Best of Katt Williams on Club Shay Shay

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and I needed you to know why I came by yeah I need you to tell us why people know I don't go everywhere I'm not interested in talking to people unless it's like a Larry King or somebody of an amazing ilk that I would actually want to go talk to in real life okay um I don't do it so I can sell product and I got things to sell so let me come talk um you have a great product here and as a fan base we love the attention that you spend on the guest we we love how much work you've done how well you know them how prepared you are the same things that we liked about you in football you brought that on over to here and that's uh why it resonates and the reason I had to come is because you made a safe place for the truth to be told you know what I mean and I have watched all of these low brow comedians come here and disrespect you in your face and tell you straight up lies I'm talking about things that have never been heard in all of black Hollywood they feel comfortable sitting here and lying to you about it you going to set the record straight are you kidding me you let Ricky Smiley sit here and you set out that mouth you stole Friday After Next the one I was in I wish oh all of America fumbled a bit when that happened and and then he said some stuff that we haven't heard in 100 years in Hollywood you ain't say nothing this man told you he had Cat Williams role he was going to be Money Mike and Cat Williams was going to be was going to be the Santa Claus now let's three quick points you mean in Hollywood they cast a 5 foot5 black Santa Claus that weigh 145 lbs that's your story your story is the Ricky Smiley that couldn't even do curse words because he had a Christian fan base he was going to play the pimp why you didn't ask him why has he played a woman in more movies than he's played a man well I didn't know he he shouldn't be able you wouldn't let a athlete that been on steroids talk about one of the greats Ricky Smiley can't act cuz Ricky Smiley can't act he told you the story about when the movie came out where did he say he watched it at home he wasn't even at the premiere you telling this man you stole that oh so he could get his name in the same sentence with a great one it is sad he was just that bitter when we were shooting it he told everybody it should have been my role everybody on the scene why do you think no cast member has ever said anything he couldn't have played that role like you I thought he he was Sir no one why not he was with KD he beat up Terry Cruz why nobody know this story you talking about in Hollywood they switched off road you take this and he what so Ricky Ricky Smiley knows this and I don't know why he would lose a child and come on the air and start lying that's why people believe in rituals right there is because well why would he lie I don't know why Liars lie but I can tell you this we auditioned in Los Angeles yes I was audition number 201 black comedians audition for the role of Money Mike with me you're saying all 201 one of us was auditioning and you had already had the roll and had already shot the roll in four days the truth of the matter is the money mic in the original script got raped in the bathroom and that's what Ricky Smiley was okay with Cat Williams had to take the risk in front of the studios and the cast and our powers that be and it's very very first movie and say respectfully humbly guys if we talking about anything else I have no credibility and I have no pull but we're talking about comedy right where I have all the credibility and all the pull the problem with Friday After Next is we're trying to make a classic comedy and this comedy involves a rape and rape is never funny no matter who it happens to or what the circumstances are if you would allow me to allow us to do this movie without a black man getting raped in it I promise you that it will be twice as funny as it would be with him getting raped so considering that's the real story why would you bring up that story 35 members of the cast and crew have never brought up that Ricky Smiley was going to play money mik no one ever saw me put on a Santa Claus suit we got a wardrobe department they made a Santa Claus suit for me why that wasn't in the bloopers what and and here's the other thing everything that money Mike said Cat Williams wrote so what Ricky Smiley say on his you can't say my lines I wrote them that's how I already already know that I'm going to be funnier than you what he told everybody was Cat Williams and don't nobody know who he is I'm on the radio I'm with Steven said everybody know me that's what he told everybody that we listen to on the set that's the truth of the matter he was so egregious not now then he was so egregious that and Hollywood has never heard this in a hundred years he was so egregious I put in my contract that I won't work with Ricky Smiley again unless he's in a dress now what was Ricky Smiley's next movie was it first Sunday did he wear a dress in it you bet he did it's in my contract why would you put that in your with in your contract cat that's where he's the a believable actor him and Tyler Perry can't play a man to save their life they play good women and I believe that the best actor should be in the best role so that's why because when we released that clip and he said that you responded because he said he was supposed to play money mic and you were supposed to play play an outright lie that he knows is a lie so why would he say it cuz he's a liar Nobody Knows Why Liars lie and that's why I had to come on the program Cedric did the same thing Cedric told you when you asked him did you steal Cat Williams joke he said it don't line up how it don't line up that I did it on TV in 2018 you came to see me at The Comedy Store do it in 2019 and then did it on the Kings of Comedy like what doesn't line up I this is a televised joke that markk Curry helped me punch up and get to the level that it was the same Steve that went to go watch Mark Curry do his whole sitcom and then stole everything Mark Curry had now Steve got a sitcom where he the principal and he wear a suit and he and then he gets this high top fade making all black men think he got the best line up in the business and it's a man unit then you ask why you not a movie star I didn't want to be a movie star that's the same negro that hated on Bernie with this same thing I didn't want to be a movie star no you couldn't be a movie star there are 30,000 new scripts in Hollywood every year not one of them ask for a country bumpkin black dude that can't talk good over and look like Mr Potato Head there ain't none you would have to have range I played a lot of character 60 movie roles I'm not playing Cat Williams in there I don't know I don't know C we might not let you drink anymore the way you you I mean we ain't even got I'm not fueled by alcohol I've had a sip less than you the truth don't need motivation I'm just saying I can't let these dudes lie Cedric sitting here telling you why he ain't a movie star he over here look like a walrus you didn't say nothing he can't even get his arms off his stomach sitting over why I'm not a movie what it's a situ he never wrote anything remember when Cedric the Entertainer starts he's supposed to be singing dancing and telling jokes that's why he's called the Entertainer we found out he can't sing can't dance and doesn't write J he did four comedy specials they're so bad Shannon they're not available on Netflix or 2B can I say that again for the audience they're so bad that they're not available on Netflix or 2B you don't think s's a good a good comedian the world doesn't think that sir I have 12 comedy specials he has four specials that are not available on Netflix or tub it seems to me cat that you had a lot to get off your chest no no you wanted to say the record winners are not allowed to allow losers to rewrite history I don't say any of these things if my name is not breached by these people on your platform they if you give the a liar a platform to lie then I I'm not being messy by saying hold on that never happened it's untrue and there are hundreds of witnesses for each thing I'm saying so let me ask you this what is your relationship with Steve Harvey Ricky Smiley and Cedric Entertainer as you sit here currently they for 30 years they a group these aren't three random guys the way that Ricky Smiley kept appearing at all of my auditions is because of Stephen said he would tell anybody that listen they got a gang on that side they know what it is they know who the gang is why earthquake not in movies cuz he's illiterate he can't read and they found that out when they gave him a show and put the cards in front of him like all of these dudes are coint twined and they share secrets and this is the age of Truth and and and the truth doesn't need to be scared of the fact that people tell lies uh cats on drugs where are the stories why is there no story of anybody who ever sold a drug to me did a drug with me was around me when I was inebriated I got five daughters I got five Sons why would we tell these ridiculous stories because it's competition you you