The Ultimate Genshin Impact Pity Guide - Pity System Explained

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hey everyone it's khakis and tape and welcome to the ultimate gentian impact pity guide in this video i wanted to go over everything you need to know about the genji impact pity system and try to simplify it to the best of my ability we will be covering pity on the limited time character banner pity on the limited time weapon banner pity on the standard banner and widely accepted pity theories also it's important for you to know that i stream live on twitch tuesday and thursday mornings and some weekends so if you want to come hang out or ask me any questions click the link below and hit the follow button i hope you enjoy and if you do make sure to like and subscribe without further ado let's get into the video so as a new player to gentian you hear the word pity thrown around a lot when it comes to wishing so what exactly is pity and why does it matter pity is a game mechanic in gotcha games that tells you when you are guaranteed to get a 4 or 5 star item within a certain number of wishes when wishing on the banners the most commonly known pity is that you are guaranteed a 4 star every 10 wishes and a 5 star every 90 wishes when wishing on the standard and limited time character banners an important thing to know is each banner ingention has its own separate pity this means you cannot use 70 wishes on the standard banner and then do 20 wishes on the limited time banner to guarantee a 5 star with 90 wishes all of the wishes have to be done on the same banner in order for you to reach 4 or 5 star pity because of this it can be important to keep track of how many wishes you have used on each of the separate banners this can be done by clicking on history here you will be able to see a list of all of the wishes you have made and the rewards you have received this way you can keep track of your pity correctly by counting the number of wishes you've made since your most recent 4 or 5 star item then once you get your next 4 or 5 star item your pity resets back to 0 and you start the count again and while pity does guarantee you 4 and 5 star items that doesn't mean you can't get 4 and 5 stars before you reach pity you will always have a chance of getting a 4 or 5 star on any wish you make if you click on details underneath a banner you will be able to see the percent chance of getting each type of drop items are usually grouped together under a single percentage for example all 5 star items have a 0.6 chance of dropping on the limited time banner and 4 stars have a 5.1 percent chance with those facts in mind let's go over each of the banners individually so you understand how pity works on each one first let's go over the limited time character banner the limited time character banner is by far the most popular banner and it also has the most unique mechanics in regards to pity the first mechanic i want to go over is that pity on the limited time character banner carries over when the banner changes so let's say you got who tau on the previous limited time banner and then did 50 more wishes without getting another 5 star before the banner switched to the newest one because pity carries over you would still have 50 out of 90 wishes going towards your next 5 star pity on the venti banner the next mechanic i want to cover is something called a raid up a raid up is when a select couple of characters are given an increased drop rate on a banner this mechanic only applies to the 4 characters that are shown on the front of the banner essentially what this does is increase the chance of you getting those characters when you pull a 4 or 5 star when you look in the detail section of the limited time banner you can see that all the promotional characters have their drop rate increased to 50 percent this means when you get a 4 or 5 star on this banner fifty percent of the time you will get one of the promotional characters and fifty percent of the time you will get any of the other characters on this banner this mechanic does not increase how often you will get a four or five star it just simply increases the chance of you getting one of those select characters now because of this rate up there is an additional mechanic you need to know when it comes to getting the newest 5 star if the last 5 star you got from the limited time banner was not the promotional character in this case venti then your next 5 star is 100 guaranteed to be the promotional character if your last 5 star was the promotional character then the next time you pull a 5 star you will have a 50 50 chance of getting the new character again or a random 5 star that is also on the banner something to keep in mind is that wishes on previous limited time banners also contribute to this mechanic for example if your last 5 star on the limited time banner was who tau the previous promotional character that still means your next 5 star will have a 50 chance of being the promotional character and a 50 chance of being another random 5 star but if your last 5 star you pulled on the limited time banner was jean even if it was three banners ago then your next five star is still guaranteed to be the current promotional character also as i mentioned before pity on different banners are completely separate so if you got jean on the standard banner it has no effect on what 5 star you will get on the limited time banner to recap the limited time character banner pity carries over when the limited time banner changes the limited time banner has character rate ups on the four characters shown on the front of the banner giving you an increased chance of getting those characters when