Erica addresses Diamond's claims of being w/ married man, are Scrappy and Erica BACK together?

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I ain't gonna lie to you I I I love Erica you know what I'm saying like are you in love with her huh are you in love I been in love with Erica my whole our whole relationship you know what I'm saying even when we went in a relationship you know what I'm saying like she know that she know you know that shut up with your face what you going to act like that I told you I've been in love with you with your face you feel hey raindrops yes up next we have an exclusive video that you are going to enjoy it's good it's fun it's messy so make sure you hit that like And subscribe button and hit that notification Bell so you don't miss an episode enjoy cuz these boots are made for walking oh they made for stumping you me clunking Put Your Hands to Yourself put your face got Erica Dixon yes we do in the building the Erica Dixon we got the Erica Dixon there we go in the building building you look great thank you likewise you look F fabulous I mean you know us Libras we know how to you know is it OIC it is not OIC some of your cast members are on it though I can tell by the posters I'm T so I hear well speaking of here someone's here to join us we got a surprise mhm we do you ready to uh chat with us too come on through ladies and gentlemen we got Scrappy in the building I come on Michael Jackson with the microphone oh he just was going to tilt it a little bit tilt she thinks she is it well no look I I I have to say this what I am very honored to speak to the two of you at the same damn time because we have a lot to catch up on as you know me and scrap did an epic 9-h hour interview hour keep it short and sweet no short and sweet okay yeah no scrap said you my therapist and I have a lot to get off my chest and we broke bread he had some cos Amigos communion commun I don't drink but I had some um Kool-Aid and heing it I but no I'm happy to talk to the two of you because we all started together we did I have such an affection for the two of you and now we got the Erica Dixon in the building hey yes sir yeah hey can I can I can I say something though go ahead scrap cuz you was in the beginning yes and somebody said that they was supposed to be where this beautiful lady is right now you know what I'm saying and by you being in the beginning because I seen you in the rooms in the beginning yes is that true I just I I don't know like I mean I know but I mean I want to hear from you you like guy that was there in in the in in the in the hand in the picking basket you feel me oh so you're tourament tables and and asking me questions yeah yeah just real just real quick so wait is this scrap and Erica interview in Carlos King just real quick just real quick okay cuz we just want to know the truth because I mean I want to know too because because all I know I didn't have no other conversation about nobody else but Erica Dixon so I'm trying to figure out how that it was somebody else before her no this the thing obviously Love and& Hip Hop Atlanta started out with the show being about the the women beside or Behind These powerful rappers or musicians or people in the these men in the music industry right so for example Rashida Rashida obviously is the star Kirk is her manager right um when it came hband husband I'm sorry husband things have husband husband my bad you know I love you husband Jer so then we have Stevie with Mimi Jos came later so Mimi was cast before we even knew there was a josine wow right K Michelle was a solo artist mhm right so she was telling that story um and then we had Carly Red who was added two weeks after we started filming okay now the question of the hour well that's the truth I'm just saying I mean right speak your truth please speak the TR please this is about to be so damn messy you two together oh boy speak your truth I'm going speak my truth so then we had Scrappy obviously household name chart topper all the things so when I came on board okay Erica Dixon was already in the mix Erica Dixon was already in the mix and Mona wanted to obviously figure out how to get diamond on the show but before this is before this is before this is you saying Erica Dixon was on before they was trying to get diamond in the mix oh so we don't say names don't say names Dirty Diamond what proceed well I thought diamonds were clear and like get real diamonds but go ahead oh okay cool so all I can tell you scrap because I'm gonna be honest I'm an honest person when I Started Loving Hip Hop Atlanta Erica Dixon was already in the mix okay I I I am aware because I'm G to be very honest I'm aware they were trying to get diamond on the show but it wasn't like uh we got scrap and we don't have nobody so when I started Erica was already cast cuz I remember going to the hotel tell the TR we did a hotel no I'm telling you the Hotel Midtown and I met with Mona and Stephanie and they gave me the um the bios of everybody so Erica's bios already in there and mind you so was diamonds but I want to make it very clear it wasn't like um we got Erica because Diamond said no that that that's not the case that's all I wanted to get okay okay that's all I want to that's what you wanted to know so no I want to clear something else up while we here oh so so you know first of all you are so damn beautiful I just I mean Erica why are you so [ __ ] pretty thank you I mean the bones are bonat hoes pressed but um so like a panini or L on her face they just well I heard you eat booty hoes scrap they just press period why would you say that like I that's what I was I watch TV I'm just saying like I'm this I heard that is that true Erica I don't a lady doesn't kiss and tell some ladies do well a lady a lady told so let me be clear me and Scrappy have not had any type of dillings since 2012 13 whatever you and scrap what was the last time you and Scrappy had sex that what she said 2012 13 202 13 hold on one second that's a long time ago turn turn your head this is man to man bro you me to tell me you're around this all day and you ain't trying to at least that's illegal col her in her cron it's illegal in our books in The Book of Proverbs no in the book of Scrappy and Erica know what they'll do when they get caught up in they little [ __ ] so they just want to keep it you know what I'm saying we won't be happy we w't be okay you know what saying like come back in here see no people really don't believe that I'm like we have listen scrapp and Erica are like we're like magnets like I mean you can see that we magnets so if we really stick together like that and then Scrappy do anything [ __ ] up Erica do anything [ __ ] it's going to be a war the war going to start again I feel like the war has started which is why I you know I want what war we you mean a small battle cuz there's no war love and I'm not B I was told the battle is not yours is the Lords hey y Adams amen shout out to yoyo Adams Hallelujah only if the Lord likes you Hallelujah I think the Lord likes diam he favors me I keep telling y God does not play about me TR he he does not play about me period I'm definitely favorite like look listen I hate to say it my f my family definitely favorite amen yeah Hallelujah I don't like like I like I don't do nothing I I just be me yeah she don't do nothing extra than be her you know what I'm saying like we not Mama D's you know what I'm saying even though Mama D her being extra is her being her like you know but if I if we were to do that like it would be some extra [ __ ] you know what I'm saying and we be on extra [ __ ] like we just be on some real [ __ ] like real like we like to go out