50 Cent Reveals How Oprah Is Using Steve Harvey To Blackball Taraji

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we out here in a game this the money game this ain't the black man's game this ain't the white man's game this the money game we in the money game and you cannot sacrifice yourself the best thing you can do for poor people is not be one of you cannot help Monique why is she cancel and then I I know Tyler wouldn't support that he never told anybody nobody not to work with it when I talked to him he was like no I never told no one not to work with her and I said but you Tyler Perry and you never one too work with it wow you know what I'm saying and he was like I never looked at it like that because I said you just got to consider how like how strong your influence is at that point 50 Cent is coming after Steve Harvey for allowing Oprah to use him to Blacklist to Raji after she spoke up on how badly Oprah treated her on the set of The Color Purple Child it's a hot mess because Oprah allegedly got mad at teraji for spreading negativity which she believes caused the movie to flop at the box office now 50 Cent might be a professional troll but one thing he's going to do is stand for what is right and he is not here for Oprah doing the same thing to Taraji that she did to Monica back then and using sta Harvey to carry out her Vendetta unfortunately Oprah's plan to Blacklist Taraji might already be working because studios are allegedly pulling Taraji off all her gigs and no one wants to work with her but it seems like 50 is not playing around because he claims to have receipts about Oprah's Sinister agenda that can get her canceled once and for all and he is not afraid to Spill the tea but is Oprah really trying to ruin taraji's career for what she said about her during The Color Purple press tour and did she try to enlist Steve Harvey to carry out her plan let's get into it as a black woman you know we do it with so much grace and get paid half the price of what we're worth and that becomes difficult and it's a slap in my face when people go oh you work all the time well I have to cuz the math ain't mathing I wish I could do two films a year and relax the rest I wish I had it like that so because you see me working so much I got to you know big bills come with this we do okay I don't do this alone it takes a team and they want to get paid for their work as they should so when you hear somebody making oh they made $10 million on this movie well you know Uncle Sam gonna get 50% off the top right then you got to pay 30% or however much you pay your team so you really haven't made $1 million so that's why that Benjamin Button story hits so hard because all I was asking was for 500,000 I wasn't trying to take nothing from Brad Pit or Kate WS uh Blanchette they deserve to earn what they get because they work their asses off for it I so too worked my ass off and at the time I couldn't say no I didn't have any power cuz they would have been like next but I saw the bigger picture and I had to check my ego and it was tough cuz I had to check it every day on that set I had to check it cuz it would rise up in me and I would be like a few weeks ago Taraji and Oprah were making the news rounds because of some explosive comments Taraji made during her press tour for The Color Purple Now movie press tours are supposed to be for promoting the movie and saying good things about it so people can get psyched to watch it that's why people felt Taraji was wrong for spilling everything like that because she could have at least waited till the movie broke even before addressing other issues however you can't really blame taji because it seems like she had so many bottled up emotions from years of being mistreated and low balled in the industry that when she finally had the opportunity to speak her mind she just couldn't keep it in any longer it all started with taraji's sag Afra interview where she confessed that she hadn't seen a rise in her paycheck since Proud Mary if you've watched Proud Mary then you know how much Taj ate her role in that movie that should have opened the door for her to start earning big bucks in fact you can point at any role Taraji has ever played and see how that role should have made her one of the top earners in the industry but Taraji said when she was invited to be cast in The Color Purple the offer she got was so low it was downright insulting black women having the same story it's breaking my heart like 20 plus in the game it breaks my heart it's like every time you achieve something really incredible it's almost like the industry looks at it as a fluke like ah oh that was like some onetime thing so you fall back to the bottle and you got to negotiate and fight tooth and nail to get what you made the last time when where's my raise I haven't I haven't seen a raise in my income since Proud Mary and almost had to walk away from Color Purple yes ma'am who said what yes yes ma'am yes ma'am because you know what if I don't take a stand how am I making it easy for Fantasia and Danielle and hiy and and and Felicia then what why why am I doing this if it's all just for me what the why are you here we are to service each other God