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we're gonna look at riddles with special guests whoa what's up this is Jojo and Nick and they're gonna help me solve some of the trickiest riddles on the Internet hmm I don't think you guys are gonna get it to be honest because I've seen these before and they're super confusing not confusing enough for us yeah I mean but there's a twist you get it wrong you have to wear something and the two people decide what you get to wear it pretty much try not see anything wrong here on reaction time before we begin check these guys out also in the description if you want to check out their YouTube channels and without further ado you guys ready we're ready oh let's go there are two people near the river and both of them want to get to the other side the boat can only take one of them but they got across Wow hmm mmm these are tough what do you guys think don't see your answer yet we're gonna go one by one we're start with Nate but I got it already got it all right Nick do you have it for give you five seconds what do you got all right so what I'm thinking is one of them wood in the boat mm-hmm and the other one just sweat oh I mean it's possible like yo that might work that might work Jojo what do you got they can be a similar answer what I think is kind of similar to Nick's but I think they mean maybe they already are on the other side actually oh so you said the chicken already crossed the road that's because I think I think there are two people near the river except they're on opposite sides then the boat takes in one way the other boat takes him the other way that's why I think I've never seen this because I've seen these before that's the only thing I can think you might be right all right you guys I know we'll see maybe Nick is right maybe they're on different size let me see let me see all right Nick small are you a little boat I know hey I said starting off small you little nerf glasses I'm with it I'll give you some cool retro glasses the URL [Music] oh when the day after tomorrow becomes yesterday then today will be as far from Sunday as a day it was today huh I'm ready huh when the day before yesterday was tomorrow why no which day is it and then we got the answers so we this is easier because there's a greater chance of you guessing right I let's get a few seconds a few seconds of silence okay I just guess all right I think I have my answer I think I have my answer too are they oh that is a firm or those two days okay sorry Jojo all right I think it is Sunday I'm gonna have to go with Wednesday I'm wrong with Tuesday oh are you guys ready three two one we have to put something on now the day after tomorrow becomes yesterday on Wednesday okay yeah the day after wait Sunday Monday okay whatever I don't care oh yeah all right you got for us Paul I got you another one you got me a nice six-pack that's your Zune and for Nick whoo I got you a special treat some nice oh that I knew that would pair up nice Oh Nick Nick Nick it's looking real nice so number three nobody has ever walked this way what way is that the right way I got the answer I got the answer all right we all have to stay at the same time so we don't copy check three two one no way I didn't know answer so you automatically wrong basically loosen this way and I said no way it was my answer wrong no way so then what happened we all get one alright so we just pick our own guys yeah that's a good idea all right give me that vest I can't win oversaw the construction build if you know I'm saying oh Expo we're gonna get me there's a blindfold imagine there's a shock collar and put that one too oh we get it your rig we get it my shredded brush ready I'll stretch some cheese on this these nips are diamond color to stay monetize someone will walk into a dark room push something there was broken glass and someone died what happened I got the answer the answer is someone walked into a dark room put something there was broken glass and someone died because the question says that's actually brilliant that's actually a shredding this is falling up I was gonna say someone pushed someone out of a window that's all isn't safe at night what do you think I think they pushed a shop door like button Oh a smart they like died that is so dumb why that is dope I can't whistle yeah I actually didn't like the sense of something we need to put something on well we don't understand how the fish died then they said someone yeah yeah someone it was a big I didn't say some body somebody body watch there would be a body for someone you walk into a room and see a bed on the bed there are two dogs four cats in giraffe five cows and a duck there are also three chickens flying above the bed how many likes are on the floor oh gosh okay oh you can't forget the bed are you the I already knew that I was like thinking legs of the bud that's for two dogs that's eight four plus eight twelve why my answer okay I have my answer but I don't know if it's correct alright ready we all gotta say at the same time ready 46 whoa how to get my head oh you're right it said on the bed all right I'm already off thank you I didn't see that like the first three words were the most important 36 right they're all in the bed is that how many legs are on the floor oh we got it right so four legs for the belly on two legs