Usher On His Most Unhinged Moments, Evolving From His Toxic Ways, Uplifting Our Icons, Tour + More

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wake that ass up early in the morning The Breakfast Club there he is Ura that wild man over there what's going on with I I know the domestic terrorist ain't calling nobody a wild man Jess hilarious is here too us you know she's the new official third co-host of The Breakfast Club what's up Jess with all the mess how you doing said I just got this job and you ain't even come in here you ain't been here since 2017 I know man I need to come up there to here here to be more ER and endures congratulations on everything though my brother an amazing Super Bowl performance uh new album is out right now yes um and you are a domestic terrorist you did it again you're a minister Society why were you so handsy why are you so handsy with Miss Alicia Keys sir uh no listen it it's it's it's not any way in in any shape form or fashion that unfortunately you gave me that handle but um no man it was a celebration man and we you know we we we uh we had an amazing time at the Super Bowl most watch Super Bowl of all time all yeah of all time more people watch that than the Apollo 11 Landon man so I'm like I'm like blown away since 199 1969 you know there's not been a a greater viewing uh than than what happened on Super Bowl Sunday so I'm really happy about that man and you've been a superstar for a long long time so what do something like the Super Bowl do for you when you perform in front of that many people on that stage h i me is there another level I don't I don't know um it's pretty hard to beat that one uh and it's going to be pretty hard to beat that number um so man I'm just I'm just really happy blessed um you know I worked really hard in Las Vegas to to tell a story about my culture where I come from and being able to share that with the rest of the world you know was was really a Monumental moment in my career in my life I you know I've said a many of times you know I turned Vegas to Atlanta where I was able to introduce the entire world to what Atlanta is and turn the world to Atlanta for that moment for those 15 minutes so um I'm just I'm just really happy that everything happened the way that it did I'm happy that Jay-Z and Dez reached out to me to do it I'm happy that H shot it the way that he did happy that aaman Jones and HH uh work together and and B people who put all of it together to look like it was I'm happy to all my choreographers and dancers and you know contortionists and tumblers Lil John um ludicrous Alicia Keys her will I am everybody came through and um and was able to be a part of it you know because it's a 30 it's a 30y year plus you know celebration for me absolutely and it was hard as hell to put all of those 30 years into 15 minutes but I did it and I was able to introduce people to you know the culture of the past you think about everything that Vegas has offered you know over the last two years to me but everything that it represented of the past if you noticed the Wardrobe and the fact that I kind of took people through what I would consider a past present and future you know uh experience just in time for me to you know launch my tour but it was real deliberate like the Wardrobe was selected to make you remember how glamorous we were in those times and how you know going into you know segregated um uh uh um casinos and being able to not you know fraize with normal people in those times it was like a a thing of our pride being taken in that time so that was part of my storytelling like yo I really wanted to honor all of the people who had had anything to do with us being in Las Vegas from the beginning of what Las Vegas's experience was for our black experience bringing HBCU into the conversation kappas came out step with me um skate culture all of those things it was a past present future conversation man and then you end your night getting married yeah congratulations oh my god well I I see you keep that's what made me think you you keep you purposely keep throwing it in the camera I a matter of fact I'm just you know I'm just rubbing my beard you know sometimes I you know I get real honest you know when I get when I'm going through it I like that what made you do it that night what made you get married that night um you know just put you know an incredible ending on this chapter of Las Vegas I we talked about it I we I'm I proposed to her uh last year and she been wearing that ring and I ain't want to be that guy who just you know just continue to hold on forever to the ring but um you know we talked about the best time to do it obviously uh around the time we started getting ready for Super Bowl I was going back to Las Vegas was like damn I gotta play Las Vegas do these shows then go get ready for Super Bowl and and let's do a wedding I like that's just too much pressure what if we you know we do a drive-thru just for our kids and our immediate family yeah you know o Vegas style you know how Frank Sinatra and and Elvis Presley did it you know what I'm saying so it's like yo let's go get officiated by um Elvis an Elvis impersonator and make it fun you know you all the pressures that come with getting married you gotta you know get your gown together make sure everybody's accommodated get the food make sure you you spending hundreds of thousands millions of dollars on on on this this moment that really is about the union of two people and the love of your family so I was happy to have her family there my family there my kids there and we did it we did it without any pressure um finishing the Super Bowl was the hardest part in there getting dressed to get there but then in time to make it to the Afterparty and we went and you know kicked it with Snoop and uh and Dr Dre at my