Mo'Nique's Son Speaks Out AGAIN Detailing Estranged Relationship

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know the difference so Monique Sons respond she Monique Sons Monique's son responds to overseas um so we talked about it earlier this week where Mo'Nique uh you know she responded to her son um his video his 10-minute video and she posted uh what the baby just do the baby just did something what the baby just do I don't know I know Jes I have no idea but Shalon responded with his own he responded with his own receipt so Monique had posted text messages man um of them basically they're from 2021 we can clearly see the dates uh of like of what looks like an attempt for her to like reach out to him or have some type of communication after he had in his first video said that this lady don't want nothing to do with me she doesn't show that she wants to have a relationship with me and faith without works is dead he said a lot of other things as well and so in response to those text messages that she um posted along with going live with her husband uh Sydney he had a lot more to say uh please for those wondering I have gone to therapy on several different occasions and that is not something that I will ever be ashamed of I have even gone to therapy with my mother on several occasions but for those who know how efficient therapy works therapy only works when both people are being open my mother was still in her 15-year-old mentality phase during that time so I guess I understand why she did not know how to be open with me during our sessions okay so it was a lot of people um asking him in uh the comments why don't you go to therapy why are you as a grown man on here talking and doing PowerPoint uh presentations which by the way would get an A+ I would definitely like him to write my book you aint presentation no I mean you know it's just a presentation period this is the person that you would want in in the group uh the group project in school who want do all the work you can just sit back and chill well I think it's a combination of two things right like you're you are you are V like I do agree he should be talking to a therapist instead of talking to social media but he is venting so he's getting it out but also too it's the attention that you start to get from venting yeah you know what I mean like people can say whatever they want it is addictive so you know you start going viral you kind of want to keep that going yeah you know but yeah and the thing is also that people were sent to your point of that people were also saying yo why are you going online and he said well what is the difference between what do me going online and then you doing sitting down you going to go do a a club Shay interview you talking about me you posting um text messages of me online what do that what does that all have in common the internet so you went online first Mom I'm here to you know obviously they can't talk to each other I wish they could I wish they could find immediate i' rather them talk to each other than talk to the wild the wild wild the wild wild internet yeah yeah yeah I I understand that and then um he was saying uh he made it a point to say that he believes that people are in the comments who are against him are defending Nikki Parker a character that they all love and they're not separating um Nikki Parker from Monique yeah you got to throw up don't you please just don't say it I know I know I know you over here acting like you care about this story you just trying I do care I care about both you want to throw up bring just a trash can okay y'all know she in here dealing with more than sickness soon as you started talking early I heard it play number three I love my mother and it took the birth of my daughter to help me begin to understand the value of a mother I am very proud of my mother though and I'm proud of the things that she has accomplished and will go on to accomplish in the future my mother's bad man I watch that woman go from Baltimore to the Moon that dve my daughter's blood not only is she still my mother she's also a part of history and I will be doing my daughter a disservice by not telling her about who my mother is and was okay from Baltimore to the Moon not like me I ain't going to hold you I went from Baltimore to the Moon Charlamagne I I done some good things in my career but you know to this point I just really in in in all a nutshell I just really want them to get it together honestly cuz playing to the Internet is just not it'll never go well for you I mean like I I just don't understand that people really care more about you know what social media thinks and what the internet thinks than they do to people in their actual life they care more about what the internet thinks than what they actually think yeah can't nobody tell me about me yeah so we probably will see Mo'Nique and Sydney going live again and um you got to throw up we just cover that M cover that that's just with the mess yo who you giving that Don just with the mess and the morning sickness just who okay uh I need my man Sean Evans from uh hot ones to come to the front of the congregation we like to have a word with him this morning speaking of the internet and you know people you know reacting to the internet we will discuss okay for after the hour it's The Breakfast Club wake That Ass Up ear in the morning The Breakfast Club
Channel: Breakfast Club Power 105.1 FM
Views: 119,339
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the breakfast club, breakfast club, power1051, celebrity news, radio, video, interview, charlamagne tha god, dj envy, jess hilarious
Id: ckJccUKsyig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 3sec (303 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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