as you stand up oh you're so close so we'll give you a pass but you gotta pick some stuff for us I think you should give me this monster Susan because you told me but here's a monster oh thank you haha yeah hey I got another pair of glasses I guess we go on I'm kind of jealous blowing hard time jealous if I'm honest I'm jealous and my mustache is fallen you actually look like a character on like like I can work like a construction worker but like you look like you fight enemies in a video game Oh climbing up a mountain five is one dollar and 25 is two dollars if you buy 255 it costs three dollars what is it and how much does one thing call me Jesus Christ oh I get it I'm so confused I'm gonna have to say no answer for me I might have to and that makes you wrong yeah and I'll be automatically wrong yeah I got it what is it shout it out I have no answer just two questions right so what is it they are apartment numbers Oh each each number is $1 so these are two numbers two and five two dollars three numbers to five five three dalmatian time hey can you breathe no alright a hat cost $20 boom a customer has a $100 bill boom the seller doesn't have changed so he gets changed from his neighbor bubble after the customer leaves they find out at the hundred dollar was fake just the seller returns the $100 to the neighbors how much money did the seller lose I got the answer I know the answer okay alright you ready to say in three two one $0 zero I think it was 20 cuz I've got a customer $100 bill doesn't have changed I guess changed for me actually knows not zero well I don't know how many had yeah I think it might be zero cuz they never said he bought a big big d meaning I think Joseph is right the Hat cost twenty dollars in the chain I was gonna say eighty they never said how much you bought that's on them this doesn't count come on refund oh how he likes the Jax photo game only one statement shoes statement one Jax photo got at least 85 likes statement - Josh photo got fewer than 85 likes same in three Jack's photo got at least one like I have my answer I got my answer I have no idea they said one how many likes and Jack's photo guys so it's confusing I have two answers ready one answer guys three two one oh wow okay that's the first question ask the first question Oh you're staring look what you look like hey kids how did you figure this up okay so at first I thought it was 85 likes because it says yeah at least 85 got fewer than 85 and then got at least one yeah but it couldn't because I couldn't read because then number one and three would both be correct yeah so then I was thinking maybe it's zero because if you got at least one like zero doesn't apply to that if you're at least 85 zero still doesn't apply but it does apply if you got fewer than 85 likes oh wait the the brains think that that nerd costume kind of match so what we got you get a shot-caller the old man got a shock on my face all my lips I'll apply you know play don't worry play boy just cover just to make sure you're a little more friendly okay okay that's exactly what I'm talking it's hard to breathe in here I have black nipples nipples two more questions I had it on wrong no are you ready are you ready I'm ready jiggle them pecs at a clock store a clock strikes 24 times a day while others strike 156 times and some strike 180 times a day some strike 228 times a day all the clocks are in order why do they have such a big difference in the number of strikes okay my old brain hurts I think I need a calculator for this yeah I'm Carolee I'll say at the same time should we just whisper the first clock strikes every hour are you are you listening me yeah okay some more every six me alright whatever are we gonna do it are you guys like it what's our hour every hour the number one the number strikes depends on the outer o of hours twelve strikes one hour cool ah not only the number of strikes ball so one strike in the middle of every hour all right I give up last one why did she look behind you know it's so easy ready I got it let's say in three two one his nose yes yeah I was gonna say she thinks the one thinks that she cheated he cheated where let's see oh the nose of the boy Hey and the matter the same she look back to confirm that is it for the video everyone thank you for watching get it off me is it hi hey shouts - Joe Joe - Nick the link is in the description go check out their channels and follow them on Instagram that's gonna wrap it up hope you enjoyed the riddles if you did whoa it's gonna be in the description so go check out the riddles for yourself there is more on there and uh we'll see you guys next time have a go on and peace peace out [Music]
Channel: Reaction Time
Views: 6,807,015
Rating: 4.8990588 out of 5
Keywords: reaction time, reaction, time, react, reaction time channel, reactions, reacting, reacting to, teens react, elders react, kids react, tal fishman, family friendly, kids, kid friendly, facts, learn, learning, game time, free time, funny, funniest, hilarious, timeless, brainteasers, riddles that will trick your friends, puzzles, riddles for kids, tricky questions, hard riddles, riddles with answers, mind tricks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 36sec (756 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 29 2018
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