Most EPIC Custom Glock 26 Slide Ever? 😍

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so today we're gonna be taking a look at a titanium nitride slide this one's from CR precision I've never experienced a titanium nitride slide so that's kind of cool we got it on the polymer 80 Glock 26 build some rounds through it and see what we see you know one thing that I was kind of worried about with a titanium nitride slide because you have that extra coating on it you know it adds a little bit to the tolerances thus making it tighter so let's see if it'll function I also have a titanium nitride it barrel from true precision in there but let's load up some rounds and then we will actually start shooting this I want to give a big shout out to ETS group sponsor in today's video they make these cool little cam loaders they've been at this channel sponsor for quite a while you guys are interested in any of the stuff that ETS group has like cam loaders or the translucent Glock mags I'll put a link and I think I got a five percent off coupon code that's something you're into we've got 14 rounds loaded up right here I'm using the Barracuda mag extinction all right so we did have a stovepipe right there come if you guys can see that or not did have a little bit of a stovepipe and so you know like I mentioned just a second ago this is was something that I did anticipate so I had a feeling that this would be the case and that it has to be broken in I did oil this up and lube it so let's try it again okay so it didn't have a snow pipe but I don't think it loaded another round and it didn't extract that raft all right I'm going to put a little bit more lube on it and see if we can't get it the function it doesn't matter who makes the slide anything that's got coating on it you get tolerant stacking so let's see if we can't fix it so I'm going to use a little bit of this shooter loop then using this for about a year so works really well so I do have coupon codes for these just check down the description if you want one alright this pig is pretty darn lubed up don't know if it's gonna work so from here I don't feel any drag there's a little bit but it's not bad but I did have a feeling it's gonna need to be broken in a little bit so let's try it again okay we're doing pretty good there for a second I am using federal ammo from Walmart so it could be that stress more all right so let me show you the target real quick we're about 45 feet away where is it I'm sure I'm looking at it somewhere in the camera I can't tell we're gonna get a little side profile we're gonna be shooting in slow motion because if I can't get this fixed out here I could slow down the footage and see what's happening but basically it's dragging somewhere it actually could be pop caused by having a match-grade barrel plus the coating on the barrel and the slide that could 100% be an issue as well so let's try it again see what we see that one was close that one was really close to to working and now I've never had any issues with the mag extension but just to isolate the variables we are gonna just put in an OEM mag that doesn't have any extensions [Music] well that was very interesting wasn't it maybe it was the mag extension now let's go back to the mag with the extension to try that one again see if we have any issues now this magazine does have an extra power spring in it however this magazine is over two years old and I don't know how many thousands and thousands of rounds that I put through it so the spring might be getting worn out because I use this mag all the time because I like the extra grit that it gives you let's try it again [Music] all right so it worked that time looks like it wasn't a mag issue we just finally got it broken in well let's put some more rounds through it and then we're gonna head to the house let's take this thing apart and let's see if we see any titanium nitride like scratching off the rails or anything like that so let's run another I don't know 12 ish round sir you know see what happened if this one goes 100 percent good with this mag extension I'm gonna say that it was just a coding issue and it just needed to be worn down a little bit I'll definitely be putting a lot more rounds through this gun before this video actually comes out I kind of wanted to make that kind of clear cuz sometimes people are like dude you only put like 50 rounds to it and like yeah on camera I'm not gonna record thousands of rounds that's just not fun but for the sakes of this video if this runs great I'm gonna call it good and then we're gonna head to the house we're gonna take a look at it see what we see [Music] alright let's head to the house alright cool so we're back from the range put about 350 arounds through the polymer heated Glock 26 with the CR precision titanium nitride it's slide in addition to the true precision titanium nitride a barrel like I mentioned earlier it has something I really wanted to test out because whenever you add these types of coatings sometimes those coatings build up and you get tolerance stacking and then you get reliability issues and like you guys saw at the range you know first few mags yeah I had a few little hiccups here and there granted I was using like aluminum case tamo stuff like that but you could also see once it started getting broken in it started running more reliably now I did run another couple hundred rounds through it you know after I turned the camera off because I just don't want to film all that and everything ran pretty decently we'll talk more about that here in a little bit but let's dive up close let's take a look at this slide and take it apart and see how dirty it is see how it cleans up and