MOST IMPORTANT Constellation for Every 4-Star! | Genshin Impact

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[Music] what is up guys and we are back with another video and in this video i want to go over every single four star in the game and talk about what is their most important constellation so when i say most important constellation i mean the constellation that unlocks most of their potential and there are characters in the game that really don't need constellations and each constellation is just a small boost but we're gonna go ahead and break down each four star and talk about it and i've seen constellation videos before talking about the best c6 and all this stuff or the best character at c0 but me personally i only like to speak on something that i've actually leveled up and tried out myself so i've actually leveled up every single character to level 80 and i've tried them out for a pretty good time the only two characters that i don't have level 80 is shin yan but i have her leveled up on my free to play account and then noel is the only character that i really haven't personally used so when i give my opinion on noel just keep that in mind but for the rest of them i have very good experience with them i've been using them for a while and yeah so this is just my opinion guys so if you guys disagree or if you guys have a different opinion i would love to know down below and why but yeah let's go ahead and jump into it starting with kaya so in my opinion kaya is one of those characters who at c0 is already very very strong like i just got c1 kaya literally like a couple days ago because he got introduced in the shop and i've been playing this game since it came out not only are his constellations super hard to get because the only place you can really get them is from the standard banner he really doesn't require them because at c0 i've been using it for a while he is already a truck and he hits super hard and he can just do so many different things i think overall for me personally the most important constellation that i would want would be his c2 because this constellation basically gives you the potential to increase your burst by 15 seconds which is pretty pretty good the only downside to this constellation is you have to defeat an enemy for it to actually stack up and time up so when you're fighting multiple enemies this constellation's gonna be really really good but if you're fighting bosses or just like a couple enemies like two or three then this constellation obviously is not gonna be that good another really good constellation for him is c6 but if you guys have c6 kaya you guys are already winning in life so you guys don't even have to worry about this constellation list okay and next up we have ning wang and ning wang is a character i've been meaning since the beginning of the game and in my opinion the most important constellation for ning wang by far is gonna be c2 the reason why c2 is so good is because if your jade screen breaks you can just immediately put another one up and a lot of people including me at the very beginning of the game thought the jade screen only broke like over time or if an enemy broke it but actually if you use your burst it actually counts as a jade screen breaking so you immediately have another e ready to go so not only is this doubling her energy recharge it's basically giving her an additional screen and giving her screen if you time it right a six second cooldown uh which is absolutely insane so official's interesting because in most cases you're running fish as a support or most of her constellations actually improve her main dps capabilities so for maine dps official the most important constellation for you is going to be c1 and for support official the most important constellation is going to be c6 so the reason why c1 is so good for main dps official is because when oz is down you're still going to get him to attack by your side and all his attacks can crit and he attacks super fast so you're basically getting an additional 22 attack on every single basic attack on the other hand c6 officials absolutely insane so when you look at regular odds you know he slowly attacks but with constellation 6 officials oz attacks as fast as your active character meaning the faster your active character attacks the faster ios attacks and it allows for some crazy combos especially with child and other characters with electrocharge and it just goes absolutely insane it's like machine gun official but she doesn't even have to be on the field making her one of the best supports at c6 in the game okay next up we have beyonce in my opinion hands down the most important constellation for yanfei is going to be that c1 and the reason why c1 is so good is because yanfei already has innate stamina reduction with her scarlet seals at 15 per scarlet seal so meaning if you have c0 and you have three scarlet seals you're going to be getting a 45 stamina reduction but with c1 active that goes all the way up to 75 percent which is actually pretty good considering you're gonna be spamming your charge attacks a lot with yonfe okay and next up we have sucrose and in my opinion the most important constellation for sucrose is also going to be c1 because it gives you an additional charge and that c1 is so valuable because it gives you two charges of your e ability and if you have