flippers party um but it was it was cool man it was it was wonderful you know us regardless of your reputation as you know Mr don't leave your girl around me you you you you a family man like you like being married I'm plural damn see see what I'm saying terrorist you see what I'm saying men what what was the some people sing I guess I'm just plural what was the importance of paying tribute to Michael Jackson in your performance because I don't know if people a lot of people see what you don't realize is that there's so many gems that you have yet to unlock so you only caught one okay you called Michael did you catch Marvin did you catch the the the the back leg uh pop for James Brown did you catch that one I think I caught Marvin when you were shirtless no that that was Teddy P see you got it off okay okay that that was Bobby Brown and Teddy p uh I gave a little bit of Luther vros in there uh the piano moment was Roberto Flack and uh and uh dny ha way you you you missing them you you got to give us some of these Easter eggs now what was the delate in all things that I do when I bring the culture of what I am and what has made me who I am everywhere I go even right now you don't even realize it's happening right now look behind look behind them look behind them yeah I see the picture I see the picture so so you saw the Michael what was the teddy p and Maron Park ladies and Gentlemen Just so you know all right go ahead School us man we not who that I say Gordon Parks back culture okay yeah got you yeah what was the teddy P um Bobby Brown tribute well I mean coming out my shirt was obviously uh Bobby Brown moment uh Teddy P was the was the the tank top and just you know just cling and being able to to have that that moment um all of it is who I am but in what I've done and who I am I recognize all of the people that have really paved the way far too often man do we just forget about the people that really made it happen that was a little bit of it was it was it was some Ron eely in there it was it was Gap Band in there it was you didn't catch the Gap Band and in and earthwind fire you didn't get that part no man no yeah it's all of them was there man and then Jackson Five was there you heard that one can you feel yeah yeah I um I we would zap you didn't catch the zap one I gotta go back and watch now now there like go back if you go back it's a it's an entire education that's happening right in front of your eyes I just think we was all blown away from everything it was like a party and it was like a it was it was amazing it was so much it was what we do baby that's how we get out when we get out we we debated about it a lot of people said I was being a prisoner at a moment but I'm just talking about off our first watch my my initial reaction was that's the best half Super Bowl halftime performance I've ever seen and so then the next day we we I went through them and even with it I'm like I don't see how you you can't say this isn't the best for me the top five is you Michael Jackson Beyonce the first well I think it was the first Beyonce when she bought Destiny's Child out yeah um 201 and Dr danan Snoop I appreciate that K I really do you know um I I I um I approached it with all of those things in mind you know Michael is the reason why all of us even want to do it just so you're clear and and um Prince's moment was amazing uh because of God's involvement when you saw you know the rain come down it was like your God is a prince fan yes and um many people have had amazing moments there it is a celebration of their entire career but for me I wanted it to be something that you know not only spoke about what I did in my belief of Las Vegas but what my career has represented the resilience that I've had to have and the fact that you know even giving that one message to my mother it was a gospel moment my mother sang A Hymn when we were kids when I was a kid she was young too but um uh they said I wouldn't make it they said I wouldn't be here today they said I never am out to anything and but but but I made it that was her church that was the song that actually inspired me to sing so I said it to her in front of the world like yo you know for all the people who had anything negative to say or or tried to be um you know the negative that would stopped this moment from happening I made it we made it um but it was it was I'm I'm happy that you give me that I thank you brother you know I thank you for always being of support even when the shenanigans start just the mess I know you keep your ass in some always but I love you even for it because it keeps all of us motivated to continue to push to keep to keep pushing um yeah you know what yeah just know I hit J like yo what you doing man yes yo I know I know but you know what I love I love the fact that you starting that tour in the DMV you doing bottom on you what made you want to do that I told you I during what we during I I want I want to hear the D and the years I need I need to hear that all right what made you do that like what made you come to Baltimore and DC first uh Baltimore and DC um it was just actually it does not start in be more it starts in Atlanta oh my God it started more but we put uh what I didn't put all of the dates up okay um as it was a first stren and then um you know we're gonna play four nights in Atlanta by the end of this hopefully I put up three so far sold out two working on one uh would love to get four total um and the idea behind that was just the fact that I'm able to play residency better with my kids um I really got accustomed to working on Wednesday Friday and Saturday I can go home and be with my family on Sunday uh Monday Tuesday Thursday and and and make certain that I don't miss anything but um you know I'm just just just keeping the flow and I want to make certain