*Monty Python and the Holy Grail* is PURE GOLD!!!

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come on then what hey everybody welcome back to my Channel today we are watching the pull winner on my patreon Monty Python and the Holy Grail from 1975 thank you guys so much for being here you guys are the best crew on YouTube you guys are freaking fantastic I'm excited to have some laughs so let's get into this one Roy Monty Python and the Holy Grail B python holy grain written and formed by with is it trying to trick me by switching the sound on the left and right of my headphones or is that just my software also Wick also also also appearing also also Wick Whit not tray a holiday in Sweden this year what it's just going to be so ridiculously silly isn't it I think I just feel it see the lovely Lakes but in Sweden the wonderful telephone system and many interesting furry animals with special extra thanks too including the Majestic moose a moose once bit my sister no really she was carving her initials on the Moose with the sharpen end of an inter space toothbrush given to her byen her brother-in-law and Oslo dentist the star of many Norwegian films I missed all that I should have paused it I need to start pausing we apologize for the fault in the subtitles those responsible have been sacked mind you moose bites can be pretty nasty I wish I could do a Swedish accent we apologize again for the fall in the subtitles as responsible for sacking the people who have just been sacked have been sacked it's too good moose trained by UT h m sorry to all my Swedish friends special moose effects moose costumes moose trained to mix concrete and sign complicated insurance forms by urgen wig moose NOS is wiped by YN large moose on the left hand side of the screen the third scene from The End given a thorough ground in Latin French and O Level the directors of the firm hired to continue the credits after the other people had been sacked wish it to be known that they have just been sack the credits have been completed in an entirely different style that great something read faster [Music] wow 40 special trained Ecuadorian Mountain llas Six Venezuelan red Lamas 142 Mexican whooping Lamas that was fun England 932 ad 932 ad squared ooh Bleak looks like War the horse trot oh that guy is really dead [Laughter] no no youve come upon a castle my friends oh it is I Arthur son of usen dragon from the castle of Camelot oh hello King of the Britain we have ridden the length and breadth of the land in search of knights who will join me in my court at Camelot what ridden on a horse yes you're using coat coconuts you've got two empty RS of coconut and you're banging them together you have ridden since the Snows of winter cover this land where'd you get the coconut yeah where in Mercier the Coconut's tropical what do you mean well this is a temperate zone the swallow may fly south with the sun are you suggesting coconuts my great they could be carried what a swallow carrying a coconut it would grip it by the husk no it's a simple question of weight ratios 5 O bird could not carry a 1B coconut well it doesn't matter simple maths listen in order to maintain air speed velocity he's still going on bud swings 43 times every second right right it could be carried by an African swallow but then of course African swallows are non- my gry that guy reminds me of the guy from Zelda breath of the wild that you go buy stuff from and I can't remember his name right now bring out the dead bring out your dad oh Grim times bring out you you have to pay them to carry them away and take them out oh she's smacking the cat no I'm I'm not dead what you're almost dead he says he's not dead yes he is I'm not well he will be soon he's very ill I'm getting better I'll take him like that it's against regulation he's got to be dead oh d a baby I can't take him I feel fine that's poor man you hang around a couple of minutes you won't be long no please know something you can do I feel happy I'm not ready to die oh oh these guys make way B King on what he hasn't got [ __ ] all over [Music] him or they're back this way or that's just another guy up on a dead on a post this the Coconuts I thought maybe he had like a bell but it's the Coconuts is just too funny never going to be any progress some lovely fil down here how' you do how'd you do good lady good lady King of the who the Britain who the Britain didn't know we had a king I thought we were an autonomous Collective I am in Hast who lives in that castle we don't have a lord we're in a narco syndicus commune we take it in turns decisions of that officer have to be ratified at a special bi-weekly meeting yes I see oh God a by weekly meeting that's awful it's like strata be Qui I order you to be quiet you're not our King think he is I love this little wench I to become I Arthur was to carry Excalibur Excalibur I actually need to watch that movie I've never seen it Distributing swords is no basis for a system of government but you can't expect to wield Supreme executive power just cuz some watery tart threw a sword at you shut up he's offended shut up will you shut up what are you going to do behead me help I'm being repressed did you see him repressing me you saw it didn't [Music] [Laughter] [Music] onward what this is absolutely ridiculous look at his foot is he going to stumble upon this battle oh how can they see through that gandom they're going to wait what how did he get that they're just waiting slick right through the eye hole that was perfect all right now we can proceed no his like a wrist it's like he's holding the rain he doesn't speak I seek the finest and the bravest Knights In the Land to