is very clever he put us this Earth and he made us all look different he made it complicated we need to figure it out and we can we can and we are you have to look at look at the glasses half full it's always half full Taraji then talked about how she had to take a stand in issues like this because if actresses in her position didn't speak up then younger actresses would suffer the same things they had to face in the industry taraji's statements opened the floodgates for a much needed conversation about how black women are underpaid and underappreciated in the industry even the Viola Davis spoke up about how she was still underpaid despite achieving everything her male and white female colleagues have achieved what they're getting paid which is half of what a man is getting paid well we get probably a tenth of what a Caucasian woman gets and I'm number one on the call sheet and then I have to go in and I have to hustle for my worth that's what I feel like I'm doing when I demand what I feel listen I have a more than a 30-year professional career I have I had a friend who said yeah but Biola your career is better than my career I said yeah but you can't compare me to you because once again I got the Oscar I got the Emmy I got the two Tony I've done Broadway I've done Off Broadway I've done TV I've done film I've done all of it I have a career that's probably comparable to Merill Street Julian Moore let's Sigourney weer they all came out of Yale they came out of juliard they came out of NYU they had the same path as me and yet I am nowhere near them not as far as money not as as far as job opportunities nowhere close to it and yet I have to constantly get on that phone and I have fabulous agents by the way they they are getting it but I have to get on that phone and people say you're a black Merill Street you are and we love you we love you there is no one like you okay then if there's no one like me you think I'm that you pay me what I'm worth you give me what I'm worth other actresses like Gabrielle Yun also supported teraji by sharing their own stories about getting underpaid and overworked in the industry Kiki Palmer left a comment on Instagram talking about how like teraji she had a team working behind the scenes that she had to pay before getting her cut the entertainment industry is just like any other industry we run businesses to keep Our Brands afloat us being the brand or business and it's that team of company members that decrease any assumed large lump sum this includes monthly expenses just like everyone else in the words of Biggie More Money More Problems then Taraji broke down in tears years during an interview with Gail King while she was talking about how the reason why she worked so hard was that she got paid so little and the math ain't mathing and I heard on the street Taj you had the audacity to say you're thinking about getting stopping acting we said stop talking are you thinking about it um I'm just tired of working so hard being gracious at what I do getting paid a fraction of the cost during this interview fans noticed how Gail tried to steer the conversation away from the main issue as if she didn't want Taraji to say something negative about her bestie Oprah now fans have noticed a lot of tension between Oprah and Taraji since the Press Run for the color purple started and it's allegedly because not only did they offer to Raji and insult inly low pay but she and other crew members were treated horribly throughout the filming like Fantasia and Danielle Brooks revealed that they didn't even have their own dressing room on set and they were forced to share one cramped space on top of that they weren't given food while working all of this maltreatment made taji Furious and allegedly when she took her complaints to Oprah who was part of the movie's directors Oprah basically told her to get out this caused a lot of tension between them which you can see from this video did you think you could Escape I can't see a thing can anybody see anything here we go where are we looking we're starting right down here okay everybody right down here and now we're going to go all the way around the [Music] r guys allegedly Oprah kept trying to get Taraji to just smile and go through with the Press run but we all know how that turned out and now that the color purple is a box office flop Oprah allegedly blames teraji The Color Purple tanking is actually surprising because there was a lot of hype leading up to its release and people had high expectations for the movie besides those who have watched it can testify to how the actors put up a brilliant performance which makes sense because the cast included star actors like Taraji whoopy Goldberg Holly Bailey and Coleman Domingo however out of a budget of over $100 million The Color Purple has reportedly only made $58 million what's crazy is not even the entire 58 million will go to the producers because more than half of it will go to the cinemas that showed it this is reportedly why they had to make the movie available for streaming almost immediately because they were struggling to break even again this turnout is surprising because the audience actually enjoyed it and even rated it