with each other we like to have fun like we like the fact that we comfortable around around each other like we ain't got to act like nothing else you know what I'm saying like so there's so are you two cuz listen you two are gorgeous people thank you like you you two are in my opinion you two are the most attractive people on VH1 oh thank you we're not on VH1 I'm sorry we're on well MTV all of vcom YouTube period but we you got to get that [ __ ] you are and I've always said that scrubby has always handsome you know what I'm saying and Erica is born beautiful when God when God thought of her he I think I think he named her beautiful I think you named her beautiful cuz God spells say with a b e a u t and you spell yours B r u u u t i f r u l this Mama D son so we love that she's beautiful but I will say this you two are y with the spelling there's no attraction here like when y'all two see each other y'all be like yeah you I tell them I say oh you look good I'm like you look good you look nice what just went and I said oh I had to said oh yeah you look fly let mewi yeah yeah had to go see BR you dig y we had a good time you dig that's what we did you I've said this before and I'm G say it again you around in the beginning yes and I feel like Scrappy and I it's like we kind of grew up together if that makes sense like we've been through so much you know together and I know so many people be like oh you know he did this or he did that granted yeah he did but we've had those difficult conversations we've moved past it and we are here and hey we don't know what the future holds you know so are you too open to a Reconciliation if that was ever on the table because what we do see is a lot of like I'll say this you guys didn't say this there seems to be a lot of flirty comments birthday shout outs they be me though they be me I mean Erica responds too though thank you all scrab you know like like er be like like no be like I just I just I I I want that for you to there seems to be this idea of us fans and I would consider myself a fan of the two of you too you see a Shante Nell get back together right like getting that old thing back and you two seem to be very perfect for each other and I don't know you saw my interview with scrap but whenever your name came up his eyes got bigger and his smile got wider um I didn't mean to put you on a spot brother but there my bad I'm sitting here I know I know she don't be really looking at stuff like that like so I was trying to be honest with you at the time my bad I mean it did air but go ahead you know I thought saw think she really looked at oh you look at it I didn't see it I saw Clips but I didn't she don't be like cuz that what I be saying like the that why I love her cuz like don't even be on like social media I'm sorry I'm really busy like I really own things I own buildings and property so I really don't have time to be on social media trying to argue and back and forth for people who don't like intellectually even think on My Level if that makes sense you know she was is that shade is it truth it's truth truth cuz if it was sh man you know the sun is out said that she was like you really don't I I don't I just I take care of my kids hold on hold on my anything have you heard her defend herself against anything that be out nothing again no Erica no Erica really to in your defense you are very unbothered by a lot of people places and things right I'm done I'm with this man I'm done with this man I did an interview with diamond um she had a lot to say about you why though why you ain't been in no relationship with her let him she ain't been in no relationship W to be mad let him finish well Diamond said you have no motion o Diamond said that whenever she does see you and you guys are around each other you have no smoke for her Diamond say she's the reason why you are on Love and& Hip Hop because she turned it down and that's why you have your spot and she doesn't you already fixed that though right yeah but she said you have no motion I don't have motion but yet my name is in your mouth that's all the motion I need every interview it's all down her throat that's motion I tell you I don't know if it's like just a name in a cup or like in a cup I don't know what it is it's crazy gotta be something it's addictive I guess I mean I'm addicted to it I I like it to Erica ER we we talking about Dirty Diamond who been checking for her since what 2004 2004 oh who and when she came in filming like I really I was being nice I was having her a custom wig made cuz it's always giv crusty Rusty Dusty musty and I was going to help her out cuz it's giving City Trends rainbow what I was going to really put her in class six and get you a wig like I was going to help like get you together you think she needs a makeover she needs more than that I think a makeover is being too nice so where did things go wrong between between you and Diamond so this is my thing you go ahead I try to be mature you know the Lord has brought me such a long way but I'm I'm Still Human at the end of the day I still live in sin so and I'm still Patty but there's a history you going to own the fact that hell yeah I'm the realest one the realest I'mma keep it real I got this I really I don't even know where to start I thought Diamond was his issue and his his friend so I guess she's mad at the relationship that Scrapy and I have when she she should have played her position you could have continued to be slutted out and hung out was crappy like why you mad at me we just you know kicking it we ain't going [Music] steady oh God oh God oh God I don't understand okay I'm sorry continue but for somebody that don't have no motion I own my business I own classic own my house too didn't have to move out to North Georgia to afford rent so yeah um and I own a condo that I left to my daughter Imani it's in writing everything's in writing just want only cast member on Love and& Hip Hop that started with the job left for two seasons asked to come back and I got the contracts to prove that came back still got my pay I I I actually was the one that asked for her to come back oh you but they didn't mention that I was just but yeah and I actually like I I don't it's no fake or facade with me you've seen me like class 6 is real I I was able to walk away I quit Love and& Hip Hop you know that I walked away I walked away from Love and Hip Hop back and class six sustained me my business sustained me so appreciate you and I I've been back for quite some time not you know a main cast member um no you always be a main cast member no I haven't been a main I it's nothing against it but I kind of like what because you know what come with being a main cast M it's a lot you given a lot so I kind of like kind of being like not a main cast being a dip out yeah kind of being a dip out it's I'm okay with it I have twins now like one of them's autistic and a lot of my time and energy goes into her and her therapy you know so I'm okay with that and I have multiple strings of income so I'm I'm not mad at that and if you mad at me for being successful I mean you watch me I don't watch you you knew I had twins coming into the show you knew I had twins you knew my business you the only reason she knew my store was in renovations is because she asked to come to my store to support so you only knew that cuz I told you it was under Renovations but I said let me know you want to come like I'll go up there let you you know let you shop around Okay so what we saw in the beginning of in the beginning of Love & Hip Hop was appeared to be this love triangle right not love triangle in the sense of it was current like a Stevie me and Jos lean but it