Catching GIANT CRAYFISH Barehanded For Food Living From The Ocean - Ep 194

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oh good morning everyone me jacko and semi we're dropping the skis and we're going for a ski fire we want to try and grab a crayfish for lunch today i'm gonna go camping tonight and that's about it it's beautiful at the moment a little bit of breeze sneaking around the corner but oh we don't mind we've got the rods in case we want to try and get a spangle or have a little flick see if we can find some sea creatures to hang with it's going to be good to get all the skis out together with the two nuis and then semi's old girl there this is ski fari sam oh everyone sam's lost six kilos oh the boys are off [Music] [Music] [Music] whoa whoa look at that it's so clear oh god i got a squad now to kill a squid you just have to push right behind their eyes there squeeze don't drop it i just dropped it oh that's not what you do do not do that i did kill it but i dropped it everywhere god damn it all right coming i got squid that's dinner lunch let's get some more i'm coming quick and stupid i'm coming there's three three ah sammy's got three squid hurry up bro i'm trying i can see it at the seaweed or something over there uh just chuck at me look at that she's coming down pull up yeah bloody good was that couple of squids straight off straight into it i've got my lunch sword i learned about the boys but we're going to keep pushing that way find a little spot to grab a crayfish squid could be on today man that would be awesome squid are like one of my favorite eating in the whole ocean they just there's something about them they're just so delicious so got two lost a few and uh yeah we'll keep moving [Music] banjo just suited up sam's just shot off to look for some more ground while we're doing this there's i i just quickly drove that before there's one crayfish in these bombies here he's really really deep in like this cave so my plan is i'm gonna go into the cave and if i can't grab him and bring him out i'm going to try and spook him and jack's going to try football catch him uh don't know how this is going to go but let's get in and see if we can get big crayfish [Music] so so [Music] what happened [Music] [Laughter] [Music] you got him yeah i think so [Music] i've lost the fin [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] it's like 10 kilo and i'm like coming up he's coming on this side he's coming at me going around and comes back at me it won't leave the bombing huge bluey [Music] [Music] oh monster successful cray hunting mission just then i think we ended up with a decent amount a couple each i think a few reds in there i got that one big jumbo i kept hitting my head on coral and stuff so the gopro angle kept going all bad so i'm not sure how good of the footage it is we just rigged up some stick baits and on the way back in towards where we launched we're gonna try for some spangos or some trevally or something like that and uh i'm getting so hungry we're just talking with the boys we might go down the uh beach this afternoon i might roll my swag up we might light up a fire because the fire band's over i'm gonna fly a baby and i haven't done that in so long so i need to calm down it could be some fire could be some fire a little bit later on guys oh oh oh baby that's a beautiful little spangleton oh beautiful spango smash that goldie i'm gonna get a bigger one get him dragging a drink yeah there you go see you sweetie spangled where's yours sammy hmm yeah good fish clean out the oh oh oh that's my biggest breakup ever whoa whoa should we keep it more you want to eat it yeah i'll eat it all right there's a keeper he's a keeper for sammy thank you mate i'll put you out here misery now there she is guys that's probably the biggest spank i've ever caught on stick bait absolutely smashed it gonna keep this guy for a bit of lunch bit of dinner we've got a bit of a seafood platter today great fun little session on the stick baits then we end up fishing for a few more hours and what do we even thought so that sun's on its way down we'll probably shoot back to the beach right now and we've got squid or cray or fish to choose from we might cook up a bit of lunch just some simple wraps you know how we do a bit of energy on the go and probably go cook some more down this afternoon or go for another venture i don't know guys this was the best part about it we're just winging it but yeah it's been a super fun day and we've got a fair bit of sea bounty so fam's going to be eating good tonight and tomorrow so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] absolutely beautiful spot right here look at that crystal clear oh so nice wow that is just beautiful here we're just going to pull up go for a walk have a little stretch of the old legs um we've been on the skis all day so we're almost back at uh headquarters where we're going to cook some feet up a little pit stop flexing you flexing oh that is so nice i may or may not be doing a wii right now these guys will never know [Music] oh baby how's this set up got the cooker set up in these little tapestry trees here bit of shade check out our little mixed bag here got that beautiful spango a couple of reds a couple of big ornates we actually did so well today we don't have to go to the shop a bit of fresh meat gonna feed our families well i don't have a family but these guys do we've got one right here i didn't get anything this is all mine how are you doing okay that's mine let's go let's go get a thumbnail [Music] get me in it as well they look big okay they look big so these guys have been to the esky on ice so they're completely dead this is like they can't feel anything right now a lot of meat here jacka yeah i'm looking forward to it yes it's not bad give you that one to hold so i don't drop it oh yeah brother split it oh i held it look at that one had a crab it's even his mouth already yeah what's his name crabby well this is the first ornate that jackson grabbed have a go at the colors in it it's actually gorgeous right now it's been on ice and thinks he's a bit cold and when i've taken out of the esky the colors have just shown up it's actually beautiful sorry what you want to do is you want to grab your knife you want to stick it down there and that's just going to separate the flesh from the body it's like a big suction cup as well as soon as you break the seal and all that water comes out you can pretty much just give it a quick twist separate the guts from the meat and that's one big sea chicken right there jacko and uh we're going to cook that up right now popcorn chicken stuff popcorn crayfish popcorn crayfish that's for damn sure there we go [Applause] don't just cook it like that or just separating the meat from the shell here just like that come down there for now and chop this up into little bits shake it baby what a little box very good lighter up i did it last week sam thank you turn it off there's a leak in our hose somewhere here you forgot to change the o-ring what do you mean that was your job last time ever fight fight to death just those angles oh i know you're doing that yeah that's good unbelievable are we good please oh good good we're good ladder up we're good right oh ah oh we're on fire baby so excited why is that on an angle it's perfect for probably me i'm trying to make it better [Music] why is it not getting hot [Music] yeah yeah i didn't do the best job with that oh how are we going to flip these i forgot the song [Music] accidentally sorry sorry extra crispy yeah oh they look good [Music] yummy oh it's so good [Music] go and smash it hot no it's nice take mine [Music] wow [Music] [Music] wow that's the goat just stuck them in there all right we're a bit light on the old uh green and red and we forgot the cheese as well this actually is popping [Music] how much we got oh come on leave it there man nice red there we go do you have any more cigarette sauce yes yep don't have any more secret sauce so we've got new cigarette sauce it's not uh heinz spicy mayonnaise oh okay look at that i mean it's gonna be spicy for you it might be too spicy for me i'm not gonna [Music] wrap her up [Music] [Music] [Music] that actual popcorn crayfish is delicious oh that looks good jagger boys are talking feels very hot oh sun's on its way down [Music] yeah i know right go on [Laughter] good good luck
Channel: YBS Youngbloods
Views: 17,730,475
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: GciBncaWnSU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 33sec (1293 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 23 2020
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