Most INTENSE Departure I’ve Flown in Microsoft Flight Simulator! (with ATC)

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open several opportunities we have another massive wide body aircraft spawned in here on the ramp and he is now in taking a martial into his right engine this is absolutely ridiculous OSHA is going to have a field day with this one start indications look good we will go ahead and run engine [Music] are you kidding me what the hell is going on right now I've never seen this many aircraft on the ground taxing at one time we're not even taxing just waiting a sequence we've got like five Southwest guys down there in line a whole sequence of United and Frontiers over there and then more united than Southwest trying to tax you out of the ramp thank Julie angelic music Delta's going to heaven Southwest announcing merger with Ryanair it is a great a show in Denver while we wait for further attacks to hear out of the ramp we'll go ahead and run a quick flight control check ailerons elevator and rudder flight control check is complete I am using the Turtle Beach velocity one flight stick by the way I'll talk more about that in flight stick around for giveaway details towards the end of the video as well we're going to be giving away one of the flight sticks I will uh include rules to enter we're going to text you out behind this Cessna toy pop in a wheelie right here 677 Mike Alpha Ready for taxi had a signature doesn't make alpha follow the uh Cessna 195 in front of you uh Mike sort of alpha follow the Cessna 195 Mike short of alpha 7 mic Alpha check out the lineup coming in on final five aircraft in frame right now it's just Southwest Landing in the meantime contact ramp as well one three zero nine or five wow that was lovely actually uh 545 uh your departure Runway assignment is this has Got7 Mike Alpha same for you left on Alpha monitor Tower one three two three five have a safe flight Aspen I also won three two three five will monitor seven Mike Alpha thanks see ya so many planes coming in right now let's judge this guy's Landing we can see it not quite I'm sure it's good though we're gonna climb heading three five three let's go and get that set yeah oh my God so much traffic coming out right now everyone's United quality American on Papa said 6.8 out of 10 a little bit firm right there I feel like this guy might be on the wrong tower frequency in front of me could never be me though Jesus right here okay this looks like an alien invasion almost there's so many parallel purchases taking place right now November 4411 uniform with zero seven zero five nine three five left here for takeoff that's the guy in front of us no delay take uh clear to take off three five left uh one one you guys got some balls flying a tail drag out of Denver with 40 pending departures right now that's 145 offensive never watch your Naval attack to be a papa papa seven Echo Delta hold shorter Mike 9348 wins zero seven zero five Runway three five left little and number two thirteen eighty seven contact round one two one point eight five fourteen ninety six round point eight five today ATC going crazy right now Jeff coming in on short final three five left gonna be waiting seven Mike Alpha win zero seven zero five on a three five left little and no delay or clear for takeoff clear for takeoff no delay three five left seven mic Alpha 948 heavy traffic holy he is on short final we uh gotta go let's go baby I'm not making him go around Tokyo drifting this zero seven zero five Runway three five left little land number three Off The Runway negative not a moment Roger rotate yeah that is some sequencing right there amazing I've got to wait through six thousand feet there we go we're gonna start that climbing left turn check that out all right 760 ready Flex at 5 45. check out the traffic movements The Reflex 545 ready to go when you are watch that five forty five one zero seven zero five hundred three five one absolutely one of the coolest departures of my life [Music] clearly a357 Echo Delta proper Seven Acres Echo Delta particular now for departure 677 Mike Alpha with you ten thousand number six seven Mike Alpha uh Denver departure radar contact how do you mean painful level two three zero best rate to play level two three zero two three zero best rate seven mic Alpha here we go up to two three zero traffic turn left heading one seven zero left heading one seven zero for traffic seven Mike an armor 677 Mike Alpha did never Tower give you a takeoff clearance yes I did we had a no delay for uh traffic goes on short final Roger we're turning left heading one seven zero for traffic that we cannot see