was the fact that while you were and you correct me if I'm wrong while you were dating Diamond MH were you still sleeping with Erica no that didn't other way around it was the other way around so while you were dating Erica you were cheating on Eric of a diamond I hate to use the word cheating for better worse but yes he was exploring he was coloring with all shades is that better yes okay was Diamond the side chick mhm see this was like before love hip hop this was like the real you know real this was way before Love and& Hip Hop this for this is the real deal you know what I'm saying like but I ain't listen I ain't here to throw no [ __ ] I ain't I Ain you know I'm not a female you know what I'm saying I am I ain't no but I'm just saying this this what really happened like there's no way in the [ __ ] you feel what I'm saying that this lady came second just no way in the [ __ ] it's laughable very much so I'm talking about I'm like I got a baby to show well a big baby to show like we have a 18y old she going to be 19 and then when Crime Mob came out weren't they like 14 and 15 so if you was first just make it make sense the math ain't ma let's it's like yes I put them on at the I knew them I put them on to the game but I wouldn't like directly you know M and I used to be at the BME office pregnant her and Princess hey you look so pretty oh my gosh you're so gorgeous this me pregnant with the money at the BM office so it just going to be true so let's let's not play those little games princess will even tell you that like yes hey man I appreciate this you're welcome you are so lovable scrap I can't even one thing about scirt like he he'll give you a hard time but he G he gonna tell the truth no no I do feel like you are a truthful person and that's the reason why I wanted to make sure that you two were able to clear the air there were tons of accusations that was said about her being number two and that she's used to being number two okay so let's be clear I've never been a side chick I've never been a hoe hell I don't know how to be I mean I'm sorry little dirty Diamond that's your area of expertise you know I don't know how to and I don't want to know and that's just where I stand I've always been a lady classy and I'm going remain that when you found out Scrappy was cheating on you with diamond somebody who you met at the b& offices you're pregnant with your daughter who's now 18 gr or 19 she was Bor I think she was born by this time yeah she was she was Bor she was yeah she was a she's probably about two around this time yeah how how did you find out that scrap was Che man real PE up in here man know I heard the rumors right so this is a really good story so I heard the rumors and um I was in school for nursing at the time somebody was like hey they were I don't know if well maybe some people remember it was called The Mirage right on Morland so they was like Scrappy and Diamond were in a mirage last night like we didn't see you Erica like what's going on like the energy was kind of off so whole you know it's finals my phone off I cut my phone off it's going just blowing up I'm like I'm reading messages this this one Metro PCS was popping like it just came out so you know got a little flip phone and you know people sending me you know messages and stuff like call me girl let me tell you about this I'm like okay what's going on so I call him he doesn't answer his phone so he just got a house in con he's hanging with like a group of guys so I was like I'm going just ride out there I ride out there and I see cars everywhere and I said you know what these idiots don't even have the door locked I open the door it's women everywhere it's guys everywhere one of his homeboy said whoa Erica Erica I'm like shh don't do that so I'm trying to go up step up the stairs and everybody trying to stop me from going up the steps I'm like no move out my way like move it was a love and& hip-hop moment it was definitely was so I bust he had double doors to the master bedroom in this house in Cony so I bust the doors open they're Scrappy lo and behold say you want to see and there's little dirty Diamond doing what um I was on the computer so he's sitting at the desk and he on the phone he turned around he like oh and she on the phone she look up she like oh and I was like so this what we doing you know I was on go out out you know I was on go oh I know you Erica as I'm talking as I'm talking junk to him I'm moving towards her but I'm talking to him he peeped it I had to do the Roman Reigns so he he tackled me just tackled me and she hops off the bed dirty diamond and she runs in the bathroom now little do I know she got her girls with her she got her whole little gang gang they all in the bathroom with her they locked the door I'm trying to tell her though all these lock the door on you they in the bathroom I think they would doing that not that like they Ain they a you know they want smoke they ain't want it to be worse than what it was like cuz so I'm Petty I took her chain her bag remember that took everything Jordans and then what with it gave it to my cousins did I did you called me you said yo can you please give her her crime up chain back you take her C mom chain you didn't take her C mom chain Scrappy come on you need me to bring out the old iPad you the one I was petty then I was petty so you're Petty now continue I mean a little not as much as I used to be but that's that's how I solidified like the rumors with him and her and so I was like okay you like her you know you been you already been seen out with her I'm like okay so all right there you go like you can be with her and Y was done and what what year did this happen do you remember [Music] wow why are we doing this right now no I remember the exact year you're clearly finding out new information cuz you had no idea the crime out chain went and she but if we can just stick to now I don't remember the I'm sorry I don't remember the exact year that's okay you you y y cool everything's okay I know St I know but ain't nobody touched me like I still haven't been touched I I walk around I mean didn't we just see her New Year's with her friends you know yeah she I mean I mean but you y yep yep she I mean and hey beautiful to my friends so it's I mean it's nothing that why I said the interview was cute but when you see me in person it's never any of that love ever and then you text my daughter to try to check my temperature like you know is your mom cool how does your mom feel about me and all that like she texman mhm yeah when like when stuff hit the fan with them she was texting money trying to figure out like how I felt about her and are we cool and I'm like the past is the past like girl I'm not F to be fighting with you like girl the p is the past it is what it is if you coming on Ling hip hop to defend yourself you know with this situation so be it but don't speak on ours cuz we know what really happened between us you was a home recer you too all I'm just saying I'm I know you owning it and I appreciate it I ain't GNA say I appreciate it I'm proud of you for just you know owning it you you've come a very long way okay still my dog I ain't even said it yet you know what I'm saying all right you see what I'm saying I own it you know I'm whatever all right but no like I I feel like it's crazy cuz not only her but the world like people they don't understand they don't understand us they want to understand us but they don't understand they like so why y'all going out Town together and [ __ ] then like why y'all hanging out why y'all being like but y'all look like y'all like together I'm like we always been like this always like just imagine I'm