The Naked Gun (1988) is absolutely ridic!

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welcome back to the channel you look positively fantastic today and just remember there's no need to chase Your Tail trying to find the Subscribe and like button just give him a Pome click and join off pack if you're ready to unleash some fun roll tape sounds very Egyptian oh Beirut the Americans must be made to suffer we must drip their entr out and drag them from here to Damascus all the countries getting together against the us and spoil three years of G public relations in some of their polls I more popular than their president I don't know what they're like spoofing we must conceive at least one terrorist act will show all the world that the United States a weak Nation really setting their plan in action [Music] [Laughter] here what the hell he's undercover bird marks are real his face like a punching bag oh my gosh it's so silly it's too silly he looks so Hunchback is that like something he's wearing with his costume oh wait I'm Lieutenant Frank dreon police squad oh never let me catch you guys in America doop what a silly intro Leslie neelen the Naked Gun from the files of the police squad in a car chase Priscilla Presley she did some acting through the car was OJ Simpson what this must have been before Prime he's inside house this is ridiculous running away oh now he's at a gym oh I like this music a roller coaster oh my god oh at the dut shop it's going to be an hour and 20 minutes of pure silliness Los Angeles Harbor oh it's OJ I had no idea he did acting is he part of the police squad it's all here this completes our first shipment of heroin 100% P oh drug bust type stuff ship be delivered in days you doing this [Music] solo kaboy oh God please throw down on your guns uh buddy is it going to be him kill him [Music] no does he have a bulletproof vest on oh it's just too silly the slapstick of it all is too good why is there a cake oh OJ just got worked these drug lords didn't have to do anything Los Angeles International Airport this man alone this man alone took them down there he is good work in Beirut we all heard what you did is it true what you wrote me about Victoria I'm afraid so Frank she just ran off with some guy it's all over all of this is meaningless I did it for her I did everything for her he did it for Victoria and she left you you came down here to get a hot story didn't you pictures of me to send you a ly newspaper uh Frank I think I'm a big hero the man of the r Frank they're not here for you Weird Al Yankovic is on the plane what what I was like how could he's so famous and he's he from the LA Police Department he's just taking down baddies around the world what about the guy you know anything about him not much just that he's an Olympic gymnast and it's the best sex she's ever had that hurts I followed my heart foolishly it seems just going to have to learn to forget not going to be easy everywhere I look something reminds [Laughter] me the tits doctor say he's got a 50/50 chance of living oh 10% chance of that how how is there going to be a lot of that a lot of the visual comedy as well oh he brought all the luggage with him is nordberg I think we can save your husband's arm where would you like it sent where's nordberg he's right here Frank right Frank you buddy he's had enough done to him now who did this to you love you I love you too nordberg drugs hey nurse give this man some drugs no he's trying to tell you Arin Frank nberg gets a pretty tall orderer you're going to have to give me a couple of days on that one what kind of name is nordberg who would do such a thing black mailer an angry husband a gay lover he love his bitterness yeah you're right Ed a parachute not opening that's a way to die having a n spit off by a lap lter that's the way I want to go Nord BG's wife can't handle it all right don't you worry about anything E I wouldn't wait until the last minute to fill out those Oran donor cards no tact he's welcome back at police sad unless he's a drooling vegetable it's so over the top I found this at home in a drawer photograph I love you oh that's what he was saying earlier Frank when nordberg said I love you he was telling you the name of the ship I real that now I want every available man on this you know we're in charge of security for Queen Elizabeth's visit what not one man in this force will rest for one minute until he's behind bars now let's grab a bite E Yeah KN going to rest let's get some going to eat oh my gosh what what is happening Queen Elizabeth has included the city of Los Angeles as one of the three cities she will visit in her tour the tour that all the Royals do okay we have placed the Queen's Security in the hands of police squad tenant Frank D he just chunked all that water he to have to go to the bathroom you can use my radio M oh no it's going to be too loud safety of the queen is a task that's gladly accepted by police squad or no matter how silly the idea of having a queen might be to [Laughter] us oh thank you lieutenant Revan we won't