everybody that didn't get a chance to come to Las Vegas and experience what that was rather it was a serenade or rather it was us having an amazing time and enjoying this music this musical Legacy of 30 years plus uh I'm gonna bring it to you now bringing it live directly to your front set why didn't things work out uh that with Justin Bieber um you know what uh they did work out with Justin um you know I honored and and and and recognized that my brother you know he he um you know I think that it it might have been the fact that he was just you know wanting to to tell a different story right now and I understand that um but we we did have a brief conversation and um you know we going to do something else in the future and but no love loss or anything like that I think that it's a lot of pressure for the Super Bowl obviously for me to put together a show so I reached out to everybody Justin wasn't the only person that I actually spoke to about doing the Super Bowl um but the moment was maybe for later he's going to play the Super Bowl I I'll go ahead and give you that in the future I I profess that over his life and over his time because he he has a career that deserves it um but it just didn't happen but that doesn't mean it's not going to was Chris Brown ever up for consideration that was another rumor out there no I did I did not reach out to Chris Brown okay okay is there anybody else is there anybody else you you know I want that there was always there was a rumor that you and Chris had a little kurur fuffle was that was that ever real it's all good man you know it's it's it's actually U um you know always going to be something that you going to hear here oh ain't no ain't no ain't no issues between me and that man we good okay is is there any otherone else you wanted on stage with you but things didn't work out uh I can't give you all of that shag I I wish I could but I can't give you that exclusive if you hear it by the way I will confirm it but I will not I'm not gonna tell you everybody I reached out to I reached out to some some hitters I was listen I was curating I was curating what would be one of the greatest um Super Bowls of all time and it actually turned into that because of who I reached out to I feel like her she is an amazing artist but even more an amazing guitarist and and I wanted the world to see her as the rock star or Rock rocking Soul star she is and uh Alicia obviously reached out too because we had you know my boo and I wanted the world to see her as as a glamorous star that she was I I I Dre I dreamt uh her vision and I always saw this flowing huge dress that would go over the entire Stadium I was like I just got this this very I'm just real specific about handling handling our icons the way that they need to be handled and we need to do that more often we we can get into the mess yes and we can absolutely get into the mess the God you know what I'm saying but yo we got to handle our icons the right way we got to make sure we we lift them up on God you understand what I'm saying I had very imp conversation with the dream one time who you got a song with on your new album this was recently this was at the Jay-Z uh Jay-Z Museum thing the way that Jay out hold on I say this the way that Jay reached out because he understood yo this is a moment for the culture we have to preserve our icons in the same way don't let the mess bring our icons down because we don't get them back and we don't get a chance like we all human and we all go through things and we all going to experience things but we gotta handle our icons the right way yeah you know the rock stars they handle each other the right way agree you know they do we don't we don't get caught up in the and we shouldn't let's stop that let's let's let's lift our icons up let's make certain that we keep them preserved high at the highest place in the best wardrobe on the biggest stage in the biggest moment being seen because they'll surely forget about us yeah and if you help them and if you help them forget about us they'll do it quicker so let's you know you know so I just want to say I apologize but you said the Wardrobe what I said I apologize what you apologizing for what you saying for helping out the mess cuz he talking to us he's very intentional he's very intentional about the stuff that he's saying and he keeps saying mess and Jess and I understand so I apologize Usher but did you know Jermaine depri was going w at yeah y'all didn't keep Jermaine depri in the highest of uh PR absolutely we did no Jermaine knew exactly where he was wearing and and and you know what he should because that's that's his story and that that's what's dope like the reality is the first time we saw Michael in glittery socks we laughed the first time we saw Prince with his cheeks out we all laughed and we thought that was funny until it became his moment that's his moment we just looking at it but it's it's cool y'all look at it however you want I see something that's gonna continue to grow okay it's all about how you look at life man it's how you look at it yeah no I tell being dream just know just know this just know that you definitely have the influence to determine how people choose to look at things right so frame it in the right direction because our icons matter yes and that's why I Usher Raymond is an icon who should always be treated as such I'm telling me and the dream had this cono and it was I don't know why it just stuck with me that night when the dream said it I'm like yo the dream is right we have to celebrate the legends that we have now I really think it's because y'all still here which is sad it sure as sure as technology becomes obsolete you know you could assume that music and the spirituality that's inside of it will too but it won't it'll always be there but why not