THE BEST LOBSTER CATCH AND COOK | Eating Raw Lobster and Lobster Ramen

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I hope you're not hungry because this is about to be so good whoo hey guys welcome back to another episode of outdoor chef life I'm Taku and we just got back from a quick trip to LA and while I was there I had my first night diving experience Max and his buddies took me out to dive for lobster night diving I was so cool check it out so it was a total of six of us diving and they all have experience I'm good to go let's do this and as soon as I jump in the water this guy Mario already has a lobster but soon after that just about two minutes later I find my first Lobster walking on the ocean floor check this out and this species is called spiny lobster this is what we find in the west coast around La County all the way down Baja unlike the Maine lobster these guys don't have any claws but they do have really spiny shells there it is my first lobster catch ever and that one ended up being a little undersized so let's let it go and we're diving in like five feet of water no more than that haha diving in the open ocean at night I thought it was gonna be kind of scary you know a little spooky but it wasn't really I didn't feel scared at all but I did get spooked one time right here when max points out asks something and I thought it was a lobster he was pointing out so I look but then the shark swims right past my face little guy this is called a horn shark pretty cool short harmless though this right here is literally like two feet of water and I found them lobster right onto this rock so I got him I was like wow this is really shallow and then I look up out of the water and it's literally like ten feet from shore the more I do this the more I'm amazed at how much we have right on our coastline just right in our backyard it's really amazing and these lobsters are fast if they start swimming they're gone and look at this guy right here BAM hums oh and my legs dead let's check out your all [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right axis is our Hall right here I know he's dead let's see it there we go right to the end EEP this one's a keep Fe all right there we go yeah I'm surprised like there's so many at the end of the season well I can at the beginning of the season we wouldn't like I wouldn't have to measure happy oh yeah it would be clear that they're all keepers oh I see I'm uh there you go back of the show uh-huh to the middle of the eyes so like right there essentially that are the kind of the middle of the the fun of the middle D okay that up to these with this yeah that guy's lander yeah all right oh yeah and this is that last guy uh thanks and now we're back we just drove back up the day after the dive big shout-out to Max and his buddies man thank you guys for taking me out we're so dope I had such a good time I want to go back again and now we're ready to cook this lobster I'm gonna make two different dishes one for a little appetizer and the second one we're gonna make lobster ramen as our main course let's get to it so these lobster have been it in this whole cooler of ice [Music] give it a gentle twist twist twist boom first we're gonna put these heads right on the grill all right I am we're just gonna take the meat out of them in this first dish we're doing is a we're going to do like a carpaccio style [Music] let me see if this trick works if I break the back fin right here oh you see that the innards the innards come right out I'm gonna turn the stove on oooh my new stove shout-out to camp chef for the stove and for the table to hooked it up thank you I'm gonna make a stock in here lobster stock with dashi alright : boo but this is shiitake dehydrated shiitake mushrooms and I also have some chili peppers we'll throw that in there first just lobster head throw that in there just take it off directly off the grill and just throw it in that's gonna make an awesome stock if you grill it prior to boiling it it'll bring out so much more flavor it'll add another dimension to the stock got two sticks of butter she's gonna melt this off just saltwater I'm just gonna wash these lobster tails no time a little basil no chili flakes as well all right I've got some delicious melted butter yeah I start down the middle put it on the plate for now I'm just going to keep this in the cooler for now [Music] I'm gonna put them on the grill [Music] some butter time the heats a little high on this [Music] heats a little too high on this I'm gonna let the coals die down a little more in the meantime she's gonna put this in the butter [Music] [Music] but these guys just directly in the butter yup and I'll just leave it here buttery Lobster well let's just put this tail it just throw it right on the grill because I think we have enough raw ones I was gonna do this sashimi - or carpaccio but we have enough so I'm gonna just grill that one top it in the ramen whoa about to have a lobster feast [Music] [Music] good I've got this pack of fresh ramen you just get this at the Japanese market or Asian markets I mean if they come with some miso to some soup base so I'm gonna add that into the lobster stock here mix that all up all that is gonna be so tasty keep this broth nice and hot transferred it back down are you I'm gonna just dump this I'm a good amount of this just straight into the bowl now I got boiling water here this only takes maybe a minute although the frown felt so good heck yeah well that's doing I'm gonna just slice the lobster tail that I grilled oh look at that beauty nice chunky lobster whoo it's all coming together baby so when you cook ramen if you're cooking fresh ramen you want to cook it separately because it's very starchy if you put it into the soup and cook it your soups can end up like really slimy so cook it separately all right how's it done [Music] look at that broth so beautiful top it with the lobster-tail lobster tail oh my goodness some green onion [Music] and then the final piece the actual lobster half a lobster [Music] there it is [Music] all right whoo finally done this looks amazing I can't wait to taste this I haven't had a taste at all I wanna have to start with the carpaccio here this is raw lobster yeah you can eat lobster wrong [Music] [Laughter] this is good that is so good all right let me try the ramen no the broth Oh oh my gosh that's so good oh wow Wow oh yeah so here we go first piece of lobster tail or the cooked one at least [Music] that's off it's so soft all right let's eat the ramen yeah Rahmi that's good I can't get you know was our perfect is this satisfy my hunger so much it's so good some leftover brothel I'm gonna heat this up keep it warm diving for lobster at night was so cool yeah that was gonna be really scared but it wasn't that bad try it out oh this is so amazing there's some next-level catch and cook right here my goodness lobster and carpaccio with lobster ramen got be so much in it obvious cost so much in a restaurant I'm drinking foraging with friends the perfect beer to drink on outdoor chef like mm-hmm got that Apocalypse IPA today whoo here we go the buttery lobster tail whoo I don't think I've ever eaten so much Lobster at once this is great - I think this is Rickon awesome do you like the top I kill ya straight up straight up five-star meal in the outdoors I just took my first bite from eating oh you just took your first bite from that one yeah mm-hmm the buttery Lobster your favorite yeah I think and the texture of raw lobster was almost go squid yeah kind of the creaminess yeah it has a similar type of creaminess but it's a little stringy stringy unlike unlike squid a little more texture yeah but it's so good all right hot broth coming up I guess I'll put o put the rest of mine alone hot in Japan they don't actually consider this as Lobster it's called saib which is shrimp which is like would be a type of shrimp yeah I guess so they call them crayfish in Australia but here we call this spiny lobster oh it's gonna be hard to beat this one a little bit of meat in the legs we didn't even use all the lobster we have one more the other guys that I don't with actually got so much Lobster that I went home with six lobsters on my first night dive for lobster I ended up getting two of them to my brother and I brought four back we cooked three right now so we have one again for later Jocelyn was too cold so she went back to the car I guess I just got heated myself that was absolutely amazing from the diving to this oh man what an experience I was so cool if you guys liked the video make sure to hit that thumbs up and subscribe see you guys next time Hey [Music]
Channel: Outdoor Chef Life
Views: 2,639,362
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Outdoor chef life, outdoor cooking, 5 star meal, lobster, spiny lobster, night diving, LA, Seafood, How to cook lobster, best way to cook lobster, lobster sashimi, lobster carpaccio, raw lobster, outdoor kitchen, taku, catch and cook, best catch and cook, how to prepare lobster, アウトドアシェフライフ, 伊勢海老, いせえび, ロブスター, 刺身, 釣り, 寿司, 魚のさばき方, 板前, ラーメン
Id: J0pS2lhH0Vc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 34sec (1234 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 25 2020
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