Air Traffic Controllers Destroy INCOMPETENT Pilots in 6 Shocking Instances!

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tango mik I'll like to taxi to Thea we need so for tangle m is this for maintenance purposes or are you departing no I'm departing I'm departing to Baker for Tang mic what transition are you departing on I'm going to stay below the Bravo airspace and uh then we out of here to take a SP okay sir are you going out the Coyote Hills are you going out the Woodside departure you are you going to go out the uh Hills uh Hills Hills departure uh well I I've always been Vector out there you know so uh want me to go out on some of these I can look at it right sir you might want to look that up and get back to me do Carlos ground 44 Tango mik uh sir I would request uh factors to be out of here though sorry uh you know I've never flown his all right sir it's published what you need what are you going to go through Tower you going to go Tower route through uh San Jose or you going to go out to the coast and then down what are you looking to do it it it makes a difference okay I need to go to Bakerfield okay which is uh 114° from here whichever is easiest for you guys just uh route me out from there all so you're not helping me here you want to go through San Franc you want to go through San Jose through Palo San Jose Tower and route or do you want to go on top of that airspace you want to go Inland what do you want sir uh top of that space is great though I would I could go over that in the future sir you really need to get yourself briefed up it's not my job to to uh tell you which transition it's published it's published information sir you should know this all right if we're going to fly in and out of here this a sophisticated airspace rway 30 texted via Mike Lio B4 Tango mik it's 414 Tango mik correct 414 Tango mik thank you and appreciate your help though are you a diamond no sry I'm a twin sesna Sor I expect more from a twin cesna pilot I'm sorry uh yeah you do though but I've been here many years ago and uh you know there was uh nothing like that right well when you go inside I'll guarantee you there's five Pilots sitting at the cafe they can tell you all about it uh thank you next time we'll uh we'll be prepared 52 what speed are you at we're 220 220 what do you need well no two I'll tell you what you go to 180 turn right heading 0 60 and I'll run the guy behind you that's doing about 100 knots faster on a ground speed all right you want to play games sure I'm not playing a game you're doing 180 across the ground the guy that's five behind you is doing 310 across the ground now you tell me if I've got a bunch of airplanes in there what would you do get a size speed sir hey sure I can give you a number to call I'm not playing games with you I'm trying to run traffic effectively and uh smoothly into the Kennedy Airport what do you need sir at least 230 all right je blue 852 and jebl 852 not for nothing but your assign speed coming in over Cameron is 250 knots or if you come in over lendy it's 250 knots and unless somebody slows you until you get an approach clearance we wouldn't expect that you're going to Challenger one Alpha Delta turn right heading 340 and I've got to be a little bit uh Curious on this where in God's name are you going 34 Z we're going to Tar 601 Alpha I think you assigned us a 1 180 heading I gave you a 280 heading CU most controllers you'd have to hold a gun to their head to have an arrival fly the face of the departure is that a 3 733 Zulu Yankee full turn Tower 73 3 down inbound land with uniform a 3 you can't come into the Delta airspace unless you're talking to me hey we were handed off from Lowell and you've been prioritizing people on the ground so uh we have that was our fifth call that's a 3 get 10 calls if you can't enter the Delta airspace without established communication with the tower Roger that buddy uh what would you like us to do now well I'd like you not to be uh aggressive in your tone when you've done something wrong and I'm trying to smooth it over S 3 could be a good start okay Johnny um we're downwind Midfield or 3 Yankee and who's this it is 733 Z Yankee 3 Yankee turn base R 24 clear land when two at ner gus4 altimer 29er 88 have a pin ready when you landed for a phone number garer 3 Yankee turn it base Runway 24 clear land ass 733 Z lank two right turns or left turns either way stop and advise ready to c a phone number I am tacking to the north side hangers uh 7333 Yankee 3 Yankee taxi 10 ft forward stop and advise and ready to copy your phone number please tax 10 ft forward and uh will be ready for the copy s 733 Zulu Yankee possible pilot deviation advise you contact full with and Tower at 714 525 Norwood ground ser 57 Delta Bravo ready to go Delta Bravo rway One Z tax Charlie and Al your VI Charlie and Alpha and yes I do have uh kette 57 Delta Bravo you're going the wrong direction 57 Del the Bravo it's Runway one Z via Charlie in Alpha you're trying to cross Runway 35 now you you missed the turn on to Alpha affirmative I will make a uturn here uh to permission to go out here in the runway to make the uh turn Del Bravo you're already on it so just continue you want me to continue straight or you want me to to go ahe and make my turn Del Bravo I want you to make the turn and go to where you attack me to Runway 1 Z 57 Delta you run the wrong direction again it's Runway 1 yes ma'am sorry on 6 BR down Tower winds c75 n are clear for takeoff make a left downwind departure I'll get you on course to the Northeast shortly get your left hand wind departure C take off the 17 left Al n 6 aircraft on the runway the Cav 6 Charli stop six bravo charlie stop your aircraft have on six bravo charlie Tower 682 I want you to make a right turn to the West immediately gotra Tak off 682 turn back into the down one immediately canel Landing clar turn back the down 62 six bravo charlie Tower sir I was couldn't hear you before X bravo charlie Roger I want you to turn right right immediately and fly eastbound that's good eastbound six bravo charlie six bravo charlie it appears you departed uh Northbound off uh rway 35 sir flow is 17 for possible pilot deviation I'm going to have a number for you to call momentarily continue eastbound to Parker and Aro Road I am so sorry I I just wanted to get out of there so sorry 682 17 right clear to land clear six bravo charlie fly to Parker and AO and next to the Delta there let me know when you can copy a phone number oh I I don't have a pen and I I'll be back in a couple hours can I call you then bravo charlie Roger
Channel: Flight Follower
Views: 215,540
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AEREO, AIR, AIRCRAFT, AIRLINES, AIRPLANE, AIRWAYS, APPROACH, ATC, CONTROL, CONTROLLER, DELIVERY, DEPARTURE, EMERGENCY, FLIGHT, FUNNY, ICAO, LANDING, LIVEATC, MAYDAY, PILOT, REAL, SIMULATOR, STUDENT, TAKEOFF, TOWER, TRAFFIC, VASAVIATION, air traffic controller, aircraft, airplane, airport, atc, aviation, control, funny atc conversation, funny atc moments, pilot, real atc, runway, takeoff, tower, traffic, air traffic control, atc audio, pilot atc conversatio
Id: ji9uZHFvLTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 13sec (493 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 30 2023
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