and I hate to use this scenario but if if anybody ever popped the pill before or did worked out before you have muscle memory you know what I'm saying your brain is a muscle you feel what I'm saying sometime you will is it yeah you go to a it is yeah okay you'll go to a certain spot or place and that feeling to kick back in you know what I'm saying it just kick back in like what you used to so I just think like it's something that just kick back in and we just be you know what I'm saying we be back there you know what I'm saying and we be having fun and we like I can't believe we can do this now you know what I'm saying like this is cool it's not like did you know how we was yeah I know I was there it's no no stress you know what I'm saying we come a long way and I just I say but God I I don't want to ever hurt a see her hurt I always been like that but I had to like put on the fiz you feel what I'm saying cuz she was brutally like you know I'm saying just Cutthroat and you know this we we we we would see that on the show because while y'all were filming obviously it was the regurgitation of what happened during that time right and you had to deal with that and then on top of that you had to deal with the fact that you know it's hard when you see your baby mama on a show with you and she's getting shine no no no no I never I never had that part it was the part that cuz that's why I wanted her on it they were like if it could be any woman in the world who would you pick you know mo who would you pick she wanted her but I definitely wanted her I'm like my daughter's mama like [ __ ] like there anybody I'mma put on there and help like it's going to be her cuz like that's my daughter mama like if I I ain't got it she going to have it I'm going make sure she get it like right here this right here we going to do it and it's just the fact that I just me and her like we was tight like that like we was really tight like that I don't care about nothing like all the way in the back I that [ __ ] stuck in my my membrane like in in my nervous system like she going to be there you know what I'm saying like I I remember her like it was yesterday so it's like it it it's like she she like the the first person damn near you know what I'm saying almost damn near so I'm I'm not even going to like go away from it you know what I'm saying like I'm going to stay right there with it and we're going to be cool one of the things that we saw you two deal with during the first two seasons of Love and& Hip Hop Atlanta was the introduction of Shay mhm um Bucky mhm um another beautiful woman as well um was Bucky let's call her Shay was Shay also a side chick to this relationship definitely well to me I'm going be honest to me she was a friend she was a friend like I'm just saying she was a friend I ain't really it wasn't yeah I mean I just gave you okay yeah I don't know man I don't know okay can Okay can let me say something let me say something right here let me say this then anybody that you were intimate with Scrappy is not your friend okay they out of the friend zone they're not your friend no but you you you had told me that you done had ex-boyfriend that you you cool with like I mean like you know hey how you doing I mean y'all friends y'all cool like you ain't got nothing for them I mean okay listen what I'm trying to say is that it was something you feel me and not nothing now but then it wasn't nothing when when me let me tell you something when me and Erica was together it wasn't nothing I I just really like I was really cool with her and I could share like information with her she said information with me and it just be like that and it's [ __ ] that she ain't never said like for real like never you know what I'm saying I'm just talking about me not about nobody else but just about me you know what I'm saying so I looked at her like a friend you know what I'm saying with benefits with I mean we always said that you know what I'm saying but but I I felt like you know she didn't she didn't get the same benefits you feel what I'm saying it just kind of like I don't know it like I was in I was in another Zone at the time I was a little younger you know not thinking right you feel me like just don't know how to navigate crashing in the building he was just turned on them first two seasons of Love and& Hip Hop what what were your thoughts on Shay when you when you discovered that friendship turned into I mean you know me hoes another ho line them up pick a number um that's just I mean we are cool I don't have anything you know me and Sh we we've talked you know what I'm saying we've set our piece wow um but at the end of the day like that's that's what it was you know at the time I I already said that man me and shayon already talk like we we good um oh she just saying what she what at the time he he said at the time like what was you know what was I thinking but he was you know Scrappy was definitely misleading and then she a Libra like us you know so when we had that conversation I'm like oh man y'all against me and [ __ ] hey man listen man I'm a Capricorn so what di a Libra too no throw that H back if she is she's not no what's her birthday it's in May somewhere okay I'm sorry so there was the thing you obviously have taste you know these are beautiful women and because of that ER that don't do that [ __ ] don't do that doing anything this this person right here I mean he keeping it real no they're beautiful girls I mean a pretty face don't mean a good case but never mind go ahead call hard you need to get the boo a h 16 to get niaj come on Pi Friday three out 26 it'll be on the committee so this the thing though there seems to be this viral mythical legend about you and your penis a lot of the women on social media they really are like is Scrappy's dick made out of gold because he has these beautiful women they said they're they're fighting over you I know that's not to be trueth they're not fighting over you but you're one of the few men whose roster is filled with a bunch of Dimes and they're curious as to why are these beautiful women I'm sorry dealing with scrap it's dick me out of gold sorry I'm sorry go ahead when you tried to classify Eric dson as a dime you just you lost me I I was I was throw the [ __ ] off you feel what I'm saying I just feel like our our story and history is definitely different no no but this this right here I met scrp out of high school and no this is we were friends before like he was just we going classify to some he was he was just jumping off the porch with you know I was at free shows I was selling CDs out my trunk everything giving him his money all that like he already know how to get down with money for real dead serious I'm talking about jumping in the crowd when I jump in the crowd to fight [ __ ] I'm like why are you coming with me I jump too what's going on right now but that was like we were really like friends I what's crazy is how how how we had our first little sit down I never tell nobody what was the sit down cuz you came to my mama house cuz that I was still staying with my mama that I can never tell nobody but we had a we had a little sit down I was just sitting there I'm like I'm ratchet bro but to see a woman that's way more ratchet than me and the way she was I was like what is going on I was like cuz she don't like me she don't [ __ ] me like that cuz she is acting unusual right now cuz we was friends and then I think Mama kind of Coach you went to give me some flowers and balloons and stuff and you said will you be my girlfriend or something I was like what it was nothing like that it wasn't nothing like that I just was I think I was a little hard on you