I Ranked Every 5 Star Character in Genshin Impact

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today i'll be ranking all of the current 21 5 star characters and gentian impact my rankings will be based around three key factors one is how fun and likable the characters are two is how impactful and game changing there are to standard gameplay and the three is how efficient they are at doing their job now it's my first time doing one of these videos on the channel but i'm pretty sure we all know how this works this being a keyless video everything here will be subjective i think it's pretty common knowledge at this point so try not to get too mad at me if my opinion is different from yours we don't have to agree on everything however if you do disagree with something i say be sure to let me know in the comment section totally not fishing for comments with that being said he's my ranking on all 21 five star characters [Music] the worst thing to ever happen when rolling in genji and impact is receiving a duplicate of a five-star character you already have now just imagine that but instead of a duplicate it's just a barbara with some water wheels slapped onto her now i really hate dumpstering on a brand new character who is 100 grade a waifu material but her gameplay is so dry that the sun level from super mario bros 3 is getting jealous her gameplay is actually so boring and unimpactful that i actually had delayed another video i was working on just because i didn't feel like recording it oh well at least kokomi could be the number one war crime committer with that smug face she wears while casually planning a rebellion [Music] now whenever you play as a protagonist in a game you typically feel more attached and drawn to the characters because uh reasons but when it comes to aether and lumine it feels like the game just wants you to dislike them now no disrespect to the voice actors or anything but the characters simply feel really boring compared to the rest of the cast i think the problem is how the characters are used in practice and that says a lot coming from the people who created child i mean they didn't even give these characters burst animations furthermore despite having voice actors they aren't really utilized unless it's a major cut scene i don't understand why mihoyo doesn't utilize this more since both characters are voiced by charismatic people who sound like they're having fun with the game additionally it doesn't help that these two canonically overpowered characters get out damaged by pop idols and in some cases literal children i mean heck the hilla trial archers back from ar 11 are doing more damage than these guys it's okay though cheer up traveler means sumero is rumored to be the next region and who knows dendro aether and lubin could be the next bennett but until then they could stay at the bottom of the veil with mermaid barbara and [Music] when you think of zombies you typically think of something cool right well uh what do you think of this thing i'll admit that chichi was the first five-star i received in genji to impact however that doesn't mean i enjoyed her you see chichich's fields are really boring to play not to mention she has the personality of me in seventh grade which i don't need to be reminded of additionally it feels like her impact on the game has slowly been on the decline as other healers even those of low already have outclassed her in terms of both support and healing let's just hope this little zombie isn't coming home during nx5050 unless you're not subscribed in that case i hope your banners are filled with chi chi cons [Music] i remember the phase when i genuinely wanted to catching looking back at it i'm really glad i don't have her on my main account i'll admit that kachini's gameplay is actually pretty fun however it doesn't mean she's impactful in any way it feels like bringing a nerf gun to an airsoft battle i mean you're going to have fun for sure but you won't really be doing anything impactful for kaching there are two main problems that spring up in my perspective one is her inability to proc meaningful elemental reactions if you proc overload you'll just group everything away from you if you proc super conduct you'll have to refrain from using your abilities to get the most out of her damage if you proc electrocharge you just okay wait that one's actually pretty decent another thing that's a massive no-no for me is her personality it's just too serious and political from my liking but maybe you guys are into that thing i'm not really sure she has a really cute hairstyle though i'll give her that also no oreo just to give her a story quest already for sake okay take this next ranking with a little bit of salt because i don't have a ps4 or ps5 to test out alloy nor have i played horizon zero dawn so my opinion on this character basically doesn't exist but from what i have seen this huntress puts out pretty massive cryo damage out there and her burst dps potential looks insane that paired with the fact that she's absolutely free makes me already like her so why isn't she higher on the list well that's just because i haven't had any personal experience with the gameplay so i cannot exactly give an accurate estimate of how powerful or impactful she is but she does look pretty cool and fun to play so i'll leave her here for now [Music] i just want to say it really pains me to put my old channel icon down this low but mona just doesn't feel fun to play and it really hurts saying that because i actually love her so much personality and story quests were pretty good but her gameplay feels are really dreadful kinda like the way i'm talking right now her old sprint does feel nice when exploring but most of the time i feel like i'm just waiting to get frozen or electrocharged by some random mob 20 meters away her abilities don't really proc hydro that much and yes i know her main purpose is for damage amplification but a fourth of the gentian cast could already do that and they could do it way better than monacan the only purpose i really see for mona is a hydro battery but there's a certain wet fanboy that i really love using so that immediately gets thrown out the window as well i know i said this earlier but it really hurts putting her down this slow because her sundry personality is like very nice and like have you seen uh her hat it's very nice jean in my opinion is the most well-rounded five-star she could do literally everything at an average level but the problem is she does