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hello and welcome to my channel i went to lose gaming in this video i will be comparing the new knight on the block eula lawrence and a dps showdown against two of the mightiest dps characters in gentian impact ganyu and hutao [Music] as usual with a new 5 star dps character comes a new dps showdown but before that i wanted to quickly thank all of you for being the best audience i ever could have asked for it's time to pay some bills and today's video is sponsored by dragon raja dragon raja is a beautiful action mmo rpg on mobile devices and is powered by unreal engine 4. its beautiful graphics are highly optimized and it's like playing a triple a quality console game in your pocket have you been enjoying the housing system in genchen impact well with a new update in dragon raja you'll absolutely love the couple home players can get married in game and then buy real estate together known as the couple home you can choose the furnishing with your one and only customize your home with countless combinations and beautiful decorations the golden iris real estate is open and is ready to welcome you into your dream home on your personal island on top of a robust housing system dragon raja has the best character creation system i have ever seen on mobile create your ideal waifu or husband with this robust character creation tool and try on tons of different outfits to find the perfect look for your character and that's not all dragon raja has an extremely robust community with over 370 000 people following their facebook page be sure to check out the official facebook page to gain abundant rewards and first-hand information the link will be in the description below so come join me and explore the grand and vivid open world of dragon raja links to the android app and the apple app are in the description below thank you everyone for making this sponsorship possible and thank you dragon raja for your generosity in sponsoring this video let's familiarize ourselves with our contestants in today's video starting off with the ogop secretary of li yue ganyu ganyu has shaken the entire game with her absurd damage output since her release after obliterating all previous dps metrics in the game kanye is still considered to be a top contender for the strongest in tavot gyanyu has defined the modern expectations of featured 5 star dps characters in genchin impact my gun you will be running either the blizzard strayer or the wanderers set depending on which set performs better for that specific scenario ganyu will also be running the amos both route all three of these characters will be at constellation 6 as well [Music] now let's take a look at the whimsical prankster and ceo of the wongsung funeral parlor hutao putau was initially welcomed to the game with mixed expectations but quickly found herself competitive to other top dps characters put out shook the damage ceiling showcases with the first 2 million damage instance in the game ever since then hootout has been crucial in speed runs and her charge attack damage is one of the highest single target dps options myhutao will be running a few different builds one is the balanced stats build or i guess regular hutau with high amounts of crit rate the second build is a high hp low crit rate build which utilizes her constellation 6 the provider with 100 crit rate and the third build is focused on simply making her burst do as much damage as possible with reactions this has no crit rate as well and unlike the previous high hp low crit rate build this one has a lot of elemental mastery hutao will be rocking the staff of houma again she is also constellation six and her talents are all very well leveled and finally we have our sneeze gate spin drift knight eula lawrence eula lawrence has had huge shoes to fill following gonyu xiao and hutau what's crazy to me is that if a character is about as good as those three many consider that character to just be average i want to make the case that if a character can compete with gonu they are not average but in fact one of the best characters in the game a lot of people have been skeptical because she does physical damage well it's time to see if eula can overcome her shortcomings and hang with the best of them myula will be running the pale flame set with varying amounts of crit rate basically i would increase my crit damage as needed and fish for crits as needed i will specify whether i use low crit rate or high crit rate builds yila will be dancing into this competition with the song of broken pines also at refinement 5 and she is at consolation 6 as well her talents are also very well leveled all three of these characters each have one crown talent as usual there are always ways to save time in any and all of these runs these runs were all my best effort at each of them within a reasonable amount of time what awaits our 3 5 star dps characters [Music] as always we will be starting off this dps showdown with my favorite volunteers and appetizers the regis finds but this time we're going to be doing something a little bit different we will be enjoying both the cryo and pirate regis fine let's start off with the frozen iceberg lettuce cryo bridge is fine [Music] okay [Music] now before you comment on how this is unfair for gone you yes that's precisely the point despite how unfair this was for gone you gonyu still handily dispatched the frozen iceberg lettuce in 9.5 seconds as for futal while this fight is as trivial as can be and as long as you use a different pirate character to break its orb thing once it's down a single charge attack in the burst will fry our poor plant friend [Music] eula is an interesting case here in case you aren't aware regis fines have increased physical resistance after they're knocked down however you can shred the regis finds