you was just like God Dam like no CU was like she was like we're going to be friends yeah we we we can be he had too many sisters home girls we cook it you know we can cook it we can kick it you know and then you know how it is he's rapping he you know he's up and coming and you know how females is looking at him I'm like it's too many females at you I don't want no parts of the drama and you my dog L I threw I had I just had signed a contract she had came on she like what's up what going on like boom just signed that contract Li John B click you know what CU like that what's up like I'm sorry not impressed he was like dang that's it yeah I'm sorry I was like what's up what we going on with it m was screaming and I like your little face girl I like P your little face you know what I'm saying what is going on like you celebrate me I was I was I was happy for him but I was like Lord how this going to go well I I do so the thing is this you what I know of you be true you are and I said this to you before you're very Charming you're charming guy am I Charming girl yeah Erica one of the things that diamond said is that oh my God Carlo I want to clear the air we doing this is what ER we're going to clear the air cuz it's Kool-Aid in my cup Koolaid scrap this is to clear the air so that you never ever ever got to talk about this ever againe I got you I don't want to talk about it again we won't know more after this he asking me but this his full heart cuz I want her to clear I get yeah um diamond made accusations that you slept with a married man and oh they still ain't found his wife hey you remember R Ross still I'm waiting on the wife accusations hold on I'm just I'm waiting on the wife so she alleged that your Twin's father was in a whole relationship while you had sex with him and had babies by him and that's why you are always number two so har me and this guy was in a whole relationship okay so BBE one of Dirty Diamond friends was the side chick but I've never been a side chick home wrecker the twins dad is not married doesn't have a girlfriend will never get married okay um next time anybody brings them up ask them to tell you his real name cuz if you notice they couldn't you notice she stuttered when you was like who they don't even know his name they so invested I was confused I was like she Eric Ain tell me none of this I'm and I mean he don't came in the house they done daed each other up taught everything yeah yeah I don't I don't have those problems love like cuz I don't rock like that I don't pump like that big p big p i don't so he was not in a relationship while you two were dating never and he's never been married never that's on my kids hell and in ours e monies never so where did that come from M like his second baby mama huh Bambi made that up yeah his second baby mama started that rumor mm but you notice she hasn't said anything else right served you going to speak on me you're going to pay I need Diamond address too but yeah why do why do you want Bam's address I said diamonds why do you want diamonds address served cuz if you want to speak on me you going to pay or my children I don't play that when when you when you saw that did you feel like that was too far definitely because I just feel like kids are off limits um and then even him like off limits he's not into the social media like just just none of that just cool laidback um guy that you know did his you know his time due diligence and it's it's a reason I don't put him out there like he he has you know what I'm saying a history um and I would never want to put myself or my kids you know in in any danger with people that might have like a vendetta or anything no trying ain't nobody trying to do none of that [ __ ] bro like we ain't trying to put nobody out that don't want to be out I mean that's everybody private like right exactly and this man did time time you know what I'm saying and I respect the fact that you know he's just like Hey look it's just certain stuff I don't want out there you know what I'm saying I would never want harm to come to you know I'm saying anybody don't want to do like everybody don't want to be in that type of light yeah I could post them of course and I mean all that but for what to you know what I'm saying to appease somebody else like no long as you there for your kids my kids know their father that's all I ask she post me you feel and that's it I just I've never understood the obsession with me and my life and I had kids you know somebody else I never understood like the investment into me it's weird GI obsessed do you think Diamond's obsessed with you definitely mhm giving when she came in we were filming when we filmed I I just remember I just remember them saying like it just was kind of like what cuz she was like oh what did she say some about your old car or something like back in the day or crazy [ __ ] oh yeah when she tried to throw insult she called me Miss Honda Civic and did have a Honda Civic baby and did loved it loved it you remember my blue Honda Civic don't you Carlos no you had it then yeah had a red bins that came later oh yeah I remember that yes but my my thing is you could never take anything that I've put out there and use it against me like you you can't I'm sorry I'm still blessed God still favors me and I'm still gonna win I'm still I'm still on top it's evident you know even queen bee doesn't come down from her throne what is your relationship now with Bambi you know I want to be able to scrap I know this scrap this is you see I'm going some place I got scrap I got diamond out the way I got Shay out the way why do we even had to say it because this is I'm just saying I'm going some place I'm going move on from it because the viewers probably really want to know they don't want to know about you don't know that's the reason why y Premier episode broke ratings records because people people are invested in in this so I want to be able to get Erica to just address it once and for all so Bambi mentioned that you know she recorded a conversation between um scraping him which everybody thought was deplorable yeah because at the end of the day you're you're secretly recording your husband right um and trying to lead him in a conversation to say you know what you've I guess imagined in your head but um there's no relationship with Bambi there never will be don't like her um never have never will one my thing is just as a woman like it's you can feel how you feel speak get your point across but when you lied said my daughter told you that I abused her and tried to post a portion of a police report so instead of posting the entire police report which said that you know the police officer spoke Tooney spoke to you know him Andy said you know I never said that I'm not afraid of my mom like you know none of that there there's no you know what I'm saying abuse and my child was walked out of that house and given to me you you didn't show the full police report because it would have you know showed that so you really tried to play with me about my child and put out there that you know what I'm saying I was abusive so you tried to tarnish my my character I feel like in the worst way and then to top it off you try to use like oh like you know that was Scrappy I stayed out of it no it was you love cuz you showed up to the mediation with him you in the room with him you had everything to say about the child support even being smart oh I'll make sure that stops like pipe down now I didn't even have to do anything see how them tables came back full circle I have to do nothing and I said I don't know if you remember the reunion but I said it I'mma have the last laugh and I've giggled