feel like well why comedies comedy guys can't just get along why why didn't you get along with the other teams you were competing against if you're a Denver Bronco why you don't get along with the Cowboys something wrong with you but I don't disagree I don't dise all the Cowboys cat damn you like this like okay what comedians do you like did you play against the team yes I've taken 46 comedians with me on the road 46 okay I'm not the comedian you can give that to I only put on comedians that are funnier than me anybody that ever told you differently was a fat fison liar there's nobody like me in the business fison just called a straight fison said that getting a Netflix special is easy I have 12 specials guess how many F I got zero why is he allowed to have conversations about real standup people we do not let people who are on the juice discuss real athletes that's all as a journalist that's all that's all I'm saying I don't have Harbor any resentment to any of these entities because I can't be jealous I've never seen them have anything that I ever wanted if you sign up for their program you get a light-skinned weird face wife that never do an interview listen in 20 years won't do an interview nobody's ever talked to her and she's never been interviewed anywhere and Now understand I'm not talking about one person what I just told you applies to seven people how they all end up with that that's part of what you get I came in this business saying I was going to expose when I talked about Michael Jackson when I talked about R Kelly they canell me for these things because why would you talk about another black dude race is not where the line is drawn it's God's side and the other side and we don't care nothing about the other side period period all of these uh big dick deviants is all catching hell in 2024 it's up for all of them it don't matter if you Diddy or whoever you is TG J any of them the every all lies will be exposed that's all and and and and anyone who takes that the wrong way know why they take it the wrong way the truth is the light and have no amen amen [ __ ] I kind of get on there right after that I don't really kind of know where to go let me one more [Laughter] time right we good now because the people want to know why would he get black ball yeah because in 30 years I've done nothing but collect information knowledge and your secrets so if you and a man was in a corner doing something you wasn't supposed to be doing you will tell it no somebody come to tell me okay I gather that I value that I'll pay for that come tell me I know so many things I shouldn't know and they all know it they all know it why because you don't make me the villain not the guy that raises black children and ain't never done a hard drug in his life and don't have no stories or doing no body dirty and they'll just go out and they'll lie the the industry doesn't mess with cat cuz he didn't show up for the studio no Studios have ever said that look at my IMDb it will show you that no Studio has ever lost money with me on the script how that's why I'm saying that's why I can't let Ricky Smiley say he was supposed to play Money Mike because I wrote the words from Money Mike I designed the hair for Money Mike I collaborated with the Wardrobe department and made outfit to make sure that no one in America would be wearing What Money Mike was wearing I told him to go get the prowler I then told him to paint it purple I told him don't have a actor at playing a pimp we could get an actual pimp Archbishop Magic Don Juan the play like I I did far too much work for somebody to come years later and try to tag along just for their own self-aggrandisement why didn't Cube set the record straight Terry Cruz could have set the record straight Mike EPS could have set the record straight why none of them set the record straight that's what you were supposed to ask him when he told you those lies that no one ever heard right but he's telling you something no one's ever heard of nobody has ever heard oh Matt a Ben Affleck and Matt Damon was in a movie and somebody said y'all should switch roles like this is a business but that's the thing C normally when people will give you information I'm thinking I'm hearing it for the first time and they're giving information no one else knows or have ever heard so I'm taking them at face value these are lot this is like Steve Harvey telling people he used to be homeless that's my story that's not his story Steve Harvey was never homeless when he Mark Curry was touring with him 25 years ago he was making $33,000 a show in cash and doing five shows a week did they just tell the stories this my thanks to my wife I'm where I am you said that about the first wife you forget that you told us it was her then you went and married somebody else that think like a man like what are you talking about they just they think they can rewrite history the uh uh guy Tori did a beautiful special about The Comedy Store in Fat Tuesday where he said that Steve and Cedric and Kevin Hart and Tiffany hadish came through there and made all lies steveen Cedric never performed at The Comedy Store at all Tiffany was only seen at the lab Factory in 15 years in Hollywood no one in Hollywood has a memory of going to a sold out Kevin Hart show there being a line for him ever getting a standing ovation at any Comedy Club he already had his deals when he got here have we heard of a comedian that came to LA and in his first year in La he had his own sitcom on network television and had his own movie called Soul Plan that he was leading no we've never heard of that before that person or sense that person what do you think a plant is Maybe people don't understand the definitions of these words he just did his documentary with Chris Rock where he shows you that his whole upbringing and comedy was on the East Coast yeah it was so how simultaneously was he here in Los Angeles doing the same thing it didn't happen it didn't happen and I I I hate to seem like a petty individual for picking apart lies but J smle going to keep lying until you say we don't believe you like it's important in the checks and balances of the universe that Liars not get to make complete narratives for themselves are you not afraid about being black balled again these are some power people what do you mean again these people are not powerful Satan can't create anything that includes blessings for his people that's why you know what the number one job of somebody that sold their soul at Hollywood it is what is to act like it didn't happen they all do the same job why do you think Gary Owen can't cross over and he already white and been in comedy for 25 years if what I say ain't the case it's a cabal it's a it's a Consortium they they rock with who they rock with and they don't with who they don't but I'm not scared of being the competition anymore than you were when you lined up across from a superior team yeah on paper they're a better team right they have all the assets and resources and we don't but let us get on the line boy boy and see if that factors in I I guarantee you it won't wow because Shannon sharp got to be a different person than that other person absolutely and he always was that doesn't change when I change teams That Remains the Same that's how a legacy is built so all of these shortcut takers I I was they cancelled me for talking about Harvey Weinstein before the thing came out but he offered to suck my penis in front of all my people at my agency what am I supposed to do he did all of that I'm thinking I'm the only black person on the script I get there it's three other black guys on there woo huh so you wonder what they did to get I told him no what y'all do and this is why when I walk in a room heads go down behind my back I'm nothing I'm just a regular old comedian that's bitter and jealous but in my face no no no the King has walked in and they have to respect it only because I've not taken the shortcuts I've not been funded they pay you to not talk about things they don't want you to talk about they tell you that themselves I can't do that cuz I Steve told you that he stopped doing standup because he had seven TV shows the only problem is when he stopped standup he didn't have those seven TV shows he stopped standup because he got in a comedy battle called the championship of standup comedy with won Cat Williams in Detroit in front of 10,000 people and lost because Cat Williams said he was actually bald and that was a wig and I went in and that's why he couldn't do standup anymore imagine him coming to tell you another story where he got so big and it was Bernie and M's fault cuz they wanted to be movie stars what you called ocean 11 to get that nigga's part what do you mean you didn't want to be a movie star so on the behalf of Bernie I I would have to say what I have to say have you ever been have you ever been on tour with any of these guys the guy I every guy I mentioned to you is not funny out there in real life so no Faison's never done his own tour in 30 years Steve Harvey don't do stand up no more Cedric doesn't write I'm sorry he doesn't write Ricky Smiley has been playing the same old black woman forever like you