resistance with euler's hold e while breaking its orb after that the rest is history just use euler's burst into a quick swap and you'll knock out regis fine in almost no time at all next let's move on to our next giant sleeping plant friend the pyro regis fine i think it goes without saying but the spicy salad pyro regis fine heavily resists pirate damage even while knocked down so let's see how this one goes i'm sure it's to no one's surprise that when something no longer resists cryo gone you is able to quickly dispose of whatever that thing is in this case our good sport and always willing volunteer the pirate regis fine as the old saying goes fight fire with fire but whoever came up with that advice clearly didn't factor in pirate resistances and gentian impact despite the heavy pirate resistance hutao still effortlessly disposed of our spicy salad friend but in an agonizingly long 7.4 seconds and now for eula this brings me to why i did both of the regis finds eula can annihilate both of them very quickly even though they both have some physical resistance this is a unique advantage that eula has over both hutau and ganyu i guess her noble blood has allowed her to savor both frozen salads and spicy salads next for tavot's second most favorite punching bag and volunteer devolence zit deval and zit has been a staple in showcases in genchin impact and we will see who is the best dermatologist but before this showcase i wanted to quickly point out that the camera resets every time you shoot your charge shot for the devolent fight even with this setting turned on in the menu as usual i start timing after the volume has been knocked out of the air [Music] when it comes to knocking devolent out of the air ganyu has a monopoly on doing it the fastest but once the volun is on the operating table ganyu has to awkwardly aim upward at the zit every time which hurts her constellation 6's viability but still makes her constellation 6 worth using over just plain aimed shot nonetheless i would recommend gon u as a dermatologist [Music] next for who tau hutao is a type that needs to get up close and personal she has to exhaustively climb up devon's neck in order to extract the pimple with her ghost well whatever works and now d'valensit is in the afterlife albeet comparatively late to the appointment hutau is still a great dermatologist [Music] so what happened with eula well let's just say the dermatologist brought in a machete and chucked it at the zit by knocking the volume down with her burst already active all yula has to do now is switch out and range of the zit to chop it off this is brutally and unexpectedly efficient truly a scary and lethal dermatologist [Music] now for my favorite character in the game child aka tartaglia aka the guy that never drops a shadow totally is an interesting outlier compared to the previous fights because of his multiple phases yet again another victim of ganyu's overpoweredness with a c6 here and the c6 there it was hard to even notice that child had a second face third phase child is almost no different and gany can just shoot him wherever he might be [Music] hutau can face tank form one child with a constellation six and then efficiently disposes of both forms in a single infusion window you may have noticed that these clips are the same from my gon universe hutao showdown although i tried this a couple times any attempt i did recently was actually slower than my older times as such i just went with these previous clips as expected the 11th fatoui harbinger was no match for the number one funeral parlor employee now this fight is actually extremely annoying with eula form one child often blocks claymore attacks nonetheless eula is taking arrows to the face like a boss ulysses holdi is an effective mini nuke especially with two grimheart stacks and quickly disposes of second form child third form child is just a quick burst away from being sent back to schnez naya i did want to point out that a couple of seconds can be shaved off euless run but i never had the proper rng aligned for me [Music] and now for our last overworld victim i mean volunteer the primo geovisia [Music] [Music] this is a fight where it's single target without reactions but still is a large target as such buffer and gun use burst before the fight does help her tremendously her burst is very strong against larger targets nonetheless 13 and a third seconds to take out the primo geovishap is very respectable hutao is able to capitalize on her extremely high single target dps charged attacks and this is clearly reflected through her being faster than gone you in this fight however it's worth noting that a bit of time can be saved on hutao's run because i think i whiffed a normal attack which allowed the primo geovision to survive for just a tiny bit longer now this is a situation where eula's insane damaged ceiling really shines eula is an interesting character in that she has a ton of flexibility when it comes to making her burst do more damage because all she has to do is do some more attacks to add stacks in this case with a bit of rng and a few extra stacks from her basic attacks eula did enough damage to effortlessly one shot the primo geovision also keep in mind that the primo jio vishap has increased physical resistance okay so this next section the abyss 12 gauntlets are going to be the least developed and conclusive sections and what do i mean by that they are the least developed and least conclusive in the sense that they have the most room for improvement and variation i'm just one guy and each of these runs takes hours if not days if not weeks to fully fully optimize and doing essentially six of these it's impossible for me to run all of them anywhere near perfect in the amount of time i've had also this is why the video took me so long to make oh right an abyss 12 gauntlet