chuckled even but at this point I'm just like you know you you do what you do what comes around goes around and it's always 10 times worse so I hope she's ready like you said that war hope you ready you know one thing I know about you erut the [Laughter] war yeah ain't got nothing to do with me tell you talking about with her and her life life period yeah you one thing I will say about you and obviously I know you personally you really don't bother nobody I don't I I will I will listen I will say this about you and and and scrap you could tell me if I'm wrong you really don't bother nobody and and I always tell people this the true Testament of someone's character is when they walk away from reality TV and don't feel the need to be relevant cuz sometimes when you walk away from reality TV or you get fired you miss the relevancy you you know you you so you try to do anything to remain relevant but that don't mean you're not reality TV that don't mean that you're not relevant oh no no no no I'm saying that's why some people that's the thing I never was looking to be Rel I was never looking to be famous I just wanted to tell my story that is it I wanted to be maybe what I went through could be a lesson maybe somebody could learn something from what I went through I wasn't looking for no Fame and Fortune I didn't need any money like tell how you I've always been good y'all already know how I am about my dad my dad is a great man my dad was a provider he protected my daddy took care of me so I was never looking for that and I'm never looking to yeah I can be Shady but I'm never looking to tear down a or break down the next woman but I feel like they always coming for me and it's like I'm not even stun you but why I I think that's my question I don't even understand I think sometimes women look at you and they're really influenced and instead of saying I look up to you and I'm influenced by you it's hatred and envy towards you that's cuz they wish they could be in your position that's dope it's dope dope with mean is wrong with me and I'm being serious no I get it cuz this's the thing when when Diamond um was on my podcast and I posted the the the the the trailer you got keep we all no no no it's about no no no no no no no SC I'm going to with this there were thousands of comments supporting you you have a legion of women who ride for you I do and I love them to death they they really do they do they like you Scrappy like not all of them some them I think they do they be like he better do right some of them like like some you take him back he better do right half of them be like we want to see this we love this the other had be like I don't even know why she [ __ ] with him man he played in her face and all this [ __ ] man I'm like hey man shut the [ __ ] up like everybody I wasn't even in your face like I wasn't even in her face when I you know what say how did YouTube get to this place cuz I got to be honest watching YouTube right now warms my heart because back in 2012 when we all did the show together this this it wasn't like this no so fast forward 12 years later how in the world did the two of you be at a place where I'm sitting across from the two of you you guys are having so much fun I see the Friendship there I it's just it's it's it's in the words of scrap is beautiful to watch Carlos it is and I I I I love seeing but how did you two get to this place I think what people have to do especially our culture pick a side and stay there I mean you some people mad if we beefing some people mad if we cool Scrappy has faults he's not perfect he's done a lot of stuff I have faults I'm not perfect I've done a lot of stuff but me and Scrappy have had countless repetitive hard conversations of just about the past stuff that we've both you know done to each other and just having those conversations and telling that person how you made me feel in that moment and I don't ever you know what I'm saying want to feel like that again and that that's both of us and how can we move forward from that like showing like I'm going to show you like I I'm not that person I've grown from that and being honest and saying me treating you or saying what I said came from a place of you know hurt instead of you know being honest at the time I'm trying to portray a certain image and I was really hurt by you know X Y and Z but I want to be able to just communicate for us to be cool because imone is 18 now but she's also in college and we have to get her through you know what I'm saying in college um we don't want her to have any loans or anything so we both in communication we like hey look you know she doing this she doing that and she also wants to she wants to be an attorney so she wants to go to law school we got to fund that so it's we are team realizing like at the end of the day we're a team we're family forever so we have to come to some type of common ground and we have to stay there so what does it look like for us staying there what would you like to contribute to that [ __ ] okay I mean well I mean it's I mean she basically just said it though like it's I mean I got four kids you know what I'm saying like I got four kids and my oldest is in college so I orig did the other ones before I never did this part before the college [ __ ] but I'm sure like with me and Erica like we can we can do it cuz we did it this far even with beef and we being like this we still rais the money like like great like she she's a good kid she don't care nothing about she don't care nothing about n of that like she like she loves her parents she just love her parents you know what I'm saying M and and her granny and her granny oh my God her granny Lord her granny Mama did a whole another he did but like I I look I look at er and I look at him money and and I say that's that's a part of my family that I built and I made and as a man excuse me hold on just let me you know I'm longwinded you dig but um made I created created yeah I created a family I was created by the Creator but but you know he created creators you know what I'm saying so um you created we created money I mean she came out of my lo you know what I'm saying like you held her you know all that scientifically you dig listen Okay I mean she look like you you know she look like both of us okay there we go okay you did but what was we talking about cuz just how you guys got to this place okay so basically like red cup I I just really like looked at it and I was like I don't want to be and she was even feeling like that it was like both of us feeling like we don't want to be like in that position no more I was in a marriage bro like and I ain't even want to like for one half of the side I was like I don't want to say nothing because when when I say something or if I stay in opinion or something like we get to argue you know what I'm saying so I don't want to argue when she stay in opinion something we argue like just shut up everybody just shut up we ain't got to say nothing nobody going to argue we all here for your money on a on a man type trip you know what I'm saying that's and to keep the peace we didn't want anybody to feel like us being friendly was going to you know yeah and that then that's the other half mess with your marriage that's the other half of the marriage part like insecurities I just feel like me personally like you know when you going through through [ __ ] and that's your your people you telling them all the the negativity you know what I'm saying you telling them all the bad [ __ ] so they picking up on all the B oh that's what's going right but they see the cracks on the foundation yeah yeah but at the same time it's like and use that to their