that is slightly terrifying and we're doing best rate up to 23 000. remember 677 Mike Alpine easy to climb faster than that trying to maintain reliable G3 here I need your best rate of flying flying the aircraft as fast as you can to play level 3 there please no space shuttle status two three zero seven mic Alpha literally launching this you win a fast climb rate you got it five thousand feet per minute 248 [Music] grab your 677 Mike Alpha turn right heading two six zero right two six zero seven mic Alpha saving that climb rate just in time we were dangerously approaching stall speed there 3677 Mike Alpha I instructed you to turn left on a one seven zero heading you gave us back right two six zero sir yep that's totally correct I didn't do that remember uh 677 right heading 35 there right turn three fat zero right turn three five zero seven Mike Alpha bobbin and weaving traffic on our way out of Denver right now beautiful Cloud conditions right now despite all of the chaos remember departures that's left a couple 2213 democratulator contest s I'd like to thank Turtle Beach for sending me the velocity ones late stick to use for this video it is multi-platform can be used on Xbox or PC as an ambidextrous design with a reversible wrist hold and has eight High Precision axes and 27 programmable buttons it also has the best POV hat switch that I've personally used on a joystick and I'm running a giveaway that ends September 4th you can check it out at the link in the description winner will be announced on my Twitter thank you Turtle Beach for sponsoring this video and making this light possible beautiful sunset off tour at two o'clock right now multiple aircraft talking at the same time might be the most beautiful departure I've ever flown in Flight Sim games immediately this is absolutely beautiful altitude alert exact cities here for uh in the meantime we are level at 23 000 feet our cruising altitude to Aspen altimeter is set to 999 or two got some traffic Crossing ahead of us right here Southwest 737 also going on Westbound number 677 Mike Alpha contacts in Denver Center one two eight point three two one two eight three two seven mic Alpha foreign Denver Center visionjet 677 Mike Alpha flight level two three zero this is ninja 677 Mike Alpha and Rick Center instead of maintain one five fifteen thousand the uh three zero one zero down to one five fifteen thousand seven my Goblin Aspen Airport insights also the African airport that's United 10 o'clock in one zero miles report inside something like apple field inside okay advised traffic 12 o'clock obser correction four miles Northbound turning North westbound a seven three leaving one one thousand they're no Factor seven Mike Alpha we have the traffic inside that's a realistic procedure how Aspen has 33 departures with one five arrival we will go ahead and drop landing gear uh-oh Center seven Mike Alpha we cleared Atlanta Aspen it representative I run away one five little lamb little land one five seven Mike Alpha the other one we are clear to land [Music] very bumpy not a turbulence here in short final Jefferson or Southwest 18 miles north of solar honestly thought that was going to be much worse a little left here on Alpha Four November 7 Michael fought welcome to Aston to actually Park in the office of Christy parking via Alpha with you summon my castle thanks on your back Delta 3861 cutting Denver Center 132.22 322 have a good one and parking brake is sets we will shut engine off generators and then finally battery left and right that'll be it for me though thank you guys for watching hope you enjoyed the video this is Air Force proud95 and I will see you next time I go outside and it's just very loud man positive right gear is coming up signs back on because is about to get real Senator United not today
Channel: Airforceproud95
Views: 405,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: microsoft, flight, simulator, sim, 2020, 2023, 2024, msfs, fs2020, mfs, realistic, realism, max, ultra, settings, tutorial, 4k, online, multiplayer, vatsim, air, traffic, controller, atc, pilot, full, how to, setup, yoke, joystick, turtle, beach, thrustmaster, cirrus, sf50, vision, jet, parachute, takeoff, landing, hard, bad, worst, emergency, accident, crash, mayday, dangerous, airport, approach, runway, thunderstorm, shuttle, balloon, mad, angry, funniest, moments, stocks, invest, lawyer, lawsuit, auto, finance, amazon, insurance, hondajet, home, xbox, vr, pc
Id: 6k8TyVtxH_Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 12sec (672 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 04 2023
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