DPS SHOWDOWN! Itto vs Xiao vs Noelle! CRAZY UNEXPECTED results! Genshin Impact
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Channel: IWinToLose Gaming
Views: 218,121
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Keywords: genshin impact itto build, genshin impact arataki itto, genshin impact arataki itto build, genshin impact dps showdown, genshin impact noelle, genshin impact noelle build, genshin impact noelle dps, genshin impact xiao build, genshin impact xiao rerun, genshin impact xiao gameplay, genshin impact xiao team, arataki itto gameplay, arataki itto genshin, noelle genshin, xiao, xiao genshin impact, ANOTHER EDEN: The Cat Beyond Time & Space
Id: RfQ1V2Q5C2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 30sec (2190 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 25 2021
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Good comparison if you have a good eye for what is happening.
Most people just look at the final numbers and cry "Itto OP! Xiao powercreep!".
In reality, despite everything, Xiao is able to keep up. If Noelle C6 is able to keep up as well this is more a testament of the huge geo/def buffs these last patches got (Albedo buff, Husk, Gorou).
Here he also heavily optimized tech by dragonstriking with the two claymores. In reality, unless you specifically make a team for dragonstrike, you are not able to do it. Trust me, I'm a Razor main.
Also, I don't think Xiao was played optimally, some plunges were low others were too high and his team comps weren't the best.
But again, despite all of this, Xiao has proven to still be a solid choice.
Imagine all the players getting baited to skip him just because of a couple of seconds of difference in selected scenarios.
I agree however that Itto is more comfortable/easier to play. His kit is honestly very simple to use and his optimal combo is basically just one (Q -> E -> CA -> 4NA -> CA -> E). Other than dragonstrike (not completely viable) he doesn't really have any tech to optimize his damage. Xiao instead has different playstyles based on the situation (AoE spam or single target through jet combo).
But is Itto more fun than Xiao? Debatable. I think they are both fun in different ways and they are both attractive in different ways (no homo). If you like easy/mindless gameplay and extroverted characters go for Itto, if you like mechanic gameplay and introverted characters that say edgy stuff, go for Xiao.
So, as always, choose the character you like more because in the end they are all strong if built and used properly.
Yep, I feel it was fair and I'm happy he concluded that the only thing holding Xiao back is lack of dedicated supports and artifacts tailor-made for him.
I've been on hopium for a Anemo res/Def shred support for Xiao for too long. MHY pls
It's "fair" considering that he's using what he had based on he rules set in place.
What people who are crying in the comments section about "Xiao's so powercrept :(((" are not seeing is that Xiao is keeping up while:
- Having neither Geo nor Pyro Resonance
- Using a F2P weapon that is extremely lacking as opposed to Deathmatch which is not F2P, while Itto and Noelle are using their best case scenario F2P weapon
- Is on a team that does not benefit him nearly as much as a single Gorou benefits Itto and Noelle
- Is fighting in an Abyss cycle that is specifically catered to Itto
- Is more often than not being shown using a non-optimal rotation during his Burst while Noelle and Itto get to Dragon-strike (which very few people can actually pull off frequently, much less consistently)
Considering all of that, and the fact that Xiao has times quite close to the other two, the fact that people are using this to call Xiao bad, is a hilarious misunderstanding of what we're seeing here.
This is perfect example of how important dedicated supports, artifact set and weapon are. Also, this is a good demonstration of a buff Geo received (Albedo sword, Husk set, Gorou).
It stung. But he's clearly put alot of effort in the video and I guess it was more or less fair. It just hurts man. Xiao deserves everything itto got on release, there is no reason for him to be starved like this. I feel like a broken record but he needs his own artifact set and a 4 star anemo character that can buff him for the entirety of his bursts duration. The more I think about it the more upset I get so I just let it go. I'm still going to pull for him.
What pisses me off the most is the fact that freaking ganyu is getting a support before xiao is (shenhe) . WHY DOES SHE EVEN NEED ANOTHER ONE!? Mihoyo!??????
what I noticed the most is that sometimes Xiao took longer to get his burst up, which resulted in him being slower than Itto/Noelle. They have it easier since they have 2 geo supports and it's super easy to get their burst up even with disgusting er (my Itto has no er in his artifacts, but that's not an issue). This just shows well how much Xiao lacks a set and a good support, anyway despite the hardships he did good imo.
Arenโt those problems with Xiao himself? His burst not snapshotting and his plunges pushing enemies away?
Xiao still has a lot of room for improvement. Imagine that he's already OP without dedicated supports and artifacts then what more when/if he has them (hopium). Anyway this is why we should pull for the characters we love. Sooner or later they will be powercrept but the fun is still there.
Apart from the huge resistance on the doggos, I think the comparison was mostly really fair and pretty well explained.