maybe an older rugrats thing i'll get that sometimes you can do really good with those uh bags of toys if you get the right one so if you're into toys and you're in my area i would recommend coming to this eco thrift early in the morning because in the morning they completely fill this toy section and you get people in line that sprint to this section and because they know every day they fill it up they're really good about filling this up but they don't really fill it up throughout the day so but yeah it's a huge little toy section all right see if we can find the vintage lens today this is older but not really a desirable pattern and let's go see if there's any cool blankets today so before i started talking about them on my youtube channel i used to find a san marcos blanket here almost every single time i came in and i haven't found one in months so the word is out on those things people pick them up when they find them but yeah it's pretty funny but yeah you can't even find them anymore these are really good if they're brand new even use they could do good these uh like i don't even know what you call that like a thermal blanket but that one has a few issues there all right let's see how we're doing on time real quick all right we went three three minutes past what we were supposed to so we're done i gotta go uh let's head outside and see how we did today all right so i kind of cheated and went back and got those baseball bats i figured ten dollars a piece is a lot of money for those bats when you're talking like a thrift store price uh but i got to thinking i have a lot of friends that have kids and i have a couple nephews that would probably love those bats if i can't sell them so what i'm going to do is i'm going to list these bats on ebay i'm probably going to list them for like 40 plus shipping-ish because there's none listed on ebay there's none sold this was a game day bat that we actually went to and there wasn't that many people there so there's not a lot of these bats out there uh so i decided to go ahead and pick them up and when christmas time rolls around you know if we haven't sold any if i still have any left they're going to make a nice really nice cheap christmas gift for a kid that would love it so i figured it would probably be a smart idea to pick these up so i got one two three four five of those uh so that was 50 bucks right there and i spent 16 on top of that on the other items uh so all in we're at 66 on these items so what i'm gonna do today i'm gonna go home i'm gonna list these items and we're gonna see how i did so 66 in let's go home list this stuff and uh see what i might potentially make on it thank you guys so much for watching really do appreciate it and we'll see you soon with another [Music] video [Music] lynx is another it's kind of cool [Music] you
Channel: Part Time Pickers
Views: 97,696
Rating: 4.9077277 out of 5
Keywords: thrifting, thrift shop, thrift store, resell on ebay, sell on ebay, ebay, ebay seller, thrift store haul, thrift shop haul, trip to the thrift, thrift store find, thrift shop find
Id: bbVBUf9nDBM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 24sec (984 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 22 2021
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