have you speak again all take an hour oh no the microphone is still attached to him indeed it is for all the people what silly bathroom humor will be oh this isn't going so well her that reminds me of the Adam Sandler CD his like comedy CD when he had like the longest pee and he just like peed forever no Ed and I drove down to the docks where nordberg had been found floating Face Down On The Water there's nothing for you to see here keep moving no one's leaving you want to take a dinghy no no I took care of that at the press conference no the outline of the body floating on the water I'll walk around the dogs take a snoop obviously the boat's not going to be there anymore they've obviously left Lieutenant rean police squad what do you want going to ask you some questions all of his cards to fold the back up face I don't know what are you going to pay me maybe this will refresh here it is I don't know still kind of hazy how about this yeah I remember why do you want to know I can't tell you that yeah maybe this will help yeah you still don't don't think so now all right all right he worked at lwig shipping so what are you going to do about it copper why should I tell you maybe this will help still don't think I should tell you about me a 20 how about now all right I'm going it just doesn't make sense but it's so freaking funny he's really not good at driving his car Lieutenant D to see you sir this guy God the feeling is mutual nice to meet you too uh Cuban uh no Dutch Irish my father was from Wales magnificent office you have here Mr L which I feel reflect my personality like the Japanese fighting fish this is a rare Samurai pen a gift from Emperor hito oh unbreakable impervious to Everything But Water amazing Japanese steel he's going to throw it in the tank I'm investigating the attempted murder of one of your do workers great is it going to kill one of those things or do those those things bite salt water preserved him until he was found so they were able to I don't know if that's true if saltwater can do that he's in the Intensive Care Ward at Our Lady of the worthless Miracle well this certainly comes us a shock to me it's this type of thing lightly and there is no room in my organization that's a $20,000 fit they're just five years ago yeah oh I'm out of profit per square foot are you a right Lieutenant looks like Rudolph what's his name uh oops uh well of course uh he hasn't been able to tell us a thing uh he liked hearing that we'll uh see if he can still play the guitar I'd like to look at your employment records now and speak to someone in Personnel I'll have my assistant provide you with anything you need my pleasure he's going to know it was him obviously uh Miss Spencer this is Lieutenant Frank dren from police squad oh ooh la la I had no idea she did any acting he watched her fall oh she had a full set of Curves and the kind of legs you'd like to suck on for a day no no no she's a clumsy one this was starting to get interesting oh they both have damage noses where is she going nice Bieber I just had it stuffed let me help you with that oh my god I've heard police work is dangerous it is that's why I carry a big gun aren't you afraid it might go off accidentally I used to have that problem what did you do about it I just think about baseball that's your trick hey that's a honey of an ankle bracelet you have there did it slip down there again who what I wish there was some way I could repay you or how about dinner I know this little out of the way place that serves great Viking food that's why I want you to to get to know Lieutenant dreon a little better little out of my pay grade here yes I'll do my [Music] best the lighting in this that scene was great it was about 400 p.m. when I returned to police CL oh no oh hey look [Music] out oh what anybody get a look at the driver I got to get uh inside just realized it was his car the airbags were just absolutely so ridiculous what what's up we're testing that new anti- graffiti wall what we done it again mule it's like their very own Q casual Observer an ordinary shoe in actuality it's quite a handy weapon oh God that could do some serious damage call it the Swiss Army Sho well they're not just cufflinks each one fires a single Dart that knocks out your victim for a few minutes here let me demonstrate on it no oh why'd you do that for well actually I could use another pair of cup those will come in handy there something on the side of your mouth now are we never going to see this guy's face hey I can't see anything use your open ey Frank oh we focused in closer we discovered a fine white powder how well do you know nordberg we're partners for 9 years I'm telling you that the queen arrives here that I'm giving you 24 hours to clear nordberg it's like such a weird plot Mr lewig yes U Mr P apme is here what then may we get down to business certainly please have a seat wasn't he one of the guys on the boat my price is $20 million in all the world who is the most effective assassin one who doesn't know us an assassin what she's programmed to be an