Intercepting Random Airliners in Flight Simulator Multiplayer

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I'm gonna intercept random eyeliners in Microsoft Flight Simulator multiplayer with an F18 fighter jet and see how they react we'll start out in Los Angeles and then move on to New York and this will be a lot of fun and by the way this video is sponsored by World of Tanks as you can see there is a ton of players here I think we've got a guy trying to land down here okay wait it doesn't seem like he landed and those guys nearly collided I think he just made it go around he's flying really close to the ground let's take a look at that guy that is a valid reason to intercept someone I don't think that's protocol he's playing 400 feet above the ground over Los Angeles that's not very good let's go full thrust let's try to catch up to him this guy is just flying straight I'm not sure if he's doing like a go around procedure still he does seem to be making a turn now though there is a lot of names in the sky so we have a lot of people to check up on okay so he seems to be heading back to the airport here we go now we're getting closer not too fast though just like that here we go we're flying right next to him now and wait that's a double decker that's not a real plane is it no it's sort of like an it really and it sort of just disappeared that's like a generic plane okay well he doesn't seem to be landing at LAX anymore we're flying pretty close to him actually this is pretty cool I'm not sure this would be very good in real life though all of that jet wash in our face let's see how close we can get without crashing into him it's making a turn maybe he's trying to get away from us who knows so far I'm on his tail he's making quite a sharp turn here he seems to be flying in circles that's pretty suspicious not gonna lie let's do one last pass on this guy just wave a little with our wings like that maybe wave back who knows you can just pass in front of him just wave our wings a little bit I don't think he's gonna respond and hold on real quick remember this video is sponsored by World of Tanks let me tell you a bit about this free game which already has over 100 million players so I think you like it the game has this massive multiplayer tank battles across all terrains and a huge tank Arsenal to play with it's historically accurate and just look at these Graphics as Christmas is coming up World of Tanks has its biggest in-game event of the year called holiday Ops and it's the perfect time to start playing it's ongoing from December 1st to January 39 Arnold Schwarzenegger is there and together with Mila Jovovich they'll greet you when you start playing so why start now well there will be a bunch of rewards like premium tanks customizations Cruise medals in-game items and special missions fun fact the m47 iron army tank was created with the help of Arnold and inspired by the real tag he owns I'm not sure why Arnold owns a tank but he does it's available on PC console and mobile so go download it using the first link in the description and use the promo code tank Mania to get for free 7 Days premium account 250 000 credits the premium tank Excelsior and three rental tanks for 10 battles each again Link in the description let's get back to the city I think that is an A320 making an almost vertical climb you know what we'll have to check that out oh wait no he's making a nose type gaming lizard in an A320 what are you doing we are quite fast though so we're gonna pass in the first time but that's fine gaming lizard oh no I think we lost him I only got to see him twice everything looks good hair I think that guy just landed on someone else here we have two planes approaching very close to each other if they are landing I can try to land as well oh wait there's already a guy there and he just went over him okay I guess everyone's doing the same thing here we go I think I'm catching up to this plane though yes I am okay I'm a bit faster than him you know what let's just go under him why not there we go perfect and the other plane is just floating here okay wait never mind I bore too many planes there and my computer does not like this sorry for the frame rate we need to get out of here seems like we've got a 787 flying at 1 000 feet there that can't be right oh he's approaching the airport makes perfect sense when you think about it we're gonna pass in here on Final Approach I can't really slow down more unfortunately but here we go nice let's attempt our own little touch and go here LAX let's take a look from the outside View there we go beautiful and take off straight into that guy all right a little touch and go why not oh wait we're stalling um okay another touch and go why not now we need to find someone else to intercept all right in front of us right now we seem to have United Airlines flight 1479 I have no idea if that is a real flight or not but he's flying at 12 000 feet so we've got a bit of catching up to do here we go we're flying over downtown Los Angeles let's see what this guy's up to he's making a turn I think that was a coincidence though