celebrate the people not just what they made let's celebrate them and let's make them feel loved because they gave something they dedicated they made you feel something they made you fall in love they made you happy they made you smile they gave you energy they gave you something that you needed in that moment so why not continue to lift them up that's why at every show you see me bringing the artists that I know have have been influential to my stage I ain't hiding them I'm not trying to make them look bad I'm like no let's make them look great let's continue to lift our own people up let's lift each other up let's continue to push each other up just you know I stay on you like yo do it better come on do it better yes Lift Me Up Lift Me Up then Usha I got you I'mma keep pushing you I'm I'mma make you great you know I'm saying I want you to be great that's it that's all I want I want greatness for our people I want I want I want our people to make certain that we know we are great absolutely you know you know Usha have you seen uh some of your old moments like when you was on stage with Nicki Minaj and you was headbutting her ass why was you so un absolutely why was you so unhinged in that moment us yo by the way it was Jamaican culture see you gotta go to you got to go to Jamaica you know what I'm saying that was just a moment that was that was fun and by the way it was me playing my bass so I I would have probably bumped my shoulder or my hand you know what I'm saying but I had my bass in hand so I was playing so I just kind of bopped off her body a little bit if you go back and look at the video you'll understand because I did it there the first time that was a little bit of Jamaican culture oh no it was on beating everything it was on beat I was like damn I think I think I was reaching a bit when I smacked her though I shouldn't have smacked her but I shouldn't have did that see you gota lift up man you can't no Ian I was lifting and I always wondered to what what was your reaction to The Boondocks episode about you man because that keeps coming up that's been coming up all week too yeah yeah I hate Regina about that they they they they crazy it was it's funny but I guess there's that's the truth on the other side of what what happens that's the Usher effect I guess I don't know most talked about man ever that is who you are yeah but yeah I appreciate that but hey in in no way uh anything that was done there should have been uh viewed as uh bad or or or in any way uh perverted or anything like that no it was literally about you know having a having fun because of a song that me and Alicia made many years ago and we celebrate it because of the legacy of it and and no disrespect to anybody or anything like that have you in Swiss and Alicia shared a laugh about it all of absolutely be laughed about it it's crazy how people pick they handle it's all about how you present them man but it's all love one of myv shout shout out to the dean collection y'all get out to Brooklyn and and check out the check out the D collection this year tell us about your uh black love in Atlanta TV show that you got coming out oh it's it's it's coming um there's many things on the horizon I'm I'm you know by the way as I develop these uh Concepts and ideas I'll tell you more within the process but um I'll just give you the inspiration of why what it comes is something that you'll will be unveiled in time um I think that we as artists um there's a price that we all have to pay in entering this industry and most of the time we either sell off our publishing or either we don't we don't retain it because it's not an option to or either we don't value it because it doesn't have value in theory but what the value becomes is something that people have already recognized a story a song storytelling is something that I've always done so what I did is I've taken the songs of the of the Masters that I don't own and I reframed them until now something that is a narrative piece that you'll be able to see so you already know what the story is and you know what the crescendo of the story is but here's just another way of you flipping you know hustling you know what I'm saying if you want to call it a Hustle but the reality is I own the idea but I don't necessarily own the IP so why not go after some other portion of it to use it to to storytale how does it feel sense it makes all the sense how does it feel to have coming home speaking of that how does it feel to have have coming home on your own label it's amazing um you know I'm I'm really uh hoping that it continues to pave the way and and show you know artists who have been in this industry for you know 30 plus years that no matter you know how long you may be in it you know keep going keep going keep striving find great Partnerships um because it's really a result of having an amazing partnership with LA and also to Larry Jackson that makes it what it is um but you know 30 years after signing my first deal and having now come back as an independent artist and having the type of reaction to my music I don't take that lightly I do appreciate the love I do appreciate the fact that people you know they're gravitating towards the music that they're interested in it uh that they that it connects with their lives as it has connected to mine uh and it and I'm this is just the next chapter and installation of my life ruin is one of my favorite songs off the album oh my God you knew I was going to say that because I'm the one I put you on with the song AA anyway I love ruin with feels and I was going to ask you um it is my favorite one of my favorite songs but it is the one that I do my makeup to every morning um what was that about I'm sending you a whole book of use in d i I love that I love your ear I love well thank you um who did you who