assassin I must kill pap [Music] will that be with cream and sugar sir what is this deice there's a gun on the floor sir oh just leave it there she just blacks out anyone can be an assassin I had 24 hours to come up with something that would clear my good friend's name again is it supposed to be like Noir like his narrating oh no what they have one of the doctors programmed what in the hell this doesn't make any sense they have these guys just planted around where's the police officers was a guard at that door oh uh Lieutenant drean called and sent him home I'm Lieutenant drein dreon must kill nordberg oh nordberg his ass in his face how is he going to get deprogrammed if he doesn't have the guy with the clicker next to him play Squad follow that black car what a driving lesson teen driving school they're never going to catch him I know a shortcut turn left here going to cut him off she's rolling up her window oh the glass that's stuck in her hair this guy is not faced The Brak now put it in reverse this is the best driving lesson she's ever taken right Stephanie gently extend your arm look on the bird extend your middle finger oh she's got confidence she's going to go for it she's in the zone oh he's goner going to happen again now he's riding the rocket oh no is he a goner now nothing to see here please it's not working it didn't work before attempt on nber's life let me shaken and Disturbed who is this character in the hospital why was he trying to kill Nord it is the most silliest thing I've ever seen in my life step on a crack break your mother's back and where the hell was I how did he get up to the Hollywood sign but my night was just about to begin oh is she going to be inside he's so smooth why so many cartwheels and [Music] flips what broke in to cook dinner his poor nose again she's wearing one of his shirts you said we should have dinner sometime tonight became sometime I'm boiling a roast how hot and wet do you like it ew you seem to know your way around the kitchen you mind if I slip into something more comfortable oh God I hope you brought your appetite I brought everything how was your um meat he's going to get his heart broken again finds out that she's just playing him has officer nordberg been able to um tell you anything back on a coma this world is such a violent place wasn't I'd be out of a job but I'd give it all up tomorrow to live in a world without crying wouldn't he be on to this cuz she's coming onto him too fast there's no rules in this movie it's nonsensical same old story boy finds girl boy loses girl boy forgets girl boy remembers girl girl dies in a tragic blimp accident good year no the worst the jokes are so lame they're so good there's something I ought to tell you no tell me anything [Music] that came off relatively [Music] easy I want you to know I practice safe sex so do I no no no I didn't know where they were going with that one keeping it PG maybe they're going to end up really liking each other oh oh they're both getting a matching tattoo oh no what she got fcked right off that Bronco this is so ridiculous platoon still got to watch that oh oh oh let go oh clothes lined them that was a fun Montage sequence I can't believe we just met yesterday you're not just saying it because we exchanged Bly fluids e can I interest you in a night cap no thank you I don't wear them actually I'm and dudy were on steak out tonight they did a lot for one day click the heels I wonder if she's actually getting smitten with him what you will a hunch woman's intuition Sky ledwick knows a lot more than he's telling us what where you heart facts oh it's not lipstick what are they eating they're bringing it to Ludwig's office you're taking a big chance I know take a chance getting up in the morning crossing the street or sticking your face in a fan you get a good night's sleep I'll see you in the morning I don't know what they're eating cuz I've never had those a hot tamale or something which card American Express going to work oh it was the right card for the job [Music] [Laughter] bingo no he going to do it is he going to do [Music] it magical he going to knock it over somehow 20 million deposited a Manny Bank Zurich upon proof of Queen's death they're going to try to kill the queen oh no he's going to like that on [Music] fire he's lit the whole place on fire oh he saved all of those things for no reason ah he's back look at the [Music] [Laughter] pieces oh crap it's a real person getting a good feel saved by a dick that's one large and strong dong what are these statues doing on this building oh no the statue doesn't match the face entering without a search warrant oh he did get caught sexual assault with a concrete dildo your honor but we have reason to believe that Vincent ledwick is involved in a plot to assassinate the queen where is this evidence burned in the fire I don't want any more trouble like you had last year on the South Side yes well when I see five weirdos dressed in toer stabbing a guy in the middle of the park I shoot the bastards that's my policy that was a