can't get a young fan base with that like you got to be doing karaoke around the country to make that work right and he is but I'm a standup comedian Ian this is my 19th 100 City Tour I'm not going to have a conversation with these lazy bums that'll take a shortcut at any point yes it's easier for you to juice than to get in the gym but you don't get to bring that body in here talking crazy talk about how good you look what no no there's too many Comics out there that are putting their life on the line to tell these jokes man okay let's get to your upbringing we going to circle back and we get huh I want to protect real quick you had said for the Kings of Comedy it was in 2018 2019 but did you mean 1999 because it came out in 2000 so I just want to make I no no no so what I meant to say was remember he said I couldn't do standup anymore I had seven TV shows I said he didn't have any of those TV shows at the time I you about you about Cedric J stealer from Cedric Cedric you said that 2018 2019 but it came out in 2000 so I just want to make sure okay no no no no no what comes out in 2000 the original Kings of Comedy right my I'm on BET's Comic View and they're using this as the commercial in 1998 that's why I'm saying yeah so if I yeah so if I said the dates wrong let's go back and clear that up okay you said yeah I had Cedric on here and I asked him about the jok stealing and he said that timeline doesn't add up correct to your to to that point you say right so he thought that I was just a noname comedian and that he could take this joke and nobody would know right the issue was that I had already done this particular joke on BET's Comic View twice right it had done so well on BET's Comic View that they had made it part of the commercial so part of the commercial of make sure you tune in to bet was you seeing me doing this joke and this joke is one of those jokes in comedy where you set it up and it takes a little longer to set it up takes about 3 minutes but then you're just hitting them with jokes after that cuz you don't have to set it up right uh Mark Curry had already helped me work on this joke because I thought it was good cuz I was getting a standing ovation on it he had me go back in the lab and help me craft it to be an even more powerful joke so this is not just a random joke this is my very best joke and it's my last joke and it's my closing joke okay 1998 I'm doing this joke it's on Comic View Cedric comes to The Comedy Store he watches me in the audience he comes backstage he tells me what a great job I did and how much he loves the joke two years later he's doing that as his last joke on the Kings of Comedy and he's doing it verbatim he's just changed my car into a spaceship him and Steve had already apologized for me so I gave him a pass for a decade why would you sit here and be like I talked to I saw cat 30 times and Cat didn't do as I stand before you Shannon I would a bust Cedric's stomach there was nothing that would have kept me from one these in in that patch right there like are you kidding me why would you downplay me like that why did I give you a pass if you were just going to lie and so that's what I'm saying like they're all a group Cedric Steve Ricky they've been a group everybody knows that they've been aligned and and there are these alliances in comedy and if you stand against them then they sometimes have a problem but we don't let that change the content because that's all you know me for is that I'm qu quite likely to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me God like all my enemies all look the same in the eyes whether it's fa on wand Aries Spears they all look like B what you got against W sight you think I don't remember that sir Wanda syes and Wanda Smith are two separate people I me W Smith W Smith and I had only said one name Sir W Wes is amazing I love wander and I agree I love wander that's my girl but I I remember on the radio you went on the radio interview if I'm not mistaken that's in Atlanta right and you came on there with seemingly good intentions and she attacked you it wasn't just that part it was the fact that before I go in there she has a conversation about okay now I just want to talk to you because you just wanted Emy for the City of Atlanta and this is in Atlanta and they just want to hear about the Emy and hear from you and thank you for what you did putting the city on and we won't talk about your kids we won't talk about jail no cases we ain't gonna talk about none of that right and immediately gets in there and goes the opposite way you can't flip up on me because you're an inferior comedian I'm going to destroy you and I'm never going to call you out of your name I'm never going to say anything disrespectful to people that look like you I'm it's a very thin line I got a call but this lady is trying to embarrass me in front of largely homosexual fan base that's why she got cancelled gay people don't take it kindly that you would as a derogatory call me gay gay people don't feel like it's derogatory so why are you trying to shame me with something in a community I don't even belong in there's no gay people saying I belong over there or been over there but I have no hatred of over there and how dare you you did a number on it though hey you did a number on that that's legendary no you either believe in karma or you don't because I didn't even know any of the stuff that she had done to my fellow comedians until afterwards I just know she that it was a setup right and and remember they they tried to kill me this same weekend not in jokes with a real gun in my real face on real camera understand I'm losing my life for participating in something that goes along with my job like there two comedians what do you mean and and the world was okay with it because it was me had that happened to anyone else the world went crazy when will smack smacked Chris this is a person pulling a whole gun on a comedian in the confines of their job it's it's really a weird situation uh when they hate you that bad yeah yeah you felt she hated you at that moment because you you mentioned that she said it was going to be very professional all you want to Emy congratulations you put the city on you own for the city yada y y and now did she mention anything about the Emy on camera I believe you saw the video and you know that none of that took place see the it the issue is that um all the comedians have to come do these radio stations because you have to sell your tickets and so that means you have to go to the radio station I don't go to the radio station and I don't make post to sell tickets I just don't so you've not seen me I'm I haven't I'm not here in some subservient position where somebody sent me over I'm you here out of the kindness of your heart you are no no I'm saying interview yes situation yeah like right mature yeah and this person knew I wasn't there for that or yeah it's but how hard because you have to understand she is a female and so you have to be careful you have to handle her with kid gloves sir sir you want to go ahead and take that out you don't want to be against equality do you no no what you just said was very unequal sir bro but I think maybe you've had enough of this because I think I just heard you say but you that women are not equal and should be treated unequally I they want to be treated me as a comedian no no they want listen you understand and I understand yeah in certain situations they want to be treated equal not all situations and and what part of what you saw her get oh she deserved everything you gave on what part would have been different if she was a man it would have just been more vicious yeah that that's that's my point my I took all the vicious and V away because I didn't have any plus I understood I'm not trying to offend black women with short hair I'm not trying to offend heavys set women I'm not trying to upset fellow comedians I'm not trying to do any of that and I can't I am qualified to be able to do none of that and still eviscerate you because I'm smart enough to know that I need to say that you have gnarled fingers because I know your limited education means you don't know what the word means so you can't possibly respond to it you're not sure of the meaning and I'm going to continue hitting you because this is what comedians do right you've been masquerading that you're a comedian too and that's the fallacy so nobody in boxing fights out of their weight class if you're 130 lb you don't just show up with the 160 Pounders you stay in your weight class is that what you wanted to do no that she was out of her League when it came to because I didn't want to do any of it I know you didn't want to but once she took it there you did you feel that you had to go there oh you could you could have said Wanda I didn't come here for that I just want to do the interview I just want to talk about what happened oh you misunderstand my job my my job is to be funny my job is to be funny first my first job is to be funny my second job is to be respectful my third job is to be Immaculate and Gaza Strip it huh that's nonpolitical I'm saying if you do a you let a terrorist accidentally touch over here and