higher than the Broadway musical it was adapted from word on the street is that taraji's comment about how Oprah treated her on set made people boycott the movie unfortunately sources are saying the reason why Oprah is so mad at Taraji is that the color purple was supposed to be Oprah's Harpo Studios ticket to big bucks the movie was supposed to win major Awards and make so much money that opra would finally get funding for other projects and now Oprah is trying to Blacklist to Raji as revenge like she did to Mo'Nique in case y'all forgot Monique had a similar experience with Oprah in 2009 when she featured in Oprah's film precious which by the way o Oprah only paid her $50,000 for despite the low pay Mo'Nique took the role because she felt it would be a good addition to her resume and it was because she then went on to win several awards for her role however things went sour between her and Oprah when Oprah asked her to do an unpaid tour for the movie and she said no Oprah allegedly started spreading news about Mo'Nique being difficult to work with which made other Studios afraid of working with Mo'Nique all her offers were pulled and even the project she was already working on got cancelled it was so bad that Monique's career never actually recovered from it later Lee Daniels would apologize to Mo'Nique and confirm that she was blackballed because she refused to play the game meanwhile the one person who stood for Oprah through all this was 50 Cent after he found out that Mo'Nique was being blackballed for refusing to dance to Oprah's tune he put his neck on the Block to defend her and help her get her career back on track by promoting her comedy show and promising to help get back up there and he made good on his promise by casting her in his hit series Black Mafia family now we all know 50 and Oprah have a long standing beef because according to him Oprah likes to use her platform to bring other black people down rather than uplift them it all started when Oprah refused to allow 50y to come to her show because she felt his music was violent and you know how 50y likes to take his beef seriously I mean he named his dog opra but on a more serious note 50 is now defending Taraji from what he sees as history repeating itself to prove how serious he was he made a post talking about how he helped Mary J blig become one of the highest paid black actresses for her role in his series ghost for context Mary J blig received $400,000 per episode for ghost however 50 took things a step further when he started talking about exposing Steve Harvey for allowing Oprah to use him to Blacklist to Raji now when it comes to Steve Harvey he has a history of bringing down anyone he doesn't like like how he tried to sabotage Bernie Mack's career because he was jealous of Bernie then there's the fact that Steve has been accused of using his platform to promote harmful stereotypes of black people Cat Williams once called Steve out for forcing Cedric the Entertainer to wear a dress for a sketch despite knowing how Hollywood forces black men to wear dresses as a way of emasculating them also Steve has been called out many times for being a sellout and playing Black caricatures he literally told Mo'Nique to sell out on his show after Mo'Nique called him out for not standing up for her during her beef with Oprah despite knowing she was right so it's not surprising that Oprah decided to ask him to help her Blacklist Taraji it wouldn't be the first time he has done something like that and it seems like her plan is working because Taraji suddenly did a u-turn started praising Oprah like she was the epitome of goodness Miss Oprah has been nothing less than a steady and solid Beacon of light to all of the cast of The Color Purple she has provided encouragement guidance and unwavering support to us all she told me personally to reach out to her for anything I needed and I did thank you Miss Oprah for all that you do uh right fans were not buying that and it's obvious from their comments that everyone is sick and tired of Oprah's two-faced attitude that's what I love about Taraji she always kept it real and revealed the truth which we had no idea what was going on in the industry Oprah is so used to getting what she wants and now people stand up to her she doesn't like it kudos to 50 Cent for sticking it up for Taraji and putting Oprah in her place child we have been looking at Oprah side eyed for a long time and it is nothing Taraji could have said to make it any different Oprah has not been nice to black people period women or men her reputation has been zero for a long time in the black community as Gomer pile would have said shame shame shame so do y'all think Oprah is really trying to ruin to Raj's career with Steve Harvey's help comment down below and check out this next video ASAP
Channel: Urban Scoop
Views: 2,768,312
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: black celeb, celeb gossip, rappers, black comunity, lateasha, 50 cent, oprah, oprah and 50 cent, steve harvey and taraji
Id: PlGnfw33E7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 42sec (942 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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