is when you run through abyss 12 with a full team all while clearing each chamber consecutively also when possible i do not choose any offensively beneficial cards for part 1 of abyss 12 ganyu and hutao will actually be on the same team donut's fastest team uses hutao and who taos fastest team well uses ganyu for eula she will be flying solo without the other two opdps's nonetheless let's see how they do [Music] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] huh [Music] huh [Music] okay [Music] foreign for biz121 it is critical for venti to have full energy at the end of it because having ventis burst at the beginning of 12 2 for the treasure hoarders is absolutely necessary to save a lot of time the treasure hoarders are incredibly obnoxious without venti's burst ganyu was basically made for this chamber being able to snipe down the flies in case you wondered why i waited a bit i wanted the electro aura to buff the last bit of the first wave instead of the second wave after which it was just a matter of charging their bursts before the next chamber for 12 31 this is the best comp in the entire game to beat it as quickly as possible utau's role was to take out the abyss selectors as quickly as possible but overall her role throughout this entire abyss 12 gauntlet was somewhat minor mostly acting as a crit rate buffer for gone u and a sub dps in 1231. supposedly 16 or 18 seconds is possible one of those i forget which one but i've never personally been able to do that for hulu's run again venti needed his burst at the end of 12-1 for 12-2 eula was easily able to dispatch at the enemies with her burst in 12-1 but i intentionally had eula do just not enough damage so venti can charge his burst 12 2 is an absolute annoyance for eula but i believe a lot of time can still be saved from my attempt at 12 2. eula needs to focus down the flies while the treasure hoarders are enjoying their time in the tornado [Music] as you may have noticed this flight matrix doula and dodge so many of her attacks good job random fly overall i believe up to 10 seconds can be saved here but perhaps that will be for another time twelve three is actually one of hula's biggest weaknesses hila does not have any trouble taking out the abyss electors but without xiang ling and gon yoo who are the two best characters for breaking the abyss lecter shield who is all up to our good boy bennett to deplete their shields so all in all both teams did very well in this abyss 12 gauntlet with some mechanical disadvantages for eula and plenty of time to improve for both teams but now let's take a look at the second half of the biz 12. [Music] oh [Music] they're nice to kiss [Music] [Music] oh the second half of abyss 12 was absolutely horrific 12 1 wasn't too bad but 12-2-2 was an absolute nightmare not only is there a one in four chance for both of the boars to charge at you even when they do there is no guarantee that you can dispose of this hellish wave properly on top of all the problems with 12 2 and because venti is on the part 2 team you have to swat down all the flies and take out the treasure hoarders every single time without venti this became mind numbing eventually so i don't want you guys to jump to any conclusions here because admittingly i tried this the most with eula since she was the first character i did this with and therefore had the most patience for i believe gone you can also get around 50 seconds and i believe yula can actually get around 48 seconds just based on some time lost here and there that i'm certain that can be saved as for who tell i'm not sure to be honest but one thing i am sure about is that she can do this much faster than 87 seconds for any of you who tell mains that may want to give this abyss 12 gauntlet the second half ago please do and let me know how you did seeing all this though and knowing that hutao and ganyu make a great team for the first half of abyss 12. while yula is extremely potent in the second half of this 12 here is a full abyss 12 run with ganyu and hutao in part one and eula in part two [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign foreign foreign [Music] um [Music] although this time can be massively improved with a lot of time to be saved in twelve two and twelve three if you see any strategic changes that can help improve the time for this full abyss run let me know in the comments below despite all three of these characters being in a competition against each other sometimes they're actually the best when they're working together guys i'm sorry this one took longer than i had hoped but the abyss runs started to chip away at my sanity what do you think about the results of this dps showdown who if any of them do you think won if you enjoyed this video i regularly make c0 character showcases guide videos dps showdowns and more so be sure to subscribe if you don't want to miss out and i'd really appreciate it if you commented and liked this video for the algorithm thanks for watching and thank you to dragon raja for sponsoring this video as always i appreciate every single one of you this is i went to lose signing out
Channel: IWinToLose Gaming
Views: 1,039,233
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin impact dps, genshin impact dps tier list, genshin impact dps showdown, genshin impact eula build, genshin impact eula team, genshin impact eula gameplay, genshin impact eula weapon, genshin impact eula sneeze, genshin impact eula, genshin impact ganyu build, genshin impact ganyu gameplay, genshin impact ganyu team, genshin impact hu tao build, genshin impact hu tao gameplay, genshin impact ganyu, genshin impact hu tao, eula, ganyu, hu tao
Id: iRGWfe0ukA0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 2sec (1562 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 04 2021
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