I won't stop burning you down until there ain't nothing left it'll literally be Rubble on top of rubble and I'll still be bombing why because that's why you should mind your business this is what F around and find out is about right now I'm reading Cat Williams won Cedric the entertainers and haer Bush best best Los Angeles comic award did you win that award W Cat Williams is a simple yes or no it's not a rhetorical question it's a question that probably should have been asked to Cedar Danner Entertainer I'm asking you I got you here though I know I couldn't believe SRA didn't get asked that question you still a dude's Joker to give a award and then 10 years later you don't know nothing about it hey but I but I promise you this what if he sees me again before he sees you he'll be talking different when you see it that's for certain that's the difference that's what these comics understand is that I'm not doing nothing for cloud I don't even recognize Cloud but eventually the Lord is going to let me and you be in one hallway a lot of these dudes go Kevin Hardon went 25 years without ever being in the same building with me at the same time if I go in the building he walk out you've never seen us in the same building ever in 25 years like it's like that why why yes because I'm really the product it's not what you think I am never under the influence of anything I'm always in my right mind I'm always a physical specimen and when you see me I'm much much bigger than you had thought I have far less play in me than you would like and I'm Relentless I'm out there I'm still to this day I play 11 games of basketball with with a 20y old the record is 92 and six this is just in the yard just to the rack just cuz you work out cat I mean know you work out cat not to the gym you don't work out the gym you push-ups situps I my whole life it was um it was just push-ups and situps only I would do like um 100 push-ups a day just I thought you were going to say a thousand no no no because this is literally every day this is not for the yeah for the gram you know what I mean like literally 100 a day and I would do push-ups and then I tore both my rotator cuffs and so it was only thanks to golf that I was even able to get my back I've been a golfer for quite some time my short game is impeccable I I I can't get you but but Towing some change off of the um off the tea but I'm still I'm I'm I'm still coming in for par guaranteed you play for the tips uh no I I found that you don't get anything for that it seems like it seems very egom maniacal they go hey cat for free you can go further back hey what wait minut does it still count the same hey I'm up at the ladies tea don't tell me my pronouns on the golf course I'm she her him them and they whoever who have at the front te we're I know we're joking we're having a great conversation but you did win the award how did the award help your career it had to help some cat nope no come on cat I didn't remember it it happened to you just said it SE how can cedre give you an award that was worth something everything Cedric and Ricky Smiley ever been in got cancelled for not being funny Ricky sat here and told you that they cut him out of every movie he did they always had a reason like that's why I'm funny cuz I'm a happy person I laugh all day long I can't even imagine the misery of these bumps just to not be good at what you do not work hard at what you do but have to act like you're the best at what you do it is crazy it's crazy but they be touring they they they be doing like a 100 show the year that's me I don't run into none of them that's what I'm saying if you a fa on love fan you mean you've been a fan of him for 32 years you still waiting on him to do his first special you mean to tell me if Steve hary your favorite comedian you mean you've been waiting for him to do stand up for 15 years now I mean Steve got got a lot of other D DL still out there none of those irons matter to stand up who cares that they wrote a pla card for you to do Family Feud on like you're you're successful because we're surprised you can talk for a living and it's entertaining that you going to say some funny country things but not a writer right not a writer now I've had to turn down $50 million four times four times just to protect my Integrity in that virgin hole I was telling you about right uh cuz pet be wanting the body and you got to tell him no you got to tell him no I did I did see I got the receipts for everything I'm telling you that's why I can say them so fre I need K I need know you here get your know thank you sir thank you come on cuz early on you was accusing me Ben k b it's crazy when you got in the stand up was crossing over was doing TV was doing movie was that a was that a part of it you're like okay I'm going I'm doing standup okay next next the the next progression is TV movies throughout throughout the history of standup sir that's that's the goal for all of us that's how it goes that's why when you hear these dudes talking about oh I didn't want to be a movie star you just know it's disingenuous like what are you talking about dude yeah oh no no I just wanted to do a game show right what are you sure are you sure cuz I thought you did Mark Curry's show over after he had just done hanging with Mr Cooper why would you do all of that man stuff that he did on his show on yours and then do the dude standup when you go on the road and then you never put Mark Curry on your show or nothing like if you don't say anything these dudes will run over you I don't know if you know how bullies operate but if you don't stand up for yourself there really is nothing they won't do right you're a very generous man cat uh you you the sole sponsor of Melba Moore getting a star in the Hollywood Walker Fame you sp you did all that on your own why what do you have a personal relationship with melbour no no I um I I understood that she was a black woman in a time where it mattered what you look like and they had a certain thing that they needed you to look like and act like in order to be successful and she just never did that she wasn't tall enough she wasn't fine uh they didn't like her looks they didn't like that her hair was natural they talk crazy about her and yet she still made all of these achievements and I'm like understand I'm already in the comedy Hall of Fame I'm already going to heaven no matter what happens if it ends in a second I'm up there so it gives me the leeway to do some things that are simply because it's the right thing to do so the truth of the matter is they wanted to give me a start but please don't consider me and this this person been sitting on this list this whole time and just cuz they ain't got enough money they can't get they just do that's crazy when do you start that that's hurtful what if somebody can't afford their flowers you mean they don't get them no God don't operate like that he was send a dummy like me to come and take care of that just so that the right thing happens that's how the universe work because remember I don't what am I spending my money on I'm not spending my money on strippers I ain't spending them on drugs like stripper because if I go in if I go in the strip club I'm only trying to get her out of there yeah I have no intention of her or any other people being in this position if I see a girl I like at the strip club I'm telling her you know you don't have to strip no more after this this could be your last day D how about that what would it be like just to leave it all you ain't got to be a ho no more I don't even want you to go get your purse just leave it and we get new ID we get new ID in credit in Social Security card we don't need none of that none of that none of that you this life don't look good on you that [ __ ] you don't even look like a drug addict got me thinking got me thinking C you hear these ass talking about yeah we was out there tricking what why you're part of the problem you're part of the problem stop paying people that you don't have no respect for it sets it up bad for us we got women out here can't find a man cuz they acting like you a alpha now the alphas all want these subservient husbands you can't have one no that ain't going to happen it ain't going to happen sorry about that okay go ahead boy you done got me canel how many times in this program where's the Cameron I didn't write nothing I said tonight this all been on these Q cards and I'm just going to keep reading them hey that's your next question the Migos do you help them get out of financial situation I don't think we ever as a nation can remember a time that the Amigos were financially unsuccessful so for the record I would assume that they've never needed Cat Williams financial assistance for anything I'm sure that between QC to LA and other things they were taken care of on the other hand if I was given the opportunity to help them would I of course I would that's what I do I'm I'm I'm a pro black non-racist like I really really love black people but I don't love them more than other people I love everybody I just I'm a black guy and I I I I I try to stick with that but um yeah I I'm I'm not one of those uh pillow talkers either like