maybe it's trying to get away from me as well you know what let's try to pass him inverted let's go inverted like that and let's try to intercept him while inverted I'm not sure this is gonna work but I'll do my best this is pretty tricky oh wait I don't see him anymore where'd he go I think I lost him I'm gonna go inverter again that was pretty fun we're gonna pass him inverted pass here we go and in front of him like that and turn around and that was probably really cool from his view but they seem to be very determined to get to where they're going let's try to keep it stable and keep it cool you know we are getting pretty close so so down a little bit perfect beautiful look at this this is pretty realistic isn't it we're just flying over La maybe we can try to touch Wings you know a little bit more speed there we are a little touch that was a little touch too bad they disappear like that we'll put in an air show for the passengers maybe we'll get on a weekly list of Aviation episode I think we're a bit fast for landing though or maybe we can land actually at 300 knots Maybe maybe like that high speed Landing oh wait I didn't have any gear I guess that's a realistic Landing without care little bounce but we're down I just ruined the entire Runway oh wait I think I just forced that guy to go around I'm very sorry I did not look both ways before Crossing I'm gonna follow this guy from takeoff so let's let's stop here uh a little bit too late let's watch this guy take off and we'll take off right behind him and escort him right away there he goes he's going for it and he just took off all right and let's see where he's gonna go he's making a sharp turn all right here we are SWA where are you going he's doing a very gradual climb he's not in a hurry is he you know what would be fun if this game had a proximity chat look at this now where is he headed off to there is the runway there's the airport and uh there is me pretty much just hitting him alright let's give him a little roll and uh get on with it wait why am I losing speed why is only one engine working what was that feel low wait fuel zero percent I've been intercepting too much haven't I I guess we have to land somewhere before moving on to New York I wasn't in the cockpit that much so I didn't hear the warning and there goes engine number two oh no this thing is full on glider mode I mean we're over Central LA so there should be some places to land there is a river there if we want to do that style there's a big Highway down there I don't think we can get to LAX it's my arm outside the plane it is 150 knots rapidly declining I mean I'm looking at this highway and it looks very landable We're not gonna make it to an airport I'm gonna try to keep our landing gear up for as long as possible very quiet accept that alarm going off all right flaps down landing gear I'm not getting any landing gear response so I guess we're going without the landing gear oh this is gonna be a rough one but wait hold on oh okay yeah we're down but come on that's survivable isn't it unfortunately we didn't have any landing gear um oh wait now it decided to come out now Welcome to New York I'm back in the Jets and let's go find some more people I think this is a helicopter yeah that's a helicopter and that is the Empire State Building okay hold on you do not want to fly down here we've got a guy right here we're passing over him 100 feet it's looking pretty good and oh wait oh there you go uh not too much of a flare but but pretty good Landing man here's another one of these Boeing a380s Let's do an inverted low pass over this neighborhood air I think that's a good idea finally someone doesn't have the generic plane here's the new A310 by the way I haven't had a chance to fly that yet I think that guy's gonna land down there oh why'd he do that here we are just straight above him I'm in his blind spot I hope he doesn't do that same maneuver again passing underneath him very intense waving I'm waving can you see this okay I guess I'm in this blind spot again are you gonna wave back it doesn't seem like it you're gonna try to hit me aren't you well all right then Gomez I'm gonna leave you alone that's it for this video I hope you guys enjoyed thank you Wireless thanks for sponsoring It Again download it using the link in the description and use the promo code tank Mania feel free to subscribe and I'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: lucaas
Views: 1,533,455
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: microsoft, flight, simulator, 2020, new, world, gameplay, footage, alpha, review, reaction, tutorial, realistic, realism, release, trailer, preview, announcement, xbox, pc, takeoff, landing, cockpit, rain, weather, hurricane, bad, hard, worst, emergency, engine, start, fail, failure, fire, mayday, accident, boeing, 737, airbus, a380, atc, multiplayer, online, trolling, funny, chaos, best, funniest, moments, 787, a320
Id: reW4j0jfhCQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 51sec (531 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 16 2022
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