Most EPIC Chicken and Waffles I ever made!

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[Music] for today's cook i'm gonna show you my take on chicken and waffles that you've never seen before and let me tell you something this is worth you're giving it a try because it is absolutely delicious [Music] and of course it's not gonna be chicken and waffles without chicken and if there's one thing chicken was made for was to be finished on the grill so to start off i'm using chicken thighs you are welcome to use chicken breast but i do feel like chicken thighs are way better as you can see they came completely bonus and skinless that is exactly what you're looking for also there's no need to trim out the fat it will literally melt as we're doing the searing and the first thing i like to do is to soak them in a buttermill marinade that not only tenderizes the meat but also makes it extremely flavorful and to make it it's pretty straightforward i start off with a little bit of buttermilk followed by salt freshly ground black pepper and a strong and powerful brazilian hot sauce now there's left to do is to whisk it well and your buttermilk marinade is ready i like to leave them soaking in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours or better yet you can do it overnight the very next day all there's left to do is to take them out of the marinade let them strain and bank them up and get them ready for sous vide talking about that for me the best temperature and time is 167 degrees fahrenheit for a total of two hours that will cook your chicken thighs to perfection [Music] once fully cooked all there's left to do is to remove them from the bag and strain it once again and as you can see i know they don't look that good right now and just like i mentioned previously on the video the best thing to do is to put a nice beautiful sear using charcoal so let's do it that my friends is the best way to see your chicken i'll tell you one thing i had to restrain myself not to take a bite but moving on to the next step all i gotta do is to chop them up fine because this will become our feeling and also a little bit of our dough and by the time i was done i was not only left with some beautiful tender pieces but also some that have incredible char flavor for the filling i threw half of it inside of a bowl then i season it with salt and freshly ground black pepper to finish it off i'll be using this brazilian cream cheese now i'll tell you one thing this is incredible and i definitely recommend you getting your hands on some but as a substitute you can also use cream cheese now others left to do is to mix it well and your filling is ready now let's talk about our dough and this one is quite special but at the same time it is super easy to make we start off with some potatoes as you can see i'm using these little ones but if you don't have them available the big ones will work just fine so i started by throwing a little bit of olive oil mix it well and make sure every single one of them was coated then i seasoned them with salt freshly ground black pepper garlic powder and some fresh rosemary mix it well throw them in the bag and they are ready to cook sous vide for potatoes the best time and temperature is 180 degrees fahrenheit for two and a half hours that shall make the potato nice and tender once the time was off i quickly open up the bag and this is what i was left with as you can see they are nice and tender but most importantly they have a wonderful flavor of rosemary on them now you want to throw all of them inside of your food processor this will make the job a lot easier to make the dough and of course followed by the rest of our chicken cover it up turn your food processor on high and let it go for at least 2 minutes once you are done you should be left with a perfect dough just like this and to talk about consistency this is exactly what you're looking for it holds its shape but it's still nice and moist now let's move on to the next one and of course it's gonna be the waffles and this is not your standard grandmothered waffles this one is more like a cornbread style and it is absolutely delicious and here's how to make it we start off by cooking some bacon i'm using the center cut because it has less fat as we all know if there's one thing bacon has plenty of is fat so whenever possible always buy the center cut once fully cooked i like to strain it and don't even think about throwing that fat away it's always useful for something else as you can see my bacon are perfectly cooked for the waffle batter i'm using all of these ingredients remember exact amount always in the description down below for you i started with all-purpose flour followed by cornmeal white sugar baking powder baking soda and salt now all there's left to do is to mix it well and your dry ingredients are ready for the wet ingredients i started with a little bit of eggs followed by whole milk and finished it off with butter now there's left to do is to mix it well and your wet ingredients are ready now you want to combine them both and make sure you stir it as much as possible i like to use a whisk but if you don't have one a wooden spoon will work just fine to finish it off i threw in the bacon followed by sweet corn a good amount of shatter and for some additional flavor and also color a little bit of green onions now there's left to do is to mix it well and your cornbread waffle batter is ready as you can see this is exactly the consistency you're looking for but hey we don't want to eat raw batter we got to cook it up and for that i'm going to be using my outdoor camp chef stove together with my old fashioned waffle maker so after putting a little bit of nonstick butter