when I do something good I'm really not doing it for the gram it's not it's not for it's not for any of that I'm just doing it because it's good to do I appreciate that I read I don't know if this is true but I did read that comedians on your show say that women sometimes would bring them money and not say where it came from say that again comedians would say women would bring them money and not say where it came from from right so um I'm not a feminist like um a feminist would be but I do believe that there are no there that in my camp like if I had 35 people in my Camp right right I believe that other than four jobs I believe that a woman is better at any of them jobs than any man could be okay so 10 of these jobs no man can work because I rather a female be there if I got to smell anybody's breath I want it to be hers I don't want none of you crusty like I so so what I'm saying is it if in a staffing issue I'm going to have 75% women just cuz I prefer them I I don't prefer to hear two guys talking in the corner I prefer to hear two ladies talking in the corner I don't care what they're talking about I just prefer that so A lot of times I will utilize ladies to convey a message if a comedian is doing a great job um somewhere in the country he he just did a masterful set and nobody's going to pay him they just clapping and I know he's broke as [ __ ] back there wouldn't it be nice if somebody just showed up and gave him a little blessing and he didn't have to suck me off for it and thanks scat and boy I really needed it why would you do that if you was actually just trying to help people you would people know that's how I pay my ties if I got paid $100,000 to be at your city I'm going to take 10,000 of that and put it in your homeless area not cuz I got to cuz you gave me a 100 racks to come to your little Rinky Dink Town who would I be to not pay my ties back to your town that's how I got in this position wow you adopted seven kids why that's a lot of kids for a man that's as busy as you are travels as much as you do on the road as much as you are spend a lot of time because you have to spend a lot I mean it's not easy I mean maybe it comes just so come so natural to you to put pen to paper and to write things down and be able to go out there and perform a set but that's a lot of responsibility cat right right but if there was a god what would he think about you if you did that I'm saying let's just let's say for example that God is real yes okay and let's say he be looking at what you do yes well would he say if you did that he said that cat that's that's a very that's a very kind gesture that's very generous of you my whole life since I was telling you when I was young and they was asking me what I want to be and nothing I wanted to be was what I wanted to be God's friend that's a weird thing if you atheist if you a atheist I didn't even say nothing but if you believe in God and I tell you that I wanted to be God's friend and I wanted to even go to Hollywood and still be God's friend if I told you that that was my aim you could understand where I'm at like I promise you I no jealousy no bitterness no none of that I got exactly what I was trying to get I haven't been shorted in any way I mean seven eight kids single you going to get married you remember the conversation where I was where it was me yes and I didn't know what was going to happen to my two little brothers and they was just going to be out there yes so when it g full circle and I'm one of the I'm one of the richest men that ever lived and I don't I don't I don't mean please don't look at my net worth I saw my net worth I I had that on me I swear to God what I'm saying is like I'm saying my net worth is less than my last Netflix deal you understand what I'm telling make it make sense but I'm fine Jesus was poor Jesus ain't had nothing so why don't be mad you say I don't have nothing they a had theen they have back then okay say it again we got different amenities now no not more than gold gold was the amenity of that time we still got gold gold still run it they have no rolls Roy they got you you can buy you can buy a ass that's what they call it in the B biblical time they would cheat I'm saying if you really want to say I'm saying a color n is cheap so back in the day I would get my girl a donkey today we get her a color n but I'm saying who whoever I'm saying whoever whatever it is I'm saying we yeah yeah I'm saying because what we going to do I done already told you I'm one of the richest people that ever lived yes only in the fact that when I wake up in the morning no matter where I am I don't need nothing whatever I need is right around me and whatever I don't have it's only just cuz I don't have it it's not cuz I can't get it all I got to do is want it and it belongs to me so because of that because I'm favored by God like when I see people's wives and stuff I don't even look at them you know what I mean like I I don't want to look at nothing I don't want to have because I I know how blessed I am if I look at it I got it that's how Diddy be feeling come on man come so you're not supposed to look at anything that you don't want not me personally just because God has given me literally everything I ever even pump faked like I want and that's the whole thing that's that's the whole thing is I don't I don't have a type of woman every woman that I ever had as a type I ended up getting her now she's not the type anymore now I understand that every woman is a one of one like you can't really have types what cuz see how he trying to ask me something about marriage but then I a say nothing about no marriage yeah you did when you rewind the tape you you let it out you was like so you ever going to get married and then you took it back it's okay it's okay I was known as a photographic memory are you I'm not against it like most people that are not married is because they afraid of commitment it's not that like that for me it's just the whole time I wanted to be married I I had kids so I had to try to fill my wife's place before she got there so I'm already got kids without a mother but so now I got to be doing laundry I'm I'm washing dishes I'm reading stories I'm having to nurture I'm having to do all of this and I got to the point where I didn't need the wife I'm doing it and we're doing it and I'm not replacing a woman in their lives I'm letting them see that that's just the only thing that we don't have and um it was easier for me to do that because you have to understand that all of the kids I'm raising at this point they have fathers you see they have a mother you see I'm a different person I'm raising you and so that needs to be done with the other respect for the others that put work in as well so yeah um I I never had a problem getting married I what's one of the one things you try to teach your kids I don't teach anybody anything that's over 18 I've done the work I was going to do but as kids I really just Tred to teach um the things that can't be bought um your integrity um trying to live your life in a way that you yourself could be proud of if you had to look back on it and um um I didn't do very good at leading by example but behind the scenes I was that that's never what I was pushing um um they understood that because of my stance there was a certain thing that would come my way and so accountability and responsibility is part of what you're teaching is that you know even if you're doing the greatest thing in the world there's this thing called no good deed goes unpunished like there's a real Murphy's Law like basically in raising kids you're just trying to give them a better manual and outline of how life Works than your parents gave you you know and so um that's how I did it what do you think about Kanye rant what's going on with Kanye from a distance obviously I don't know how well you know Kanye I don't know if you've been around Kanye but from a distance what what what what do you suspects going on I suspect that we're pretty awful people if we say that somebody got a mental illness and then we watch what they do if you say somebody got special needs then why would you be watching them and holding them accountable like everybody else wouldn't you grade them on a curve wouldn't you go woo this guy because I mean what are we reacting to what are we reacting to you're the one that put him in a position where he thought he was God and could call himself ye and you're the one told the guy that writes Musical lyrics that he was a genius you're the one that's like so what do you expect the guy married a [ __ ] like what oh Lord I didn't mean it like that I mean married her because she was one now he didn't know he understood that he wanted that he courted that that's what he wanted to base his she got a good heart though I know what you going to say don't you say it cat don't you say it I'm will move the if what I'm saying is not correct then how do she end up with Pete Davidson I mean it happens all the and what if you weren't even good enough for Pete and he leaves you what do that mean the product was no I don't I don't support or villainize Kanye because I don't understand what it is we want from him I