Monty Python & The Holy Grail MOVIE REACTION (first time watching)

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hey what's up welcome to my channel tonight we're watching Monty Python and the Holy Grail another satar movie from the' 70s this one has been suggested multiple times too I don't really know anything about this movie other than the fact that it's satire it's comedy but it's been mentioned so many times and it was mentioned again today and today when I looked at it I was like yes I want to watch this one tonight I don't really know what it is I've heard some people say that this movie is not for everybody I guess we'll see and without any delay let's just get right into it also also appearing a lot of people why is this so serious this sounds like the wonderful telephone system what is that under interesting furry animals it's written in different font I thought it was some different language on Pi my sister what no really she was caring it initial no wait wait wait I did not finish the sister story she was carving her initials on the moose moose I read Moi the H hands off an was so focused on the music I did not even realize about the subtitles in the beginning we apologize for the fault in subtitles those are [Laughter] responsible mind you moose bites can be pretty nasty [Music] okay this is going to be really funny that's my kind of humor say nose is wiped by still going on theor of the [Music] [Laughter] film that was good 4 specially trained [Music] what in the back isn't that more tiring than just walking the castle of Camelot AR from king of Britain stories that I have not read we have ridden the length and breath of the land what ridden on a horse yes you're using coconuts what where'd you get the Coconuts we found them Justin coconuts my great not at all they could be carried what it's a simple question of weight ratios swallow needs to beat his wings 43 times every second right African swallow may be but not a European swallow that's my point African swallows are non- migratory oh yeah they just use a and a creeper what held under the dorsal guiding feathers gave them something to talk about all night is this King Arthur's story I know the basics of what happened in his life the highlights of it bring out J what bring out I'm not dead what nothing here your nothing here's your N9 P I'm getting better no you're not you'll be stoned dead in a moment well can you hang around a couple of minutes you won't be long I feel happy I feel happy oh my God like Arthur Must Be a King Arthur what you doing bro old woman man man sorry what Knight lives in that castle over there oh King a very nice and how'd you get that eh by exploiting the workers King of the who the Britain who the Britain but we all are we all oh there you go Bringing class into it again that's what it's all about if I order you to be quiet order think who Do You Think You Are well I you become king then the lady of the lake with the sword strange women lying in ponds Distributing sword is no bases for a system of government not from some vcal aquatic ceremony just cuz some watery tart threw a sword at you shut up just go just because some moist and bint had led the citar at me they put me away help I'm being repressed bloody peasant oh what a giveaway did you hear that you see him repressing me you saw it didn't you yes we saw that I was laughing so my eyes were closed but I still saw that just because some watery tart threw a sword at you [Music] looking like which one's going to win I'm going to ask that guy oh oh my God that's just too hilarious you have proved yourself worthy will you join me what None Shall Pass this reminds me how that you shall not pass you shall die [Music] T but a scratch a scratch your arms off there it is I've had worse your arms off no it isn't oh my God the second one's off too we thank thee Lord that in thy come on then oh I don't enough E look stop that chicken chicken look I have your leg no come here what are you going to do bleed on me all right we call it a draw come P I'll bite your legs off no I don't know how much of that I'll be able to show but oh my God that was hilarious what are you doing I'm not a witch this isn't my nose it's a false one of course who would believe that it's her nose well we did do the nose and the hat well she turned me into a n a n there are ways of telling whether she is a witch why do witches bad they're made of wood what what are you getting at made wood good oh yes somebody in the background does a wood sink in water no no no it floats very small rocks cider a duck she weighs the same as a duck a [Applause] wit of course she doesn't weigh the same as a duck idiots that guy is so smart he knows they're all idiots that guy left his shaving session in the middle for this she she raed the same as a dock join us at the round table the wise sedir was the first to join King Arthur's knights the wise sir Robin the not quite so brave as s lelot who had nearly fought the dragon of angor sir not appearing in this film baby centuries the Knights of the Round Table what was that a bear a monster it's only a [Music] model oh my [Applause] God on second do let's not go to Camelot it is a silly place so we're AR King of the Britains what are you doing now I'm averting my eyes oh lord well [Laughter] don't good idea oh lord of course it's a good idea look at who you're talking to of course it's a good idea Holy Grail for it is your