More Glitches in Super Mario 64 ft. SimpleFlips & Nathaniel Bandy - Glitches With DPadGamer

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hey guys d-pad gamer here it's been a bit over a year since I uploaded my video of glitches in Super Mario 64 there's a lot more glitches to be shown off so let's revisit Peach's castle this time around though I've brought to my fellow members of - world Jeffie announcement video for more info on that please welcome Nathaniel scuttle bug bandy hey guys and speedrunner slash club extraordinaire simpleflips what's going on it's time for some more glitches in super mario 64 there is a lot of left out in the first video so I should probably address some of the stuff to viewers pointed out like all the advanced glitches and don't forget the means yeah good point let's start off with parallel universes if you don't know it's an ongoing meme which spawned from pan and Kovac 2012's video titled watch for rolling rocks in that video pen clicks a star in hazy maze cave using half an a press the video has an incredible amount of work that went into it which is why if you want to understand parallel universes a presses and so much more you should check out that original video for that and I'll do the videos that will be referenced in this one please check the description parallel universes can also be used for more than you might think for example in this task or tool-assisted speedrun P use are used to access the door under the moat while the water is raised that means the game can be beaten with 0 stars and a single Bowser key when it comes to zero star speedruns you might be more familiar with this route which clips into the lobby and uses backward long jumps or blj's to access the first Bowser fight early didn't you claim that clip was not very useful in the first video yeah but I meant for like casuals like me I I can't pull it off it's okay we know when it comes to skipping things using hyper speed though I can't not include this clip of walk kicking to skip Bowser stairs just listen to those Bing Bing Wahoo's still not every glitch is useful if you revisit Cooper the quick in bomb on battlefield with the wind cap available there is a fun glitch that you can do grab the cap and perform a triple jump with the last jump in front of mr. quick the next time you land on the ground he'll begin talking to Mario now you supposed to grande pound into the cannon but on the Japanese version of the game Mario just landed below it which I guess is a glitch in its own right performing this on the North American version of the game we can see what we want to happen Mario triggers Koopas dialogue grant pounds into the cannon and blasts off to the island once you reach the island cannon grande pound into that one and blasts right off into the Gulf lag from way back and started the world koopa will talk to Mario and after accepting his challenge you'll have won the race in zero seconds this is great except you won't be given the power star and if you head back to the start you'll find nothing koopa the quake is gone uh I think you killed him d ped either way it doesn't matter because just move on up on the mountain this bomb is special so he's made in the cannon I guess and with any other bomb if you grab them jump and press C they will fall it just sort of makes sense this little fella however will remain floating in air when dropped by Mario speaking of getting stuck in many place throughout the games our spots where mark and gets stuck seemingly at random this is one my favorites in bomb on battlefield this corner is surprisingly accepting a Mario just come on in buddy but you don't get to leave Mario sliding stuck in place oh boy look at those dance moves [Music] it's possible to collect the whomps fortress blast away the wall star without using the cannon all you got to do is run at the wall at a very specific angle and Mario will do a ledge grab into the wall which moves them close enough to collect the star if you're looking for consistency here's the setup - even I was able to do grab the plank jump and grab onto the brick wall right next to it then perform a backflip press C left twice to move the camera and beat a punch and slowly climb up and when you see the climbing animation hold down on the analog stick until Mario grabs a star it's not the fastest setup but it works even for me mom's fortress has another weird spot if you just walk into this corner you can get this to happen however I think this clip is even better is that what I think it is yeah I think so over in Chile cooled summit there is something odd that you can do near the ski lift that is jump to your death but with style from here long jump to the floating island with the bomb the goal is did the exact edge of the island too far in and Mauro will get stuck in snow too far out and you'll bonk against the side and fall all the way down however if you nail that sweet spot in between Mauro will actually zip down and get stuck in air as soon as he pulls himself out the game will remember to dock into life you can also get stuck midair in big boos han come to this room which contains a boo and a red coin stand on this small ledge and hop backwards so that Mario's falling face in the wall as soon as he starts as far fall yell press speed a kick while pressing forward and the game will freeze in lethal lava land this bully can be a real jerk if you accidentally or intentionally allow him to knock Mauro into this corner it could be extremely difficult to get back out I I think there are laws against this kind of abuse if you hold down on the analog stick and spam Z and a Mars should eventually get out luckily in this game we can bully the bully right back hop in a Koopa shell and find yourself a bully to bully like this bully bully him until the bully bounces back off the platform you want to bounce into the boy ever as begins to boil if you time it right here they get stuck in place or end up like this stuck in the lava if you run into the bully now Mara will get pushed back with a bit of practice you could actually navigate him all over the level wait have you brought up cloning yet d-pad no I haven't thanks with Rinder cloning is another very interesting topic but let's keep this simple a crate disappears after 30 seconds of not being touched if you grab but while standing still and time it just writes the creep will unload in the two frames it takes Ramar to pick it up he'll be holding a vacant object slot which can be filled by any other object as marrow nears them doing this Mario can clone coins goombahs stars even Bowser's sub entire dire docks I don't know why you'd want to do that but you know options there speaking of somewhat pointless things in the Japanese version of the game after defeating Bowser in the fire sea or dark world he'll say a few lines and disappear spawning a key if you position Mario where the key is falling and quickly press C up and look somewhere Marvel keeps a head position in the victory animation yes Mario worth get the camera love you also in this one it looks like he's dabbing I'm I'm legitimately sorry the fight with Bowser in the fire seat is special because Bowser can actually go invisible is it bad that I only just learned that while making this video what's go G here is that if you can manage to grab his tail while he's invisible he'll stay that way that shouldn't happen and so Bowser falls into lava or teleports again he'll remain invisible and intangible this is very pointless but it's still pretty neat whenever Bowser is tossed off a ledge he'll hawk back that's pretty straightforward instead of letting him hop right back time it so that you dive right into Bowser's tail as it returns to grab him before it lands if you toss him into a nearby bomb he'll have enough momentum to go flying right past the platform though I guess since he doesn't land on the ground it doesn't count as taking damage when I did this in the fire seat he actually landed back after his initial jump which didn't go very well in the final battle crabbing in midair just did not work for me Hey try making Bowser jump off the edge on his own uh okay yeah sure let's toss them near the edge and right before he jumps at you backflip slowly he aims himself off the edge if done right he'll jump himself off the edge on his own but I guess since you didn't toss him he won't come back great now the fights unbeatable got him well I think we should end up there I hope you enjoyed this video and of course big thanks to the bandy and simple flips for joining me on this ride thanks for having me on d-pad thanks T ped if you so much thank you for watching this video be sure to leave a comment let me know what you think and maybe a like and subscribe if you want to see more if you're not already be sure to go subscribe to bandy and simple flips and check out the - world announcement videos so you know what's going on with that that's about it for this video I'll catch you in the next one
Channel: DPadGamer
Views: 269,405
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Glitches in Super Mario 64, Super Mario 64 Glitches, SM64 Glitches, Glitches SM64, Super Mario 64 Is Glitchy, Super Mario 64 Is Buggy, Super Mario 64 Lakitu Skip, Super Mario 64 Zombie Mario Glitch, Backwards Long Jump Glitch, Super Mario 64 Bomb Clip, Mario 64 Glitches, Glitches in Mario 64, Super Mario 64 0 Star Glitches, Super Mario 64 Speedrun Glitches, Glitches With DPadGamer, NathanielBandy, Simpleflips, MinusWorld, Shoutouts To Simpleflips
Id: Uu_Q2-gpWUo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 34sec (514 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2018
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