spray it was time to cook them up the only thing you gotta always remember whenever making waffle is not to put too much because as soon as you bring the top down everything will spread nicely and if there's one thing i love about this cornbread style is the crispy edges so try to avoid putting too much and remember to cook both sides so that you have even brownie because as you can see they are just mouth-watering and if you've never had waffle cornbread just like this do it i can guarantee you guys will thank me later but now moving on to our final step the assembly of the chicken is quite simple you can make it in any shape you like i'm going to be using the traditional version that we called koshina in brazil which is basically you flatten out the dough add the filling and shape it into a drop this is the traditional version but by all means you can just make it a ball the wonderful thing about these is that you can freeze them and they will last quite some time on your freezer and whenever you're ready to finish them up all there's left to do is take them out of the freezer give them a nice egg wash followed by a little bit of bread crumbs and fry them up and if they are still cold in the middle by the time you're done you can always finish them up in the oven all right everybody here's my take on chicken and waffles mama is pumped everybody this is very popular in brazil oh yeah but this one is different because crochet is made with a different kind of masa and if you want to see the kind of original version check out google foods this one i made it with potatoes okay so it's kind of like a breakfasty kind of type you know what i mean yeah and obviously katupiri is inside with the brazilian cheese and everything even though it looks like a waffle it's not a waffle that's not a waffle no it's like a cornbread waffle yeah to go along to go along with a breakfast savory theme yeah but after we try it i want to know if it's good with this with maple syrup oh my god what what happened mama that's your weakness yes i might decide to chug the bottle myself okay we're talking too much let's give this a try let's do it i say first we'll go for the cornbread oh all right cornbread or aka cornwaffle corn waffle bread whatever it's called everybody i have a lot of tips to give you one of them is this batter can be done ahead of time you can make it the day before everybody you don't have to make it the day you're going to make it put it on your refrigerator in a ziploc bag and you're good to go whenever you want to make your waffles smells like corn let's call this corn brothel what is a brothel cornbread waffle i love it all right everybody little cornbread cheers everybody that is amazing that's really good that is delicious do you feel that bacon inside there's a little bit of the lemonade is definitely coming through yeah yeah cornmeal and then there's also corn and cornmeal together okay that is amazing that's really good savory sweet and crunchy i like my waffle a little extra burn so that i get nice and crunchy if you don't like it like it won't soft just cook it last time everybody okay i said we go for the main dish here yeah i'm in love with this corn i know right it's nice cord bruffle corn bravo everybody that's what it is okay now okay question time you ready let's do it i hope i already showed it on the video what it looks like inside everybody this is what it looks like as you can see the cheese is nice and melty it is a wonderful bite and if you don't have the brazilian katopidia available just make it with cream cheese it's going to work everybody don't spread it on amazon come on they sell it on amazon exactly just get it on amazon cheers everybody oh my god i rest my case this brings back brazil right yeah everything that there is good amazing and delicious that you can think of everybody and comfort food is in this right here now i don't know if this is going to work by the way not sponsored and i paid a lot of money for this so it better be good you ready there you go my mom you ready for this let's do it cheers [Music] that is amazing oh man that's good my mom you're okay i'll go back with the maple syrup and the gojini god that is so good that is amazing amazing the combination of the cornbread the koscium yeah i don't know if you need it but i'm i'm you're drooling wow guys i urge you to give this one a try you will thank me later make sure you do it ahead of time you can do the better a day before you can do the coaching three months before it doesn't matter just keep the question in your freezer the batter in your refrigerator and whenever you're ready to put everything together you're good to go i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you do enjoy this video make sure you give it a thumbs up if you're not a subscriber be sure to subscribe for future videos remember if you are interested in anything i use everything is always in the description down below thank you so much for watching and we'll see you guys on the next one take care everybody bye-bye do you recommend with the maple syrup no need to say nothing else you guys can tell see you guys on the next one everybody take care bye-bye don't make this for breakfast make it for lunch dinner anytime anytime it doesn't matter ah it's just amazing it's so good it's just so good so good
Channel: Sous Vide Everything
Views: 181,749
Rating: 4.9455261 out of 5
Keywords: chicken, waffle, chicken and waffles, coxinha, corn bread, waffle bread, waffler maker, how to make waffles, breakfast idea, best breakfast, how to cook chicken, grilled chicken, best chicken
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 08 2020
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