join me in my court at Camelot nobody's joining him not one Soul proved yourself worthy will you join me maybe None Shall Pass battle as king of the Britains to stand aside I move for no man I love the editing you may lose King Arthur oh is he actually good he's like hardly moving boink oh he's so proud of himself onehanded oh he got his arm stand aside worthy adversary T but a scratch T but a scratch come on you pansy paty's the pansy oh he cut his other arm off come on then what he's still going need Braves tonight but the fight is mine oh had enough a look you stupid bastard you've got no arms left it's just a flesh wound chicken look I'll have your leg oh you for that you what come here never give up never surrender he's a bit Looney isn't he in we got his he really did him in running away come back here and take what's coming to you I'll bite your legs [Laughter] [Music] off Wich witch oh my God is she wearing a fake nose who's testing the coconut Theory may we burn Maye leave the witch alone this isn't m no it's a false one is that a turnup did you dress up like this no yes oh here comes King Arthur save the witch tell me what do you do with witches look at that one guy why do witches burn uh I can't think of it they don't have any how do we tell whether she is made of wood a duck what she White the same as a duck she's made of wood and therefore a witch so dumb very we should use my largest scales his like Flappy thing on his helmet is so ridiculous who are you who are so wise in the ways of science I am Arthur King of the Britains goodsite will you come with me to Camelot and join us at the round table My Le I would be honored the book of the film yeah he's going to get a crew forming together they formed a band whose names and deeds were to be retold throughout the centuries what was that monster hand was it a wolf look no they none of them have a horse you get more Co coconuts let us ride to Camelot [Music] [Laughter] they're ruining the place oh the poor Kitty again pretty good at doing the can can this guy still our second thoughts let's not go to Camelot it is a silly Place Arthur King of the Britain oh my god oh don't grubble look at his mouth moving what are you doing now I'm averting my eyes oh lord I can't look at you Arthur this is the the holy gra yes the Holy Grail in which we have been told that this movie is about that is your purpose [Music] Arthur the clouds have shut like a brick wall you got blown away oh they're blowing through their butt the quest for the Holy Grail the Coconuts these chests look like they're straight out of Minecraft what's that guy looking for in the river is he trying to hit a fish I think this horse riding thing in this is the most brilliant thing ever hello his helmet hello who is it he's French whose Castle is this castle of my master that we have been charged by God with a sacred Quest so funny he looks like Humpty Dumpty look at his egg-shaped helmet are you sure he's got one oh yes it's very nier and they believed me we shall Take Your Castle by force Singlish pig dogs good Burns he said little kid now go away haunt you a second time oh no [Music] [Laughter] oh my gosh they launched how at him is that guy okay oh dear the chickens it's a cat they're launching everything they got at him away run away it's too much I have a plans oh what is the plan it's very very quiet do they have a saw they have a chainsaw they sound like they're in an auto shop they built like a massive rabbit it's like the Trojan Horse the Trojan rabbit I love how they just whip that up it's a present what let's go we we let's go very very very quiet I love these cut shots they're so funny they're Wheeling it in what's the plan [Music] though this gu thing on his helmet is too funny uh wait until Nightfall and then leap out of the rabbit taking the French by surprise no but they're not in it too late if we built this large wooden Badger it's a [Laughter] rabbit oh no oh this poor guy I got crushed history for schools take history for schools at the castle seems to have a famous historian the ferocity of the French taunting decided that they should separate and search for The Grail individually oh [ __ ] oh my God the lady that must be his wife the tail of Sir Robin they totally killed that history brain he not afraid to die Camelot 43 43 43 certain death one he's going to a certain death his head smashed in and his heart cut out and his Li removed and his BS unplucked and his no his Bott burn off that's enough music for now lad that's enough it's like there's dty work for oh oh my gosh right through three of them three-headed Night Guard just just to um just to pass through good night you're night of the I love how they're all playing these different characters it's too good what do I think I think killing oh how annoying would this be quick get the sword out I want to cut his head offy oh stop biing and let's go and have tea a little spotted tea kill him first and then have tea and biscuits good luck how you going to move look how big your feet are he's so he oh he just left he scurried away when the tail of Sir Galahad oh he looks like he's in danger oh it sounds scary no way why is the Holy Grail just shining right there is he seeing a vision oh it sounds so scary open the door anybody home oh that was easy hello welcome gentle sir Knight welcome to the castle Anthrax not a very good name is it no you are the keepers of the Holy Grail the one [ __ ] crapper yes their names the beds here are warm and soft I hope they're not vampires just suit oh she's really coming on to him we are but 8 score young blondes and brunettes all between 16 and 19 and a half it's castle with no