the sacrificial book it also gives you an additional charge meaning your uptime for your burst is gonna be really high and because most likely you're gonna be running the iridescent set you're always gonna have your e ability up ready to go to proc that effect and i know c6 is really really good because it gives you a 20 damage bonus depending on the element you swirled but like i said at the beginning of the video this isn't about the most broken constellation this is about the most important and in my opinion the most important by far is going to be c1 for sucrose okay next up we have rosario so rosaria in my opinion is another character who at c0 is already really really good and what you'll find is most people will run rosaria as either a sub dps or a burst dps and in that situation i think personally the most important constellation for her is going to be her c2 and her c6 i think these two are tied for the most important the reason why c2 is really good is because it increases the duration of her burst by 4 seconds which basically gives it two additional procs allowing you to melt and the other reason why i think c6 is really good is also because of her burst because it reduces enemies physical resistance by 20 the other two constellations for rosaria are just meant for main dps for zarya because it just increases her energy and attack speed but overall most people don't really run rosario as a main dps even though she can be a very viable one but in my opinion it's just more valuable to run her as a burst support sub dps in which case c2 and c6 are going to be the most important okay so next up we have diona and dionna is going to be the first character on our list where c6 is our most important constellation and c6 diona is just so so strong because basically any time you're below 50 hp you get additional healing and unlike bennett there's no cap so you can heal all the way up to full which is great not only that when you're over 50 hp which you will be most of the time if you're standing in a circle you're gonna be getting 200 elemental mastery and diana being a cryo character pairing that with someone like a deluxe or any pyro character in that case is just going to be absolutely insane okay so next up we have cheongyun and similar to rosaria a lot of people don't go main dps chong yuan because he's just so so valuable as a support and in terms of support his constellations don't really provide that aside from c2 and i say c2 but chongyon is also one of those characters who at c0 is already really really good basically what constellation 2 does is anyone who's inside chongyon's e ability and uses their elemental skill or burst has a cooldown release spot in 15 which is actually pretty decent if you're in a cryo team comp because it allows for you to quickly spam your abilities which in addition allows you to quickly regenerate your burst but other than that chongyong is already really really good at c0 and unless you're going main dps strong yuan you really don't need his constellations at all okay next up we have beto and beto is in a very similar situation to chongyon and in my opinion the most important constellation for her is going to be that c2 and just like cheongyun beto is a way more valuable support sub dps than she is as a main dps but her constellations do enable her to go a main dps build the reason why i think c2 is going to be the most important is because it basically doubles your aoe damage of your burst which you're still going to be using as a sub dps flash support and other than that just like chong gyun she really doesn't need any constellations at all as c0 she's still going to be hitting like a truck but c2 in my opinion is gonna benefit her the most especially in the role she's most known for which is gonna be that sub dps slash support okay and next up we have razer in my opinion razer's most important constellation is gonna be that c4 and the reason why c4 is so good is because you basically have 100 uptime on it because razer's e ability only has a four second cooldown allowing you to just always have that 15 reduction in enemies defense which is really awesome honestly i think it's a really good constellation and i think c1 is right up there with it i would put it in second place and being the second most important constellation for razer c6 on the other hand is not really that good because most people build physical razor and even though it does add a slight boost in damage it's not that much because it's doing electro damage not physical okay and next up we have lisa and unlike kaya who's already really really good at c0 lisa really struggles because her most important constellation by far is going to be the c6 see the problem with lisa is her strongest ability is going to be her hold e ability but it only really gets strong when you get all three stacks on an enemy which means you have to cast your e ability three times on each enemy in order to get that but with c6 you don't have to do that you just switch in and everyone around you automatically gets three stacks allowing you just to hold your e and just absolutely decimating them and that's why c6 is just so so good because the ability to not even have to cast your e ability three times on each single enemy and just switch in and do it immediately is just unmatched okay next up we have sing chu and sing chu even though