I don't know why we look at a basketball player and say he didn't score no hockey goals this whole season he don't play [Laughter] hockey Kanye don't say nothing I can agree with okay I he was the weird guy in the beginning with the pink sweaters when we met him like what do you think moving to a beat of your own drop this this dude started a church and kept cussing nobody in black church said nothing you would have thought all the pastors would have came you can't be no gospel artist you just said [ __ ] that [ __ ] nobody said nothing cuz TD Jake's over there with pan in it like come on C only the guy you had here has been upfront and honest and a man of God and humble and took the L's he had to take and didn't I I did see it was trending though but I ain't know I I don't I I ain't know why c i don't let me go to this question right here all people that love the truth got to be happy of the truth coming out and lies is getting exposed that's just what time it is 2024 folks do you consider yourself a king of comedy where where does no they they consider that like like when after Bernie left them same three guys I'm telling you about the Kings yeah right cuz DL is the greatest no DL slander gets tolerated um but they came to me I was supposed to be the fourth King I got the offer then what happened but I turned it down why because you sh [ __ ] on Bernie and I know the truth you think I'm going let you [ __ ] on Bernie and then come get me I'm the next king [ __ ] you why because the whole time Bernie was here you was acting like you was funnier than him the reason you were supposed to go last is cu it was your tour tell the truth it was Steve's tour not it was going to be called the Kings of Comedy it was Steve's tour these are the guys opening for him of course you got to close if it's your tour that's why it was such a big deal but you couldn't do it cuz you can't beat the best and until you humble yourself you will forever be kinged by the king and because you finally did it cuz you didn't had no other choice and now that he gone you going to act like he wanted to be a movie star you stop it you stop it that man was funnier than all of y'all and y'all thought y'all had one over on him you thought he were black and ugly and you were good looking and he couldn't make it cuz you did and that ain't the way comedy work the king is the funniest period every time and that's why no audience member was ever swayed it didn't matter where Bernie went you think if Bernie went first he wasn't the king get out of here get out of here get your ego out of this you let the best be the best right cat William ladies and gentlemen thanks for coming on bro I really appreciate that thanks for sharing thank you the stories setting the record straight now you know they going to double back impossible impossible only because if once you play this back you'll realize I didn't say anything that made me look in a good light I I wasn't tearing down others to boost myself up I but I do have to acknowledge things that did not take place like we're very ingenuous if we say this is not a game and we don't play it and people ain't in positions and people don't have their favorites and they group and they click well that happens in all businesses we no no say what side you want say why you don't like the other side and then get to the game but in the game I'm wiping the field with them to the point where they don't even compete anymore so how you going to let a dude that been on the bench for 15 years oh would have beat Jordan's ass Shut up Jordan is still alive we'll call Jordan right now you can't beat him [Laughter] now not then you can't beat him now let's get to your upbringing born in Cincinnati Ohio raised in Dayton Ohio what was Cat Williams upbringing like your parents were Jehovah Witness you were a a prodigy you were brilliant you talk to me that you got accepted in college at 7 years of age you can read fluently at 3 years of age so having having that kind of knowledge having that kind of uh of of of of prodigy or so what was so I mean with it what was your upbringing how how was it how was life as Cat Williams crunk coming up um I I I was often confused because I knew things and I wasn't sure how I knew them um I knew things that I felt like I don't have a reason that I I know this but I I love to read um I was voracious because they told me when I was young that knowledge was powerful uh that knowledge was power and and I had studied powerful people and I I um I really believe that I I I immediately my next project was to read the whole Encyclopedia set so when you're like six seven years old you read the whole encyclopedia said you think you one of the smartest people in the world only to get out in the world and find out you don't know anything you know so it um it was a it was a confusing time but yeah I had a childhood I was I was grown but I I at 5 years old I was in front of 5 10,000 people given a performance with a full suit and tie on you know what I mean so it hasn't it had it it it came full circle um for my life I knew that the Applause and um the giving of information and laughs and Truth to people somehow benefited them and also benefited you and um yeah so when they would ask me what I wanted to be everything that I would say that I wanted to be was something that didn't exist and they would never give me credit for it because I needed to say um a doctor or a lawyer but that's not what I wanted to be so your parents weren't as supportive as you would have hoped because you were wanting to be things when you got older that they had no knowledge of or it didn't exist at the time no it it wasn't that it it was um I'm saying I'm I'm almost a hundred years old right now but if we go outside right now I can run a 4340 or or sub I can do a 416 if I johnross the street we can order a sub but um oh youve been on the submarine that what you sub so um so back then it was even greater so you got this guy that all the coaches want to play man don't do that hold on because I'm I'm 5 foot five in the fifth grade I've been this size my whole life like there was a portion of school where I was one of the big dudes like it just as soon as everybody C they grow spurt I was out of there but I'm I'm saying I was a competitive individual my father was an a like like like no I've been 145 lbs my whole career that's why I never bothered when they said you cats on drugs I know how you going to prove that I'm my body is a temple i' I've been the same size since I was 10 like what do you yeah like I I haven't I haven't changed off this pivot foot this has always been who I was before standup or anything but it was a um it was an interesting childhood I I I appreciate my parents even though um I couldn't live within the religious Frameworks of what they had set up um but that was more not wanting to live a double life and not want to embarrass my family you know what I mean because I read where a form of punishment for you is that they would take books because you mention you were such a voracious reader and a form of punishment was when they would to take the books for because you could ref fluence you you you told me how at like 3 or four years old you could read read read not not just a a little child's book but you could read read well I'm saying when we when we go to Haiti to do missionary work understand that my mother and my father nobody that's there with us speaks French and I mean it speaks Creole and reads French so I'm in charge of everything from the housing to the cars to the The Gardener like I I'm saying so I'm not just reading I'm reading in multiple languages like I'm I'm probably reading 3,000 books a year from the time that I'm 8 years old to the time that I'm 12 no no no fiction books at all I'm only reading non-fiction you could drive at 12 you received a full scholarship to the National Science Academy in Dayton Ohio but you failed so you couldn't become so you would become ineligible why didn't you want to take that opportunity I didn't see it as an opportunity when I got in there all the students were wearing lab coats and it seemed very confined and restricted and nobody seemed like they were having fun it just seemed like everybody was smart I I didn't want that that was that wasn't what I was signing up for at all and plus um I thought that I was I Jesus was my big homie so you know how you get a story about a dude joined the gang and you get a big home right like at this particular point in my life I'm my thought is that the Bible is the greatest book that's ever been written okay that it houses the truth and that it gives you this story of Jesus and that I'm supposed to be like him okay so I it's already in my head that as soon as I get 13 I'm leaving you you you at 13 you not only like okay Mom I'm moving out you move from Ohio to Florida on your own you weren't afraid I mean you like did you did you not have so what were you so what were you going to do when you got to Florida don't say I wasn't afraid there's no such thing as a human being of not being afraid okay there are certain human beings that understand that being afraid in no way stops you from doing what you got to do okay