Shakespeare in the Park oh oh you killed Five actors good ones rean Your Presence at the Queen's reception tonight will not be necessary I yes a he killed all the actors that were in a play how is he still still on the joben she begin her first visit it's been in there a while J Frank I was up in Vincent Ludwig's place last night did he show you his Priceless collection of Ming vases yeah I saw him lwig is involved in a number of criminal activities Hinson Ludwick is a well respected generous kind man it's I don't trust him and I don't want to see you getting mixed up on anything dangerous Well w I thought they closed down 3 years ago to be concerned about meong just wants to have a talk with you he wants you to meet with the Seventh Street Stockyards suspicious ah I got to go I'll see you tomorrow are you sure you won't have something to eat why was the fridge moving is the fridge alive The Dugout docks I'm sorry I can't hear [Music] you they both have bad shots e [Music] [Laughter] this smells taking him out oh no did he fall into the toxic waste is he going to turn into the Joker oh the Queen's reception the lip bar mitzvah ad check for anyone suspicious looking that could be anyone they're planning on doing it tonight i' here that's why they were trying to knock me off security I got rights look I look at he's got a picture of your wife an anyone else here seeing his wife that's all right oh no no what part of the cake are they going to get eating her face surprised to see me Mr lwig I am warning you get off my back my Stockyard meeting butter wings or don't you remember setting that up pum me another one shooky lumps it's true what they say cops and women don't mix it's like eating a spoonful of Drano sure it'll clean you out they'll leave you hollow inside too bad Sugar Puff no we could have been something I was only doing what I was told to do like make left to me that only makes things easier princess to think I trusted you I made a big mistake the pet names I can't take this back who is that doesn't matter by the way I faked every orgasm burn oh no what is he going to do to the queen that's a good Queen of England he thinks that he's is going to assassinate her look at her legs up oh no he's going to get in big big big big big trouble you're laying on top of the queen with her legs wrapped around you and they call that news kick you off the force Frank it's just not fair I now Ed life isn't always fair just think the next time I shoot someone he'd be arrested look at that the missing evidence in the keler case my God he was innocent he went to the chair two years ago Frank well what are you doing here Frankie got to listen to me I have important information for you there was never anything between us he likes e and Men what about you I like cops I thought she was going to say something else you were right all along Frank lwi is planning to have someone assassinate the queen at the baseball game I thought this was supposed to be a drug Heist what what is the queen getting mixed up in all of this this is going to get you back on the force Frank we're all right behind you I've loved you since the first day I met you and I'll never stop I'm a very lucky woman so am I the drug deal is probably going down here that's going to be the mixup Kurt as we all know this game is being attended by her majesty Queen Elizabeth are these real commentators I don't watch baseball so I don't know the world of baseball other than Harry Cary hey I'm Harry Cary got to get that assassin before the seventh inning stretch if Jan is rer could be any one of those players got to find a way to get down there in that field and search those players she's walking okay after getting rad what are these guys doing in the Queen's Box secret service guys don't look very tough why he's not here now I do not like being made to wait for him Mr Palazo oh is he singing in the anthems I'll send him right over I do not wait for him he waits for me yes Mr Pacho see I am the head I'm here to excuse me karate chop Mr Palazo and I'm the head Usher one second this is how he's going to get onto the field oh imagine he's so good oper star enrio Palo will now sing our national anthem [Music] uhoh not good he's not good you can't believe it ain't nothing like the Whitney houst Anthem oh no oh no pazo is not [Applause] [Music] happy go go go go as the crowd settles back down we'll wait for the exchange of lineups and the start of today's ball game they're not phased could you tell me is this an official bat he's so dumb but but maybe all his blenders are going to end up saving the day in the end of course they run into each other cuz they're looking up ah oh that doesn't look good that doesn't look good [Music] oops my bad it's a whole experience of the baseball game Queenie how about that the other guy was just so terrified and that guy was loving it oh The Dugout dogs that's where he sent him earlier oh he's eating the guy that fell in Queen of England ready to toss at the first ball whoa she put a spin on that thing what do you say coming we're