everything only at an average level in terms of personality i feel like she started the whole overworked whiteway trend but other than that it's pretty average i do like her interactions with both klee and lisa and i think that does make her a bit more lively but other than that she's pretty alright her gameplay feels pretty average in my opinion i mean she feels nice to play but that's only when i want to play her which is not most of the time other than that she's just kind of there but her skin does bring her up a bit because holy crap she's actually gorgeous what the hell [Music] my my my id look how you've gone from the top meta pick to the most average 5 star in the game now i don't really know where to start because i used to really like lee luke but over time he's just been becoming more and more average his kit feels really fun to play for like the first 30 minutes you get him his ultimate pushes things away from you causing you to waste stamina running towards things and his model is just like this is forehead season man manga d look definitely got the long end of the stick here but despite all of this stuff i just roasted delic for get it because he's spyro no okay i'll stop he's still able to dish out loads of damage and his story wasn't bad either especially if you've read the webtoon it's just really sad to see mihoy let this character go downhill i feel like he deserves a buff or at least just make it so his freaking bird doesn't push things back by like 40 meters holy [Music] clee already wins the personality check because she's so freaking precious and bloodthirsty i love it but as much as we love our local fish terrorist she isn't exactly very fun to play to me clee's kit has always felt pretty lackluster and sluggish to play and i feel like she gets outclassed by other pyro dps even yon faye makes it look pretty sad the main problem i have with her is that i feel like she's always running out of stamina even with animal resonance i always find myself with no room to dodge or charge attack more than twice as clay her story quest was really cute though and the fact that she got a whole event map dedicated to her was really cool and it made me rich in prima gems for ayaka so i'm not complaining okay about halfway through and we're starting to get to the really amazing characters what no i'm not just saying that because this happens to be where yoemia is placed at i mean she is the best girl yo mia despite being said her damage is bad is above average and still hits hard that's if you're hitting your targets despite my best efforts to please the best girl yo mia's targeting just really holds her back here half the time i feel like i'm missing shots and the other half i'm missing my burst in front of standing still targets in front of me i just really wish nihoyo fixed this or changed her targeting mechanics other than that i will say i thought her story quest is really slow until the last five minutes but her personality is so bubbly and cute and amazing i just looked past it to be honest i mean she's pretty low on the list but on the best girl list you bet she's sitting right at the top [Music] okay so major disclaimer i have never used albedo in my life other than his trial run which was forever ago i have no experience with this gameplay whatsoever but even with that in mind what i see in alberto comps is actually crazy the numbers this man puts out with artifacts would be quote unquote trash to literally every character in the game is insane again the only thing that's really holding me back from putting him higher is the fact that i've never used him in my life the three accounts i have do not have this geo alchemist on him side note i really loved full metal alchemist so albedo's getting a few bonus points because of that the one problem i had with him was his story quest it felt really boring because it was just a bunch of fetch quests piled up together but let's be honest those are basically all the gentian story quests at this point [Music] ah yes ball i mean a i mean the writing shogun whatever after a whole year of waiting genjin fans were finally able to get their hands on a usable 5-star character and while many fans were disappointed with her performance i was legit shocked i thought fishel might have to carry the electro element even harder but the rat and shogun came in swinging while her gameplay only really feels fun when you get her ultimate it feels like a sugar high mixed in with an lsd trip when you do get to use it because my gosh it does so much damage personally being a fan of her personality and the story the archon quest was telling i was really disappointed with his story quest but other than that she's a great electric support dps and looks freaking adorable now only if you could change her playable personality from the ride in shogun to a [Music] when yula was initially released iu really hated her this is because back then i was a massive ayaka stan and thought eula's release wasn't needed but then i played a story request and oh my gosh it was amazing i was really glad with the fact that she wasn't another copy-paste elemental dps rather she relied on physical damage and my gosh the numbers she put out on the first week of her release were insane i saw a post of her doing 8 million damage like what the hell however the drawbacks to this monster of a dps character is that she feels really boring to play and needs a lot of setup to compete with the upcoming characters but yeah i will say mihoyo did a great job marketing yula all because of a two second sneeze animation child is a really interesting and unique character because of his skill set he uses a bow but has melee attacks shut the up and take my money in all seriousness child is really fun to play and his kit feels really balanced his story is amazing and he's the reason i cannot stop saying girly hmm maybe that's the reason i don't have a girlfriend i love the idea of making a bad guy playable too it makes child feel more likeable as a character and helps justify his morales and methods too now child in my opinion is easily a top five character with constellation six but eighty percent of the player base doesn't have thousands of dollars to throw out fictional husbandos so he'll have to settle for number eight because uh signora died and there's no more harbinger it okay i'm done now i'm sorry [Music] okay the next seven characters in my opinion would be in the quote-unquote ss tier of a tier list and starting that off we have aya ayaka