advantage yeah yeah at the same time they use it to their advantage because they like [ __ ] I don't want this [ __ ] around nowhere you feel me like but you know why though right can I say can I can I tell you what it is cuz I don't think you know this I something that I don't know that you know yeah I tell you what it is you may know this cuz you're you're tapped in not say you're not say you're not ta car Carlos let me me tell you something real quick real quick real zapper you feel me zapper zapper you feel me I'm very intelligent I'm very spiritual absolutely and I'm inclined the Lord know you God definitely know me he do I'm fi let me ask him about you hold on we real tell you how he got me through this life but but like I'm I'm I'm an observant person like I'm I I don't be saying uhhuh like you just I'm I'm not talking to you I'm talking to car I'm observant person watch your my okay I'm observant person so I see everything from afar already you know what I'm saying I I act like I don't see it but I see everything from afar so once I get up close up on it and I oh ER oh go ahead you little eyebrow eyebrows Erica you you could have blew on the S you have to touch it so this this this the thing I'm G tell you yeah and this is the truth regardless if people admit or not the reason why people I'm not naming names the reason why some people are intimidated by this dynamic duo is because any woman who is dealing with you when she is around you can't help but feel this energy and this chemistry that exudes from the two of you if I was a woman and and I was dating you and she came around and I saw this I would leave no they always hate they always hate this [ __ ] say did you did you know could be gone so didn't know that no but ER be gone though ER be gone like have a whole oh you remember that time you first brought um your second baby mama around and I did walk up to you I was like what's up scrap you not speaking he like he was just giggling I said I ain't sleep with you last night and she was like what what remember that you cuz you didn't speak to me and I said I said oh you not speaking oh yeah like oh yeah oh she was trying to be funny but took it like she was trying act like she slept with me or so I'm like she like it was a joke but my question is this so you you you you didn't know that cuz I'm telling you when you two are around each other because I was trying to figure it out oh I figur it out cuz I was just like even cuz he's you know he's dated and I've I've been around and I just was like what like what be people beef and I'm like dang girl like I told you you was cute why you made at me no I'mma tell you it took me i' because again somebody who's been around y'all since 2012 I'm telling you today is the first time I have ever seen this level of chemistry with the two of you and what I'm going to say to you that you may not like to hear and you may not like to hear this but I I I like to be honest I need some more chips and dip I like to be honest it's going to be very hard for you to meet a woman who's going to accept this because she's going to have to be very confident in her yourself to not think for one millisecond that you two will never get back together let me tell you something about Miss Erica Dixon she got two baby daddies right she told you that just like I got two baby mas and if this woman can get these two people like she ain't even have to say nothing she just like this how it's going to be you know what I'm saying get people coming and they are cool and we cool like a ain't no like I ain't F like that's you got kids been cool I had a conversation with him I'm like it's it'll never be like regardless of what went on between me and him I already told him I can talk Jun I can talk [ __ ] feel how I feel you listen you don't say you know I'm saying and then I've never said anything to him but you know he pissed me off I'mma talk she know I talk [ __ ] about him to her you can't see her but yeah so and she know I'mma talk J but you can't say nothing she already know how we fing like you listen let me talk my J yeah and that's just and that's just how it is it's like and and I I love the fact that it's just been respected on both ends like he's he he's not g to say nothing about him and he's not going to say anything about him either it's always being like okay what can I do like he's even said the girls need anything you know they and I done did it like if they do I'm I'm going to make it happen you feel what say I'm I'm G to send you this for them he bought them some iPads I appreciate it he didn't even have to but he you know I mean they don't play you know with Cali zoo and you know Brean you know and they they have a good time together like the kids are all you know cool are you two dating anybody I'm not I'm not he may I'm trying to date him I'm trying to date her but you know what I'm saying you know it just be you know I would you ever give Scrappy uh another chance I don't know we we got a lot of um um it's a process I would say that I already told him we we talk we had several conversations we have to go through the neur neurological process the who neurological spell it what what what does that process look like with the brain and the Heart Like mostly the brain but yeah I mean you know the history we we've we've had a rocky rocky past and I've just told him um I'm trusting you know my process I'm not you know rushing anything I've also told him like I love him nobody can ever you know change that but at the same time it's just a it's a long road ahead of us um and some things I asked him for to start and he's on board no no I'm on board can you name one of those things you asked it it was uh C cing like it was it was like counseling for individually individually I always I'm already individually counseling then also I feel like imoney went through this with us she deals with a lot at school as well um even like your your interview with little dirty Diamond her having people approach her having stuff to say the picture of her dad that was posted you know with him of course naked people having stuff to say naked though well damn near um and people having I think that close access to her say like being able to verbally say stuff you know to her and then her being in a college setting and having to keep her composure because no she's still my child no matter what you make call you see her as an adult could be like she don't want anybody talking about her parents she don't want her parents put out there in a negative light and to have to deal with that at college with so many young kids that are so social media Savvy and so driven by it and it's like oh that's her that's Little Scrappy and Erica daughter and you know oh look this your dad like shorty do your dad like and showing her in front of like people and having to you know deal with that so like she went through that with us so just all of us tell them but at the same time like the people don't care about that the people that's doing it they don't care about that they don't care about my daughter they don't care about my kids that's what really pissed me off about about Diamond because you say you love my daughter so much you did so much trifling stuff to put her in situations to where she had to you know protect you know her parents now she on a defense for her parents and of course can't get in trouble you can't get to fighting I mean she wants to be an attorney so you can't get and then you you're being provoked because somebody's putting things out there about your parents and you say you love my child so definitely not a situ so where where do where do you things stand with the two of you is it just