see if something like this would be worth the money or not I believe we're gonna have coupon codes I'm not 100% sure what they are because I'm recording this before I have confirmation on the coupon codes so Stifel close to take a look at it take it apart see how it's wearing then we're going to talk about my experiences when I put more rounds through it and whether or not I would do this again knowing what I know now I seriously don't know how many of these polymer 80 pills were gonna do it's getting out of hand right they're calling this one their V 2 slide they have another model that's a little bit different as well if you guys are interested in that and like I mentioned earlier I don't know if I'm gonna have coupon codes yet or not just check that first link in the description cuz if we do have them that is where you'll be able to find it so I was really excited when see our precision asked me to do this review because I've always wanted to try the titanium nitride it slides for the same reasons that I mentioned earlier when we were shooting and that's because I wanted to see what the tolerances were like so real quick let's take this apart let's see how it was wearing and let's just clean it up real fast I'm just gonna wipe it off first if it needs additional cleaning I'm gonna be using some shooter Lube it's a solvent and oil two-step I've been using this stuff for a year love it to death the main thing I like about it though is there's no smell to it so that's huge cuz smells give me a headache sometimes when you're cleaning guns now the cool thing about this stuff is because there's no see it's not a CLP there's no Lube in there um you can spray it all over your gun you can spray it on the frame you can spray it on the internals if you don't get it wiped off it will eventually just evaporate off and it won't affect anything on your internals it's like it's coming together good I'm just doing a quick clean on it it's nothing huge but a little bit dirty I'm just wanting to clean it up so we can inspect for any possible wear marks on this from the tolerance stacking that we had all right cool so let's inspect this barrel real quick this is our true precision Glock 26 barrel I do have a you think of 10% off coupon code for these I don't remember I'll put it out em below let's look for any where marks yeah this barrel has been performing like a champ I don't have like a boatload of round cert I think I got about 500 ish I'm I could be wrong about that but it's not a whole lot but it's been running really really well and it looks like there is no wear marks on it anywhere regardless of it being into this slide here now let's look at the slide okay we got it looks like we got a little bit okay so from inspecting this let me find my pointer inspecting this I can see a little bit of a wear mark say somewhere right up here in the corners on this side in the nope that's just dirt then I can see very very faint deep down into the rails I've seen some wear marks and that is it so like I said I think we're 350 rounds into this the way I typically do these reviews is I've found that the 350 to 500 round mark is typically a good round count to do overview and then if anything falls apart after that then you can make a follow-up video because it is super expensive and time-consuming to do like over a thousand rounds every single video but over time you start learning what to look for and what not to look for so here it is right here they've got these really cool-looking little divots right here side relief they got a very attractive logo it's not bad-looking it's a little bit on the large side but at least they used a very attractive font with it this knurling on the back is very very oh man you can just grip it really well it's it's on there it's gonna grab the skin of your fingers in a good way but it's not gonna aggravate them on this side you have a nice side relief cut with the CR there as well it is the same to front kind of serrations right there the top is where the magic happens look at that it's like a fire-breathing dragon I've not seen any other slide companies do this in the past and I can really appreciate that we also kind of have kind of similar to the freedom beak that we've seen on Loki tactical they're obviously not trying to copy Loki tactical but it's completely different but it is like a cobra cut type thing I think but I mean it comes together very nicely when you look at it you get up close and just look at the angular designs on it it just looks amazing so one thing you will notice right off the bat is on the outsides it's all polished inside the recesses it's left alone and it's unpolished and it gives it this really interesting feel and look to it and for those of you don't know titrate titanium nitride is not like a paint and it's not put on there just for the color it's a surface hardening process where the coating gets kind of impregnated into the metal itself and therefore it allows for things to not wear as quickly things still wear but they don't wear it as quickly they put them on a lot of drill bits and things of that nature but look at that sexy Pig let's jump up top we got a lot of stuff we got to cover with this like the price the coupon codes and whether or not I would buy it knowing what I know now back up top so that is this awesome Glock slide from CR precision pretty cool little slide now let's talk about the pros and cons to this slide pro number one is you don't send in your slide and have it cut and have it sent back this is a slide that you actually purchase from CR precision and it's already done for you and they send it to you you can also choose whether or not you want to have slide