so um I I was afraid um but I couldn't be that afraid because I knew what haded happened with Jesus I knew how it worked out I I I knew that I wasn't in the wrong with how I was feeling and I knew that I I didn't have any bad intentions in it so I trusted God that it will work out why Florida um because uh if you're raised in Ohio the one thing on your list is I'm going to get away from snow and I'm going to get as far I want to go tell me the place I literally went to a truck stop and I asked all the truck drivers where they was going and it was there was one guy going to California and it was one guy going to Florida and they told me how long it was going to take and so that's why I ended up in Miami because how' you get there you call a bus or no I just told you I was at the truck stop I he let I got in I didn't hitch I got in the back of the dude's 18-wheeler me and my Rottweiler puppy and my suitcase yeah because I was I probably had $2,500 on me like I like I was shoveling snow and cutting grass like I always have pockets full of money when did you make the decision that you were going to leave Ohio and go somewhere and it ended up being Florida so but when did you know that you were leaving Dayton Ohio going to Florida and my father and I's last interaction um somebody could have not made it and we both understood that was all bad what was the disagreement about um if if you say that my family is very religious let just say I'm not so anything that I I'm going to do is not is going to fall out of the guidelines right but I'm not going to let you tell me what I'm going to be even especially what you're saying is wrong I can't condone wrong and if I find out that something is wrong and I tell you it's wrong and you don't back me that's what it is even as a young child you were willing to tell your parents that some of the things that you're saying doesn't coincide with what I've been reading in in in the Bible no no very simply don't don't try to disfellowship me for sexual acts and I'm a virgin Sorry God Don't Make Mistakes you don't get two times to [ __ ] me over what do you mean you went to to God and he told you I was guilty you just lied on God so long that's it there's no conversation Deuces that's what it was that's when you made the decision after that conversation right there you say no I can't I can't live under this roof it wasn't a conversation it was the altercation in the altercation I love my father my father loved me but we are two men at it that it'll never be the same again you can't sleep comfortably around me and I can't sleep comfortably around you how similar are you to your father um I don't I don't know he's a great man I'm I'm saying uh my seem like y but y buted heads right but I'm saying that generally happens with a Father's son Dynamic it was just that um religious relationships are always difficult in families and they always are before he got to the point because the dynamic he's father your son before that Dynamic and you step up on his level and you challenge him you felt it was best for you to leave no no no I'm not being challenged I'm being Beat to Death oh he was abusive I didn't say that I said we were in an altercation oh I see what you did there I saw what you did there I saw what you did there cat I saw what you did was an altercation you didn't say you lost you said you an altercation I in no way gave you the impression that I won anything I'm the one leaving I'm out of bounds this his house right yeah so as long as I'm going to be under his roof there are certain things that I'm going to have to do right and the only way that's going to change is either this or that and I I'm saying I had to younger brothers like I'm not I'm not an unreasonable person like I don't have any mental issues whatsoever despite what they lead people to believe you know I make good pretty good decisions were you not so how was their relationship with your father were you not afraid to leave them well I asked because it it went all the way to the actual department so it was actually going to be something um and when I asked them if they could just make sure that my brothers didn't get separated and what have you um they said they couldn't make those type of guarantees that they weren't really sure what would happen if this went down and so part of leaving was the hope that it would be okay for them because n none of them experienced what I experienced I'm saying I'm the oldest it's a lot riding on me I'm supposed to at least religiously hold down the family's name at this household you know what I mean how much older are you than the baby and the knee baby like a lot older like I if I'm I 13 yeah they're five and in Pampers wow right you go to Florida you tell the story of heard you you were homeless and somebody else told the story said they were homeless and you said they they hijacked your story now I don't hey I don't at 13 I shouldn't have to tell you I'm homeless I'm in a I'm in Miami Florida I have no family members in Florida I couldn't buy a house if I wanted to I couldn't get an apartment if I wanted to I don't have a credit history like this is not a stretch for me to say that I'm homeless I'm I'm living in a park in coconut Ro the park still exists to this day for 8 hours a day I would get up and go to the library and study for eight hours a day to increase my education and then I would leave out of there and go to the marina and steal car radios and make $2,000 almost daily like I had a routine this so you really could have played out s old thief in Santa Claus you could have played it no the Santa Claus wasn't a thief the yeah he was Santa Claus you can't tell me I read the script Ricky Smiley told you he didn't read the script the the Santa Claus was a crackhead he just had that outfit on that's what I couldn't have played okay like I couldn't have played a black guy that got raped in the bathroom right so at any point in time you like man I made a mistake man I should have stayed my butt in Ohio man cuz this is Man this ain't what I signed up for I didn't experience anything once I left home that I hadn't signed up up for if anything it saved my life me being homeless for that small period of time allowed me to see all of the people that were in that situation and to see that these were lawyers and doctors and and teachers and that these people were white and black and Asian and Indian and the only thing that all of these homeless people had in in in common was um they made a bad decision and aligned themselves with drugs and I interviewed them all what drug what and guess what Shannon nobody had a great story nobody had a great story of what meth had done for them what crack had done for them what cocaine had done for them what heroin had done for them what speed had done for them nobody had them stories everybody's story was I had my life together and then I decided to do this dumb thing and I lost my wife life I lost my house I lost my cars I lost my reputation and now I'm now out here sucking penis in the woods what talk about Scared Straight you ain't got to worry about me if it ain't weed or nicotine you won't see me touching it I don't want no parts I didn't seen what these things can do to people anything that take over your free will is the devil itself have you ever thought about what your life would have been had you stayed in Dayton Ohio no that that's like asking somebody that's in the NBA for 14 years like what would happened if you didn't come to the NBA oh I shutter to think I I I thought it was what I was made for I thought it was what I was built for anybody that knows me will tell you that when they first met Cat Williams when I was Cat in the Hat and they tell these stories about how he changed his name look the truth of the matter is Disney sued me yeah I was Cat in the Hat they sent me a cease and deiss letter and I'm not even making $25,000 a year and the mega company Disney has sent me a c and assist telling me I can't use any variations of that name fine I'm Cat Williams that's all that happen I have been this same product the entire time they will tell you when they first saw me doing standup I was just like this this is what I bring this my style when did it when did you know you was going you want were you always funny did you always want to be a comedian how did you stumble on a comedian ship no I I I loved what they did and so I studied them all of them I studied all of the white comedians because I wanted to know why is Monty Python funny why is Don not so talented I wanted to know what is George Carlin's thing like where so I studied all of the comedy Masters regardless of the field because I loved to laugh I didn't know that these people were making a great living at doing this I thought this is just what they did they tell jokes they're funny people but I loved the craft and that's why when I got into the craft I thought it was my obligation to make sure that I kept writing new material so much that it forced these comedians to stop doing the set they've been doing for 10 years and keep writing some new stuff and I knew that if I could get that to take on that most of these bums would have to just quit comedy