ayaka is the one character i've been anticipating since november last year and oh my gosh she did not disappoint her damage is insane and it's really easy to build her her story quest was really adorable too and it hit me right in the fields then it was right on the field well other than like this scene i say if ayaka is anywhere near a lake and i'm in the vicinity i'm taking her socks off for her because this was so uncomfortable i think i'd rather look at a diggersby from pokemon because that's more comforting than this was [Music] fun fact venti is the first character i've ever cosplayed i don't know why i started off by saying that but thanks for not clicking off the video weird facts aside i absolutely love this character ever since i saw him in the woods cut scene i already knew he would be really interesting and i'm glad i wasn't wrong although his kit is literally his five star sucrose that's what makes him op he's a better sucrose you can put venti on any team and just watch his animal damage shred everything legit he's just support and he can dish out more damage than half the dps in this game although his story quest is pretty lackluster i really enjoyed his personality and his character i really regret not rolling him on my main account twice but mistakes happen now only if you could teach him how to suck certain projectiles clee please nihoyo fix this paired up directly next to his shipping partner we have the edge lord himself zhao while his personality may seem pretty basic when it comes to edge zhao's kit and efficiency definitely make up for it i cannot name a single time i felt bored playing xiao i mean who wouldn't feel bored treading mobs while traveling at light speed his story quest felt really detailed too and overall the way he was brought and developed in the archon quest made him really likable plus can anyone not forget about the zhao lantern event it literally has his name in it and in my opinion it was the best gangshin event ever and i don't think mihoyo has reached that point ever since that event ended so good man that event was amazing [Music] originally i really hated this character because i've read it but the moment she released she instantly grew on me who tell is amazing in many ways her damage insane her potential insane her personality insane in a cute way her story quest was above average too which may seem like a bad thing but trust me it was enough listening to her cute as voice lines i may be biased when i say her gameplay is really fluid because i luckily got her and her first constellation in like 10 pulls so that definitely helps from spamming charge attacks but even without spray heading into everything she feels really balanced self-sufficient and fun to play i cannot even go on about her personality it's just too adorable man go play your story quest yourself somewhat similar to albedo i don't have much time on gonyo as i don't have access to a gun you account anymore however i did have access in some point in time at some point in time i don't think i grammared that right at some point in time and from what i could tell from that time was that this character was absolutely ludicrous she easily doubles hutao's damage and legit fulfills the rules of being both a main dps and a support at the same time i don't really have much to say gandhi's just gone you man her personality is really cute too [Music] kazuha is legit the anime character i wanted to be as a child jokes aside his potential is incredible acting like a fusion between sucrose and venti and shell he's alleging all the best parts of animal characters put into one similar to venti he doesn't have to be treated like a dps and he still does an insane amount of damage additionally he gives me legend of zelda vibes and if you guys don't know the legend of zelda was easily the most influential game to me as a child and that instantly makes kazuha a top five character to me his relationship to beto was really neat historian inazuma and his motives in my opinion is really what pique genshin's story writing looks like and his introverted yet knowledgeable personality is very likeable and makes me absolutely love the character only if he didn't come out before ayaka my main account would have been blessed okay so i'm gonna be honest until a few months ago i didn't realize the power of big dong zhang zhang li is absolutely busted and it isn't even close his e ability makes it so you don't take damage and acts like a damage amp and constant geo damage paired with the tenacity of middle of a left set zhang li is easily the best character in the game i mean you don't even have to build them properly just by him existing he does so much with his e ability oh what i haven't even talked about his ultimate which is super cheap has a three to four second stun has the aoe of abandoned ultimate and does 40 000 damage i may be a bit biased since i had him since december but holy crap this grandpa i mean this yada chad has been an absolute beast ever since his buff i'm only at c0 with him too and he solo carries literally anything alrighty guys that is it for my gention of five start here list if you guys did enjoy be sure to leave a like and let me know as i'm still experimenting with videos and personally i had a really fun time making this one if you guys disagreed with anything be sure to let me know in the comments i would love to hear your guys's opinion remember to subscribe because no joke no scam i heard if you subscribe to me right now you'll get one prima jim also follow my twitch as i'm trying to build up a community there also jesus christ there's so many plugs join the discord server too links will be in the description this has been seismic and yeah have a great rest of your day peace you
Channel: SeiZMiC
Views: 38,263
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: seizmic, imseizmic, genshin, genshin impact, top 5, top 10, genshin impact tier list, genshin impact ranking, top 10 characters, top 10 5 stars, best 5 stars, genshin top 10, genshin top 10 characters, tier list, 5 star tier list genshin impact, kokomi, raiden shogun, ganyu, genshin best characters, tier list genshin impact, genshin impact 2.1, genshin impact 2.2, genshin impact ganyu, genshin impact baal, genshin impact kokomi, ranking every genshin character, 5 star, best
Id: H8jfL2u6HxA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 2sec (1082 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 24 2021
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