one to protect us so they are desperate for a man bathing dressing undressing making exciting underwear Seducer oh you must see the doctors immediately the doctors lady doctors what seems to be the trouble oh their dresses are very seethrough they have a basic medical training yes no but he can't cuz he's a knight Dr piglet Dr Winston practice your art practice your art uh-oh it's going to be a happy ending there's nothing wrong with that um I am swest back to your bed at yeah exactly there's no Grail here I have seen it I have seen it is he just Delirious from his travel oh what do he stumble upon oh he's not going to know what to do with himself this seduction is too too much how do I get out of here awkward Zoot no I am Zoo's identical twin sister dingo oh no bad bad suit oh what did Zoot do he has been setting light to our Beacon which I've just remembered is Grail shaped real Grail bad person and must pay the penalty what the penalty you think this scene should have been cut better than some of the previous scenes I think Stars better visually least our was committed it wasn't just a string of [ __ ] joke yes get on with it get on with it you must tie her down on a bed and spank her yes you must give us all a good spank he's going to laugh that he's like o thanking the I could St a bit long oh oh no they've come for him quick why you in silence proud temp is not singlehanded yes let him tackle singlehanded oh he can tackle them single-handedly all right I can defeat them there's only 150 of them oh he missed his chance and so did they we were in the nick of time you were in great Peril I didn't think I was yes you were were in terrible Peril what terrible Peril got to find the holy girl come on don't let me have just a little bit of peril no just a tiny little bit please let's t a little bit of peril and spanking had saved s Galahad from almost certain temptation but they were still no nearer The Grail what is this this enchanter of whom you speak he has seen the Grail look at this guy he knows of a cave The Grail is there Beyond The Cave lies The Gorge of Eternal pedal no man has ever crossed never Seek You The Bridge of Death this guy is so intense oh where did he go oh where are they creepy oh god oh no they're in the scary woods okay back to horse [Music] riding who is [Music] it I love the cut scenes who are these guys we are the knights who say no we are the keepers of the Sacred word and okay demand a sacrifice little sacrifice into the volcano the sacred words of KN well what is it you want we want a Shrubbery like a shrub like a plant else you will never pass through this word he's unsure of himself one that looks nice of course and not too expensive oh no the cops have arrived the poor historian the tale of Sir Lancelot what's sir Lancelot up to that will be your kingdom lad mother father father mother oh he looks sickly but I don't want any of that I'd rather rather what just want to be happy see not going into a song while I'm here in 20 minutes you're getting married to a girl I don't like her she's got you tracks of land I thought he was going to say knockers not to leave the room even if you come and get him no no until I come and get it you got the hiccups in here until you or anyone else no not anyone else just me just you get back get back is that clear all quite clear no problems they're leaving with them what is he writing nice shot I'm no the big one what a jump message for you son no it did not make it that far is he dead to whoever finds this note I have he didn't write that father who wishes me to marry against my will please please please come and rescue me please sign that leads us to the Holy Grail oh he woke him up I I think I I could pull through sir he's fine no I feel fine actually fwell sweet Concord I'll just stay here then Chalisa all right you pull it out was quite the lovely wedding that guy's not even playing violin it's coming in hot is the same shot yeah they's watching him is he going to get closer that it's the same shot he's so far away the drum roll he got him oh God oh my God you got it wrong buddy everyone's so happy kicked the bride in the grin he's on a killing spree now you're not allowed to enter oh he did a bad job I've come to take you oh I'm terribly sorry you got my not he thought it was a princess well you see the thing is I thought your son was a lady oh yeah see the note didn't stipulate you even kicked the bride in the chest oh it was in the chest I thought he boxed her um riding north from Camelot when I got this note oh no he's going to fall his dad cut the line did he die oh no look at everybody he's back at it no no no stop buddy stop stop stop me I just get carried away I'm really most awful Sor sorry let's not bicker and argue about who killed who yes who did what to who who cares my son Herbert has just Fallen to his death oh she's happy oh the dead Prince the dead Prince was saved at the last minute [Music] [Applause] [Music] how oh no look at that dead guy up on the on the railing oh no the cat [Music] again I think that's just somebody's voice are you saying n to that old woman um shrubberies are my trade what I am a shrubber my name is Roger the shrubber any design amazing b-shaped bangs oh they're back here we go now it is a good strawberry look at it look the picket fence no problem we are now the night to say how do you remember that you must cut down the mightiest tree in the forest with a herring no no such thing oh please oh please it can't be what don't say that word what they have a weakness Robin's back they've met up oh stop it continue oh no they have like an investigator now have they made it to the enchanter is