cuz they can't keep up they're not going to keep writing an hour worth of material I've written an hour worth of material 19 times they not going to do it why cuz they're not creative writers they want to get somebody else and have them write it and put it together so if I'm listening to you correct correct me if I'm wrong I think the best thing that ever happened was the internet because now they have to because normally like you said you could do a set and you do that do that that set in Kansas City people ain't hurting in San Francisco people ain't hurting in Miami they a't heard in Detroit Chicago Atlanta so forth and so on now you do a set it's on the internet somebody heard it so you can't do a set and let it make it last 3 months 4 months well it it doesn't allow the regular comic the ability to grow is the real problem like the part of Comedy is me taking these jokes in January and by March I've begun to craft this joke it's not as simple as it was when I wrote it it was just da da da but now it has the complexities of the fact that I'm having to deliver this to a East Coast audience a Down South audience a Midwest audience a Utah audience a Colorado audience and so it begins to take on a different complexion because you're having to deliver it to different people okay and so this is what sharpens your joke you then take those sharpened jokes that make us special not you just r randomly take some so it's a process you don't allow them to process if the first time the guy did the joke now that's his joke and the joke is everywhere that just sets it up for people to steal so how many times must you tell a joke before you master it how many times have you had to sleep with a woman before you done with her that's not fair if it's great never if if it it if it ceases to have usefulness so it has been spoken right I was I I read that you was raised in in in Florida you had some some help some ladies of the night no no no that's not true no that whole story doesn't take place in Florida that story takes place in Oklahoma City okay so after I'm in Florida I then join um I try to join the Marine and they won't accept me because I'm too I'm too young and I've lied and told them I'm 16 and my family is moving down and I don't have my ID but it's coming and so they let me go to the boot camp D that's not going to work now okay so I've learned that lesson so then I get this job selling stuff door too um across the country and so I've been to all 50 states again I'm third 14 years old um so I did that at while I'm doing that one of the places I'm at I'm in Oklahoma MH and I've decided I'm going to stay here because of meeting these ladies that you're talking about and that situation I don't know at the time why that's important in my life or why it's something I should be doing or any of that but now later on it certainly helps me in formulating money mic for Friday after next and uh pimp name slickback uh for The Boondocks s you so San Francisco Oklahoma Sacramento from Florida you move to the West Coast after so you traveling when did you set up shop on the west coast how old were you been so I I guess I'm uh 18 or younger and I um once I have my on once I have a child I realize that um I can't it's a lot of things that I could used to make money that now is a noggo so anything with Street aspirations that I might have thought about pursuing or being good at um I now am a single parent and I got to redo these things so I need comedy to really work out for me and me and God go into um extreme conversation where I'm explaining to him that I'm a crash out dummy if he don't send me a Lifeline like I need something I can hold on to before I had left Florida I did stand up one time cuz we was trying to get in the club I didn't have ID so I said I was a comedian they end up having me do five minutes I kept that in my head that I had done that when we get to Oklahoma they're having a competition for standup and if you win you get to go out on the road with uh Jeff Foxworthy and Dan Whitney who is Larry the Cable Guy and Richard Jenny and these great Comics you get to open for them and once I did that I realized okay as a comedian I'm like way behind schedule I didn't started this too late all the funny guys are already funny and known names like how am I going to progress so I realized that I I I do better with a white audience than I do with a black audience and I I'm not sure why that's occurring but the white audience likes me anymore that's that's interesting so when I mov to Sacramento it's because Sacramento has a white and a black audience almost 5050 that's almost the makeup of Sacramento so I live in Sacramento for 2 years until I get to the point where I am equally as funny if the room is black as I am if the room is white okay that's not enough now I need to be one of the good ones when it comes to Black comics so now I have to move to Oakland and that's what lands me in Oakland for 3 years once I have dominated uh male black comedy in Oakland to my liking now I'm prepared to go to Los Angeles now now I know you can't throw me any curve balls if it's a white audience if it's a black audience no matter what they are I'm prepared to deal with all of the audiences do you write jokes according to the audience that you're going to be in front of or or is your jokes Universal well in in the beginning I part of my framework is that I'm tailoring every show to this audience okay and that's how I was able to show my range and show that I was better than my competitors is that I'm Cat Williams but I was still doing clean comedy so I was still going to churches and doing 45 minutes of stand up at the church with no curse words no sex drug material no none of that just straight standup and then I was doing everything else and I and the regular Club yeah that was that was the range is that where when in Rome do as the Romans do so um that's how I started um but as you begin to get better you begin to be able to speak to your entire fan base and that's really what's been helpful is that I've been having the same conversation with my fan base for 12 comedy specials is that what set Cat Williams apart is your range is that you can do a comedy do 45 minutes in the church I can go to a comedy club in front of 250 or I can go into arena with 15,000 that's range cuz everybody can't do that cat well if that's what range is called then then then yeah it's range but I I like the people I'm talking to you see what I'm saying so it's not it's not like um it can't be condescending because I'm talking to my white male friend when I'm telling that white joke right when I'm talking about this joke about this black lady I know that black lady that's who I'm talking to I'm I'm I'm I'm speaking to this fan base that I've been speaking to from the beginning I already told him what I was on when I first came in I told them they was going to come after me they was going to cancel me they was going to say terrible things about me and try to mess my life up I I said that coming in to stand up I'm I'm saying it in my so you knew it was going to be it has to be I know I'm going into the belly of the Beast how could I be naive I know that I'm going in Satan's playground but I'm trying to be so good that you got to bring me in so close that I can see who's doing what and what's going on in there in San Francisco you joined the nation I was ever in San Francisco I was in Oakland you was in Oakland did you join the nation is that yeah Minister honorable Minister faran and I have um an extremely close relationship he he refers to me um as one of his sons so um yeah I I spent a period of time let me explain yes because my particular background was already religious and super strict right I didn't find out about other religions by reading about them I went to their religion I I I don't want to learn from Jewish people from outside I want to be in a synagogue I want to I I don't want to learn about Muslim people from I want to be in the mosque I I I don't want to hear about the Baptist or the Pentecostal I want to go to their church and see and so that was the religious discovery that I was on through that period in my life want to join Club sh Shay BEC an official member by hitting that subscribe button where you never know who's going to be joining us for drinks and conversation don't be late to the party because you know we like to do something before two something
Channel: Club Shay Shay
Views: 598,404
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Keywords: Club Shay Shay, Club Shay Shay youtube, Shannon Sharpe podcast, Sharpe podcast, Shannon podcast, Club Shay Shay Shannon Sharpe, Club Shay Shay podcast, Shay Shay podcast, Shay Shay, Shannon Sharpe Club, Football, Sports, Shannon Sharpe, Movies, Comedian, Rapper, Actor, Katt Williams, Comedy, Steve Harvey, Kevin Hart, Kanye West, Stand up, homeless, hollywood, money, wanda smith, Kim Kardashian, P. Diddy, Rickey Smiley, Michael Jackson, Net Worth, Migos, Melba Moore, Wanda Smith, fun
Id: aWnKS6cY1v0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 10sec (5350 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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