you guys have decided to just be friends you can't ask us you can't ask us in plural um cuz I don't think we think the same how we think I think I think I I think different from from a from your point of VI a what would you like to see things in between you and Erica I ain't going to lie to you I I I love Erica you know what I'm saying like are you in love with her huh are you in love I've been in love with ER my whole our whole relationship you know what I'm saying even when we w relationship you know what I'm saying like she know that she know you know that shut up with your face what you going to act like that I told you I've been in love with you with your face you feel but anyway listen this been a whole married person and got three kids that's what I'm saying I'm trying get a full understanding of everything no no you got to think that part right there that's that's like a a time right that's a part of time and that's a time I went through you know what I'm saying but like when you look at and you go you go through healing and you go through you know you go see a psychiatrist and all that you come with terms with yourself and you be like why I always been in love with this person you know what I'm saying like for real you know what I'm saying and and and I and I told her like I I seen that and even if it don't go that way I'm happy for real to have been in love with somebody you know what I'm saying like somebody I done been in love with her that's cool you know what I'm saying I got my kids I be in love with them I'm over all them I'm in love with God and he done show me love myself so if you don't if nothing go nowhere [ __ ] I'm going to be straight I already I already did that part for real I already told her for real straight up like I I I don't been I don't been in love with her straight up like I'm still in love with her to this day but if it don't go nowhere like I can't say I'm not in love with her I can't say that I hate her I can't say say that everything just changed overnight that you know the world is perfect and all that [ __ ] you can't say that so I just roll with the fact that the world ain't perfect we both imperfect you know what I'm saying but perfect people you know what I'm saying we imperfect but perfect you know what I'm saying like I mean if God perfect then we was made in His image you know what I'm saying so half of us is perfect the other half that do dumb [ __ ] is imperfect you know what I'm saying we all you know we all we all do said what I'm saying I one of the few who got that listen listen I I grew up in church I GRE up my dad a preacher my M Hustler and pimp so at the end of the day I I carry gave up she gave up them things a long time ago but I grew up in you know what I'm saying so it's like I I I I know about both sides of the whole Spectrum you know what I'm saying so it's like when it come to Love My Momma at first My mama taught me how to love a woman you know what I'm saying and it was untrustworthy you know what I'm saying cuz my mama had [ __ ] you know what I'm saying [ __ ] my mama like she she done treated some some some dudes like you know what I'm saying very disrespectful you know what I'm saying and set them off to the them to the side like they're just old meat you feel what I'm saying so mama m going be M baby okay hold on don't say nothing a so that's why I say like I had I had ying and yay in my life she had ying and yay in her life and then we you know [ __ ] sometimes [ __ ] don't work out at first you know what I'm saying but me I ain't the give up type you know what I'm saying so when I seen the need and the heartfelt you know positioned to holler back at her and say Hey you know say saying I just want to even if it's just a friendship you know what I'm saying even and she she always been like that she always been like hey I'm I don't be liking the [ __ ] that be going on but we just be cool cool you know what I'm saying that cool like I ain't going to even lie I was I had told her straight up when me and um baby mom number two first did our uh break up the breakout the engagement and I went down to um what was that Dr Barbados Dominican republ and I told her straight up I was like I want a sign I want to get married I get married right now I was just at her like I was aggressive you know what I'm saying I was aggressive and when we got back he got married in like a couple of weeks no no no no no she did no only because how she did only because of my ego mhm only because of my ego okay you admit that okay only because of my ego because my didn't last no that was uh that was one reason the other reason was her part but my part was I was at that point in my life you know what I'm saying I wanted to get married I want to have more babies but I wanted it with her but she was still stuck on the piss ass you feel me I was not stuck on the P but no no no no no no no I just had certain requirements no no no no she was stuck on the past and stuff that was not fixed and handled and taken care of stuff that you that we have done now but we ain't do then that I was not even I wasn't even trying to look at her part I I ain't going to lie I was honestly looking at her fault but I think that's the reason why it is beautiful to see you to in this place and my thing is I would love if the two of you no seriously no I'm being real I along with the audience I believe I think we will all love if you two can continue on this path of friendship go to counseling separately and together as a family with imman and just see where that leads with imoney yes yeah that's what I say and see where it goes and see where it goes I feel like what's meant to be will be no matter what I feel like and I keep telling him you have to trust the process and know that can I you can't control everything and everything's not going to happen on your time it doesn't but can I tell you what you just spoke I know she's we listened she's yours She's Mine she's yours she said she's God's and she's definitely Gods I'm God all yeah God all next to God is you it's you not giving that up well don't don't give it up guess put me in the Lions then I think you been in there a couple of times no no no listen you Goliath and I'm David no listen listen car check this out though check out her you know her without me and me without her I don't think we we navigate right you feel me that's my point that's why I want you to to continue on this path because I think we all would like to see a Reconciliation we're loving a Shan Elli and [ __ ] all that do nothing this person right here deserve to get married like to you yeah the [ __ ] I know I'm with you on cuz like hey anybody else anybody else is Hey cuz listen I'm doing disrespectful things listen this is I'm telling you cuz like this is you feel me yeah I do yeah I you know close line whoa all right it's not a wrestling all right so scrapping Erica thank you too for thank you for the kingdom to address some things and make sure you all catch Love and Hip Hop Atlanta every Tuesday 8:00 7 Central on and the new and the new show that caros is f to bring to you with Scrappy and Erica I was just I'm just telling you oh we was supposed to say it all right you all have a great night we'll see you next time all right raindrops now I hope you enjoyed that video and if you did that means you should love these suggested videos right here so make sure you click on one of these and watch it and don't forget to like And subscribe to this channel
Channel: Carlos King
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Length: 73min 31sec (4411 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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