Sous Vide BUTTER CHICKEN the BEST Indian recipe I’ve made!

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[Music] welcome back to Sevilla everything guys have you ever been into an Indian restaurant if you have you probably saw butter chicken and let me tell you something it is delicious I've never made it sous-vide and I can't wait to find out how it's gonna taste check it out these are boneless skinless chicken thighs usually butter chicken is made with chicken breast however if you've been watching my channel you know that I love chicken thighs and I think they are way more flavorful like always I do the butchering all by myself doing that allows me to save big bucks but most importantly allows me to keep the bone so that I can make stock later on so if you can always do the butchering yourself the first thing we need to do is to season them and I started with a good amount of salt then of course we gotta use black pepper followed by Indian Kashmir chili powder now hold on a second you have to use the real stuff especially if you want to bring those flavors from India if you use our standard chili powder that we have here in the u.s. trust me it would not be the same I've done that and it was something else but not butter chicken then you gotta throw in a good amount of garlic paste remember exact amount in ingredients always in the description down below for you followed by and ground up ginger now this one is important you gotta use the real stuff just use a spoon and peel it all out as much as you can then take a micro grater and grind it all out after a while you're gonna be left with a good paste on the back then all you got to do is scoop it up with a spoon and you're left with ground-up ginger please do not replace with anything else this gives a wonderful flavor that you can really tell but now that we got all of our seasoning to the chicken all there's left to do is mix it up and make sure every single one of them is coated I do recommend you doing everything on a bow but since we're making a video this is a lot easier for you to see and by the time I was done this is what it looks like I'm telling you friends the smell that is coming out of this chicken you can already tell it's gonna be good the next thing to do is to back it up and get it ready for Suvi you want to keep those chicken as flat as possible that way everything will cook nice and evenly but after vacuum-sealing them they were ready for the water bath but first we got to prepare a gravy and I'm talking about an amazing butter chicken gravy and here's how to make it we started off with butter a good amount of butter make sure you melt it nice and slow and it will be ready to go then throw in white onions and cook them well now you could use fresh garlic but for some reason garlic paste tastes a lot better for me remember that garlic burned so make sure you keep it under medium heat after mixing everything well you got a throw in all of your tomatoes when looking for tomatoes make sure that they're not too ripe and also not too green as long as they have a nice soft feel to them they are good to go the next ingredient is cashew nuts I know it sounds weird but it gives a wonderful flavor fill it up with a little bit of water and let it cook you want to let this simmer down under medium-low heat for at least 25 minutes that way all these ingredients can get to know each other the next thing you want to throw in is some sugar so you can cut out that acidity and of course you can't have Indian food without Grande masala the next thing I like to add is malt vinegar that will give an amazing flavor to the gravy followed by a little bit of white vinegar and the Kashmir chili powder of course you cannot forget that one mix everything now and cook it for an additional 10 minutes remember to keep it under medium-low heat once that's up taste it for seasoning and if he needs a little bit of salt make sure you edit followed by some black pepper mix everything well and combine all those ingredients and taste it once again to make sure everything tastes amazing once you're happy with the taste throw in some heavy whipping cream that's what's gonna be giving the finishing touch to this wonderful gravy now to make things easy I recommend transferring to a bow that way you can liquefy all the ingredients you can't use a regular blender but a hand blender makes the job super simple just make sure you blend it on high and liquefied all the ingredients one thing that you gotta keep in mind is that butter chicken is known because it's such a smooth sauce and in order to do that you gotta strain it work your spoon around to make sure by the end of it you only have the tomato seeds left and a little bit of skin of the tomato nothing else but once all this training is done you are left with nothing else but a thick paste and your butter gravy is as smooth as it gets check that out my friends this is exactly where you're looking for and the taste is just wonderful now the next thing to do is to back it up and get it ready to be warmed up whenever I'm ready for my butter chicken the great thing is that you can make a very large amount of this butter gravy and save it individually anytime you want to use it all you have to do is warm it up and you'll be ready for your chicken I've also decided to make an amazing Indian Street food that I think you're really gonna enjoy it's super easy to make and you probably have all the ingredients at home already and of course we got to start with the dough and these are all the ingredients I'm gonna be using I throw in all-purpose flour followed by some water a good amount of vegetable oil now here's where I made a little mistake you should always add your dry ingredients before adding your wet ones so here I'm adding a little bit of salt this was a mistake and he actually turned out okay but always remember to mix your dry ingredients before you actually add the wet ones but now there's enough to do is to mix everything well and make a dough once it becomes a dough you want to knead it for at least five minutes it should be a nice soft and smooth dough as you can see it's extremely watery and that's exactly what you're looking for the next thing to do is to cover it up and let it rest for about 30 minutes as its resting I jumped right into the feeling and I started off with a little bit of butter and threw in some beaten eggs you want to cook the eggs into your preferred Dennis you're basically trying to make scrambled eggs I like mine a little bit runny but hey you are the master of your eggs make sure you make it how you like it on a new pan I throw in a little bit of vegetable oil followed by some onions and cook them well now add a little bit of garlic paste some Tomatoes whichever one you have available as you can see I'm using cherry tomatoes because that's the one I had then I throw in a some orange