going to do this today play let's hope he's better at umpiring he is at the [Applause] anthem no e even the wives if one of those players is the killer Frank is going to find him back here let's see another sh trying to search them all strike strike W he's getting into character now he's making it all about him he's getting too caught up in it all oh he's Moon [Applause] walking crowd is going [Applause] wild he is a large athletic resume o he's going to make a [Applause] mess [Music] what I'll give you that back what else he got oh this movie is so ridiculous so red donkey [Music] [Laughter] donk the Mariner Short Stop number four I love the Oregon old school game anthems we're still my all-time favorite they're like this umpire is on something oh the crowd's going to get so mad at [Applause] him going home he's going [Applause] home are you kidding me what that guy's incensed apparently the umpires have got foron in a rundown ooh all right I've had enough you're out of here he's booting them oh yeah this whole chip assassin thing oh no they have this poor schmuck just programmed no how did they do this to everybody I want to know figure it out Jane and take it away from him there's a gun under the base the right realer go save the day oh they don't realize what's going on we're going to take you for a little walk what that's not conspicuous at all he just has a machine gun how's he going to hide that so many cooks in the kitchen oh no it's a fullon brawl the queen is like what is this sport I don't know this is unruly uh oh I went Australian in that one uhoh I'm still Australian is the only one I can do oh God no one realizes what about the fans too busy choking that guy out his foot they're chomping his foot doesn't anybody realize why do they walk so robotic and why is she all like dangly a damsel in distress dangling oh the cuffing I forgot oh hit oh oh no oh she's going to take him out she's going to land on the player this guy's career is over oh he he seems fine he saved the Queen's life it's going to be frank surprise it's enrio pazo it's not actually P oh god oh it's like a rag doll it's not even real that's my favorite part of the movie so far this is so utterly ridiculous I love the progression of that stay where you are well he shoots at me has the Umpire vest on you ruined my life driv I'm going to ruin yours you can play at that game oh no she bit him with her teeth that's like everyone's play in like every movie I've seen he's just stunned he'll be all right in a couple of minutes he always kills everybody [Music] my father went the same way [Music] what oh no she's programmed assassin I didn't see that one coming oh I'm must let's kill Frank D it's me who that and Frank D loves you it's like a a movie without you I wouldn't want to live anyway this is probably spoofing a movie I haven't seen it's a Topsy Turvy world and maybe the problems of two people don't amount to a hill of beans but this is our Hill and these are our beans G since I met you I noticed things that I never knew were there before you glistening on a newly formed Leaf stop Lots I bought something for you they pretty good for an honest policeman salary an engagement ring yeah you have the whole stadium watching you that's going to snap her out I love you Jane oh single tear Frank it worked look at the wind a he has everyone coming together the rabbi and that [Music] guy sorry that I yelled at you yesterday really yeah this city and I guess the whole whole world owes you a debt of gratitude you saved the queen Monday morning we want you back at police squad with a promotion to captain of course mayor there's someone else here who wants to think the queen oh nordberg that's wonderful oh [Music] everyone people who acted in the movie ridiculous is this movie's middle name that movie was such a blast I love the satire the slap stick I love how dumb it is and nonsensical like the plot is just absolutely stupid but like do you even care all the puns all the visual puns it was hilarious it is it's a Feelgood ridiculous comedy and sometimes we need these it's so over the top but you totally get immersed in this world you're just on for this ridiculous ride I loved what I could pick up on the satires like kind of what I know that it's from or what genre it's from without like knowing exactly what it was you can see them pulling in a lot of different types of film genres into it with like lighting and camera work I have a love for all different sorts of Comedy so I can appreciate this thank you guys so much for being here to watch The Naked Gun with me if you love movies don't forget to hit that sub hit the like don't forget to hit that notification so you don't miss a video upload and I will see you guys in the next reaction video [Music] ciao
Channel: Hold Down A
Views: 60,373
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: y2mPQahGQ40
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Length: 37min 23sec (2243 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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