sacred task to seek this Grail [Music] [Applause] [Music] came looked a lot of fun though you would have gotten to eat ham and jam and spam a [Music] lot that's how you're trying to catch fish are you back to the same place you were were in the beginning by any chance cuz I would like to see those guys again this isle of Master H he's already got one you see there is only one I told him we already got [Music] one what are you doing in England man your own business England is his business you and all your silly English can nigg did it try to say nights your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries Jesus Christ mother I have plans [Music] H oh are they doing that thing um H I forgot the name the Trojan Horse thing but they're all out here yeah llot Galahad and I wait until Nightfall and then leap out of the rabbit but you're out here who leaps out lelot gellad and I that's what I was thinking that you're all out here it's a rabbit not a horse oh my God [Music] run away action defeat at the castle seems to have utterly disheartened King Arthur famous historian having consulted his closest Knights decided that they should [Music] separate what the hell was that the tale of Sir Robin not at all afraid to be killed in nasty ways or to have his eyes CED out and his Els broken you're GNA make him nervous just stop doing that that's a get what is going on here you fight you're a night of the round table I am in that case I should have to kill you shall I he's like a three-headed monster or something is that what it's supposed to be like you're lucky you're not next to him what do you mean you snore it's a mythical creature but let's kill him anyway R God the legs oh my God way away bra gantly chickened out ran [Music] away oh he's going through something harsh [Music] [Applause] weather are you um [Applause] hallucinating who opened the door is this haunted oh is this place haunted welcome gentle sir Knight no anrex it's not a very good name is it oh but we are nice [ __ ] crapper prepare a bid for our please in God's name show me the Grail yeah they'll show you something we are but eight score young blondes and brunettes all between 16 and 19 and a half we are just not used to handsome nights n NE come come it's to be the trouble fa doctor uh Dr piglet practice your art we must examine you really I am swest back to your bed oh poor guy he's going to be breaking some promises oats Zoot no I am Zoo's identical twin sister dingo oh EXC jingle naughty Zoot she has been setting light to our Beacon which I've just remembered is Grail shaped okay do you think the scene should have been cut get on with it yes get over with it oh I am enjoying this scene with you must tie her down on a bed and and spank [Applause] her yes you must give us all a good spank I could stay a bit longer cover your Escape I'm fine on save him really honestly I can I can handle this L EAS yes I can hand easy should have come a few minutes earlier when he was actually fighting it got to find the holy girl come on don't let me have just a little that's more important bet you're gay no I'm not meanwhile King Arthur and sedia not more than a swallow's flight away had discovered something now the monster is reading us the story I mean if the birds were walking oh anyway I think you can hear a [Music] star so when he somebody hit him a cave which no man has entered and the Grails Seek You The Bridge of Death oh Magic you guys need to watch Indiana Jones things would be much easier for you what was that oh those are helmets head gear or whatever who are you we are the knights who say no those who hear them seldom Live to Tell the tale oh a Shrubbery oh what what one that looks nice of course and not too expensive [Laughter] yes are we going to see the whole thing [Music] stop that and you clear off bloody weather the tale of salelot all that you can see stretched out Over The Hills and Valleys of this land that will be your kingdom lad everything that the light touches will be yours one day but I've built it all the same just to show them it sank into the swamp oh I the second one never give up I'd rather just sing stop that stop that you're not going into a song while I'm here listen Alice Herbert Herbert we oh my God she's got huge tracks of land cut that out cut that out not getting into a song while he's here not to leave the room even if you come and get him until until we don't need to do anything apart from just stop him entering the room no no leave in the room can he leave the room with us no no no no until you or anyone else no not anyone else just me just you make sure he doesn't leave what all quite clear no problems right on the leave you he doesn't leave right just handcuff the prince to your hand i'm no singing he was so ready to get into the song You're just smiling at him their only job is to make sure you don't leave they don't care what else you do they don't understand message for you oh no poor guy imprisoned by my father who wishes me to marry against my will At Last I call well you shall not have been mortally wounded in vain heroic rescue in my own particular idiom sir idiom the note made it sound like it's maybe from a girl like a princess or [Music] something not on your horse anymore oh because the guy who did the why is he running at the same spot once more ha he was so far away no l alot you killing a lot of innocent people kicked [Music] her fa one behold your humble servant