wishing on this banner if your last five star on the limited time banner was not the promotional five star then your next one is guaranteed to be the promotional 5 star if your last 5 star was the promotional character then your next 5 star has a 50 50 chance of being the promotional 5 star or any of the other 5 stars on the banner next let's talk about the limited time weapon banner like the previous banner pity will carry over when the banner switches to the newest version so any wishes you make will still count for pity when the newest weapon banner releases unlike the previous banner this banner has a 4 star pity at 10 wishes and a 5 star pity at 80 wishes instead of 90. the limited time weapon banner also hosts a raid up mechanic for the weapons shown on the front of the banner however the rate up for promotional weapons is 75 compared to 50 on the limited time character banner meaning that when you pull a 4 or 5 star on this banner you have a 75 chance of it being one of the promotional weapons shown on the front also similar to the limited time character banner if you pull a 5 star weapon from this banner that is not one of the promotional 5 stars your next one is guaranteed to be one of the promotional 5 stars what can make the weapon banner a bit more frustrating is that you have no way of guaranteeing which of the two promotional five-star weapons will drop what i mean by this is that you could reach pity on the limited time weapon banner five times and only get one of the two five-star weapons it displays on the front it is assumed that both weapons have an equal chance of dropping but this is not confirmed or denied by mihoyo so if you were planning on wishing on a limited time weapon banner to try and get one of the two 5 star weapons just know that it could take a significant amount of wishes to get the one you want this was made apparent recently when youtuber streamer techtone reportedly spent two thousand dollars just to get a single staff of houma to drop to recap the limited time weapon banner 4 star pity is 10 wishes and 5 star pity is 80 wishes there is a 75 percent rate up for the 4 and 5 star promotional weapons shown on the front of the banner if your last 5 star on the limited time weapon banner was not the promotional 5 star then your next one is guaranteed to be the promotional 5 star and you have no way of guaranteeing one specific promotional 5 star weapon so be prepared to spend a lot of wishes to get the one you want finally let's cover the standard banner the standard banner is the most simple banner of the three it has a 4 star pity of 10 wishes and a 5 star pity of 90 wishes the same as the limited time character banner this banner however does not host any raid up mechanics and also allows you to get a wide variety of 4 and 5 star weapons and characters unlike the limited time banners on the standard banner there is no guarantee for getting one of the weapons or characters that are displayed on the front of the banner every time you pull a 5 star on the spanner it has an equal chance of being any of the 5 star characters or weapons that are available this is also true for the 4 star characters and weapons as well due to the randomness of the rewards from this banner many people don't buy wishes for the spanner and only use the free wishes they get as rewards by playing the game to recap the standard banner 4 star pity is 10 wishes 5 star pity is 90 wishes and you can receive a wide variety of both characters and weapons from the spanner with no guarantee or rate of mechanics and now to finish up i want to cover one of the most popular pity theories soft pity soft pity is a theory that states that after the 75 wish mark you have a slightly higher chance of getting a 5 star but you are still not guaranteed a 5 star until you hit 90 wishes many people have done in-depth testing of this theory and have even come up with statistical data showing the chance of getting a 5 star on every wish from wish 75 to 89 due to this theory many people choose to change how they wish to take advantage of this increased 5 star rate some people choose to do single pulls to try and get their 5 star as early as possible without spending any extra wishes while another theory suggests you do just the opposite because you theoretically have an increased chance of getting a 5 star from which 75 to 89 it is thought that doing a 10 pull gives you a better chance of getting multiple 5 stars from just one tentpole i'm sure many of you have seen pictures or videos of people pulling 3-5 stars in just a single 10-pole all over the internet this mechanic seems to give the best chance for something like that to occur this of course is just a theory and i cannot confirm nor deny its reliability it does however seem like a theory worth trying as there are really no downsides besides having to wait for enough primo gems to do a tent pull so if you aren't that patient this might not be the method for you and with that we have come to the end of the ultimate genji impact pity system guide if you learned something new from this video or have any questions for me make sure to leave them down in the comments also remember to come check me out on twitch every tuesday and thursday morning i hope this video was helpful and if you enjoyed make sure to like and subscribe below
Channel: Khakis and Tape
Views: 1,372,520
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin impact guide, genshin impact pity system, pity system, pity system explained
Id: pxASW60EO-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 0sec (660 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 21 2021
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