inspired that song am Usha or Usha which one USA no he's not us he's just User it's Usher that's it I want to know who inspired ruin um life life inspired ruin um you know the idea that you know we can be in relationships that you know can can change your perspective you know you can open yourself up you know especially for men you know what I'm saying it's like you know how hard it is to get my heart to open and then when it does y this one it killed me it pushed me back it made me look at every woman differently yeah until I met my daughter and then she ruined me in a different way because I'm she she's like spoiled and all the things that she should be at her three yearold as a trenager um she um she ruined me but you know before that the song ideally is about you know when you in a relationship with somebody who you know you you try to you try to get it right and then you just can't and it's like you just you don't look at it you don't look at any relationship the same because of that one until you meet um the one who who who replaces that love in your heart that's why I shot the video the way that I did yes and that is I bet you see the video is it's a really really nice visual I really love it yeah the completion of that is is the joy the joy that my wife gave me and giving me my first daughter and um you know I love my boys don't get me wrong but um every man who has a daughter he understands what what I'm saying when I say absolutely that daughters change you I got F they replace they replace a love that you can't explain that's right when you talk about relationships Usha and you talk I saw when you talk about being in toxic relationships throughout your life can you admit to yourself that you might have been toxic once at some point absolutely okay absolutely abely you know uh and and it's obviously in the music to say so but I think that we all are a product of what experiences we had as kids and what our idea of love is and what we you know we perceive to actually be healthy love that might not necessarily be uh access is is something that all you know people do have but you know is it better to have a ton when you really you know should really love yourself first you know all all of those I mean it's I was to be a player you know what I'm saying hey player from the Himalayas you know what I'm saying I was I was killing him you know what I'm saying but um and he looked he's a minut man this man is a men man yeah you know what I'm saying and probably turned down more than I could ever choose to say but I'm saying like to to be real toxic is something that I think we all got to individually work through and and I did I did it you know in a matter of about five to six years of my life things changed because I changed because at my 40 my 40th year changed my perspective and it made me want something more it made me want to love myself more it made me want to be uh a better person uh hopefully for my children so that they didn't have to be toxic in their lives um you know but I think that all of it is you know kind of you know living and learning yeah that's interesting you say that because I feel like when when you made that change and we didn't even know you made that change that's when it seemed like you started to get your flowers in a real way that's when things started to shift like the resonancy and everything started around that time so that says a lot you did the work on yourself and it and it it came back to you in life yeah we all can we all should and uh part of it is is wanting to uh that belief and U unwavering commitment to what you believe in your mind no matter what life is presenting you or what people may say about you uh that doesn't matter what you feel about you matters what I say I am is what matters I am a ruler in my own mind I'm a king and I am building a kingdom in my own mind and that is all that matters no matter what what may be said no matter what anyone could choose to say what I say matters what I say goes in my life and I am the architect of my own destiny you you know what I'm saying and that's just something you got to you got to remember you got to you got to remind yourself of that every day young man remind yourself of that every day young lady that you are as great as you say you are and if you believe it it will be perfect way to end man user uh make sure y'all go get the Coming Home album make sure you go check out Usha when he he hits the road this year yes CU I'm definitely going yeah just I see you out there you you coming to bore you coming to Atlanta we playing four in Brooklyn just so y'all know so y'all get over there well I got to come to Baltimore like I really gotta come in there I gota you gonna break me up on I'm saying DC Baltimore Atlanta I mean you Houston Miami but I'm from Baltimore I gotta go I gotta go to the you gonna bring me on stage so I can say I love you or I got you all right it's Usher Raymond y'all thank you for checking in my brother thank you you bringing your husband with you I surely am I am I'll be married by then yes I'm gonna bring it with me and he want to make sure you bring your husband so he can have something extra special spicy done done done to you that's what that's what he wants no he going to lift me up he said he's going to keep pushing me and lifting me it's Usher Raymond it's The Breakfast Club wake that ass up in the morning The Breakfast Club
Channel: Breakfast Club Power 105.1 FM
Views: 406,052
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the breakfast club, breakfast club, power1051, celebrity news, radio, video, interview, charlamagne tha god, dj envy, jess hilarious
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 50sec (1790 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2024
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