salelot of Camelot I have come to take you oh I'm terribly sorry someone stop stop it stop it nice timing bro he's come to rescue me Father well let's not jump to conclusions thing is I thought your son was a lady I can understand that H you put your sword right through his head oh dear is he all right I thought when he saw the bride he would be like I'm here to save you and then he kicked her I mean to be so I understanding um when I'm in this IDI I sometimes get a bit what is that [Applause] sound this is cantelope from the god of Camelot let's not Becker and argue about who killed who just Fallen to his death what she looked very happy since the tragic death of her father he's not quite dead is getting better the fact that they're doing this third time and still so funny suddenly felt the iy hand of death upon him no look the dead I was saved at the last minute not like that no let him sing finally to this [Music] [Applause] moment what what are you doing excuse me could P get somebody give me a push please oh no the cat who AR you the knights who say no we'll say do no no no no no it's not that it's what is me I'm missing out on something aren't I shrubberies are my trade I am a shrubber sir give us one not too expensive we have brought you your Shrubbery may we go now it is a good shrubber oh Dad oh and now the night to say you must place it here beside this Shrubbery only slightly higher so you get a two level effect with a little path running down the middle with a hering oh please cut down a tree with a herring sneaking away and buggering off and chickening out and fing a bra throwing looking for it what's the word yeah far from it ah it set out on their search to find the enchanter and there was much rejoicing yay reunion they were forced to eat Robin's minstrels and there was much rejoicing yay a year past nice spring changed into summer until one day I would watch a movie just with that whole animated animated thing so much fun to watch don't be scared what you doing [Music] whoa magic greetings King Arthur already knows your name you seek the holy gra that is our Quest and so we're we're we're looking for it find a a um holy grill a Grail yes I think so yes I can help you find the Holy Grail make plain the last resting place of the most holy grail oh only if ye be Men of Valor no man yet has fought with it and lived is Sir Robin going to go what an ex Centric performance W oh okay it's very close I thought this was like a big skull did they not have the budget for horses so they made this gag the cing Eve of C there he is that's that's the creature the rabbit is the rabbit can't you just with your fire Techni I was so scared look that rabbit's got a he can leap about this much what's going to happen Jesus chist I've done it again done it [Applause] again oh no my [Applause] God go epor and B that's five three three The Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch holy brother mayard bring up the holy oh where did they come [Music] from oh my God Armament 2: 9 to 21 but with it thou May blow thine enemies to Tiny bits the enemy is Tiny and c and entes and wrango tans and breakfast cereals right good Dan shalt thou count to three no more no less four shalt thou not count neither count th two just give a bit brother then lobest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards th F five three did you hear that did you hear that that is so funny there look what does it say here may be found the last words of Joseph like couple words like three words castle of in the castle of he must have died while carving it wouldn't bother to carve a just say it who suppose he meant the Cog what's that no no ah the back of the throat [Music] God run [Applause] [Music] away they're going to play hide-and-seek with the monster suddenly the animator suffered a fatal heart attack the cartoon Peril was no more I thought we were going to see that ey monstered thing because we saw that in the scene where they were talking about the winters and Summers and stuff just before that the bridge of death oh great what have you get a question wrong then you are cast into the gorge of Eternal Peril answer the five questions three questions as best you can he's not going to die he has to steal your wife in the future the other side he see ask me the questions bridgekeeper question your favorite color blue F off you go oh he's going to ask really hard questions to them now ask me the questions bridg keeper I'm Not Afraid what he a capital of a CIA knew it what is your favorite color blue no oh no you messed up that question seriously you deserve to be thrown an African or european swallow I I don't know that oh my god well you have to know these things when you're a king you [Music] know I love how that came back oh my [Music] God isn't the movie about to end how long has it been into what l aot where are you going I don't see no cave oh that was beautiful the castle AR our Quest is at an end ah I thought oh we were in the cave and in the cave we learned about the castle hello Dey English kigs unug my nose in your direction sons of a window dresser secondhand electric donkey bottom biters F my pimples at you and call your door opening request a chly thing lot of this time and not they approaching anymore or we fire arrows in the tops of your [Music] heads where did all these people come from I would ask that but there's no [Music] point French person we shall not stop our fight