internals put into it you can also choose whether or not you want sights installed and a backplate so in a nutshell you just whenever you go to their website if you just want a new slide and you don't want to send in your other slide go buy it and they send it right to you the next Pro is men they're just attention to detail is incredible on this slide I mean you could just see the way that the light is reflecting off of this and it is beautiful and like I showed you up close that's because some of the portions are polished some of them are more of a satin finish but I like that a lot they have definitely done something very different on this slide then they have done on any other slides that I've ever tested in the past just a really good design now the next Pro is the availability of different types of models so you can get this Forge in three or four and I believe they have it for the 19 the 17 to 26 and the 34 well the caveat of the Glock 34 is only for Gen 3 so keep that in mind now we already knew going into this video that there might be some tolerance issues because you got titanium nitride on titanium nitride with the barrel also we know that titanium nitride can sometimes create tolerance I knew this going into this video and therefore I'm not surprised that it took a few mags for it to get kind of worked in and once you get it worked in it ran like a champ so I had zero malfunction zero failure two feeds regardless of I was using aluminum cased ammo or I was using some brass cased ammo it was just a non-issue after it got broken in and it only took about I don't know how many Maxima shoot like three or four before it really started getting going that's definitely another pro about it as it runs reliably it doesn't it's not too snappy it shoots pretty flat considering it's a Glock 26 I'll give it that because of the way they've removed weight on it and hey if you really want to you can throw at your Chicano Harmar on there call it a day so those are the pros now let's talk about the cons there's really only one con that I can find to this and that is probably the price don't get me wrong it's not super expensive trust me because if you send your slide to agency arms for them to cut your slide you're gonna pay over $800 this one I believe is in the high $400 mark the other thing I don't know about it is I don't know how much they charge extra for the titanium nitride coating because on their website when I'm going to select slide color I can see that I can choose titanium but I don't know if that's like titanium seracote color or titanium nitride that part doesn't make sense to me but I don't think that it is titanium nitride because at the very top of the page it says this price includes single color seracote I don't know where the option is maybe they'll add it maybe they won't and also if we have a coupon code for it though just check down in the description that way you can see you know hey if that's something you want to get I don't know what your budget is and I'm not here to impose it a budget on you but I will say this you know hey if you're looking for something that's completely different from what anyone else has ever seen before this is definitely the place to go with it super grippy even on front front cocking serrations even though there's only like two big serrations here have no issues grabbing this in my hand sliding now that we've talked about the price would I buy it knowing what I know now it's it's interesting I would but I wouldn't let me explain I think I would buy it once this is one of those slides that I would buy it once and I'd make this really awesome build out of it and I'd probably not never buy another one not because the quality is bad just because I think it's awesome to have titanium nitride and to at least do it once so that's kind of where my head's at I think if it's for 75 with the titanium nitride i 100% would be like oh yes but I don't know how much they're charging additionally for the titanium nitride it might be an additional hundred bucks now we're looking at like a 575 $600 slide I don't know I will try to get all that kind of squared away before this video publishes so check the link and then maybe they'll add an option for it I don't know yet and just so you guys know I don't get any kickbacks if you guys buy this you know they're not paying me for this video they just ask me phone to review on their slides and I was like yeah let's do it thank you to those guys for sending it out for a review but as you guys know I always try to remain objective as possible regardless if it gets sent to me for free let me know what you guys think of this bad boy I mean I think it's a winner I just think the price is just a little bit high but I will say this they've done some epic stuff with the slide and it is titanium nitride so do you guys think that they have earned the price that they're charging love to hear you guys feedback but until next time I love you you guys stay sexy
Channel: Tactical Toolbox
Views: 82,677
Rating: 4.8354912 out of 5
Keywords: custom glock 26 slide, custom glock 26, custom glock 26 build, custom glock 26 frame, custom glock 26 gen 3, custom glock 26 gen 4, custom glock 26 gen 5, best custom glock 26 slides, custom glock, glock 26, custom glock 19, custom glock slides, affordable custom glock slides, best custom glock, best custom glock 19 slides, polymer 80 glock 26, glock 19, glock 19 build, glock mods, glock upgrades, best glock, best glock trigger, tactical toolbox
Id: V_TGm77Bvxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 19sec (919 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 23 2018
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