he has one of the most broken constellations at c6 his most important constellation in my opinion is going to be the c2 most of the time when you're using sync true you're using him for his burst and the fact that c2 increases his burst duration and decreases enemies resistance to hydro just makes c2 so so valuable and just like some other characters that we talked about synchu is already really really dominant as c0 he doesn't really need constellations at all c2 in my opinion it just helps out a lot because how early you get it compared to how much it helps your team is pretty important especially because it just increases the duration of your burst which is super important if you're running him in a reaction team or a freeze team okay next up we have bennett and i think it's universally known the best constellation for bennett is gonna be his c1 and let's be honest guys c1 should have been his c6 because it's just so broken in terms of what it does and how it unlocks bennett's potential because essentially it removes the hp requirement for bennett and it gives you an additional 20 attack boost i think that's just absolutely ridiculous and everyone should go for c1 bennett it's just so good and so powerful and it just provides so much to your team okay and next up we have shang so for strongling it's kind of a debate between which constellation is the best depending on how you want to build her and the reason for that is almost all her constellations give a good amount of boost to her pyro damage and if you guys have heard about the chinese national team which is one of the most popular teams in china right now which includes shangrin singh chu bennet and chang yun you guys know how important power damage is for chong ling i would say all of these constellations are pretty decent if i had to choose one i would go with constellation 4 which increases the power nato duration by 40 percent which can be really useful because you're going to be triggering melt with that and it's going to do a lot of damage okay and after that we have amber so amber in my opinion one of the most important constellations for her is gonna be her c2 and the reason i say c2 is because before c2 it takes a while for amber's bunny to pop unless the enemy breaks it or you just wait for it to expire but with c2 available when you toss your bunny out you can actually manually detonate it by shooting it which is actually super useful in having consistent dps and actually makes amber kind of usable but still not like obviously the very best and c4 is actually pretty good as well because it allows you to throw out two bunnies but i think that manual destination is what really makes a big impact for amber okay next up we have noel so for noel actually have two constellations which i think are pretty important the first one being c1 and then the last one being c6 the reason i say c1 is because if you're not going for a main dps noel and are just going for her shield and heels then c1 is really important especially in getting consistent heals for your team and c6 obviously is just so good because it increases the duration of your burst and not only that it gives noel additional defense based scaling off of 50 of her defense that's really important because it allows noel to go defense without losing out on too much attack because a lot of noel's abilities and passives scale off of her defense okay and last but not least we have shin yan and similar to noel i want to give xin yin two constellations i'm gonna give her c2 as being very important as well as their c4 so the reason i say c2 is because it allows you to go burst support shenyan because not only do you get a hundred percent crit rate on your burst allowing you to basically just go full crit damage it also just gives you a free shield and since shenyan e has a pretty long cooldown at 18 seconds allowing her burst to get her free shield for her is pretty awesome and in my opinion is the better consolation but if you are using chenien for a physical team getting c4 can be pretty important because not only does she reduce physical resistance with her passive talent but also with her e ability if you have c4 unlocked and that's pretty much it for me guys i wanted to do this video now because we're basically done with leeway and monsta 4 stars at least in my opinion even if we do get some i don't think it will be any time soon i think with inazuma around the corner we're going to be getting more in a zoom of 4 stars so that's why i wanted to just make sure you guys knew which was the best constellation for every 4 star we have now let me know if you guys want to see a similar thing for 5 stars or if there's anything you guys disagreed with i would love to know but that's pretty much it for me guys thank you for watching and i will see you guys next time [Music] you
Channel: KingQavi
Views: 344,195
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin, genshin impact 1.5, genshin 1.5, genshin impact 1.6, genshin 1.6, genshin best 4 star, genshin 4 star, genshin guide, genshin guide 1.5, genshin guide 1.6, genshin inazuma, genshin impact gameplay, kazuha, genshin kazuha, genshin tohma, inazuma tohma
Id: wMqXJoYznPU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 33sec (753 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 05 2021
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