till each one of you in the background just [Music] [Applause] going what about the water in oh [Laughter] uhoh all right Sun that's enough just that's how they end the movie is that how they end in the [Music] movie show me something what are you is this the [Music] end are we going to see something or is this the [Music] end all I see is my own reflection how long how long is this going to go [Music] on [Music] what that was the end of the movie not even end credits nothing out of all the crazy things that we saw in the movie the way it ended was the craziest thing I've ever ever seen when when he did that to the camera I knew that it was going to end the movie was going to end there I did not expect there to be more scenes from the movie but I thought and credits were going to roll then they started playing the music and I was like maybe they're testing us to you know confusing us so we have some time to think is the movie still is there anything like left or is it over but then it kept playing and it kept playing and it kept playing and playing and all of a sudden just that was so crazy this was very you know when it started in the beginning I did not notice subtitles in in the beginning when the subtitles were because the font of the subtitles was a little different I thought maybe something was written in a different language and I did not read it I was just listening to the music and I was looking at the screen but I wasn't really reading anything and then I just looked at the subtitles and I was like what the hell is going on this looks like English and I would read it and then my sister was bitten by a moose which I read as Ms the first time and then they apologized so I thought okay maybe they wouldn't do that anymore but then in the credits there was something different and they apologized again you know just in the very beginning I knew there that said the tone I knew that this was my kind of movie that that's my kind of humor silly silly humor sometimes it looked like um you know the plays that we used to do in schools and colleges kind of like that it didn't even feel like a movie but in a very good way like in the plays you pretend you're on a horse but you're not actually on a horse that horse bit was really fun funny now I'm kind of regretting not watching it all this time I should have watched this sooner but better late than ever didn't know what kind of Comedy it was going to be so it was really fun the guy singing behind Robin so Robin about how Brave he is and then after he runs away from that situation the thread person situation about how chicken he is and how he would keep saying that that was hilarious the Camelot song was really good why was everybody flinching at the word at the word me was that a reference to something or did they just make it up you know something silly and them getting triggered by it and I kept thinking what what is the word that's triggering you what's the word that's coming and then he started saying it and he was like I said it again I said it again then you realized I realized why am I saying you realized the friend frch guy the insults that he was throwing at him I pop my pimple at you just so many silly things and he would just keep going on and on and on and on and the and the thing about the bird from the very first scene coming back so many good bits whoever wrote this super super intelligent and the night that he was fighting the one he cuts his arms off and then his and then his legs that guy that guy was hilarious everybody was hilarious this movie was wow this is the kind of movie that you go back to again and again whenever you just want to have a good time you just go back to it funny how all of this was happening and then that guy was murdered the very famous historian and they were looking for the culprits and we saw back and forth of like these guys are from the past and these guys are from Modern Times a police a car and everything and then they started arresting them and at the end they just made it look like yeah they're shooting a film this is not the real thing and then they just shut it off so basically what happened is that these guys were shooting a movie and they accidentally or not accidentally killed somebody and now they're arrested but they are so into their characters that they don't realize that they're shooting a movie they think it's the real thing I'm just saying that I'm not actually trying to make sense out of the movie it was nonsense and I loved it so thank you so much for suggesting this and I really hope you enjoyed watching this with me if you did then please go ahead like And subscribe turn on the notification Bell and I'll see you soon
Channel: Aria C
Views: 35,016
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: monty python and the holy grail movie reaction, new movie reaction, new movie reaction videos, first time watching, first time watching reaction, first time watching movie reaction, Aria C, monty python and the holy grail first time watching, monty python and the holy grail movie reaction first time watching, movie reaction comedy, first time watching comedy, movie reaction first time watching comedy, monty python and the holy grail reaction, aria c, Mel brooks movie reaction
Id: NAEfFGepW-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 27sec (2367 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2024
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