he supposed to be some sort of wizard whoa oh he just blown [ __ ] up who did he just blow himself up no why does he have ram horns don't question anything about this movie ever I am an enchant wanted they found him by what name are you known there are some who call me Tim hello Tim the enchanter it's a flamethrower staff it's impressive you seek the holy gra that is our Quest whoa yeah it's impressive he they're clapping for the entrance to this cave is guarded by a creature it's the big monster no man yet has fought with it and lived look he's spitting on them oh he's just spraying them it's intense SS you all with nasty big pointy teeth what an eccentric performance many have died here because of the Beast is it going to be the beast that's been turning the page nervous then we best leave them here and Carry On on foot dis I love it so much there is what behind the rabbit is the rabbit you silly son he's afraid of the rabbit that's a most foul cruel and bad temper rodent you ever set eyes on TT I saw my armor I was so scared you did oh my God sh it's a killer get stop warning you he's got huge shot he can leave oh my God I can't wait to see this go on Boss chop his head off uhoh look he took his head [Music] [Applause] off oh my God he's covered in blood run away help to confuse it if we run away more shut up and go change your armor oh did he sh himself we have the Holy hang grenade yes of course the holy hand grenade but it looks blurry it's just a rock one two he didn't count right what they get the rabbit did it land right on them oh they found the Shrubbery they're a hot on their Trail what if it's all like larve lard larb like the live action stuff that they do like in role models and then the police just actually just come after them he who is Valiant and pure of spirit may find the Holy Grail in the castle of a is he dying he must have died while carving it oh he was dying he wouldn't bother to carve a come on PR I think oh no there's somebody there oh the monster the monster in the cave oh no he ate him run away suddenly the animator suffered a fatal heart attack girl was no more uh-oh they are really hot on their case The Bridge of Death oh great there's the old man from scene 24 is that where he went off to when he disappeared ask me that questions bridgekeeper I'm Not Afraid ask me what is your favorite color blue fine off you go what oh thank you you that was easy that's easy oh now Robin wants to go if that was Robin what is a capital of aidia I don't know that he got yeated seea I can't get over how he's sing what what is your favorite color blue no oh he didn't know his favorite color what is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow what do you mean an African or european swallow I don't know [Laughter] that who you knew so much B swallows well you have to know these things when you're a king you know please do not fall I can't intermission L salot lelot oh we got arrested do they hear the holy Grail will you be worthy is a dragon a dragon boat will this take them to the Holy Grail I don't know why I think that's so funny looking I literally think I have a stitch from laughing so hard oh my gosh this is epic we've made it the cutle AR our Quest is at an end is that a power boat do they mean to keep that in I'm sure the most Jesus Christ oh noo oh no not again I wave my private PS at your aunties electric donkey bottom biters he's so good with the burns they're so silly we take this castle by force oh no there's po [ __ ] on them that settles it yes oh no what are you going to do walk away just ignore them just ignore them that will work got a nasty taunting this time you ain't heard nothing yet you haven't heard nothing yet oh my gosh they just walked across we shall attack at once how stand by for attack is it everybody from all the film The Galloping is too good he's assembled everybody it's so hardcore they just look not intimidating at all day the blood of many a valiant night shall be Avenged love his intensity like they're all wearing different stuff so how do you know who's on whose team oh my gosh it looks so intense with the filming but it's really not oh [ __ ] the cops I got the Patty wagon yes the on I'm sure is it all just role playing that's an offensive weapon that is that's an offensive grab it toss and everything all right Sun that's know just that in oh no is that it is that the end of the movie it has to be this is a good tune these guys are they're such pranksters well I guess they did the credits at the beginning they could do this they do something like this I love that ending it's too good we're just meant to sit here in the Brilliance of at all is it just going to go on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on it's a good pause screen I literally have a stitch because it's so funny oh God the end yes that was so awesome you guys I love how they were playing all of these different characters I can't wait to watch more of the Monty Python Trilogy series I don't know how many of them there are but it's going to be so much fun that movie was absolutely Bonkers it was amazing what a riot I love that I cannot wait to watch this again thank you guys so much for being here don't forget if you love movies hit that subscribe button and the like thanks so much for being here and I will see you guys in the next reaction video ciao all right that's enough h [Music]
Channel: Hold Down A
Views: 32,473
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -iDatDOMRYc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 13sec (2053 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 14 2024
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