bell peppers followed by a little bit of jalapeno and cooked everything under medium low heat for about five minutes then I throw in a little bit of Kashmir chili Alibi turmeric freshly ground black pepper and salt mix all the ingredients together and my vegetables are ready the next thing is to throw them into the eggs and combine everything together and that friends is our filling for our dough I know it doesn't look like much but it tastes amazing by that time my dough was ready to go as you can see when you let your dough rest it becomes extremely stretchy and that is exactly what you're looking for not to make sure nothing is gonna stick to your hand you want to make sure you hold them I'm using olive oil now because this dough is extremely stretchy everything can be done by hand so I started off by making a ball place it on any surface and just start opening it up trust me it is easy because it's super stretchy then add your feeling and just wrap it all up as you guys know everything is better in Street food and this is one of indian street food and it is incredible and it's something easy and simple to do that you probably have all the ingredients already on your pantry now forget about trying to make them perfect I actually like the ones that burst a lot better than the ones that don't burst so if yours looks just like me trust me they will be amazing no matter what now the next thing to do is just to find them up until they are nice golden brown you want to keep the pan on a medium high heat make sure you find all edges and once that's done this is what you're left with I cannot emphasize how wonderful they taste give it a try and you won't be disappointed but now that we have that ready we're gonna go right back to our chickens and I'm cooking all of them at a hundred and sixty seven degrees Fahrenheit for two hours remember the gravy I'm just gonna be warming it up for ten minutes and no more than that and I can't wait for you to see how it all comes together we got our beautiful gravy ready all you have to do is just put it inside of the water bath and take it out to warm it up everybody and you warms up real real quick do not leave it there too long if not the butter and also the actual cream will separate with all that being said I cook my chicken at a hundred and sixty seven degrees Fahrenheit for two hours and it's ready and it's time to take it out let's do it [Music] all my goodness we have that chicken ready everybody and if you are ever thinking of throwing the juices from the bag away please don't do it save this this is wonderful there's a lot of uses for it including just basically cook some noodles throw it in here you will have an amazing ramen just like this it is concentrated it's not diluted it was not boiled with water it is amazing and if you don't want to eat it today freeze it save it for another day it is amazing again don't throw it away with all that being said my chicken is ready now all there's left to do is to put it together and enjoy this beautiful butter chicken and I know doesn't look that good right now for watch this [Music] you alright everybody here I have my beautiful attempt of Indian food yeah good my Indian friends please I don't know if it's tradition - I don't know if I did it's just this but it's my take on it hey my take on it yeah I could tell you one thing I do love Indian food have you ever been to an Indian restaurant issues a lot this is kind of like street food you know what I mean okay so I know how to explain it to you what it actually is so what I'll do is you just try it it looks good now I'm guessing you could put whatever it is that you want to put it in there if you wanted to put some meat inside then it's okay but this one is 110 percent vegetarian okay give it a try cheers buddy Cheers that is amazing Wow extremely flavorful also the pastry and a crunchy Oh homeland wrapped on the on a pastry on the face you know fry it to you exactly the dough is I think the secret for this little thing because the dough is crispy but also chewy yeah while you're going crazy over there I'll try so this is kind of like a curry but also it's like so it's served with rice mama you got to get some rice or put a little bit of rice now you did the complete opposite tone here was for the rice and this now put a little bit of that on top you know just by the look of it he reminds me what does it remind you of my favorite dish stroganoff stroganoff everybody if you have not seen that video yeah give me some more cheese I know right because you got the roast mawa look at that it's good all you want so everything I think sometimes when you get desperation of wanting to eat as fast as possible you mix up everything it looks so good I just wanted to dig in into it look I'm always ready okay then mosey our first attempt of butter chicken sube style you ready buddy cheers brother I rest my case wow that is flavorful oh my lord curry yeah yeah and it's real curry the mother looks like stroganoff you can taste those Indian spices everybody and Ally is amazing there's not like that deep curry flavor in it close your mouth and you like right right Oh cannot even do it anymore it's nice and subtle and it's fresh yeah like you put meat on it or something no no no no then it's it's also a little bit spicy but not too spicy exactly a little creamy but not too creamy no not too thick either which I think it's perfect because it coats the rice nicely every time I take a bite I can't help but smile however it is so fresh that it's almost like I can't find the words there's a lot of tomatoes a lot of things you're gonna watch the video yeah you watch the vid and you make it it's like almost like you got a fresh sprig of mint and you chew on it but it's not as strong as me but it's a special thing anyway guys these are the results I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you do enjoy be sure to give it a thumbs up if you're not a subscriber be sure to subscribe for future videos remember if you're interested in anything I use everything is always on the description down below thank you so much for watching and we'll see you guys on the next one take care buddy bye bye and if you have any dishes from your country now you'll like me to give it a try comment down below I'd love to make it might be one of the top dishes this year that's how good it is everybody that is how good it is one of the top dishes this year absolutely
Channel: Sous Vide Everything
Views: 772,949
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: butter chicken, butter chicken recipe, best chicken recipe, chicken curry, sous vide chicken, sous vide butter chicken, how to make butter chicken, sous vide
Id: 6_sDODzJshQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 45sec (765 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 23 2020
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